OPERA WOUsE BLOCK Mid. Orders taken for WILKON EKOS. HHIItTR. J, P. Timy n n n J.JZ" J5. Hardware AT SAGE'S OLD STAND, TTHiie USest JLine of (Cook Stoves5 " K asoline Stoves, k 66 66 Hinwarc (Keneral H Hard ware To be found in the City. New good- at prices that Arty com pet Ion. Give me a call ami m ardDBDU). SfflirM 5Co and 7Jg "Warranted to be as good as any wire made. We also keep in stock a general assortment of HARDWARE, STOVES and TINWARE, and sell as cheap as any Hardware house in the country, (all and see us in the Rock wood Rlock. WlW,s. NBA C. G. HEROLD'S Louisville Branch Store! Can be found the largest and best stock of CLOTHMG, Ti links, Valises, Bots and Shoes, In Cass County, at Bed Rock Prices. Remember the place. THT. HinEIffiILIID5 Manager. ST TV TTTTTTTTT OvTT TTK Gass County Plafctsiiioritli. Neb. MANUFACTUKEHS OF JKOmLEKS, ENGINES. IRON KRO.VTS. OAS.lOUKE COLUMNS. Xfaciliti or heavy work in Column and Cartings for Businew Ilouseg ara pwwl m the State. - ACHINE REPAIRING of all kinda. Oar Machine Shop is fully eqaippe.. all clasaea of work in iron. atronize N ra-.1c. manufacturing. We dutlirc all ensterr prices, savin" ' Partiea bnil.hn? i ny part of the fitnte OPERA IICUSE r AD ITJRMSHER GENTS TOST OFFICE S'xJews Depot, STATIONEKY. MASON & HAMLIN TOTJJD'S Emporium ON LOWEI. MAIN STREET. And Tinners' StoflL ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY ST. LOUIS. MO Bests' FDraislg Goods fe igggCflxcelsior M&TS, L'.JUP$, jc --rr m. a Iron Works tw: sliouM r.te for our ttrma of catiiK i a i-e and PLATTSLiu UTil ii mum published sr Tbe Plattsmoutti Heral PnUiddiit Co. GENERAL NEWS. Report of the Republican State Convention at Baltimore. Railroad Rates, ana Other Items of Interest. Miscellaneous Notes. . WASHINGTON NOTES. Washington, Spt 27 It is expected at the navy department that Lieut. Ilarber, who was sent to Siberia to as aist in the Jeaunettc search, and who was afterwards ordered to bring to America the bodies of Lieut. Delong, Dr. Ambler and Jerome Collins, will leave Irkotsk about the 1st of Novi ru ber ni-xt, and will reach the United States with the bodits tome time in January. WILL. RE6IGK. The resignation of Judge Hay, chief of the division of postal laws and regu lations of the post office department, has been tendered the postmaster and will probably he accepted. Post master General Gresham ban the high est respect and esteem for J udge Hay, and their relations will remain perfectly friendly. STKIKIMG MINERS. Pittsburg, Sept. 27. -The strike ol c al miners iu the neighborhood of Connt lltviile threatens to become gen tjral throughout that region. ACCfcPTfcU. Pittsbuig, Sept. 27, Umpire SIc Cube today decided that three and one half cents per bushel should be the wages of railroad coal miners in this district, lrom October 1 to A pail 1, 18S4. The miners wanted three and three-quarters, and the operators were willing to pay three and one-quarter. Both 6ides have accepted the umpire's decision, and there wili be no strike. PKOTKCTIVE ASSUCIATIOX. Quiucy, Sept. 27. The state protect ive association fixed the sccreturys sal ary at $1,000 per ye:.r, and selected Chicago as the place of meeting next year. No other important business was transacted. Tonight a grand banquet and ball was given by the local associa tion in honor of the visitors. Speeches were made byIIon, W. Stein weidser, Jttmes I. Purnell, Peter llarcborough and Mr. McKeough. Delegates leave for home tomorrow niornii g. THE STAT K FA IK. Chicago, Sept. 27. Tht alU-nd.'inef at the fi.ite tan today is estiiiiaicii it 75.0U0. Tlicre vere two tio.iing :.- during the afternoon, that for .-laMmis in sei viie during the season of 18f3, hicli was won by Pain'oas-, Iml n.i- euce second, iliglilan-1 Chuf thii.l.- Be-t time, Three-yer oids mile heats, Elviua lirst, Vildmout sec on !, jpaiueiie iniru. Jes-t lime, 2;29M. RKPCBLICAX CONVENTION. Baltimore Sept. 27. The republican state convention to nominate candi dates for governor, comptroller and attorney general, met at 11 o'clock, and was called to order by Henry Stock bridge, chairman of the state central committee. Hon. J. M. Harrison was elected temporary chairman. Commit tees on credentials and resolutions were appointed, and a recess taken until one o'clock. When the convention reassembled the temporary officers were made per manent, and the report of tho commit tee on resolutions was adopted. Dart B. Hatton, of Baltimore county, was by acclamation nominated for governor. J. X.. II. Smith, (colored) of Baltimore iu the name of 40,000 colored voter in Maryland, guaranteed 40,000 black j votes would be placed in the ballot boxes for Holton. The ticket was completed as lollows: Comptroller, Washington Smith, of Dorchester; At torney General, B Stockett Matthews. of Baltimore. THE TURF. Brighton Beach, Sept. 27. Purse race two year-o'.ds, three quarters of u mile Logan won, Banletts second, Peerless third. Time 1:172 . Purse race, sellinsr allowance, mile au 1 a furlong Goth won, Montauk S'eoud, Harry Mann third. Thnel: allowance, mile 57. Purse race, selling and a furlong Arsenic won. Dizzv Blonde second, Electrider third. Tim 1:57. Purse race, three year -olds and up wards, mile and a quarter Hilarity won, iia is second, ued t ostium. Time Purse, all ages, three quarters ol a mile Br ad won. Little Katie second Joe tbird. Time 1:15&. THE OARSMEN.' Hulton, Pa , &pt 27. Lato tfcie af- t- rD'jon thejvind sul eidid .ami the race Telegraphic. commenced with dierding the heat be en Luther af'd MlC Ilrt-y wliu ruwi d vl iiMt yesterday. Ltii titer won, being very tir.eil it wi.s iircid-d to (OLtuvwo lLo duciiuu of Uie bout uuUi 1 eat of the tro- by Ilamn, Rcil- WrctL id third. Time. 22 minuteH?SM:--5uy won tho second heat, Nonigir second. Rctz third. Timo 21 minutes. Third heat. Turner won, L- e second, Cavey third. Time 20:50. The balance of the professional heats were postponed on account of the dark Bess. RASE BALL, Philadelphia, Sept. 27. Chicagos 5, Philadelphia 3. New York, Sept. 27. Detroits 10, New Yorks 2. Providence, Sept. 2C BufTalos 4, Providences 2. Boston, Sept. 27. Bostons 4, Cleve lands 1. Springfield Sept. 27. Springfields 14 Bay Citys 12. Quiucy, Sept. 27. (irand Rapids 14, Quiucy s 5. Springl'-eld, Sept. 27. The Spring field buse ball club held a meeting to night and decided to disband, letting their remaining two games go by de fault. A COLLISION. Milwaukee, bept. 27. The schooner K. Ballot an, of l oled", ran into the schooner Pilot off Manitowoc lst niglit and is now adrift on the lake. The Pi lot w-8 so badly damaged that she had to abandon the Halloran and make for Milwaukee. FINANCIAL TROUBLES. St. Louis, Sept. 27. Col. Frank Dav idron, late of the firm of Marinaduke, Brown & Co., ot this city Known in the south and west suicided yesterday at Van Buren, Ark., where he has lately been editing a newspaper. Financial embarrassment is said to have been the cause. YELLOW FEVER. S'in Francisco, Sept. 27.- It is pro posed to establish an inland quarantine at Yuma, A. T., to prevent the intro duction ef Mexican yellow fever into the United States. Yellow fever has broken ont at La Pas. The heat is in tense. People are fleeing in all direc tions to escape the fever and to search for a cooler atmosphere. THE RAILKOAD WAR. Chicago, Sep;. 27. Negotiations have been entered into today lor a meeting of managers of warring lines at Cincin nati tomorrow, with a view to settle ment of differences and a restoration of rates. A meeting will probably be held. COMMISSIONER APPOINTED. San Francisco, sept. 27. At the rail road corfence today J. C. Gault, late general manager of the Wabash road, was elected commissioner of the lines west of the .Missouri river. This closed t'ie business ot the conference. WANTED MIS RIGHT?. Atalanta, sept. 27. Manager L. Degine, of Degine's Opera House, wa arrested at the instigation of W. D. Moore, colored, ejected frum the opera house last winter for insisting upon aitting among white people. Vital (Jtu-Htions! Ask the most eminent phvsiclan Of any i-cnwol. what is the best tl tng in tlie world lor quieting .nid allaying ad milaiioii ot the nerves and curing all ti;ui ot nervous compiiiiii.s, giving liii'urai, childlike relrmliinx shep al w a f'i And they will tell you unhesitatingly some :orin of Hops!" CIIAI'TliK I. Ask any or all of tue most eminent phyHcitfiis: "W hat is the best and only retneU that can be relied on tocureall diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs; such as Blight's disease, diabetes, retention or inability to retain uriue, and all t lie diseases anil ailments peculiar to Wo men" "And they will tell you explicitly and emphaticady 'Buchu." Ask the same physicians "t bat is the most reliable and surest cure for all liver diseases or dyspepsia; constipation, indigestion, biliousness, malarial fever, ague. &c.," and they will tell you: Mandrake! or Dandelion! Heucefwhen these remedies are com bined with others equally valuable And compounded into Hop Bittt-rs. such a wonderiul and mvstcrlous cura tive power is developed which is so varied in its operations that no disease or ill health can possibly exist or resist i 8 power, and yet it is Harmless tor the most fr&il woman. weakest invalid or smallest child to use. CHAPTER II. "Patients 'Almost dad or neariy dying" For years, and giveu Up b physici ans of Bright' and other kiduev dis eases, liver complaints, severe coughs called consumption, have been cured. Women gone nearly crazy I From agony of neuralgia, nervous ness, wakefulness and various diseases peculiar to women. People druwn out of snape from ex cruciating pangs of Rheumatism. Inflammatory and chronic, or suffer in? from scrofula! Erysipelas! Salt rheum, blood poisoning, dyspe psia, indigestion, and in fact almost all disease frail . Nature is heir to Have been cured by Hop Bitters, proof of which Cm le found in every neighborhood in the known world. BRACKETS, SCROLL WOBK and lUl kinds of ORNAMENTAL JIG-SAWING done to orCcr 00 ebort notice, by BOYD & LARSEN. Leav" Orders at the Lnmhor Vardu nr at thn P'StOClce. J33'56 i Stste A Monroe Sl3.. Chicago. W til ft fmiMl to mv t1?tf .ha BIND CATat Oi.LP. 101 minitoiiU. iii. itelu. Pom po a. branlvu, Can-Lutm Sta-dk Drcm MniorS Si-,fT and iltUl auuary rnmi ittihiv IX lm Illy 4unais mio incin.ie inutx-twin at. 4 a.c- for AnnlMi "ii. u-i She. Jon b 7J BANKS. JOIIK KITZ'JBUALU, A. V. McLAConi.l J. Piettdeut. CaMiIer. FIHST NATIONAL OK i'l.ATTSMOUTIl. NEI1RA8KA. OfTnttio very hest facilities for the prompi trauoaclloii ot legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stock, ISondn. (lold, Government and Iaica Securities Kuu;hl and Sola, lirposlttrerelv I'd aud interest allowed on time C'ci'tifl calf. Dntff drawn, iivulluble In any pari ol the I uiled Mat en und all the iilneliul town ol Europe. Collectio7m made & promptly rtmitted. IIighe.it market prices iald for County War rants. State ai d County Monde DIRECTORS : John Fitzgerald A. E. Toualln, John It. ClarK. It. C. Cuhlug (Jeo. E. Dovey. K. E. While, A. V7 Mcl.auehlln. WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER. NEB. E. L. RBE1, President. B. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. It. S. WILKINSON. Cashier. A General Banting Business Transacted. lEtOMITM Keceivea, and Interest allowed on Time Certi ficates. IMCAfr'TK Drnwn available, in any part of the Unites States and all the principal cities of Kurope. Agents for the celebrated LinB Of PteamerS. Bank Cass County Cotner Mala and Sixth Streets. PLATTSMOT7TH ZTSTIEIQ I JOHN BLACK. I'resident, 1J. M. i'AT'J KKSON. Cashier. ( Transacts a General Banlring Business. .HIGHEST CASH xKICE Paid for County and City War. -ants. CULLKOneM MAUEi and oromptly remitted for. DIBECCTORS : Jol n Black, J. M. l'att ison. C II- Para el F. Jt. Gtithmann, J Morrixsey, A. B. mitti. Fred order. ARNICA PREPARATIONS Chemistry has discovered tioiemedy Ejiperio to Vrnica t 4' liealine exteruul erunrions. I'r rx-r ly prepared and combiuod. it baa no equal us a iouoc preparation. The iiitbcBt conilen. eatioi. or arnica. Will speedily cure ciihi led liands. crack d liis 1 nd rouullle of the skin, whether caused from c imntic intli -eui;es or tho use of HllllFli. COSMKTH s. Will ciii'u iliiilrs oit lace and Jitn li. rei;d. rint ih'i skin soil iiml 1.1 r. IiivuiUitble in S:i t Klu-uin. A family reinely for cuts. 0111ns, bruis. a .a sores, riutt. iuci al Aiut., ac. TOILET SOAF I-ellclitlullv uer- fi iiifi, highly in : icaieci. ai soirr iv t.ure. Ktoi.H tl. K-n inm cnnppin? ana imparls 10 it ni on t lioiiltlir slow. Uurivi:lled for cleauine tli- n p li'id eradicating dandrufl'. Tho most per x-s toi.n eoap iu uie rorui. nutt, 25 cents. Shaving Soa; A ni dicated articli or rareinerit I're- vents hII Dimnlos. ..iiiEthii ivi.i n1n.11.1ii'. h nd rsetl bv Letulin ' Burbera. rl n jpv nf it 'Without parallel as a shaving soap." lfich i.i either and lastinu. Keeps the fa-?e and neck free r 0111 piuiples. l" .let. 1 J its, foi a large cake. TOOTH SOAP Is without question tne most pent ct ar tide ever produced as it not onlv cleans ea the teta thorouRhly. I ut tho combimitior ni h arnica nreRervea aiid hardens tbe trums. 1- Rives t the breath a sweet, delicuw odor. Its tusto is deliuhtfu Price. 25c a box. All druuRists se 1 the above articles, or we Will mail chew, postpaid.. -ii receiut 01 price. O. H. STRONG & CO., Sole Proprietors and Manfrs., Chicagr WILL J. WARRICK, AGENT, PI,ATTSMOUTH, - - - NtBB'.FKA. CD . 5' H uC j o 0 g C3- CD w -! 3s go -s CD b 13 v CD H 0 CO o o ROBERT D0NNELLv'S ALTD BLACKSMITH SHOP, WugoiL, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and gereraZ Jobbing t as. uow prepared to do all kinds of repalriujt ol I ami and other machinery, as tnere la a good lathe in my shop. PETER RAOEN. The old Reliable Wason Maker has taken charge or tne on nop. He Is well known as a 'D ; WORKMAN. Wew Wacosi and Unnxlft nade t Order. Mm iJ RJil 'til ki a PC rijhI H AmJICA h m 3 9 m rrv Soft cj l l-d Sr 7 O O b - UnparalelledLAttractions. FALL & WINTER GOODS EMIIKACIXO AN KLKOANT VAKIETV OF H 11 AND Dress Goods. Dress Goods. We don't care to make nny com ments on our line in this depart ment, for we know the ladies are much better judges than we sire, though our best endeavors were used to get the latest frtxles and the handsomest materials in the market, und we left nothing un done to find lor the ladies a line of goods inleri'-r to none to be found, and at prices that will tell nil wo. can handle this Full. Ms, Me 111 Plain, Brocade The Newest Shades. Cheaper than Ever Before. 01 j ofler a collection of La dies' (.tents' and Children gools, which for variety and cheapness has ntver lecn equalled. nn(1ppwpflp UUUUlWuQl. The largest assort ment ever oiened here. We have the best makes, and cheaper than ever before. An excellent Ladies' White JMerino suit for $1.00. Ladies' Scarlet all wool at $2.75 a suit. CLOAKS ltussian Circulars, Palctos, etc., The Latest, The Best, The ITohftest fet-lcs ever shown here; Carpets, Mattings and Oil Cloths, On these Goods we are Headquarters FIRED. HERMANN, One Door East of First National L'ank. EL 01 HEADQUARTERS FOR ALE, WINES. BEER AND CIGARS, Old Kentucky Whiskies, IMPORTED WINKS. MUAIM'S EXTRA rug's Omaha 1 Always on ii wimm lirte: of oigilxis ALWAYS IN THE Fitzgerald Block BURL1 N GTOR. !:.OUTE Chicago, Bu.hrtgton u. 'uincy 'road.) GOING EAST AND WEST. I - a$nl Day Coaches. Parlor Cars with Kectiu : Chairs (seats free). Smoking Cars, witn ru. vuuc wtuura. fixunuin rajara sunm9 rn. . frr.m r-Ki. P. i-T.. ' . J (BlufTs, Chicago & fees Moines. Chicago. SL Jo jseph. Atchison i- Topeka. Onlv through line be tween Chicago, Lincrln & Denver. Thromrh cars and I A ii uujiupoij3 uouncu uiuirs ri tvoria. n,niwgm roan m union Depot Uepoti. : UXE. It is p - w Finest Equipped Railroad in the fr. J. TOTTEIt. id Vtoftat and Gen-I Manager. PEBCEVAL UOWZlZ iiZa VJi I cLj WMi Blank' ts aLtl Comfortables, We are able to give you bottom prices on these godn. Our stock is large have no lection. a and new, and von will trouble iu making a kc- Yarns. Our stock of Varus ''oiiiprUeH everything in Western and (JeTT man knitting; also, lull lines of (iermantowne, Saxonies, etc, P and Fancy Fabrhiuca. We carry all the lead ing brands, from the best to the cheapest, and make tho prices right with you every time. The best 50e Corset in the city, bole ngentfj lor Ball1 Health and Mursing Corsets, Warner's IlipJ) and Thomson's ii love Fittitiir. Ladies Moulin Underwear.- In this line we carry nothing but made from the best muslin, and Unest ttimmings. Full line. DOLMANS, 1 IIS prices ranging from 5 to 05. SALOON DRY CHAMPAGNE, NATIVE WINES, ST- LOUIS REER. cliaiifl2&. STOCK. AT ELKHORN PLATTSMOUTir, NER. GOING KORTH AMD SOUTM - l . Paul at.d AutineapoUii: Parlor Cars with ruy.linW from bt Louis and Uttumwa. Only one! """; uowia. iseoraitKa, snd Denver. It is utuvcreauyadisitted to fc th WafIh tn, ti -i-