r X if V V4 i i; t j 7 . J' r l 7 I f V' HARNESS. STREIGHT & CO. Ihfrriir to Mtreljcht Jk. MIIIr. M NVrACTCKEIl OF FINE i J i U HARM A laricr line of Saddles Bridles Collars Whips. &t! alwayt iu Mock. Htj-airfng ot all hii.d iitatly done o sort notice. Main Street, between Fourth anil Fifth. CALL AT THE Old Reliable LUMBERYARD I. A. WATERMAN I SON Vholea! ami ifrtali Oealcr tn PINE LUMBER SHLMil.IJS, LATH, SASH, 1)00 ItS, HL1MD3, &c, ' ourth Mriii n. rearcf 0ta Huusf. .1 A'IT-VM'T!f xiii'- Li i Y HOTEL. I hl i beautiful three rtory brick structure, on li.v . i b Hi.l Mie. I. ha just beeu finished and Mil t up ini i lu- aiToimiicdatloD of riiAMSlENT CUSTOMERS, AN U I.I (,l l Ml LOAKDF.RS. i ;;ry thing new akd cleak a T 1.. .N.MWl I H I. v.ll. Ili- ( hiy.M ! kV i,lt.-.-. till ((. 1 I I r J I 5 1 J K. SKCOWD HAND GOODS- PARIEMAN & CHAPifiAN u Will BUY and SsELL all kinds of FURNITURE, METALS, IRON, RAGS AND FURS Will advance money on all SALABLE GOODS, on lower Main street, Oiio dror west oi Beek's Furniture sore I lattMJH'Utli. Feb. 1st. 13 4Ctf. BOOTS ANOSHOE5 51 ITFAtrClTltllVO . AND UE PAIRING AT Sherwood'S. Plattmoutii, Nebraska MGAK3 J ust E.eceived FINE LINE OFi MEERECHADiC AKD ERIAR PIPfc OK UIKKCT IIMPOKTATIOS. A Challenge 5c Cigar, S laby made for tbf mail trft ''ily. i Pepperberg's Ciar Factory. EPNSTWAGN-' R Practical Architect. SUPEItlKTEKDENT ABCHITECTUBAi WCBKA SPCCIAI.TT 11 n aal Spti:;iJoAti'u' iU h carefully lirrled out. and full attention will b given aa to safety ikad durability. LESSO.V OS PAIXT1XG J Water Colors. Crayon and TencU. - MTTSlOTH flERALP rt'llLIPIIEIl DAILY AM) WEEKLY rr - The PlattsooatL Herald Co. OFPICIAh PAPKII OK TIIIC CITV For CHy aud Count v Directory, Railway Time Table. Telephone Kicua iK ISuln Di rectory, liutues Cards Ac, ee fourth pa. Notice to Advertisers. Cony for dUpUy advertisement or change, in adveriMeniuiit mutt bo handed lu to the busmen oltlce not later than 10 a. m. of the uay lu whtcu they re to be Inserted . Copy fur pay local ami pedal notices mut be haude-l In before 3 p. in. each day to lnture lit ertlon. 11 M. It lmh. nj km.. liiirlne.tM Mauuer. Republican County Ticket For County Clerk, JOHN W.JKNMNUS, of I'lattiuicutb. Fur ('uiiiy Treaurer, WM. U, NfiWELL. of i'latuiiiouih. For Miei llT, J. C. KIKKMJAICY. of 1'lattmnouth. For County Judge, CALVIN UUSSELI., of cvpiiiK Water. Kr Huperliiteiideut of School. CVkUS ALTON, of bto.'e Creek, For Ctotk of the Lltilct Court. bUMNtKH. LIALL, of Alt. Fleabaut. For Cvuuty .Surveyor, UKOKtib W.FAIKFIE1.U. of l'lattuniouth. For County Coroner, I'KKUY P. H HS, Of I'lattrmoulll. For CoimulHxioner, Third Iiistrict, JOHN CLEA1MONS. of St ove Creek. A. sulistjui j, llrullNt. C. A. tlurwliull, lienliMt, nuc censor lu Cluiler & Murwliall. Tee tli cxtracird vllliuut paiu, i uhv ul llrouN Oxide (.an. The didtric t court docket will be in the bunds of the printers tomorrow. J'lio'.Dtfrnpli, aaiograph and scrxp al buma at Warrick'. W2l3, Ilay in Lincoln is only wjrtli $3 per inu, wliile it is "!liii readily here at .$. Lndwit; &, Idciiler Ttarmonikies at Warrick's. 182.3 Joihi Tui ! clerking tor J. S. Duke in Wm li : i cure ebiabli-Iiiueiit during Mr. Duke's temporary absence iu the ea-t. L irgest stock ot wall paper at the loweot prices at Warriek'a. 18-,4t3 About these days exMiuinations clodiug tl.e Grst month of the public schools are in progress, and the one thousand pupils are correspondingly busy. Full proceedings of the Republican ritatc Cnuveutiou, held at Lincoln, la-t uight, will be found ou our telegraphic page. The reserved eatsalt for AVagner'a minstrels is open, and aa the history of his company is "not even standing room" you will do well to take the hint and secure your seats before you sleep tonight. Siuinious A- Fishback's skating rink will be open from 4 to 5 o'clock every afternoon. Any ladies wishing to skate for practice or amusement are invited to come. They keep the best of older. Nebraska City is having a new depot building which the B. & M. are erect ing there. The Herald would like to e the B. & M. build a new depot in this city, on this bide of the tracks, which would be appreciated by the populace entire. The latest di-p itches indicate the passenjrer rate war as unchanged. The Chicago & Eastern Illinois is st ill car rying passengers from Chicago to In dianapolis fr 5 cents, and, as might be supposed, have heavy trains. The New Albany road charges f 1.50 from Chica go to Louisville. Lanciier county is gointf to vote ou a propo6nion of he commissioners for towirship organization, though .he chances are it will not carry. We have not heard the matter talked of here for gome time. Cass is probably satis- tied with our present laws which are well enforced by our vigilant officer! We notice from our exchanges al most every day the phrase, "ano:her li"ht frosl last nijiht, tomatoes and oth r tender vegetables, severely nipi.cd." If there oas beeu anv gardens iu this ci v that have suffered from frost, dil" . r. m innnirv Iims rims lnr tailed to re- v l the fact. We must i.e lortunately :t;ia?ed. Passenger traffic over the great B. & M- isfrti.l increasiujf, for several days two Pullmans have beea hauled foi the convenience of through passengers. joterday the train after leaving Ore apoiis for the west, consisted of 11 coaches and lugg4ge cars, every one of which was loaded to its fullest capaci ity. John Leesley informs us that he bag been ehioDinir some of his choice fape8 to parties in Sanborn, Iowa, also to Seward, York, Fairmont and Lincoln, in our State. A great deal of Plattsmouth fruit has tound a market in thrt western part of the State this year, and the industry, judging from young orchards and young vjoe, is but in ia infancy. Great encouragement has been given to frui culture in the past few year, not only on account or large crops but handsome prices too have beeu ob tained, making the busineM doubly PERSONALS. Dr. J. A. Ilasemoier, of Louisville, is la the city today. Mr, anl Mrs. Freeman left for west this morulng. the W.S.Wise inale a llylng trip lo Omaha last night Johu Ferguson, of Louisville, i do ing the capital of Cass Dr. M. M Iiutlcr, of Weeping Water, In in the city biiinpHs. tfiday on profest-ionai J. A. I'-rlin, o yountr man from down east, is in the city the guest of Phil Harrison. xv. L,. Coleman, ot Ureenwoou, came down thi morning from Linrolu where he ha I leen in attendance at the state conventioc. J. M. Patterson returned home this morning from a business trip to New York on behalf of our city, the results of his visit will be giveu iu duo time. Misses Celia Goos, Ida Weidainan. Tillie LehnhofTand Mary Goos, return ed from Louisville this morning, where they hud beeu in attendance upon the wedding of Mr. Charles Bielefeldt, of Lincoln, and Miss Emma Albee, of Louisville. A Pleasant Party. Last evening Mi8 Ida Waterman en tertained quite a number of the young people of lh city at nn impromptu party, given in honor of htr friend, Miss Thompson, of Kansas Cily, who i visiiiug in PlaitMiiouth lor a f w weeks. A very social nd pleasant evening was enjoyed by all present, and elegant refreshments were served io the guests, who tested them with the greatest relish The guests re maiucd un til a late hour and reluctantly way homeward. took ttieir way Happy Cal Wagner In Omaha. Au aristocratic minstrel performance, a fountain of mirth of a high order. They will always be welcome to an Omaha audience Omaha Herald, Sep tember 20. Hundreds of people turned away. One long, loud laugh. Enjoyable and clean throughout. Omaha Republican, September 2G. Highly refined, enjoyable and mirth- 1 . If 1 11 ir througt.out. Hundreds of people turned away. Omaha Bee, Sept. 26. Refined aud genteel, but uumercifully tunny. Burlington Hawkeye, Sept. 20. It seems so many conventions lately has demoralized uome of the boys. They tell it on Judge Vanatta that, wueu coming down ou the train from Lincoln y sterday, the peanut ioy, passing his customary box of 5 cent cigars at the rare of two for a quarter, reached his box over to Mr. V., who. without any ceremony, made himself the possessor of one ot the best. "Pea nuts, not 6cemg any effort on the part of Mr. V. to pay for the same, mildly informed him that 15 cents was wanted This was a surprise to the Judge, who frauklv admitted that he thought thev weie 'L'ouud' cigars or he shouldn't have takeu any. However, he paid for his cigar, aud endeavoreu to enjoy tne laugh with the crowd. As we were passing Simmons & Fish- back's skating rink we heard the sound of merry voices, and concluded to step down aud see what was going on. As we entered we were surpristd to find a large party of our young folks having a jolly time on the roller skates; let tha people of the city patrouize the rink, as Simmons & Fishbaca have spared no pains or expense iu fitting up their room, thereby giving the folks a place to pass a pleasant evening. No one need be afraid to come as they keep the best of order. Yesterday, in police court, a fireman who runs out in the State was broight up before the chief magistrate charged with disturbing th: peace. It being the first case in two or three da8, jus tico did not daily long with the culprit, but promptly dished up the moderate due of one dollar and costs, which were paid and the prisoner discharged. John Leach astonished the llERALE force by presenting the office with a nice bunch of paw paws which he brought up from Missouri with him, a tew days ago. The boys couldut make out what they were, and after sampling a greeu one catae to the con clusion they were a species of vegetable bol'gna. The Herald publishes in its weekly edition today, the tra le-marks of Messis Potny & Segvlke, of Omaha soda water manufacturers in that place, who are also running .1 factory in Plattsmouth. The Herald is in receipt ot a com munication asking the question 4-how about the PlatUmouth & Southwest ern?" The question is r. sticker; a?k U-i something easy. The Herald is glad to receive many words of commendation regarding the article and comments from the State Journal, regarding Nellie Swanson. Hon T. B Stevenson, of Nebraska City, got oil a good one at the Com mercial yesterday. Some friend re marked to him that he bad heard he was a candidate for supreme ledge Tom stroked bis beard for a second or two. and tnen remarked "that he was li e the feilow who was anested at Harper's Frry during the John Brown raid, who said, whn interrogated, I do not know Mr. Harper, not do I know bre he keeia his ferry". State Journal. JUDICIAL CONVENTION. I Judge Pound Nominated by Accla- mation. The delegates from Otoe, Cts and Lancaster counties to the Second Ju dicial district convention assembled at two o clock yesterday afteruoon at the Commercial hotel. MaJ. I). II. Wheeler was elected us chairwau of the convention, and Jos. s- Headland, secretary. A committee on credentials consisting of D Court uey, and J L Wheeler, of Lancaster, A N Sullivau and K II Wmdey of Cass, T 11 bteveuson, and C W Seymour, of Otoe, were appointed. Tl.e committee re ported full delegations from the three counties and one additional from Cass. A spirited discussion ensued before the committee on ciedeniiul relative to allowing Cass 13 votes, which wns finally rvfeired to the c-ouventiou lor settlement, Mr. Courtney spos:e ou be- half of the cenlial committee that had made r.he apportionment aud Mr. Va- uatta argued iu favor of 13 votes for Cass, which on oeing put before the houso was ugreed upon by an almost unanimous vote. C. W, Seymour, of Otoe, in a few pleasant remarks nominated the Hon. S. li. Pound us their caudidate for judge of the Second judicial district and moved that his ii"miuatiou be made by a rising vote. 1 he nomination wj carried by every delegate iu ttie con vention rising to his t'eet. The following named persons wer- elected as a district central coimnitte- D. II. Wheeler, cuaii iiirtn, L 11 and i. p. Vanatta, C.tss couuty, C- W. Seymour and F. S, Kaiisoiu, of Otoe. aud W. II. Kelley aud S. J. Tuttle, of Lancaster. N.S. Harwood, of Lincoln, iu bel.alf ol Jud Found, who was holding court at hraska City, thanked the couven- tlou for its strong endorsement of his felIotowusmau, when the convention adjourned nine die. The Minstrels. Never dm mote ptopic assemble in lioy u'a t pel a liouae tuau last evening, ou Hie occasion ol Happy Cal Wagner's jNew All nali els lirsi uopuaiauce. At a quarter 10 eight the bign ".Slanuiiig loom only ' was hiiug ou, and ut eiin o'clock ana live unuuies Manager Boyd was lot ecu to close the bale. HunUreUs 01 puyie Veie turned away, Uciug uu- l""uu y vi 1 11c: UUU9C The euiet laiuuieut was just wha. it naa oeeu advertised au aristocratic minstrel pel 101 mnce, genteel Horn ue- g.nuiug l. i , aiivi a to. main of mirth 01 u higii 01 u... lu onei, Xne lleiaid 13 SaLisueU inaL Alaiiaer Brown bus bco-cu a lilt, ami uuide a liome run. To attempt to pailicuiarize themauy good tilings would be to ti.-e too much pace It was inotoiignly euioyible through out. luu uuuuiiiined ot a luah order Uuu prouueed by a score of America's favorite burnt cork mimics whose laces UU(I antics win uiways oe wtmoiue to mi Omaua audience Upwards of eigli en hundred people iu attendance showed their dedght by a continual ioai of applause. From hi si part, clear through the long programme of 'ni- ger acts ' not one was passed without au encore. In short, they pleased the audience haelny aud did il witnoui an allusion tat would grate harsh y ou the most reserved and reliued taete. Omaha Heiald. The youug colored girl that sudden ly let for Omaha the other day, was brought back Tuesday by the chief of Police Frank Morrison, lie having beeu seut alter her by tne girls father. Jlr. Moinsou says he fouud her work ing in a uice family and that nothing was to be seen that would tend to prove the truth ot cnarges thai were ma ie here. Now that she is here, if therrt is any Iouudalion lor the statements thai have been made against a physician ol this tow u, it Could easily be made man ifest, it other wise, nothing but jusdice demands that the matter be cleared up. At the State convention last night at Lincoln i' is reported that quite a till was held over the attempt to incorpor ate high license in the slate p. at form the attempt was strongly comb ated by Air. Morrison one of the Cass Co. del egation aud the plank was dropped from the platform. The big hill on oih St. north of ui iu has been ressed down until it as sunies quite a neat appearance strongly in com r.tst with its former condition: Some of the extra dirt has been brought down on vine street and used iu much needed localities such as crossings &c, Uucle Henry Shafer Drought to this office today some of the fiuest red ap pies we have ever seen, he was trying to find out the name of them but had not been successful in his mission. The pile driving on the 5th street biidge has been the center of attraction for a tew days, aud has been put through at a lively rate. Rev. Esterbrook has removed his frmily to this place and is comfortably eusconced in the parsonage. Mrs. A. P. Stout has beeu reported Tt-ry low for the pat tw or three days, her l'fe being almost despaired of. ine band win again lurmsn music at Ford's skatiug rink Friday aud Sat urday nights of this week. Joe Ford has the boss skating rink in Fitzgerald Had skates uew and kept in the h-st of order room clean. light and cmtortaile and the best of ordei always maintained. 182t8 Patro.i'z- the Circulating Library, Wil Warrick. m mt823 - atsiiy JJiUw Warrick ') lit3 Ilnt Mile Orove I tern Mis llattle Muttr.of Aubnrn, is vis- ttlng relatives and friends at this place Mrs. J. II. Kiser and sons have Rone to Pierce county on a visit. Samuel Morrow was rusticating among frireds at Thiee Groves, Ust week. The school house is being repaired, ond school will begin next Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Oaks and Mrs. L Uusterholtz have gone to Seward to visit relatives thero, a few days. We had quite a heavy frost last night, the lirbt of uny accouut this fill, but it did not Injure our corn iu the least. Considerable hay, iu this vicinity. that was mowu and not stacked, was grealy damaged by the late rains. Miss Ella Kennedy, of Plattsmouth, was visiting at S. Richardson's, last week, as the guest of Miss May Ken nedy. Oacar Richey and brother, after a pleasant visit among friends here the past tew weeks have gone to Omaha, they are well pleased with our coun try. The r. A. II. band have made ar- lunifruieids to meet every Tuesday ev ening to practice. Prof. S. L. llawley giving instruction, they ure doing splen did and discourse some excellent inu- MC. Kev. J. Mailey, the new minister, de livered two excellent sermons on Sun day at the M. E, chun-h. Although the weather was very unfavorable the at tendance was very good, but a good many i going h me. got wed drenc.'ied iy t!se ram ut ni,.hi. DICK. Married- eituesuay evening oept. o, in Louisvillo at the residence of the brides parents, Mr, Charles Bielfeldt of Lin coln to Miss Emma Albee. A large compauyof friends and rela tires were present fiom adjoining towns to witness the happy event. After partaking of a most maguifleeut sup per the bride and groom took the train for Lincoln where they will make thei r future home. The Hekalo extends to the newly wedded pair its best wishes, for their prosperity. ARE YOU READY TO DYEf Hurlbtirt and Miller proprietors of the Omaha Fancy Steam Dyeing and French Dry cleaning works 107, South Fifteenth street, Omaha Neb., recommend their facilities for c.eauiug, dyeing and curling plumes and tips on three days notice; ladies suits in velvets, Silks, Satins etc., cleaned by the French Dry cleaning pro ecus. Ladies' and gents' clothing clean ed, dyed and repaired. All kinds of fancy dyeing, merchant's shelf-worn goods a specialty.- All orders by mail or express given prompt attention. Lowest Prices Wan ick'B. and be.t goods at I83t3 New Arrivals in Silverware. L, C. Erveu has just received a lartre addition to his stock of fine silver and silver plated ware. A lanre varietv of goods in this line, in the latest patterns and uesigns can oe tound, and all de -sirijg substantial and elegant goods are requested to call and examine Mr. Erven s stock before purchasing. 182tf A libeial discount on goods bought for presfints at L. C Erven's. ir6if Dry Cottonwood for sale. Enauire of L. D. Bennett. l&otf Unruh has just received a fine line of center tables. Y u want to ect Ins pr-ceB before buying. 176ut. Choice fresh Candies just received at Phil Youngs. lSlt2 Targe line of Work Baskets & S'ands at Phil Youngs. 181 12 You will fiu! the largest and cheap est Hue of accordions at Phii Yungs. 181t2 Phil Young has just received a large line of Lunch Baskets from 5c up dout fail to go and examine uis Stock. 181t9 Morley shave f.r 10 cents. 162tf Special attractions in Silverware at L. C. Erven's. 155-tf Bremner's cracker's are the beet. IKSimo Hay. 200 Tons of first ciaes hay for sale leave orders with W. S. Wse. 178d28wtf J. T. Wise. Ask for Bremner's cracker's. l631mo Do not forget to come to the skating rink this evening, every thing new and in good order, under the First Nat Bank. lS0t2 Simmons & Fishback. Buy Bremner's choice cracker's. 1631mo Try Scherer's Corn Cure, warranted to cure without pain, only 15 cents; at Warricks. d-tf. Fresh California fruits and received every other dav at celery 149-tf. F. S. WniTE'f. The best skating rink in the city un der the First Nat. Bank 180i3 Simmons & Fishback. 150 deg. Coal Oil oaly 20 cts. at Warrick. lG6tf Use 185 coal oil ouly, at 25 cents a gallon at Warrick's. lC6tf J. C- Boone has removed bis barber shop to Sherwood's new building on Fifth street. wl2ml Grace & Thierolf have af- last receiv ed their cigars, among which is the elebrnted IL G. Ingersoll" cigars Now Boy is your time to get a goo cigtr. 1 - - dllltf.dJ BreeeJ ijulk cTa&kcrB. 4o3lmo SPECIAL NOTICES. AdverttvmenU nnder tltit bead, three cent er line eacu lanertiou. MONF.Y TO LOAN -Oa real etat by A.N. sulllvan. Bulllvaa. TOUALE-IIoue. lot and wood land A John itous & Sou. by FOU HALE A good Mwur Hamlin tabinet oritau, a hartalu for cash purchaser. In yulie of Jlviniau acinldt. Kt.lt FOK SALK The Woods property a'r btier Ifl liyera. J. W. Maiisiiall. Aurut. fTOK HAlK Kenldence prop rty. n of the A of the let locatlous In tho rlty. or III tradn for stock, lmju're of J. W. MrthU. I out I ?il MALK -IIuum and lot, price SUM. Itoo raih. tialauce to inontiily p .ymruit. 1C 1J. WlMoilAM, FOlt HALF. Several retldeucen, cheap. In tiulre of U. il. M heeler it C. IUK MALK Scratch Tablets iu all niztM. at thlsofUce. Vltf yOU SALK a l'it lu gvod location. J'arllcu a lar at this ottlco w7if t'OR AI.E An order for a new American A ewluK Machine. Imjulic at thlaofUce. L'OK MALK l,00iCOrd of wood. Iujuir of m. W.o. Wise. tf VOH SALE Id paper for flale at this ofBce attoceuts er hundred or 6 cent per doz en. II I?01 SALE I our lots together In good loca A tlou In thl cltv. Inuulru at llila olllctt If 'pO RCNT A house, comer 7th and Mtreetd. tuoulreof 1 lion, t'oiloek. Ixcnl LOK KENT CoiuloJlalile place, corner ol 1 earl and 10 Sts.. laieiy .i-i-U.l. U by W J. Warrick, Kequire hi vainct' di iik hIik-k. lUTlf. L'OU K'JNT One ofllce room and dwelllutc colineeted. 3 rooiio-l u stair cvr liolt shnelder bakery. Knuuiie at Mis. HolUehuel der's. i5i ll FOU KENT iloue. roi venii-ni to kIi...h. tl. K. Iiuvkv & .son. IT OK KENT S..uth v tore mom of tlx-t'nlun A 1'l.u.L Ki.miirv ! : II UlM-lf U Mi. in- ock, Alva Drt-w, liulueas ciiiuuittee. ls.Hl ?OK KKNT-Ottclliui; lloiiHCK, liiiiulie of nod if W. li. Mi.a r.ii. I OKT A paws hook conluiuinK pa er v;ilu able ou.y to owner Dmiei pieu: leare ut (i. I' onlci ll.; if 1, JUNO A lad. en noekett'ook con toning Koine change 1 he owner can have toe same by Calling 011 (t. Krt-ckenlielil, pruviii); property aud paying for 1 his notice. i.miI Dr. Sohildknecht's Office At the present and uulil lurther no tice, I will have my office with Dr. Sal isbury in the Rockwood block over Johnson Bros. atore, where I may be found during ofllce hours. 169dWtf W. 11. fiCHILUKNF.CHT. Bed ROCK prices. I have on hand a large and very superior slock of fur niture, much of which I propose to Hell off at cost. My goods are for sale and .efore purchasing I wish everybody who needs furniture t call and look them over. All I ask 01 the public is to examine my goods and m v prices. dAwtt Hf.nry IIokck. F. S. White has just received a car load of "Sea Foam" winter wheat pa: ent flour guaranteed to be as good ub any made in the United States and prices as low as the lowest. Also a car load of bran just received which we deliver to any part ol the city. 164tf M O' Connor keeps on hand the cel ebrated Auheuser Burch St Louis Bot tled Beer and always readv to pay pac- ticular attention to his cuntouiern. 155tf Dressmaking. To the ladies of Plattsmouth and vicinity I wish to announce that I have taken the rooms lately occupied b Mrs. Tutt in the Uuion block, where I shall continue dressmaking and invit all to call. Mks. M. E. JIokti N. dl25t6-wl9tf Take none but Bremner's crackers. and you will get the best. lCulmo UIVEN AWAY. One Thousand Bottles of Marsh's (Jol- den Blood Si Liver Tonic to be iiven Away. E very body iu Plattsmouth, who is suffering fiom Jicioluiar, Chronic Rheu uiatism. Jaundice, Biliousness, JJyspep sia, Indigestion, Costiveness, !! ndaclie, Loss ot Appetite, Backache, r euiaie Weakness, .Nervous derangement, Oeu- eral Debility, or any Bicod, Liver, Kid ney. Stomach or Bowel uisorder can obtain a trial bottle of Alaroiie's Union. Blood fc Liver Touic, free of cn .rge, b calling at Smith At iil ck Bi store, Plattsmouth. P -isons who have tried this valuable medicine can pro cure the large butties ai 50 cents ui.it $1 Il purities the Blood, invigorates the Liver, Stomach aud Bowels, reflates the Kidueys. and strengthens the sys tem. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, ue Marshe's Golden Bal-am. the great cough remedy, sample botth free. Ask for cracker's. Bremner's Eureka buttei ienu.o FOR SAI.C L,ots 2 ahd 3 lu Block. 41, Improved. d7 li. (. WIXUIIAM. Freth butter 12K cents per pound, fresh eggs iy cents per dozen at P. J. Hansen s. lo4tt A Square .Heal Can be had at the City Hotel for only 25 cents and lodging at same reasonabh tates. Farmers and Commercial Men will please bear this in mind. d&wtl McCourt sells Pillsbury's Best Xyyy Minneapolis, Minn., Flour. . 20t4 Leave orders for grapes from Lees- ly s nurserj- at A. Claiks grocery 163dtf Wanted. 500 men to unload ScLooaers at. 153tf J. .1. McVey's Henry Boeck is selling furniture at prices below any house of the name style in Nebraska. If you doubt this f&nt call on him aid know the truth, tt The finest cracker are 1631mo Bremner's Fresh Oysters. Fresh ovsters Just received and for sale at Feed Stadelman a. lOitf. Tobaccos McAlpin.Piper Hr.idsiecb, Bravo. Horseshoe and Climax, at 20t2. Simpson's. lake n Cp llv the subscriber ou Platte bottom Sunday Sept. 8th two yearlings hellers red marked with white on tne beily. Owners wilLplease claim" property pay charges and take them a xray. 6t CJ'e. Vasuav'T- AMUSEMENTS. WATERMAN OPERA HOUSE - ONE NIGHT ONLY. Friday Evening, Sept. 28tb, HAPPY CAL. WAQNER'S K. II IliJOWN. I'rop'raiid Mana,r. AN INNOVATION la MINSTRELSY IteiiMrk b'i for I!i't1'ieiiint and lurlluir a llh talent. I ! rlitil lal u ii.leneea iir.l them i v r where lentliiK te rupaelty of the llCl IM'H HI'R eenerveil hchI' on n Weili-e-dny ni'-ndnif. S'cure ieat In mU .iucc ami at tvi iliM runi.. WATERMAN OPERA OUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY. Saturday Ev'g, Sept. 29th. ENOAOE.MENT OF I Jf K CELEBRATED EMOTIONAL ACTRESS ifllSS LOUIE LORD, StM'I'OKTKIl BV AN EXCELLENT COMPANY. L'nder tho iiiunn"Miii'iit if .tainen A. I ord And hcotl .Maibl . 111 H.-itl Marble's Latest kiicri-ih, Linwood Case ! MISS LOUD AH MAIMil-.l! Y OOltE. Atlinissioii, 7i 21 1 1 4 1 iOt. No extra cluirtre for llcerveil heal, now on ale at J. I. Young'. EDUCATIONAL. 31 usiciil lusti'detion To JIy Friends: 1 liave n-diaiilcu my c;asae of iiiNtrui'tion upon the I'lauo, and should ho pleased to havcsueii a may desire instruction 10 address or call upon me. My ter 'is are rea sonable, and my iutructi"ii after 'the most im proved method i'uiils heinului; wronK, can never expect to liecomi? masters. 1 Invite a 1 rial and examination. ''' y KATIE DO RRINOlON. die2war.ir THE TWELFTH YEAR OK TIIK UNIVERSITY Of NEBBASKA WILL Ol'LN TUESDAY, SEPT. 11, 1883, with an ainolc corps ot instructor. On annhcation to the Chancellor catalogues can be obtained by thowi; dexhhiK Information, and nei tiHr-ates for li.ilff oi ou the railroads y those expectinx to attend. First Term beini Tuenitay. Sept. 11 1.J. .Second" " Tiiur-day, Jan. 3. 1881. Third " " Tuesday. April 1, lttH. Annual Cointnen -etnent Wednesday, June 11 THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE w 11 open Oetolier 2. IK3. and eoiitlnuf! mo's. WESCwTT'3 BOSS CLOTHING HOUSE Is tne Place far YOU to Trade. .; Our fiyftcin ol bustnesa will jjlease jon. Every article is marked in lain figures and sold on its own mciits. No monkey biz, no jewing, no humbug, no auction good.-, no fchoddy goods; yon get your money's worth every time. "1 he latent styles and best good obtainable with money are in fetock, ttnd we will never be un dersold by any house, either large or fcmall, and you will always find us anxious to serve your interests in a manner to gain your solid custom. Come and see us. C E. V7ESC0TT. THE BOSS CLOTHIER, Rockwood Block. MP BEST I'd THE MARKET. Jlndo OXZYof Testable OU and Vureliect Tallow, To Induct housekeepers to tfve this Soap a trLl. WITH EACH BAR r T IT3 TT3 WE GTTE A FINE 3 TABLE NAPKIN li UULbLb This offer 5 . made for a short time only and should be taken advantage of at 05CE. VTa WjUtKANT this Soap to do morawaah IniT wuh croater ease than aay aoap In tb market. I; he no EQUAL fcr 09a la barf aad cold water. Yim G33CE3 HAS IT. O.A.Wrisley&Ck). t3r:0turrs if Standard New Vlinstre s TV o j,. ll if ' - : P1" i an a d i I k i 11 M a tt or i ? h, I i 2 li , . 1 1 f. i O It i i f i ll 51 Hi P3I r-1 h r or DSC Hat