f ..... V Off III ilJL . . . .. i Air if. a.im m i . . PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 20, 18S3. NO. J62 VOL. 1. READ THIS! THEN Hand It to Your Neighbors. V liavi- jut opciifl an immense toek of OH BOOTS k SHOES PLATTSMOUTH flERALD- I'Cr.MSIIEU IA1LY VXD YVF.KKLY KY - The PiaUsaoElli fleralu Palilislnng Co. es arc so thoroughly arcuaed to the de mands ami tUuwr of tht ho ir, there need be little doubt as to the ultimate result. Another strong feature in hc Iowa campaign is tin- national u,tien:i oi : Fre-; Trade ami 1'rotecti The - I Jen.oi i iiirt 1 that Stals hac ! 'ccated , 1Fi R-TP- j free trade without tcna-ril). andh.-t.ej . ,., i iroue to til extent with that iUeUn ! DAILY. d..-llvrrtd bv earrlt-r to auy i-art of tbe . e ,J1 . 1 . , MIKE SCHNELLBACHER. HLJ1VKXMIT11 HOUSE HIIOKINO & WAGON UKrAIIilM Al! Kinds of raria lmplciussts Menleil will NfHtnis Jtud OWpatch. city rVrV-ek.... f'er Muntb ... I'er Year S 15 CO 7 00 WEEKLY, by mail. Jno c'i.y alx months ?' Owe ropy out1 year " rteicWu-jed al t.. Tost Office-. I'lalt-mouth. aa ecouU clan matter. AND GUSTS' FIXINGS. In tact, Mich an assortment as lnm never before been brought to PlatUitiouth. In our BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S Departments we show a full ami complete assortment of the newest designs. You can suit youidelf in regard to prices and quality with the greatest ease. Always Remember That, as we buy in large quantities direct from together with five other branch stores, we are enabled te sell C?S3I3Llt Less than our competitors. Call on us and satisfy yourselves that we do as we advertise. The democrats have changed the time lor holding their next county con veiitiou at whk-h their county ticket will lo nominated. Evidently this is done that a more extended canvass of the county may be made. The Idea that the county was to experience a repetition of last year, the present full, serins to be weakening among the democratic war horses and a wui in out:&t may be expected. OPERA HOUSE CLOTHIERS We have secured the SOLE AGENCY 0 vPISurfs Shoes. 1 1 VT F A WTII1Q nt . i ii JU.J The Omaha Herald, the other day, publishes a chapter headed political forgery, and winding up with Air. Da ua'd pet phrase that the republican party must go. The Herald's list ol political forgeries of course, is confined to the rauks of the republican party, aud with studious care that organ of democracy succeeded in keeping its loot out of trouble until it tackled the Morey letter; the sublimity of its at tempts to saddle it on the republicans, was exceeded only by the Herald's rank ignorance. TiiEOmah i Republican was thought less enough to predict that the hatchet was buried down in Otoe county, and the two factions of the republican party there were united. If on8 were to judge from reading the Neb. City pa pers, this prediction was a misnomer aud a fraud. The battle as usual raged fiercely at the convention, and the VanWyckiana came out a usual just two or three ahead on the test vot-B. The way the hair has blown over the line into Casa is troof positive tliar they had a monkey and a parrot time oi it. as crea as the Cobdtti club could de siriv Democratic orators in Iowa hae advocatid free trade from the shoulder imported democrats from other State have advocated iden in lwu that they wouhl not date advocate at home. The tree trade misnomer lias f r ouce becu lairt endorsed by demo crats without hedging. The republi cans of Iowa have met this issue equal ly fc3 lauly, with a stand for piotcciion tc home industries. They have ex posed the falUcies of their opponents, and pointed to the growth of I-.wa mmuUetures and industries in corrob oration of their position, and nothing else was needed. Finally, and latterly, the Iowa cam paign has taken shape as a national camnaisu. The colluuioa oi uviu- crats and Grteubackers to capture the Stte legis'ature and a United States Senator tias awakened both parties to national affairs, ami in tins oemocracy is wholly the sufferer aud republicans the iraiuers. Tne imporiatiou of dem ocratic uatonal speakers has been met bv the republicans with an array oi statesmen and orators who aie most effectually driving the naiis In the democratic colhn and clinching them. The old propensity of democracy to put its loot into it i illus trated by their bringing national poli tics into a State tight, where the btaie on national issues gives SO.OOQ re publican majority. The ca-se lor de mocracy was a haid one tit bebt, but with the cumpaiu merged with na tional affairs, the question alone re mains as to how large the republican majority will be. Tbe Ukkai.d. with out attempt at piopiiecy, er'imates it at not less than thirty thousand. SO IN EMS. II Mule A; Ox Shoeing J iN.VIHAX 11 AIT ! Mu Thus far adot Gov. Dawes appoin tees for District Ju.lges last spring have been renooj mated excepting Dav idson i'l the first dHricl. Judge lost, Savide, Morns and Norval all were accordel noinuiatiom by acclamation. In the first district L. W. Colby oi Case was uotniuated fr Judc vice Davidscn and the nomination seems to give excellent satisfaction in the dis trict. It will be remembered Mr. Col by was eudorsed for the appointment last winter by tha bar of the entire dis trict aud his failure to receive the ap pointment has uow been reversed by the people. n short, we'll shoe anything that hap four feet, from a .eura i a iiraiie. Cornp it:d see us. jsnnrw shop The Newest, The IVst, The Most Complete find JUTS' IF ABE TRUSS CMIBAIr'IESir. Our Big New Stock ii KUtl S mt acrosf bet ween ? earner Mi in ii.i Vln Xirt rom Ui MKW MKHA1-in P? mi 'It - . J. i ft So3 m ... a i sHfl r, n x -j as 3 p Q -l - P tc r4" 3 V " -S 5 4 CO X3 Came for Dargain Hunters in Every Department. HDfl-ices that OPtliers Will Mot, m 1 3 S as 3 t T3 m f. 2j U S-4 cn a o o PS o ' a V 00 ( 9 c CO ft. a X3 c c o Critical and economical biners this is a(Jreat Opjiortunlty and the Glorious Keeult will more than 1 'lease Von. Kemcmber every purchase you make of us this season shall be Our assortment is immense, and it is A Hard Crowd We Cannot Please. Ouu Low and One Price System is for our competitors, but a great opportunity lo!- yifn. "Wu have by far the Laro-eat. Newest and UEbT Btock of Mfin' Youtlut'Doyg and .... v children's aee.Hior to A. H T"r- xr-wA-nDTTA-RT.-EES FOE CHOICE Su.mr-rured Hams, Baeon. Salt Meats of all kinds, Lard Bologna, and all other articles Kepi m u "'- AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The Highest Market Price Paid tor Hides Wool, Pelts, Fresh Lake Trout and White Fish Every Thursday Morning. THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Full Line General Merchandise. Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. Call aud Satisfy Yourself JUDGE POUND- The nomination of Judge Pound i the judicial convention, will be hailed with Batistaciiou throughout this couu- ty. The people ot Cass, turougii u.o years that he has occopied the bencn, have found him tamest, nouest, ana conscientious iu the discharge of his every duty, aud among the attorney m noticing at the bar in this county, - ' . there will not ba found one, without regard to politics, but who will be per- fec-lv satisfied both with Judge I'ouna e reuominathm aud cou equent elecnou. Tnere are few judicial districts in the country with a better record with high er courts than Judge Pound's district presents There is no maa in the state posaebsing more the confidence of the public on all great questions auecmiif the riglns of institutions, corporations, aud individuals than ilr. Pouuu, ueuoe his reuoiuination is limeiy, wise and iust. and the action of the convention. mid the Deonle it represented, win oe endorsed at the November election by a practically unanimous vote. - FRENCH POLICY in THE EAST. ine uiamiss-ii or General liouea irom the Command of the I relich forces in looquiu is an unerring indie it ion ot the adoption of the adopt iin of a pa cliic policy. He had been com in is bioued to avenge the death of Captain Kiviere, and in invading the country i. ...i n.r. with a serious revtn-e. whicn he woiiid naiurally have t-een anxious to retrieve by u active, campaiga and a i.-rii. .! 'lined ii vocal successes. i-. nov. rtiip--rseued tiiiuer l ie .rau-jj;-.! t-.i. pre.ext ot a uili'.iii:itii; mi-b on, an a i. ...... .MO! i.t..- alicc-. s-oi ii" "t'i ...... in ni tKin' peace lias been nppit..t o. Ai parenilv tiiel reucii U overuaie.nl i uu willing to parser vere in its camp ou iu Touquiu when it can make honoia iUr. with (IhiiiM and obtain great concessions in territory and political authority in Atwiu, auu in una avoid the risks of war. The Chamber. aretj meet in Paris during the third ...l- i,. i)t.otit-r. Hv that time a treaty wh.ch the Chinese Goveri.meut will be periectiy willing 10 bwuuu .rill i-trliu blv have, been signed. Iu thi.4 nv a noIUical cris'3 wni oe averted. The Chinese government ;m utiHi-.iihifdi v he realv to make auy concessions whereby ...j,. ii ri'iifvi'd from the nrtsuca oi Euio,eans upon its laud frontier. With the French in lonquin ne ianu oau. e.iirliYCfstHi-u orovinces of the Ce- wi fc-' ' I lestial empire wouhl fall under tlicon- t . .. ..fr F.iroitrnerH JlllU 1 Itniiau wuum livrt v " " - - i.u ...nn t F.niciiieau liierchants. Al Kouiee was willing to uegoiiate on the basis tf a neutral zone between . ion n.iin sind the einoirp. across which there would be no access to the Chi nese markets. It is possible that mis ,.n,li..i.r will be revived, aituougn n H.ffinnit ti understand what decree ij3 i u i . .v of security a district inhabited by iaw- iuuo iw.rHa n-oiild afiord to the empire, r m.ria niv tvimiii uol ueter ior iiiaii years the progress ot foreigners to the real frontier. Probably the Chinese government will tempt France to re tire from Tonquiu altogether by offer ing to withdraw objections to the pro tectorate over Anam and to content itself with uominal rights of suzerain ty. In that way Touquin would be converted into a ueuiral zone, Anam would b handed over to France, and the Chinese land frontier would still be inaccessible to foreigners. HEN RY BG?CK DEALEK IN FURNITURE SAFT-i3, CliAiRP U.TC, ETC., KTO.' Of All Description. . METALLIC BURIAL CASES WOOXDaZlIsr COaT'IaSTS f all sizes, ready made and sold cheap lor cash VMY FINK HEARSE r ever shown in Plattstnonth. Visitors Welcome. Xo trouble to 1mjw good p. If IS NOW KliAUV FOU SKKVICE. With many thanks for past patronage. uvite all to call and examine my LARGE STOCK OF 31 tf. t'UlSTf'HK AKI iTOFKIKW OILnTIE-IPIRIOIE CLOTHIER, Blake's New Building, Opposite City Hotel. mrnim, WITHOUT fit I mF J . 1 JUST RECEIVED THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANItU lyuuc. "miia? emlfu-: Iu. pott-Mr. thn. hcrt .dU. tlolT hernia or rupture, cuturrk, pUe ep.Up. WhV.ny'Sebimy of tH GEXERATIVEI.ROAS ,4"io.t nutr. r.".tre ,Jf.retrir -52ri .,' Weul.nrr-ii. and all thoe 1 1 r a acr mntretnretSom to a hf-althf eO IlwrtUBO nil T UJUb iuiiii.n.ii. v. JOSEPH V WECKBACHS Grace &TMerolft TnEeamimiiruiu Iowa now points to but one result thete; the election of the e:ire republican state iicii, iuuuuiuk Ju.ige.Reed aud the republican legisla ture as well, which insures fcenator Al lisons return t the U S senate. ih2 question now is cue of majorities and the republican majority 13 growing dai ly as the campaign uears it close. 1 er haps in the whole history ot lowa or this western country U r that mat ter, there has never been a more earn est. active campaign, and .Urt that h:is been brought home so closely to Vie people themselves as the present one in that state. First tbe great moral forceb represented by prohibition as adonted iu that state at a non-partisan e ection, represented by hi.'h licence as iotlee. All persons are warned against per chasing two certain promisory -otes which were stolen from the undersign ed at Omaha on the evening of Sepiem ber latn '84. One note being in the sum of S19--00 in from of l W. Voxxu tain and given by J. J. Rodgers, said note as endorsed on the hack by r. W. Fountain and tiansfered to the un dersigned C. H. Dill, Also one note 111 the sum of S, given to the under jSjgI;ed und signed by Geo. McCormack, alf parties are hrcbv w-Krud not to the above described ntes. South Bend, Xtl Sept 15, 83 tf 1 1 IT Tt r 1 V- lit k L 5 J!?S 22 "itSal I ADltSiGNETIC ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER - rre aBlc-tS I. til lll.ilit .B. ilcia. Nirvana jP resli No old stock to work off. The latest patterns cf GLASS .AJCTID QIJEBlTSvVARB flour wd inovisioNS. the highest market trice ILULK -. 1 pAiD FOR COUNTaY PRODUCE. DREW BUii-DINC PX-ATTSMOUTH. Notice. Xotice is hereby given that George W. Sexton will apply to the Board of Countv t'oiumissiocersof Cass County, e ecnon, rriiwu.r- Jiebrasfca ai lis Slaieu rueeLiuy ii. wi- .1 kn u ircp fiillnu-inir and free! 1 .1 iwaq linp to sell malt auvLaicj jj . fc- ......... o , t.uvt ww - - - - trMCic iu liQaor represented by elemeut3 Spintus and Vmous liqaora in yoc fou d in every state counting for noth-, Cass County NebrasKa, one year Irom ing but votes. These qutions have."1 reached the homes of Iowa, they have; Something uhw i:i camp chairs at reaetied the pulpits of all ciiurclics and Uoruh's. fail and U'-m I70dt8 have made politicians, for the tiu-ie ber tj c i,tsr skaters in the city go to in ' of all. When the people 01 a Btatc Simmons & . FmnbacK's sKaung nr . wiTh such advanced beliefs in the be,t Why? Because they have the best ro THE LADIES: rr Kt.JncT. llcl-l.- rCid 1-cet, BwwIUu i mr wVak Al lr-"or r-woMcn Fret, an AbdomlniU Belt aid pair of MoffneUc Foot Batterk il Ntawj ?UI lntho r l. f nnj ! u-ff or all thee . omplalnt -. TDef carry twwlul iuanetla foittf to Uut ot tba InL oT ft l.rrb. br.nt I-uma. t.on and rWruOon oftae W oah, laeldeBtal He- rVvulsr Slen.tr-ution. llam ue- , aad rbaase ot K"orl fc.Tr. cf Female DlO-mhtea ft is mir. by anthintc befoi-e lnvertwt. both cujuv nc--.tin'lii'aBo,-rceorpoerand itajijotion. Price of either Beit itt jtatrcciic r opt BatlfMJ.ll Sentl-.- ftpiM CO. 1) .and exarr.tr.-.tlon allotrad.orLr mail 'ts receipt of price. In ordertiK. i-er.l tneaor jT ma-a- and siz of fhoe. Kenii:tnnoa ca U; auul in cor rem-, sent in letter at 01. rr fe. . Toeluruiun Gam.rnt4a.-a clpta to al! aaea, ar won over tbe axviF clothing. iot et te tbe. body like tbe tnaay 4ialTnle an-1 tlcrte Jla m uua4 adertled mo et-nlveW and fbould bj taken oil at niht. Th-j t" 1 tliwrpwoiw, arewornatall.-ofyer. mV-nt Vllkout MadlelM.- wita touaaaa.rf t-U - xhe atOTTO" appljance coSt 218 btarc SU. rhicaeo, 111 TO bo ixJIod r&KZ to all appiicartta, aad to ooa.. bout 15 p9e. liiii."tration, prtca, accurate deauirDms nl valuable direction (or pUattfiff. varieuea vetreuhuuo auu lioww dvbub. tUtsta, Fra' t Tree, etc Invaluable to aU. capao. 1 tally to Market Gardenera.- ead for it 1 1 tMeVF&aAVtitCO. G&THGtT Maa- a fixe Lot Or' MACKEKEL, LAURA DO HE IIERKIXG, TKOUT, WILD WAVI COD FISH, Abo a dioice lot ot ZiElvIOlTS OHAKCES. We have a fine tock MQIE FAMILY GROCERIES Fancy rauds cl MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI HOUR, I have In etoc a Que line of . Queens ware, Glassvare, Lamps) ic. All our good" are ne d Ire n. Will EicIuuieb ior Country Produce. Linseed Oil Meal Always cn Han? Next door to Court House, Platternoutb, Xeb, nasm M. B, Ml'RPHY & CO. 0 I mmmmmmmmmm I EASTWARD Daily EiprMs Trains for Om-Jba. Chicao. Ksnaa City. Ht. Louts, and ail ilnt r.aai TbrMi'h Car via Pwria to Ind anaioii. ble Kact Pullman Ph1hc Care and rty coa lie oi all thionen trains, and Duiiu ca.reat oi .v.j- loun rrrer WESTWARD CJ"Hy Kipreitra!rn lor Denver coar-rct' Iu iiinn leKit for all point la Colorado. L't Ca ifornla and theeutire et. Th advent th lln-frtv- the travelrr a ew ttuui V I w - ii acenc-ry and dviuitii3 curxu ttUewbere. i Throush Ticket at tfca Lowest RatP are on -ale at all Iho Important Utton. and hsyj: "'U be ctckd - detln ti'-n. Any information a to rates, route or time taulea will