The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 17, 1883, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
NO. 173
, 1
V -
i ' !
J v
- ' .
Full ILinc General Merchandise.
Largest Stock and ILowest Prices.
Call and Satisfy Yoursell
Beef, Pork
Wiic re " to A W. II ATT.
Suiir-'Jured Hams, Bacon, Salt Meats of all kinds, Lard Bologna,
and all other articles kept in a first-class meat market.
k O
The Highest lIAfket; Price Paid lor Hides Wool, Pelts,
Fresh Lake Trout and White .Fish Every Thursday
1 Morning.
No old stock to work off." The latest ' patterns 'ci" '
New Fall Stock for '83
Can bejround the largest and
Jfbest stock of
pt nmmf h Gents' FqqusMr Goofis
Tiunks,Vulises, Boots andiShoeSi
In Cass Coimtjit Bed Rock Prices. Remember the place.
1H. EDEIII(HIL1I1)5 Mamaofeir.
Ghreap Reduced Prices.
. ODgAto:
health : IL hare
duce stoclri E shall sell from now
at prices,-wi blow thbir actual
valuer my: stock
Parties desiring anything in the
J. W. Maktiiis
rBranch Store!
Sole lPiPoir'toB?
my. continuedbad
concluded to re
above line, should call early, befortm
The Plattsmontt Herald PaJiMini Co.
m&z&zLS: . . .
DAILY, delivered by carriur to any part of the
PerWeok 9 15
Far Month...... to
I'er yar '. 7 00
WEEKLY, by mail.
One copy tlx month Kl 00
One copy out year "2 00
itgl8tered at tne Pout Ofiee, PlatUraouih. as
second el;s matter.
OUR Reporter is very much displeas
ed over the manner ' In which Judge
Savage's speech was cut in two in the
make up of Saturdays Editorial page.
The Herald having gone into politics,
business was too trivial a matter to at
tend to that day. The Herald desires
to appolgizc to the-. Judge for tretting
the last and the lebt part of his speech
first and in the mean time apprentice's
about the office have been requested to
relegate our political affairs to the peo
ple of the County; Whom the Herald
believes to be fully capable of manag
log the same.
The Voters of Cass Couuty will read
the. Communication of ''Republican
Voter in todays issue and understand
the mamier in which Cass aud Otoe
Counties have been sold and delivered
to Lancaster County in our judicial
affairs. Mr. J. B. Strode who repres
ented Cass County- at the committee
meeting indignantly protesed against
the bargain and sale; but was powerless
to obtain a fair apportionment. The
Herald hopes to see Cass County send
up the number of delegates nhe is cn
itled to, to the nominating Convention
and these demand full equal nd fair
repesentation, this is the right and
proper thing to de.
Benjamin F. 'Bctleh, ; Governor
elect of tho. Commonwealth of Massa
chusetts, is. meeting much serious oppo
sition from the dissatisfied elements
of the different parties by whose fusion
and united . support he. . was elected
Tbe Greenback-Labor nartv nn
year ago, tools up Mr. Butler and nom-
natedi. hiCU, .-l.-v!7u tbc demoonw;
of Massashujsetts followed suit and en
dorsed this nomination. No sooner
did Benjamin ascend the. throne than
ho forgot figuratively jspeBking the
"Gods of his I'athcrsf"the greenback,
and developed into a full grown, well
developed, democrat advising . his
Greenback-Labor Iriends that thev
were vidicated, having voted tor him
Butler and that the. best thing.they
could do was to disband as a political
organization ( end move into the demo
cratic -canip. ' The', result of all this i6
this Greenback-Labor party discovered
Mr. Butler was a much better demo
crat than he ever had been a labor re
former," and' now some, hundreds ot
these -labor gentlemen have cot them-!
selves..togetLer and naoiTea to go hunt
ing; after Mr.-iiuller's scalp The les
son to be drawn from all this, is that
the professional politician who espouses
the. cause of any political party that
comes in his way, for the sake of po
litical advancement, always treats light
ly bis pledges and promises. Mr. But
ler is no exception to this rule, and his
defeat in Massachusetts is ireely pre
dicted by well informed men in that
Republicans .of Cass county have
a duty to perform at their County Con
vention on Thursday next which should
be discharged calmly, considerately and
wisely. The hopes of the Cass county
democracy are pinned to the belief that
local jealousies, and personal f.uds,
among republicans, will result in dis
tasteful nominations to one side or the
Other, of the party, and a refusal
among the disappointed candidates and
their friends to cordially acquiese in,
and heartily support, - the ticket. Al
ready the enemy are boasting that the
seeds pf discord are sown from which
they hope to reap this kind of harvest
at the ensuing election. . The Herald
here, before any further steps are taken
in the nominations of our county offi
cers, counsels moderation, and conser
vative action, .among all parties striv
ing for. these places , let it be a friend
ly strife, such as sensible republicans
always indulge in- If any republican
is found advocating a vindicative
course towards some other member of
his partyf he does not happen to agree
with, or whom he fancies t.aa not done
bis duty as a party man, remember that
individual is not a safe counselor . nor
wise leader. . ' v
One other, suggestion .Tub Herald
here desires to ' make to the delegates
elect, who wil) represent the .party." in
Cass county, oa ' Thursday next, and
that is. that the very first 7 requisite of
the gentlemen whom thev : shall name
as their choice to fill the several conn
ty offices for the ensuing, term, will be,
that they shall be competent, efficient
men; pot good politicians of -great in
fluence and idaHiJv (MjM&
but honest, efficient, painstaking pffic
lals with whom our-County affairs can
be safely intrusted. In' county affairs
this in the temper of the Cass, county
yeomanry, and The Hekald trusts it
is not trespassing upon the bounds of
propriety us a public journal in' inak
ing these suggestions to the delegates
who will compose the rppublicau con
vention on Thursday nest.
Experience has taught the .xepubi it-
can party of Cass couuty, as well as ot
very many other counties in Nebraska,
that the party -yoke -sits lightly upon
the shoulders of the citizen, when de
ciding upon the fitness, and competen
cy, of candidates for the management
of county affaire, e-pecially where the
reputation or standing of the ludivid
ual is brought iu question. So grea
has been the jealousy of tha people up
on this point that upon several occas-
ions,. we have seen excellent . men de
feated in this county becauso they
were not well enough known by the
people of the county, or on account of
damaging campaign stories which could
not be met, and refuted in - time to
place the . individual right before the
public. Recognising these facts and
believing that tho -safety of the party
requires and demands the nomination
of our best men. The Herald hopes to
see good nominations made upon
Thursday next at. Weeping Water.
Editor of the Herald: Tn your
paper of last Saturday I notice an ed
itorial referring to the apportionment
of delegates made by the central com
mittee of this judicial district at the
meeting last week. It may be well to
know why, and upon what basis, the
affairs of the district are relegated to
one county." Tho Chairman in his
cajl does not tell what the basis of ap
portionment b, but the State Journal
said it was based upon the votes cast
for Mr. Strode for district Attorney at
the last election, allowing quo delegate
for every 1H0 votes or major fraction
thereof. .
The omcial vote tor Mr. strode
in this district was as follows; Cass,
1,774; Lancaster, 3,746; Otoe, 1,425. If
the apportionment was based upon this
vote, Cass is entitled to 13, Lancaster
25 and Owe 9 "delegates. But the
chairman in his call say6 it was ordered
that Otoe have 12 derogates, Lancaster
25 and Cass 12. It seems the commit
tee in the magaaminiiy of their hearts
have given to Otoe three delegates
more than she is entitled to. Can these
gentlemen explain why Otoa couuty is
thus complimented? Was there any
bargain and sale in this business?
Aud we should like to know further
why the vote for Mr. Strode was made
the basis of apportionment in Lancas
ter and Cass counties. Is it not be
cause it gave to Lancaster county an
advantage? Let us see. In Lancas
ter county the Anti-Monopolists prin
ted Mr. StrodcB name on their ticket
and the result was that Mr. StrA ran
morn thi soo-rtes ahead of the aver
age republican vote. This being true,
the apportionment of delegates should
have been based upon some other vote,
because it does not represent fairly the
republican voters of this district.
For the state convention the appor
tionment io based upon the votes cast
for Mr Roggen for Secretary of State,
and one delegate at large from each
county, which gives Cass 13, Lancaster
24 and Otoe 11 delegates. Why is this
not a lair apportionment for the judic
ial convention? If there is any reason
why it is not. it is found in the fact
that Mr. Roggen ran 230 votes ahead of
the average republican state ticket in
Lancaster and 134 ahead in Otoe and
only 15 ahead in Cass.
Referring to the official vote, I have
taken the number of votes, cast for
Dawes, Agee, Powers, Roggen, Kendall.
Wallachs, Clark, Jones and Wvaver
being all the State officers except re
gent of the university and includes
Congressman and . find that the aver
age vote cast for these officers in the
three counties, was 3,217, in Lancaster;
1,735 in Cass; and 1,323 in Oloe. -Al
lowing one dclegatejbr every 150 votes
or major portion thereof, and one dele
gate at large, from each county, would
give to Cass 13, Lancaster 22, and Otoe
10 delegates. . -
Therefore, it is plain to be seen that
thef apportionment of delegates made
by the judicial committee, does not rep
resent the republican votes of the dis
trict fairly, and is especially arbitrary,
unfair and unjust to Cass county.
The apportionment agreed upon by
the committee, " e are informed, was
carried tnrough by the three committee
men from Lancaster and Mr.Murfin, of
Otoe, who had a proxy and voted two, Mr. v Watson, of Otoe, , and Mr.
Strode of Cass approving it.
" We are reliably informed that Mr
Murfln, of Otoe, worked at tho polls
last falf against Mr. Strode, and no r
votes with Lancaster committeemen to
haye the apportionment upou the vote
cast forthat office iu. Lancaster. county.
where by the aid of the anti-monop
vote he ran more than 500 ahead of the
average repuhUoua ' Ucfcet ou the coo-
di'inn that Lancaster committeemen
will vote to .aite Otoe county two or
three tit-locates ait a matter of cotirtesv. 1
D - V r
so that she uay have as many delegates
as Cass. After having worked against
Mr. Strode to reduce his vote in Otoe
county, Lancaster votes him reward
for his treachery.
This apportionment ia s itufair to
Cass county that tho republican conven
tion which meets at Weeping Water
next Thursday ought to denounce It
and elect 13 or 11 delegates to the Judi
cial convention and demand ndc6h
tend for their admission and their
right to fairly represent Cass county.'
. Yours for the right,
Republican Votkk.
LXOLASD s IiOru Chiet Justice was
the guest of the Rostoniuni -the other
day, where, he, in a choice "after, dinner
speech, sparkling with wit and humor,
paid an elegant compliment to the dis
tinguished mca'of this country, of the
past and present, who are famou? ft
their literary nnu professional accom
plishments, a compliment which, com
ic ir from the source it does is
particularly pleasant to American enr
Lord Coleridge in this little speech
proves himself to be a master of the
after dinner diplomacy, aud a jolly.
eloquent cuest. The lollowiug is the
closing portion of his speech n re ported
iu the Chicago Times:
Gentlemen: Passing away from the
kindness, and cordiality, and generosi
ty of (Jen. Butler, how am 1 to rise to
the heights which the recollections of
Massachusetts and of Boston would
fain invite me to aspire to? 1 speak in
the neighborhood of Bunker hill, in the
neighborhood of T wharf, which a friend
ot mine has told me siuce 1 came into
this room has nothing to do with the
Boston tea light. 1 scorn such strictly
historic accuracy. 1 believe faithfully
that that admirable beverage which.
you have brewed ever since, has been
improved cdnce the tight at T wharf.
I have seen your old staie-housi?, with
the lion and unicorn upon it. 1 have
seen your noble building, in which
your two houses assemble, with Gen.
Burgoyne's canon in the ante chamber,
1 have seen Fanueil hall, a plain but
magnificent building. I have seen tln-t
most maguincent building within a
few miles of this piace tnc Memorial
hall of Harvard university. Gentle
men, these things are full of interest
and history ; ana I don t believe men
who tell me you have no history. It
uiay ue you navessiwu History, ue
cause you can not help it; but you have
a great history.
You have a history of which any
commonwealth may justly and rightly
be proud. You know forgive ray van
ity if I say that I know, too that you
bred Beujamau Franklin, aud Daniel
Webster, and Joseph Sioryaud Theo
dore Parker. Daniel Webster, whose,
hand I was privileged a3u boy at Et-.n
to press when he was in England its
your represtative, and whose eloqu"'c
1 have humbly studied ever tu"f, tyry
a household word with.- "try S'16"
lawyer; Parker, pW'? of Jour
highest aud gr-st souU; Hawthorn,
if you wiii ioigive the expression of a
foreigner, is perhaps, taken altogether,
almost your foremost man of letters ;
Longfellow, tne delight and daring of
two hero"Pueres; Holmes, the Auto
crat of the Breakfast table the auto
crat, if he chose, of every dier table,
too: but there 1 am told he is content
to play the part of a constitutional sov
ereign. Emerson, as broad aud as strong
as one of your long rivers, and as pure;
Lowell, I am proud to say, my own
honest friend, your leprescutative at
this moment in my own country. Like
Garrick in Joseph Reynold's picture, he
excels either in tragedy or comedy, and
is delightful whether as Hosea Biglow
or as James Russel Lowell, skilled with
equal genius to move the hearts of his
readers whether to smiles or lears.
A nd Howells, tue last of your Ameri -
can invaders who have taken England
by storm. These are yourgtones, these
are the men who make your history.
These are the men forgiye me for say
ing it ot whom you ought to be proud
if you are not heartily proud.
"Gentlemen, in the person of a very
humble Englishman on one side, aud
of this great company on the other, let
me think that England and America
have met together to-night; that they
have come together, and may ever stay
together. Gentlemen, we are one, as
Washington Alleton said, and most tru
ly said the great painter and the poet
who worked in this city, aud who lies
not far off in the Cambridge church
yord we are one in blood, we are one
in laneure?, we are one in law, we are
one in hatred of oppression and love of
liberty. We are bound together, if I
mav reverently say so, by God himself
in eolden chains or mutual' affection
and mutual respect, and two naiions so
joined together, I am firmly convinced-,
man will never put assupuer."
One Thousand Bottles of March's Gol
den Balsam to be UiTen Away.
Kvery person in Platiaraoulh, who is
suffering with Consumption, W'rafc
Lungs, Bronchitis, a c-ough or Cold.
Sore Throat, lloarsenes 3, Croup, Whoop
ing Cough, Asthma, cr any disease of
the Throat or Lungs, can obtain a trial
botle of Marsh's Go.Iden Balsam, the
great Cough remedy, free of charge, by
calling at Smith & Black Bros' Urug
store, Plattsnioutb.
Persona who have tried this valuable
medicine can-procure the large bottles
at 50 cents and $1. Thousands of' bot
tles have been given away to prove iu
extraordinary merit. -. two doses will
For all Blood disorders and Liver
complaints uae Marsh's Golden Blood
& Liver Tonic - It purifies the Blood,
invigorates the Liver, Stomach and
Bowels, regulates the Kidneys - and
strengthens the system. Sampta bottle
The Newest, The IJest, The 3Iot Comjricte aud
Our Big Hevv Stoclc i
Came for Tiargain Hunters in Every Department.
IPrlccs that (Other Will Motfl
eal and economical buyers
ns liemilt will more than
the Glorion
purchase you make of us litis
Our iPsiirtm(-l! is
A Hard Crowd "Wo Cannot
Oun Low and One Price System i
iesjin o2S2riE3
for onr competitor?, but a reat ojport unity lor you... Wo have by
far the Largest, Newest and I EST f-fock of Mens' Youths' JJov. and
children s ..-....
ever .shown in
Plaftsnioiith. .Visitors AVfAeniiiP.'' No trouble tohow
niake's New Euilding, Opposite City Hotel. - '
A FIXE LOT OK '" " - V '- .'
- COD FISII. Abo a choice lot of ; ; ,. ?
We have a fine toek of
mmmcB family grebieq,
Fancy rands ot :
I have In Ktoc a fine line of
Queensware, Glassware, Lamps,
&?. All our goods are new and freeh.
.Will Eiclame lor Country Prodncer Linseed Oil Meal Always on Haul
Next door to Court House, Plattemouth, Neb,
udnwsm ' M. B, MURPHY & CO.
Daily Express Trains tor Oiuvba. Chicago
Kama City. Bt. Loui. nod ail point Eaoi.
Thrpuzb Cum via Peorta to Ind anpoll. Ele
cant Pullman Palace Can and dy coacbrt or
aU thioiub tralaa, aad Iiaia can caM ot fciis
aouri rtver ...... ....
. 4 - - -
- Through Ticket at tbe Lowest Bata are on sale at all Ibe Important station. c4
will b aiiadMti to destiaetiua. Any iaforuiatioa aa to rate, routes or time CmX.-i
KSjtVtfrtlXy XucsJbe4 iua PpUdUi9 to any antorj to
F.U , UTtD, OtBfOl Tlctort ArS C-"
tliif is a Groat Opportunity uud
Please Von. Jlemcniber every
t-liall lo
hmm'tip-c, iiiul i( i
Dally Express traias (or -Dervr
to Cnlou iMpoKoraU poioUlaC' r
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bin Use kIvm tba travelar a 'w
Weal .wrti secaery aad advanta? I
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