' ...... V : TYy.: ' ' T'l. IIMJ t I - V .. era ilit.f. " ' ! J ft.?: 1 VOL. I. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, FJUUAY EVENING, AUGUST. 21, 1883. NO. ,cr ) o ri -' f . f ct ;' 1 I. I- i . ; y 44 v ! " K f 1 i CROGKEBY, GLASS Greatly Reduced1 Fricds. Owing to my continued bad health I have concluded to sell out my stock of goods, and wishing to reduce stock, I shall sell from now at prices, way below their actual value, my stuck of CKOUKEltY. GLASS QUEENSWARE, LAMPS AND TABLE CUTLERY. Partita desiring anything in the al;ve line, bbould iall early, before the selection it 'woken. - - " IP. JJ. m Altf SIEKJ. JiJ!IAN 1 1 ATT Beef, Pork, Mutton ant Ma-rer to A. 4i. II ATX. HE A.DQT7 AliT.nS FOE CHOICE Siiar-Cured Ham?, 1'acon, Salt Meats of all kinds, Lard Bologna, and all other articles kept in a first-class meat market. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 1- The Highest Maiket Price r-aid for Hides,. Wool, Pelts, Grease, Etc. -o Fresh Lake Trout and White Fish Morning. THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Full Line General Merchandise. ILanrest Stock and Lowest Prices. Call.and? Satisfy Yourself AT JOSEPH V Oh, have arrived, and I Dry Goods Dress Goods, Trimmings Etc., at lowkr trices Hny other house in the country. Also a full line of Groceries, at prices to defy cm etion. W. H. No old stock to work off. The latest patterns tf GLASS AND QUEENSWABB nora a.np i bovisioxs. the highest maiiket trice I AID 1CIJ COlMrfY i i.orrcK. DREW "BUILDING, Pi-ATTSMOUTH. ASW- AT J. W. A1AKT1113 Every Thursday will continue to tell & Notions than Veal WEGKBAGHS Yes Queensware AXD Yours Respctfully, fLATTSMOOTH HERALD PUBLISHED DAILY 1ND WEEKLY The PlattsnMlH Heralf PaHiskiu Co. O? 3R2wi:S: DAILY, delivered by carrier to any part of the city Per Week $ 15 Per Mouth co Per Year 7 00 WEEKLY, by mail. Jne copy tlx month ?I 00 Hie cvy year 200 KcKltlereU mt e Post Office. PUttti-niouth, as ser-oud clata muter. Tjik Supreme court of Nrbrka hits dismissal thts Hpplic itii ot CoutrMctor kSilveit 111 the matter of the leuiu of the Blute ;apiUl contract and all g ol citiZf oa ought to be s titled with the judfineut wl findings of ttie court. Doubt. es Mr. tJilwrs ii tuucli better autiBflrd than if he had trusted Ins ens. to thu tuudr &uiderutiou of the demouraiic party for ctinpiijn fodder aiiu uai'iiueiu a coiiaiuerauou ucsiucs to receive and retr the foundling, and it is but fair toaiauiui that that pur tj ol'm stortune.iscoiirutulating itself that ii luts escaped such a iutliciion'aud the btate h 8 probal y had lis eye opened iu regid to .ue ..peculiar legislation ? . wuicn r-qnires a muy uevelupea cu- irucior . witn.H fuilv developed stone quarry to be tlliiMe to bid upoi feucli jyjbs. .. In the meantime Mr. Sil vers will learn to bid iudutj fona the ueXt time. John Polix lisinw reached a point iu Lis case w heu but two slender hopee ate left him. The Supierae Court otNe' bruska vxamiuing his case fail to liud thateirorm the- record which woulu warrant them iu reversing the tame aod remundiug it to the Diatiici Court of Caa cotiuty for rc-trtal. Iu other worua tUat tribunal say they find from the record presented, thai Johu W. loliu has had a lair and impartial trial at the baudb of the Court and a jury of his- ueer. and tuat liu judgment uud Sentence o. the District Court of Casts touuty in us: be affirmed. Th;lat two resorts aie, first, a motion tor a re-hearing, which cau be made by i'oliu's counsel, aim which the Supreme court will pass upon; iu this case, wnich has beeii so thoroughly prepared and argued, ot course, lucre is lime prooauilily thai such a step would avail the prisouer ituyiliiug; iheaecoudaud last hope is. au appeal to the Executive of tueStaU for tt coiuiuutaiiou ot the sentence, aia appeal audr-tsed to the cou.tof mere wmcli the cuiistitutiou guarantees to the citizuu under eeuteuce of death Tliesc are slender , threads for poor Po lio to trust 10, but they are all the hope he has all the barrier that t-xisis be tween the doomed mau and the bloou thirsiy gallowo, the aveuger cf poor MetU-er. iin-j.w ... It tins $a iecbted it will be the tire 1 case of tbj lawtul iuliicliou of the Uea.h penalty iy the officers of the law, in the history of Cais coauty. Theke is a eciiou of tue Nebraska Press itiat baa been criticisiug the Ne braska euj rcme court whicn if it de an e cau tiud total for rcfl.ciion in the preseut action o: tue supreme court iu the Poliu murder case tiomCass coun ty. To our mind, it is a fortunate cir cuiua a .co that mis Po.in casH from Judge Pouud'a district and the Simmer mau case from Judge Gaslin's district should botu staud for trial iu the su prvme court at the same time. With able, counsel repreaeuiing the prisoner at eaca step iu his case, and a conservative ia respecting jade.upoi. the bencii, Juhu Poliu has been fairly tried and convicted, sosa)sthesupreuiv court; and unhesitatingly they 'affix their hands and the great aeal ot thai tiibuual to the mandate which go-s rekntieasly forth, Saying that the maj esty of the law must be luaiutaine. and that tuecitizeu must buffer the lu.l penalty of his crime; the pole, the tax payeib, who are so regi larly haraugucd iu this oiher district by its presiding judge and so comfort ably assured at each lleeliug term o court that he is there resent to see that the people are not imposed upon with expensive trials have the satisfaction ot knowing iu Judge Pouud'a district that everything has been done 'decent ly and iu order, and that no mor costs are to be inflicted iu this case up n the public. While upon the other hand the peopie of Kearney county Bbou.d be reminded that from the mis-trial of Matt Simmeriuaa follows another 'de lay of that switt and sure punishment which lie doubtless deserves and anollnr iustalimeut of those costs and taxis which they will have to pay. .There is a uioial both instructive ani profliab.e to be deduced from the dis posttiou of these two murder castf which to our way of thinking is devt-I oped at a very for'unate moment foi the iudigntut citizens uf the southwest em Judicial district: of Nebraska to ponder ov-r , . The Senator irmu Michigan, (M: Omar D. Omt, e ) fays he has "no doub that the main iaue. is tbo Preaideo- tiul Mjuub'le next ear, will bo joiued on the lanlf qucdliou. ,'iho Itepubli cans will oUiid by the tariff a. it is. Wll h llif miulili:4lion (Iikv l.v miilu " -l uud "the Democrat! will utraddie the quelious'' . . . The Senator from Michigan ia or Used to be a lawyer. 'lie probably bus some kuowledtfA of the rtuirt-meuta of pleadiogw. Ouht he uot.tncu, to explain how au issue can be joined be tween partiea one of whom leludtd to plead while the other puts iu a plea on bo'h 8ide of th case? Chic-airo Times. ;4 Tnat'a "eaey as fulling off a log. Th Republican party, will take J.idr-mc-nt by delauli, of coarse; that'a the Way they have been Uoiug lo, these mtuy yea it. - . . -: , i THE UTILIZATION OP LITCRA . TURE. - Of all kinds of. oooks. ;yer published the United states Census is I bat which coiubiues most ut.lity With feast poetry. X It is lliereiore the besD example of the uegradtion of literature-(as a poet would say) from tt hue art into a prac tical one, irom adelectiou of the imag ination to an instruction of tne uuder siatidiug. - Meanwhile the social philosopher aud economist would regard 1 be distance be tween Dante's "lnleruo" and Mn ton's r'l'aradise Jost' ou Hie one hand and the United States Census on the uilivr as a long ascent in the inarch of the world iioui the rule of faucit'ul miscon ceptions to the ascendency ot fccitntitic tiuth iu iHattc-rs. The United titutes Census is typical, both as being the Inchest type of the American iuea of the utilization of lit erature, and as being the most truly origiual of American literary produc tions, lis c inception is original aud Americau. Our rirat census was takeu in ll'JO. England's first census was not taken until I80I. No census was taken iu iiciand until lSGl.uiid the first imperial census of the- wiioie lirinsii empire was takeu iu 1871. The occa sional enumerations ot population aud a lew collateral statistics which arc made ou the continent of Europe have not yet aspired to the dignity at a cen su.. On the very surface of our literary life therefore, as a nation, it may be tteen that our mission and function is to util.ze literature in three ways; tirst,by making its truths relate to the largest number, iudeed to the absolute whole, ot our American social bodt : second iv y collating concerning this wnole the very latgest array of tacts; aud, third- OS by presenting these facts and the economic laws which are deductible irom mem, 111 the most exact manner, and least glossed by imagination or pre- verted by mterest. In England, on the continent of Eu rope, and in the literary life of the au- cit-m world, literature was kept as a nuu art by con lining its scope, sympa- tnies, and utilities to the few. Iu Amer ica the United States CebaUa tstheiiiere orei unuer ot a vast, aud iu the "liue art" sense a vulgar, phalanx1 of repub itcan boks, whost; object seems to be to Uegiade the functions of types, ink, and paper, until every Americau citi zen shall be able to read his biography in print, accompanied by his portrait anu a cut of ins farm, his fac ory or ids store. Our histories of states, couu ties, cities and towns of thebench and bar" ana "eminent mm" of states aud counties, of the "great farms" of par ticular sectious, aud all in the direct iou indicated. The item w is recently pub lished that the largest edition (in bulk aud weight avoirdujjois) of a single ork ever published iu America was re cently shipped Irom Chicago to Kansas, iloff many tons it weighed or how mauy trains of freight cars ere re quired to carry it we do not how state, out it was a history of Kansas, satisfac tory and useful, doubtless, to the people of that state. Jay Gould began his business career by aurveyiug bis native county of Del aware, N. Y., and writing up its history iu a book. Both the map and the book are excellent works of their class and are slid ixtant. T'l such se-tthetic critics as uscar wuue ana nicnara Grant White such a work would be a mere step iu the ifeueral march of America towaid the bastard zatiou and arbanzatiou ol its literature Iowell. Aiurich, Edmund C. bled man, aud the like would say of them, .More putt's to inflate the vanity of cattle breeders and cabbage raisers, who have' done noth ing except to get rich at farming, aud who now buy a book whicu u mortal will ever read, because, forsooth, their nerds are theredescribed aud their ga le ends are there pictured." Tne very same critics would think an English eal-tle or a Swiss cottage, which chiefly nffered from the Delaware couuty aruier's residence in being surrounded oy lands less adapted to the raiaiug of cattle and cabbages, but equally de pendent on them tor means ot lite ex- reiuely recherche aud interesting. It is uot wholly by accideut, there fore, that the poet StedmaU, who would iuve scorned to w rite a history of a couuty, finds himself a bankrupt at .he sunset ot his career, while the man who brought inferior literary talents to a thoroughly American use, aud then urned his attention to the most Ameri cau of all manufactures, leather, aud then to the most; American of all fields of enterprise, railroads, comes out with 85.(XK),UU0. , Hut the census and these local histo ries do uot by any means comprise all, or even the major part, of the litera ture of the couuiry in which , utility overshadows aud often wholly disre ards the merely aehftic. The suc cessful new-spatter has utility constant ly in mind. literature, as an art, may be exemplified iu its columns, but that is alway s a scoudaiy consideration with (he writer of tmly journalistic instincts. Pasiug to the world of books must widely read we liud this same idea of itility , predominates. . The average American rerdrri attracted or repelled by a b ok according as he finds iu it. ouieihiug whicu interests him ou ac count of the subject malt-T, anu no e ctuse or its artistic treatment. This oia$s ot, bttoke are largely circulated by subscription. The book sWres of tbe country are few and for between, aud tne must succeasiul uubiicatlons are sold on the agency plan. Publishers have louod out that the Amcilcan pco- plo are no se,theics in liu-ratuie, but ulilttariaiih, and book maker, w hether authors er compilers, are obliired to keci thai iuea iu view. Often the wrk is done in u slovenly w ay. and no lifh order of literary ability is re qu.red to perform it, even wheu it is wed done; but with all its liabilities to abuse the standard ot util-ty marks a wholesome tendency in the world of letters. One subscription book published tn Chicago has reached the enormous sale of 40o,uoo copies, without ever being mentioned iu the uoticis of new books by auy newspaper, or being placed on the shelves ot the book trade. Sacll hooks are nevtr advertised, and, as a rule are ut telly unaowu by even their titles in literary circies or .to literary men Six 01 the lead ing V works of ttiis kind published iu Chicago aggregate a sale of pioba biy 1, 200.0 cp it", and it is safe to say that Lowei', Aldrich and Stedman nev er heard of either oue of them, ami never will. lutcr-Ocean. Republican State Convention. 'lilts ltiuulic!li elector vl the felale ol Ne braska arc iirrvby called to xe.iU delegates fnnii lUe ever.il couull.- l ncct 111 tiiate Cuuveittiiin at l.lneulu, Wed-.-esda) . SepleuiUer in;, a. 1. Ishj. t & o'clock u. ui.. lo. nit- biir- iiose tn' il..cin iu iiouili.ai.iou cauaidaleM for tne lowing iiuiuett oil ices, lo-wlt ; due .lualiceol llie nupr-iue i'ouil. 1'wo Kencun 01 tne buiv-rnity. Oue Luivelaity Iteeul to 11.1 vacancy. 'lilt -everil eouutie re eulllled toiepie seuiatloii in Hits eiaia Couveblioo, us ioilowv, ba ed itou tne vole carl lor K. I. Kokcu tor aecr taiy ol stale, k1v.uk oue tfltKai 10 eacu oue liuuored aud Ul.y 0 v) voles uud ue tlel etfale lor llie Iractlwu ol seveulj-tivK (7i; Votes or over ; also vuv detesate lor each urKauheu cuuuiy Couutie Del. 1 Counties Del. Adauie 7 I Johnjti I Antelope r I Keaiuey 3 hooue o 1 iveiiii 1 Ituualo. 6 I lvuox 6 liuner Hurl hiuu Cass Cedar Chryeuuet. Clay Collax .... . 6 1 l-aiicii-lcr 24 Si Lincoln 4 . o I Looi 2 .13 1 Mauiou .0 ..1 1 Merrick 4 i iNaui'c 2 . x 1 .Ncuieli;i y .4 .5 .1 .3 . . 1 . 4 .. .3 ..4 ..Hi ..1 . .0 .Nucivoili 4 Oloe II 1'awuee .. s r-lielpn 3 Cuuiiug ... Cliase Custer Clieny Dakota Llawsou Uixou ouKias.... luud 1-iiiiiore . . Franklin ... Frouiier.... Furuas liaKts llerce ' 1'latie 6 Tola 5 lied ttilluw 4 Kit-liarduon 12 .-m1uij 9 parpy 4 Saunders 9 Seward... . 2 alieemau 3 .5 ! Elai.tou. .2 11 I ..loux 1 Oopper ,.' ifcreeeiey... 'i all llaiuiltou 7 Hariau 4 lincncock u hayer 6 Vuliey 4 w-jtsiiiugtou a v. ayim 3 Wheeler 2 WeOsler. Holt 5 1 Vora 8 Huwaid 3 Jelfersou.. b I Total.. 371 It is it-commended tliat-nu proxies be ad mitted to llie convention, except Mich ts are neid iy inrrfttaf reMdiUit in ine counties irom which ine proxies are K'e.i. o:o. W. ik. t-oasKV, Clialrman. S. B. CoLse.s , aecivtary. BANKS. JOHN FlTZOKHALL, A. W. McCACOHIJf fiesldect. Cashier. FlrtST NATIONAL ! OF TTMOUTIi. NUBKASKA, OlTen very best facilities for the prompt transaction ot legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, bonds, liold. Goverumeut ami Loea Securities Hou-;tH and sold, Lieposits receiv ed aud interest allowed ou luue CeriiU catco, Uraft1 drawn, available in any part ol the United Stales aud all toe principal towun ot Kurope. Collections made t promptly remitted. Highest market prices paid for County War rants. State aid County Bond)1. DIRECTORS : John Fitzgerald A. H. Touzalio. John K. Clar-c. K. V. Cufhing. Geo. E. Dovey, F. K. Wliite. A. W Kcl.Huehlln. . WEEPINGLWATJKR... , WEE PINO WATER. E. L. REED, I'resideut. NEB. B. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. R. S. WILKINSON. Cashier. A General BanjoiiE Easiness Tmcled. Received, aud Interest allow d cb Time Certi floates. UBAVTH Drawn available la any part of the United States and all the principal cities of Europe. AgenU fur the celebrated - Haimt Line of Steamers. Sank Cass County Cotner Mala and Sixth Streets. 1 PLATTSMOTJTH KEB 1 JOHN BLACK. President. 1 1 M. FATX KU02i. . Cashier, f Transacts a General Banting Business. HIGHEST CASH x'RICE Paid tor County and City War. -ants. COtLKC riOXH MAURi and Dromptly remitted for. . L .. .:. DIKXCCTOUS t - John Black. J. M. Pat rsonr C. H. larn el . P. B Outbrnans. J. fH orruwey. :A. B. ; 1 .-.."'! '.--.' " ' " A qnan l Can bohad at the City Hotel ''for onW:i. 25.ceDts and ltnljnne at same reaaonalile tatea. - Farmers and Commercial ' MrB- will please bear tbi la tsiod. dAwtfj LTJMEEB. RICHEY OF PBABL -DEALERS IN Lumber, kh,Doors, Blinds GeaiGnti Plaster, SSaas1, laowest Hates. Terms CacI JUST RECESIVEDi A FINE LOT OK MACKEREL, LAIiUADOKE IIEUUING, TIM)UT"VILD WAV COD riSlI, A no n choice lot of , Wc have a CBCOIQE J? A Mil .Z. "an; rands of MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI FLOUR. I have In Ua a lino Hue of .-. - Queensware, Glassware,, LS&frips, , v. &.C. All our Koodn are new and frexh. Will Eichante lor Country Produce. Linseed Oil Meal Always oa ijiflf Next door to Court House, Plattsmouth, Neb', 1 . nd-62w3m M. B. MURPHY CO. IFILOILJIE, A At Wholcsaleand-.JBcfail.-. '. Cash pxi for all kinds of country produce. Call and see rne, Opposite First National Kaiik. jj. if. b ATDMEirsiriE m EASTWARD r Dailv RxDres9 TrainR for Oinvha. Chicaifo. Karvax 'itv. St. txHiH. --tod -nil iMints F.-At Ihroinrh via Pforla to Ind anspolio. EU- rant Pullman Palace Cr snd dy eoaeht on an tni n--u trains, and vmiag car east 01 Mis souri river - - - t Through Ticket at the Lowest Rate nre on Will b checked destiiif tion. Anv Information cumtiuijr iiuuiBucu ujivu iiiicuvb i any jjKPOi nr ci P. 3- EI7STIS. Oneral Ticket Agent. Omaha. Neb. "BURLINGTON- hOUTE'V ... (Ch'cago, Burlington &. Ouincy Hv. 'road.) GOINO EAST AND WEST. ! Elefsjit Dy Coach. Psj-Jot Cxi with Bactni Ting Cha mti free). Smofeia? 'Can. with B- f rrofrizv Chairs, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars aad kha famous C. B.tQ. Dtnlrtjr t ajs run diuy to ao4 ifront CWca & ICarMos Cktf. ibicaeo &. oubcU BhuTa, Chicago dt Ves Motnea. fbicao, St. Ju wepb, Atchison v Tor lea. Only through Una be kwiatu Chlcaoa. LIbomb M DanTer. . Throurb ears between Inrlmnapolis Council Bfuffa yja Pooria. All eonnoctlooa made la Union Depots. It ia koawBsattia vmtTWBOWW CAB UJOfcV . r; . Flfiwt Caulppod Railroad In tht p J. POTTEB. 3d Vlce-Preat and OeoT Maaacer. ' " " " y iTJMBBE BUOS, -A.1STID OIEVmiSTTir ALL KINDS OF1 ! flue tock nt - ' " !;!.-, 'f 1 - - , Y N D- .- ;; WESTWARD Dily P.xprers train for Direr connectluii In nnloii l-of for all point in Colorado. Utah. California and tlieoiire Wet. Th advent of tlil- lia" plves the traveler a ew Koute to the et with sentry aud u van taes uut?jualed elsewhere. - . sale at all the lmnrra.nt vtatiAn. and baegare win Co a to ratvt. ronLrx or tlmn thl . GOlUd WORTH AMO SOUTH man Palace Kleepine Cars are run dallr to and. OnlM Train, Dmiit TW rVta.liM Vi-ll BurUturcon. Oedar IcaoldsMd Aibert Lea to St Paul and MuiBMpolis; Parlor Cars with Beclioiaf; Chairs to and rrn b Lotus aad Peoria aod to. and from bt Louis and Ottwnwt. Our 00c chaoira of cars between St.- Loust aol Dm .viotses. low. IJnooln. Nebraska, and Dosrr Colorado. . , It UuaivenaSr admitted to be tb . World for all-Classos of Travel PEBCEVAL LOWELL. Oeo. Paaa. Agt, ChicagpJ . .. .. . - - 1 1 1 .iiHsaa.