, imi pMiw : ; " I HOUsE " BLOCK. PLATTSUOOTH HERALD. JUL " Order taken for V ILSON I3R08.' MHlRTf. j. PB If II OPERA. IICUSE PUBLI30KDr lie i Plattaoitl Heral FttlfflttCo. GENTS' AWD . nJRMSHIR; r TOST OFFICE "tSews Depot, Telegraphic. STATIOXEttY. NOT C3A.lST3jX3Q Aj5!3D C1GAB8. James f otteo MASON & HAMLIN 1 IIRNRY F. MILLEK and 7 THE CYCLONE. The Almost Complete De struction ofltochester Minnesota. HYA'K KICO B. TODTJ'S Hardware E AT SAGE'S OLD STAND. ON LOWfcK MAIN STREET. TTIlie IHJest JLine of (Lock Stoves, . m (Kasoline Stoves, c Tinware 66 66 (General Marclwarc The Southern Scourge. Miscellaneous News. Rochester. Minn, August Governor Hubbard. St. laul : Koclies- ler U in ruins. Twenty-lour persons are killed and over forty seriously in jured. Oue-lhird ot tuectiy is waste. Wo need inuaeiliate neip. (Sign, d) 8. WuiTTKN, Mayor, lu less than three luiuutts 85,000 were raised and eut to the suflerer. Telegrams werewul to all the citiea in the states, calling on them for aid; de tails to follow. Miuneopolis, Minn,Augut 2t. i uc- a W a I. day evening t H o'clK hocuwivi was oue of the umsI beauti.lul cities iu the weat. Ten minutes later lis bcaut had disappeared, and in parts of the city ruin and ilesolatioU reigned. A t.rrib.e cyclone had vMted the city iaviiK' .'siiuctiou aiid Uiath in its ! trark. Just one mould- ago a To tie found In the Ctty. New Uooi at prices th-l defy con.petlon. Give n.e a call A MIL EG UMID. mm wlwm We liave Just received flue u-ssormmt of AND Spring Wagon Tops, w iloh o will sH ac prices itbia th reach of ; U. (Dome and See Tanpy a-vr rj-r r.WF.IENTalTOP MAXU- THE LIG IITEST. TUltED ..nfii Rv5 "and LailiesSaddle at AIM aiOiupiiric.i.iu!ii---i - - J.a.CHAMBERS & SON BROS Warranted to be as good aa any wire made. TVe also keep in stock a general assortment of IIAUDWAUE, STOVES and TlWwAIlE,Mfll a, cheap a. any Hardware l.ouse in the eountry. C all and see ns in the uockwoou mvca.. .vukyy V II 111 I And Tinners' Stocft ALL KINDS KCRSALEBV Jlgxcelsior ST. LOU IS. MO 1 Cass County Iron Works WAFJIAA & KIRBY, Propr's. Plattsmoiitli. n STeT3. BOniLJElRS, ENGINES IltON KIWKVTS p HOUSE COLUMNS. rf,ciliti. orbe.jwork ?om mo. Ai CiDg..for Bu.lo. Hou. n A?Bib'EPASIK'N of all kind.. Our Machine Shop I. fnllj enippod 'iSV'ilK mituri.,;. W. dupUcr rtl .asterr prlcea.-a.rtag PLATTSMOUTH, 3 . I ....rl Nnu ryi-loUH paseu aix " It psed through. The day had been beautiful and warm until evening, when clouds begun to gather and the atmosphere was opprensiv heavy and ... r..nr nVlni'k it frtellied as I 1 1 J I . . " ' " j though it had bigun to clear up, but ttooo a heavy hi net- ch'Utl came from the northwest au.l rain fell heavily. Dir ctU afier six immediately the cum-:s assumed a gieeiii.sh appearance that is foreiuu-ier f tliis terrible vim- t.ii-t, accfniiauied by a rumbling niise. In a shrt time the wind rose, mcna- ing iu vehci y until the full force of the cyclone was upon us. W nai w ouce a well populated portion of the city was h scene of rui.i, to describe ihle. It must be aecu rw -v r for a mind to grasp the terrible destruc tiou, The cyclone possessed the same peculiarities which marked the one on July 21. The main course through the lower part or the town, but its force was fell in all parts of the! city, Its r.auka were aimolv wonderful. It de- molished well built Htructures ' on Broadway, doiuguo harm to adjacent buildings beyond overturning of chim neys aud stripping covering from r mf'i. One great beauty of the city w is its maiiv tree that lined its streets. Of these hundreds were either torn down or broken off. and many street were rendered impassable by their be ing til ed with trunks or limbs .Some were gripped '.ar. eveu the bark be in stripped ofi", aud it will be ye ir be fore Kociiestcr can recover its loss. Tuat pirtioo ol the city north of the railroad, called lower town, received the moit damage. There is not a house uninjured aad not to exaeeJ tweuty are left standing. In soma pares it looks at a diatauce ai thoag'i th ;re uvtf r ha.i been a building in that portion ot tne city, while i not liar stfetious are remains of houses t show the terrible destruc tive force of the wiud. A soon as thi i-ycloae liad passed an 1 people iu more favorel portioiis of city begun to learu ot the d.iu.ige, they went at ouce to the lower to n to reader what as- sUtauce Jheycmhi, many working all niirh digging the dead from the debris. T e wouudod wer conveyed to Back's h .tel and the Wiuoua Imuse, Llr. lay er's office aud private residences. While a i kqw ttie destruction had been fear liil, iio idea of it could be obtained un til nprt lnoraiiiz. wluu it- hrroiB were appd-ing lo heboid. Com mi ncing a tthe J, E. Co k iouh . n theS'-. r.-l. w net wa uucirely dmiiiishei. the cycloae next took Le- land's residence, baru anJou b uMins, n:J leaviu- s I J srau ju, m 11 tnniugh ihe lower to.vu. Fro.u the ap pearance of whe gr.muJ it seem as thong i a territio fl Kd had swept over this section. la amy pUcjs wnere ther-' had heu a reidenc, scarcely a b ard was ielt on lit premises. The aras is filled with dirt s.id as if a mud Hv stream had b.'eu poured ove it E uly Wednesday m Tniu an orgati iieit movement was made to care for the wouuded. A committee was ap pointed and au appeal issued to larger C'; ies for aid. The total losses loot up about $400.00J; ten business blocks were unroofed. 5) h .uses with con tents W e demolished. 200 hjuses dam aged, aud the court house and rout-d house uu roofed. J. M. Cole, a promi nent business man owning four mills, was picked up and hurled to the ground b eaking every tne. Mr. McQuillan. Mrs. Steele. Mrs. Zurruth and August Zn ruth, Mrs. Osborn, and auut, Mrs. Fred Cl-ugh, Mrs. Wetherbee, Mr. Hl zell, William Uiggins, Mrs Quick and cbiid and Miss McCormisk were a.l kUIjJ. Eight bodies were taken into toe country by friends before their nomes were known, and four others are .-till unclaimed, making in all twenty s x killed and fifty oue are wounded sufficient to b2 under the physieian's care. Many of the wouuded are cbild- ren, who are severely Uruise-I and oth- crwhe injured injured. ' i a prn vil.t. DESTBOYED. - Chester, Fa. J August 22.-1 br1rge . itt . w unaruni ajcnis. a. paper mm . - wnrinii,i t,.niihln. was burned tnl tnoruinaf. Wb lo bum n . the boiUr in ,.i.-ia.ti. klllime oue roan, i,.hn Xf.,r.u.v. aud setiously mjurirg tw.x.r three otheri. including Lewis, AaiSl ia U a h- t.r.mrlelor. LoSS about OV,wv. which is nearly covered, by insurance. v-w Y..rk. August 22.-A fire broke .. ci r ,ri.-r 11 thisjuoiuiug in ihe Kmnim oil works. Long isiauu .j. where over 1,000 men and boys are eni .ml the wildest exciteiueu them. The flame -..rd rai.idiv and the shop was soon a wjethiua; maas of flames The local tire department was unable to cope with tire, and engines from Brooklyn ,r,. m their relief. Despite their ioniL efforts the lire communicated io ... .f liartreal auita ors in me jaru, coutaiuiug 50,000 barrels of oil, ana the exieunive lard oil works aujoining are now threatened. The damage al leauy dom i estimated at 600.000 Four workmen were aerioubly injured VKLLAiW JACK. PeiiBacola, Au,4U.t 22. -The board of liealth aunouueea that two new caaea yellow fevrr were discovered to.lay in a house on Halilax wuari. rnmHurmnUml Hamilton to search all houses in the city revealed these hidden. A Kuard has been placed around the buiidiug, which will be burned as soon a- tne sick removed to quarantine. The t Shvilois who had stolen from tnei un, Hidden in ihe house unlil nad left. Dr. Owens is reported as taken with the black vomiting. One new case at the uavy jard Unlay. XlJkt K BALL. Bay City, August 21. tirand Bapid 10. Bay City o. Kal Saginaw. August 21. Saginaws 1(1 Tiiirdoa 4. Boston, August 21. Bostons 15,NTeir Yorks 8. Providence. August 21 Providences 2W, Philad Iphiaa 0. Cleveland, Autfusi 21. Clevi luuils C, L'hit'uno's 5. ButlMo, August 21 ihiff.do 6, De troits 4. OEALKU IN SAF'A CriAiRP, fcTO, era, rr-. f. 0r Alt Description. ETALLICBTJRIALCASE f all iizcs. ready made and iold cheap for caub MY, FINK HEARSE for 00 .jf C O. Louisville HEROLU'S Branch Store! Can be found the largest and !. NOW UKAUV KOK bKKVICK. with tuaov thanks tor past patrona- invite all to call ana examine mj i.ARiie stock ur Sltf. rtrtHTI HK ASIMwrin- CLOTlfG, m. ' I Y i - "SS 5 a v CJ cL-2 r S S mm mm C a, C C3 5-4 I 1 ' mm O. 4 S IV tT- W mm- JU lew rt-r;-- r-i as. Am a . 4 psti so mem-reM- ry u 5 rship ?s r1 !S 3 the suip e? best stock of Gents' FnrnishiE Gooils. unks.Valises, Boots and Shoes, -In Cawnnty'.at Bc-d TJwlc Price. KenmnW tl.e Plc. THT. flfflESIKIDJLIID, KTanagcr. ARNICA PREPARATIONS Tt I a. " i Si . FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Persecuting the Jews. The European Outlook, Etc. Tbe Favorite Line n.rii .iiiw lilTUOUTUED ICGI,! - a,JtM rW tuina preparation. Kill. X J a I ... iiitt.t.lo inlll-- k x r i . -mwtim nnr pnii"mi i viw nf-or i uh uf HJi'. - r,,d A-.l cure l,""""r' r,vuiiM In Hal ,tlM-un. A lanii'T 4,. 4 A TUUKn. 5c THIS MAGNETIC BZVT IS WARRA10 TO KEwf-;:; without nnHlMns;--',''r H.H.afrvu -',' --a..- 4i. til' ''- ill OCUIJ and C P AMKHICAX JEWS. The Times' coiuifpoudent at St. Pet ersburg, in a dispatch referring to the .xpulsiou from St. Pertershurg ot American Jews, in accordance with the law forbidding Jews, to . live in that ,it. svs.It is not likelv that Kusaiau nfficials have been over strict in such cases, in view of the . repeated protests by the British aud American govern ments, in resrard to the treatment of the Jews. A Jew who was expelled de ,.ii., -d to ask the perfect, as a favor, to allow him to remain until he had irun- aacted W business, as he could not demand such treatment an a right. Tha norrsiumdetit ad is that as the Jewish difficulty is inur--- an economical ihau a religious one, there U little pros pect of the removal of the prohibition against Jews living in St. Petersburg and Moscow. The thousands who live in both places either belong to the privileged classes, or skilfully evade compli'incj with the law. A correspondent of the Times at Barcelona, says that after a careful inquiry, it has been louad that the people of B -irceloua had no sympathy with the recent rising. A FRENCII CAPTUKK. London. A-irust 22. A dispatch to the Times from Qomr Koug today, says .I.- u;f.nt T.mauin. ha- been taKen l,v the French. They also captured 150 cannon and 50,000 Anamite cash. The Anamites fled into the interior. tKT "KM" BCK8T. Rerl'n. August 22 The North Ger man Gazet'e, Bismaick's orgau. repU- Ing to the attacks of the trench jour nal ou Germany, anu their crv tor re venue, declir.s that Trance alone threatens the peace of E l rope. He aayi tint such a state of ffa:r cannot con tinue without herioua danger, and that the passions fomented by agitation may burst the bonds of peace. CHOLEKA. Alexaudiia.-y August 22. -Thirty-aeveu deaths from chub ra occui led here yesterday. On of the vi-..im was a British soldier. CO.NbPIHVTOKS AKUESTED. Dublin. August 22.-Dr. Connelly and Patrick Connelly nave been arrest edat Biuff. . count Limerick, on the evidence of an infrmer, charged with being connected with a murder con spiracy. Documents were found ou the pi isoners showing the conspiracy in which they were engaged, WkJi aimed at the lives ot Clifford Lloyd and others. RATHER 8HAKY Naples, August 22. Mount Vesuvius Is in a ttate of remarkable activitv. The continuous trembling of the soil has resulted iu considerable injury to the building and to the railway running up the mountain. - K. C. Sit. J.. Safest. Best ana Most KeuaDie LINE IN THE WEST. Magnificent D niag Cars. Elea t D3y Ooachca 2 St Louis Trains Daily, 2 Omaha Trams Daily, 2 Kansas City Trains Dail Ate ison Trains Daily, Two Trains for St Paul. Minneapolis, Sioux Citj1 .Vi l -ill : 1 U ! 1 1 -t'i-v-4t. Wltl Pullman Sleeping Cars, Between Kansis City ani St, Panl WI X HO 13 X CHAN GE AH trains run on time.cciineetliiR for all polnU riu. .a I'".--:' i.7 -m. brt dl . r."" llYnim T ak4-r... llc -K'"' mnl .ir. -V';'V .l,nrT Mtl a. w ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. - TO THE LADIES: US Id th r.- li-f "'! " ' ... u,- a-ut of LU carry a powornu OiaeaMs. E ast W est, North & Soutb 1 icket for sale at all regular tloket office-, ufor retf trdlu i rates, ti no, &c. clieer Ity givu .v ,ddres.l,.g ,... A. C. Dawru. ;ni'lHnpt. in'l 1'a.Ha AHn STREIGHT & CO (Hufceiisor to mrelflfht Miller. MANUrACTUBKB OF of Mamv . d lsCkinill ! naK Si. - . arte a at t j ft I tlnWTir For J1 fo.-m- or .io r;:;.iu7Uv, mall on receipt of i r.re. J " .!nJLi iiuuW o onr walat ana !' . ar.. 'r".?.' -d.iit-S to all . ar Wl M jdUl-r" wlU U-u. of tU..- Vhe maoneton APPUAfraro., mm A101LETS0AP fin jj.w.ra.iff- IjQ l ll !. A aoluUh u ly l " ' H ....... i I... t. in if. Itfa II 0 Eft 1 f? As" 2- VVrl.. ly-i.n" Wii o v of it. 'lamtin'i. Kmibi tti ati'i neca in iff VA in "' " -r - I S ct. foi a lai a tJiaka. TOOTH SOAP J wltljotit quoation Urn uioBi. t'if ct ; t tlo -r iroluc l aa it not only cl tia ra th, t eth SS?Ji.lt Bisul tlW.ua. pat,iiua. U recot Ol pile-. O. H. STRONG & CO., Sole Proprietors and Manfrs., Chicago WILL J. WAKKltK, AfTKNT, PLATTSMOUTII, - - - NMIRARKA. HOESE-SHOEIUG CITY SHOEING SHOP ji 1 1 nun? 3 H I IV tl AY nnuru ninuna A large line or Saddles Bridles Collars WMps &c always in stock. Repairing of all At d i.totl dit o tort notice. Main Street. brten Fourth and Flttb. SAGE'S ADDITION TO TIIK CiTY f l'LAI'lSMOUTII Valuable outlota for residence put poses. Sage's addition lien south-west ol thecity. and all lots are very easy ol access, and high and sightly. For particulars call on E. SAGE, PronT, AT SAGE'S IIAUDWAUE STORE. Plattsm.uith. Nl' MIKE SCHNELIiBAJHEK. B IJl CKSJ1 1 Til HO..SB SHOEING & WAGON REPAIUINC All Kinds of Farm lmDlemeats Menieil will Neatnesuand Dispatch. Horse, Mule& Ox Shoeing n short, we'll shoe anything that ti-r four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe Corn and see us. 1ST JH"W SHOP "stacr.s corner fro., th sw HtKAL I am going to 1 .'ill klmlii of hhot ivg, and do Carriage and V os'.n work. Kfnalil and How woik doiK io oidrr : now U your tiin to patroulze me. SUop on WahliiKtn Avenue at M e Hcrss-sh- o Sign. fyflood Satisfaction GuJiMiitcd. GEO. I'AI.MF.K. wir.tf I'lattNinoiitli. Neb. P3 CD I h 0' 0 y t Wtl1n. f V BAN I far las. L l'.m..a. a b.uj. Stet A Monroe S:s.-CWcgo. inn.ll m. alM. - , .uu uuk .iu : j. i.n.ga iu..: . ... i. .in I. ir.ua aua Kz- 7 f v v i ji ROB&iVr ODNalELL'S blacksmith shop; Wagon Buggy, Machine and Plow re- pairing, ana geimraijooomg I ai now prepared to do all kinds of repairing of farm and other machinery, aa taere Is a good lathe in my shop. PETER RAO EN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken chance ot the vagon shop. He Is well known as a NO . WORKMAN. Sew Waca BaTTe tmrnA t Oraleir. HATISFAfTti'N AH AWT War l-arfrs dARim 3TTDf daorlll.i tW MtltmmU St Ia HaUlrl Frc t ML W. mr W A.-ri. ttmmm In oner ri- rr- w aDli mm mm t tArtl Cnr-rt Oats Flower. 4;rMsanH Tr-MKCf. EverrtMny ivff SEEDS MnSTI?aItI3l I 4S CD .P3 95 CD 3 H a Soft r H (!) o o C3 g 43 i- 3h! TENDERLOIN Meat Market, LAFE a NEIL, Prop'r. 33r Mutton Port: Veal CHictens. &c ContantiT on hand. Also. all kinds or .3IK in season, and e erythlng kept in a FIRST-ri.N SliaP At lowest posalble rates.., lily rLA.TT3MorjTH.KB. NEW Farniture Store dm Z. JJTJHI, FUB 1TITURE VcOFFINS, and all kiud of K'ods uxually kept to a vlso. a very complete tk ol Funeral Goods. lietailic&WoOueDL-oQcs Cisketsro'es, EMBLEMS, Ac Our New awl el-ifaiit hfare ia always in rrailines. RememliT thp pUce, in UNION ,IJ1 ' K MlV- f ,pWO D ors sont b of Cass Coun- ty Bank. Wht: r e - a.a UiKlit or day. J. I UNRUH, fi i..rr to T r MB Dr. C. A. Marshall (Successor to Clutt r A Marshall.) PrAaorvilon of natnsl teet t specialty. Teeth extracted w t 'out pain ty ue of Laughing Hat AU work ' r mttd. Pries reasonable. Fjtzouald Block. riM.TTMovTB, N ! i' I 1