u"Lila -U-JVvJL UllaL o) in l n : .... w Ordr taken for M 1LXON I IiOh.' hh I HTf. J. P. Ye is IPeftoe n.3 nun uHMT 13. HARDWARE AT SAGE'S OLD STAND. ON TTDfte IBeat JLine of (L'cok Stoves5 6. (Uasoliiie Stoves, 4w Tinware " (Keneral DITardware To be found lu the City. ?w good at inlet's tl-t defy compel ion. Give tue a rail) ami jb aroajBD. MM We bave Just received AND- Spring l . d.-U e wid s?tl at prices within thj react' of all. &onie and See (Our Canopy Top. THE LIGHTEST. NEATEST AND MOST CONVENIENT.TOP MAX IN FAfTUUED. Also a completeUne'yf Men's, Bovs.'and Ladies'.Saddles at J.G.CHAMBERS & SON and A.T JOHETSOlff IHLAJHiin) WAEBE SITdDMlE "Warranted to be as good as any wire made. AVe also keep in stock a general assortment of HARDWARE, STAVES and TINWARE, and sell as cheap as any Hardware house in the country. Call and see us in the Rock wood Block. Attllll!lM Cass County WAFJIAN & KIR BY, Propr's. Elattsinon.'fcli- MANUFACrU HUltS uuoiiiLiBias, IKON KROXTS. rTOUSE COLUMNS. AM) OASTlNCiS. facilities or heavy work in Columns aud Castings for Business Houses ara rnasJed in the State. ACHINE REPAIHIN'O of all kinds. Our Machine Shop is fully equipped all classes of work In iron. Patronize Ni raska maaufucturiDg. We rreieht and time. LV.rtieA ImllOlUK bltj vi I iiiv rwie Usrch IIth,S8. OPERA IICUSE cioTiriKixtt. r 9 -AKD FURMSHER GENTS' TOST OFFICE Kews Depot, 0 STATION KUY. MT MASON & HAMLIN IIKNKY F. MILI.Ei: and TODD'S EMPORIUM LOVEH MAIN STKEET. ihihbih fine assonment of Wagon Tops, And Tinners' Stocl ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY ST. LOU IS. MO Iron Works doplicat.' all easterr prices, saving dix.'uiu wine iur our ii-riiir. ! iifd.inP pLATTSMOUTH,liF3 rMTiduuuiu uimubij. rUBLISHCD BY rbe Plattsmontti Beral PuMisUif Co. Telegraphic. THE LAHOUiUSTIOX. The Work of the Senate Committee. An Extensive Conflagration in Chicago. Miscellaneous Notes. New Yrk, Augu- 2l-I3cfore the seuaie suu-committeu on labor and edu cation there appeared this murniug Kichaid L'owers.of Chicago, president ul the suiisuieii'a union, of the lakes 1'h.H uuiou, he said, improved the ni.ir ..1 c million of its im-mli-r4. It ha 1 ercuitU them higher wae.-, and is now ti yiujt to procure the passage of laws teuiliug to diminish the risks to life bv lake sailors, by prohibiting over loading vessels, and making it it com pulsory to man with suitable crews. A great nam be' of lake vessels, he said, were unsea worthy A law should be passed, lie urged, providing that at least two-thirds of the sailors employed on American vessels should be native loru Americans. George J. black, as representative of the journeyman baker of thia fit', tol li'd that tiie condition of bikets wj-.s a very digiaded ne, on account ot the h-ii hours they were oblig-d to la bor. They begiu work at 5 p. m , aud continue uutii 4,5, G aud 8 a. ui. The ureal er number were unmarried. The average wages were $8,20 a week 1 he bukers struck some time ago for a reduction to twelve hours a day labor, the booses tiyrecd to this, but when Die men returned to work the pledges wire nroken. l.:uk stated that of the wait ers employed in the large beer saloons, many are Prussian army oflicers, foie meu, noblemen aud Kus?inti princis, who came to this country expecting to make their fortunes, but. who found mis their only means to gain a liveli hood. lpiino, of the brewer's union, said llieitr are iu this city thim-five biewers employing about 2,200 meu. A trade uuiou was orgamed in 1831. Shortly alter there was a strike lor a deciease iu working iiours to twelve houas per Uaj , and extra compensation lor Sun -ilay work. The strike was won by the meu. Wages range from $30 to $100 per moti th. Adolpu Strasser, president of the cigar makers' iuti national union, lead a large quautity of statistics, showing the nveirtge nueof ivuges iu his irude iu this country, aiu the cost ot living. Tnefiuies snowed that w hen there was existing au orauixatiou, amuchhtgner rate ot wt.ges prevailed than where tne iiittm.trv Hits unoraiiiZed. sjuice IsO-l to rc lirtU been iioJ siriheS lu the cijur bUfftuio?, 207 won, 17 nst, twelve com promised and fcix are still in pi ogress. One strike 1 .steil ten months and was tiutidy compiemised. Tiieue strikes act uailv cost 280,4 44. There KU actual gain iu !he wages of the work men of $18,000 ik.t annum. There 185 orauehes of t;te interuatioual un ion in this country uud Canada, with a iu mbeiship ol So.tiOy. S.rasser sug gested legislative meusures which Would tend to mitigate the eviis which threat ened labor iu general iu this couutry. The enforcement ot the natioual eight Hour law, to au'horize the Incorpora tion of iabor orjian.:7-i,ioC!i Ml,d place them on the same basis as !htT corpo rations, to establish a natioual bureau of labor statistics, and to amend the revenue law by providing that after 31 ay, 1884, no license should be granted to cigar manufacturers employing pen-i'-ntiary labor. Til K WtSTEKN CNION OFFICE AT CHIC AGO IN ItUINS. Chicago, August 21. The live storv st ne bu.Idiug at the corner of La Salie and Washington streels.occupied b the W estei ii Union Telegraph com pany, the Union National bank, the International bank. Associated press and numerous commission offices, was par ly burned I his morning in 0:30,and made completely uninhabitable by streams ot water thrown iiuo the building. The fire originated on the liith floor, used as theopeiatiug depart ment of the We.--tern Union, and with in twenty minutes every description of property ou the floor was ruined. Ten men were on duty at the time, besides the nigh mannger. The lire originated by the duplex battery wires near the switch boaid, and everything was in a bUze in a moment, Within five miu utes from the discovery of the blaze the skj lights and transoms were break ing from the heat and dropping out. fhe fire department was on the scene qu.ckl, and e)ond a heavy drenching given to every portion of the building iu especial damage occurred to the maiu ftruciure below the fifth story. '1 he Western Union immediately began the removal of ils property to the build iu? ou the north 6ide ot Washington street, where the quipmeut of the Mu tual Union compauv will enable it to continue handling a portion of its bus iness. Preparation w-9 at once made to remove the entire business to that kel ami stock quotation were closed lor ft Uuo,aud no biuincs was trans acted ou 'change. Tl'tj loss to' tlu Western Union may retch 73,000, lut It U thought It will fall below that. The lews to the building will bo 830,000. Owing to the prompt action of the fire patrol the loss to the binkp and othYes is estimated to e slight. : Insurance, $130,000. FIIANK JAMES' TRIAL. Gallmhi, Mo August 21. The sher itf is busy finpmclltngoiia Ii tin I red j rors for Frank James' trial. It is lievedthatit will take three day to secure the twelve good mcu. The town in crowded. Charley Ford is here aud will testify. Dick Liddle lias not beeu seen. It is thought that he has flVd. James' frimda are numeroU9,but make no dciiionstra tious. FOUGK1, DKAFT3. New York, August 21. Kountz llros. statu mat lorged drafts, purport ing to be issued by the First National hank of Omaha, ujoa Kountz bios., New York, are iu circulation. CONTKACT AWAUDKD. Osage City, Kas. August 21. At a meeiiugof the directors of the Ottawa, Osage Uily & Couucil Grove railroad iu Lyndon esterday, the toiitract for bunding the road was let to lloldeu, oi Cidcago. This road is designed to be au extension of the Missouri Pacific connecting that at Ottawa with the Topeka, tJaiina & Western. It will traverse seveuty-five miles of the very richest portion of the state, and open up a new market east aud west for the immense coal business of the Osage country. KAILKOAD SMASH UP. Strutliers, Ohio, August 21 Bv neg lect some one left open the switch at the east end of the Pittsburg & Lake Erie yard, at H.'Zellon, two miles east of Youn. eto 'ii, O. io. Patieiigei train No, , due at Youugstowu from Pittsburg, at 11:30 a m, ran into the ear end of a Ireight standing on the main track, telescoped the caboose ami plowed through the coke car, complete ly demolishing both cars, and badly w recking the engine f the pass nger train, winch was running al the rale of thirty miles per hour. Engineer Sam uel Hose reverned the lever, aud stood by the throttle, and come out of the wreck miraculously, not receiving a scratch. Fireman Lewis Kertz jumped and was badly bruised and cut nbout the face, hands and body, but not fa tally hurt. Win. .lohusoti, express mes- sengei, of Cleveland, was considerably bruised, and had hisiight arnspraiued. Chus. A. Walsh, a hrakeiiian, was also Bi.vi.rclv i..iur.l hTii! lliMtruiii took Kit. I but was extinguished with buckets by the passengers. About 1000 passeu gers were on the train, but hone were injured DEFAULTER SURRENDERED. Boston, August 11. Kirklaud M. Fitch, defaulting cashier of the Second National hank,ot Warren, Chio, arrived here early Sunday morning. During the day be seemed to suffer severe men ial trouble Arising yesterday, after a sleepless night, he decided tosurretuie-, aid walked into the headquait rs of the district police com', said his name wa.- Kirklaud M. Fitch, and was want ed iu W arren, Ohio, tor embe..li. g $80,000 from the Second National b.ink at that place Jle said he could not ac count for his coming to Boston, unless it was to get away as far as possible from the scene of his crime. He said he had embezzled the money a he was charged, ana lost it all in stock specu latious in Kevy York. He was desi rous of hearing but little about his evil uoiiigs, iiuu expressed a oesire io leture to Ohio a-soon as possible, and would go without u r quisition. EARL SPENCEH. Dublin August 21. Earl Spencer, lord lieutenant, arrived at Cork last evening. ad was escorted through the principal struts of the city by a small mounted guard. He as respectfully received by the people, policemen in sight of each other guarded the train of the lord lieutenant along the route tiom Dublin to (.'oik. LANGUAGE FKACAS. Vienna, August 21. mots caused by ople to the Use the opposition u'.' the peopl -1 the Hungarian language iu official notices, occurred iu other towns in Cro atia besides Aram. Tro ps inierven ed to quell thim. SOCIALISTIC PAMPHLETS. Vienna, August 21. A number of socialist pamphlets, which attack the emperor Francis Joseph iu a virulent manner, hare beeu found in the vicin ity ot the imperial summer palaces at jjuxemberg, a few miles from this city, where the Arc-Duke Kudolph, prince imperial of Austria-Tluugary, and wife reBide. Pamphlets of a similar charact er have been circulated ut several plea sure resorts in Lower Austria FKAXCE AKD CHINA London, August 21 A Standard Hong Kong correspondent asserts that the Chinese are treating with Germanv with a view to the purchase of 1,000 rifles. A Paris correspondent to the Times says the statement that Tricon would shortly leave for Japan is au admission of the suspicious uegotiatious between France and Chiua. ' The return, says the corresponden t of Tricon to Japan is evidently a device for getting him away from Shanghai without the open appearance of a rupture. SOT SCARED SO DAD. Paris, August 21. Huva's oews ril C')rr'Siondent of a London local! news agcucjr, printed yesterday, tlist th" tipttblsh" Cabinet hns rtio: Vttl to seek the support of Germany in view of the attitude of Franco towards ?pain. aiunDER aii suicide, i Brest. August 21 A landlord in ti is citv yestenlay m iri.ered his live childr n by hanging them and then committe 1 vuicide TUKCAICEY MCItDKK. Lond n, Auul 21. The details le ceived by mail, of the shootiug of James Carey by O'Donnell. show that CDonnlel, vrlieu h- discovered at Cap. town that Carey was n board the Kerlous ('astle, exclaimed: 'Had 1 kuowu he was on board I would l ave owun for him " AMERICAN STL'OENTS' CONG IlKSS Copenhagen, August 21. The fifth congress ol Aim rican stu knts f cnrly Amencau history opened today. The Priuce of Wales and' members of the Danish royal family were present. Ad diesses were del vered by Dauish. Span ish, Belgium aud Trench delegates. HtfNRY SCFCK DKALEK l.N FURNITURE SAP -o, CtiAiK B.TC, ETC., KT Of All DemrripUons. . METALLIC B3HIAL CASE: COPFIlirS f all sizes, ready made and sold cheap lor cash MY FIN m JE Aims if NOW tt h.AIV tUK BtliVlCh. With iiiany tluutk.H for past patronfttr. Invito all to call ana examine my L.AKGE STOCK OK 3Uf. I K ir K t,l (IKr'lM I 4 , CO r J OS ft ac a c ss a 13 T3 n E i Z -r. .5 a. t-. si E a j o " o i "1 a CO s o 3 3-1 S 6 Z 5 a 3 ! A S ac S q. a. a. 2 I C. St. X' aofl G Safest. Best and Most Reliable LINE IN THE WEST. B Magnificent P ning Ca: Eha t Daj Coacbes 2 St Louis Trains Daily, 2 Omaha Trains Daily, 2 Kansas City Trains Dai .Atc ison Trains Daily, Two Trains for St Paul. Minneapolis, Sioux City1 A i I ill mi it- i i u -t'w3it. witu Pullman Sleeping Cars, Between Kansis City an J St. Fanl WITHOUT CHANGE Ail trains run on ti:i.frr.!iectins fci all point agt SI7 est, North & South lieket for sat it al! resular ticket ofliees. uforn&rioii rei;.ir.uii : r;te ti ne, Ac. encer lly given .; addiessiug i, t. i;ah-akd. A. C. Dawr. 'Jeu'l Stipt. Itpii'I I'ass AK-li STREIGHT & CO (SofMor iu Ntr(ffht A. Jliller. MANUrACTL'KES OF FINE i HEAVY flARNES. A tiirge Hnc or Saddles Bridles Collars WMp. always in stuck. Repairing of oil Aii.o'j? rttitl Ocvt o sort ttotint. Main Street, betv it ,.ii tb n4 FUtJi, AT JOS McVSY'.S Sample Rooms You will find the Finest Irajtorte.. French Hrandv, Chxmiistiirn. anl nther Fine Wines. I'ure K-i ttn-kv Wftisnies. Bevral of the ls and m?t ixipular branrts t.f HijTTLE liEEH. Fresh Beer always on draught, and Fine Ci "35 m Fii uk gars. 2Ctx. N'ew'H-all 'Stoclnor c G. Louisville Branch Can be found best- CLOTHING, Trunks, Valises, Boots and Shoes, In C-ts County, at IN 1 KocU Prices. Ileineinlier llie Am-v. HI. UIIlESSflDJLlll), Manager. C. K. BUlElKflWLllD, Wvmtrtnv llSf VITH8UTME0 THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TO CURCS-y without mIMlH;-Pln !' bin- , lli. h-l, jr llmbi. Mcrvuii. It'lill:..,.fmi.i!.t iffiier.il .ltiIIIIyw rheumallxin, :ii-hI; ii u, !i ln. illwu ol th Llt!uiT.'ptnttl !lb-.i4VM. lorpll livrr.tfwi rinlnul rmluLii . I nii'ilrai y, n.ilimu. Iicart allv dvlt1it- 'il;.nt:.'. !M-lnt liailltfrs tlun. bt-rnlH or rtu., i.u.nli, IU-s. eill. r, - Whni'yJ.!ll-y if fl- ;T: vtl! ATM K t'Kti X9 Orm. !. vltnlUy. !!. fn r.- t..:e uml l tor. imlliiwniU('.R.nii':i tiio-'t- M.itir o (tr- I suture. fr in ! I-' ' i- i n . i . H coiitiliiUJ!:s mutrrlir tS-' to ft t '!li I licl o ti no OlUUlktt UUollt tliia -i ,li .:. ABDOMINAL SUPrORrC.t. TO THE LACiB; If ; oil I I f"-rX FiVmillii,l' ii-ili),ir '-. !: it l'l-" I -r, hlijM-.ru. llcutia.-nc o!l ft t. K;!: n nr Wi uL AiiUh-K, or Ktwlirn i l, oil Al c!fn..i.i.l I t anil a pair r MuKiiftiu Ko.t li..ti i W I'uv f ih mii lor In the r.- i-f nii'l rn" t f' tli-u n t l.iii . carry a ixitierinl m.'itllcl..: Su.cj ti ll.e te..L of Ut Fur I.nm. Pttrb, Wrtili ne of t'l.i Pplnt.. i-'fll-tlfcof th iittiiitt. IMt"rt-ifi. 1 Iiftjn'- l r.ll.i. iiim tlon and l-rrutlon orttt S ttiil, Int'lu.-ftlitl Sit-m-orrbMsxe or fr'Soodlnt;. Pbliit'til, NupyrfMul und lr. rriruljtr Airnatriitlloii. Itumnit".. tt.-.itii ir of I .Ire, UlU UU lttt Applittuc-o Hud tiirliti Aat For al'l fo.mn tit Fminln fIR.uMf It lit umMir pnuMtl br aiiyliiii tw.i. i it '! t. tn.i li a iu;aliv jfer.t and ina Hviurct. i.f ihv t-r ord rttallyn:it. Price of , !.l.i-r I'.- I' itli Mairnt .ior'o.it lii.t.n 1m. I " Bent by rxpre!. t'.O. I) .ainl f xin i". vlim a'.uweI.or i y mnll on receipt of . .re. In orderm.. fe. mentniro f waist and size 'f !i'.e Rer i ' ncetHit Lw tuulu lu cur reney, aent in l.t riii n rr k. The Magneton :i t p'taptM to all are irorn over tbe u:iuer cl'l ili', (i-..t nrt to th body Ilk the- man Uiilvtnle anl Fleecrfe Hum. boas aderttd mo exi'-' Iv aitl ahmild So taken off at night. Th" t '' 1 tl lrpmvrfoni;tr.-ti areworn atall season', nf tl. vt-nr. Fend stamp fort) New Iw mr I I Medical Trev mi'iit Without MedU'lox." itli tliuuaxU'lM of teuli"ut lualr. XnE MAIJNKTON A PPr.IA NCE CO.. HIS .Muto t.. 'htcuif, IU MIKE SCHWELLBACHER. tlOHSE SHOEING & WAIiOX KF.PAlIUNt All Kinds of Farni'iffiiileBCflts Msnfleil will NeatiiM-1 iiinl Iiispatcli. Horse. 31ulv oxMioein n short, we'll shoi auytliin that Imp four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come at tl see U3. 2sTJirW SHOP ii Tilth Sf Jst acrot' between Main r3 Vine Street e corinii' from t h nfw II Kit A L -fi CD h h 0 0 a?5 S3 CP W -S CD 1 00 3 a CD S" a, CZJ o o H 0 TENDERLOIN Meat Market, LAFE O'NEIL, frop'r. 3 jf Hfifign pori Veal Clilckens. So ('OH"tMlltlV Oil tllll. Also. all kiinis i.r t. a i : m siia-on, tDd ev ert shim kejit in a At -i t..--i:i. r.iten.. ICBfE.1 fc war '.'at i-3 i-tt'tisl f i i rr--s' --j'i. Tkfir.ci . h n s if h ' u tLi if- l I H S Br "3? HEROLD'S Store! the largest and stock of Genls' mmmi Gooes. t l:t i.ititry liafl illwuvere.l lu I rniud y hjilx rlor to r . Ii;n f linttiiii!r cu i 'ml r ru'ii.. i'n ht lv ir (i ir.' l km. I cnuii'iucW. i' linn no eij'iitj na n toii-i jrtiaiuUil. Tim j:l -it oii.i.i 'n t;nti,. nt urn'i'ii Will A h'iii.y emu rhii I ft I iiih.. Tlll4 Il I I Inl KMIIlllt'sa of Hi" Miln, wliotlii r ri!H' l fion. 'ii i.tii- mill.. fiiR-.io.' tit . 11.10 f llf I'lls. I ()S.lli;THN. Y i I ell 'o ilu' s o i':t .i i u l mm" l'i i il rltm .Ii sl.H. i-ill Mil l I' r. I. tin mtlilt In Suit lin nit A Ihiiiiiv fi'ii o. yfni rii.ii I. ii i : i I vi i htm a ii tur-il. i'.U - l.N ... Ui A.. 'A Llil'.i, fo. TQELET SOAP t .Hi, Ml ,U t J . I.I l;l Ii u t i n. . a t. y it r my nu t Ul Id A I Ht'llltt. I V I U' c. KeeiiH Hit' It'll f.' ml cU i;pi i ', ni I im "til t to ir. lilt, uml I lii'.ill ly k .v. t.niiv ii.i i,i ci'.iiiiik tin) i'n ti ii tt I eiailii'iit i'i i !.inilrn il. 'X lie. moht lllht ipcr 5 et-nln. H-ttoi et Bui'l) lil 111 J wiir.il. 1 l.. ... : S Pi Siiavikg Soap A tn ilicniad nrtielo t inn: hum it. I'it ti'ir -. ii il piinpli-a. I iil-fit.iire litceiiiiu iaki: sn . v;n ; ui i ii. .ii.. II"! rriu.l ly l.i M'illl ; I). 1 11 KTM, . AnVtll It, W ithout ii-.rillot 11 h a mIiiivIii miii" Kirli in itlnir hii I eiti'i','. Kc'in tlm In r it i l ni-ck fn-e I inn pi rn jiiin . 1' I. i'. i 3 Is. Im u liti fce cultu. M TOOTH SOAP If f f I .' Illltlt fH( htlllll f J I 'i ui'i it. H if' rt i r Jn ij i ;. i r inoiiiici il ' " im i , in1 i nl v c!i nim- n l'i" t "'h I h',1- ::-h v tln l HI 1 1 1 1 T tiOt) V.i llMI'llll'l 1 "'-." i '. fry II ii I ll ir'Vi t Mi" liri'-' Ii .1 f.'.vi'i-' tust i i i !.li'."it.fii . 1'iiii-. ..." Ali ilrie.".:ists Kill tin ..li-iv lirii! tln'iii. 11 iMi'l. il mi mi 1 i", t I'lllllll. Il , (I. I i! Kj oilur. Ita i: it imX nrt 'tiivi. Of wo T7III t 111 ll ice. C. H. "5 St QO.t bo'.c I'rtrjii Jeloi-M niul itlaiili-..., Clifea'f! wii.Ii .1. w v i: is f t K, .sc.: :.T, I'l.ATTSM'M i W. - - - N : lilMSKA. HORSE-SHQIillTG CI1Y 7K0UvG shop I .'ilii U'liint,' to ill- :t!I I iinl- n! s 1 1 1 , ii.;'. ;irnl tin fitrrliiye :i!il V r.'nii m k. l'i; i,;-!i i' ;ind I'liiw work ilone o: Jcr ; nov.- i . our l m e to pulroi.ize ui". S'j:i, on Va-!iin, iii:i Aveuuo ! a. t.Iie "-"f :iI S.i I isf.-ift inn C iiIh :iii!i i-iI. ;j:. rviiK'f. VLltf J'lii!' ,ii;i:t:i,'i. Neb. NEW Furniture Store fubititure'Vcoffiits. ir:ii ii'l kiud'- of ;.ic1s ;n:i" v in a f A- Mif" ..-.-. 1 it .. I. . nltlltK Also, a vfiy coiMjili "i- ft'"::: ol Funeral Onods, MetaI!ic8tV7c3desCGmi:s Caskets Rotes. Our N aii'l --'j:uit lu-:iv-:; ii-;t'. wayn lu n-ts;i:!M:, Remernln-r t! pl-u--, in r.'XION ,I5I.(M K. i.t. Six' ' - i TWO I)' ors Sf tit h of C.tbs Coun ty IJi.lik. ; . i iii . r " i- j i:.- i .1. i !:..:.; i r ;ty. J. 1 UN HUH, i - : . . ':()'" ( NIB , C. A. Marshall (.- ureessnr In ( I.li ti r A M -l ihdll.) i23 2S2VrT,iBaF I j I'n s'-rv:uiiii of ii:ifn:il teet a i-peelalty. J Tetlh txtraitfl without p'nit fy tiie of i J.ntiijhin'j iiuu I All work w;tr -mid. l'i I rer-so'ialiin. S L1.1 ttd mmi 1 i I.