.D'PEsRA MOUSE BLOCK o) rn r n IL .. .. o u n IIWII Order taken for WILSON BROS.' RIIIKTS. n aye r OPERA IICUSE y GENTS' AWD FURNISHERS. ) n 1 D tost oFTicn Mews Depot, STATIONERY. NOT CJA3STX)13IS .A.J5II) CIO-ABS. MASON & HAMLIN HENRY F. MILLER and DUCK liKO PLATTMOUTH HERALD- PUBLISHED nv The PlattsmontLi Hcral YtiMm Co. Telegraphic, THE ARMORED KNIGHTS. The Biggest Conclave Ever Held In America. The Presidential Party. Miscellaneous News. JLJSI SB. TOJDJDS Hardware Emporium r AT SAGE'S OLD STAND, ON J.mVEU MAIN STREET. ft 6 HBae HBest ILine oi Uol Stoves, (Rasoliite Stoves, TTinware 1 b r66 66 (General IHTaralware To be found in the City. New pood" at prices thnt defy compel ion. Give me a call AMI IB ITODUDllD. Wm Wc have Just received fine assortment of -AND- Wagon Tops, Spring which c will sell at prices within the reach of all. (Dome and See Our Canopy Top. THE LIGHTEST. NEATEST ANDOTrvtXVKNIEXTKTOP MAN I? AlsoTl uoini.letelLiue of Men's, Hoys "and I.adies'.Sadules at J. Gr.CH AMBERS & SON &&&o and 7&, .A.T wire made. We also STAVES and "Warranted to he as good as any Pral assortment of HARDWARE, TINWARE, and sell as cheap as any Hardware house in the country Call and see us in the Rockwood Block. . .uiM - U 2 r M Tinner s' Stocl ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY flxcelsior ST. LOU IS, MO Cass County Iron Works W Aril AN & KIRBT, Propr's. PlattsiiioYitli. JSTeo. ENGINES, MANUFA CTUREliS JHJOIILIBiaS, IRON FRONTS. HOUSE COLUMNS, AND CASTINGS. r . T facilities or heavy work ia Colu mot and Castings fur Business Houses aid massed ia the State. ACFIINE REPAIRING of all kinds. Onr Machine Shop is faily . equipped aU clascs of work in iron. Patronize Nilraka manufacturing. o dnphcat? all eastern prices, saving '"pf rticbaildin'' ia iy part of the State should write for our terms of castings CASS GOT72TT"Sr WOHK3 March 11th, 82. " .LATTSMOUTH. NF3 San Fiaucisco, August 30. The graud Procession of Knights Templar I which look place this afternoon, was admitted to bo an unqualified success. The entire population of .San Francis co and 70,000 strangers have so de clared it, chtenug throughout the en tire route. It was the best represented if not the most numerous conclave ever held in this or any other country The people iu this city are eminently g rati lied with the result. They have spared no pains nor expense to return the compliment extended to the repre sentatives of the coast at the Chicago conclave. As eariy as $ o'clock this morning crowds began gathering in the streets along wlucu the procession would pass. Ify V o'clock Market street was rendered impassable, except the oadwiiy, which, by police orders, was kept ciiu- for the passage of the knights. At 9:30 the comiuauderics began to an tve, taking up the positions assigned them in streets ott Market street reserved for the purpose. At 10 o'clock all had arrived, and at that hour the scene presented from the gal lery ol the liaUtwin hotel was one not readily to be forgotten by those who ad the good fortune-to witness it. U:i one side were decorations extending as far as the ti iimiohul arch. On the other -1,1km) iichly clad knights, repre senting every state and territory in the United .Slates. S the old California pioueer it wiw something bevond reali sation. His mind reverted to the sand hills, and he was dazed. At 10:30 oi uer was given by the captain general to move forward. A platoon of mount ed police spurred their horses on to clear the way, followed by a detach went of police on foot. The first com mandery '-hat led off was California commandery No. 1. Their silver em broidered velvet cloaks and plumed hats, with richly caparisoned horses, attracted marked attention. Follow ing them came the Golden Gate and Oakland, California, commanderies and Graud Master Governor Sir George Per kins, riding a milk-white charger, spe cially presented to him for the occa sion by Judge Denaon, of Sacramento, accompanied by his staff. Next in or der came the commanderies of Cali fornia, Oregon and Washington Terri tory, Nevada aud Arizona, each prece ded w its band. These completed the iirst three visions, after which up to the tenth division, ca!ue the command eries of the States east of the Rocky mountains. Among the latter, partic ularly remarked from the smallness of numbers and thair pluck in coming, was the Arkansas Demolais, of Ft. Smith, No. 1, Hartford Damasures, No. 2, of Jacksonville, Florida, and Cneue No. 8, of Middle-ton, Connecticut. The approach of Lyou & Ilealy's baud, of Chicago, with their suikiug unifurm make every one ask, who are these knights coming? They were the Si. Iiemard's of Chicago who by the knights of this coast, are held in especial esteem. As they passed by, the knowl edge of what they were, and the ap pearance they made elicited long ana hearty cheers. The tenth and last di vision was composed of the grand en campment of the United States, led by Sir Wm. Knox, uast grand commander, of California. The royal baud selected by the grand commandery of this state as the official orchestra of the conclave immediately preceded the Hoston com -mauderv, which acted as a special es cort to tha Grand Master of the United States Dean. The Roslonians were highly complimented on their excellent appearance, cheer after cheer being giv en them as they passed. Folio wiug on wLite chargers, came the conclave grand master, accompanied by a numerous and brilliant stall". The procession ter minated with De Witt and Clinton eommanderies, of Virginia City, Neva damounted on black steeds, and act ing as a guard of honor, to the grand encampment. The Virginians merited compliment in dress, horses and ncou trements. It was generally acknowl edged that they bore off tha honors of the day. The knights first proceeded to the pavilion, where addresses were delivered by Governor Stoneman of California. ex-Governor Perkins, the mayor of the city and others. They then marched to Vannas avenue where they were received by the graud mas tcr. ' .' ' ANOTHEll PA.VB sroitT FOIt TUB rttESI Camp' Teton, August 16, Tia Washa kie, Wyoming, Aug. 20. Promptly at half past fix this morning we mounted our horses, and not without longing looks behind rode away from the camp. Our course was in a westerly direction along the north side of the Grosventre rircr. The air was f Icnr an t bracing, and the day as floe aa any with which we have been lavored since we set out from Fort Washakie. The trail was of the best, with few of those difficulties with which our fortnight's . travel In the wilderness has made us so familiar. Iudeed, in the absence of fallen timber, rocky side hills, steep ascents and pitches, the ride would have seemed somewhat monotonous, but for the sin gle feature which actually gl Jrifiwl it. We had climbed to the aummit of a long hill five miles from Camp Arthur, when there suddenly burst upon our view a scene ns grand and majestic as we ever witnessed Below coveredwith graBs and flowers, was a lovely valley of many miles extent, through wldch was threading its way, the river. Along the whole westerly edge of the valley, with no intervening foot hills to obstruct the view, toward the mag nificent Teton mountains, their snowy summits piercing the fleecy clouds 8,- 000 feet above the level of the sea. It was the voice of every member of the party that this sight alone fully repaid all the toils of the march. We are en camped on the Teton basin, on the band fiyGrosventre. The locality, aside lVofe the splendid view of the mmiiitains which it affords, is one of th moat attractive cam ns. Ihe river v at this point has an excellent reputation t stream, but the wind has been blowing at too many miles an hour to permit much success in ang ling. It has been powerful enough to break the ridge pole of our mess tent, but fortunately not beyond repair. Wc are all in excellent health and are thor oughly enjoying the trip. CONCLAVE CASUALTIES. San Francisco.. August 20. Several accidents are reported in the conclave procession today. Three standard bearers fainted from exhaustion, and Sir Alexander Weed, Commander of California, was thrown from his horse and had both legs broken. no An COMPLETED. The Secretary of the Interior was to day informed that a section of seventy five miles of the Northern l'acilic Road, uniting the two ends, rear Milini tun nel, had been completed, and the com pany has requested the appointment of a cominisslonaro examine and report on this section of road. A COSTLY FIRE, Trenton, N. J., August 20. A dis- patch from Lambertville, says McDow & Son's large paper mil! at that place was almost entirely destroyed by fire yesterday morning. The loss will probably exceed !ji50,000; insurance about S10.000. Forty men are thrown out of employment. HENRY BCEOK DBAI.EK IN - FURNITURE SAFEJ, CHAlEF. aTC., TC.,TC" Of All Description. METALLIC BURIAL CASES W003DE2ST COFFIITe f all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash. MY FINE HKAR8R New Fall Stock for '83 G, G. y0 TT HEROLU'S V Louisvi e Branch Store! Can be round the largest and best stoek of 18 NOW KEADY FOR SERVICE. With many thanks for past patronage. Invite all to call and examine my LAKOE STOCK OF Sltf. FLUXTe'KK AKI FKIX CLOTHING 3 55 FROM ACROSS THE SEA. News of a General Nature. Pi M ffl OS a .- x o a a "3 3 3 S p o m "5 V a v .0 0.3 CJ a - a o 3 a T. u O c U cC e a :3 H M Si S fi B 3 "2 -a t, ol 1-,. Qj aj P -3 g CO 3 a CO a o o CP S-i 1 a a 03 a 3 a 03 o & a 03 a !- M 3 cn ov 9 FarnisMng. Goods. Trunks, Valises, Boots and Shoes, Tn Cat-s (iiinty, sit I!cl lioek 1 'ri--s. lieiui-nilx-r titer place. HIT. JIIBS6.4DiLld9 Manager. 2 s VJ1TH0UTV.JEBICU1E. Hfi Fit Li THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TO CURE,r"S w!thoutmpdlHn9:-PlB In h-:!!., Iilpn, hrml, -jr limb a. crou d-blll(y,luiit Imco. nfK-nil lflIIIIT. rkruMilm, purulyala. ti-umlul, -liitl'u. lwn Mol the klln-yl,pliiul dlacwM'n. Irill llr. irr mlniil rmlMiunn. I m nut , Mlimm hfnrt ol- ua. dlPDt-D'lat onllpHl!iii. TJ-IM-Ins liiillrr. rmll rmlMi lion, fcernli or rupture, tMiurrn, pura, rivVj( Foreign News. IRISH MEMBERS LANGUAGE. London, August 20. This morning's Times, commenting ou the language used of late in Commons by a number of members for In laud, and particular ly that of Healy, in his response on Saturday last to Gladstone's remarkSj when the former declared that there was a ttate of war between Euland and Ireland, says that sterner demeanor on I the part of the house will before long necessary ju view v mese revuiuujj excesses. Dublin, August SO. The Freeman's Journal deprecates the ytolent langu age to which utterance has been rren in commons recently by Irish members. It says: "It serves no good end." AN ALLIANCE. Madrid, Auguse 20. Madrid news papers are diseussing t he expediency of forming jui alliance between Spain, Austria an J Germany in order to check the uifluer.ee of French democracy in Spanish politics. CETEWAYO'S J?LEA. London, August 20. Cetewayo has recovered from the wounds received in the late engagement between his forces and the insurgent, and made a request of Queen Victoria that she will have a full inquiry made into the treatment he has received. UNFOUNDED. Alexandria, August 20. The report in circulation S iturday that there was a crisis in tin cibinet, auJ that Itiaz Pasha would form a new ministry, proves to have been without founda tion. CANADIAN STORMS. Toronto, August 20. A terrific storm, accompanied by thunder and lightning, visited the northwest part of Ontario yesterday. At Listwcl the water is two feet in the streets. Sever al buildings and bridges were carried away, and the destruction to property gencrally.is very great. At Windhuni the river lose twelve feet. The railroad bridge and track were washed away, and the country load is covered with four feet of water. A large quantity .of standing grain was destroyed. BAD FOll EGYPT. London, August 20. A Times Alex andria correspondent say 8: If the British toops should be withdrawn from Egypt do European family would re main in the country a week after their departure. Egypt, he states, ia inca pable of self-government. RELEASED. Loudon, Aught 20. The daily News intimates that Shaw, British missionary iu Madagascar, who was imprisoned by the "French there ou charge of haying concealed two' Ilovas spiec; has been released. I. C St. J., ill C B 1 Safest. Best and Most ReiiaMe LINE IN THE WEST. Magnificent D niiig Care, Elegant Day Coaches 2 Si Loins Trains Daily, 2 Omaha Trains Daily, 2 Kansas City Trains Daily 3 Atctison Trains Daily, Two Trains for St Paul, Minneapolis, Sioux.Cit1 A id a!l pDiuH Ij nortlrvest, with Pullman Sleeping Cars, Between Kansas City anl St. Panl WITHOUT CHANGE All trains run on timcconuecting for all points East West, North & South llcKeie lor saie hi an regular ucKt-i miice, (formation regarding rates, time, &c. cheer ily given ty addressing dumb MUb !. When any l' bll I tT of lh i; K F It TI K IMS N Occur. I.i.t vitality. ImcU .rn.-rv.. Ion lur, wa.tlac eI.Mf-. ' ull ho iIIm um- r a yrr anal BMtnre. f run Imtcvcr rniiw. !:. .onttliuoiis lstaku uuuut mis iiiiiuiif. mm - mr-- ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. - TO THE U0IB:-SF-jS illon,D-pepl,or'wltli IH.cu.cmiritii- l.lv dnevm lleaJwho ort old ti-vl, KmoIIcii or Ankle, or Swollen Fed, ftn AI.iloniiD.il t Exhan.t rr. Kid u i. and a pnlr of Mairnrtlc hoot mhui ien In the ro'lef ami cure r all thevo ni.iaiiuH. , j carry a powerful umKnetio roru t-t tli -'it ot Ui diK!r",I.Bme Ilacfc. WmlmfMorik. Pplnc. Vnll- Int. of the womb. l-licorrh-a, broiilc iddiibiiuh' A. C. DAWB.t. tleu'l Pass AESii J. K. Barnard. Gen'l Snpt, STREIGHT Sr CO. (Successor to HtrelgUt 4k. Miller. MANUFACTURER OF orrhnseor Flooding. I'ulnful, hupprew' I and lr. rrirular Menafruallun. llrrnii.'M, nil i;lifo or I.lfe, thUUtbr lie.t ApnUunco .oil CO rail o A Hunt For all forms of Female If fflmltlca it U onrir paased by anytlilnir bcfoi-e lnveiit.-ci. ltli a a i uj ativo atrrr.t and as'a source of pover and ritalintlon. Prlceof either Belt with MapiieticFoot I!ntterlf, Bent by exnrens CO. 1 ,an.l exnniltir.tion allowed. or ,y mall on receipt of vrice. In ordering, fen. I ineiiMire jf waist and size or Mioo. Remlftnnco inn pouuuwia tur rency, sent In letter at our rii-k. ... The Magneton Uarnient a.-e adapW to all ages, aro worn over tbo under clothlnit, (nut neit to tho body Uk tka many Galranlc and Kleeirlc Hum. but adyertlaed ao extealveljr and abould be taken oft at night. They hold thelrpweroreur.ao are worn at all aeaaons of the year. - Send stamp ror uie -tw utum uni i .ucui i.v ment Without Medicine." Willi tuouniula of toillmo- n- . . . . 1 lit. JLiUJr. I ut Arrunur,i,u., 5il8 State .St., Ctiivueo, J 11 MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH HOUSE SHOEIXG & WACON KEPAIKIXt All Kinds of Farm implements Mended will Neatness and Dispatch. FINE f HEAVY HARNBS. A large line of saddles Bridles Cellars WMbs. &c Always In stock. Repairing of all Jcir.ds r.eatly dove o sort notice. Main Street, between Fourth and Filth. SAGE'S ADDITION TO TITE CITY of PLATTSM0UTH Valuable outlots for residence pur poses. Sage's addition lies south-west of the city, and all lots are very easy ol access, and high and sightly. For particulars call on E. SAGE, Pron r, AT SAGE'S HARDWARE STORE, Platt8mouth. Xeb. a. I. NI1FSOIV, AGENCY FIRE INSURANCE CO'S: CITY, of London, QUEEN", of Liverpool FIREMAN FUND, of California EXPREESS COMPANIES AMEKICAJI EXPRESS CO., WELL'S FARGo & CO EXPRESS. Offlcoln Rockwood Bloolc. with Johnson Bros 6d5in. GAFF, FLEISCHMAN k CO. COMPRESSED YEAST. The best yeast i 1 use, received fresh every TUESDAY and FRIDAY mornings. Cr 4 1 .J pjled by Horse, Mule& Ox Shoeing n short, we'll shoe anything that hup four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. KE"W SHOP u Kittu Sf between Main and Vine Street ast across ie corner from the ar.v 11KKAL . CD I tost BfJlb BBS H " 1 W TENDERLOIN Meat Market, LAFE CNEIL, Prop'r. ear Mutton Peri Yaal CMcfcens. &c Constantly on hand. Also.all Wnd3of AMK m season, and ev erything kept In a FIRST-CLASS MEAT SHOP At lowest possible rates. 621y rLATTSMOUTnNEB.' ARNEGA preparations CJu-mlHtry lniH iiH'vi'ril iio-i ino.lv wimtI" to riiina f r liculiiiu i't riml i-riiriiiiM. j'riKir ly !r-iiu'l uini cojubiucU, il. liiitt.no cquiti n a tuilul in i'iiiiruiKiii. fl JELLY. xation of Hrnlca. Will Bx'lily euro -Iihi-I IikimIh, TM k l Ids unci ioiiuliiiia Of tllM (.kill, WllCtlllT Olll!Hf'l frotll f'lillllltll! Illtlll- , koi- Hut nii'i .f III 111 H I. OSMiri K N. Will -uro )lnil-s ! il iufU, rt-uacrliiii ilm Hkm hkII Hinl luir. luvi!u.ibh In Null KIk-iiiii. A lumilv r-nnlvtir-ulM. hnrtiH, lirniHc-N uii.l hn 8. I'ltU li IN 1 1 "'A I. K r,v. Ann m fl TOILET SOAP In I. IlKlillullr r- syi iiniif.1, 1 1 1 ii 1 1 11 m- 1 . glllt-l. AI.H(.llll-- Iv llll-'. IW'fllH tlKI sliiu from hnppiii f anl lirirmrt-4 to it lllw ml it iifitlt by kI 1 'nrlviilN-il rr i-li-iiiilnu tin) h-iiI Hinl -raclirittln liimriiir. Tho moHt IMr 'ret tciilot boiiii in tlio world. I'lCK i:. itfr vntn. fl Shaving Soap mm A mf licnt(vl artlolo Rl tit rale infill. I'r- n B -iiiH nil .iini.i. licHlmwira liM i-ttinl ADM n mm m ki;ssii VINi 11 ll l. K. II I I I.V l il llll .' JiliriMTH. who uv ot it. "Without piinillcl iih a Hliavuit; nun p." llluli In Intlii-r mid lithtin:,'. Kffps tlit fiifjn mid tn-k lrio 1,-oiji pjiuplen. lUllt i: J.1-tH. lor u liuicu uk-. TOOTH SOAP Ih witliout fnifHtion tbo iiioht iK'ifi-ct nr ticlo tmr iroiuoiMl, hi it not on! v t lon on es tho t'-olli thoroiurlilv. I.ut ti coiniiinntioii vi liMriiirii pri-Hervi H und Imrdi-liH th K'imM. It fivcrt t tho lirn'Mli it HWi'Mt, tlfliento odor. lt tiiHt' ixdnlimhtfii .. I'i l !.' Imx. All lni!'r;iHts no 1 tho nliovn iirticlos, or wo will ln til tlicui M)Htniicl,on rocoipt ol pi ICO. .C. H. STRONG & CO., M rrorie1ors ami Manrrs., I'lifrui? WILL J. W'A 1M5ICK. Aii:.s'i', M.ATTSMOI 'J it, si i:i:aska. HOUSE-S CITY SHOEING SHOP I :nn oin to !o all k i ml h of sliiiciii, and Io C':iri stud Woon work. l.'cti:iii iK aud Plow work done lo order : now Is your time to patroi. ize nif. S!o on V;f-liiiiton Avei.nu at tin- arlorco-sh.co Sign. fv-Cool S,iti-.f.i'l ion (Julir.'iiili-i-il. ;ko. pai.mi:i:. vl."tf PlaltTinoutli. Neb NEW J". I. TT iT JEZjU331, IIEAIKU IN FUP2TITUEE f COFFINS, an.-l :i'.l kli.d- of j,-oori ni!;i.l!y kept lu a 1 I-'IICMl C1,ASH i 1 I'ltK IsTOItF. Also, a vry coiiiph-t? ctook f I'nn'Titl (UhAh, Metallic&WooilcnCofflns Caskets Rotes, EMELEMS, Ac Our New ami '!""ii.it li.-a, i a! way In rea'iu?N"i. lUmembcr tl: jilic, in ITN'ION I'.I.OCK. on Sixlti Sirr-ft. TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun ty J Sank'. I.er.r we may lit- louiul niaht onlay. J. I UNRUHf ltl3 . i. vr to jr I. MB Dr. C. A. Marshall (Successor to Clutter & Marshall.) Preservation of natural teefa a pecialty, Tetth extracted without pain by use of Laughing Gas. All work wai ranttd. Prices reasonable . FTTZOFRAtnT-LOCK, . PtATTSMOrTH, NEB