... -V - . '.". " - -n"r 'K"":"-: " n. n. Tf i c , f ? ' i , . f ; ; (' ; J ' i' i - X ... , I r t ... . i i VOL. I. I'LATTSMOUTIJ, NEBKASKA, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 21, 1883. Ill v .( u M J - -w' . ... ",:-wv J v1 1 1. i ... .. i..iii, ... ... i i r i w x dl 1 1 II I III III III III IM'VI V.,, Ill 1 M M M II V i ii 1 1 ?-2 0 y (? ,3 w 7 e . 1 . 'I! h U , 1 I- : r. V:' JONATHAN IIaTT J. AVr. Martiiis Beef, Pork, Mu tton and Veal HurceHHorw to A. ii. IIATT. HEA3DQTJAETEES 1012. CHOICE Snar-Cured Hams, Bacon, Salt Meats of all kinds, Lard and all other articles kept in a fiivt-class meat market. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. lSolojma, o- The Highest Market Price Paid for Hides, Wool, Pelts, Grease, Etc. o Fresh Lake Trout and White Fish Every Thursday Morning. PLATTSMOOTfl HERALD rUBMSIIED DAILY AND WEEKLY -BY- The Flattsmontli Herald PntlisUni Co. DAI L, Y4 delivered by carrier to any part of the city Per Week o , rer Year WEEKLY.'b'v iiVaiL One copy glx months Si 00 One copy oue year -"" 200 Kegl.stered at tue Post Office, nattBinouth. an second cla.Hs inaiter. 60 7 00 GROCERIES. THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Full ILine Greneral Merchandise. Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. Call and Satisfy Yourself -A.T JOSEPH V. WECKBAGHS Oh, Yes! (Dur iw wig have arrived, and 1 will continue to pell Dry Goods & Notions Dress Goods, Trimmings Etc., at lower trices than any other hoiise in the country. Also a full line of Groceries, Queensware AND at prices to defy comoetion. Yours Kespctfully, W. H. P. JT. IHIANIEM. Dealer in The town of Red Cloud, Webster county, is experiencing a prosperous season, be ireral beautiful brick hlork have been erected during the past year in this enterprising city, and as a trad ing point we do not believe there is a city in suthern Nebraska in a more flourishing condition, lied Cloud is at the terminous of the middle di vision of the B. & M. in Nebraska, and alao of P,autinS the w.h.ecl and windlass. he "Branch" from Crete via. of Beat rice aud Wymore, south and west. At this place the splendid B. & M. eating house is managed by Mr. Joseph Swan, one 01 the best and most accommodat ing hotel men in the west, in whose praise the travelling public speak only in deservedly complimentary terms. The IIekald here takes occasion to congiatulate the B. & M. management upon its fortunate selection of thi9 com petent gentleman, to care for the wants of its immense passenger traffic, at (his point. .-''; A trip over the lines of the B. & M. west to Hastings and Red Cloud, and from Red Cloud east through Nuckolh and Thayer counties, last week, in which Webster. Nuckolls and Thaver - counties, in Nebraska, and Jewell, Smith and Republic counties Kansas were briefly visited, has convinced the Herald that Nebraska, at least, will outdo itself this year of '83, In the way of crops. The corn crop in the coun ties mentioned is remarkable, both for its quality and acreace. Tho small grain was represented to be, and Is au immense crop, both in quantity and quality. The raiLAU'kas be4fv&nte. ous, more man ever oerore luo Beason through, producing with tho immense erops'a plentiful yield of grass. This country is well settled with a thrifty, intelligent clafcs of agriculturists; good comfortable farm Houses have taken the place of the early "dug out,! and the needful windmill is fast sup The people are thriving, and proud of their country, a circumstance which speaks louder than any outside representa tions can do. Here we found wild land, in the neighborhood of any of the stations on the Branch, from Wy more to Red Cloud, worth from five to fifteen dollars per acre. The country is well supplied with stock of all kinds, sheep, swine, and cattle, and the thriv mg villages, and lofty grain elevators, at every station, spoke of what the great B. & M. in Nebraska has done to develop and populate this already weal thy State. We believe it is neither a boastful nor exaggerated statement to Republican State Convention. The KepubllcHn electors or tlie State of Xe braxka are hereby calh-d to eul di-leate from the aeveral counties to lieet In State Convention at Lincoln, Wednesday, September 2t, A. If. 18K1, at a o'clock p. 111.. for the pur pose of placing lu lioiiiu.allou candidate for the following named ottice.i, to-wit ; One Justice of thebLpreine Court. Two Kegents of the Cniverxity. One Uiilverolty Itegeut to fill vacancy. The several countten are entitled to repre sentation In the .State Convention, aa follows, ba-ed upon the vote can t for K. 1'. KoKen for Secretary of mate, giving one delegate to each oue hundred and fifty (lui) votes, mid oue del egate for the tract in of seventy-live (7.1) votes or over : also one delegate for each organized county iTJ-IMIIBIEnR RICHEY BEOS, Countlcn Adam-. ... . Autelope. . . lioone liullalo Butler Bun... Del. ....7 5 ....5 ... 6 6 .8 Krown 3 Cass . ..13 Cedar 'i Cheyeuuee 2 Clay 8 Colfax Cuming 5 Chase 1 (Ulster 3 Cherry 1 Dakota .4 Iawsoa .3 Oixou 4 Dodge Uougla lo Counties Del. JohuHoti T Kearney 3 Keith 1 Knox 6 Lancaxter 24 Lincoln 4 Loup 2 Madixon 6 Merrick 4 Nance 2 Neineha Nuckolls t Otoe 11 1'awnee 8 t'helpH 3 l leree ...2 1'latte Tolk Ited Willow 4 Richardson 12 saline t IKA LKHS IN ALL KINDS OF- Lumber, Sash.Doors, Blinds 2 AIITTS, LIME, luudy 1 i Harny Flimore 0 Hauntlei-H it franklin ... 4 I Seward 8 ..3 ..2 ..I .5 ..4 ..8 Frontier 2 i Sheeman. I.-Ir....u K I w... ...... 5 ; Stanton. il 1 bloux... .nayer. Valley.. Washington.. Furniis Gage.... Uoener 2 &reecley 2 uau Jlamilton 7 JIarlan 4 liitcueock 2 Holt 5 Howard :t Jetlerson 5 1 Total 371 It is recommended that 110 uroxies he ad mitted to the convention, except such as are Held by nelson reMdimr in the counties from which the proxies are iriven. Geo. W. K. Ijokskv, Chairman. 8. B. CoLsex, Secretary. Wayne 3 W heeler 2 Webster York 8 BANKS. In the Knevals land cases, the Oma ha Bee comments very pointedly upon make, when we say, from every source .IN Groceries & Crockery GLASS Al Q1JWAB, J Also Choice JBrands of IFlour. Ant for tlie German Fire lnsurnce Co., Freeport, 111.; German Fire Insurance Co., Peoria, 111.; Manhattan Life Insurance Co., New York. Western Horse and Cattle Insurance Company, OF OMAHA. Fire Insurance Policies Issued in the English and German Languages Steamship Tickets sold from and to Europe over the Hamburg American Packet Co., and the North-German Lloyd. Agents for 100,000 acres of land on the Northern Pacific railroad in Dakota. LU No old stock to work off. The latest patterns cf QLASS ATT3D QTJEE31srSW.I?E FLOUR AND PROVISIONS. THE HIGHEST MARKET TRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. DREW BUILDING, PLATTSMOUTH. the manner in which the supposed set tlement between the figurehead, Kne vals. and the settlers upon those lands, has been brought about the Bee says: ;V year ago Kneval would have been glad to have taken $1.50 an acre for his lands, now he is compromising at $3.50, and the settlers are mortgag- their farms to clear their original tiile. It can readily be seen that there will be a good deal more difficulty now in so curing the attention of congress to the claims of our farmers in southern Ne braska. It will be urged that if tho farmers were able to settle with Mr. there is no further need for congres sional relief. Appropriating money to prevent eviction, and voting it to help farmers to pay mortgages, arc two very different things in the eyes of congress. II113 was the point seen by TJeneral Van vVyck, who ha9 steadily urged up on the settlers to refuse all offers of compromise, and to watt the course of events." The Herald would suggest that Cenercl Van Wyck while he is about it, look into the manner in which these cases were conducted on behalf of the settlers, and perhaps he can gain some insight into the manner in which they were settled, and recognize the hidden land that has guided and shaped that settlement. The Telegraph strike is ended : the employees are again asking for em ployment, and the great telegraph mo nopoly is exultant that its millions of wealth, and almost limitless power, has triumphed over the weak and pen niless employee who has had the temer ity to break a lance with that power ful master and antagonist, and the prints are full of the boastful self con gratulatory rejoicings of the victor. From thi3 contest, however, reforms n our system of telegraphy will emerge ; and the country will in the end be the gainer; and when this comes to pass the penniless, defeated operator will be the victor after all. The strike may be ridiculed and the strikers may be censured, as they have been by a great majority of the press; but the fact still Remains that the Brotherhood or Union adopted the only means at hand at their command to achieve, redress, aud gain relief first, by asking their employers for re munerative and living wages, and sec ond, whea that request was met with contemptuous disregard, by quitting the employment of the grasping mas ter. From the smoke of this contest, the country's attention has been direct ed to several features of the telegraph system of America which needs and must have attentions chiefest among which is the fact that the commercial peace and prosperity of this continent cannot be assured so long as our tele- of information accessible, that the State of Nebraska will this year exceed j its crop of '82, by at least from 30 to 40 per cent, in corn, wheat, oats, and all other crops. With Thayer and Nuck olls counties we were especially pleased and predict that at no distant day these will be among the banner counties of sounthern Nebraska, in point of popu lation and wealth. HERALD CLIPPINGS. England will persist in the deporta tion 01 ner lrisu subjects. The gov ernment has introduced in Parliament Knevals, a bill which vill appropriate 800,000 iur jiuuer emigration. JOIf.V riTZOERALI), A. W. McLAUCH Tresident. . Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL OV l'i.ATT3MOUTH. NKBIiASKA, Offers the very best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Government and Loca securities JSou;iit aim sold. Deposits receiv er aim mieiesL auoweu uu nine ueriui catee, Drafts drawn, available in any Dart of the United States and all the principal towns of e-urope. Collections made & pronely remitted. Highest market prices paid for County War rants, State aud County Bond. BTJZXjIDJIIsra- ZFLA-ItPIKIIR, Rates. Terms CasSa JUST The archbishop of Naples will be made a cardinal for his services to the sufferers by earthquake in Ischia. A child was recently rescued alive from the ruins after suffering for a week. The treasury cattle commission re ports, after exhaustive inquiry, that it is unable to find a trace of the foot-and-mouth disease, apatsSZniji the herds just landed from CJreat Bfilain. After all the professed jackals and anonymous jackasses have finished dis puting as to Garfield's character and purposes it is not unlikely that decent people will conclude that it is only an other version of the dead lion and his assailants. The Review is authority for the state, ment that Captain Webb never enjoyed robust health after his feats in the West minster Aquarium. He contracted an affection of the lungs, which made it impossible for him to look forward to a long life; and he therefore preferred to die a heroic death, while st'U in pos session of much of his power A meeting to further emigration, over which Earl Shattsbury presided, th Archbishop of Canterbury being also present, resolved at London Friday that 200,000 persons should be sent to Cana da and the colonies, the state to buy them farms, taking a mortgage for se curity. It is proposed to send 10,000 families to Canada next speing. Canada is to have standing army of 1,250 men by enlarging her two field batteries, forming three infantry com panies, mounting a troop of cavalry and increasing the mounted police of the nftrthwest. Of 40,000 men sup posed to compose the militia onefouith are presentable on parade. The Queen's Own, of Toronto, is the strongest battalion. There really sacms to be a strong probability of the appointment of a Chinese policeman in Philadelphia. If Sam Wah should be decorated with the star and club he covets. Denis Kearney would feel more than ever dis posed to burrow deep into the "bosom of his family" and let the balmy breez es of the Pacific fan his ample ears. The most recent interesting discover ies reported are those of Noah's ark on Mount Ararat, the original lithograph stone containing the Ten Command- graph system is in the hands of private ments, the man who derided and sold Individuals, and sneenlatora. Th hesr. ous general uancocK, ana tne individ and wisest heads in the nation have been assured of this for sometime past, and the postal system under the control of the general government seems to be the almost universally agreed remedy for the existing danger. The next con gress will have this problem before it, and it is to be hoped a plan may be hit upon which will do away with the present monopoly, or at least give it a foeman worthy of its steel, and which cannot be purchased by the syndicate of millionaires Who today ' use this great medium for the'r own personal gain, regardless of the rights and neces sities of individuals. . ual who bough c the Kcpublican victory of 1880. We need not now despair of the success of the French Abbe M012- not, who is about to explore the Red Sea in searcn 01 rnaroh's lost armv. Another wonder has been discovered about Lake Tahoe which is a petrified pine forest fifty feet below the surface. According to the Carson Appeal, the moss clinging about the top of the trees has formerly presented tho appearance of an ordinal y elevation of the lake bed, but the moss has now disappeared disclosing the petrified forest with every limb and twig distinct. Some fishermen recently drew up several branches, which looked precisely as if they had just been cut from a green tree. DIRECTORS : John Fitzgerald A. John R. Clark. K. Geo. K. Dovey, K. A. W McLaughlin. E. Touzalin, '. dishing. K. White. A KINK LOT OV MACKEREL, LAURA DO J IE HERRING, TROUT, WILD WA VB - COD FISH, ' A ho a choice lot of X.E2&OXTS ORANGES. We bave a fine slook of CHOICE: FAMMRY GRO&JBBIBS, Fancy rands of ' '" MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI FLOUR. I have In ttoc a fine line of 1 Queensware, Glassware, Lamps. &c. All our goods are new and fresh. Will Exchange lor Country Produce. Linseed Oil Meal Always on Hanf ' Next floor to Court House, Plattemoutli, Nel, s, nd52w3w M Ba MURPHY & CO. WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER. NEB. E. Jj. REED, President. U. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. R. S. WILKINSON. Cashier. A General Banlciig Business Transacted. OK POSIT Received, and Interest allowed on Time Certi ficates. Drawn available -in any part of the United States and all the principal cities of Europe. 9 A N D- F E E3D Agents for the celebrated Wmi Line of Steamers. Bank Cass County Cotner Main and Sixth Streets, DPIj-A-TTTS MOT7TH 1 JOHN BLACK. President, i t J. M. PATTERSON, Cashier. J Transacts a General Banlring Business. HIGHEST CASI1 rRICE Paid for County and City War.ants. COIiLECTIOXS HADEi and promptly remitted for. iiRKr;cTons : John Black, J. M. Patterson, C. II. Pain el F. R. Outhmann, J. Morriasey, A. B. mitii. Fred G order. M. O'CONNOR. At.the down-town saloon. OPPOSITE THE PERKINS HOUSE, Keeps a complete ine of Liquors, AND CIGARS, BOTTLED BEER, ALE AND PORTER, KRUG'S OMAHA BEER and the best brands of Kentucky PLATTSMOTtni. 91 whiskies. Opposite Perkins House. - S8HHB51 Mill m maiLdran to u applicant abort 176 peg eoo iuurtxttiooa, prion, lecnnl Pl&uta, Fruit Tree, eta. Invili uuzw Marine ijaiubla to aQ. At Wholesale and Htetail. Cash paid for all kinds of country produce. Call and sec me. Opposite First National Hank. J. IF. jm. ATDMIEISTPJE US EASTWARD Daily Express Trains for Omcha. Chicago, Kansas City, St. Ixmis. and all points East. Through Cars via Peoria to Indianapolis. Ele gant Pullman Palace Cars and dwy coaches on all through trains, and Oinins car east of Mis souri river. WESTWARD Daiiy Express trains for Denver connecting in I'nion Depot for all points In Colorado. Utah. California and the entire Went. The advent of this line (rives the traveler a New Route to the West, with ncenery and advantages iincnualed elsewhere. . Through Tickets at the Lowest Rates are on Fate at all lhe Important xtationa. and .liacrgaea P. S- EUSTIS, General Ticket Agent, Omaha. Neb. u r t ' I,llur"iailuu 10 routes or time table vili be " B U R LI N GTO N. h O U TE ' 1 (Chicago, Burlington &. Ouincv rt . 'road.) rr-r- COINC EAST AND WEST. . Elegant Day Coaches, Parlor Cars, with Recti o x Chairs (seats free). Smoking Car, with Re- (rowing Chain. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars and tne ramous u. u. S V- uimng 1 ars run aauy to and from Chicago Jt Kansas Qity, Chicago & Council Bluffs, Chicago & Bea Moines, Chicago, St. Jo seph. Atchison & Topeka. Only through line be tween Chicacro, Lincoln & Denver. Throush cars Itetweea Indianapolis & Council BlufTs via Peoria. Ail connections mane in union ix-pots. 11 is known as the great THROUGH CAR LINE. COINC NORTH AND SOUTH Solid Trains of Elegant Day Coaches and Pull man Palace Sleeping Cars are run daily to and rora it. Louis, via Kantubal, Ouincv, Keokuk Burlineton. Cedar Iu.nt.la and Albert Lea to fit Paul and Minneapolis: Parlor Cars with Reclining Chairs to and from St. Louis and Itooria and tol and from St. Louis and Ottumwa. Only one! cbange of cars between St. Louis and Desl IM oines. lowa, Lincoln, riebraska, tnd Denver. Colorado. It is universally admitted to be the Finest Equipped Railroad In the World for all Classes of Travel- IT. J. POTTER, id Vice-Prest and Oen'l Manager. PERCEVAL LOWELL. Gen. Pa. Ag't, Chicago. 1 ,! f i. r if CM. refit CO. UXTRGtT MlO-