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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1883)
OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PUTTSUOOTfl HERALD. u pnnLisiiED by ot'fra house rue musioaia uerai raniMuu CliOTIirEBf, An GENTS' FURNISHERS . illy nn o u&vor 1 "Order taken for M ILSON BROS.' HIIIKTH On 9 Teleg TOST OFFICE ftSews Depot, 8TATIONEKY. NOT I I ' im Puttee 1 I I I I -II -II - ' " " TELEG UAP1L TUOUBLE The Strikers out Job- for a MASON & HAMLIN U HENRY F. MILLEK and 7 Miscellaneous Notes. JL2T J3. TOJJD'S Hardware E AT SAGE'S OLI STAND, ON LOW El. MAIN STREET. TTIlflC JZest JLine ot Cook Stoves, (Kasoline Stoves, . "Tinware (General Hardware 66 66 66 To be round In the City. New Rood at prices that defy compHion. Give me a call AMI JHJ (OUDID. mm mmm W'e have Just received fine assonmeni oi -AND Wagon Tops, Spring which mo will sell at lTice within the reach of all. (Dome and Sec0iir Canopy 4Fop. TilK MOIITEST. NEATEST gj"1- TP Also a complete Lluo of Men's. Boys, and Ladies'.Saddles at 4 Win "vv d :Gr.CH AMBERS & SON KIS11ING FOR PLACES .New York, August 18. The main . m t. ,.m.. .f the Western Union leiegrupu company was Desiegeu irum i.n..r ti.i mnruinz bv nearly one nuu dred operators seeking reinstatement. ( including a number ot women anugins, Superintendent lluinestone 13 busily engaged in discriminating between ap plications fromfirst-clasd workmen and ii.ose ho were consider seconu aim ihiid rale. Ouly tho beat women are being taken La'-k, and quite a number . . , . i . .. ... .f operators are di-appoiuteu uy umb rejected. Those operators who were taken on alter the strike commenced will bo relaiued by the company in their present positions. Muce u,e alrike was declartil ended yesterday, twelve women have been received back into the employ of the company The total uuuiuer of women who have ap- nliid for reinstatement is over forty-five. so that ihirty-lhree of that number are left wi.iiout work Superintendent Iluniestone said that forty-five men were taken back yesterday afternoon eveninc. About thirtv moie first- iuae nu n were reinstated this moru- 5,,tr. He said that all of the branch nffipps will be open fo-business Monday morning, and everything will be in good t-hape by that time. DESEKTING TIIK SHIP he al ibi v i f morn . . i iutr witliessetl what appears Vo uo n. cided break in the ranks. Up to noon to exceed fifty had made personal ap plication to Superintendent Tubus lor reinstatement, aud thirty-nine had been nivpn i .laces. Superintendent Clowry reports irom Indianapolis and Cinc'm ,.t, r. th off. ct that all opposition a i r - - - from workmen is ceafing tliere, and that full forces will be on duty tonight. A STAMPEDE. fhicaso. August 18. The strikin telegraph operators kept applying for ivnrt at the office of the Western Union in small tquads up to 1 o'clock, when a stampede occurred, and from that time until a late hour the hall way leading M-.mno nf KutierititenJeut Tubbs -vivriVd. A number of those ap in speaking of the colUpw of the strike. aid the condition of the tne i many sectlooi, especially m yueDec and the south, were In a demoralized eonditioo At many points roemuer. were In want of the necessaries or me. Pi.llA.llthli& and other eastern points were short of fund, and it was Impos sible to hold New York out longer. Tl.crnr made bv some that John ... r..v, .A. tlio nrirnuization in IUB vauiwoi iwiu -- most unjust and unfounded. The or- dr m-v have been a little premature, hnt those in a roitin to know fully realized the fact that hundreds were about to return to work, and the lat ntAAlr urtll ' 1 1 Im e terminat) d Ul III a b n ccn v - ,,ti... in nil init half a dcen places. THE LINEMES. New York. August 18. About one hundred striking telegraph operators back to the Western Union today. Out of that numbet only twelve or hirtPPn wore women. Thirty others annlied but were rejected. A delega- . . . . . in timi of striking linemen ylsiteu tno om cc. but were told that their places had bppn filled bv competent men. J-aier they held a meeting and resolved to ap ply for work individually aui go uaca just as soon as the company wou.u take them. THE UN FOKT V NATES. The optr-ttors who were unsuccess ful in their applications also neiu a meeting and passed resolutions ot thanks to the press and women opera tors who did not succeed iu ueiug ic- instated. They are to have the procecus of a picnic tomorrow devoted to their be-ieiit. Subscriptions lor mem also be started. It is the intention of the brotheihood to pay the ladies their regular salaries while out ot employment. THE LOSSES. Mr. Somerville said during the first week of the strike the busiutss of the .omnftiiv fell r.ffabout thirty per cent. but after that it was but fifteen per cent, and during the last week only ten per cent, lower than the usual amount. OEALKK IN . y. . i. .. " "8JbS, CHAiRP. tc, rra, rrc Of All Dcacripttan. METALLIC BURIAL C ASES WOODEN co' J-J f all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash MY Fl NlTlt EARSB 1 NOW KEA1V KOK HEUV1CE. With uiany thanks for past patronage, luvlte all to call ana examine my 1,AK(JE BTOCK OF 31tf. rtttSTrHK AKI rMS -3 O 4 J1 DESEHT1JNU J nr. fl ' Chicago. August 17. Despite tl W iitude taken by the lo. al iseinl T ! the telegiMphus ls n ght, this t The Groat Jurist Passes Ctui etly Away. ROS Warranted to be as good as jny, aS and t.n in Block a ircneral assortment of IIAKDWAKE, bTO tb and TDfWAR, anfsell as cheap as any Hardware honse the eo.mtry. Call and see us in the kockkoou uiuk. AndTii IMS' StocTi ALL KINDS FCR SALE BY .vAllllyy ST. LOU IS, MO C3 J- M j 1 PI 1 "go 0 CC c-2 - p. o2 a- t CD 5Q 3 t 5 2 S n "5 .9 -a c s o ' ? p. 4. 41 S "S at-' a 2 a CO a o o a 13 c 5 s ad ar a Mew Fall C. G. HEROLD'S CLOTHING FonisMD Goods Louisville Branch Store! Can he found the largest and best stock of Gents' M.1T8, VtBJP8,. Trunks, Valises, Boots and Shoes, In Cash County, at lied Ilufk Prices. Kcinenil.rr the place. HIT. JUIIBIHKIDJL-IID Manager. D Ke IirriBIKWMP Sole IPt'omto ARNICA PREPARATIONS Of O 05 it Us Fmie m Cass County Iron Works WAOIAN & KIRBY, Propr's. -i . tyi on t,"h. STelD. J- J- XJt'" MANUFACTUJiKllt iJIS OV ENGINES, tixiv I7K.OXTS- HOUSE COLUMN. facilities or heavy Vn &A?-f SSig- - Busine., Houses ar? XENEPAUUNG of all kinds. Our Machine Shop is fully equipped J9ltt' WC dapliC"? U ea8tCrP priCe9' MVing freight and tiuio. , ctate should rrite for our terms of castings fti- buildinjriny . V WORKS , ' fused places for reasons pljingwre.. Practically bus t kLown to the ci. 4'B i lie entire woi kiusi ioivjc - . more & Ohio company was taken ba . intact. About 100 operators met at Ui rich had at 2 o'clock in the afternoon- i.e leaders acknowledged that the cause w as lost, and advised the men to seek work. The Chicago offices are now fully manned. ASKIXO FOB TERMS. Cincinnati, August 18. -The striking operators have received no official no tice of the abandonment of the strike yesterday, but this forenoon they sent a communication to Superintendent Mil ler to know on what terms they can re turn. He showed them n"f. mi of the contract they would be required to subscribe t, abjuring the brotherhood, and they wen' away to report. line striker has signed the contract and gone to work. Superintendent Miller will act on individual applications and fill vacancies according to the qualm- cations of the applicants. THE END HAP COME. Washington, August 18. At 12:15 the striking operators called in a body upon Manager Clark, of the Western Union, and stated that as the striKn naa beeu declared ended, they were desir ous of resuming work. Manager Clark received them affably, and "informed ihcm that all first-c:ass positions cre filled, but second rate places were open and men would be designate! by mm from among tne strikers to occupy thern if so desired. ArPLYIXO FOR WORK. Memphis, August 18 The telegraph strike has ei.ded. Nearly all the strik iug operators nave applied tor work. Two have been reinstated. The Cotton Merchant's exchange and two bucket shops commenced this morning to receive regular reports. WHOLESALE APPLICATIONS. Pittsburg, August 18. Manager Lloyd, of the Western Union, was busy all morning receiving applications from strikers for reinstatement Out of C5 who quit work at the beginning of the sfikc, all but fifte n have been tak en back upon promising to renounce the brotherhood. AT PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, August IS.-Nineteen strikers were engaged this afternoon and will be placed on duty Monday. Five or six others will leave for Chi- r-atm tomoriOW. The remainder of tUn-ic. who made f.pnlication for re in- statemeot were notified to call on Man - ager Jones Mo. .day. AT PITTSBURG. Pittsburg, August 18. In an inter view with an asEOciated press repre- .0'..rt:vA Thos. H. Huphes, grand secre tary of the brotherhood of telegrapher, Washiuirton. August 19 The Post has information that Judge Jere Black died at 2 o'clock this afternoon Xew York. Autiust 19.- .Judge Jere lilack died at ten minutes past 2 o'clock this afternoon. Though not iiDtxpect- o,i hi death was a sudden shock to ... the community. Saturday morning ne seemed somewhat better, but the im provement was too slight to juatily the hope of recovery. The favorable change began about noon and he gradually erew worse but remained conscious almost to the last and died peacefully. From the beginning of his illness the judge believed he never would recover and was perfectly resigned. Mrs. Illack, Lieutenant Governor Chauncey F. lilack and wife, and Henry Black, Mr. and Mrs. Hernsby. A. Ii. Farquahar and Dr. Neissenhelder were present. Mauy teh grams of coudo'ence have betn TMQUjjjEDME,j rec. Thefune,-:' "i'l take place Tues lay a, 5 p.m. The renC" will be inter ... r,.0..f Hill pem'tery Vr rcu x v t'-v l)wers, oi me u-orist..i:i v-wv.. Washington, will probably officiate at the funeral. Shortly before Judge Black died he Phidtohis wife, "How can 1 fear to cross the dark river, when my lather waits for me on the other shore," and added, -would I. were as comfortable about all I leave behind unfinished in this world,'' and then breathed the fol lowing earnest prayer: "Oh, Thou most beloved and merciful Heavenly Father, from whom 1 have my I ting and in whom I h iv ever trusted, if it be Thy will, grant that my suffering end, and that I bo calie i home to Thee, and, oh, my God, bh-.s and comfort Thee, my Mary. I R St. L anfl G B Safest. Best and Most Reliable - LINK IN THE WEST. Magnificent D ning Cars, Elegant Day Coaches 2 St Louis Trains Daily, 2 Omalia Trains Daily, 2 Kansas City Trains Daily Atcuson Trains Daily, Two Trains for St Paul, Minneapolis, SiouxCit1 And aU points l- northwest, with Pullman Sleeping Carsf Between Kansas City anl St. Panl WI XHQ U-T CHANGE All traius run on time.connectinR for all Ipointt E ast W est, North & Soutb lieketf for sain at all recuiar ticket office, nformation regarding rates, time, &c. cheer lly give,, cr addres,i,,B y p barxa ud, A. C. Dawkb. (Jen'l Snpt. Oen'l Pass AZan THIS MAGNtTIU BtLl 13 WARRANTED TO C0BE&!? without medicine-Pain In tliebocL. blp. fcj Si5? kerili or rupture, cuturru, Uv, eplleixr, W"nTUHty of th.CEXEKATITEI.nOAN. (uvulMt itllty. luck .rnerve force ud vl.or. iikewi, und ull Uom dlwuM of . per- KrTSm of JUKnetUm p.-in.e tunc lb- -Vlihu?.,unS ...trMtore thorn la s health irt.- !, ii I Baa. i mm a a ROBERT D0NMELLy,S AFD BLACKSMITH Wwjoh, Buggy, Machine and Plow re oairina. and aerteral jobbing I av. now prepared to do all kinds of repairing .if l -.. . i k t hap niaAhlnanr a a ttiara H a good lathe in my shop. PETER RAO EN. The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge or the v&gon snop. He is well known as a 2iO .WORKMAN. Sew Wwm and RmKSTie made t wraer. SATISFACTION GUAKANT AT J0& McVEY' Sample Rooms You will find the Finest Importea French Brandy, Champaign, and other Fine Wines, I'ure KentucKy v niSKies. mavuvn nf t.iin hpst and most DODular brands of BOTTLE BEER, Fresh Beer always on draught, and x ine Cl ears 26tf. 5 -Jv gt a , n 'tm irMT wteboatorimrtim jt id Talaabta directions for p of Vantabto and Flower JfrJU niatw n vapvwa. au iwmr naana, Planta, Krnit Iavvluable to all. aapeo uhyto ilarlta QardracTB. Senl for It I ISptinS Sheet music & music books for oreaus &, pianos at J. i, Votings. , . SaS ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. TO THE LADIES:HS ffttaWlVf -n.n. .of .11 tho.- .TO'-X'tof u2 curry a powonui u dlMo. ,. ..... ,fc. Snlne. Vail. , x rra" ra-ruu-ri-up-p- ;; ir I.lfe, this la thr ltcat AppUnctt al CurU KFo "fl fo.m of Female rtlOmltlwi it U nnmr pled by anythlntf bero. InTentjrt. both y a cui atiT aer.tandBftouroeof po-erand ntaluatlon. TO'ftlier Mt lthMairnrUc Foot Batteriaj. I (nl Tby expre C. O. V .. and examination allowed .or by mall on refelpt of price. I"r'dS"nr walHt ana bi oi rnuv. jvihvi.-..w reney.MOt In letter at our rik. TbaWroeton Oarnienua.-a adapted to all age, are worn or.r the under clotblnir. tiiot etj ty th. badr ilk. the May 6ril.M Eleetrla Ham. bi adVerUaed e.tea.lTely) and abotild b. taken off aTnig-ht. Ther hold their jnwrfonvr.maA are worn at all aeanoniiof theyear. , Bendrtamp for the "New departure la Medical Treat ment Without Madicln."wiUiUtunl or Utl.. """XHE MAOJTETON' APPT.IANCK CO.. 218 State St., Chicago, IU n m.rii4r n ... 1 . - .lUnnvorwl 11(1 I lllOl V fill IXrlOf Kj "riiica f .r li allnn xU.riiul,a. r'oM.r- ly nropareil ftii'i cuuiuuhm. TUm lnKlt cuiiiliiu- biiiioii oi uriin-n-siMMMlily cure cIih- mmI IimimIm. craM-k. it 11 .. ...I ..IllllllUk. . 1 1 ... niii. . . . t . 1 . m.oa.I frnln Pllrrmtirt Infill. enconor Urn uho if II Ul f .f"HT'V.; jU aores. 1'lUCKl.N M1.1ALJ DIIKS, XOO. TOILET SOAP I.lllcliAilly pnr f'uni4l,lilKlly IcutnU. Abaoluto. lv num. Kmiir tlif skin from chappinff an.l hn part to It 11 to aii'l a. Iitwlthy rlow. Uuri vallil for cleanluK thu nniMiirin tvcmu t-ct tonus soup III w " Tlio moHt iMr ta. Shaving Soap of rmrt4 merit. frr ventM nil ptinplt. kalO I M aikNt flUW MJlll MAKES SUA VINO PELKilir. KulorsoU ly loiuliiW Karbra, wlio jaypf It. "Without parallel uh a BliaviiiR aoap." Itlct, In 1nt,u,r mid lastlnu'. Koops tlio fdoe au.i nook froo liompiuiploa. I'iUCIS 15 vU. tot uluruncaJto. TOOTH SOAP In without qnoRtion the tnoHt ixirfcct ar ticlo ever produceil, t ..... nlilu .lull II U. nn 1 1 11V.M ..... . - es tho WU thoroughly. 'ut ,t,.1C .S 1? with arnica pr..Hervo. an-l VinatoIidSr lU civoH to tho tr".Ui a Hwent, dellcato oOor. it UiBto in tleliuhtfu- l'. afH' Jff.',. nr wn will All ilriiKKiKtH hoi tho abovo artlclog, or WO Will them, MHtimJd.ou receipt of price. C. H. STRONG & CO., Sole Proprietors and Manfrs., Chicaijr WILL J. WAKHICK, AGENT, ri.ATTSMOUTII, - - NKliUASKA. ARNICA STREIGHT & CO. Hiifceumor to Htreltfht Miller MANOFACTUKKB OF FINE HEAVY BARNES. A large line of Saddles Bridles Collars Whins. &c always in siock. Repairing of all Tiind 1 totly dene o sort notice. Main Street, between Fourth and Fifth. SAGE'S ADDITION TO THE CITY of PLATTSMOUTU Valuable outlots for residence pur poses. Sage's addition lien south-west oi the city, and all lots are very easy of access, and high and sightly. For particulars call on E. SAGE, Pron'r, AT SAGE'S HARDWARE STORE, riattHmonth. Hb. J. I. NI3IPSO X, AGENCY FIRE INSURANCE GO'S: CITY, of London, QUEEN", of Liverpool FIREMAN FUND, of California EXPREESS COHPANIES AMERICAN EXPRESS CO., WELL'S FABGO A Cpt EXPESS. Offleoiu Hock wood Block, with JoUaon Bros fidetu. .- GIFT, FLEISCHMAN 4 CD. " COMPRESSED YEAST. The best yeast ii use, received fresh every TUESPAX and FRJP4T mornings.. -'"Al plied by MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH HOUSE SHOEING & WAGON KErAIIJIM All Kinds of Farm implements Mended will Neatness and Dispatch. Horse, MuIeiS: OxShoein n short, we'll shoe anything that hup four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. SHOP HORSE-SHOEING CITY SHOEING SHOP I am BoiiiK to rio all kiix'.H f.f shot-inj,', and do Cat'i-iaxe and Wogon work. I: inalrijt and Plow work done to order : now is your lime to patroUze me. Shop on WnhlnL'ton Avenue at the Horse-shoo Sign. ZiT-C-oad Satisfaetion Guluantcfd. GEO. PALM El, wist! I'lattsmoutli. Neb. KTTn.-W nHitthSt between Main and Vine Street ast across e corner from the hkw nisuAb o h h 0 CO : U3 o 1 9. CO 3 O . I I am. H (!) e-t-P CD W s i SO i CD CD q s I 0 pi J & gs TENDERLOIN Meat Market, LAFE (TNEIL, Prop'r. esf Mutton Pork Veal OMclens. &c Constantly on hand. Also, all kinds of AME inseaon. and ev erything kept In a FIRST-CLASS 31 EAT SHOP At lowest possible rates.. - 621y ? LA1TSMQ CT UN KB. . NEW Furniture Store DEALhK IN FUE1TITURE COFFINS, and all kind of goods usually kept in a K1KHI Cl-AKI flKAlTL'llh TOKB Also, a very complete Ftock of Funpral Goods, Metallic&WooflenCofflns Casiets Rotes, EMBLEMS, Ac. Our New and elegant hearMe is always in readiness. Remember the pi nee, in UXIOX JiLOCK. on Sixth street. TWO Doors sonth of Cas3 Coun ty Rank. Whezr we may be louud nieht or day. J. I UNRUH, 2it'l .LiTCl IO rr f. NIB Dr. C. A. Marshall (Successor to Clutter & Marshall,) Preservation of natural teetn a i-pecialty. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Laughing (las. All work warranttd. ' Pricet reasonable. rrx?ozBAio BLocif, PLATTBMorrH.'Kra 0-0 - PLATTSMOUTH, NF3