(3. O. IPISDDir, Dealer hi IE2)irTUlrJC39 MKDICINE, PERFUMERYS, , Oils, Paints, Brushes, A Full Itfine of TTriiKMe fLAKOlJnl fllAlD PUBLISHED DAILT A!CD WIEKLT BT Tbe Plattsmoatn HeraJi Pnt3lisliic Co. TH3 OOSSIHO PRIZE PICHT.' Mitchell and Clad to Mot on an Island In the Missouri. Laflt CVLnIll0 Ml.A l1Ifiett M Ima 4 im a 1lf.k t .i- i I ... . .iicuwicK, oi uienwood, I assembled at Dr. It. K. Livingston! to SPECIAL NONCES. ARTICLE Wm. West for a Tha Island Located. orricuL PArsai or tub city. For City and County Directory, Railway Time Tables. Telephone Exehang Business Di rectory, Business Cards c. tee fourth pae. Ami Iii fact everything contained In a first-cUss Drue btoro. Pre scrir.tions carefully compound ed. Competition met In all departments. Coit. Main and Third Streets I'LATTSMOUTIl, NEB. SKCOrm-HAND GOODS. J. LEVY, Will BUY aud SELL all kinds of FURNITURE, "" METALS, IRON, RAGS AND FURS Will advance money on all SALABLE GOODS, on lower Main street. One k or west of Beck's Furniture sore I'laUsniouth. Feb. 1st, 1683 46tf. HOTEL- LiiY rfOTEL. This beautiful three story brick structure, on lower Maid street, baa Just been finished and fitted up for the accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS. - and REGULAR BOARDERS. EVERY THING NEW AND CLEAN Notlca to Advertisers. copy ror display advertisement or changes In advertlsernanu must be handed la to tbe business office not later than it i. m . of th day In whlen they are to be Inserted. nnv for pay locals and special notices mutt be handed In before a d. m. each dav to Inaurn in. sertlon. II M. Bushnkxl. BusLness Manager. A. Salisbury, Dentist. CA. narsnail. Dentist, suc cessor Clutter & Marshall. Teeth extracted without pain, by use orxiltrous Oxide lias. Try Scherer's Corn Cure, warranted to cure without Dain. only 15 cents: at Warricks. tl-tf. Wm. Mertens expressed a fine lot of Buff Cochin chicks to Omaha this morn Ing. Chew Frinzin'sold Ilonesty Plug To bacco and est a good MATCH free for sale by J. P. Young. 142tf The case ol Mrs. Orr against the Sheriff came up for hearing, yesterday ; on motion, however, a continuance was granted for ten days. The connection by telephone with the Iowa lines has been made, and par tics wishing to talk with their fiiends in Glenwood will Gnd no trouble in do ing so. Ucnulne Wheeling W. Va. Stogies for sale by J. p. Young. itt The Auburn Post comes to us this week enlarged and greatly improved in its appearance, this is an evidence of prosperity that we are glad to note, success to you Rush. There will be a meeting of special interest of Plattsmouth Lodge No. C, A. F. and A, M., on Monday evening ntxt, at 7:S0 p. m. All Master Masons are requested to be present. By order, V. M. A Gocd Bar V.f. 1113 in.couneetlon with the House. Don't fail to read "The Bad Boy Abroad" only 25 ct for sale by J. P. Young. I42tf ( ( ( S. 2 i i LIMBER. CALL AT THE Old" Reliable LUMBERYARD E A. 1PATEM1N i SON Whole!" ale.and RetailiDealer in PINK LUMBER SHINGLES, LATH, SASH, DOOHS, BLINDS, &c, Fourth Mrect. in rear of Opera House. PLATTSMOUTH. - NEBRASKA BOOTS AND SHOES- Mr. B. Spurlock has removed from Mrs. Shafers to the west half of the house occupied by Mrs. M. L. White Mrs. Spurlock having almost recovered he health will be home soon when they hope to go to housekeeping again. The Sutton Register contains a coin plete account of Mr. Jeff, L. Stone's wedding, where some eighty guests were present. The list of gifts is very large, and comprizes everything in that line. If j-ou wan't good writing Paper & Envelopes go to J. P. Young's who has just received a large line of hrst quality Paper, and the envelopes are printed with the return card on at same pnee 142tf Mr. Guy Smith, at his birthday party, tbe other evening, was presented with a large number of very line presents, from his young friends who were there. Among them were several very nice books, a number of games, and a fine silver napkin ring. AND Last evening the drawing for the chair left over from the Catholic Fair, xboh haA in .TnnVn O'Dnnnhoe'a office. Hi IB IP A. I Hi I W Gr The namters were put in a hat and af ter a thorough sbaEfng up, one was AT Sherwood'S drawn out which proved to be 71, on consulting tbe book it was found M. O'Connor was the holder of that num ber, and consequently the chair fell to him ; it is a fine one and Mike appre ciates his good luck. Plattsmouth, Nebraska CIOARS- Just Received SI FIXE LINE OF IKERSCHAU; AND BRIAR PIPES OP DIKECT 'IMFOKTATION. A Challenge 5c Cigar, S laliy made for tbe retail trade only. Pepper-berg's Cigar Factory. EFNSTWAGNKR ' Practical Architect. If you wan't a good smoke for 5 ct don't fail to go to J. P. Young's to get the best 5 ct cigars in the city. 142tf We have a humorous friend in the city of the school and profession ol medicine whose sense of honor is first- class. The other morning our friend called at the sanctum, at an unusually early hour for visiting an able bodied patient who had just despatched a beartv breakfast; blandly rubbing his hands, the Dr. apologized, as only he can do, when about to down his best friend by saying he had put himself to considerable inconvenience in neg lecting some of his morning patients, as well as walking several blocks, to call upon us' to bring home a small pair of scissors we had carelessly left lying on his table when calling upon him tbe evening before said he "I thought per haps you might experience some ah trouble in getting your Daily out to day, ah without these implements of ah your professioii.' While we were looking for the hatchet, in the next room, tbe Dr. disappeared, and we nave not since been able to see him, although the return of the scissors has been men tioned several times in our hearing, by fellows whom we fear have seen him. Whenever Dr Richmond is blandest and pleasantest, look out for him. Tbe IIebald promised some light on the prize fight that the dispatches have stated would occur on an island in the Missouri, between Omaha and Kansas City, and which Nebraska City papers havo been trying to fool people into be lieving would occur near that place. Your reporter has been detailed for several days to get at tbe bottom of this contest, and with remarkable success. The location of the fight is fixed upon Gregg's Island, two miles below this city. After several days search up and down the river, this was found to be the spot, and was accordingly selected. It is easy of access from the Iowa shore, is uninhabited and unsuspicious in every respect. Yesterday morning, at an early hour a boat might have been seen, had any one been up to see, drop ping down the river, from the foot of Main street, It drifted with the cur rent. Seated in tbe prow might have been seen a gentleman wearing a white plug hat, dressed in a business suit of dark grev, wearing mutton chop whiskers upon a most resolute face, seated in the stern of the boat, guid ing its course with an oar sat your re porter. The run down to the island was made in a remarkable short time, and after fastening our boat to a drift log on the shore, your reporter, fol lowed by the sporting gentleman, made a detour of tbe island. Down near the south part of the island, a place exactly suiied for the event was found: it was a solid piece of sward, entirely free from underbrush, and embraced several acres as level as the floor of the Herald office, All around this was a dense willow gjowth that excluded the view from every direction and it is doubtful if a more secluded place could have been found in the west. "This is exactly the place" remarked my companion as he stopped to light, a cigar. "I was down at Mississippi City atteudiug Sullivan's great mill, and this" is a far superior place, Mr. Fox, and the boys in New York will be jubilant over the success of my trip," and my campauion rubbed his hands in glee, as though he already saw the combatants face to face and ready for business,. After this, stakes were driven to mark the places for the ring and the limit line for spectators was marked, when another detour of the island war made to secure a suita ble landing on the Iowa side of the Island. A suitable place found, your reporter watcbed"his companion tear bis hadkerchief into sisps and fasten them to the willows on tbe bank to mark the place. The boat was then taken for the home trip and if ever a reporter earned a reputation as an oars man we did that thing, tacking up stream among the eddies cn thclowa shore, but the game was worth the work. "Of course you expect this location to be made public" we remarked as about to part company in front of the Perk ins house. Certainly, that can't be prevented,' ' was his reply "but the time no man will know, until we drop down and its all over, and we're enroute to New York, however you shall know the ex act time, and can be present." Thus assured your reporter strolled on, more than satisfied with his trip, and in hopes the Herald will appre ciate it also. lows, Is visiting Mrs few days. Miss Aggie Leach, who has been vis iting her cousin, Miss Ella Kennedy. leit ior Hastings this morning. William Lycurgus Browne, the dep uty county clerk, is seeing the sights in Omaha today. Mrs. Newton and Miss Josie Stadel- inan went to umana this raornin" to spend tbe day. Charley Spencer went to Cleawood today to go with the military company . m oi mat town to the annual drill at Fairfield. J. W. names and wife went out to Fullerton this morning to see the me tropolis of Nance county, where J. W. holds landed interests. Joseph A. Connor goes to Greenwood this morning to look after his corn, he having had shelled over 30,000 bushels in the past ten days out at that place. Mr. R. A. Rboden, and Miss Nettie Connelly of Plattsmouth, who have been visiting at Mr. Cline's for the last two weeks, returned home las Saturday Greenwood Eagle. Miss Mamie Ambrose, of Omaha.was delayed in this city several hoars today while enroute to Lincoln, and made numerous inquiries regarding her many frie ds among the Plattsmouth young people. John Barsby, the editor of the Fair mont Bulletin, found himself side tracked in our city this a. m., and made us a pleasant visit; it isn't aftcn John gets sidetracked, and when he does, he always comes up smiling, consequently he improved each shining moment this morning by visiting these headquarters Bro. Barsby is fast making the Bulle tin, one of the leading papers in the western portion of the state and will be heard from in Nebraska journalism, we predict, as one of its most influen tial leaders. celebrate with him his flfty-Ixth birth day. The occasion was one Hut will be long remembered by the baud, and one that the guests pronounce a most enjoyable event. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. White, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Smith and J . B. Strode. During the early part of the evening the friends were entertained with music aud the social visit. The guests nrescnted thi iWtnr with a silver and cut glass wine set ap propriately engraved with the names of the donors, and Mrs. Livingston was presented with a beautiful toilet set 3Ir. White made the presentation speech which was very heartily respon ded to by the Doctor. The Bupper ta ble was elegant in every particular, the floral decorations being on a mngnifl- cent Bcale, at each guests plate was a souvenir, a hand painted card, on one side the guest's name with an appro priate sentiment, on the reverse, the name of the host. The midnight hour arrived ere the guests departed home ward. The Hekald although neither illustrious" or "one of five" desires to extend to Dr. Livingston, congratula tions and the hope that ths last birth day is very far distant. Mark Twain aM K Spring i'atrwn. I From the Colfax Clipper, Aug. 11, 1883. Advertisements tinder this liead.thrce eenta per line each Insertion. MONEY TO MAN-On real estate van Wooley. ty Muill-tf TOlt HALE OR KENT A tood house with seven rooms, conveniently arranged nod located near the tbe business part of the city. fur particulars enquire of i, K. Uyger. 197ml I,XK HAI.K-IIouse and lots, price SflM. SluO cash, balance lo monthly paymeuls. iC 11. WlNUIIAM, FOR SALE Several residences, cheap. In quire of 0. 11. Wheeler k Co. IJOll HALE A fresh inlleh cow. Inquire of h. It. Windham. V.tf 1'OK SAI.E-Scratch Tablets lo all sizes, at ihlsufllCM. Ultf Part I cm-vnt this office. yoit SALE a lot In good location, lars at this office FOR .SALE An order for a new American Sewing Macliiue. Inquire at thlsofllce. FOR 8 A LK l.ooo cords of wood. Inquire of W.S. Wise. tf VOR8ALE Id papers for sale at this office A at 40 cents er hundred or 6 cents per doz en. tf 1jOR SALE Pour lots together in good loca tion la thl city. Inquire at this oillce tf IJOll RENT South More room of the Union Ulock. Enquire of O. II. lllack. 11. Mpur lock, Alva Drew, Uusluess ciiuinlttee. I&H( VOR RENT House for rent near center of City. Enquire at 1'attersou's liaru. lw. JK)R FOR Rent Two rooms by I, Co. KENT-DwellliiK Hud If Houses, W. II II. Wheeler Inquire of MHArau. WANTED, Information of the whereabouts of Willis J. Conner, who was Inl'latts- moutn a year ait- Any one knowlstt of his present locatluu will confer a favor by seinlliiK bis address to Mrs. Harali K. Conger. West flattsburg, N. Y. dl2Utf WANTKD Two blacksmiths and a black- smith helper at Hchuellbacher's shop, suit W A.sTED--John Uauer has bought the Stohl- man iiI&ca. rfirufi f 7th and Vine, and Is Or the Plat turnout hand KvzV.il. Railroad Company. This is to eertllJy that John VUfr- Mrljumlilln, Prank Cur-ruth. I), if. , V. Weckmwh, (J. W. Fairfield. K. U. i. E. I'almrr, (ieo. H. Hnillh, John .. Hsiti, M. ( IimI'Iimo, V. W, Hhernisn. . i Newell. Fred IJorder, V. 11. I'arMf, (tutliuian, J. M. r tier so ii, (leu, K. 1 lent. (iro. II. Wtwk. (li-, II. I llllrr.i , I, A rend, IaiiiU llorltul. Win, llttrdiasn. ! IJrlKKS. J. K.Hmlth, J. JC Hn.tiiiKs, J. ' A Coiiiifl, O.N. WliHock, Jjicoli hliln. '. ' llarbllie, f.d. IC. Kldll.lk'.t. J. II. MrlJnv - I K. Mull. Oeo. Crosn, and (1, W. Hansen, , . associated themselves tou'llir for I tin puri of forming an lucoriMtruted Kuilroud i'onii; under the Incorporation LumsoI the Hiai Nebraska. 1 '1 his Company shnll be known as the fli mouth ami nouth Western lhulrond o,inci by which tiume it shall exlt and truu;u:t b liess i Its exUtauc shall be erpHual, an, may sun and be sued. In Its corporate nam may acquire, own and touvey real, pcrso and in I ii. l i.ropcrly, may eoutriu-t aud be tu tracted within Its own name i may make h uss a common sen! w ulHi It rasy alter at ,, sure ; may do all needful Mots lo cany Int., " feet the oliJ'Tls for which It was created. 1 It shall have power lo eiercUM all the rluh privileges and franchises which may bn acini ed under chapter slxteeu of the compiled Mi utcs of Nebraska, ""f; t his corporation Is eteated to lay out , local construct, furnish, muiutalii, operate and eiiii a Una ol Railroad and 1 cIcimmi.Ii khi. ...... or double tracks with such side tracks turnout oflloes, and depots, as shall be uecessaiy b tweeu the ptuoes of the termini ol the Hi road, which is protected to commence at a poll ou the Missouri river at riatismoiith. , , county, tale or Nebraska, and to becimcirtK t ed from siiid point. In a ftouth Westerly dlree tlou. liiroiuih Cass county, by way ol tlm towi oi Avoca; iiirougn iiiou county, by way oft lit town of hvrucuse, through Joliuson county b way of the town of hierllng, through iiavn couuty, to Hie town of lleatrlce, tlirouuh Jef ferson county b way of Falrbi.iy to a ih.ihI on the Mate line, scant lug Kausus fiom Nebras ka, or as near us practicable to inese point as limy be demonstrated by a survey, lo be mud e on the completion of this cornoiHiii.n . .in, INSTANT DEATH. A Cass County Man Instantly Kit led at Ashland. Yesterday afternoon' the hews reach ed this city of a sad accident at Ash land vesterdnv. about 11 a. m. resultinir in the instant death of Aaron A. Fox, who lives south of that place. The par ticulars as we loam them are as fol lows: The Knights Templar excursion was running wild ahead of Number one and was making no 6top at Ashland, but was going through at a high rate of speed. Just at the west of the depot platform, is the main traveled railway crossing and here the accident occur red. Mr. Fox, not seeing the train, had just driven on the track the horses having passed over, when the engine struck the wagon, the box flying in tbe air and landing on the cab. Mr. Fox met instant death, the top of his head being cut clear off, and the body other wise mutilated. Where the blame lies we have not learned, but the prevailing opinion is, that the train was running at a high rate of speed, and tbe build ings prevented the victim seeing its approrch ; certain it is, too much care cannot be exercised by the rail road company while running trains wild through towns along the line. lhe following characteristic letter was handed tu by W. T. Dart, Supwrin tendent of the Magnetic Itock Spring Company, of Colfax, Iowa. Ed. Clip per. Elmira, N. Y., August 1, 183.1. To the Magnetic Itock Spring Co. Dear Sirs: I liud the following in your advertising pamphlet: "Our Magnetic Rock Spring is 335 feet deep, and has a flow of 5,000 gal lons iu twenty-four hours." I note this parapraph, also:-"' Our Magnetic Rock Spring Watei cures Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Constipation. Drbnsv. Par alysis. St. Vitus' Dance, Delirium Tre mens, Diabetes, Stone in the Bladder Blood Diseases, Scrofula. Ulcers, Female weakness and General Debility. i ao ueneve that is what is the mat ter with me. It reads itist like . my symptoms. Therefore, please send me. with bill, one barrel of vour Magnetic Water, and if I like it I will take the rest. Also, please instruct me as to dose lor adult. Also, wiiat do yon put with it? I mean, what do ycu put with it to divert your mind from observin-r that you are takihg medicine? Will it go with temperance beverages? I mean, soda water. lemonade, nanada. milk, whisky, and such things. 1 am thus strict because I am a Grandson of Temperance, my father having been a Son ot Temperance. Temperance is deeply imbedded in our family. It is ror tnis reason that I ask, and repeat, will it go with temperance beverages? will it go with the moistures I have mentioned? If with whisky, what portion of the water is b 6t, combined with what disproportion of wniskv? for an adult, as remarked before. a ours, in alert expectancy, Mark Twain. Smith & Black Bros sell these miner al waters drawing them from their new fountain. prepared to accommod ite the public in the way of boardl-ig ai'd lo Iglug by the week or mouth. .oi nl FOUND a gold and Jet breast pin, the owner ran have ttu same by proving property and pay line lor this notice. air of e POUND-On Main Street a pa in case, owner can get his ling at this ofllce and paying property tor mis i:i9tf the privilege of constructing blanches from the ma hi line to other towus or places wlthla the ror me purpose or this organization, the fol. lowing uamed persons, signets of 1110 Articles have uccii clioseu Directvrs, to hold their of fice until a lioitrd of Oircciors ure elected from the stockholders at hereinafter provided viz t T..."".,r-'l.r,1V . curiuih. Orlando kldridgo Ihos. A. Ila.biuc, N. K, Uiisffs-and Ceo. II. Llttielleid. vug Him The said Hoard of Directors hut. ve classes following persons as olll ers of this coiupauy. yegiasscB John Mlgerald 1'resident. ' ' lyoy ca.- Calvin II. rimuele. V ice 1'iesldenf is notice. Robert R. Windham. Mecretary and Sheriff's Sale. A. W. McLaughlin, treasurer. As soon as one u,0i,;uid abates of slock shall T.:. . .. '""""'""'ry oi tue com. Notce Is hereby jjven that by vlrtne of an execution Issued by J. W. Johnson, county Judge of Cass couuty. Nebraska, In favor of Ceorge 1. Dovey, administrator of the estat e of E. O. Dovey, tlec'd, and against Crllllth Cooley and to me directed, I will at lo o'clock a. m. on the 6th day of August, 1hm:i, at the house of John Ramsay. In Light Mile Crove precinct in said county offer for sale at prb'ic vendue the following goods and chattels towlt : Fifteen hogs, three milch cows, one platform spring waKou, one brown mare, ene bay geld ing and one double set of harness ; taken on execution as the property of rif!)th Cooley. 127H0 R. W. Hyziim, Sheriff i'ohj, i uie-cui, i irniuum ami .- c reiary ahull appoint a lime 4iid pi. ice lor the fl it ii.eeiliiii oi the subscribers o stock, and sh II Li' v notice thereof, In at feast one spaper ml it ed in the city of I'lat tsinoiit.i. llili y dayi i r vlous to the day of . eel lug. and mi?h . J, , . nil I .Mil cn, in iiiffj Ullll L11I.IM II, Notice. To the non-resident owner of the following described real estate, situated id Cass county, Nebraska, to-wlt : The east half (e) south west quarter (swKi,) section twenty-six i,) ownship eleven (11.) range ten (10,) east of the th p. m. You are hereby notified that the above described land was assessed for the year l08i. in the na e of r. f. McCarty. that said land was on the 16th day of November, 1881, Hold at public sale lo T. P. McCarty, for the delinquent taxes of 1880, tbatou the 23 d day of February, 1883 t he said T. P. ..cCarty assigned all his riktht. titie and interest, in said land, to John W.Copple, and unless redemp tion of said land is made on or before the Kith day of November, 1883. a deed will be made by the Treasurer of said county to the under signed. JOHN W. COI'I'LE. Plattsmouth, Neb., July loth. 1883 I7wit. Notice. Aotice. The State Fair. SUPERINTENDENT A TtfTH ITHLTr URAIi "WORK A SPCCIAXTTs PUat and SpeciOcatioos will be carefully zurledjout, and full attention will be given as t to safety and durability. LESSONS OX PAINTING .JWatei Colors, Crayon and FenciL Ota StrtrtBtm ft 27 InstKule Locoi rs Next Wesk l Tucesday evening "Advantages and Disadvantages in teaching,' by Prof. J. E. II arris, A. M. Wednesday evening Instructions in History," by H. M. Bnshnell. Thursday evening Chemistry illus trated, by Prof. W. W. Drummond. These lectures aregiven by request of Sup. Alton, and are expected to furnish evenitg entertainment and iustruction alike to the teachers In attendance and citizens generally. Supt, Alton ex- rv frtnrwttn.l tcrjds an inrfWfcra taf attend. Stealing our Thunder. The largest apple ever grown in America came from Nebraska, and weighed 29 W ounces. The Smithsoni an institution has a model. Indianapo- is Republican. Just so. That apple was crown in Nemaha county aud was picked aud exhibited by ex Governor Furnas of this city. Brownville Republican. The Republican is very much in er ror, lhe apple in question was raised on the farm of Perry Walker, two miles from- this city, and the model now at the Smithsonian Institute was on exhibition at the Centennial, where every visitor learned it was a Cass C. product. The Churches. Elder Harris will conduct the servi ces at tbe Christian chapel, tomorrow morning, at the usual hour. At the M. E. Church, class meeting at 10 a. m Sunday School at the usnal hour; there will be no other services. At the Presbyterian church, morning and evening services as usual. No services will be held in the Cath olic, Episcopal or Baptist churches. Rev J. U. Harris will preach tomor row morning, at 11 a. m , in the Christ- ian cnurcn, ana x-iuer iiiun iu mo evening. A Bad Wreck. No. 8, the freight train coming east this morning was wrecked about one mile west of Louisville. The engine was derailed, together with fifteen or sixteen cars, mostly loaded with stock. The cars were badly smashed, but no one was hurt as far as could be learned. The passenger train going west has been standing at tLe foot of Main st. all the forenoon, while tbe .Lincoln train is at South Bend. The exact cause of the accident couiu iwi no learned; a culvert it is sam was burned out. The engine smashed was No. 37, Tim Sidenstriker, engineer. The coming state fair will give most of our state people an opportunity to note tbe prosperity and progress of Omaha. Its new banks, churches and hotels, its newly payed streets and its electric lights will be matters of great interest to the outsider. During the week of the state fair rail read fares will be reduced and every thing will be conducted on the cheap plan. As a conseauence. many will take advantage of the time to make purchases in the metropolis, and to attend to other duties that can only be performed in the city. Dr. A. S. Fisbblat will remain in Omaha during: the lair. A large num- bei of patients have signified their in tention of attending the exposition, and will receive the doctor's attention here instead of at their homes, where he has been in the habit of treating them. Thus it will be a busy week for him. for, in addition to manv old patients, it must be expected that he will be visited by hundreds of new ones. His fame is well assured. His constant and judi cious advertising in the newspapers has secured him an acquaintance as the ereat west, and stories of his miracu lous cures have spread with wonderful ranuliiv. The man who receives last ing benefit from bis treatment is not so ungrateful as to hide the doctor's light under a bushel he assists it to snine, in order that others may see it, and take advantage of the opportunity. He tells his neighbors, and the letters which he writes to his physician are filled with sincere and honest gratitude, which is the best advertisement in the world. Of these thousands of letters received, Dr. Fishblattis able to publish only an extract n jw and then. Dr. Fishblatt makes the treatment of chronic diseases a specialty, and we would advise all to consult him that suffer from nasal catarrh, that offensive and most prevalent of diseases, throat and lung diseases that of ien are fore runners of consumption, convulsions or epilepsey, nervous troubles, caused by youthful folly or excesses, loss of man hood, female troubles in all their rami fications, kidney and liver diseases, or all diseases arising from former impro per treatment. By consulting Dr. Fishblatt all will find him a genial, whole souled gentle man and a careful, conscientious pby sician, worthy of implieit confidence. d&wlt FOB SALE. Lots 3 and 3 In Block. 41, Improved. rJ97 U 0. WiUH14Jili F. S. White has just received a fresh I supply of choice, patent, winter wheit flour, also delivers corn, oats and bran , to any part of tbe city. l3-3tt Opening of the Books of the Platts-1 month and Sonth Western Railroad Company, To all whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given that ou Tuesday, the 21 day of August, 1883 at 10 o'clock A. M, in the city of Platts mouth, at the office of the Secretary, the fttocK cmDscription Hooks of the Platts mouth & South Western Railroad Com pany will be opened to receive Sub scriptions or stocK, and will remain open until closed by an order ol the Directors. An installment of ten per cent, shall be payable at the time of making the subscriptions, and the residue thereof shall be paid in such installments, and at sucn times ana places as may be re quired by the directors of the company. John Fitzgerald, President. C. H. PARMELE,Vice Presideut. R. B. Winjijam, Secretary. A. W. McLauohlin, Treasurer. 12Cdl9wlm HTATK K KPRTf ASJT A cass couixv, j In County Court. To all persons Interested in the Estate of Jo seph T, Cannon, deceased : Notice is hereby Kiven that on the 25th day of August. A. I). 1883, at the hour of one o'clock p.m.. at tbe County Judge's office In Platts mouth, in said County, the petition, asking for me appoinimeni oi siepnen a. Davis as Ad ministrator of said estate, will be heard and considered : at which time and place all per sons Interested may appear and show cause. If any they have, why he should not be appoint ed as such administrator. Dated this 1st day of August, A. D. 1B83. J. VV . JOHNSON 20w3t County Judge. At Cos. On account of removal we will sell all heavy goods at cost for 15 days, see Mondays daily. - W. J. Wakuick. To the Publio. I am now located at my new quar ters in the Sherwood block, first door on Fifth street, where I have in stock a complete line of watches, clocks, jew elry, silver and silver plated ware. To my present stock I am constantly mak ing additions and I shall be pleased to see all my old customers and many new ones. Remember the location Sherwood's new block. d4t L. C. Ekven. i .... ... ovii'iuuiv : m directors so chohen shall us soon as may bo after th.-lr elec tion elect from their own iiu,:r a president and Vice-President and sha.l also -Heel J treasurer and Hecret r . who shall take the plate of the present officers now actluu in the same capacity. u No person shall ho elected director tu said company, umess he dhitll be a bona UdS owner ol at least five shares of s ot Ihru lu. Ihecnpltal stock of tlus compuov shall be Ten Hundred thousand Dollars; which mav Increased at any time to four .Million dollars when authoil.ed by a two-tlilida oto of th ............ u, . on.i uir- "IIUICH HIIUH Ol) O'Vl ed' into shares or one hundred dollars each which shares shall be transleiahle ,orr-h.; hooks of the company, as the directors may provide through by-laws, ' 1 An ins-nil . ent of ten per cent shall he pay able at the time of niaLlim the subscriptions, and the lesidue tnereof shall be paid in such Installments, and at sucn times and places urn may be required by the directors of the coiiT pany. i h stockholders may-vofSTii person or bv. written proxy, aud mav Cast on f.. . shale I hey may own or represent. On the flrsi Wednesday of May in every vear' after the organization of this company a bowrd' of directors consisting of thirteen members shall be chosen by ballot, by such of the stock holders as shall attend for thai purpoo elth r in person or by proxy ; provided thai a majori ty of the stock is represented. Hind directors ' shall continue in ollUe until their successor, are - A majority of the hoard of Directors shall, have power to make liy-laws, and alter the same at pleasure.aud may trabnci all business of the corporation, mav ammtnt Kn.ri... Ageuts and all onlcers remnred to aid In the' construction of tiie Itoad f shall have power to Issue Bonds after getting Uio. wi i. ten consent of two-thirds of the s ock. may execute mort gages and deeds ol trust, and give as security therefor any properly belonging to the com pany. The private properly of the stock holders shall not be liable for the debts of the company 'Ibis company may be consolidated with any other railroad company uithlu or out of the OUIIC lhe Indebtedness of this corimi-:iiii.4r!m . nui at auy nine exceeu iwo-iinrdn tai stock. The principal place ness of the company, shall be at Plattsmouth. Nebsaska, till changed by a vote of the direc tors, and the siihc;lpilou books of the com pany shall be ooened at this place by persons designated by the signers ut these ai ticles.after giving 30 days notice by publication, next pro ceeding the time of opening the hooks and they may be closed and re-opeued as tbe di rectors may deem expedient. The time of beginning the corporate powers of tills company and its liability thereunder, will be from and after the foth day ol May. Signed this 21th day of April, 883. John Mtzgerald, O. II. Black, a. w, AicL,aiigiiiin. J-raiikCamith. Joseph V. Weckhach, It. B. Windham. -thirds of theoaiii- of transacting the btisl- ARE I0U READY TO DYEJ Hurlburt and .Miller proprietors of the Omaha Fancv Steam Dyeing and French Dry cleaning works 107, South Fifteenth street, Omaha Neb., recommend then- facilities for Cleaning, dyeing and curling plumes .uiu ups on tnree days notice; ladies suits in velvets. Silks. Satins etc. cleaned by the French Dry cleaningpro cess. Ladies' and gents' clothing clean ed, dyed and repaired. All kinds of lancy dj'emg, merchant's shelf-worn goods a specialty. All .1 . .. mi urucrs uy man or express given iuulujjl attention. Piano Tuning. F. W. Lessentin, piano tuner, with Wood bridge Bros., Omaha, will be in this city Tuesday. He guarantees first ciass worfc. L.eave orders at this office. 138d3t A full stock of nice Susrar-cured Hams and Breakfast Bacon, at Central Meat Market, at 15c per pound: Pickled Pork, 12Mc to 15c: Shoulders. 11c: onouiaers, lie. iresh .Lard at 12c, or 9 pounds for $1.00. Fresh Fish every Friday. Lafe O'Neill. dimr Dressmaking. To the ladies of Plattsmouth and vicinity I wish to announce that I have taken the rooms lately occupied bv Mrs. Tutt in the Uuion block, where I shall continue dressmaking and invite all to call. Mrs. M. E. Mortcn, dl25t6-wl9tf Oeo. M. Hmith. ham. M, Chapman, Win II. Newell, C. II. I'armele, J. M. Patterson, Orlando lent, J. H. Arned. V m. I'.eckmaii, J. K. Smith, J.N. MeComiell. Jacob Klein, Kd. K. Kldrege, C. K. htull. O. vi Hansen. ie Peterson Bros. Sell Best Sugar Cnred Hams " " B. Bacon " Shoulders Dry Salted Pork Dried Beef Fresh Lard - or 9 lbs for $1, 15c - 15c lie - 12Kc 15c - 12c ii5tr For booth privileges at comincr meet ing of Cass county Ae'l Society. AppIv to W. S. Wise, Sec. HSdAwtf Notice of Removal. We wish to inform the public that we have moved into the l.orth store room in Sherwood's new block, on 5th street, where our patrons will find us hereafter, and where all wishing any thing in tbe Merchant Tailoring line are invited to call and see us. lSOdtf Rasoorshek Bros. The largest and finest stock of hats ever shown in Plattsmouth. all of tl latest styles in felt and e tins, just re ceivea at Jison 8 tne only one price clothier. Also a few of the nobbiest suits ever seen. We take pleasure in showing them. 33d 6 1 w21tl Elsou the only one price clothier leaves for the east next week to buy the finest stock of clothing and gent, 6 furnishing goods ever brought to Platts mouth. 135d6t21wlt Bargains in Bricks. 200,000 brick for sale, builders wil do well to see as before purchasing Leave orders at Weckbach's store or at the yard; all orders will receive prompt attennon. kauen & Martin. L. dl27mo 1 To Teachers. lou can secure scratch tablets iu different sizes, cheap, by calling at the Herald office. tf CARPENTERS WANTED. Three or four good workmen wanted at once. Inquire of dHO t6. Claus BrerkenfieM The Monarch Billiard Hall people keep tbe best ice cream to be found in the city, also .choice lemonade cigars and tobacco. 108tf A Square Meal Can be had at the City Hotel for only 25 cents and lodging at same reasonable rates. Farmers and Commercial Men will please bear this in mind. d&wti Use Marsh's Cathartic Liver Pills for Biliousness and Constipation. For sale by Smith & Black Bros. d&wlt 'Grace & Thierolf have a last receiv ed their cigars, among which is th' Jelebrated R. G. InKersc!! cigars. Now Boys, is your time to get a gooo cigar.' dHltf. Daniel 11. Wheeler, (ieo. W. Kairlield H. K, I'almer, John Waterman, C. W. Sherman, Fred Gorder. F. It. uthmann. (ieo. E. Dovey, Geo 11. . ittlefleld, 1 -oil is Hoebel, N. K. Griggs. P E. Hastings. O. N. Whelloek. Thomas liarbiiie, J. B. McDowell, Geo. Cross, 8TATE OF NEBI1ASKA, . Cass Coot v. f m On this 24th day of April. 1883, before me It. B. Windham. Notary . iiblic.diilvcoiiimicsioiied and qualified for and residing in said County personally came John Fitzgerald. G. II. Mack. A. W. McLaughlin, Frank Carriith, Daniel II. Wheeler. Joseph V. Weckhach, Geo. VV. Fair field, 4. K. Palmer, Geo. h. Smith. John Wat emiaD, Sam. M. Chapman. C. W. Sherman, W. 11. Newell, Fred Gordex, J. II. Palinele. F. K. Guthmaun, J. M. Patterson, Geo. 1.. Dovey Tefft. personally to me known to lw th identi cal pery.oiis whose names aie allixc-l to the above instrument, and acknowledged the ex ecution of the same to be the'r voluntary act and deed. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal, the day I i and year last above written. . SEAL J Signed. II. B. Wl.NDII AMj in and for Cass County. Nebraska. " u ' " ' STATE OF NEIJKASKA, I Cass Couxtv. On the 27th day of April. lfn:s, before me Jas Mathews, a Notary Public, duly commission aud qualified for and residing in said count v ed personally came rt. B. Windham, to in irn.u'n 1L be, tne. Id.'iitlcal persou whose name is affixed to the above instrument, and acknowl edged tne execution of the same to be nix vol untary act and deed. witness my Hand and Notarial Seal, the day aDd yer above written. Signed, JAS. S. MATHEWS. Notaiy Public. STATE OF NEBRASKA, Otok Cocntv. f " On this 3d day of May. 1883. before me W. E. Page, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and appointed for and residing in toc County, per sonally came Geo. II Littlefield. J. II. Arend. Louis Hoebel. Wm. Bee k man, to me personally known to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the foregoing artieleof Incotoora tion, and ackno ledged tbe execution of the same to be their voluntary act and deeo. Witness my hand and Notarial seal, this 3d ( j dav of May, 1883. 1bkav'( Signed W. E. PAGE. ' v Notary- Public. STATE OF NEBRASKA, On this4th dav of Mav. 1883. he for a n,o th undersigned, a Notary f'ublic. in and for said county, personally came S. K. ;rii.e j v smith. P. E. Hastings. J. E. McConn.-ll. O. N. Wheellock and.Iacob Klefn. who r wen Ln.T. to be the identical persons who signed the fore going instrument, and they acknowledge h same to be their volu tary act and deed. Given under my hand and Notarial seal i , 4th day of May. 1J3. seal Signed, HUGH J. DOBBS ' r ' Notary Public. STATE OF NEBRASKA. JKFFHSON COUNTY. On this 4th day of May. A. D. is, before me Benjamin L. Pardv. a Notary Pnhlic.diiiT.-nn.. missioned and qualified, for Jefferson count v. . Nebraska, oersonallv came Thomas Kurhin. Kd E. Eld ridge. John B. McDowell. !. k k..ii Geo. Cross aud G. W. Hansen, who are well known tome, to be the Identical persons who signed the foregoing Instrument, and they ac knowledged the same to be their volunrrv and deed. " ' Given under my hand and Noitaral Seal this ( 4th day of May. 1883. 1 SEAL t Signed. BNJ. L. PCRDV. XotaryPublli,