7 JPGRA IXIOUqE BLOCK ! 0 JlJu ImI(U. r i rders taken for WILSON BROS.' 8D1BTS. P OPERA HOUSE GENTS' AKD FURNISHERS. STATION El V, NOT h 1 bos fottoe M 1. TOST OFFICE News Depot, HECK mco MASON & HAMLIN D ITEXItr F. MILLEK and HARD liff J5. TODD'S ware Emporium (AT SAGE'S OLD STAND, ON LOWER MAIN STREET. STIh EBestt JLinc of L1ook Stoves, 66 66 66 66 66 (Kasolinc Stoves, ITinware (Roiieral Effarclware PLATiSDOOTfl 1MLD. PUBLISHED nr Ttae Plattsmonth Heral PalMim Co. T i eiegrapnic THE PIIESIDENT GIVEN A WAIt DANCE. Ft. Washakie Indians Beat the Drum and Dance to the Chief Executive To be fouud in tbe City. New goods at prices that defy competion. Give me a call ami nc tmmimid. t 1 0 mm mmm We Lave just received fine assortment of -AND- Spring1 Wagon Tops, which mo will sell At prices within the reach of all. (Donne and See QDm (Canopy TTop. THE LTGIITEST, NEATEST AND MOST CONVENIENT PASTURED. TOP M ANU Also a complete Line of Men'?, Boys, and Ladies' Saddles at J.G.CHAMBERS & SON - 8Qo andl 7Jg.9 .a.t JOmTSOST BROS. "Warranted to be as jrood as any wire made. We also keen in stock a ceneral assortment of HARDWARE. ST0VES and TINWARE, and sell as cheap as any Hardware house in the country. Call and see us in the Kockwood lilock. . AuM -m, vw " I f And Tinners' StoCa ALL KINDS FCR SALE BY Excelsior M ST. LOU IS, MO Cass County Iron Works WAYMAN & KIRBY, Propr's. Piatt smon tli. TsTet). X. J.uw-- MANUFACTURED OF JHJOIILIBn&S, ENGINES, IRON FRONTS. OASflOUE COLUMNS, facilities or heavy work in Colu mns and Castings for Business Houses ara AHINEEARINO of all kinds. Onr Machine Shop is fully equipped minufactarin-. We duplic.tr all eastern prices, saving freight and time. . f thc gute should write for our terms of castings Tame Jt 'rSTTTTfrr XJ3.0XT wORES WT PLATTSilOUTH. NF3 Fort W:tshftkie, August 9. Tho pres idential party has spent the day at Ft. Washakie, preparatory to setting upon its morning ride to thc Yellowstone in the morning. The Tresident, Sec. Lin coln and General Sheridan returned the call which tho officers of the post made upon them the previous evening. In accordance with the expressed wish of the Shoshone and Arapahoe chiefs their people were afforded an opportunity of calling upon the president at three in thc af.crnoou. Shortly before thathour they gathered on the plains to the num ber of about five hundred warriors and mounted upon their handsome ponies they dashed forward in a line for about a thousand yards to a point ner which the President stood awaiting them. The column then halted, and several chiefs dismounted and approached him. Among them were Washakie, the re markable chief of the Shoshones, from whom this post taes its name, and Black Coal, chief of the Arapahoes, a tribe which withiu a few years has been permitted to have the occupancy of this reservation. The President thanked his visitors for calling on him, and congratulated them upon their fine appearance, assured them ot his inter est in their welfare, and of the satis factiou with which he had heard of their exemplary conduct and their at tention to tho practice of industrial puisuiis. I lis address, which was ad miraMy suited to the occasion was iu terpreted to the Shoshones by an Eng lish member of the tribe, who bearsthe name of Norcutt, and to thc Arapohoes by one of their number who has been educated at the Carlisle school. Tne chiefs then shouted to their respected tribes what had been said to them by their great father, and tbe announce ment was received with demonstrations of applause, Both Washkie ana Black Coal made pertinent replies. They thanked the President for honoring them with a visit, and avowed their purpose of living at peace with the whites, and adopting as rapidly as pos sible their customs and manners of life. Their addresses, as interpreted, were full of expressive maneuvers and positively eloquent. The Arapahoes' interpreter found no little difficulty in makinz himself understood. His ef forts were ably seconded by Captain Claire, of General Sheridan's staff, who has thoroughly mastered the beautiful and expressive languiige which is the entire communication of the two tribes, and intercourse with the whites fully sunnlies the place of speech. Tho Shoshones then brought forth an Indian pony, and placing it in the hands of the President, presented thc handsome animal for the use of his daughter. Gifts of moccasins and leggings were presented also to the members of the President's party. Then followed a war dance, in which twenty Shoshone braves took part. Eight beat tho drum and chanted a weird little song for the purpose of exciting the efforts of their followers. Some of the dancers were nearly naked, and their skin painted in various colors. Others were gaily dressed in flashy colored costumes, no two of which were alike. Some were ornamented with beads, feathers and every sort of Indian ornament. The dance afforded much entertainment to the party. THE DAYS LIST OF CRIME. Storms and Other Casualties. SUICIDE. Quebec, August 0. When the team ship Manitoba, from Glasgow, was com ing up the river through tba Strait of Belle Isle, Rev. Mr. Sweat, a Presbyter ian minister, cut his throat and jumped overboard. The boat put about and the body was rescued. MURDERER HANGED. Chicago, August 0. A special from Talequab, Indian territory, says Run ning Bird was hanged here today for the murder of Running Water. FATAL CASUALTY. Pittsburgh, August 9. While five employes of Hussy, Horn & Co's steel manufacturing establishment were tax ing stock in a ware house at noon to day, a rack containing five hundred tons of stecel gave way, bur ing Chas. Oshman and Robert Shernibe under thc ruins, and slightly injuring three others. Ofhman was killed instantly and Shernibe will probably die. ORDERED TO QUARANTINE. Mobile, Alabama, August 9. The revenue cutter, Seward, met off Mobile bar August 6, and ordered to Ship Is land quarantine, the bark Viasco, from Vera Cruz. Tho Degaina was spoken a few days previous, but it seems she did not find her way to quarantine. STRANG E FATALITY.' Muscatine, August 9. Wilton Junc tion, twelve miles from here, is much agitated over an alarming fatality, sup posed at first to be cholera infantum, but which, though confined mostly to children has attacked grown persons. Seven deaths occurred yesterday, all children except one, Mrs. Arnolds. Dr. Sherwood says nearly 100 persons are down with thc disease; no deaths today The disease is said to be malignant dys entery where it attacks grown persons MYSTERIOUS MURDER. Minneapolis, August 9.- The body of a woman named Andrews was found iu the closet of a rear room at 517 Sec oud street today, badly decomposed Her head had been smashed with an ax, which was found in the room. The last seen of the woman alive was last Friday. The murder is supposed to have been committed for the purpose of robbery, as the woman was known to have .several Hundred dollars in her possession. TARRED AND F GATHERED. Last night the citizens of Bird Is land, a small town iu Rcnvill county attempted to tar and feather a man in volved in a scandal. He fired into the crowd wounding one. It was then learned that one of the avenging party had betrayed his comrades, whereupon they appled to the traitor the tar ant feathers Intended for the seducer. SMUGGLING CHINAMEN. Port Townsend, W. T., August 9, The English sloop Photographer has been seized on charge of smuggliug Chiinamen into this territory from British Columbia. OAHR8. JOHM FlTTOEBAMI. A. W. McLAUOni.IN President. ' Canler. FIRST NATIONAL BAUE'I OF FLATTSMOUTII. NEBRASKA. Offers the very bent facilities (or the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds. Gold, ftovenrraent and Securities Bo unbt aud 8old, Deposits recolv ed and Intercut allowed on time Certifi cates. Drafts drawn, available Iu any part of tbe United States and all -the principal towns of Europe. Collections made it promptly remitted. nighest market prices paid for County War rants, State aid County Bonds. DIRECTORS : John Fitzgerald A. R. Totizalln. John R. Clark. H. V. dishing, Geo. E. Dovey. F. E. White, A. W McLauehlln. WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER. - NEB. E. L. REED, President. B. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. R. S. WILKINSON. Cashier. LABOR TROUBLES AJND STRIKES. A STRIKE IMMINENT. Pittsburg. August 9. Extended strikes in the Connelsville coke regions are not improbable. The Knights of Labor have lately been organizing the miners of that district, and the oper ators have combined to oppose them Last Monday several men .were dis charged from Morewood & McCline's works, and the balance refused to work unless those dismissed were reinstated This the operators refused to do, and the works arc now idle. It is said that the same action will be taken at all other large mills. THE TELEGRAPHERS. New York, August . There is no particular change in the telegraph war, 2fo cutting of wires occurred last night, and Western Union business is going smoothly. Tim strikers are still con fident of success, and exhibit no indica tions of weakening. BACK TO WORK. Chicago, August 9. The Western Union officials have advices that strik ing operators returned to work, today as follows: Augusta, ueorgia, nve Cincinnati, Ohio, three; Chicago, two; St. Louis, two; St. Paul, Minnesota, one. THE STOKM IOWA. Chicago, August 9. A special re reports a severe storm in Shelby, Cass and Pottawotoraic counties, Iowa last night. - - Growing crops were levelled to the ground, and considerable damage done to other property. The track of storm was five miles wide. Near Boy ton twenty-live head of cattle were killed by being stampeded,' and rush ing down an embankment. At Lorab, nine freight cars were blown from the track. DROWSED. Boston, August 9. Jjast cveningjohn Fisher, aged eighteen, was sailing with two young ladies at Quincy, when a flaw of wind struck the sail and the boom swinging suddenly around. Fisher and one of the ladies, named Wiuf red Butler, were " swept into the water. 'Fisher immediately drowned, and Miss Butler died soon after being brought to shore,' A TRAIN WRECKED. Carteo, O., August 9. A freight train on the Cleveland & Levain road ran oft an open switch five miles east of Mas- sillon, wrecked the train, and kkd engineer - Uranam and fireayg Wil son, utners were injureoyfcot not fatally-. ROBERT DONNELLY'S TTT A V -NT AND BLACKSMITH SHOP, Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general Jobbing l a, now prepared to do all kinds of repairing of farm and other machinery, as taere la a good lathe in my shop. PETER RAUEN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge or tne "aeon snop. He is well known as a NO. : WORKMAN. tiw Wwsu aa Baxxlea Made t Order. SATISFACTION GUAKANT SAGE'S ADDITION TO THE CITY of PL ATTSMOUTB Valuable outlots for residence purposes. Sage s addition lies south-west the city, and all lots are very easy access, and high and sightly. For particulars call on - E. SAGE, Pror, of of A General Banting Business Transacted. IKPOS11 Received, and Interest allowed on Time Certi ficates. URAFTS Drawn available in any part cf the United States and all the principal cities of Europe. Agents for the celebrated MUm Line of Steamers. Sank Cass County CotnerfMaia and Sixth Streets, PliATTSMOTJTH ZTsTZEIB Mew Fall Stocks (U3J) G. G. 01? HEROLD'S Louisville Branch Store! Can be found thc largest and best stock of CLOTHMG; FDrnisMne: Goods Trunks Valises, Boots and Shoes, In Cass County, at Icd Uock Prices. Remember tbe laov. HIT. UfflEimILIID, Elanacjer. D. K. IHIEISaPILIlD, Sole IPropr'tor UITIIOUTUEDICflE THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TO CUBE&. y t JOHN BLACK. President, 1 J. M. PATTEKSON, Cashier. ded. ttia fut without medlclimTPuIn In IhekwLi Mr. bead, or If Km ..mil. dblllt v.lnHLbiiir. jrenrul debtllt r. rheanatlam, puralysla. Mrantliclit, wlutlra, Transacts a General Banlro Business. HIGHEST CASn TRICE Paid for County and City Warrants. COI.IjKCTIOXH !WAIKj ami promptly remitted for. DIKKCCTORS : John Black, J. M. I'atterson, C. II. Panrel F. K. Uuthmann. J. Morrissey, A. B. mitu. Fred Q order. Mol the kid , aplnitl dlaeaaea. torpid liver, (or mlaaloB. ImnateMrr. Mtbraa. heart dl. asa, dyapepalat eaKailpatlnn, rrralpclaa, Indlgee tton. heral or rupture, catarrh, plica, epllepaj. When any debility of tl.o CKNEIt ATI VE MICK'S rMnlird I .wall- wlfaalltr. 111. -If tflf II afVM f'tlff'A Mild VliTUP w-Mtlnff wefel(ti4c, an J tall tlm llca of per iihdl natHr. f rc in ha.ur ruw, the oi.Unuoua ft t ream of Mufrneltam pTnMntiii(f thr jh ! parts LAB MAGNETIC ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. Tta! Fart Li TO THE LADIES: K. c. sl j7 anfl c Safest. Best and Most Reliable LINE IN THE WEST. Magnificent D ning Gars, Elegant Day Coaches 2 Si Louis Trains Daily. 2 Omaha Trains Daily, 2 Kansas City Trains Daily 2 Ate .. ison Trains Daily, Two Trains for St Paul, Minneapolis, SionxiOitj1 Aail all point la northwest, with Pullman Sleeping Cars, Between Kansas City and St. Paul wiraara change j o w aii trams run on tlme.connecting for all points on er afflicted! It at ti tiHf;ta. ffla. N-rruua Exhautlon,DTapepala.or with IMeeaara or t h n Liv er, kidney a. aleaaaeae orioia reel, mii or Weak A at lea, orwollea Feet, n Abdominal I! It and a pair of Magnetic Foot Batterlea liavo noauperlor In tha ra'iof ami cure of all thene complaint. They carry a powerful uuijrueUo force to tho seat of tba diaeaao. . . . .. .. .. rr Uae MarK, cnaneea r ia spine, ran. Ink ef the womb. Ltocnrrbrra, Cbronle laflemraa- Uea l. iccrmlion Ol toe wool a, iinoenuii aaeaa. BUoa liceralioa Ol toe wool a, iinoenuii Baeaa orrhace or Floodlnc I'alafal. Mappreaaed aad Ir rearalar hleaatraaUoa. iitto... f life, th b h lar Ut Affilaace aad Curative Agea AvBOWB. For all forma of Feaiala INBealtlr tt Is WifflN paaaed by anything before Invented, bol h an a cuimUve ajrez't ana aa a source or power ana "riuuizaiion. Prlca of either Belt with Mafmetic Pout Battciiea, 1 1 1. Bent by ezpreoa CO. D ,anil examination allowed. or by mall on receipt of price. In ordering, send measure of waist and aise of shoe. RemittAnoecait bemadelncor xency, sent In letter at our risk. The Magneton Qornienu a.-e adapted to all a free, are worn over tha underclothing, aot aext to tho hady Uko thai amaay Oalvaalo aad Eleacrla Haas, baa-a adyartlaed ao exteamlTely and abould be taken off at night. They hold thelrpaiMrrbrMraa-4) are worn at all seasons of tbe year. Bend stamp for the "New Departure In Medical Treat ment Without Medicine, " with thouaandsof toaUu (Uais. THE MAGNETON APPLIANCE CO., 218 State SU. Cbicueo. Ill East West, North & South xicKets tor saie hi an reeuiar ticket offices. lly given fcy addresf ing J. !. I'ARNARD. (Jen'l Snpt, A. C, Dawks. en'l Pass Acen --3 h 32 i ffl 9 s o 9 z 9 c at s "3 g o 3 g r& t r- S O S 2 33 eo.2 t-i Ol (- i 5Q CO eO a CD I f I gaaaj hi 2. H s. OS I, Mi" 5 CD I rJ -N 0 t 1 1 u hSS n rn.rvi.nfn. n f 1 UJ -11 ARNICA PREPARATIONS Clmmlstry has dlaonrored normly Mioiio t Aruina f r hoaJlutf extrnHl vrupeioiiN. I'roiMtr ly tiropanxl and couibUied, it turn jio erjuiU ua a toilot pniparatUm. JEILY. Tliu iiilit ooiIiiiii- ation or arnica, will apeeilijy cure 'liai- m1 liauida, armnk.-l lia aiid rotiarlinwaa of Ut akin, wbetlier cfiufl froui cHirmtln intlii. .nce or tb uaa at llldtTKUI. (OsMKIil N. Will curs pliuplM on Ikmm aud lierh, reiiiterinii ctin ikin aolt anl flr. IuvM.luublt In Hall Klieuin. A family rnnly f'ircutM, hum. limlHeit auU Boros. P1UCK IN MKl'AL XL'IIK.S, in. TOILET SOAP Thnllft-htrtillr par. fuiurxl, fii(nly iimmI loated, AIjhoIuUu Iv nuro. Knf'tia ttin skin from chappinir and Impart to it llf am! a lioavlthy a;luav. UoriTallml for cloauind tlia acalp and eradicatlnK (laodruir. 'lb. most tie Uxt toUet soap in tlw world. l'ICICU, SO cents. mm '1 na most tier. IU, 5 cents. Shaving Soap A mrdtoaUvl artlnlo of rare itmrlt. I'rt vttita all ilnila. Iiwaln aiaoi-n fjuwami .MAKES SUA VIVO a niCI.Kilir. r:rilor90l by Jeiulln Harbors, who nay of it, XV "Without ttarallol aa a aljavlni; latuer aua imwik. from piiaples. USD" Kll'h ill Koot the fiu:a anil nck frA J'ltltK 10 eta. for H lara;cak. AR 10 A TOOTH SOAP without onoHtion tha tuost terffct ar tide trver produced, aa it not only cloatia. on tba tnetta thoronebly, but tha combination with arnica preserve aud burdens tba gums. It irivos to tha breath a sweet, dlicaU odor. Its tuBte is deliKhtfu Prion, XSo a box. All druggists se 1 tbe above articles, Or we Will mad Uieui, postpaid, on receipt of price. O. II. OTRONO & CO., Sole Proprietors and Manfrs., Chlrag- WILL J. WAIt RICK, AUEKT, PI.ATTSMOUTII, - - - NEIiRASKA. HOESE-SHOEIUG 3 t -! U 00 t e3 3 Qj J3 o Ti In rl e3 i to a ten S d C oq 3 as o Ll3 in p, y OJ 9 S "S 3 2 2 CO OS S 1 o o P3 r- o ataj si S fawxaaa ill aha a od t a 0 it 8 on Sr. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLA CKSJll Til HOUSE SITOEING Ss WAGON KEPAIRIN( All Kills il Fan implement- Mel will' Neatness and Dispatch. J I I "rJV 1 NOTHING ELSE BLT Horse-shoeing ! I am going to do all kiud of sliocing, and do nothing else, and if you want a rood bona shoeing shop in this town, now Is your time o patronize me. Saop on Washington Avenua at the 5orso-sb.od Sign. lGood Satisfaction Guhranteed. - GEO. 7ALMEK, Plattsmonth. Neb. wistf NEW FmrnJture JSfore or. i. xjnsrxjs:, , DEALl:it IN FTJE1TITTJRE 8 C0FFI1TS, and all kinds of i;oods usually kept In a f CS- -LiM-if'T' V'- mm. STREIGHT cSr GO. VueeB0 to Mtrelcbt Jk. Miller MANUFACTUBKK OT Horse, Mule & Ox Shoeing n short, well shoe anything that hut four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. UBW SHOP n Filth Sf- between Main aad Vine Street ust across 3FFICK. ie corner from tbe nkw IIEKAL. 10 TIM SAGE'S IDTTARE STORE. riattacaontb. Neb. FDIEi HEAVY ERNES. A large line of Saddles Bridles Collars Whips- &c . always In stock. Repairing of all kinds neatly done o " sort notice. Halo Street, between Fnrtli urd FUtti. L i LYON&HEALV StsteA Monroe Sts.. Chicago. S Brno to SJtv art ili aa -K. BIND CATALOCUE. for Isad, stiO puo, . Knterm.tucft of lattrammu. Jwito, irtf, iu, iPsmnoa. Eoa-iU-U. Csp-Imm. S4anU. nram MbhyS St.v. aa4 itaab, aba taclaWa lDsanirtioa sus fcs- raav lor Anlw eua aa-t a Laiatasw aaai av r 2 f OA 8EHRS Uur Larjre GAKDKV CITXDT describlna; CoU'm Htlxmil titri U MaUsrfl free .Vll. Wc offer tha Lmtttt stlMi In BBHaaaaiaBia) aaaua rvratwjui, com, uata nd YVliat, aud ibe il CotUetion of Vrrrtabla, Fluwcr, Grtnnnit TrfcrXD. Everything U tented, aVatre A BIUIU s'atm,i'uX Is Wi. FIUtiTCLAMH r-lK.ITl Rl: MTOKK ALio, a very complete rtock of Funeral Goods, Metallic&fooienCoffliis Caskets Boies. EMBLEMS, Ae. ' OurKew and elegant hearse ! always iu readiness. Remember- the place, in UNION (BLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO - - - - Doors sonth of Cass Coun ty Bank. . -: Whear we may be found nteht or day. J. I UNRUH, 2JU3 aL.TriM7ri. NEB AT JOE McVEYVS Sample Rooms You will find the Finest Importer French Brandy, Champaign, and other Fine Wines, Pure Kentucky Whiskies. several of the best and most popular brands of BOTTLE BEER. Fresh Beer always on draught, and Fine Ci gars. , , . 20tf.