e p i"'T - A" (1 i I r - 1 VOL. I. , , PLATTSMOUTH, .. NEBKASKA,' ;! THURSDAY' E VENINCt AUGUST 1), 1883. NO. UO - SIS U . .. f .1 I I N. A j I" i i ii - : 3 : ' ft 6 ,1 - Jonathan Uatt J. "AW Makti'iis " Beef, PorlcMuttdnand Vea fflTTSiflTK 1 and ''women to look upon; but the .felove contests, t-the prlzo EgJUo. Id ' 'these effeminate days. FOBLIS1IEP ujulijtmx weekly, I ace conducted with bard gloves in hired f --BT v-w c. ha41a-Wlth- naiJ notice tokecn order .ami Tie Plattsimflf teali Ptetei COrUeWaLie citizens wVo t- tendance to give the7 brutal an air n air of respect ability. We read the other day of a contest of this kind between the athletes Sullivan and Sladc. These men are, nothing inore or less "thin the property of gamblers' and thieve, who '4 Maeeesaara to A. tJ. HATT, DAILY, delivered by carrier to any part of the ? . 6 city rarWeek .' 9 U P-Month ...w.....: 60 fer Y etr .. . 7 oo i. WEKKI.V . mall On coDTifxmonnu.... 00 Lwanaffe i,reni lor mouey. in iuibcoh V us eoby-uyei.....-. 2 00 1 tj V, V-irt-i'Ahor r-a KefUurtlMlu yomt OCce. nattianoutn, m I " T t ,". T . i ofwuu vuuw iuvir. oi inac mazmncenc specimen - or man hood, the Mboirf. beinor -Douiided'imtil ICOpUBrllQSlfl 0S1ISI vOnWnilVna I 1 n avJU ii.lnf A.A"viflv'B talH.P ti.'.A. auo nruuuuvAU vicvivnr vbv inv crvjvc i.. . . . i . . . x . . braska axe hereby called to . send delecates 1 CajIeU Iiaru gloves on tne nande-Ot tne Suur-Curcd Hams, Bacon, Salt Meats of all kinds, -Lani logna, j- 11111 nil Ulllt-T UrldClt'n JV.-I1 III Jlisi-viuao fiitw in.irw- i. j ; J - I , ll, ' ' ' - -. - - - . AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. from theMversI eo as ties to - neet lo Htate Convention at JUucoln. Wednesday. September o o ciock p. in., lor me pur- nomination candidate for tne following named onices, to -wit ; . . unekjusiiceoi tne supreme i;oun. 'TwoKecenttof tlie iJuivcisity One: University jteKcnt to mi vacancy. Tne' neverai oountie are entitled to repre- Hides,-Wool, Pelts, The Highest Market Price PaId for ii-. t 1 : 0rease,';Etcv Frosh Lake Trout and White ; Fish Every: Thursday - - - : : Morning. t pIze lighter ' Salllvan irrd this - in a public place In the great city of New YorkJ In the presence of an immense audience, "irt1 which the dispatches say all classes of socieiy were reproseotcd. eoiaiiun id m sunt) l-unTcnuon, an luiiuws, i xrtl. f l.la pntrtintnn thna'l - " ba ed udoo tne vote cat for k. i UoicKen for or tuls entercainment tnep.j feieo Hn- Hecrrtary of state, elvlnc one delegate to each der went as:; severe aii'd th'orAhcrri train. gate for the fractlwn of aevenly-flve .1.75) votes I ing astllOUgh the CODtCSt Was to be the also one delegate for eaoh organized (Dm -m Yes! or over county Counties datna Aatedove.... Boone Huffalo Uiutler Hurt Brown Cass Cedar Cheycnnee.. Clav Colfax 4 Cuming 6 Chase 1 Custer , .3 . Cherrv.. I Del. s .. . . 5 ...6 .... . 6 ....8 "7..13 . ...' 2 8 Counties Job axon... Kearney... Keith . Knox , lncaster. . Lincoln. (Mm " luivc arrived, and I will continue to sell Dr Goods & Notions J)re88 Goodss, Trimmings Etc., at lower prices than any other house in the country. Also'a full, line of Groceries Queensware Dakota Dawson Dixon .Podge ktouaiiiH.... Dundy fitmore Franklin ... Frontier.... Furnas Gage itoeper Aireeeley nail......... Hamilton... Del. .7 ...3 6 . , 2 5 Old fashioned Prize flirht. and the nunl ishment physically although not so se vere is frightful; while tho ' evil influ ences, are in our opinion, much worse, upon society, for tho reason that socie ty is induced- to countenance and assist who manage . ana conauci inese exhibttious. . it is ",, human nature to admire and enconrage ...2 . 6 .7 Harlan 4 Hitchcock J2 8 1 AND at prices to defy com etion. Yours Itespctfully, W. H. IP. JJ JHIANSIEN, Dealer in Groceries Crockery Holt. Howard 3 1 Jefferson A Total 371 It is recommended that no Droxies be ad mitted to the convention, except such as are held by persona residing, in the counties from which the proxies are given. Geo. W. K. DoksSY. Chairman 8. B, Colssn, Secretary. . An opinion was filed in the Supreme Court of the State, on the 7th inat., in the case of the State of Nebraska rel. Squires against the Auditor of State, in which the Supreme Court hold that a standing - committee ef either house has no power. to employ clerks, and that vouchers given such employes, although duly signed by the officer of either honse, will not author ize the Auditor to draw his warrant upon the Secretary of State to pay the same. - :xms settles tne indiscrimi nate hiring of clerks of committees, un less the' same are authorized - by the Legislature. This is right; there is al ways an army of camp followers de manding soft places for services ren dered, and who, by forcing themselves upon committees, swell the pay-rolls of the Legislature to an alarming extent, while the nrobabilities are that these standing committees "have nothing for them to do. - Loup.., Madiaon.. Merrick 4 I the thieves and gamblers Nemeha Nuckolls Otoe raWneO. 8 I VllOrh HtlVDinill Ylavaltnmanf nmnnn tk. FhelDS Q I o" r"J uviviuj;uicii aiuuug I.IIC Pierce. ...2 human Bpecies. It is right to encourage physical training and there is no duty the American people neglect so much as the physical training and education of our youth; wherever an -individual is found who excels in feats of strength and endurance, we find the public are lavish in their -patronage and praise; but these brutal contest where physical Wheeler...y""7'2 fifiants like the Maori are cut. wounded Vebster. ....... . .s I , . . . , . ui ui9Lu, uisauicu 111 ii j c yt uiuuieuis . . 4 1 Platte.. .3 I'oig ...41 IU)U Willow.. .91 Kichnrdou.. .16 Kidine. ..i I Harpy ...6 I Samiderw..... ...4 I Seward ..2 i siieeioan..... ,i .5 ! Mtanton. 11 HIOUX. Z .nay Valle haver...... Valley Washington. Wayne. ...6 6 4 12 9 4 t 3 "....2 1 .... .6 4 8 .3 .SfVork... Western Horse American Packet Co., and the !North-Gennan Lloyd. Agents for 100.000 acres of land on the .Northern Pacific railroad in .Dakota:- wDeep-reachis1?' reform is what the Democracy -of Tennay tvania want. They want lthe - rferm' just deep enough sto' put "'-the rascals in,.-;arid "reaching" - enough 'for them to get their hands into the public crib. Ob, yes! arid while they are about it they want to "abolish ail internal revenue tax." They want" the ''deep-reaching" reform to go down deep enough and GROCERIES. GXjAKS AM QIIEENSWABE, Also Choice Brands of Flour. Agent for the German Fire lnsurnce Co., Freeport, 111.; German Fire Insurance Co., Peoria, 111.; Manhattan Life Insurance: Co., ; '' New York. and Cattle Insurance Companj, OF OMAHA. i 9nh tar onnnirh fn oitrA thrnn frAe to Fire Insnrance Policies Issued in the English and German Languages hiSKy. This Pennsylvania Steamship Tickets sold i rem and to Europe over tne Jiamourg- jjemracy does not want to see any a T I - 1 AV. -V-l. I JLwnnn I.-V1-I A Minra TOT I .. . . ... . . i 1 "surplus revenue lying arouuu ivuav. They "look with alarm" on the Repub lican idea, iu Pennsylvania, of disburs ing the "surplus revenue" among the several States, to be applied for the benelit of the citizen, to relieve him from the burdens of local taxation. They don't like that idea; they don't nranf . nv on ml n a rAVAnilAS IRVinST vvwuw , u j .....f.ww j a around looose; it "alarms" this Penn sylvania democracy to contemplate such alri?htful stale of affairs. The e lact is, if the democracy of this county come into power, armed with their un quenchable thirst for "deep-reaching' reform, there is not the remotest prob ability that the country will ever have to wrestla with the crdLlem of "what arc we to d with our surplus reve nues?? That "deep reaching" desire which naturally belongs to that party will be able to get away with all the "surplus' and ' thus save the Couuty; the trouble of settling sucti a knotty question. "Deep-reeching" reform is about as good a name as we have heard for it. simply to gratify the wicked foolish ambition of the participant who engage in them to prove who can bear the most punishment, or who is physically the "best man," or the cupidity of the sporting fraternity who thrive iu their nefarious professions off of such exhi bitions, where these men : malm and wound each other, ought not to be countenanced, in any civilized communi ty. ' Certainly it is time such exhibitions should be absolutely prohibited in this country. It seems to us to be an out rage that the police of New York c'ty who are hired and pas-ed-by the govern ment to protect the person and pioper- ty of the citizen, and prevent riots and fighting and' all ' disorderly conduct among the people, should be used by the sporting fraternity of that city to protect and assist them in such - brutal exhibitions. We noticed, not long since, an emi merit artist was prohibited from giving an exhibition of the Passion Play in New York city, the highest courts of the city government weie vainly pe titioned to relax the rigor of the - law and permit this play, which Salvini Morse guaranteed would not shock the sensibilities of the most pious and rev erent christian of that city Yet moral New York banishes the Passion . Play as blasphemous, and - encourages, pro tects and patronizes the brutal and de moralizing exhibitions ot her gambling sporting community. v erily, consis tency is a jewel rare -in these times of ours. - . : American ways, lor we build as much ia throe months as tho English build in a year, but it is, the Finance Minister hopes, introductory , to ui .mote rapid .u.u iq tut) tuiurv. ' - - "l' . .The railroads now beiug built by the helpiof the English government in Can ada and in India are constructed with direct reference, to compete . with . the American farmer in the grain markets of Europe . Our simple ' minded rural friends who have reaped such generous prosperity from 4he Kuropean necessity of buying food from them, and wtio at the same time nave enjoyed tho uiw Usual privilege of refusing to buy their applies in the markets where they have old their produce so freely at half what they pay at home, -should recog nize the fact that serious efforts are bo-. Ing made to break their monopoly." We do not attach exaggerated Import arte to thd competition of the miraiii ryot with the well-fed Amer'han farm. er, uut a competitor wo, almost with outiailroads, without any of the im- pruvcu muw -0 plentiful lierc, - simply by .wt-hlng his soil with" an i iron . pointed slick succeeded In raising more wheat for sale last year than Uussitt is uy no means to be. left out tvf. the ac-- count..",' . " " ; : '- ' v". i RICHEY BEOS, r'"" " ' DICAtiEns IN . ATX KINDS OF iimhor Qoh rinnro LUIIIUblfUUO jUUUIOj Z -6.IITTS, Z.ZMIS. Gnmrtn Pi ffi oran 9 r ir iuqu ILaOxrject - Mates. Termo Cacti Tiik president has left the ndmiuis tration iu Washington without any misgivings, for he depends upon the tel egraph to keep him iu perfect commun ication; with tbo scat' of government. Unfortunately, however he has' not taken into consideration the wire cut ting striker. Supposing some fiendish operator should cut tho- president's wire! It might be a week before, the world could hear a word from the chief magistrate of the nation, and' the gov ernment would be thrown into instant chaos when deprived of his directing hand.. Nothing but the vlgilence of. the army stands bet. Ween us and nation al ruin, and the secretary of war will see the necessity of placing a solid cor don of soldiers along the line into the valley. Chicago Times., THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Full ILine General ; Merchandise. Largest Stock and ILowest iPrices. Call and Salisfy rXburself JOSEPH V. WECECBAGHS iili No old stock to work off. The latest patterns of y PLOUB AND 1 PROVISIONS. THE HIGHEST' MABIIET j-...;-. . PAID :FOK OUIfffJTv -arBOBUCM-: f . - i DREW BUlLDiaK&lr -1 PRICE INDIAN AND AMERICAN WHEAT. From the Chicago Tribune. Our Consul-General at Calcutta. Mr. Mattson, follows up bis communica tion of some months ago with regard to the prospects of the development of tne wneat culture or India- by forward ing to. tne state uepartmept an interest ing report . on the same subject from the Indian Al mister of. Finance. Mr. E Baring. This is published in full In the last volume of Consular reports Altbongn tne export trade in Indian wheat did not practically beg in until ten years ago 1873, it amounted to 28,- 000,000 bushels last year. The exports grow as tne railroads are extended, and as the building of the new roads is now being pushed by public and private entorprise we may expect to see a yearly increase in tne supplies or Indian wneat competing with us in the European mar kets. Mr, JJanng points out tnat very large tracts of land are awaiting culti vation in India, and quotes estimates tnat it would be possible for India to increase its export to 40,000,000 cwt Mr. Baring expresses .tne opinion that the cost of producing wneat in in dia is considerably less, than In the United States. The farmer -who sleeps on tne grouna ana rweareaj most no clothes and does well if his income av erages 010 a year, 4ught toJe able to undersell the -' American, -wno has to have a piano lor his-daughter, and be sides supporting his own family has to at a. 1 . m convnqute 10 me maintenance oi num berless ' manufacturing syndicates for which be is taxed. The amount of wheat India-can get to market for sale' is fixed by the rail road facilities offered -V-ThH - Fnorliah iai in Its QCiaiis ana mow ucaivs.MiiK nr,Airtn,l thia. and irf nrdnr to in in its influences, - The statutes of every crease the 'export, which flow practical stata in the Union prohibit prize fight- It into tneir bands without any return inir. and as a berialty for the violation to tne poor Uintioo.vtuey. are pressing of the law impose .the punishment of imprisonment innheir penitentiaries. The prire fight waaxpnidered a brutal affair.4 and resrietab.e piBople af oided Dennis Kearney has suddenly de parted for his native sand-lot. lie as signs as the reason f this unexnected departue that he has contracted a hard cold and is overworked. Dcnnv found the tottling masses less ready to listen nis absurdities this time than dunnt? nisiormer visit. At JSew York.Iudeed ho was barred out of a meeting of la boring men Which he had exDccted to enthuse on the - subject of. monopolies. Eyery where the sand-lots orator was neglected, and even Ben Butler had no word of encouragement for him. , Prob ably this is the last that will be heard of Denny in the east, and there will be no quarrel with the sand-lottcrs if they henceforth keep their hero at homi Exchange.- , : BANKS.. JOH.V KlTZQKR ALl v A. V. McL.AUOUI.IN i "" President. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL A I INK LOT OK MACKKItEL, LAIiliADOUE IIEUinXG, TKOIH', AVILD WAV COD FISH, Aroh fhoicti lot of Zi22:LVOXTS l2T2D OHii29 CES. We have a fino cloflk of ' . GBtQMGE FAMmY QM O 0JBRZES, v - . . Fancy inmlMof MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI FLOUR. . . . I have in Moo a lino Hup of Queensware, Glassware, Lamps. Ac. All our gooil ar new and frexli. Will Exchange, lor Country Prota, Linseed Oil Meal Always on Han. ; Next door to Court House, Plattsmouth, Neh, ' J . M. B. MURPHY & CO. . . . UdA523m 3 J ! OF P1.ATTSMOITTI1. NKBRASKA, Offers the very best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Government and Looa Securities Bought and Sola, Deposits recekv . ed and interest allowed on time Certifi- catea, Drafts drawn, available iu any part of the United States and all the principal towns of Europe. Collections made & promptly remitted. Highest market prioes paid for County. War rants, State ai.d County BondK. DIRECTORS : John Fitzgerald . - A. E. Touzalin. John R. Clark. K. C. Cushing, Geo. E. Dovey, ." - F. E. White, A. W McLauehlln. . WEEPING WATER 1 WEEPING WATER, NEB. E. L. REED,- President. B. A. GIBSON", Vlce-rresident. . R. S.? WILKINSON. Cashier. ; A General Banting Business Transacted. : DBPOHlTti Received, and Interest allowed on Time Cartl - flcates. DRAFTS : Drawn available in any part of the United States and all the principal cities of Europe Agents for the celebrated Mmi Line of Stews. The civilized mode of prize fighting in vogue in this day; is little betterj if any; tKItf the oid style of brutality ; ior. iU details and mofe demoralizing ;rrhli"nd the construction of railroads With what speed ia ptssilile toJEnglish officialism In tho year 1881 there were but 646 ot new roads In construction,- in -addition to the 9,619 miles In Operation. ' ' -There . e Ann it--, i . ..s - them. They were held iu out of the f: I "f7 " Zw lX, 1 . ... . sanctioned for commencement.- This wajr - places, as inOt f or rtvilrjod nreo 9 ant very rapH yropeis, Judged by Bank Qass County CotneitMaia and Sixth Streets. ' " PLATTSMOXTTK 33ETB J JOHN BLACK. President, "I 1 J.M. PATTEESON, Cashier, f - Transacts a General Bantiii2 Business. ' I , i (HIGHEST CASH PRICE j l Paid for County and City War v ants. COLLEl'TIOSB XADEj r . - - and. promptly remitted for. . ? DIBXCCTORS : L " -' John Black.-J. Ml'ativwson, C. H.Parnel - F. It. Gutliaiann. J. Morrissey. A. B. ' mith. Fred G order. ' ! :.uAiT, nmN m. ;j COMPRESSED YEAST. The best yeast iv: use, received:; fresh . ; every r TUESDAY tod FRIDAY . : , roornipga. Ct&l J plied by : -" '" A X D . . "'" I r- . ..... ... 1 ' MV At Wholcsalcand IHctail. Cash paijd br all kinds of country ' produce. Call and sec me, Opposite IPirst National Ilank. IP. I3ATUMIBIISrIP13 n . 1 (liiEii&vli : , EASTWARD v vv - -- " ' ? . - .... - '-Dally Express Trains for OmBha. Chicago, Kansas City, St. Ixmls. and all. points KhsC Through Cars via Peoria to Indiananoli. Kle gant Pullman Palace Cars and dvy. coaches on all thioiuch trains, and linuig can east of Mis souri river. - - . i 1 1 .WESTWARD Daily E x pre n train n for-Denver connecting in Union Depot for all points in Colorado. L'tati. California and the entire Wet. The adv-nt of this line gives the traveW KewlCout lo the West, with sccurry uiul advantages uneinlel elsewhere. ... , Z-.i'--- - ". f 1 riTrough Tickets at the Lowest Raten are on sale at all Ihe linrwrtant station, and bacgaee WU1 be checked to destinetlon. Any information as to r:Ues, routes or time tabh-s will be cheerfully i urniahed ufton application to any aeerit or to - - -v- - P. S- EUSTIS. tlcnernl Ticket Acent. Omrain. Keh. 'BUR LIN GTO N-1 . 0 UT t f ' r (Chicago Burlington &. fuincy r 'road.) , , M-tjja at jmjim. III. - OOIHO EA8T AND WEST. I lnnt Day Coaches, Parlor Cars, with Beoiin Ins Chairs seats' free); Rmokint? Cars, with K voTriiyrC3utn.TiiUniaa Palace Sieeoinz Cars and khe famous C. u. Sc Q. Dinlnr Cars run dauy to and from ChscAfo 4 Kansas City. Cbioao A . Council tnuRS.vsueagO' s ie jnotnea. vnsgq c- Jo seph. Atchison A Topeka. Ojjiy UiroMgtj Une bo tweea Cktcaxro, Lioooln & Deaer. -TliroBurhcars between lndianapohs A Cbooca Bluffs via Peoria. Ail cocoectiocs made In vnioo ixpots. it is GOINC NORTH AND SOUTH Solid Tralnirof Efeeant bar Onoche and IjU man Palace Klecrsne cars are run aailr iu and t'rom St. Louis, via Hanniboi. Ouico, b.eokuk Burlinetoo. Cedar La wis and Albert Lea to M Paul and Minneapolis: parlor Cars with Kecbnioc Chairs to and from St. Louis and Peoria and to and from 5t. louis and UUumwa. Only one change.-of ' cars between 8t. Louis and lies Moines. Iowa. . Lincoln, Nebraska, snd Denver. I Coloraao. . ; It is universally admitted to be the knows a the (rsat THROUGH CAR mt rinstt Eiiu I Doed D ui I road In tha World far all O lasses of Travel- jr. J. POTTEK. Jd Vico-Pres't and GeaT Manager. PERCEVAL LOWELL. Geo. Pass. Ay't. Chicmco. v. I! U i v