4 -" II AT THE MATINEE. They tiilkivl of their 1i:i1Ii:h, their Hoi hen and ' their leelh, Aiul there Itu't u tiling yon can think of !- Ileal ll Tin- miii or th' iniMiii they didn't iII.iimi, W ft It u woiiil'-rful din und ti wondiilnl fux, Hut the n-f we nil had iix-tfiiiMi'd to henr Them- three eli:irinln;r iiioIIhth of t.al.iis ko di-ar. Tin' ori')i"tr:i il:iyel that tuii-ieal ilreum f -Id lat until It would m-i-iii That it elmriM of an'i N had caught up Ihe thi-iiK And h-ul lip" wi-i'l lone of tli.-lr oii-e -ii-yreine To lift our miiiN iii; I 1 1 t !. fair mollit-r llinr Mill talUt d of Ihi-ir li;ihh' In innocent U'f. And now I In- vrand rlic.nis lilies out tliroii;.'h the hall. And melody rein- supreme oterall Overall c;le these ninl . Wlio -rem lo for'-t The eharin- of til'- mil-ie. Inr;in-c they li.ite Sfl Thenieli r. for a talk, their lalies for text, AVithont eVil a tlioicrht for fhee they have e.ed. They tell Hi that Millie v.iil lin III the v.'lUl l.rea-t 4 If I he s.it ae, and - t him rest. Cut. tilh Icil.ie- for 1et. Sllll ,aii Mop for a moment tongue. Pitlslmr; Sim stole; Koftlv down to tin; Uw wall, if sho oxptM-tctl tlis hour t appear oiiiphtely at no !: ewr a fond mother fiom lichhnl anv btiih by tlio way, am pPiMncl over, 'flu; rows ver ln'iddlei to;th:r in a distant corner of the pas ture. Against tin- bum could see the liue outline of the hear. Could a hear elitnh n fence? TiMy had forgotten titer leaeliiii-s of 'I'inie lecir natiirxl history, hooks on that Miil.jeci, l:it lm thought it more than jii ohahle that he eouhl. Hut lie certain ly !il not seeni to he making any :it leinpt to do no. Slowlv, and with her lieai 1 in her nioutfi, Tildy i limlx d the stoni! wU. She was very niud.Ie, and she was sure she could ";et over it jiain before that unwieldy creature could reach her, and she niilit by some means save the cows. If she could only drive them over the stone wall! She walked slowly toward the bars, armed wilh a lare slick. 'I he bear did not seem fcroritius - tier- i 'i naps sin; could drive him awav. She slopped at a respectful distance and stared at him; she dared not very ueai, ni!lioiiri Jie bars Wi le between her and the lm-re creature. As she slood giiAug at him a very straiij thin;; happened. The bear rose on his hind-feel, looked over the bars at her in i friendly fashion, and held out his paw A SCIENTIFIC IHSCOVEItV. A w And Mont Important Theory on One of the Most Vltnt (Jiieation of thf Itiiv. as if for a cordial shake! I i-pateh. HOW TIIjDY drove the cows home. -.V SoflUK sWI.IT. "Win-re i-, that boy Aunt IIuMah, in an "There ain't a chore white turkey has jonc to sie.il her nest atrain. IbmeleilK'-'said arieved tone. done, ami the across the liehl ami the iruiuea- pis arc iiealiiioj for tle-ir supper enough to ileafell 3011, and the Wood wantin' to he chopped, and .Jonas jone to see his inothor. Why he couldn't ha e a mot her li in1 in this town in stead of ten miles off I .don't see; but hired men have no coiiMiIcratiou for other -peiode, no more than boys have. I should like to know who is oin fur the cows!" Aunt IltiMuh was a little cro-., lut then iihii' woman! -she had had a bard time to uiniKiirc the farm ami maki both ends meet since I 'ucle Joshua died. And although he tliil scold sometimes. jsIit was erv kind to limelech and Tihly. "1 will ' and lirinir home the cows,"1 aid Tihly. "I can ride Lirhtnino; bare-backed. I hae done it ever so many times." "I don't think poor old Liht 11111 will ever run away with anybody," said Aunt lluldah. "Hut it's hard work for oii to take down the bars :ind put them up aain. I don't believe in e;irls doiiiir sneh things, when it's "what boys u- for. Iblt there's 110 t 1 1 -in w hat time that boy'll b home. Perhaps you may as well o;o. Ami you'd bett-r hurry, for it's a lonesome road, and it will be dark before lonj;." Tildy had old l.iirhtnin out of his stall and was on his back in a twinkling;. Jut there was no uch tiling as hurry ing old Ki";iit:iin. lie knew as well as Tildy did that they were only oin for the cows, and lie didn't mean to hurry bis stiff old hones 011 any such com monplace occasion. Il was a lm time ap;o that Lihtnin"; had earned his name. .Jonas, the hired man, said he was "slower than stock-still" now. Tildy broke off a beech sw itch, and tried that as a persuader. She did want to fret the cows home in rood time, so that Aunt llu'dah need not think too much about Tlimolech's al sence. lie had a bright new half dol lar that lie had earned by pickinjr ber ries, and there was a circus over at Cranberry Center. Tildy didn't know that he h'ul one there, but she was prettv well acipiai'd with boys. You couldVt have Tiinieleeh for a brother without beinir. Instead of havin.i? his pace ijuickenetl bv the beech switch. Lightning-, not be in; aceutomed to siub things, stopped short, and turned his head around to look at it. Then he twitched it out of Tildy 's hand, ami serenely munched the green leaves. After that Tihly returned to moral suasion and told "him how important it was-to have the cows milked, ami the milk taken care of at the proper time, for of the crcam'Vas to be made Aunt lluldah s jrol.lcnest, sweetest, fragrant est butter that was expected to take a prize at the agricultural fair, and out of the prize nionev Aunt lluldah had promised to buy lu-r, Tildy, a new cam bric dress bright blue with tiny spots to wear to the Sunday-school picnic. I can't sav that old "Lightning was touched bv these arguments, but he did legin to go a litJ-b' faster, ami before Tifdy had"" fairly ihVided what color to have the hat trimmed with w hich Aunt lluldah might have money enough to buv her. to go with the dress, she had reached the pasture. Instead of being close beside the bars, as they usually were at night, the cows were huddled'together in a distant cor ner of the field, as if they were fright ened, and suddenly, as she stopped la-htning at the "bars, he began to shiver and pant with terror hooks a bear. book, wished "What can it p ss'iblv mean?" said Tildv, aloud. Hut before the words -.vere out of her mouth her heart seemed to have stopped beating. From behind a clump of bushes there suddenly ap peared a huge shaggy brown creature, that walked with "a lumbering gait straight toward her. Tildv knew in a moment that it was a rbear. "TJimclcch was very fond of nat ural history, anil knew as much about animals as the school-master himself, and he was always showing pictures of animals to Tildy, and explaining all about them. A bear he certainly was, and a big one, but how he could have got there was a question. Since the days of her Teat-grandfather Tihly knew no bears Ead been seen about there. She had not much time to think, how ever, for Lightning, quivering in every limb, dashed over the fence Lightning, who had not leaped a fence for twenty vear3and, with Tildy. clinging for clear life to his neck, went on a dead run across the p:vsture, over a stone wall on the oilier side, through the brook, and half-way up the hill, where he stopped exhausted. ' Tildy slipped down to the ground. She thought the bear, at that distance, was preferable to Lightning in hispres .ent fctate, which might lead nim to dash off again at any moment, for Lightning's terror had not abated ; he was only ex hausted. Tildy thought of the cows with a . dreadful sinking of the heart, and look ed about her for help. But there was not a house or a person in sight. This proceeding was so entirely for eign to Tihly s previous ideas concern ing the habits of bears that she did not know what to think. Hut when t hi: bear, finding his friendlv overtures disre garded, began to dance a slow ami stately minuet, Tildy felt like tin; little old woman on the King's highway, who cried, '() lank a-mercv on me, this sure ly can't be I!" 'Hiinelech's natural history said nothing about this kind of lie seemed to belong in a fairy lie looked at her as if he reallv her to admire him. Tihly remembered a fairy story she had read of a Prince w ho was turned into a deer by a w icked fairy; perhaps somebody had been turned into this queer bear. Hut being a shrewd, sensible little Yankee girl, Tihly soon came to the conclusion that then; must be a more practical solution of the mystery. And suddenly there flashed into her mind a story that .Jonas had told of a perform ing bear he had seen at a circus. She had almost forgotten it, because she had been so much more interested in the other wonders of which .Jonas told thebabv elephant, the giraffes, and t he talking hyena ; but Jonas had said that the bear was perfectly harmless "as gentle as a baby." This was certainly a trained bear, and he seemed harmless. Tihly had ceased to tremble now, and she took a long I001C at him. lie was muzzled! Tildy 's courage arose with astonishing sudden ness. It was not easy to believe in the gentleness of a bear after reading those dreadful stories in "Hiinelech's hooks; it was a comfort to know that this bear could not bite if he wanted to. lie might hug the breath out of her body with those gn at shaggy paws of his, bill he did not seem in the least disposed to any such violence, and Tildy began to feel as brave as a lion. "What silly cows, to be afraid of a tame creature like that, when he didn't trv to touch them!" she exclaimed, for getting how her teeth had chattered ten minutes belore. I'here was a collar around the bear's neck, and from it hung a stout rope. If siie only dared to take hold of the rope and h-adthe bear home, what a sensation she. should create! thought Tihly. She extended ln-r hand over t he top bar, and the bear immediately placed his paw upon it and gave it a little friendly shake. It was such a huge, shaggy paw! Tihly felt a cold chill creeping over her, but she did not Hindi. He certainly was a very socia ble bear. Tihly took the bars down slowly, watching him narrowly all the time. She took! lie rope in her hand, and he still looked at her in the mildest man ner possil.de. She might lead him home with safety, she thought, but she could not leave the cows behind, and their objections to the bear could not be easily overcome. 15ut she resolved to try an experiment: she led him down the road out of sight, and, she hoped, beyond the scent of the cows, he fol lowing her with the docility of a dog. She fastened his rope to a tree, and then went back and drove the cow s out into the road. They were a little wild and unruly, being evidently still in ter ror of the bear, but once in the road they started on a trot home, and Tildy brought up the rear with the bear. "Bimelech was sitting on the door step eating apple-pie. Jonas had also returned, ami was looking anxiously down the road for Tildy ami the cows. Tildy and the bear were attended by a throng of admirers. Ien, women and children had run out of their houses ami were following the bear. "Jehoshaphat !" said Jonas. Aunt lluldah rushed to the door, ut tered a shriek, and fainted at the sight. "There isn't another girl in Ponka donk who would have dared to do that. That comes of being my sister, and know ing all about bears and things," said 'Hiinelech, with his month full of pie. "That's the bear that strayed away from the circus. There are posters all over Cranberry Centre offering ten dol lars reward for his return. "Won't vou be rich, Tildy? I'll take you to "the circus, and you can pay for both." Jnuas went in search of old Light ning, and soon brought him home, looking thoroughly ashamed of himself and neighing humbly to Tildy. "Hinielecli Married the bear over to Cranberry CTntre to his owners that very night although Tildy felt very sorrv to part with him and brought Tildy the ten dollars. And Tildy had her new cambric dress ami the prettiest hat in Ponkadonk, without waiting for Aunt Hundah's butter prize: ami she bought for 'Bimelech a very big book on natural history, full of pictures of animals and birds, and a beautiful new butter stamp for Aunt lluldah, and a g:iy neck-tie for Jonas. And when the circus came to Ponkadonk Tihly met her bear again, and he greeted her like an old friend. If anyone had informed Oueen LTiza- brth 111 her palmiest days that she could have been seated 111 tier palace in Loll don ami conversed with Sir Walter Kah ijrh in his North Carolina hoim receiving a repiv irom linn w iitiiuau hour's time, she would have declared it to be a miracle. And yet, had they lived m the present day, this apparent miracle would most readily have been witnessed and not seem at all Strang or unnatural, i jje truln is, new prin ciples are coming into existence, and the operation of many laws unknown in the past is being fully understood in the present. In 110 way does this fact come more forcibly to the mind than in the care and treatment of the human body. Millions of peojde have died in past ages from some insiirnilicant or easilv cont rolled cause which is thoroughly understood now and readily handled". Consumption during the entire past has been considered an incurable disease. And yet it is demonstrated that it has been and can be cured, even after it lias had a long run. Dr. Felix Oswald has just contributed a notable article 011 this subject to the Popular Science Monthly, lie regards consumption as pulmonary scrofula. The impurities of the blood produce a constant irritation in the lungs, thus destroying their delicate tissues ami causing death. His theory shows conclusively that consumption is a blood disease. It has its origin pri marily 111 a deranged condition of the kidneys or liver, the only two organs of the body, aside; from the lungs that purih- the blood. When the kidmn-s ov liver are diseased thev are in a sore or lacerated state which coiiuuunicat poison to every ounce of blood that passes through them. This poisonous nioou circulates through the system ami comes to the lungs, where the noi son is deposited, can-dug decomposition 111 ine nueiy iornieu cells 01 the line's Any diseased part of the body has contaminating power, and vet the blood. which is the life of the system, is brought into direct contact with these poisoned organs, thus carrying contagion to all parts of the body. Bishop Jesse 'J'. Peck, I). I)., LL. I)., whose death has been so recently regretted, is reported to nave dieil ot pneumonia, which med icai authorities allirm indicates a dis eased condition of the kidneys. It is well known, moreover, that for several years he has been the victim of severe kidney trouble, and the pneumonia which finally terminated his life was only the last result of the previous blood poisoning. I he deadly matter which angry bull. Ilhett felled him like a butcher, and every time New Hamp shire approached Hhett skillfully de fended himself ami skillfully offender New Hampshire. At length the lattc badly used up, fell helpless at Khett's feet. Hhett immediately put his foot on his breast. "Let me up," moaned New Hampshire. "Not just vet," san Khett. "You got it challenge from me once.-"' "ics," groaned New Hami shire. "Instead of replying to it like a gentleman," went 011 Khett, "vou ton it up ami Hung the pieces in my face. "Yes," said New Hampshire, with an effort. "Well," said Khett, eooly, 1 saved the pieces, and you ve got to eat them before you get Up. 1 hereupon lie siowiy led New Hampshire the cans full- preserved bits he had picked up at his feet in front of the chapel door weeks before. And the bully ate them all. Khett had utilized his Boston trips to the best advantage with the most sci entific sluggers of his day It was not until he had succeeded in knocking one of Ins instructors down that lie under tookjXew Hampshire. Tradition lias it in (ieorgia, where I heard the story, that Khett and New Hampshire subse quently faced one another on the battle-field, Khett falling then under New Hampshire's sword, only to see New Hampshire prostrated by a rebel bullet A Slighted Alcaldo. CorpuK t hristl Tax Col lor. "Some years since I was traveling in Mexico, and on invitation attended a party given in honor of the young adies of the hacienda. After partaking of a delicious repast I was invited by the host to take a hand with himself and friends in a game of monte amlamle (traveling monte), which is played the same as monte, with the exception that the deal goes round in rotation and the players bet at the game;. All present were wealthy, and the game proved to be an interesting one, and there was no disposition on the part of the players to stop playing, when notified to do so by a policeman. They positively refused to stoj), and told the policeman to in form the alcalde who the players were. He returned after a short absence and saiil it was the order of the alcalde that the playing should cease. They re quested him to ask the alcalde what their fine would be. The policeman re turned with the amount of the line, ten dollars apiece, which was promptly handed mm uy the players, and th host sent a card of invitation to the alcalde, requesting the pleasure of his presence. Not more than fifteen nun utes elapsed before the. alcalde put in an appearance, ana the play waxed warm. Had the invitatien been accorded him sooner, it would have saved the party a When you visit or Irave New York City i.av'Kapp, ,xnre!ia;r una t:rri!iKo Hire, ana utop at (JIIAM) UNION HOTKL, opposite Onyid Central Depot. elcpint looiiin, niieu up ni n eont or 0110 million iiol- nirs, reduced lo l and upwards per (lav Kuroj.ean plan. Klevator. Jtentauritnt nup plled with the bent. Jlorc-curr., ntai; and elevated railroad to till depot. Kiunilie can nvn better for Ickn money at the (irand l .'nion Hotel than at any oilier lirt-cU hotel in me cuy. Choose a wife rather by your earthan your eye. I.ifr' n i'oiiuiitlrum. vt lieu judiciously used, IJurdoek JSlood miter are In themselves a remedy for all tin; evil arising from impolitic of the blood. i.ien never lull to make tin; patient Jonir- 1 1 ..... 1 ... .... ineu ami nappy. I'riee .?i.ini. 1 ry eating fresh radishes and yellow turnips for gravel. Small Comfort. lien vou are continually coiiirhlii'' nk-hf ami nay, aniiovin everv hoilv uroiiml von. uiui nopin 11 win L'o awav or II own accord. you are riiiinin a dangerous risk Letter i use lr. I iioiiiu Keleetrle Oil. an tiiifaillmr ....... ...1.. 1.. ..it .1 11 iiii iij in iiu mic 11 rases. Try swallowing saliva when troubled with sour stomach. j (try wise tnimf was done lv tue (111- CAliO .V .NoltTll-W KSTKlt.V K.WI.WAV Co. when It opened up to the people of tlii- country the celebrated James Kiver valley of J'akota. h urther information about this dV- sirable section can he obtained free lv ad- dressing the General Passenger Aelit'of tin; iim vw.o.v M)iiTii-ni:sn;nx i:ii.wav, at Chlca-o, III. Iletnenibrr ThU. If you are sick Hop Hitler will MirHy aid -xaiurfl 111 making you well worn au cis lap. If you are col!vo or dyspeptic, or aro suf- icmix iroui any oilier or the muiierou ui- eaxe of the stoinaeh or bowel, it I your own fault If vou remain III, for Hop Hitters are a sovercL'ii remedy In all such coin plaint. If you are wasting away with any form of iniiiey disease, Mop templing Ueain tin moment, and turn for a cure to Hop Hitter. If you are lek with that terrible sickness XcrvoiiMif, you will liml a "Malm hi (iilcad" in the use of Hop Hitler. ir ydi are a freitueiitcr, or resident or n miasmatic district, barricade your system against tin; scourge of all countries miilarhd epidemic, bilious and Intermittent fever by the ue of Hop Ititter. If you have rouzh. pIuipIv or sallow skin. Pad orealll, pain ami aches, nnd feel nils- eratile 'iierallv. Mop Hitter will irlve vou fair skin, rich blood and sweetest breath. Health and comfort. In short they cure all IHseases of the Stomach. Howel. Hlood, Liver, Nerves. Kid neys, Hriv'ht's Disease. ,"00 will be paid lor a ease thev will not cure or help. That poor, bedridden. iuvaini wife. sister. mother or daughter, can be made the picture or Health, ny a few Pottle or Hop Hitter, costing hut a trille. Will you let t hem suf fer? For Two Generations TI10 Rood nnd staunch old stand-by, 31 EX I CAN MUS TANG LIM3U:NT, lias dono moro to A.ssiiaq:o pain, relic vo Kuilcrin?, nnd save tho lives of men nnd beasts than all other liniments put together. "Why! Ilecauso tho Mustang pene trates through 8 k I a nnd flesh to tho very bono, driving out nil pain nnd soreness nnd morbid secretions, nnd restor i.ig tho ntllicted part to sound and supplo health. There's a strikin; abor and capital. r difference between HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE. FAT VS. LKAX. To Mereliant and Furiner. Send address to the Mutual Mauufacf iiriiiL' . U abash Avenue. thicairo. inu reeene oy rem ru man a circular and a sample of the cheapest and best barbed wire ever made. The Moat Powerful Healing Ointment Kver Discovered. Co. Au hour of pain is as lonir as a day of pleasure. K.kmin;iox. I i.i.. Dr. M. T. tJambh iys: "I prescribe Crown's Iron Hitters in my practice and it -rives satisfaction." PiiT-lieaded bores. people are generally Henrv's Carbolio Ealva Sores. Henrv's Carbolio Ralv Burns. Hftnrv's Oarbolin S.tIvo Bruises- ,H t,-nry's Carbolic Salve Pimple?. Ilenrv's f!arhn!fn Satva Piles- " llenry's Carbolio Salve Cuts. Ask for Henry's and take no Other C8TBEWARK OK COL'NTEKKKlTS.a J Cures Allays Cures Heals Cures Heals WEI.I.S' "ICOI 4II OV OKN."l.c. Afkfor iu i o.ui'M'i.u.ecriuiinem euro. UoruH.wurui.bunioiia. A late style of capote peak over the forehead. protrudes in a Anjrlers will find in the .July Century an illustrated paper on "IJlack Uass Fishinjr." It Is by an experienced amateur, Ir. .lames A. Henshall, of Kentucky, a well-known authority on all subjects connected with the Hy, the rod, and the line. (leorpre. W. Cable will conclude in the July Century his series of illustrated papers descriptive of the Creoles and their Crescent City. "Food and I'laue in 2Cew Orleans"1' is the title of the paper, which deals with the suffering of the Creoles from the Mississippi's overflow,from yellow fever and cholera. Never put pickles in a had lard in it. jar that has is leit in the luiiofs by the impure blood ehers up and tinallyYhoke.s the patient. lien this is accomplished rapidly it is called pneumonia or quick consumption ; wneu siowi, consumption, out in any event it is the result of impure blood, caused oy diseased kidneys and liver. I hese are facts of science, and vouch ed for by all the leading physicians of ir.eoa'. l hey show the desirability nay the necessity, of keeping these most important organs m perfect condition, not only to insure health, but also to escape death. It has been fully shown, to the satisfaction of nearby every unprejudiced mind, that arner s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is t he only known remedy that can cure and keei) m health the irreat blood- purifyimr organs of the body. It acts directly upon these members, heal in"' all ulcers which may have formed in them and placing them in a condition to purify and not poison the blood. This is no idle statement nor false the ory. Yii: AW C. Iieach, foreman of the Imffalo, :. Y ., Kubber Type Foundry, was given up to die by both physicians and friends. For four years he had a terrible cough, accompanied by night sweats, chills, and all the well-known symptoms. He spent a season south and found no relief. He says: "I finally concluded to trv "Warner's Safe ( ure and in three months I "rained twenty pounds, recovered my lost ener ry ami my health was fully restored." The list could be prolonged indelinitely but enough has been said to prove to every sufferer from pulmonic troubles tnat there is no reason to be discour aged in the least, and that health can be restored. Try a hot llannel over line, as that was a irentle reminder that neuralgic pains, and renew , . . . . . . i - lelt slighted.' 'In- Let il be understood onee for id I Curholitw. a deodorized extract of petroleum, w ill posi- uteiy restore nair to iiald Heads and there is no other preparation under the face of the sun that can accomplish this work. 'I' . -. . . . . i . 7 1 ) i . t xiy ii nci towei to tne oaCK OI llie neck when sleepless. Major II. WTIlInese, fioston, writes: "Samaritan Nervine cured me of tits." ft. 50. Untwist. Try buttermilk for removal of freckles. tan and butternut stains. When opiates fail, then trv Samaritan Ner vine. It's a certain cure for all nervous ailments. the seat of frequently, It is stated that Mrs. Jeremiah Wriirht. wiw nau j'uunonarv consumption, was pro nounced incurable by her phvsicians. Hut her neighbors recommended her iisim Allen s Luiur Halsam, which has entirely cured her. She is one of many cured bv it. It is sold bv all Drinrjnst? H hat men want is not talent, it is purpose, not the power to achieve, but he will to labor. a srxivvmn OFFKlt To introduce these Kles; nt and Fashionable Decorations, the handsomest troods in America, we will send this lot bv mail for 10 Cents, silver or stamps. One Japanese Na- mii ieie:jeiii uesiim, colors;, une .Japanese lidv (Moral design, n colors). One .Japanese Oossamer Handkerchief (lace design), and liiree Artistic Chronios. Address Japanese Novelty Co.. Buffalo. A . 1 . When visiting Omaha stop at the Metropolitan Hotel, cor. 12th and Doug las, liates, 2.00 per dav. If it were not for would break. hopes, the heart Ante-Bellum Days in Harvard. Wash. Cor. I'1'.ilaJelphia itecord. Years before the war, while sectional feeling was boiling toward fever heat, one of the young llhetts, of South Car olina, was sent to Harvard university. At that time the students at fair Har vard were pretty sharply divided by Alason ami Dixon slme. the northern ooys were led nv a Dig miiiv irom a New Hampshire farm. He thrashed everybody in both parties, but he dis played his partiality by thrashing the southern boys twice to the northern boys onee. The university has changed wonderfully since then, of course, but at that time it was more like a great Knglish public school in some respects than like a great Knglish university. Young Mr. Khett had not been there long before he was knocked down by young Mr. New Hampshire. It was a novel experience for the young aristo crat, and he eouhl only think of one remedy. He promptly sent the bully a challenge. The young man from New Hampshire made no immediate reply. This naturally increased the curiosity of the other fellows as to what the out come would be. Next morning young New Hampshire waited at the chapel door for young Khett. Juite a crowd had gathered when Mr. Khett arrived. "Did you write that?'' asked the New Hampshire boy savagely, holding the challenge before Khett's face. "Yes, I did,"'said Khett, pale of face but de fiant of heart. New Hampshire said nothing more, but deliberately tore the challenge into snips and bits," and then threw the bits into Khett's white face. The New Hampshire boy and the other fellows passed into the chapel, and the dazed South Carolinian was left alone. Mechanically he stooped and bit by bit picked up the pieces of paper lying at his feet. Then he went over to Boston, playing with the bits of paper in his pocket as he went. In the afternoon he reappeared, but he said nothing to his nearest friend about his visit to Boston. Nor did he disclose his plans for getting even with his enemy. Every day for weeks he regularly visited Boston, and and when not on these trips occupied himself with his text-books. One day, when quite a number of his fellows were standing on the campus, among them the bully from New Hampshire, young l.liett apieareU there for the first time in many days. "Come here," he said to young New Hampshire, calling him by name. "Come here -ourself," said the bully. "Meet me half-way," said Khett, and the bully consented. As soon as New- Hampshire got within striking distance Khett quickly knocked him down. Surprised and maddened, New Hampshire rushed at Khett like an KxeeediiiK AVlse. A certain wiseacre of old has said that the whole hie of man is but one mistake. He this as it may, there is no doubt that the man sick or well, who puts his trust in Allen's Iron Tonic Bitters makes no mistake and shows himself to be exceeding wise. Try it. All jrenuine bear the signature of J. P. Allen. St. Paul, Minn. Besides his duchv of Cornwall, the Prince of u ales owns real estate val ued at 90,000 a year. 'J on Fastidious. Some would-be Byrons look on with disgust At the rhymes of Kclectric Oil "poet:" Hut we have the best article known to the world. And intend that all persons shall know it. It cures coughs, colds, asthma and catarrh, Bronchitis and complaints of that kind: It does not cosl much, though rheumatics it cures. 'Tis best Oil in the world vou can find. Try eating onions and horseradish to remove dropsical swellings. Personal Men Only. The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send Dr. Dve's Celebrated Electro Yoltaie Belts and Electric Appliances on trial lor thirty days to men (young or old) who are afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedv ana complete restoration of health and manly vigor. Address as above. N. B. No risk incurred, as thirty days' trial is allowed. When visiting Omaha stop at the Metropolitan Hotel,cor. 12th and Doug las, liates, 2.00 per day. He that grasps at nothing fast. IOX T III E IX Til K IIOrK."Kontth onRnts' Clears out rats, mice. Mien, rachs. beil-liuus. lie The young man didn't wait to see whether he would "duff up" or not. Jersey Lilly Complexion Powder. Newest! latest!'- most hiirhlv medicated ' absolutely pure! Flesh colored or white Complexion Powder now offered to the fair ladles of America at one-half the usual price. Large boxes neatly engraved onlv 2." cts. If your druggist does not keep it. send j.) cis. in stamps to umj urown .Medicine Co.. Leavenworth, Kan., and seeure a box bv return mail. Once used always used! liou't Ever Forget That Brown's Arnica Salve is positively war ranted to cure Burns, Cuts, Bruises". Sore Eyes, Old Sores or Pimples. No cure! no pay : Only !'. cts. He that falls to-day may be up again to-morrow. J he habit of running over boots or shoes corrected by Lyon's Patent Heel Stiffeners. It you were to trv to recall all the critt flfifwlc Villi Ifivf iirot flitno !n -vm life, would half an hour be too loii"? Ladies and all sufferers from neuralgia. hysteria, and all kindred complaints, will tind without a rival Hrown's Iron Hitters. lacli man is a hero and an oracle to somebody, and to that person whatever he savs has an enclianccd value. Miss Maooik Wyxx, the accomplished daugter of Mr. Wynn, a leading farmer and dock dealer, of Poula, Kas., last summer was in wretched health, consequence of suf fering from white swelling in her knee joint. A day or two ago she wrote Drs. Diekerson & Stark, the -surgeons who treated her, that her limb was fast improving, and that her general health was good. He that gives his heart will not deny his money. STIXOIXO, irritation Intl.i nmmtion.nl! kidney and urinary conipluintw, cured by "Bucbu-l'nioa." 1. TJIFIJirS 13 LOO I) IN JiIS EYE An! th'B inrlne. render. Oif TUnnri In vnur vMnala Mii-kixiur n.urmnK, r in nun, wniviy, tea iacKt wiHiny ii-uuutie of a lone, cold wlutrr. XJnless Corrected, thin will ronu't In Mrlnrinl or Typhoid Fcvern. l;hu- miit'hm, i;:n, . r or K liln y Dl-mse. buforo you arc frrr Tff'iiiitH outer. Don i nfifiin una fill itncKen down, but procure at oner, Aumiui'i IiEir liLoos 1 VKIr I Ell, SARSAPARILLA, DANDELION and IODIDE OF POTASSIUM. rropnrcd only by the Frown Mcdlrlae nnd Mfg. Ca o thin now n i you reinforce your rntrin to, th work and heat of nunimur A word to :he vise, Ac." THE WEST AND SOUTH arc awnk to the fact ti nt Ilrown'a 'VKtntl 1'lTrr 111 In are tin- only safe unit vurr remedy tot IlllloiisriCKn. Combination, and kick Headache. Thii are nrcpaied for this ouiiti iiililt. Evrrv Mvllliie Denier In the South nnd Went Ireei u w r .i nrvtnii.i .ti .ee:i they are the beat. Ainnnirflie lUt. In tlmr. KEMKIMES for lndlKcHtlon.Oy.spcpala.and Headach now In Konernl use 'n the United Staten, and the bert I)y Bpepilc Ki:incdy known. One. I one will relieve you at onr. Trv It. Onlv .Vietn. a bottle. WRiCHT'S Indian Vegetable He who .sees the end from the ning will do only what is right. begin 0 S3 CEIEERATCD LITERS STOMACH Li IloMtetter's Stom ach Bitters meets tte requl eruonts of the rut onal medical lhiloMihy which at presert prevails. It is a perfectly pure vegetable remedy 2- embracing the three In. portantproperties of a preventive, a 2 tonic and an altera r tive. It ortifi s ibe body hit insi disea e invigorate and re vita izM the torpid st mach and liver. una effects a salu tary clianee in the entire svs em. hor sale by all Drumnrists and Dea lers tfenerally. too much holds SK1XXY MFX'Wells'Ilealth Renewer'-restores health and vijfor, cures Dyspepsia and Impotence. $1 Knavery is supple, and can bend, but honesty is firm and upright and yields not. Young Jlen, Middle Aged Men and All Men who suffer from early indiscretions find Alien s Brain lr ood the most powerful m- vigorant ever introduced; it never fails. $1; 0 for .. At Druggists, or at AUeu's Phar macy, 31.J, 1st are. . . l . good He benefits himself that doeth to others. To the Rescue with II.U.K s IIoxey OF Hokkiiouxd and Tak before the baby strangles with croup. Of Druggists. In ke s Toothache Drops cure in one Jim- utc. Hope is the brightest star mament of youth. in the fir Loxk Jack, Mo.. Sept. 14, 1879. I have been using Hop Bitters, and have received great benefit from them for liver i . : i i si . 'i' l complaints aim inaiariai ivn-i . lurv are AUberior to all other medicines. X Jl. 15 A K . . He that will not look before him will have to look behind him and probably with some regret Hcoiaiaa'i Peptonized Heel Tnle, the only preparation of beef containing its entire nutri tious properties. It contains blood-making, force- petieraUwi and life-sustaining properties: lnvalua Die for IndlRentlon. iiyapepaia. nervous pros tration, an ' ' orms of ueneral deb'.litv: also, in all enfeebled ocdlticue whether the result of exhaus tion, nervous pnmuauc i. ve'work, or acute dis ease, particularly if renuittur m pulmonary com- By taking revenge a man is but even with his enemy ; but in passing it over he is superior. Education is the only interest worthy the deep, controlling anxiety of the thoughtf il man. No moral principle is more noble, as there is none more holy, than that of a trite obedience lut. K. C. West's TCkbvh akt maps treatjikst. jninrantee-.l specific for KyFteria. Dizziness. Convulsion 1'itn. Nii-rou ural;ri:i. Ile-idnrhe. Nervoud Prof.trn tioncnu?ied bv the of a;eohol or tobacco. Wakt-ftii nens. Mental Depression. fioftcii:nr of the Brain reyuii inT.in Iii'-unitv and lwlin to tniserr. d'Tay and dent! l"i-enmtiirt Old Aye. Barrenness. Iosb of Power in eithe seic. InvohmtAry Losc- and SnrrmnforrhTn caused b" over-exertion of the brain, self-abn.eorover-imiulprnct Ore hoT will cure recent crises. Fneh box contains en montn's tr Rtmcnt. On dollar a box. or six tioxes ftv dollars: sent hy mail prejioid cn receipt of ri-e. 'Weiruar nntee ix boxes to cure mv nf. fcVitli eneb rrrttT R ceived for six bo:.-e, necompauied with fle dollars, f will send tho ntirrha.-eroiir wr'ttn jrnarantce to refun monev if treatment lioes not etTec? a en re. Guarantee issued only bv Jnni Ate.i vm a- i n.. iJrogtisU. lien--Col. Orders iv mnii pr ree-'.Inr s UK.Y'a SPECIFIC HKDICINF. TRDB MAR T6TRAOE MAR EOT. An onfail tng core for sent tnal w e aknesa, S p ermatorrbea, lie potency, and ail diseases that follow as a se qcence of Belf Abuse: aslassof Memory.L'n'.ver sal Lassitnd4. UrSaETAKISil.Pintaebaclt, JAHl lmness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other diseases taat lead to Insanity or eonsumptloi ana a premature urave. all particulars in ottr namnblev. which we de- tire to send free by mail to every one. nrTnepe ctfic Medicine is sold by all drngglsu at 11 per pack aue. or six package for 16, or will be tent free tf mail on the receipt of the money, by addressing TUB OKAY MEOICINK CO., Buffalo, N. T. Cure guaranteed. One box will test its merit. Oi account of counterfeits, we have adopted tbe yellc wrapper: the only genuine. 8ol Omaha by C F Goodman. SIOOO REWARD Far MJ MHittw boiliuc nJ Bt ti irmn tt tjvn t.win setq j out Double VmIiIm inaiu4 FKCa. MEWARK MACHINE CO. SL'J-J, Kaller. It marphlae llabitCareil fat 1 toiCOdaya. NopayUIICureB. 1. J. bntrjEMia, lbaaoa, Ohio, Clonnso tho Dowel unl purify tho Blood, euro I3iliou3 uttacJis itml give healthy ac tlyity to tho M vrr. A few doses taken In tho Spring :inl 1'tli will prevent serious si'.-kneKs. E. FERRETT, Agi2ntf 312 Penrl SU, Keir York. I)R. HENDERSON, I "ESJTSZ & 608 Wyandotte St, 1 13 years' practice KANaA.S C1TV. . MO. 1 12 in Chicago. Authorized by the State to treat Chrome, Nervous and iTivate Ois eHset; Asthma. Epilepsy, Itbeumatlsnt, t'llua, lane-wonu. Urinary and bkua Olseases, bEMiXAl. Wxaxxbas (night lomex), Skxual Dkbilitt (loni oi exuat p"wi r), too. Cures guaranteed or uium y lefuiidod. Cliarcealow. Thousand of case cured. No Injurious moliclnet used. Ho detention fr,;m buvtueas. All medicines famished even to patients at a distance. Consultation tree and conulen ttil ca I or write. Age aud experience are Important. A HOOK fur both sexes illustrated and circulars of other things sent sealed for two 3c stamps. My Museum is now eneu. Hours: 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Suadayts 10 to 12 a. m. W'e li;il rather he MipcrlhioiiHly ful than uhnorinally h-nn. 'I'licic hoinethlnir of dignity und icHjicctuliillty atlaeliin to fat that tun? never falln to detect mid ajiiireclate, nnd we hclleve It to he one of thd chlefent eNHenthtln to Hiieei-hs hi tint world. In hoiii'My, iiffahllity, a lid K""d horn hcnne the fat are iiearlv alwuvN nolo the mark. Very rarely (Ioch one hear of u rlht- np-aiid-ilowii fat man e(iivlelcd of crime, and from the rank of ielty offender ho 1 consplcnoiihly aliM'iit . Who ever heard of n fat man aeen.xed of hcln u liornn lliicf, or u ho thief, or ii chicken thief, or a pick- pockety A really fat man, we mean. Who can name uh one Millie fat man wlio Ii.m hiren eiispeiided at a rope 'x end If Step Into the rcformatoricM, penitentiaries, ntnl Stuto prisons of the country, and out of tho thoUt . Hands there incarcerated tind us a dozen fat ' men if yon can. To he Mire, I here are hiw- hreakers pohselnx un iiiiiihiiuI development of fat, yet they are heara-e and only to hi; found hih tip in the calendar of crime. As between I lie lat and the lean tho former ure commonly the more airrecalde and fully as hitelliixenttihfy are alrto e.xeid- leiit talker, pood l.mxhcrH, and nnlek to win friend. Who more popular than David Davis, who more eloueiit than Kohert In- i,Jnree I p-rsoll, who ho drollyi Xanhy of (;'rohi 'k'inoof I Jioads, each uiu' .ii of liberal corporeal A II.. . . I n V. - iii(?asiire t The fat brigade include few of the impe cunious and abHohitely no tramps. Th. fat when; filled witn it fair amount of lirahis ure irettv certain to v.a alniienee oran ensv livhiir; they will nit hi tlieir'chairs and hunt- - liens will come to them, while Hie lean and Hklnnv must need Jump around lively to keep the wolf from the door. 1 lie fat are debarred Irom wiilklnir. matcli- es. rowmir coiuesis.pri; niriiisuiHl similar ly lucrative pastimeH, but thev will pet a lnbli: or private olliee of some kind nine out of ten. The intelligent fat man Is pre-em inently successful tn cverytliln;? lie iirnlr-. takes. To be fab liieun. Uu-Lt distil wills bed Kven with -no bruini utUl tJbAIitt-JUiau',. Wjlt be distinguished for his fat if for nothing Inc. Fat means fun, ease, hick, renown. Fat means content men! , respectability, for tune. -e-' J IPm e V Ae!ei( iiil;TrnTri'e'Lo1r)'!r-af mil I:i(It- lriir1. How to "i-t Fat fhonid Interest every reader. An unhealthy man or woman is slow to take on tlesh. Keep the nccrctorv and excretory organs active, keep the hlood pure ami Htron?, remove any dyspeptic tendency, cat heartily, sleep well, " accomplish- thl wrfbyl 51 ood, j. that best of all medicine, JJurdock 15 Uitters. as wc positively truarantee Vou c;m. and you will no longer restmble a thin and laded skeleton, templing Iteain ana Hateful of existence. IJurdoek Blood Bitters warranted to please by all dru'isls. .! 7MV IT VILL PAY YOU, If rou rnn a Mower or IIfaier. to jur cliaie a UO.S Sickle (ihulir. II wHf mt tab if to a want to handle ft reliable Sickle Grinder an4 one that is pold atriitnnaMe nc, to hndl the Kuw. jiiore ti oicKie rindr;ri arc ni erery p.ir ttmn all fthm ma'ie. 8eni for t'nrts hint and C'atlorne. J.tKtntt winUd fur UDfMciiM-d territorT. POWELL & DOUGLAS, AVaiinecnii, III. MwinTrn of Pnne. Windmll I, rtn. BATES7 PILLS M IF.I. CITBE GONSUUPTIOr., Bronchitis. Inns and Throat Complaint. Aitenta w anted in the West, send lrr circulms and home tealimoniiilM. IIiIm bob', hy mail H Der t x. ,ifi,.PM i. n I en cc o , vv ey mourn, mass. ril CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. SestCont;h fc-yrup. Twnnnod. V.e In lime. Sold hy dniKeisis. 3 irTuTe uiiurrn evekywiikrk t-. AOCniO II Mil I LU the best Family Knlt- iin. Mnrlilnrprcr InrrniH will knit a pair of stocklnirs with HEKLnnd TOE complete in 20 minuies. It will Hiso knit a (Treat variety of fancy- work f . r which tbt-re IS always a ready iii-ei. i-ena for circular and teims to thy TworaMy KnlttluK Miirliliir ... 1-r: Trpnmnt Htret. Boston. Masa. "THE BEST IS CHEAPEST. EXGINES. THRPHPRQ SAW-SILLS, flonePowers CloTer Hnllers Write furtREE 111 UK. Pamphlet and Prioea to Tho Aul tman &. Taylor Co., Uanafleld, 6hi. (Suitfl to all s-otion. OPIUM MORPHINE HABIT. 1 rav till cured. Ten years es tablished, 1.0UO cur,Kl. Mate CHf. T)r.Mar"h.Qoiney. lieh. PATENTS 0 rATtNT, 10O X'AY t 11. . 4 A. P. L.ACKT.Patent Attor neva. Washlnirton, t. C. Kail In- 1 VVllllUO, I Cli I Om nruof covnr.caxivas coU, A etc Murray & Baker, Si tnd 40 Soutn Canal au, Chicago. Send for illustrated prlCT iiat. ' I . & . . I . . r- In. fiMt MIlli IfeM T-4 L Aelonn pictona"l Hooka and Bible, f 'rices redoo- t SX Dr Cent. N ATtONAt. rljn. St. 1Q1 W". a Ht-uK CntE for fits or epi'ep7 In 24 t onra. Free A r? ?r. Krnw.7HU Ar.nal Ht..8t.lnla.Mo. .iwi Lr dar at home, fsmplw worth K fre S3 10 $ZU Adareaa Stinaon A Co..Pon,iand.Maln ..n....k in vrrar own town. Sbar. Artre- V T)ti'tr, Term anf to oatct -io a wilK. fCt a day at home easily made. Corny W M U Orab 168-2 HUKy tritlTW TO AUrr.RTlSVf plea nny wow - iner. if. TVVENTY-FJVE YEARS IN CINCINNATI Treating ( onuuinpt lon,'Asthma, Hroarlilt JiOaxa ( atarrli, Sre Throat, Loh of Voice, and othM SlaladicR ofthe yose, Throat, anil Long. IK. WOLFE treats the above named diaeaaea by M educated Inhnlntlona. When tbua administer ed, remedies are brought "face to face" In con tact with the disease; whereas. If they are swal lowed they mix with the contents of the stomach and never reach the onions of respiration. IK. WOLFE has, by the judicious employmen of Medirated Inhalation, assisted thousands to regain tbelr health. many of whom bad ben pronounced Incurable, and (riven op to die by their family pbynlcans and friends. 1IC. WOLFE has prepared a list of questions for rirk people to answer by mail. They are in char acter the same would ak were be by tbe bed side of the Invalid. By wiitinit answer to thee " questions any one can en1 an accurate state ment of bi difcase.acd receive and n ltHnn rptndlea at home. In any part of ihe Luiuxi t tai or cuutla, without;ir.curring the expense and discomfort of msklr.it a isit to Cincinnati. Any one sendinc bis name and post-office addre a with a tbrec-cent postage stamp, w.ll retiolve a copy of tLe"Clicu)ai cf questions" by return mall. JK. WOLFE baa published a mtdlcni book call ed "CoBimon Sense, Cause and Cure f (Wi sumption. Asthma, etc" a copy of which bo will send to any body who orders it, by mail, and en close 9 cents In po fane stamps wilh bis came and poet-offioe ad ess. Tbe book If of irrext vslue to any one afflicted with any disease of the Nose, Throat, or Lunps. jK. WOLFE bns also published another book of 64 pages entitled "Light about the fcouee we live in," which every healthy person as well as tick ought to read. This book has a tpedal interest to pel son who bave weak lungs, or any symp toms of Consumption, Art h ma. Bronchitis .or Ca tarrb. Bent to any a-ldres- free by mall, on receipt of 9 cefita In poetsge stax.p . Address IR. X. II. WOLFE, US Smith tit , Clariunatl, O. erv psrkace du our i rc-"ii . T narked rrszer's. nULU tVEK VV IltUt. Er, . T. WIRE & IRON WORKS, DETROiT, MICH GENESAXi AGE27TS T02 THE ILAD1LPHSA Imm iOVERS mmmmm THE mimmm 44! Bli 111 I THE WORLD. L 9AJkW A Buy None! v-M nave iono u a Uso Nonoll? S T,vrr the eest. THE PHlLADELPIilEI If your Merchant cannot upjp!r I vou, send your orders direct to us. Cir- 'culars sent fxeo upon application. 1 FOR SALK GEXERATXY B? IlARDWAliE DEALERS. L T. BAfiKUU WIRE & ?M WORKS, DETROIT, MICK j 1 i n 1 1 1 i; il1 ii. U I. - .