OPERA MOUsE BLOCK fni nn Order taken for WILSON EROS.' RIIIKTS m -XI fft V7 L r P W KJU U U U VUlUJUU&iU M ln n DECK I) HO Hardware AT SAGE'S OLD STAND, TTIIie HBeat JLinc ol GJook Stoves " (Uasolinc Stoves 66 66 66 Tinware (Keneral ffiTardwa? e To he found In the City. New good at prices that defy cotnpetion. Give me a call AMI m TTdDBDim. mm We have Just received -AND- Spring Wagon Tops, wlil-U aie will sell ac prices within the reach of all. (Dome and See (Our auopy Top. THE LIGHTEST, NEATEST AND MOST CONVENIENT TOr' MANUFACTURED. 'Alao a complete Line of Men's, Boys, and Ladies' Saddle at J.G.CHAMBERS & SON 51 SfflffUMM 7ho and 8o, JOH2TS02T BSIOS. IHLAIEIIPWAIHllE ST05IH11E Faimers, you cau save from J to lj cents on the pound, by buy ins wire of ns, warranted to be as goo'd as any wire made. We also kelp in stock a general assortment of HARDWARE, STOVES and TINWARE, and sell as cheap as any Hardware house in the country. Call and see us in the Rockwood Block. . .uk7 U U f . Cass County Iron Works WAfMAlV & KIRBY, Propr's. Piatt smonth. ISTet). MAX UFA CTU11EUS OF jBGMLEIRg, ENGINES, IRON FRONTS. HOUSE COI.UMN-S. facilities or heavy work in Cola mns aod. Cartings for Business Houses ara rpasaed id the State. ACUINE REPAIIUNO of all kinds. Our Machine Shop is fully equipped '. all elaeaes of work in iron. - Patronize inuka manufacturing. We dapbci all easterr prices, savirp freight and time. . Parties iMiiMinsr e nr ort of thp State should write for onr terms of castings OPERA IICUSE CI.OTIIIF.KW, AMD GENTS' FURNISHER: . tost oFncE Kews Depot, STATIONERY. NOT f '"MASON & HAMLIN P II F.N ft T F. MILLER and Emporium ON LOWER MAIN. STREET. fine assortment ol tad Tinners' StoCa ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY fixcelsior 4 ft ST. LOU IS. MO M PLATTSIIODTH HERALD. PtJBLISUKO DT Toe Plattsmontti Eeral PnMisliint Co. Telegraphic, MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. Minnesota Democratic Con YCIltiOIl. New Hampshire Senator Elected. Haps and Mishaps. THE OrEKATORS. Nashville, Tenn., August 2. The railroad telegraph operators on the Louisville and and Nashville line, who receive Western Union messages, were ojdered by the brotherhood to join the strikers. Other railroad telegraph op erators are to contribute ten dollars each to the support of the striking members. ANOTIIEtt WALKOUT. Mexico, August 2. The telegraph operators of the Mexican National rail way struck this morning. They de- i maud an increase of $30 per month. Trains are interrupted. SETUBJJED TO WOBK. Chicago, August 2. Officials of the Western Uniou report that three more of the striking operators returned to work today. THE SITUATION. New York, August 2 No change in the telegraph war, both sides remain ing firm. MINNESOTA DEMOCRATS. St. Paul, August 2. The Democratic State convention assembled at noon to day. C. F. Buck was made temporary chairman. Alter appointing the usual commit tees, C. II. Lieniug wai made perma nent ch'iirman. W. W. McNair was nominated for governor, over Bierman, the only other candidate, on first ballot. The oHly contest worthy ot mention was on the governorship. For lieutenant governor, R. Frazee was nominated on. the flrst ballot; sec ret ury of state, J. J. Green; state streasun r, John Lodwig; attorney gen eial, J. Willis; railroad commissioner P. Liuderhall Auti piohibition resolutions wuie pas-d. The platform declares for tariff for revenue only , approves the river and harbor bills, and calls for a revision of the patent law. SUIT FOR DAMAGES. Philadelphia. August 2 The hear ing in live cwil Miits brought by O. E. Fuller, agent of the Chicago Meal com pany against the Western Union Tele graph cmpHuy for refusing to accept messages from July 25, under the ordi nary conditions, took place this after noon before Magistrate List. The plain tiff swears that he pieeented messages for 'ape May, Atlantic City, Ashbury Park. Trenton and Chicago. These were refused, except on condition that they be subject to delay or mailing. Fuller declined to accept the conditions and the company refused to send the mes sages. The officers of tho telegraph company swore that there would be no unusual delay in sending his messages to Atlantic City and Trenton. The magistrate held the suits under ad visement until Wednesday. - Fuller says he will begiu other suits against the company, and claims damages in $15,OUO. THE DEED IS DOSE. Concord, August 2. The forty-second ballot resul.ed in the election of Austin F. Pike, United States senator The ballot was as follows: Whole num ber cast, 315. Necessary to choice, 158. iwa-d H. Rollins 1, Arou F. Steph ens 1, Win. S. Lald 2, Gilman Marstoo, 17. Harry Bingham 112. Austin F. Pike 181. Pike having a majority was declared elected United State? senator for 6ix yjira from March 4, 1884 The result t' ihn ialiot ws greeted with tumultous applause. P-ke is sixty-three years old a lawyer in active practice, has been representative in congress, nl is considered one of the ablest re publicans iu the state. Son after nis election Pike appeared with a committee of tho legislature and accepted the office. He said the honor was entirely unexpected and unde served. Ue could promise sincerity, devotion and Industry in the discharge of tho duties of the office, but be could promise nothing more. He hoped to be the senator from New Hampshire not only of the party but of the people. Pike was a delegate to the first nation al republican convention which nomi nated John C.Fremont for president. He was bora in New Hampshire Oct 10, 1819 bank clvrow. Iowa CHy, Iowa, August 3. As a construction train on the Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern railroad, un der G. Davia road master, was b.ickiug into the gravel pit four miles south of this place, at 0:15 this morning a cav -iug hank threw Mike Burke and several others uii'ier the cars. Burke was in stantly killed and a man named Haun lus bvd liffkrf ky brvirca in tV places, THE WRLCK. Troy, N. Y August 2 -The wreck of the collidiug freight trains ou the Troy & Boston railroad, near North Townal, yesterday, is cleared away. Bodies be lieredto be those of Mark Sutherland, euginecr, II. II. Bruce, opeiator, aud Charles Maiden engineer, were found burned frlgh'fulJy The remaining three bodies are still missing. Thej are believed to be reduced to ashes. Loss $ G0,000. A TKALV WRECKED. New York, August 2. Fifteen or more passengers were injured by an ac cident on the Southeastern road yes terday; two or three persons fatally. The accident occurred t a slight curve, the rails probably spreading by the weight of the engine. A RAVI3HKR HANGED. Myersville, La., August 2. Last uight a crowd took from jail D. W. Pressel. charged with lape on a little girl, nine years old, and hanged him in the court house yard. YELLOW FRVER. New York, August 3.,-Ou the arrival of the steamer Saratoga, from Havana, James Bailies, steward, was removed to quarantine Lospital suffering from sup posed yellow fever. CHARLIE FOUD ARRESTED. Kansas City, Mo., Aust 3 Charlie Ford, slayer of Jessie James, the fa mous outlaw, was. arrested at police headquarters this afternoon on an old indictment, for the Blue Cut train rob bery. It is not ret known what caused the arrest at this time. Ford said he was dumfounded at the arrest aud is evidently badly frightened. WASHINGTON NEWS- Infection in Wool. Work of the Mints. Report of the Cattle Com mission. IMPORTED WOOL. Washington, August 2. The secre tary of the treasury has received a let ter from a prominent firm in New York calling attention to the fact that lrrge quantities of wool of low grades ar ex ported from Egypt, Syris and countries in their vicinity to tins country, which is t e principal market for them, besides a considerable quantity of bed wool extracted from old mattresses, from Constantinople. These wols are fre quently shipped at Marseilles and in England for this country. Iu view of the epidemic ragifg in the eastern Mediterranean country, these wools might convey infection as well as rags. COINAOE. The coinage of the mints lor July was $3,733,800. of which 2,425,00O was standard dollars. DISEASED CATTLE The treasury cattle commission has made lis teport to the treasury depart ment in reurai tl to the alleged exist ence of the foot ami mouth disease amoug t.e cattle of this couutry. It says in part, the charge having been recently made in the British parliament that cattle were being shipped from our ports infected with the foot and mouth disease, and a majority of the house of commons having voted for the resolution opposing the importa tion into Great Britain of cattle from any country in which said disease exists, we feel it our duty to state the facts as far as this country is concerned. After a most extended and exhaustive inquiry, your commission has been able to find no trace of the foot aud mouth disease, apart from herds just landed from Great Britain, and these herds have been in every case separated until the infection has entirely disappeared. The nature and scope of our inquiry msy be deduced from our report for 1881, beginning wi h the great rendez vous of cattle at Kansas City, Council Bluffs and Omaha. We have made careful investigation along all lines of cattle traffic as far as J.&e eastern sea board. In thi- investigation we" have i included all of the great stock yards where cattle are detained for feeding, watering, sale, etc., etc., all great feed ing stables connected with distilleries, and starch, glucose and other factories, all city dairies where stock yards exist, and where herds are replenished from each stock yards, and to a large extent the great dairying districts, int- which cows arc drawn from the above named stock yards, and the lines of travel. We have made obsei rations in stock yards at the sea board, the terminal end of onr cattle traffic, and that to which all infection must gravitate, but apart from the imported cases above referred to, we have been unable o find a single case c.f the foot and uioutti dis ease complained of AT JOS McVEY'S Sample Rooms You will find the Finest Importer French Brandy, Champaign, and other Fine Wines, Pure Kentucky Whissies. several of the test and most popular brands of BUTTLE BEER, Fresh Beer always on draught, and Fine Ci ftra 2tf. GAFF, FLEISCHMAH & CO. COMPRESSED YEAST. The best yrast ii use, received fresh every TUESDAY and FRIDAY mornings. .' c j j plied by BANKS. OHM FiTZiifKAU, A. W. McUranM Itrsldent. Cannier. FIRST NATIONAL OF PLATT8MOUTI1. NEBRASKA. Oftmtlie very best facilities for the prompt traDKactlon of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, ltonds. Gold, Government and Loea becurlt la hou jbl and Sold. Detosit s receiv ed aud Interest allowed on time Certifi cates, Draft" drawn, available lit any part of the United State and all tne principal towus of Kurope. Collections made promptly remitted. Highest market prices paid for County War rants. 8tat at-d County Bonds. DIRECTORS t John Fltzjreraid A. E. Touzalin. John K. Clara. K. O. dishing. Geo. K. Dovey. V. K. White. A. W McLftUKhlln. WEEPING WATER iHJ-rns.! WEEPING WATER, - NSB. E. L. REED, President. B. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. R. 8. WILKINSON. Cashier. A General Baiiliz Business Transacted. DKPOMlTtt BcIvd. and Interest allowed on Time Certi ficates. 0BA1TTM Drawn available In any part of the Vcited States and all the principal cities ot Europe. AgenU for the celebrated Hate Line of Stealers. Bank Cass County CotnerfMaiu and Sixth Streets. PLATT3 IwTOTJTIH: I JOUN BLACK. President, 1 J. M. PATT5E80N. Cashier, f Transacts a General BartinE Business. jHlGIIEST CASH xRICE Paid for County and City War.-anU. COLJLKCriOS MAK, and promptly remitted for. DiKXccTons : John Black. J. M. Fatt.rson, C. H. Para el F. R. Guthmann, .1. Alorrlssey, A. B. rair.ii. Krit ior.lr. HJ2NRY BCFCK DBALEK IN FURNITURE 6.TC. ETC., KTC Of All DoKriptlotu. . METALLIC BURIAL C ASE WOODElsT COZFjOSTS f all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for eaab MY F1NKBEARSB 1H MW ADk tOli bEU HJH. With many thanks for past patronage Invite all to call ana examine ny LA.RUE STOCK OF ' 3ltf. riaS'ri'HKAJIVtMII'riSK t S3 s XI a w a ; c E S a 2 1 1 50 O - 23 P. "S.3 (; " Is a jSg 6 p 503 C 00 a sji 0 A (3 3 00 S3 J I a 5 I 5 58! .Q O o 0(3 Pi 5 s C3 . 13 4 t j s3 C oo 3 o i-i "5 p, OS 09 1 J-S a S n s M. O'CONNOR. At the down-town saloon. OPPOSITE THE PERKINS HOUSE, Keeps a complete ine of -77" I 3r 3S3 (3, Liquors, AND CIGARS, BOTTLED BEFR, ALE AND PORTER, KRUG'S OMAHA BEER. and the best bra. ids of Kentucky 91 whiskies. Opposite rfirkln.iHi.imf. - - Pt-ATTSMOTTH. LOK&HEALY SUts & Monroe 9t. . Chicago. fur w lu ra.ff7.iufftl SEEDS W Large OAKOipr OHDf da-rtOinir t'eV' IUlibU iitt rm"mrw -rw aKKD PUTlTOEfl, Corn. OnU nd Uiicat, suJ the VuiUct of ftl :. V l v 1. r Su- Dnn SuS as4 f iVl HuS. Sar. Skn1 ., .f. If MmlH'ilairt::.-'r- i. i: ..! --: J C G. HEROLD'S " Louisville Branch Store! Can be found the largest and best stock of Trunks, Valices, Boots and Shoes, In Cass County, at Bed Rock Price. . Remember the place. . 13. IIIIIEEldDJLilD, JrHanagec ONE FREE sample of Strictly Pore BafcingPowder for every family in Cass County, Get a sample FREE, and try the BEST powder made. Only at WAItEICK'H. ic Fmi Ln L G. St. ana C B Safest. Best and Most ReiiaMo LINE IN THE WEST. Magnificent D nia: Cars, Elf'. t Daj Ooavchea 2 St Louis Trains Daily, 2 Omaha Trains Daily. 2 Kansas City Trains Daily 3 Ate ison Trains Daily. Two Trains for St. Paul. Minneapolis, Sioux City And all pclnu In northwest, with Pullman Sleeping Oars, Between Kansas City and St. Paul AU trains run on tlme.conneetlng for all point East West, North & Soutb lieketa for sale at all resular ticket offices. nformatloa regarding rates, tine, Ac, cheer lly given y addxesslug J. F. Bakkard. A. C. Dawrs. Oen'l ras Aces Gen'l Hnpt. t?4 CO ul b: J1 5 0 3 CP w SO 1 r cr- m f 3 r H & 0 GO o SAGE'S ADDITION TO THE CITY of PLATTSJIOUTH Valuable outlots for residence, pur poses. bage a addition lien south-west or the city, and all lota are very easy ot accefad, aud Uigb and sightly. For particulars call en E. SAGE, Pro'-'r, AT SAGE'S IIAKDWAHE STOKE. HattsiooutL, Net. Gents' Furiiishii Goods. tut nrm fx n rtTThci X'.HIJJ. J, All lg-.il MIKE SCHNELLBACHEE, ISLJICKSJ1ITU HO! HE SJIOEINO & WAflON KKI'AIUIM AH Kinds of Farm lmplein enf 3 Msnded wit! Neatneni. and Dispatch. Horse, Mue& Ox Shoeing n abort, well she anything that has four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Com and see us. SHOP a Pitta 8r between Mala and Vine Street oataoree ie corner from la yew HEUAL nam. ie STREIGHT & CO. (Maeeer t Htrelsht A 3Ultr. UASVWACTVMMB. OF FfflEi HEAVY HABIIBS. A large line of Saddles Bridles Collars f Mis. k always la stock. Repairing o f all kinds inatly done 0 tort notice. Main Ktreet. between Fourth asd rifth. e9. tJIUPBOU, AGENCi FIRE IHSURANCn GO'S: CITY, of London, QUEEN, of Liverpool FIREMAN FUND, of California EZPREESS C021PANIES AMERICAN EXrEEhH CO.. WKLI3 FAEOo a CO.. EXPKtbf. OScoia Koekwood Block, with John sob Bro edriio. TENDERLOIN. Meat Market, LAPE (NEIL, Prop'r. Eeef Mutton Pari Veal CMcteic .UsC',:J! tlndsof A2Ii: taetfasoo, ui e er3"tht.-:g kept la a , - -riHST-CI-AJ!i.3!C4T nopr At lowtt possible r4te&. 681y rllZT640Clti.. '