t-... . - .' . . VOL. I. LLATTSMOUTII, NEBKASKA, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 3, 18S'5. no. "jar. Plwtemiitil 1 1 j i 7, r n i. 71 j I: '1 A- 4.. v r A f . - i 'Ik 4 Hat; VL- i; r .1 If l:il-. "nil, o i uu 1 nil oihci uriirl Cm Lt'ji. ,I"N l MAN u86fPof(f Af AVHOLESALI AND RLTAIL. -- i The Highest Mai ket Price Uid for Hides, Wool, Pelts, Grease, Ltc Fresh Lake Trout and White Fish Every --Imisday Morning. QROCERIES. THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Full IAnu (xeucral Mcrcliandise. Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. Call and Satisfy YourseSi JOSEPH V. ...WECKBACHS, have nr'rived, and I aiiv i iii"Ji!.iit iVx;t c .A .a 'et: W. lift i- - .' :-- Dealer in - Grocferies & wockerv Also Clioice Brandy ;of , Flour. f : r - -.. I .-n t r, w . -' i Tri. -f .. fs 'J" s. ni . ' Aire lit lOl' ILt frniaj; i lie -iufcuriici: KsV., rrraiori.. iu. umiinn Fire in iraiiett C., l'cori:?. Wvistt III l l: t.iid Fifsps'irrce'lMjcics. If ?r.cd in' ' St? tin? LI f Til-lit ts "sold frc ni Araoriuiii 1 .tc.cet to.,-aiui nc 100;0fn -Hre-of land oh ttie 'NJi thern Paciiie railroad in Dakota. - ; !' . ' '' - . No 'old 'stock to work FLO IT n AND PROVISIONS -1'AID- FOR DREW BUILDING, PLATTSMOUTH. J . , Al A Id III iiittnnahrlAffia . -rvrxr. ii ii 4.. II t lX 1'DZ CHOICE "I. ;it of nil Iinl, L;inl l 1 i i a nit-class im-at imirKut vi!i continue to sell" at tl win in the coimtrv. . rtV- -t'ull line ft. i are AND Vjur.- Uespett'ullj', ill.; .Maiuiattuii i-iie in.Miraiice.-A.o.j -;uli5i". insurance :N'iii)Hli, the EnIioh aoid Gerriiaii Laiiguages and ' to Europe- over -the Hamburg- .ortri-A-eniian jjovu. rents lor i - 1, ?es ! y:: ' ... &' Notions Crcceries ofl. Tlie lute.-t patterns it' TIIK IIISJIESV M ..UKR: rOTNTitV tW)l)l' K - p'-:ki-: r ll'LATTSMOOTH - HERALD , lriIUSIIEIl)AlLy ND WEEKLY 4 l:V-- I'i PlaUsmanm Herald Publishing Co. T'j3R.2s:S: IJA1LA", Irlivivl ly carrier to ;usy part of the city 'erW.tk I I'cr Aluul li 60 7 Otl Ivr t-:vr. .". . WnuivLV. by -Jne -j.y f.ix monlliM uerv.'y yeur s roud cla- uiiittcr. $1 0 a 00 riMtT.-iuouth. as Republican State Convention. '1 lit: KtuollCiU fciecir. vt ibe tt;ue ui N lu;iBa hik li-rcby called to uit delegates Imiii l ue ieer.ii cnujlls lo iieet lu Mute Couvf lulxn hi 14u ulu, WcUcnda, 6eplenit( i M. A. U. ISfW, t 6 o'clock iu.( lot tut- pur pose ol iluciii lu uuum.aiuu candidates lot i ue lol.uwuiK .lameu otlices, lo-wit ; jue Ji.-liccol llie uur uie Court. lo lU'neuisoi tne Uuierbit. ue ciuvi reiiy lieKtut loU-i vuc.iiicy. ibe evcrai counliea are euilileU to rcprc Mrul..llli lu tiie Dtute L.oueulloi, an ioi1om!. ba cu upou lue vote cafl lor 1. 1. ICotteu for ,-,i Ci iai ut - late, giv.u,; one Ueieijaie lo eacii i. ne liuitufrd auu Hl.y O 0) oles luiU out; del eaie loi tuc ir.etiwu ol 6euut-five Iijj vote; 01 i-Vci ; ai?o one Ueieale lor ea U fl'aui. to louiiiy t UUl.titM .Vuai'iH .. .mieiope. . . . iKoie .. .. Lullalo. . . . Butter liui t ' u DeJi. Countion Del. ! I Ktai lit y 6 I iveitn ... w hum ii , Lancaster. Lincoln-. . Liouo t uss .la i Maulnnii.... .. uir Ciiey ciiiiee.. f- Merrick y X. aice.... ... . . .9 -Neiaena .... , Cltorf .1 1 1'awuee . .3 I ftielpt)... i fierce-. ...4 .. 2 ...V ..4 ..11 .. e . U ...Z .. i , b ...4 .U ... .4 . ! Clay tUlItlX .... CUulillK .. Cliase Custer tueny lfUKUlA Dawsuu Uixou ... . LKjukb ... ioUiaa ouuU) iMiuiore. iiiauk.nn,.v. hrouncr.... i' uras 4 . rnatte,. .3 lJ oiK....;. ited "Hillvw... ..Itt oalilN.. ...1 . oarpy . .6 I Saunder sewuril.-. ..2 oneeiiian. ... btaktuu.r..'" 11 -loux . .3 . .i .J .5 ..4 Uatie owper 2 i hayer atreeeiey... M I V alley. an.. liamiaoti. .. llariau ilKciieocK... Holt iluwaid.... I W asliiuutou ..7 , v ayuixir. i 4 Kftbei Vt e4; eler 2 b b easier I Vork. Jcileraou..-.- o Total. 371 It in recommenced tnat no proxies be ad n.itied to the conveutlou, except Mick as are liclu by uert-onr in-ldiiiK iu tlie counties iroin Hiiiclt iLe proxies are Ktve-i. O.o. W. isoitsKY, Chairman. S. B. COLii, becict..ry. Is it not time for a meeting of the Central Committee of the Secoud Judi cial District? Deacon Richard Smith, of the Cin cinnati Commercial Gazette, says the campaign in Ohio is progressing favor ably for Foraker, and that the Repub lican ticket win be elected. StNATOK ol .Massachusetts, yista it as ins i.piiuuu ihut thouid Ucn jatiiiii F.'liuiler be a second' time cho sen as G'jvtruor of Massaciu belts, it ouat iiiake luin ihe "Fretitleutial can uuiaic auu lK'Ulloce . el the Democruiic pariy for It la baiu that the Pennsylvania .S.atu DeUiocrulic Convention just held in that fcilate was uiatiageit entllfly to tlie aatistuciion ut tne llou. Samuel J.Rau dad; of tins Doctor Miller Auti tn uopoi Moituii and the Democratic op poiKiiisof iir. Kaiutali beueruiiy will luke due iioi:ce. Mk (Jladstoxk and his Government pirty, together with Mr. Dp L eki have pcored a substantia! victory iu The I'litiah commons on the Suez canal question, and the Premier is still Pre mier. This victory of Mr. Gladstone and the Government party.in the com mons, is considered as an indication of continued triendly. relations between Great Britain andth- French Republic. In caiia?-Mt.g tle- question of water works among the cittz ns oi l laita mouth, w feel ibe sentimAit is almofct uhivertaily iu favor of such an eater prise Tue necessity w as made so ap- fwir. ni the other evening, that no one caii iuruiso a . reasouauie . iyuuitn . . . 1. 1 ,...r. jfhiM it; all the matter-ueeds is. foi our business men to take hold ot t!e matter: canvas it tliorouu'ily ; considt i it m their Uuard ot lraae; .aaviae vn city authorities, and thus all acting to ether, in concert and harmony, settle oion in best plau lor the city to adopt and iheu put it through. Let us havt this matter atteudea.iiow.trwhile we hue all alive to iis absolute necessity. - J Since Guyemor' Foster" bo expedi- liousiy torwardrd "JmlgaIIoadly tue letter oi hts Dcmucia'ic tiieud. Mr Wuuuwaid, an uL'.-inous silence has tal leu in on lhav aeutleuiau, who was &u auious to Le con Iron ted with tne man who said he Iloauly) had aduiitteu tofiH.nuit.tr mouev to secure his nomi nutiou. . , . -ahow me the man, sajs lloadly. "line he u," s.tj 8 t osier, and an oin lioub Mlince lal.s upou lh sceue. Tlie uign moral atmopnere wntcu juu lloadly was making his Democrats ! followers believe he was wrapping hiui self in is suddenly dispelled, ami the diaeuver it was oiuiply Demot-ratic ' CHini'a'iyu fujf, aid that Homby, alur all, luo ai.iu; nyiuiKiiiK .-'I' la- Coin iu Utui in- 'i h if- bar'l 1 J8aj.:y !'." I (i IM.C f: I .. C Ui-Hi;; It bj . e ;-. g A.f.( culia itu lU iciuvrviv Vwlo Oi Outo. THE PLATT3MOUTH A SOUTH . ' WC8TCRN v :: There uec-d belittle upeculatioa as to ttie fiiture of the J'lmttsmouth & 8outh- Wfxtern. Tlie road was not projected for speculation but for businebs. The IlERAl(i ha3 interviewed several of tho wot lliuK orce in. the neve road, . arid whil it is not advisabla that. the work I being done cow should b.j made public the people aloog toe line nave a. very short time to wait until they ' see thn nurveyoi'8 luVhe field ihe grdV8' es tablished, and au. opportunity ."given the different precincts lo give aid to the ri.ud and the rght of way which ' are etepa that are preliminary to the build int;t'l the road." When men like John Fitzgerald take .hold of 'a 'projected roil it meHii t)U-iues9. and the lield is too inviting fr the IwWH tpink ioaii or anyone of ihc-m to "hefitate in se- tariiiK h Ntbribkii'tXteusion: -1 Tlie Daily State Democrut : is out in a leader lavorirg Judge Savage for the position of Supreme Judge. The Dem ocrat says: .. , "1 has been iutiniuttd to us on pretj ty good authority that Judge Savage would not decline to be a candidate for the position in quehtion if he were convinced that, he would receive the 'tiiirul oupport of the elements not irrevocably atiachcd to the rtpublican machine." We suppose this means that Judge oayage is a cauuiaaie ior supreme Judge a democratic candidate pro vided he can rely upou the democratic machine puti iug him through, while the republican machine is to stand isioe and assent to the job.. Judge Savage has relied for office just once too oitcu on this combination; when he allowed the present mayor of Omaha o beat him on an even race, on repu tation and shape, he was doue for. Now permit us to suggest, that some good repuolican, some sound jurist of that school of politics,. be selected and our democratic neighbors release those elements not irrevocably RttachTd to the democratic machine; this would 2s the matter and not diBlurb the equilib rium of polilidal affairs in the slate. : We know Judge Savage is a fine gen tleman, a sound lawyer, and an hone&t man; but we have plenty of just as sound lawyers, as fine gentlemen and as honest men in the party, known as tte republican party, who might just as well be selected upon this theory of selecting judges. Justice Lake, for instance, whose time is not yet out, would be we think an improvement ou he democrat's candidate; the Hon. N. v. Griggs is auotliy gentleman of just as much lcarniugindustry, force and integrity as Judiie Savage; the lion. M. li. Reese, another prominent gentleman whose name we hear mentioned, would favorably compare with Judge Savage, and aiij one of these gentlemen could be supported by the elements not "ir revocably attached to the republican machiue" without doing violence; to tuy of these auti-monopoly sentiments. either democratic or republican which the Democrat has in its minds eye We now are prepared to think pcr- haia Mr. Silvers was in earnest in that bid he mode beioie the board of public lands and buildings. Our sympathy we confess is wiih Mr. Silvers, aud the Mate to the extent of $40,000 aud up wards. We hav'nt much sympathy with the letting ot a contract to the highest bidder by the custodians of the slate's interests and then charging up tlie wong'of so doing to r the ", legisla ture. It is not a very safe nor ' a verv wise plan to follow literally the mstruc t ions of a Nebraska legislature when he so doing leads to the commission of a palpable wroug upon the state. The HfcKALD has been holding its breath to see whether Mr. Silvers made that bid in earnest. We : knew if there was $41,000 in sight, and it was an honest bid, the con- iractor wouid ass.rt his righ s, and his seeming delay in So doing causes one to suspect the bid was not a square transaction- An alternative writ has been issued bv' tbetiapreme Court of the State commanding . the "Board of Publiq Lands and buildings to, appear and show t cause 4fh day or August- tomorrow why the State Capital Con tract should not be. let to Itebt. 1. Sil ver instead of W. II. B Stout, at which time the facts in the case will bd made plain to the public." ": - Wk acknowledge, the rtcj:ipt.at the hands of Senatoi- Mandersoaofrvalua- able Couns'uUr Reports. Thanks.-- r!AiT. Wi-bb una uieiltie-fate vhich el. h Sam Patch did lefre him in a aiiutlar reckless venture. The fuly inducement which he can h ve had to swim tle Niagara at the whirlpHl has the general belief that any niau who attemp:ed.tht feat would be drow ned. There were plenty of otner ways open to rritTun-hieh- to-nnow hi . string, h o.d ulli ms a swimmer, and his s. lec- l.oii f ;as particular feat, ou aci-ount i:iiijf r, wK a uier- pi-e- of fHl- ti 1 1;I11V tv-t 1 1 . 1 tl. . I ter ai .v - nine i.m.u me - .i. l i .r-i - -ta w t:-i" i . ." U a:ne d. d !i m o: l! - ta o v w o uiam- me law ws uot enforced. HERALD CLIPPINGS. - Mr. John Hollandwho, it is claimed celebrated his 102d birthday the loth of June last, has just made the journey from Uentonsporl, la., to .Nashua, N. II. intending to spend the remaining year? of his life in the latter , place with a married daughter He stood tho fati gue .well, and on the evening of his arrival j -innd in a merry dance with his grantlcuildren and friend. The longevity of members of the French iuslitute has otten attracted attention. Now, seven of them are more than eighty years old Th eldest 4s M. Chevretil, the c hemist, who is niuety-eight, and is ttill able to lecture regularly. M. Lumne, the chemist and M. Milne-Edwards, the biologist, have each lived eighty-four years. M. Mijj nel, the hh-toiiau, is eight een, unl one of tht: hardest and most enstunt workers in the Institute. " . "1 knew the JJIljir tamily well,' rnyw itu old Pos: flice Department - Httaehe quoted irr'The Washington Star, "mid ued to go tishiu; with Frank and .Jim. they were bud boys,.. as boys are, but Montgomery was always good.. The neighbors sometimes tied to go to oid .Mr iiiaii and coiU lain about something that Frank or Jim had done, 'i'ho old gentleman , would say rather t.Vstil v. Go to MrsvUlir. They ara her chil dren, not mine." -.- Mr. Step! ei, Dijrctor General of the German Impel ial .postal and Telegraph ic department, fniartily enjoys a jike even at his own expense. Recently ou a tour ol inspection he entered the tele graph office at Diichau, jul in time to catch the operator receiving an official dispatch from Berlin, reading: "lie on your guard. Stephan is on the ram page. He puts his nose into eery body's pie." The Director General laugheTf heartily and then ordered the operator to telegraph back to Rerliu. Too Iti&f,. - Nose already in my pie." If Judpre lloadly is going to deny the charges, ryade of corrupUjm... in the canvass, for the Democratic nomination in Ohio, he will find his hands pretty" full. Among the worst itorier told of the shameful transactions in the cou vention is the revelation of Mr. Kohlo, of Toledo. Tlis statement of the way in whirfrticlegates were bought and soid has nover beeu'denied. The charges were disttuet, and the price demanded and offer il was named, ilr. Kahlois a responsible man. The Democrats have elected him to the General Assembly and wonld probaly have done so air am had he" not refused to run. If such charges are allowed to pass unnoticed J u lge lloadly ctfunot expect to-remain unsmircbed. THE American display in the Lou don Fisheries Exhibition is bringing this country no end of free puffs. Col umns upou colums of reading matter in the London papers have commended its size and comprehensiveness, and tle magazine wri'ers are now taKing tne:r turn. An article in McMillans says hat "in the excellence and finish of their apparatus and implements, in the size of the vessels employed, in the ex tent of the water fished over and in the value of the fish taken, our kindred on the other side of the Atlatic already stand at the. head of this ' industry." The compliment is well deserved. And it ought to be highly appreciated by our fishermen, in view of the fact that their industry has been -created by skill, enterprise and ingenuity, without special or artificial assistance ot any kind for a good many years. NEW Furniture Store lEALi-.lt IN FUB2TITURE $ COFFINS, and all klnde of goods usually kept m & I'IKMi CLANM FlHAll UU.KTOUK Also, a very complete stock of Funeral Goods. Metallic&WoOuenCofflns Caskets Robes, EMBLEMS, &e. Our New aud elegant hearse is always In readiness. Remember the place, in UNION iBLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun ty Bank. Wbear we may be found night or day. J. 1 UNRUH, '.2U13 HTM jr l. NFH ROBERT DONNELLY'S ' AND BLACKSMITH SHOP, Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general jobbing ' . I ax now prepared to do all kinds of repalrinn of farm and other machinery, aa tnere Is a good lathi) In tuy shop. . . PETERZ RAVEN, The old Reliable Wakon Maker has taken charge of the ajcon snop. : H is well known asa; ':'. ; NO . WORKMAN. - m mi4 RiniM ma OHrr, ft ATISP ACTION VABANT SEEDSi Onr l-arjre GAVOEX OVTDT OKM-rtlilllir IK' MlMM'MM ' l. MAilctrrc MU W ntTrr tliH- l.mtrmt Aartllio' In MEED PUTATOn. Tarn. Onl. VVht-ui. aitd the LoiUctm ol Veembh". Flmrpr, iriil Trw MEEIK Evervtlitnpln tirl Adareu 1'WtJC a- BUUl. KoMUMlii'lbLl.i. IOWA EICHEY BEOS, OF PEARL u.lT ID OTS VJB tTTIT 1 Dh'ALKRS.IN ALL KINDS OF Lumber,Sash,Doors, Blinds 1 a-USIlSD I AZ1TTS, X.X1E, f , Lowest Htcs. -1 A FINE MACKEKEL, LAJiHAJJOIiE IIEftltlXG, TliOl'T, WILD WAX I COD FISH. "Abo a choice lot ot . V We bave a fine took ot " J QMQIQE FAMmY GROCERIES, M ' Fane f nuiMs nf MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI FLOUR. .f i I have in ctoc a fine line of ,. Queensware, Glassware, Lamps. &c. All onr gofids are'iiew and Xrcli. '-r Will Excuulile tor Country PrMncc. - Linseed Oil Meal Always 01 Kill Next door to Court House, I'latteinoti.tli, Njl.'! . . ? : ., .1U4a"s M. B. MURPHY & CO. FJLOTUK 9 AND At Wholcsaleand Kctail. Cash paid for all kinds of country produce. Call and sea me. - :j j : j v i- Opposite First National flank. jr. jf. w ATumisirsariE mi EASTWARD t Ia(ly Expreps Trains for Onmha. Phieao. Kan-as itv. h't. Itits. :rid hII xiint Enst 'I hritrh-rir" va P-orla to Ind anapolln. Ele trant PnUman l'al;.-e rarn and dv .coach on m1 thif n h traiux. and Dining careast of Ml" souri river Throuph Tickets at th Tweit Kat sre on al at all Ilo tmivnant ftaf lfn. nd ImL-Rac. will be checked to d est I nation. Any information as to rat-, roile.i tr tlnie U-bler be cheerfully furnished upon application to fny cri r t P.S- ETJSTIS. General Ticket Agent. Omaha. b. BURLINGTON- ROUTE (Chicago. Burlington &. Ouincy u . -road.) GOING EAST ANO W?T. .v,m vmcmrm bMi' tti.i. ine Chairs (seats freek SmokW Cars. rith Vtr - volving Chairs. Pullman Palace bleepim? Cars and :the famous C. B. & O. Dinin? t ars run doiiy to and rom C'bicaeo A Kansas Oity, Chicago & ouncU Bluffs, Chira-fO bea Moines, fhtcago. St Jo-s-ph. Atchison & Topeka. Only through line be . twe-;n Chicapo, Lincoln Denver. Throueh cars between Indianapolis Council Bluffs via Peoria. All contwetions mado In Union Iepots. It is Ancwc t the great THROUGH CAB LINE. Finest Equipped Railroad In the World for all Classes of Travel- t j. POTTER. Ad Vioe-Pres't and Oen'l Maaazer. PERCEVAL LOWELL. Oen. Paaa. Az'U Chicago - - iTJMBBR; Terms Cash LOT OK WESTWARD-; Dniiy Fxpri"i train fr' I)-nver nnctlot li. t'lilou Ix-int for all t'l ' In l'ntor-h. t-'tah. t'alifri'lM and tlicfulrf v wt .The advent of tlil- Hn' gives th traveler a fvr Kmtt Ui the est JvjtU ni-fui r and :idv;inta;e4 uiioj'ialod elsewh-re. GOING NORTH AND SOUTH i Rnllrl TrAini 6f Fjetrant Dav Coaches and Full - 1 man Palace Bleeping Car are run dail- la an l Burlineton. Cedar I.apid and Albert Lp to bt .l Paul and MiuneauouM: Parlor Car with Iteclmiiiir Chairs to and from St. Loun and Peoria and to and from bt Louis and Ottumwa. Only one chanp. of cars between St. Louix and Lies Moine. lowa, Lincoln, fieoraaKa, sna iArnver Colorado. . It is universally admitted to be the - i - - - r i - - - - "- i H j- r 5 II i J