V , t "- .iii - DSUCOCT. JPIBUCIHiir. MEDICINE, PEUFUMEKYS, Oilm, Paint?, Bkushks, A fllll Tjlll of TrHNHCN And in fact everything contained in a flrst-cli Drug biorc. Pre scriptions carefully compound ed. Competition met in nil departments. Cli. ilAIN ASli Tlllltli SlKKKTw PLAITSMOIJTII, NE1J. SI'COXD HAND GOODS- J. LEVX Will BUY and .-'KM. all kinds of PUEITITURE, METALS, moir, HAGS ASTD FURS Wf.l :tdv:: !'. m"i i on all SALABLE GOODS, tut luwt r Main sti' ' tit:j.oite Tin- Old Vnkt. : i 'ing. Phittsmouth. IM). 1st, 18b -JCtf. UOTIL CITY HOTEL. I n! . be:nili:ul tlur 'leiy MUli htrticture. on r M vi'l M -l. hut Ju.i been ui;itx'd and I i! fjr i: :.ci,uiiiioUjitin ol 7 7. J : f A'JV 7 L'.S 7 f 3 tff. A M i:r.(:i-i.. n !0.inn:s. .very mm m m clean ':(. i i I )( . Piopr. CM AT. Till: Old Reliable 1 A. - WATBISMAH HON w:..- .-.-.!. l:. :ull lv.iii-i- i-i PINE LUMBER SHJMSLES. LATH, y-XM'i, DOOliS, i;LlM)b Ac, fourth r:. ::. arc! Optra JIcu.-..-. -LATTMIOIT'I II. - NFBItAi A CIGARS. Just Eeceived A FINE LINK OK fEERSCHAU AND BRIAR PIPES OV BIKWT IKt'OKTATtCS. A Challenge 5c Cigar, S i.ihy rrade for V.: retail tmlo jaly. i Pepperberg's Ciar Factory. BOOTS AN O SHOES Jt "ET P A TIT U 1TT 2 AND RE2PAIRIIV6 AT Sherwood'S, . mm. PlATTSMOI'TII. N F.r.RASKA. EPNST WAGNi'.R -AND SUPERINTENDENT ARCHITECTURAL WCIIKA :ia I S uJc r.ioas iu be carefully CArrled out, and fuU attention wilt ba given as to safety aud durability. iu OU,'Watrr,Coto.Crftj'cn and Pencil. PLATTSIJODTH. HERALD. PL'BLFVIIEI) DAILY ANI WEEKLY - HV- Tij Plattmontli Herald ?Milm Co. orriciAL PArKK ok thu city. For City and County Directory, Railway Time Tables. Teleptioue Kxchaty; Uu'lmms Di rectory, B'inlne (.'ards Ac. e fourth paC Notice to Advertisers. Oopy"fordlpl iy advertisement or change In advertlsenieul mutt l handed iu to llic liiLsliieHtotllce not later than 10 . m. of the dny in wlneti they are to Im; Inserted . Copy for pay 1m-U miiI Hpeehtl notices mut Its liande-f in before 3 p. in eai-li day to Insure lu aertlon. H M. licaif NKi.k, ISiflurtt Manager. JEFF. I STONE, - City Editor. i. Salisbury. Dentist. The river is '".tiling, an I today stand at 13 fret 1 inches. Blias Sage is selling in the city and shipping abroad 1'trge quantifies oi ex tra lin raspberries from hi place ad joiuicg the city, hi fruit is very flit Cold and .Silver Paper, just received, at I'liil. Young's. There will he a called ineetiujr of th: t'ilv Council fonihf, and the time for meeting is eight o clock. Omaha will hive another paper. Vesterdav articles of inconoratiou wero tiled by the "Omaha Unin PuU- lihhintr Co the obHCt ot wincn com pany is the publicHtioa of a nfwpHper in Om.-iha. I'rc.sh laspberrie9 at li:iW. JJennctt fc Lewi'. liemcmber the game of base ball, at the Fair Grounds, tomorrow afternoon. at o o'clock. Harry Ilowlaud U furnishing piling for the 6th street culvert work, and this much needed improvement will soon he made. Tlx. Snnrpinn Court l Nebraska 10 in session this hot July weather at Lincoln, and the Herald "irants to KiifrrmnL'j that it will perhaps require nn ilfi;tinn.il pffort upon the part of the solemn judges who compote that court to render cool, unprejudiced de cisions during the heated term. Wheeling Slopies nlcli.nt Wurrleli's. lor r While some workmen on the aioux City & Tacific were making repairs on tTie water tank at Fremont they dis covered the body of an infant afloat in the water. An investigation showed tint the child was about a year old and had been dead about a wetk. From the clothing on the child it is supposed to tie of s;uic foreign ntdionMlity. I1..V ;,our groceries of Uuunett S; Lewis. i'l.itrdmouth lmsinesa men have cx perieficcd a f:dling oil' in '.rude the last iv. n iotithti, but it is the duli time of v. jir. Ui ports from neighboring cities are hi tie same tfnor. Parties who have ; c.-nt'y visited Nebraska City, stare tiitt l.i;i:u's is very dull there, whild in Lincoln, empty store rooms :uc plei t.r, an 1 three houses there, one the liist-st'dry goods house in that city, aie s'.lii:;g their stock of goods at auc tion regardless of C JSt, in order to close up business. Plattsmouth is having no such experiences. Full line of Gold and Silver Taper, at .!. 1. Young's. The Keatiica Independent propounds the conundrum, "How shall we spend our summers?" Spend it looking up good coal piles for the next winter, of course. The Wanderer, Texa3 Sittings, Un cle Josh, Thoroughbreds, and Fisher's Leader, the best 5c cigars in ths city, at J. 1. Young's . An item about a Vine street girl im mediately causes two or three of them living thereon to enquire it they were the ones referred to. Yes, one of them. Phil. Young will sell you the best 5c and 10c cigars, for the money, in the city. Phil means just what he says, ana is willing to leave it to good and competent judges. AVe are in recept of Vol I No 1 of the Nebraska Register, published at South Aubura by Joseph D Croan and Al bert Dillon. It i9 a neat looking infant, of the right political sort, and we 6ar success to the Register. If you want good cheesre, go' o liaiC. . Bennett & Lewis. The W. CI- U. will give- a Kasp berry nd Ice-crem festival, tomorrow evening in llockwood Hll. The B. A il. band will be I? hand to discourse sweet music for all. Admission 10 cts. Ice-cream and Raspberries 13 cts per dish. Lemonade for th the thirsty. Fresh fruits anrl vegetablts receiyed iH'dy bv . . ' Hout;ett & Lewis. ti::t'i. " Tl:- V"l.i:e Moor and his liox Ms-tt-rv." is thr? llnmirg banner Ihmted on the" frout of Jim Antili's old i:andy stand, and inside, the long, white haired old man, in piri: tockiugs and velvet kilt, astonishes the public by leiug loeke.l iito a big box which is covered with a canopy , and woiks his way out. .Top Ford says l.f? would like to trade his spi!tMn for the whole show. Tickets o.i Sale. The iu?iuberhip liciteM of th C' iss County Agricultural bo-iety for the yen PiS:;- 4 :re f i r sale by Fe 1 Gor , tier V.'.S. Wiv.I. C (ii!mo"itand at J. P. Yoi:ii2 P. O. Ne ws depot- W. S. Vv'ise Sccietary. 'flu- Wahoo b.ise'ii.ii! cinb, one of the lest iii the stale, and tlie only one thel h.3 the grit in s :ip to Omaharand tackle the Vni. n Pacifies, wUl play the 1'laUsmoulh club in thii-c"ity,J awwtrrrThursdiiy. They ciiaie iu this morning from Weeping Water, where they expected to plav a series ot games, but became disgusted at the treatment they received at the hands of the club down there and camo to Platismouth. A good game has been arranged ' and will be played for blood, and will be well worthy the patronage o all lovers of tbjfciluicoud, ,y. .... oitKT's Crackers at BtadlcoiMl. Elmwood. Mk. Kditob: Tbo glorioti Fourth is over, ana if patriotism in evinced by protracted celebrating, our citi.eus are loyal to a marked degree. Trie G. A. It. Post ironi this place re ported at ueadquurUrs iu V. W. at uoon on the Hd, and p-titiciptted In the stirring events euaeu d by that as bociatiou ttirougliout tltu entire reunion. The old Hag being bravely carried to the front in the several hoi engage ments and came out of the battle with out a single Ktain of dishonor, but its glory is enhanced by floating proudly over the shattered remains of Fort Don aldson. On the evening of the 4th the heav ens lent its artillery to the fray and ushered consternation to the hearts of mauy of our fair celebrutors. The Ken eat w post repaired to their barracks, where with their sudor and their cous ins aud their aunts, they became im pressed with the sterner realities of camp life, for the roof was intended to keep out sunshine and not rain; which latter function it did not perform in a very satisfactory inauiur. The results may be better conjec tuied than related ; but a photo litho graph, done in ile oy our .-.pccb.l artist, wliicli occupies u prominent position in our saiH tum, brings the fact forci bly before our memory. Th-i 5th passed without uotabl-.: ii. ol den t, except a general god time, and our citizens returned to their various plantations, swearing fidelity to oar country and our Hat, and protection t them both throughout the coining ages. S. K Greenslate starts for iongT?ine agaiu todny, where he will remain for about fix months, bile has located about thirty miles from Long Fine, on a nice piece ef land, and will try what virtue there is pioneer camp life. We presume he will grow corpulent over the luxurious joints ef venison and buf falo which he has pictured in such glowing terms to his attentive audi ences. He has been polishing up an old revolutionary musket, lor several days, and we presume iu a short time that Rogardus and Dr. Carrer will drop entirely into the obscure shadows of former greatness, dazzled by the efful gence oi the new luminary in the sport ing arena. And then the anecdotes of hair breadth escapes, from savages, Ac, and thrilling adventures with grizzlie that he will relate, when he returns. It is rich to contemplate; but his many friends wish him the best of luck, and that this new enterprise may prove a profitable investment. Mr. John Hart commenced gathering in the golden sheaves on Saturday last, aud at night had a line piece of rve bound and in the stack. Many f (he farmers here all also rtairaired in har vesting their rye and bailer, live is i fnftd rmi thia vrar: lint l.or-Uir lo l.-.l f m i j , j ic coiorcu oy tne raccnt iiu uud ht-avv dews following. Henry St.'nge is the happiest m:;u in this country, caused by the advent of a Sne pair of twins at "his place a few days ago. Henry takes great pride in showing them to his man? neighbors and friends who have called to see them, and may they live long and pros per is tne liearty wish of all. This country beats the world for twins. In speaking with Dr. Ilobbs recently he says this is the ninth pair where he has ofliciated. New buggies seem to he all the inse in our neighborhood lately. Prof. Al ton, Alfred Vosbuig aud Douglass Hughes being the most recent Yur chaser. Next Sunday, the Grand Worthy Chief Templar of the State of Nebras ka, will lecture at Fairview school house; they talk soma of afljourning the meeting to Charley Clapp's grove. This would b much pleasauter, we think. A large attendance is anticipa ted. The Elmwood cornet baud will re organize this week. Tho boys have several new instruments, and with a little practice will be one of tho best bands in the state. ilore new goods continually arriving at C. D. Clapp & Co's. C. D. has a splendid trade and says he is bound to make it lively for competitors. Modoc Eastport opposite Nebraska citv has always been an expensive luxury for the U is & who occupy that point as a landing opposite the city. The fol lowing from the Nebraska city news shows that the same old trouble is being experienced the present year. "The point at Eastport continues to wash away, and Saturday evening a large force of U., R. & Q. men arrived at that point to tear down the large railroad house belonging to the com pany to save the same from being washed away. Wm. McLennan had to use an eDgine to tear down one of his houses to keep it frcin going into the river. All of the houses west of main street have been moved buck of the Be Lout house to save them. The railroad company had to take up over 250 feet of their track to kcrp frcm losing it. It is estimated that the river is over 2 7 5 feet nearer the C , l. aud Q. depot now than it was this spring before the rise The water is on a stand now but it con tinues to tut away the i ank. . . i . ..v Tile Sportsmen. The Piattsmotith Sportsim-n's club met TawT evening at Smith A Beesons office,, and thue were piesc-nt G. S. Smith, C. II. Smith, S. I!. Atwood. II. M. Btishnell, Wm. N'agie. V. V. Mathews, W. D. .Jones. Win. Weboei. L. I. Bennett, W. Vi . I): u unxoMi and J. G. Richly, The clay piceoit tr::p i'ui .li-iie 1 y F. Carrnth, was ordoretl p:iid ;.r, .-u.d L". Y. Mathews w:s itodnutod to purchase a new glass hall Hup tor the club W. D. Jones w as instituted tojet the old ball trap ipnued until the new one Arrived. Tho shooting tourn.rt:nnl at the county fair v.:! discusecd. p.nd it unanimously r.giectl upu;i lo take part in the contest anil i!iaie it. in terestiu. The secretary was intruded to notify the South Bond, Avocn and Ashland clubs of lh county fair glass ball tournament, and the club adjourned, subjoi-t lo the r of tlie president. Hotlco to Stock Owners. All stock found running at large ia the city will be taken"" up and coirunecr in the city Found, bs piovided by ordi nance. The charges upon stocK so taken up are ffity cents a head, for taking up, and fifteen cents per day for feed ing, which costi must bo paid before it tuck can be taken aw a v. P. B. Mrxprrr, Chief of Tolice. , PjfcATTSMOtTTB, July 13. Jl.Mt I'KRSONAIJS. A. C. CJaikr'M doing Omaha today A quartoU, composed of Mi CVdie II -' If i. - r . v.icwvii, ii8? nam win, Mrn. White and Mrp. Place, ateiking in the sights at ttitt vuigul Omauu, todar i 1 - J. 'W. Cat right Capital city tolay is in'erviening the C. II. Farujele weut west thia murn ing. raak feller, went, weet to Hed C'loOd lastnigtt. Mr. John Young and family returned last evening irom tueir eastern trip. airs. u. j-. JohQson wa a p iBsnnger 10 UixiuJit tuis morniug.. John Wajmon vent muining'. U Ashl.tud tiiis Mrs. Capt Bennett and Mrs. Frank Wilsou leave this evening for Denver. Dr. Clutter returned from his trip east. tin' inorninir Hon. John this morning. Jiaro -wfnt 'to l'awn e Miss Hattie Chapman returned last evening from her visit :o Council Hluffs. She was accompanied by her cousin, Miss May Chapman, who is not un known in Plattsruouth, and who is a very accomplished and ch'drning voting lady. lion, Geo. L. Seybolt, aud wife, was in the city yesterday, and the day be fore. They came in for a short visit with Uncle Enos Iierger, Mrs. Seybolt's father, who has been quite sick during the past few weeks, but who, the II ek ald is happy to say, has quite recov ered. Mr. and Mrs. Seybolt now re side in Salt Lake City, where M. Sey bolt's duties require him to make his head-quarters. "George" is an old ' residenter " of Cass county, and has many old friends here who are always glad to greet him. Mr. It. D. Gallagher, of the Master Mechanic's office, returned this morn ing from his trip to Cincinnati. The Walwo lase fcaR enV U in the city, quartered at the iyrkfns House. District. Attorney fc'trod nti-.r ied Iron Lincoln hwt evenittjr. A GIRL'S FOLLY. Deserting Home and Friends Strangers. for Last night a gentleman from Noda county, Missouri, was in the city search ing for his daughter, who left home some days ago in company with three other girls, and companions of the op posite sex. The young lady sought for is described as only sixteen years of age, bright, good looking, and who always, heretofore lead an exemplar- life. The gentleman, in company with Chief Murphy, made a thorough search of the city last evening, but failed to find any clue of the missing girl. This morn ing he left for Glen wood, Iowa, to con tinue the search iu that vicinity. The girl mentioned has acquaintances iu this city, and also between Tabor aud Hillsdale, in Mills county, which occa sioned search being made hvra. Qhief Murphy informs us that clue The gentleman has obtained was, that. the runaways contemplated at i'ue one time goiug lb Texas, where they will proba bly be found, if any trace of their go ing can be discovered. Horse Thieves. The Chief of Polico corralled a team of horses this forenoon, which, in all probability, had been stolen, A couple of fellows came into town with the team, and one of them v.-as oiler ing the horses for sale. Chief Murphy in terviewed him, and his story was to the effect that he came from Pawnee Co and that he needed money, and wanted to sell the team. He took charge of the team and put them in Jones' livery stable, since which time the alleged owner has disappesired, and his partner has not been seen since, they came into town. One of the animals is a sorrel iwie, four yearr old, one hind leg white, blaze face. The other is a bay mare, six years old, about 15 hands high, both hind legs white, and rather smail; also white spot ia the forehead. It rny be that they own the horses, and came honestly by them, but one of them tal lies to the description Mr.Murphy has of a stolen horse, and the actions of the men are a little suspicious. Notwithstanding the assertion of the Weeping Water correspondent of the Omaha Herald that the reunion and 4th of July celebration at that place would probably be a failure, there was a large gathering and much interest and patriotism manifested. Cannons boom ed, bonfires blazeel, and th eagle wa3 allowed to soar in true American style. Everybody was happy and patriotic, CKcept perhaps the man whe had deelar ed the celebration on", "or words to that effect," to whom the atmosphere in that quarter was too warm on independence day to be comfortable. It is understood h"did his ceiebrr.ting elsewhere.- Oma ha Republican. If the RepuHie"io Iwd read the P-ntts-mouth Daily IIi-:r,Ai.D. it would have known all this a we?k ago. The festive tramp who has wdi a;, j au'-Hion for Plattsmoutti tiiar he can't stt away long at a lime was shipped j to .'inaha again yesterday, and he had no -ooner became n Omahog . than h i a. i .1 ? . a. , .-41 t D? rtine eniaugic'i in mo cttuciies oi tae law, aui Knowing umt it oiuu t agi'ce wita him to 'work between meals, and I not wanting nim 10 oos:.ruct tne juo he highways to the embarrassment of the dudes, the police court gave him thi: i y days in the cooler to diet o: br.-ad and wa cr. Our old fiiend, Johnathau Gibson, calls upon the Herald and assures us tint he is doiug his duty towards this ploricus country and its good people. That he is demonstrating the fact that this is a land that flows with imik and honey. That he keeps a first-class herd of dairy cows which furnish an abund acce of good rich milk for our people, and thathis apiary is one of the largest and best iu the country, and very short ly he will be able to set before the peo ple an abundance f good fresh honey at reasonable prices. BEMEMBER if you want any, clothe ing, hats, caps or furnishing goods, El son the only one price clothier will give you 20 per cent from the marked price, until Aug. 1st, 1883, Warrich is sole agent for "Crown lldBt A rain aud hail htonn passed over Hie southern part of Rock Mulls and tlie northern pait of Liberty precinct oing great damage to the fruit, ohn Chaifant, who has a large or chard, says two thirds of hU apples wero cut oil". A singular thing about the hail slot m, was the fact that all the stones were exceedingly large, none being noticed. smaller than a hickory nut, the limbs of trcen were badly bruised; the corn and small grain is thought to be unharmed. Mr. Chaifant lost three-fourths of his win dow light in two sides of his hoti-e. Mrs J. S. Duke received this morn ing, from Isew Orleans, a handsome oil painting, of her brother Capt Geo. C. Hamilton. For workmanship it is a fine specimen of art and tin? likeness is true to the life. It is mounted in a handsome gilt frame about 2 feet by .') and is doubly valued by Mrs. Duke by reason of its being the only picture she has of this brother. We did not loam the name of the artist but the work was done in New Orlear.s. Tlie city is to be entertained by the female rille shot of the world, Hattie Moore, tomorrow, and a prize of a silver cup is offered to any person, ady or gentleman, who will success fully compete with her in the use of the rille. The exhibition takes place in Fitzirerald hall. Mrs. William Richard was taken to the county house this morning. be was there once before for eleven weeks, laboring under a mild t3pe of insanity, but was thought to be bet ter and returned to her home. Slu ms been getting worse f late, which is the cause of her removal this sec ond ; time. Our "Judex Policitatus"' has for a day ot two clothed his shapely form iu a very nobby suit, and we congratu late ourselves on the line appearance of the police judge; this morning he falls back into the old time worn ha biliments that have known him tlse many years. Why is this thus. Mr. aud Mrs. Benj. Turner celebrat ed their third marriage anniversary today by inviting in several of their friends and giving them a grand din ner; the Hekal.d wishes them many returns of the happy event. All quiet in the police court today. Pottenger says he's going to jump the town.that the police are no good and don't bring in the business. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under tbii? head, three cents per line each insertion. NOTrCE OF REMOVAL. I will remoe my stock of Jewelry, on or about July 8il to hlierwood's new block, flret door on Hfth St., where 1 will be pleased to see all tny old custo nifis and many new ones. Very truly yours, dU5tf L.C. Ebwe.v. MONEY TO LOAN-Ou real estate van & Wooley. by ?u:.i tl FOIt SALE Several residences, quire ot U. II. Wheeler & Co. cheap, lu- DORSALE-A good Domestic" Sewing Jla- chine verv cliean Jnquire ai me m. r.. par 1 lot t sonage. FOR SALE A fresh milch K. 11. Vinilh::ui. lrf;uir' of o.tt FOK SALE Scratch Tablets in all this office. cUes, at Mtt FOR RENTERS--Look at Wise's ad. and eif peeially the half acre lots and the teruisr- 1 I.OR HALE a lot iu good location, lars at this oflice rartiea-, UOK SALE An order for a up- American - tewint; Maehiue. Iii'iuire at thisofllcc. FOR SALE 1.093 COlMs of wood. Tn'juire f W. H. W ise. tf EOR SALE f td impers for Halo at this ofllce at 40 cents ;er lmuilrcd or j ccul prr doz en, tf I70R SALE Four lots together In good loca tion in thi city. Inquire at thii oflice tf JOR SALE -One house, 6 good lots, good well of water; on the load to the Fair Ground first door west of Geo. W. Fairfield's. For particulars Inquire of C. F. Chittenden. J12d6t "CiOR Rent Two rooms by D. II. Wheeler & Jl Co. ' I TOR RENT After July 15. the buiidiug now occupied by Sherwood. Inquire of W. S. Wise. I?OR RENT : A house in a good location, with plenty of fruit on the premises. Iu qulreat once of (dill t2) W. S. Wise. WANTED A good cook at Stadelmann's 89tf ' Restaurant, "lr ANTED Two blacksmiths and a black- f i-mi til helper at Schnellbacher'B shop. SOtf WANTED- Day " Retaa'ant. reasonable term. boarders at Stadlemann's The best of board at 7i-dtf. WAITED oliii ;atier has bovuht the Stohl- man plate. eoiiiei of 7th and Vine, and is prepared to aceoinir.od it e the public in tlie way of hoard iig ;n d lo lins ly the week or month. euii BARGAINS -Any person desiring L'ooils very chean. call at the i, household K. parson- age at one.'. 11511 FOUND An Intdde safe Ucv. it at this oiHce. Owi.rr can lind ltwti Peterson liros. S?U Best Sugar Cured hams- B Bacon- loc 1 H- u. ;!;Oi:hL:i s Dry silled Dried icr Fresh lat i or r poj'V-ls 10c for $1. llOtf . Wautnl -Front five to ton thousand smokers to H all on M. Schlcgel for his new brand of tivo ctnt cigar, '-'fiie Pride r,f Nehriiska." Try them, and you will f moke no other. dlCStO "Com Cure" warranted to cure with- oll. pajn nrdv li cents per bottle at v,'africkV, lOtldtf ' J . . . A "Suture .Heal Can be had .'at the City Hotel for only 21 i-ct: is-and lodging at same reasonable rates. Farmros and Commercial Men will please b:ir this iu mind. . d&wt The Monarch SllUard Hall people keep the beat ica cream to, lie fo:it:d in the city, uio choice lemonada c-gnrs and tobacco. 108tf Notice Jo CofTeo Drinkers. Buv your coJfee at Murphy & Co's. They'eell the best, and grind, it for you in the bargain. . 01 tf A ladies'chaiu ''and locket, between this city and John II. Beckers. Finder please leave at Mr. Becker's or with Geo.-Weidman.- Manufacturing and' repairing Sherwood's, in Bock wood blocX D. II. Wheeler ia improving bis rrsi flewc by a new cVxtt Of pJnt. AMUSEMENTS.. 3 J BASE BALL. WAIIOO vs. I L ATTS MOUTH. At tlie 1'alr (Ircunri. TOMOROW. ttT OAME CALLED AT 3 1 M. A Waterman Opera Honse. Tncsdav ani Wcincsday EraiMS, .May,-17 & 18, For ben r Jit oj" St. Luke Church. Will b pri-M'iited the Firy KxtravftKar.za. CINDERELLA Krlix Prince of Kelin...MCl:iln l MiOnl.unJ Huron rompoliim f..Mi. C M D.ioii Allilor Tim I'rliKvVi Tutor. ..MlM vei lumlur liandiul-'l'lie I'n net's alt Mroieu IVilm . Mr K A 'I ail ClmterelU Mls I'-ita Klmilit-rd :iMiuilii 1.4. Mix II. t iilmer Tlllnlte ,lil I r:itl-iKfin Fairy Queen Mnt ; K Dovry MaidMkw of Motor, Iliniteii.U'nliles, ratc'.ir. (ieiuiul Ailiiiifi-nln, l.'t'Kcrved HaH. to be lia! only of Yoiiiik ' c Kor full i:irtieiil:iri see billn. ILcT ThcnTTnlk about selling WALL PAPER "At Cost," "Cash Prices;' Ac. But to got BARGAINS you -must buy of us. We have been selling t the following prices for more th- i two weeks. II you have m.il p chases elsewhere, com time prices: l!tfin i.,.p iloiinle vol! 1 ' " " I - Whites, Flats,- Gilts,- Embosscd Gilts Not onlj' do wc well clieaper than others, but JO' wall paper prices our for all other goods pre very low. Send in a trial order. Yours icspl W. .. WARCICK. Warrick is selling tii'j h;df dkmi j braud of Strictly P:ire Whili; Lead at I :.oo per 10D lbs. 113.1'Jtw3t In order to give tha railroad boys the benefit of our 20 per cent discount sale, we have determined to continue it until Aug. 1st, 1883. FJson, the only one price clothier. Loans on Real Estate. II you want to borrow money on long time en farm property direct from per sons making loaus. Apply to wtf x W.r. j. Browse. oney avea rii7 buying your goods for I U.Baker. I will guarantee cash of W to save you j tier cent, on dress goods, trimmings etc., if you will give me a-chance. We Kive all the new shades in buntings, ts veiling anu omer seasonaoic goous. tyrtexpest line of ladies, and children's Hosiery in the city. A few dolmans and ulsters to be closed regardless of cost. Best value in parasols and fans; stock complete in all departments and must be closed out in limited time for Ci'sb. Give roe a call aud save money T.Td&wtf W. II. Bakxu If you want"a cold and delicious drink of Soda Water, go to the P. ). NeXs Depot. JUS'T RECEIVED A icw lawns, of the latest stylos, at pieces t' JOS. V. YVECKKACn Go to Mat Schlegcl's for all kinds of Smoking Tobacco. dlf'Mi The Court house yard was cleaned up todav. JUST RECEIVED. A case of prints of every desirable patterns,w! liCIl are sold at 24 yards lor 81, at JOS. V. WECKa.UH: FOR SALE.-I.ots t2 and :l In Block 41, Improved. d'J7 It. II. WINDHAM. M. O'CONNOR. At the do'Aii-towu saloon, (TPOMTK THE PERKINS IIOl'SF. Keeps a complete line of ' "ViT 1 3NT -JE2 fS, Liquors, AN1 CIGARS, P.OTTLi;i BEI L', ALE AND PORTER, KPJJVS OMAHA BEER. and tiie best braads of Kentucky V Ul whiskie", Opposite Perkins House, - - I'i.aits.motcii. HKRRY EOTOK DEALER l. FURNITURE ' SAEi, CHAiRP ETC, ETC., ETC." Of All Descriptions.' METALLIC BURIAL CASES f all i...?s, reaiy made tnisoldcheapforeaah. 3F F1NEHKARSE IS NOW KEADY fob skhvick. ". w;-.n many thanks for past patronaf. ' lu He all to call and examine mjr LARGE 8TOCK OF 8Uf. ICBXTFiiX AX D )OVVIXt REAL ESTATE j COLLKCJIOA ACSKNCV. Law and collection business promp. tly attended to at this office aud pro ceeds remitted without delay. Notarial work, conveyancing aud abstrac ting attended to on bhort no lice tmd sal j.-factioii guaranteed. If there is any thing wo do n:ako a f-peciully of, it Is city and fcuburb -g ril est it I e. Several fine farms aad .-otiic wild land at bargains. Laborlnn men can get a homo by paying inontbu, ly wliat they now p;jy lor homo roup SI v choice half aero lols, H Till rt 11 (cm from R. R. hoj.M, at from tKO lo $1M each, and on terms that would inaktf a man ashamed to say ho did not owu a house. Come nud sec, you uru not compelled to buy and wo wont J give thcM lots away, but you can get them T,oi' y w ill absolutely cost you noth ing. Five acre lot mile from city for $2.0 part on time. Eleven aero lot J mile from for JfioiO this is extra liue. Some good city property or out cily o for trade for hor horses or cattle. Ten acres for $ 500 00 COO 00 7o0 00 .jOO 00 Several fetnall tracts well improved and adjoining the cify, for n.iIc at -"--tiuble rates. ! f I'AHM LANDS. Sm y.icre-, wild $ COO (hi 80 " improy'd KiOO (Ki 1 00 " .r(xo 00 JOO ' " CV'10 0O irio " t;x oo finest stock larin iu Cass eo n nly iKJOtfj, long time nud low rate ol in- :j'20o terest. JW) acres, wild 80 " " 1'JOO p;o acrcH, wild, Rej.. V'y (cash) $l?0o ClTV I'ltOPKUTV. Cor. lot 3 bl'ksfrom shops (cho:ip)$loO 3 17.' ISO 17 : 150 3 cor 1 3 cor N. 6th htrect (fine) .KX Picnic Hill " JO Washington ave' UU) 1 bl'k from Main st extra 400 4t Improved city real estate in abun dance. I can find what you want in this line if you will call aud see me. Business houses and lots for sale at much lower figures than will b asked six months hence, when tho di agonal is an assured success. Do not wait till the advance comes and flu.n complain ef your poor luck. ' , Stores and dwellings refited fd for rent, rents promptly collected. . If you don't see what you want iii this column come and ask for it. I've probably missed just what you wuD. Office open nearly cycry evening from C to 8. t. Good new house and two fine lots-" in good location price, $S00. W. S. WISE, Union lock. JASON STREIGHj (MiiccMor to Mtrclaht St 3flller MANUFACTCBKlt OF FINES HEAVY HARNES. A largo line of Saddles Bridles; Collars Vhips. k always In stock. fiepaiririu o fall Tiinds r.ectly Cir.e a tort notice. , Main Street, between Feurth and Fifth, O; M. STREIGIIT, BiwIneM Manager Meliani cal Mauaeer. ARNICA PREPARATIONS CnmlBtry baa dicoverol no rroedy anparlor to Arnica for boftlinu external eruption. I' roper -lypretMnxl anl cuuibi&ed, lb b'jlQ eviUUM tcilet preparation. mm 111 tURtlOUt COKJD- atlon or arnica, wui BpoAdily cur mhi lianas, itmkm Ii end rnudiiwM of tle sldn. whether earipwd frotu cllmBtm InOu pneeoortba uu of 111 JCTFUL. COuMCTICK, V. ill euro plinpbfxon fuo uid tiwk, radrlDC flit ekin wrt MJiU fair. In valuable ia Hmit lOieuui. A family reuiTforcut. burnt, brut4 aiaborei. i'UICIi IX MET ALT Visits. X5. TOILET SOAP f nllKbtfuIlr pr. Iflimed, highly rned- lv-tnirfl. Kuim to skin from chapplntf. and irnierta to it Ufa and m ItettlUiy kw. Unrivalled for claaiung Uuf 'all anl eradicating dandruff. Tlio mjat IXir luct toilet soap in the world. 1'lUC't;, 5 cent. r Shaving Soap A tncdicate4 arttel of rar mrit. Irv vent 'mil plinpUxt. Iiralii Bur Lavoeavnd MAKES SIIAVtNO a DELIOMT. - Y tidorsed by IahuIidz Barbera, who y of it, "Witbout parallel ft a tbavintt oep." - ltlch in lather and lautin?. Keeps tho lace and Deck tree f roia puaplea. 1'KIC'E 15 cU. forUlriTemlM. n TOOTH SOAP. Id Ij without queatiOTi ticle ever producod. tne most periec ar aa itnotonlvclfcftna- es tho- toeth thoroTtshJy, 1-ut tbo coDiilnatio with arnica preservta and liardffna Uwf.iu. lfc eivea to trie breath a aweet, delicaw ouor. It (Mte ia delicchtfux. Prlw, 2fto a Itox. " --. All drussista aet tbe above art! clog, orwo will C. H. 3TRONO & CO., Swle Proprietors and Jfanfrs., Cldcag-o. WILL J. WARRICK. AC EXT, I PLaTTSMOUTII; NttHASKA. Arm .aa hxT tjirtrn laiuini nrtnr . dwjlbitiK t'l' ttttiMblt &er4 . I' llaUH rrvw to All. Wt , ntTV-r th- Ijttrtl Jfovthttt ' ia i nil lVti.il. m,A Ka 11 . li . -i1 . v. I i - aEUIFtrrATOFA. I'nm. nn I nimniifrin Mm x h li -