The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 07, 1883, Image 4

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U. .tl. TI.HK. JMliLL".
B & M. R. R. in Nebraska,
KJU'ltRslTltllMM IMllMi
KTATHLVS : wirvi.
'o. 1. I No. 3. t
I'l.itliiiioith :ftO a IHj r, :.V) 111
Oreapoll r'-H a in; 7. l im
Cotironl. .. . . . 9:X. hiii! 7 : 1 In
Cedar Creek...- t:IMain T.-l-'iim
(.oiil'Vlde 10:04 HI!1 7 : ei
Poutli Head... . in :'.n in f:l"m
Ashland 10 :7 it in !J0 m
Oreenwood .... 11:05 a in H :' . in
I.laeoln Ar. 1 1 :V, ii-l A r. n :."ii p m
L'fe I- :.'tn r.i.lve 10 :t." i in
Iatlllru ' T. I.' Ar. 3:1". am
tl.'ve pll'j'.'vi; : a l:i
llrd I'll dd Ur. f :f'ppii ,r. :.'.tr a in
il've S! p Hi' L've K :!". a li
1u4'4Mk J.r. .OU i I n ! A r. IV! ;.'. p in
.l.'v-I. til ; in L'vc I- p in
Akron 'Ar 2a a in. -.r .' :;ti . m
' l.'vt - a i:. I.'e i :" i m
iHnvei 1 1 A r. t li3 a in A r. In :K' p m
1 It IN tiOI.XO
No. 2.
No. 4.
Ireapiflu . . .
C-'tu-or-l.. ..
Crd.-jr Crerk.
l.oitisvi'le. . .
riotilU Head..
Oreonwood ..
I.itiruln . . . .
l:ed Cloud...
Akron.. .. .
,i Ar, r. - n t ,i in J A r.
9 :00 a in
h :"0 a in
8 a ii:
S :''." a ii
M :I7 a in
tS :''3 a in
7 :4ri a in
7 :3-l a in
3 :Mi a in
7 .efi a hi
0 :1.-V in
P) r.'t't p in
p in
7 i: p !i.
2 -mi p i:i
3 :'jn p in
:o :v :i ii.
II :?" .1
7 :H"i a ii!
! ,H.
4 :M i i
iM Ar.
Hi ! r.
ml A r.
I Ar.
:1a r.
'i r.
I a
t . p
1 :i. p !
.1 :Vi p i
mi v i .
3 : p I
ml Ar.
Ar. 9 p mi A r.
Ar. 2 :u ' p
" t'.fi ii
I vr
i'Ar. 9:f:iii
lve lit :lil a
I. r. H :' a
II. 've :
A r. A ; iii a
lve 4 ur u
I r. in .V p
I lve ' :""' !
I lvt : p
Traluf 3 and 4. nui.llM;: if. :' and 4) fI :
Itii Cloud, run daily excrpt. Sunday.
K. C. ST. JOF. & C. B It. H.
K. -H:-S Tlt VI.NS 'vOIMCi
: r:i.
J.;i i l ttf!
Oniuba ..
4 :.V) a in
,r :n:i a iii
.'. II a in
.- a in
VO a mi
6 in
V :0i p in
:l ; p l'i
J p ii
r. r. M'
- I
I'lattniiKiutb .
Oiapolis ....
l.a I'latte ...
I;e1!vui . .
Oman a. . ..
9 ; Pi
: :iu a in
0 :x a in
- : a in
:- a in
b : p ii:
f :ik) i) in
7 :? p mi
7 i M
7 :J'i p ji
T131i: T4HJ.K
MiHyouri S'atiJic ISaiSiua;!.
7 V) p ta
.I7 -.12
n:n ' '
1.1.117 -B47
SOL" I'll.
.00 .iil
IK -!I.15
!i2l "
7.7 ii.lil.
?! a.Ki
Ii-a .-s
ij .r. a in.
J.nti p. ii,
,!!.- -
A M -5(W
r if
li. 13
I nii vill-
Weeping Water.
AV'ica ...........
lvaiis u; City
r- p.
lining J 1 1 1 .lnj;
NUK1H. N'i:'l'll. Mild H
Ht. LooU . i 52:1. 11 n:-2- '1.
Vans.u? City 8.3 f in 7.5 -a
luubar Sl a. n 4.2t i. ri.l 1. 01 p. :n.
IViH-a &4" ' i.M - 2. 10 "
Wefpin-; Wafi r. . r..(! ' 2.4"t
Ixuisville t: - A .33 3.o- "
ftpriniftifld .M S.4H " 4.:5 "
l"pilli..n.. .. . 7.20 " to. 15 - .'..?: -
Omaha r.rriv-H H.iX) " k.m " 7 ik
The above Ii JeflVrsnn City time, wliich it 1 1
uiinute latter tlian Omaha linw.
I . HI.
I 3.l p. HI.'
I H.n Jl. III.
I 6..V1 p. m.
4.2f p. Ill
. a. in
J 8.25 a. m.
1. 25 p. PI.
tMt a. in
l.K p. to
,.M k m.
9.30 U. IU.
9.00 H. III.
6.0O p. in. a 111
vvi p. m.
Ix. t0 a in.
;..fci p. in.
4 ..m p. 111.
1H-C 17. 11.
On or. !?r imr exceed :ni; - - - 10 cent
Over 15 and imt exceedlii ?3- - 15 c-m
" $v " W - - 20r'iit
" K " So - - 2.jOC-lit
A f!iilt? Money 4rder may nn...... 11
inuiu from one eont 10 lifty dollars, bu
1r.t1.1t not contain a tr.iflinnal part oi i rent.
It clann ma'tr ( U'tliT-) 3 eenn pT '-4 nunrt
2d " " (Tublislier H rates) 2 -U pr lb.
ii " " (Trani-ienr Newiipi-ui-n am--books
conu' iiuier this cias 1 cent p";
eai-ii 2 ouuees.
tth clM (mervliafiJise) 1 ct-nt per ounce.
J. V; MAtoiULL 1. M.
i;koi:ces. smith. Maor.
WILLIAM li. CL'SiIIM;. 1 reasmvr.
J. L. M ".I l'sil., Ciiv Clerk
WIl.Lhrr roiTKNOKK. I'l.lke .ladf.
K. I!. WIMHlAM.Ciiv A'tor.ipy.
f. H. Ml'WHY. Cliie't d 1 VHre.
I. Mi 'aNN. Vfri-eei t Miee.s.
V. KUC.I.SKK, ' iill .il I'irc Lp.
W. H. SC.IICiiKNKC'lli. i. '.iu uoard o. il?a!.h
:.m : .
lit Ward W11 . f-r ltl. II. 1. l'. -i:s.
2nd Ward .. . t'at:. :s. ,. . . il. Ka invld.
3'M Vt'jird--M. Ii. Mur nv,.l. K. loruuu.
tli Ward I'. 1. l.eliidi.df. I. -MtCaiiiUi.
yi'ii'JOL. liOAHU.
.IK.1SK ii. StllOUil, J. V. SAK.VS, "
31. A. HAKlK; v.N . Wni. V 1 N ilCU.Vi CiiN .
coixrv uiuECTortY.
W. II. NKWKLL. Coutity lre:i.urer.
.J VY. E i INii. iJ.a:IV" 'ler.
J. v. OilN-. t:i..-iii iude.
il i. .S.i-r 1..
1 ,:.i'lN, S.i;i't : 1.:' Iii i .n't ....
' i 1 . . .n: -n!hv -vo:.
t 1 . i;i rt .
- n- t'.i' f.
' - . a fjti:.t l'.t-iui lT-iuct.
- . i i.'. ?'-J. Ml. i'U-aaat I'letttucl
. . i:. .a: t.iMiiiL.i
.'ait1- '.viiiK. w.ln tlie Cuut
. iii!i::il-i.i 1 I il liud i'uT!ii lit sensimi tCe
.'..11 dn. lay an.i riiesda) of eac h moiita.
f.U!:f 11K fK OK.
itANK CAK.ti 111. IVesident.
J. A :.NMC. ilriA'itV tJ.EJK.. Vico-Prenl-iieut
W.I. a. .YISK, Secietary.
k HElt. t;OKJKl. Trea-iurer.
txular .iieotinic of the Board at the Court
ilojie.tue riii ruexday eveuiuof e.ico montn.
J. F. B A U ffl E I S T E n
Furnishes Kre-h, Pure Uk
iSpecl&l call attended 10. and r're.b .Milk
?ro jt i'ii f.rnlJiiM. nr nljjU' 4Jv
jr' PLATTs M O CTfl .NEB.
Fiour, Corn ileal & Feed
V on hnd and fonale at lowest cab
Tto hlehet prices paid for Wheat and
F iiiix.t;iit fct tcL'tK ir work
i'l.ll lll.M(.l
,1. I'. Yoii'-, ret'iei i-i'.
HeiiM'll fi 1 j-w!i. bt.r.
M. M. M irj.hy U Co., "
Uoi;rit-r ;-.l.tI-ft:.i.
Comity 'U rc'i oITlrw.
K. li. l. ri'i'!-i. e.
.1. v'.-ck!;.4'ti,
WhhUt.'i I'tiio , 1 . :.v;i -
l. II. Wli ! r, ! 1.1 !( ,
I. . I'HfllJ l-il, "
II. !'.. W ii..; 11:1111.
.1 :,.. W ;i !..!.
.1. V, . .I.ts 1,. ...
W. S -. uliii-c.
.louls.y liio-t., inlie.
W :. 'arifi . loie.
O. W. l-.iirtl. l l, rr-l.l"nc .
St. It Mi:r(.lr. .
I . II. Wl . .-!. r it o . .ill..-. .
.1. I'. liiilnr. i'-iii.-nc-.
I i -I N :tiri:i:il is.ti.l.
I. I I. Ji! . tl IU-( -. Ilf.lcr-.
.1. 1". Viii':'..'i..
I' 1 Kin I I.Hi -I.
I:. W. IIV'-i li -!.l!te.
.Join 11. il "i:i 1-.
I'" ui'i l-i- .ll':ri-
llfi:i 1. IT;:. ' t'.! '
.1. .V i- r. r-sl:ei'i v.
M. M. I'll 1.1,
W. I. lot..
A. N. ..iilntaii.
II h I":i 1 1 . .
W. II. Mlt.'IdKlit'fi.l . Iil.IV.
Su'li van i. 'Von i ) .
A. V. M'-i ;i-t;'l;ii.i. 1 1 -ld :i
A. I'ai li'r.M.ii. iivi-i y.
:. .v.. iii.inif-.
I.. I. i'.eiitifl t. ri'ii!i;ii:e.
lil'il. S .-.until, olllfl'.
I.. A Mcniv, Ho- "-l.
.1. W. t':iii!i-M. r-'xi'lt'lK'e.
If. K. 1.1 v ini'f-t 'li. fi-.i-i-.
J. V. Wi 'CMiiicli, 1 1'l-l t.-ijrt-
Cliriplitin Wtiflil,
W. li. .i. Iu .i..!,i 1 tit .
ii'ii. s r:,iit:i,
It. If. I .t v i i, t.i. "
C ;. l;.ti:ard.
J! I
Tin; '.! !: Ii .ir. i' tV H it t S'io'..Mi wh
A.iiilaiitl, Arliii'loi . !.. li', 11 m-''' Itln.f . i r
mimr. I.i::r flu, 0.:rtu.t 'i"ru ".t t'i..
i-apillimi, uiititi-lu. . .ini:. .:... Sn itli 1:. 1.
ami avfily.
smith &
ATTOUNKYH AT LAW. Will piat-M-v in ,
IIm' Cut!-in tin aiate. ORici- t':t-L .
t ionai l:. ;:!: t-, )
I'l.A l'T.Miir I'll - SHI.HHi A.
tl:c' over MHtti. li '!, .v. ''i. s.'
I'I.mI eias.s !ei at iim, h i viil..- ;rn.
J. :.. . 1. 1.. j.. 4-. .
I'M VS1 ; VN a:i,i S V ;( ; r ; . . i)W (.11 M.-i,
Mlcet li'.'l iv.-eil .NiHi rmd t'li; It, sotitn ,,;.
(.iiiuc oj:e.i ;l.iy ami ! iiilil
Oii.'NI V I'M VMH I N ati.-tin.; f;i-" !o il:-t',i-iH of wuinr.
and e'ml'.irea . ; t
12. O-HONOllOIl
ATTOilMiY Ai LAW u. .NUlAK "rt.'::MC
'. I .etalil 111. r!,
1'l.A IT ... 1' -Lr I'M. - M.KItAslvA
A'.-nt :or :, i Uv-: to h.iid iro-n
d! a.',:.Iv
?. Si. Lit' SXfcrvS's;A. ...
OFi'T 1. l!t)l t:.S. In. in la;.. t t.
Kxaiimt.t i'i'.foii i:r I . h. i'l-n.-aio:.
i. .ia:,:.i.k,
r II .Y S I C I A N A .N i S f I! ii Kit -.
Can be f nin 1 bi cail:". at. :iis oiltef", oi'i n.-r 7i
and Main :r.'etra in .1.11. v, ..t. -rmauV
I'l.ArrsMlil'l I!. , KHL.iMiA.
J IS. 1. .fi ITdiUVn
O.'Kee ow.r Uak.T .V At wood V stun-. -n:i:l: s'
01 Main lirt vifii ;tii ana i.rli .itte-i-. ilf
J. It. 'aC;iy.
AITOKNKY A T LAW. Vvili practice in
l ue 'mil l- in toe mate.
0--:rii-t .Uttr uj 1. 1 I Xiit.trj I'uIaIu'.
COLC A'CTJO- r.v .V A Pit CIA L, 2 .
ATToKNKY V l LAW. Keal K-iiivir. Km
miraiici' and t'lilii'i'Uiiu A-ii.c.y. Oiiite .
block, riiui.i.'iioiu a Ni-tii a.. ii. :j..
t. fi. Vt ai:i:i.::i: & 4;;.
I. W OKKiCi., Keal ltate. Fire and Lifi- i. -s
iraaee Aeiil.. I'lattsiiioulli, NeUiisia. C01-l-r.-ttiss.
lax-jiayeri. Slave a eoiiijii.-if ab-tract
of title.'. i;n a:il sell real estate, ne if 1.-. e
piaiis. &c. 1Sj
JASia -n.i,
A rUHCXEYAT LAW. Ali'l:hc--Vn i.
intl adjti::j.':: Countle.s ; jcive speeia ailc:.'
10 coil, cliuns ali i aiistiii M-. ; mie. o.iii "
t'it.eraid ;tock. i,ttts.inutli. Nebrask.v.
j. v ximmiiii,
H 11 Uin ord'.' In the front part of hit rcsi.leuee
on Chicago Av-nue, where ne mav te found 1
reatllneHs to attend to the Uutiei of the o
l 47ri.
a. ei. ii:L.6.t:n. u :Tti
;raduate in
O'fl.'il'i l'tjrry'i d. u smrf ujoos't-the IV
KOUiiaT II. XVI.VUII 4.71 ,
; .. NoJary Tublic.
O'ae over Canuth'.s Jeweiiy Store,
riattsiii-juth. - - - " Xebrask:
Ta ' A. W- Y ZZ 11 .
FlrZUEltl.l'rt iiLOOK. Pl.ATrSil-jCTH Nki.
Prompt ;i ad care fal attention to a irene-a
LaiV I'nictire.
A.M.Sn.MVAN. E. II. Uh,,',k.
Attorneys and Counsolcrs-
OPriCn In - 11 lTr:io!i IM -ck, frjnt ri)0:n
9-'orj'J si,.ry. w i'rouiet ittantioa yiveu t
all b isitieJ . uiar2f
tractors end Builders.
W 111 plve e-dimntei on all kind of work. Any
orders left at th Lnnib-r Yard or Post
Oiiice will receive pro. not attention
Heavy Truss Framing
f jr hams aai lare baildiiii a specialty.
Kur refcience apply to I P. Yur.t'. ... V. Wee
n I or ii. W' ii::.:i .Sun.
1 fc m-tjita
r ttS f??S ri,' ?5:J
A $J$ H
IU Wl IblU
SZiulo OXTsYct Vegetable Oil
and Vui-c Ueef Tallow.
To Indncfc housekeepers to tLIs Goap
a trUl. w: Til each Eir
WE A -FINE ga&-2i j
"! ;: '" ! f:r " rhort time only
A- ull. !k r;... i:u.-anta;of at OXCC
Vr.. .'. li!! VaT this t6-lo. nioro svasli
fn-.' . f-h croa'r c.tjo thna any poap In th
-it-'f - I; his r. : :.r uso In haxJ
caJ tol-i -.j'fc.tcr. ,
IJJ.l iiiui;.l Timi Ma
r. A. Wrisloy & Co.'
nrviuoturors of Ster-.dard VAurwIr
iTOw llaTlc-Ti AJvanoo-1 with Ore at
And lTorv tUf 4 onfederaten r.nler.
talnea llliu bile They Hre Otl.
tiny. Out uf the Way.
U. Qnnd fn T)rtr"it Fit I'reroi.
C'liiidli Mfw die .f t!i- 'hfii-nel-f jmt t tli
wnr. l'i j:i 1 1 e t :te tli' C'uiJ' 'l 1 alin Hlt
- uj i.l it until !?! Inst Fid' in) left it U
p.i'le d llni jri av 'li;:;.r,'r lte !' Ii.'ul nil itlln
.mr. Tli" i '!'.! ; w la. U ut.-.l oil it.-, wil n i'l
tii.iik id its tuiti r fwed il.iilli as nii'e'y as :u
.! I.v, lint, its noil full of cii;!i : mid its
vrat'i I'.l.l't m U fur Inures to fil i:.U, C'on
Va (!. ni'il '-Via ral f.if.uil it h pnvi-yari!:n
ielln. tt -t! u:i-r-:.f Kint. ! il nt ( 'oritilli-'
s tl:.: 2i".'oi.d on liiilnil'ii'.l uml li:it:! of
:i.v'i.'.'n-.i in ti. ii.tioiifil e.'iin t t'i'', sitt.l
'L)iil ut I'm 111 tli" Mli'liiavt I'i'' ! Lit of
nm lii-;: H:i'l fr.'.ii'!: i'ds ol C Jt vn i m Ir:-it
IiiM-eUy :ilt r t!n l attie of S-fii!.!i, Ii.'nuro
.unl it'tiiyttiMl l.y slo-.v ami i;i ,y su.trcli-s (i
IVrioili Mild lliete iuti:lieiicl. It !..- l-'-n
kffwi ti'.l tiiat Ila'l.M-k inoii- than nny ol 1.. r innii
hK l lili.iiic f n- ettin (Jiaot Hisit.on
i I u r 1 1 : .J 1 1 Ij; t I. nil-! it ihcerl':i tiiat ilil'i-i tly
ift-i cLi- !-,.. 'e le: it.ii.e 110 Mi n t .f .t
.:m! U-t.l.ty. li'" i:t ;:ieir .iii'i! U d Ui
:-!1.i".j;i ..ta! t-': - f t).e t.isii",' ia
;'i.'ii, a:.d in i-orMi:::iri i! 1." i-Mt'ii cam
to ! :,..i.ii' i'r (.Iraiit by i.'tti :.iy d ;i' i' 'ii'J
inn; of Lia raiik. lit ant's'.!aiie
i'l'iiimmul ' ilividcd and sci.dwiclaul S'i;i.-1
iH could i,i:t tiii'l i, nor was he io:i-at!l".l in
evai d til its (i .:.tlH)U.
It wa- the hist days of Apt il before Ha'V.-k
ud iiis ruii-l ni ti.y of i: wni'is of vi,!,nr')
.in-:i wen; r.-ady to oa, an 1
it tin: interval h- t ole due care to k'l'v (ho
laSioii on l:i.
:. la.Ii ;
h for the end of tae iflA.1-
While Tl.ili. t k's M..'!ai.i..;.i. ;'.s Mi l ois-
iwtil.i'.-: ca:iie.i the idea tiif.L hi; m-'ant to j
ami ov.r lii.-'nniicai-d and into Corin.'h i
when te Kt.uti-il, 1-e had sea:cc!y left, tin I
I'luri'-.v t. river behi " h
;i 5r. ;:a:i to in
;. a Mii:,ii' liii'e lie-
fii il. ilaai; is not. to -da.
'we:i i-'.lii'oli rnd fVi:it:!.!i
. '-iA h:ii. sit.s i-iiii .... 1' f
v.'l.etv lilt, old iii
;iinl. Wliom'vcr
ai-, u.' v.-'Mi estet.i'k n (.Viiif-.- lei iit'- ieket amlil
io.t :i -'. 1 -iiii'.i iv.-tt! tiiseliui'i.v.l, taO orlel'S
-vent 1','icU for s; i'ai : a: 1 Jiel:s.
Tlio ai si .y moved lii..-ii hu! b!rl ho:-so. Its
vi'i H-a u 1 vanen v.'as no! liat ;i 7 tilo a nn-'.
Corps tuiil divisi:.'..-: .a.-J li.-iiV.k i"'': o-ei
..i.e ttt in e:i: t iViii l : tu ;nt'v fill, h li'.'l Has I :ui
tlu-i , aud h.'id C'.: iii:h i.-.':i tv: a:y .ti -'
trlLer away, n.'iikvk nv.'.i I La.v:. h.-n f.ll
.t:it:i:e.r resie';:!! i Kroia tlio i- i to tUa'Jlst
.1' Slay, II li'e.'U a:t vaii"''.l only live i:i;!is
llhoo-I: t.I.e t'.;:feUjr:ii.j f ).'e'' 011 hi wIm'Io
. j!;iv ?';!:! Li'i! at tuitimo n'i:il.i
.'.1 a :;vi-
1' 11 i.V'.r :.:
..ui T In. 1; I'-u-fc".,
:u- 1. lit a uir-J'l'.tclt for ll'.o
, a n I e'.'s : y iii;.,!.t lio ii;r.'.u-,I
us aii l r.;ilil oni. tlpj wito!.;
.. x-;k i;t:u
: :iy tit fvi iy nlai'ta fivni tai; jjiir'iet-po.'ii.s.
i k k : li : -: i :: to i t ! N f a.'raiii fuel in nt:-i arouial Cc:iuth a
.liiit io e.cei-xl -!".'). trail. lii- line. of
".i; wue ei-e.te,l ;".r t.';5orary il.ffi r,
i:d v.i'.e n-A bri'ia until ai'tor llaiieek imun
:aivii:if. Tiie rViteiul woiks l.-uiit tl!! ..i Tiiiliss
is; of Corinth, aii l built in thi: ty-six l;.uii
.it tl'.tit, were far stroii&vr t.ii.:a aiiy ei'u:LoJ
ii di'i'i-iid tlie eity.
And yet HiMfek not only pi t it into his
..tii tluit l.e li'.u:-t lay sie? t Coiir.tli al'Lei'
tie ic-ul'." ft'jiliioa, but lie pt sue.' x traisi
f iee truiii; on band for tlio iiiri .. that
.alf iii army was vmni out. in et tiiijj llio
uwiistoid over tlio coi:n! ry nnit in position,
lei! n i-iga!l bail cause to dread a proaiMt and
"ujiiil advance of the l-Vueial army, wit h a
.uiek anil vigorous ntuOi ujion so'iie u:ie jKiiut
f his vvorli, but; there was no I'iiiist for
unriii over iialli;cl;'s jirof;.'a.i:!ne.
That the peat FeUoi-nl army 'inarcfcing on
oi i::t.h would eveataaily arrive Ix-fore it,
ud that it cvaou.'itii.ti wan only a question
i' time, must have btn el.,ar in the Confrxl-
.'ate coinuiandcr, b;tt yet, to iLday tlio tiina
;-s loiifjas possilile4 ho delayed Ilalleek. Two
of the Confederate attaeks innde upm jor-
lons cf the Federal army while on the luarc'i
..eiv'dijjniiiod as Iwttles!. although oi.Iy a few
aiaeies were brought intu action. What--yer
Ceaui tgard did puzzled and dflaj'is.1
:-ial!rX-k arid proved his ini-o-mjtency. None
f Lis i'oris -oiuinatideJ S could have coui
'ii:U.ti gn-atr blunders, while tiraut, Sher
inaii, or'Tbonnis were far mora qualified to
intiimand the army and ptuli it ahead to
O-.ttxide of the t"o attacks mentioned, the
Coiifedei-ates deltiytvl Ilalleck by skir
nnsiutitc as would have delayed no one elso.
Whenever the Fedetiil advance struck a Cou
fed"iate picket which held its gjioisnd for any
'.r nh of time, whole b: iu'.Hii s would bo or
.leied up, anil if a seo-at cntno in with a rtv
j-ort of a Conf'.iU'ifite division in position oil
one of t.ho roiids, tho maifcer was seriood
rnouli for a council of generals.
Oa the 88; h of ?.Iay liailei k bad fairly Invest--1
Coriutli, anl his isiea giirus were lip
ami in pisitiou. Branrt'garil liil not have
an oartliwork on hi whole hue that Meld
artillery could ' not have lettered down, nor
whs there otio fiin;le point in his lir.o which
wats considered imprpuable. It was pretty
cc'iieluMvcly shown when the Federals finally
ocfuj'Sed Corinth, tht had ilalleck mailed
on Lis right aud attacked MiHiyly he would
have uoubtltvs broken thmiiyh. Iutlced. a
-riiidilon dash by lo.l'lN) men at tiny point on
the C'C'iL!'t-iio:a!3 line would Iihvo tried it s
veiviy. ilailec-V neithor ntstied for a fci-ldea blow
cur tried a suddeii tiah. He was goin to
lKice Ijeauieard, the same as if the Con
federate tioopM had been shut up iu a walled
city with no line of retreat and noway to
renew sup dies of provisions. Having doublo
the force of Boauregai d, behind iutreneh
mentH e;iially assti'imj. Ilalleck wait-n i-r
attaclis iatrttKil of making thetn. nii.i for
thtveor four daj-s routed the ar:iiy oi.t tipo.i
the tili-httst pretext. On the SOth day of
Alay he fully eivctel an attack all aionj;
his lines, and that without further excuse than
heavy picket- firing.
Betuireganl had known for days and weeks
ti'iit lw must fall back when Halli'k moved
np. The value if Corinth as a strat-eio
iwint was not worth risking a battle in whi "h
he would be outuutr.bered. and must, attack
intrenched lines at that. Therefoi-e, on the
laydays of May orders w?re pi veil for the
evacuation of the plac. No jioint was evr
aliandoned in a more orderly manner in the
face of a a enemy.
Every infantry corps was ordered to mire
at a frtain hour, by a certain road, to a
certain rendezvous. Every baggage train
had its position as:giiel and was given a
particular hour for leaving. Every ammu
nition train and battery knew ita position in
the line of retreat, the s-t-ength of its giniid
and the spot wheiu it was to halt on the other
jri.le of the Tuscumbia. iVhile four-fifths of
tho infantry were to boin the retreat at a
c-ortain hour, it was under such instructions
that, bad an attack boon made by Halleck at
auy ioint during tho nilit, every brigade
w on lii have wheeled aboat and marched back
to the trenche without confusion. About
Bne-flfth of the Infantry -ras left fc the
trenches for aocie hours, and cavalry in oon
Nivrab!e forco was at the front. The cavairy
wai U) skirmish and armov and Icram ht kh.
iearanees until tho last of the infantrv -
miles away, and then in failing back to ie-
tsuiiy-Driiiges ana obstruct Uio road a. niucn
as posi-ible.
The wholo history of tho war does not fur
nish another such cool and deliberate pro
ceeding as the evacuation of Cornith. Much
of the Confederate lino was undir lira
leek was inovlmr bodies of trom her.
there, ahd Ids siege guns were exjiected to
open lire every moment, and yet tho Confed
erate evacuation was without hurry or ex
citement. Beauregard bad two railroads to
lantl a "IT llcrKlir &uiS Ia lm.ii in
i oi .u-
1 liu fjwu- aiTiinvjiltioa, h'"ti, r.rf
rn.- Aii
oni, anio-i-
iMii.-rri, forase and olhor fcani'S .w .; vr.t :.
i:i tixtiA.'f. Tlio o: .l -it to Hit It corf, d.- -- :,
Lri .a,l mi r" i .i nt ivoro ; : iJV-j
t?des fere itnii; sioh'.
The I'foT.IJliliie ll'.u t lt tTT. ' .'-.'; b ' '
faco of a preat army irup-t. rprinn '
ni'i:iteiit'.i Ti ili'-e. Tlio Co".f'-lk''ufs, tri'.-n;
foi-, reiii't to Yank.o c;.i.iii:)..; to -I
their Ittovoiiitiit-s. A b'lU'totl, not l.ire
e.nui; h to h'T I . m ill, but bi eriotiih to loot
II ili. ck. iv:i-: .,,t up on the uihtof thoevne
ii'tt.oi: arid hel l stitj eii.t'.d ior Miuo hojrn.
Tin; ;dare of ih',' eiunp liivs niade tiie La I i'a
p'ai.ily VHiM. U tiie I'.dtrals, ami the
a:notii't of iron and lead lired at it wcul l
have a hf.d tor a frci;:ht. fur.
At Klitt.-.! in'.i'i vaU through the iriht tfn'niil l.K'oijiotives fit the depots ul.-w
w i.i at1. ,f t rains were ai ri viu , and sol
El.', rs titili'ti I'oi the '.t: jK.s;' elni'i . 't til.' "n;
Mif. ii iv.iiei.tri" so viyarously l.'i.iL llillwil
l-li.'Vd the wl'.o.c M'jtiiwn t oiitedi'iaey
wus iiias.-.iu;4 in Corir.ih.
Auotl.'-r of the ti i k.i was to lovp the oiitttp
Lies bdrntti. na I t ..- and th.u siyd up
i,ii(il-t'":k"ts and o(i:i pit ki'i lit in'. Tla:
Fed. r.d picket lin w:n thus kept di.-.
fuil-'.l and iia;xiouM, and liallcck was stitvly
p -.zlo-l to kuoA- no'.v plan lieuuiearii
wa 'arryni' out. Worthless tent-s and um
muiiiliiiu and broken wagons were left as
prizes, bttl whatever uusof v:Jue, n i mtittcr
v. hati-hft trouble to inovi it, wu-i moved,
h iAi ml sian well.-, had ln Ixncl in
siv-'ii-li oi U'il.J H'i.lfl'. Vhi; l.aich'IK'l " .t
tilt .m' v. us not only taken away, but tho wells
t hi'liisclvcs di-;lf oy.d. The pi ;.' t uinioe oi
i v n. la.tioti was ran -fully followed, and ou
ll.e naiiiii.ij of the .ii.'iii ilalleck had Itcfoix
lii.a o:ily Ll:.- Confederate- i avajiy pickets.
At daylight, on tin; inurniii of tu Wn.
wli'-n 1 .1'jiuivat d's iifmy was mil.'.-; saway.
llalli. 1-: o; lull tho si. j of Corinth. lit;-t,:-!'!!.
grt:u-i KMirod, hi;; i.'iny ch.-e: si, at: !
t v: rt shut s.nd sliell J -uuniied .it uii.lefeii':' d
e.ti in works. Whan h i liually U'C-uoe s.ili ,-la-
I t.l'.al toriiit.h had been i;vacuaU'd,'ue rusia d
in. ( -,tp' tired 4i)d cou viilescimts who hid b-ile 1
to uio e. Hi many old muski'ts, a few half
biin:'-! t';e:piit c::!s aiid diabied loiaanotivit,
ait'1. bat. wa.i the end.
On of Jiine ITille'k pmsoverod suf
Heienlly to rejiott titai. Popo had j''d
'je;i.:ie:ird many iiuics, capturing Itl.OU)
jr. isone; s, la,l.:)U ttaiids of arnts, t'Aelve linld-pi-.'ces,
a train of wagons, nine liKoiuotive.
hii ! many cai-s.
Pope t.jtd not captured t'0 piisouers; he
l.r.d not even at l.i Utsl i.e.i i! e,riit ! in fori-o;
ie; had not him at
(-.;::'.:. ;iid :si'.l-ku;..s, rav s.
nor nn r.ri'iy "v.i'jon. ilo 1.
c.a;'s iir.d i: -. ;i .ov'tir.J. '::'.
li : .v t pri... i a-, i's, toi-1 li.d
had i.'
:'.d pi. '. '
ad cupt
Iii!;I-s 'ind v. a j.;. i :.
i'..;aiireard deliiiurately v.-!tl'.il;-;w to a rev
posi:j.i:i at Tuj-cio, a al Ifallee't h.-ft forth''
east to se:Ui-o a yi-andt:!- field for his military
an.hition. He left no friends ljehiud. Arro
p unt, a ad I'or.ecite i, h-: had jsi iiled a cam
paign, disii.-.t.'il a iLion, aud shown his tit
ter iu'jajiiipftency efury hour in Iheihiy. Had
Ilallc.k stuck to tl.'-.; west it is doubtful if
U: ant, iSlii'i-iiiMU or Tlmaras would have eviti
continued cgj s coriiniandciv.
tiuiunrr's Leave ot" iUe Senate.
TJontou Transcript.
Itir. Jlaytton, late chief enjrint:-.;r f the
United Ktates senate, tells the follow ins:
story of the days of Clha: les Sumner: "1
thall never fusjjet tho last time that Mr.
".UiTitior was in the sei.nte. I was sitting ia
n:y usual pla'-c when I sftvv him rist, take hp,
hat and cane both iii his riltt Laud, as lit
was often accu.stoin.jd to lo, and start t,
leave thr " amber. As ho rose from Lis sent
he put his .aft hand quickly to his left breast,
as if in pain, and socn'.ed to press it. hard.
Tht ii ho stood, I should sy for a full minute,
waiting his e-ei around the entire range of
the a!!ei ies tw ice, as if looking for a f.-imil
far face. He then, standing tliere, delilx-rat-ely
Kurveyed the whole senate, and then stai ted
for tha east door. As he started he
Viis left lutnd from his left breast. As he
reached the east door be once more put his
left hand to his breast with a quicker motion,
ami inclined his liody slightly to the right
Once mere he turned, and I can see the wonJer
full expression upon his face now. It turned
first pale, deadly pale, then lccame a jearly
gray. I should never have known the face
was that of Mr. Sumner. There was upon it
an expression of pain, but a deeper expres
sion of agonizing sorrow. He bfood a few
seconds in this position, surveyed one? more
the whole senate lioor, straightened himself
a little from hi partly inclining positiou t.
ward the right, and dartfd through the east
ern folding doors as if shot frmn a cannon.
He nwver entered the senate chamber again.
In two days he was dead. I could not ac
count for Mr. Sumner's strange conduc t and
that terrible expression on his face. Il
haunted me. The next day I learned that ho
was sick, and the next that he was dead, and
it occurred to me in a moment that Mr. Sum
ner, as he stood there with his hand upon his
breast, and surveyed the senate chamber,
might have had a presentiment that look was
the last which he was ever to give uiiou that
body, and it was."
The majority of tho better class of New
York shop girls are said to remain single "be
cause the men they may marry are not re
fined enough for them, and the men they
voukl marry never ask them."
Arkansa-.v Traveler.
Com, grab tip a rail an' fling it 'cross de
Sing cr juratigi, bo;
Yer mil;' l-at do udder squad jes' as shore's
yer born,
Ssir.g er jnrangi, ho;
De Guinea' nigger smtcks like skmtiiti' a
far.jr er jnrangi. lw;
HCtxV do coi n in tie air i :i a tegPar w'niri'
ir.g er juraugi.-ho;
An' -r rake i'in s'lvlra hu-!i.
": ri up de .' '.
! le nubb,. . :' ---I ss
i -..:i yer beat : :
Wftf. h i
ilng er .parangi, ho:
II s got a lot ob corn da;-. uuVr hi;; feet,
Sin er juraugi. hi;
"Wfc'sdij' -5:11 like a hen cr ecitit-chln' for ii
'Sing er juran'Ti, ho;
I? git a rod year, co.-oe. gimme dat
Sinir er j-iran'i, bo:
An' ei' ii-u we's bouii' le:it yer
Put ti- iio pen.
Thou.-iiit w"o couldn't inett yer
F-- li;i' wid rusn.
The t'onl'e 'crate Mil t-wcr'.
A correspondent of The Flnladelphia
Ledger gives nn interesiiug account of Salc
viile, near thj Clinch mountains, in V.'st
Teimet' o, where tho southern tx;ple ob
tainod tbeir salt durin.T thj rebellion. The
locality Is a basin inca
a bo it six bun-
dre".l ; -os. the bod of a fonarr la'ie. fo:-nii::.j
or.s of those rich blue-grass bottoms that are
won a fortune to thi.; cattle-airier, and
t , lerlying it is a fv--It rock. Hero is-mivle
the that suprilie:; westra Virginia, oat-
ei-n Tennessos, and
Alabama. In
Is'ew York salt-:nal:o
norihein Gcargta and
Georgo V. 1 "aimer, a
r from Syracuse, came
to the region and went into tho talt-makln j
industry in a small way. Wells were sun".:,
piercing the salt rock, the wal;r beneath it
was raise ! to the s.urfira, b'.lo J in pans, and
the salt thus obtained. Th:; industry was in
mo-lerato operation when the lbeilion Ijo
gnn, and it ti'-n extendcl in an amazing
way. The blockade of tho southern ports
;eutioff all tho outside s-ipplj- of salt, and
here aluioet- the tctire Confederacy bail to
come for it. The manufacture was mala
a national one, each southern state
established its agency, paying a royalty for
tho salt produced, and CoL Palmer, extend
ing his business, took in Gen. Stuart as a
partner. Thay are now probably the two
we-althiest men in Virginia. During the war,
Federal troops destroyed the works, but after
thoy left the nianfaeture was resumed. It
was enormously profitable for tho owners,
who turned out as much as 10,000,000 bushels
a rear. The receipts of Couioderate money
. -r - . ...i mrtc ru-y nVl TVt tro
orportnidty to cwrnt it, but bindio.l it Tip,
takJfir tlio itrwonnt an nent thnx An g J I
nprrrtoil and the 7.per acvnaiultte.1 t.ioy
"bought lanL In thii way Stuart got 70, 'IO
a'iw, an.1 Paliu-r lomrht out a'l t's r-;im
snrrounJitw? Salt l.kk, tin us (; u...: a : i-.t-niilt-vnt
estate of 12.0)0, ou which h.
now live with his brother, and tr.-r-ds iiianv
U.ouitid-4 C'f sheeji and hundreds oi line cS
tio. TLo selt iridtry W this pnx'cr oi.e 1
proiluctKl them an acre of land for a bushel
of rait in tlie Llgh war prices, but the produc
tion lias now fallen olf, aliout C00,oW buiihji
tv-ilig turned out aiumally.
The Ilent Uri'iid of Itfslnurnut-Lutir!!.
Mew Yoik Journal.
"What kind of people do you like to r e
"Oh, th'io rtteut--mln.!eil men w ho e - ".
know what they aio citing. Yon b iv -
rov-t to feed them, tlwy are so alisorlr 1 ;
business. Or I like thov hearty, c'.'.--. t ..'
rvmemi-i that a iv-tauraut
nai-s as wed u any eJo."
Lkest 1ZM..,
Army Oflleer fi-oiu the I'fople -The
Frequency Vith Which Mirntle
luen" llae Uetciue Army lefUHlt
tru. F"c k's Sun.
Recent events In cc-nnot.-tlon with officer
of the mm vhi' vp made the.-- ollk-ei-s l.iuh-i.-'.g
sto-k for the whole country. Ofiioorti
who luul nothing buck thf!ii but tin.' f ;ct
tliat they Hue " jfentlcinen," r.iw
wrong by l-coming lefauiti .i, '!!ittg ti -;r
pay three 01 four time-; over to gt-t i:i.a.y to
piny iol;er, a:ul skipping out in 'i tl'-. : iM-i"'
la.uaier. The attention of : whole ' 1' '
lia.i Ik-cu i ii!!"l to the f ro (.teiicy with wn; .1
"an ol!ie r aud a gentleman" '' ,. . -i . .'.: '
of "colid'.ict niil;c)'iii-ig aa of!;. ..-r a.i 1 a ;:- 1
tJeuian,'" a. id the count ry i a t-icK of it. Iii"
trouble is easily rtceou.i'.od f.w. Vo'..: vm 1.
h ive, iu tiilies pa. t, Im-.".i a; .poii.t .1 to N-.'i-s"..
Point 1111 Use. their pai enis wt-i .- : ii. o;'
kUkm! hi;:h in society or p''iti -.. or U-i tx
the young iu.m were wild and iitsld Liiuiiig
down. Tho t!p:itiii'iii o of a y t:ag luati at
West lV'itil was a sure indication that h" - -a
RH'IuIh.'!1 of good soeii-iy , and i
dancer, and smar t at lin t iii.-,.
Eastern society jx;!.ted the ,
eadi-ts, :u;d adorn I t'avn v. lieu
they bi-caju-' !;; aai the tlhltji;; tli st
they karnetl to do, mixed with thy
tiiey ti.e! P at co nplliih, lul l ; people fo
' 1 1
sei v;. e an
is, u::-.i 1 . ii-;- .-.-.
i '.a'L a.aoa.o. : . .a
yt 111 s co.iijR t! .i e e.-a;ui . -. in;-,
la id in ci' ti; rri' s,
whostoivl t'i' l'-t exaa: 'ii: io-i
democrat, IU p.i .lir an, or .1.13 : :
the i-iai-i', ati l in this w a y ' 1
. .1
1:1 -ii, the voi'iur men e.-lio ilia
ciciy, and "davviie-;"
mi.i t he sou of a bla- ir
ter, or a fai i.'.'ji-, m:
become r.n oliicer. T;
the society of Lite e.i it ,
b '.'ui !;,-, if. .- 1
!..i:''. or a hoti'
;-fl t.O vrf-.t, I1,;1:... ..ii
'a a gtc-at ! I'i'.v t .
Ii h is l. ";n toa iy
t.a l''Ui, bat it in .11
ing for ye.iio to l.-l.te bio- .-l .
l- beiU'X lor tho armv. Tl.
11 tf a l':,i :::!
may not mu.-h i.i-.ei daaijliter
an old t.rc
on the Hii.l :oa, r.ud he 1.1 i
r.i.t. '-.l-l'A'liC. ' so
divhel', drluk l.t
j -::r..-r-f'::!!y. or
pfixer so noikcha'aJiUy, t : i f la; w:il in:;.-'
a soldier who will tiht hen Ii.-.: '. .
Is the IVing to d-i, i'.a l w !i wi'. .
bo so it IaI steaJ ;.vi;'.i .1 -. :t : -.i Is l-. .
poker Wlt.a. tin' e.Xii. ;:-.. at: ar- ov
tent lioar ii to pie!: out t!.-- f.j.u.. e-.-,-; '
and iuteliigent !.y ti) mal.e a '-! -::
gntdk-ss of b-.rll), poi. i,.s ,t U:.y.-ai.-coiiijdii.!imeaLs,
i:.:iy s- i-ai a i,--. : :
thie at tlto -.t who !e;? .- ..ys :
upon West Point as a hoi, i i-i Lo
husbantls for Kill: sto.'Ui- I, fr.'sh
women fn.'in Vassar ila-'. tut lia-
will gain by th;'. "hail ?. 'j h.iru is o;
iu the govenimont. t.i!.'in- rii-h iricn'i
that ara going w rong U it.' tie-i!
niaku iiOliJ-poles oi Ilii'tll
bfiinstalks to ' lo '
tiay. Lt thj ion:it :' Irtva
lor grerli (";
I i-o.-.llii'ilir-ra.-1
f.--v g!i'r .
ini'.i Iii" jw'a
;.:..-d t 1 .- ! .
1 .str ' a--, .; ' '
.ii I he at ..- . t
.ers of t! .- -:,
UiiK-.a The
of army o-lieei--. ;ip:-.i. 1
oil thair merits, w-irio it
that their lathers w.-r-with
presidents, or a
congressmeti, imd t.:
will alwayrs be true to fi-eii
o"iee;-s in tho army n t!:ij
were appointed 011 a- is.t!;.
but honest, and th: --v-i--f. a:
Mi lie
!. of
e :ho.-e
'.- it.J
because they leh'i ,d l. 0'.:i iu.ii
waiiVal to get 1 id ui 5 !. .a.
lie U:.f iv 25 er.
Pittsburgh Trader
Some y',-irs ago Miss R.'.;c V"oo.l v.:s-i t..'.!'. -eling
as a stir, by h.-r Uii;.i.aod
lfr. I."vvis M'M'i'isoii, who now stitiits t'.;'i
tnOst among Amer ca-,! .. ' i- who are t.-.f
stars. Mr. Moi-r--.!i 'vns not i-a.-.t in the ;
one uight at Xew ( tast .' .!, Pa., and h-; -,ii. i!:
the orchestra wr.lcli.n.j the i t'o: ;:..':a .
Two j'o-aiig meii s,it, in trout of hi:n ( -'
was given, Iho othvr was n.i-wviag. "An':
she splendid " said th'j g:'.'.'.i ono, ivi.o-iia
to Rose Wood.
"Ah, yes," said th ol h;r -aj '"sd y ; "h
goo,l aclitMs; I know her intimately. Wli.-a-ever
she comes h ::'ia U Htippcr i :.
me. She;; it goo J sort."
This greatly i:npi-'r. -l th" j:r-pn 00. , n..'i
liis friend nisi' in his t .t..-. :.t ;:..t. iii--t
o!i v s satio'i iilso iiiLorc-.w-l Mr. M )i'i ison.
P.i;tve.-n the acts a.ii iu the bar-rc-om .Mr.
Mori ison sihi-e''"-vi iri ma!
iiitew of ih' two y.vtjig ni a
in.; the .T.-'iitiint-
and aftt-r a hi
talk he iiivit l thetn bi-iuii tlfj
tliev accepted gladly.
When on the slojo Mr. M-irrisrn had his
Ife caKijd. "(i-eiitii iva-n.'1 sjiid. "liiio U
Miss Wood, my w:f -
gi'Cl '"lii.'in looked ttt the
tin .:.;d i-L.ii a !. ' 1: "
vi-..;., -1 l.a:-':y
e rit I,:;; ai:;" :.'
-r he k.:i-'..t r '-r.
rs-io, takes y-..;-. i a'':'-:
' T.ii; groeo 3'o;u:g
l-'t.uivin.t o"", -. !.
v.. . ;'.; w th,'.;
itV'-.i: t'.e: . ua.i. it
tO.aie tii-re.
Hut tho w-ordrj were not out of his rno :tb
iM'.fore tho knowing one mad" a txilt for t!ie
(i.h)i' nnrl was ill the street. Mr. Morris-.i.t
learned aft-r that his friend had told the
story everywhere ami that he bad been
laughed out of tru; t-.v.vsj.
Unr'or tou it. ly t'non; a-o sooris ot' such
yotuig men about. In their mor.ihs the n.-pu-tation
of no actross is safe. AVtiat tUey do
not know they tnvt-'.it. There is a small cia-s
of other men who do not know n.'-tntes and
who make them thr"!r hobby. Thi-se ure the
most of nil. for they embroei t
co:i.i:no:e. The mosl Cristtal m-jj-?i:::,-i.:i -.
lijvtis according to u. :' diet ion in:-.-, v.--.
est luve. They s" rs ii .ii had ?hoi -.
the pt-("-euce ff a man who ntovs '.I-.- t . -that
their calumnii-i are ;;iab :;;
Mo-.t. actresses krlO'. thev th'.nss, and it
one 1P3.V1H why. as a ruie, well Itr.oi'.-a .-i w
of the -r.-ige fire :nore cli ii -e and more nftv.Tv-.j
in their c-jjcla of f.'i":i :s than perhaps ai;y
other class of wot
The!i of:!ie Jevri.
Central PTesbyt"rian.
Insteiad of dyiag oat. tho Je-vJ-.b boly
shows inereasiug vitality. They cannot be
Et Aiuped out or swallowetl up. Thi-y i.s
from country to country to become pra -tt-cally
misters ivhei-evor they gtx They get
tbf laud in Germany and 1 1 angary, and glow
rich i:i Rus.-iia: thoy are tho groat bankers iu
Loudon and Paris and tin; o-ntri of Earo
pean commerce. In ten (recent) yean the
Rothscliilds furnished l(K,(XK),000 in loans to
Eugland, Austria. Prussia. France. Ktissia
and Uiazil. They increase faster than Clnis
tians. and of every 100,0o0i-onaouly eighty
nine Jews die to 143 Christians.
It 'em 'isliU
Bcston Post
"No, sir," said the gentleman, "I am not
bi-.ital iu disposition aiid tastes, but I hate
liyp.M risy in man or beast, and if two dogs
have a rooted antipathy for each iTtber I
don't like to see Vm rx'rvil it,H
i 1 .0 u
.:!. : i A.- 1 1
.'.' r t ! . . . i ) . ; ;
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The l'i. ! CSni
Woe'.- of
A trials b larg9 and
- J XJ jx I
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,X-.V.,'-;.-- J"
& v.-i. ,
I . T - r i --. f - ---.
t I V
B ... M
' OUiD f ta treat :iti
Staple and Fancy Groceries
We alv-avs buy the 1-est ff O'!.i in Hie rrjark-r, Hiid (fnaraotpa 'eTerTtbiaf
we sf-U W Hie pole J'iTPn'? in this town f. r t. 4io of
" IM'IUF; !"i !0N" GitvrtlN'D 'PICBS
ny thing Gner in the market. Plam Ti?r" hrn t of QUtijttr Oysr
ways oa bau4. Come and see uj ar.t! w tiie 701 s'.ai.
1 1 . . i l Y
l.i . I
.. !. ..
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t ,
1 I'aS
t Work
JT. 1
.. 1
-1 .' -
ciu"!, ; .- ' . uvi-rv d'ioi t!n''?t.
i.r,;.c: office
0? .he JDcllLij 1 enciCa-
Croccrs, Hotels. Hob V tores and T";Iarkct.
nor Coolers. Hack gars,
,-o,.'.- fit' Timlin tor 3, Iii Kit
- ir V. ' '.ml Slettgra.
. ii. i.(H;;iT yivvsr., hall
' -' : I'. ! ". ! "r: . Pnlf-H Cf.1,, Opttt
.! r l..-.ui m,iru-'.i Ei,lt( am fc r
-1 ''; J.i.:'ii i. l-c.-.rm i:wibi,
i:?""', Kj.i.1 CiCi:, Crqo
'. , t...
Tvir llfvyc, irh'.-..
-a... j. ta ry,
. ty t a; iHi.' Hi- ot
.if tiff wibcr Kill-
. '.; '. -. ' r : r-lolca.
- IfUuK CO,
' ' - '- . i-
'.jii '3. '; ittUtrtn!
:; 1 225 2: tt.nL sr., CHiCAia.
;l.-.-wi i
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x e'tj rtuck ol