DRUGGIST. Dkalek III M KIM C I N k, ik i i film k u vs, Oils, Paints, Hiusiiks, A JTuIl ILiiic of Trusses Ami iu fuel ;vrytliii: roiituiiM'il in a lirnt-rlibM l)rni .Store. lre h ri i.l'n.tiH i uk IuIIv coin n mini -fi Competition met in nil licp.irl iiiciitn. ('u. Main am Tiiii:i Stki:i-:ts PLATTSMOMTII, NKIJ. SI-COND 1IANU GOODS- J. LEVY, Will HI IV ami MXL all kinds of FURNITURE, METALS, IRON, RAGS AND FURS Will :ul v;iti? money on all SA LA it LK GOODS? on lower Main street, j.t;iie The Old Puke Jinilding. Hattsiiioutli. IVh. 1st. 18:1 4Gtf. HOTEL.- CITY HOTEL. This l.o nitiful three story brick rtructure. on ovver Maid str.-ct. ha-- just beeu finished and filled 1 1 1 lor tin: accoiiiinotlal ion of Til A ys IE NT C US TOJUCMt. AM KKCL'LAU IU A II DKIIS. EVERY THING NEW AND CLEAN A Uocd Ear in connection with the 1 1 ohm-. !f. Fl.KD COOS. Piopr LUMBER. CALi'i AT THE Old Reliable Wholesale and Ketail Dealer la PINE LUMBER SHINGLES, LATH, SASH, DOOKS, BLINDS, &('., ronrtli Mnvi. it; rear of Opera House. vi ATTsiioiiTii. - 3i:im:asj - CIGARS. J ust Eeceived a KINK LINK OF MEERSCHAU AND BRIAR PIPES OK IHltK;T I.HPOKTATION. A Challenge 5c Cigar, S Iaiiy made for the retail tr ! a!y. . Pepjjerberg's Ctear Factory. BOOTS AND SHOE? M" AIYIT PAIJ TUB IX AND UliPAIRING AT Sherwood'S, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ERNST WAGN p:R Practical Architect. AND SUPERINTENDENT ARCHITECTURAL. WORK A SPCCIAL.TY- tUm aal Sufciucatiou will be carefully carried .out. and full attention will be Bien a to safety and durability. jLESSOXS OX IAIVri.C in . Oil, Water Colors, Crayon and Tencil. Cffceoer foIciatN Mcie. :iii IL23rTLILS9 W jf4lAN & SON PLATTSMODTH HERALD. I'UHLIKIIEI) DAILY AMI WEEKLY BV The Plattsmontli Heraltf PnMisiiiiig. Co. Or'I K IAli l'AI'I'.K OK Tllti t ITY. For CUy aud County directory, Railway Time Tahiti. Telephone Kxchang Business -rcetory, It'islness Cards nr.., ace fourth pae. Notice to Advertisers. I'opy for display advertisement or changes In advertisement must be handed In to the business, nttlce not later than 10 a. m . of tlie day in which they are to be Inserted. Copy lor pay local and "pedal notices niiiMt l.e liaiidc l in before J p. in each day to insure in sertion. Jl l . Isi.sit NKI.L, Business Manager. JEFF. L. STONE. - City Editor A. SuIInIiiii-j', Dfiillwt. Tlie Central Tt-lfiilioiitt ollice will l luted tomorrow from '.) a. in. until p. in. 1'liil. Vouiio; iu.i h lew Iiaby Cat riatrts to close out clicno. .Now is vur chance to ret lar";aiii.H. The thermometer I Ins afternoon readied as hih as 'J degrees within throw degrees of blood heat. Quite it delegation of I'lattfcinouth people will celebrate at Weeping Water tomorrow: others eo to Omaha, and otheis Btill at other places. I he train for the west this morning was so erowded that even 8tnndin. room was in demand, and ul'other car would have been comfortably filled. The first trot of the season came off last evening at the fair ground be tween Lady Mac and Dr. Richmond's horse. The purse was 23, which Lady M;io won in two straight heats.- The ISohemian band wiw out on tli street, thu atteritocn oivin the citizens the hem-tit of some free music, am good music too. We are informed tiiey ro to Xorth Uend to play tomor row. Now that the high school hhildiug is to be hpated by steam, a telephone would he in order, in ease oi lire or accident, 'twould be very convenient 1 would be a matter oi convenience on general principles. .Sheriff livers returned last evening from Custer county with his man, tl name being William Shaw, whom he wanted or disponing of mortgaged propertv. lie will have a preliminary examination this afternoon at 5 o'clock before Oointy Judge Johnson. The news was received this morning that the tramp which the police had in limbo who refused to work, va9 found at Council IJluffs iu a box car, dead. It teemed that he had got into a car which bait been nailed up, and there he staid uutil he naturally starved to death. I'hil. Young doirt claim to sell goods at or below eot. as many of his com petitors in 4th ot Julv goods do. Phil ban a large stock of i? reworks, etc.. and is prepared to meet all such prices made by his competitor and still make a little money. Como riihL along and I will do you good on Fireworks ami 4th of July goods. The matrinioual mill has been griud- mg to-day despite ttie not weainer Judge Johnson issued a licease to in cent C. Nicol and Clara Minu. He also issued one to William Carroll and Annie Irvin, both of K:k Bluffs, and went down to the City Hotel, where, in the, presence of numerous lpends he prouounced the words which made them man aud wife. A movement is on foot among some of the citizens who spend the Fourth at home to club together and have a little celebration iu the evening in the shape ot some fireworks, music and speeches, at the opera house corner. There are those who cannot leave town to participate in anv of the various celebrations of our neighboring cities and villages, and the scheme to do KOuoething at home is a good one Yesterday a boy about twelve years of age entered "Doc." Warrick's drug store and inquired of Col. Atwood: "Do you want a boyr Col. Atwood "les; did you ever work in a drug store ? ' Boy "Yes, 8ir." Col. Atwood "What did you do?" Hoy "Hit holes in porous plasters." The boy made his exit out the back loor at a Maud S. gait, aad went over to see the confectioner s clerk, for w hotn he had alommunieatiou from his Vine street correspondent. A company with $23,000 capital, has been organized in Schuyler for the pur pose at manufacturing syrup out of amber sugar cane. The company have purchased live acre.i of land, and will erect a building 24x40 with u lean-to 16x40. A forty horse power engine, with a seventy-rive horse power boiler, has arrived, and the rest of the ma chinery necessary has been ordered. As the syrup can enly be manufac tured dtiiinr two months of the year, the Sun predicts some other manufac turing industry wiil also b engaged in by the company to utilize the remain ing ten months that the machinery would otherwise necessarily lie idle. Central City Courier. A Dastardly Act. On Wednesday eveniug last Mr. A. C. Mutz, a fruit tree agent, who has made his headquarters in this place for some time, drove uo to tlie residence of a Mr. Keaster, near Elm wood, and put up for the night. During the evening it is said members of the family in dulged in several cutting remarks, aimed at agents in general aud fruit tree agents in particular. Notwith standing this the visitor maintained his usual serenity of temper, uutil in tbe morning when on going out to hitch up it was dis covered that his handsome buggy had been egged, aud that the leathern ditsh board had beeu ruined by being cut with a knife. Several eggs had also len concealed about the cushions of the seat, where, in taking his seat, they were crushed on Mr. M.'s clothing. The buggy presented a very deplora ble condition, indeed, and will' cost its owner quite a little sum to have it re paired. We understand Mr. Mutz has his own suspicions as to who the guilty party or parties are who did the job, and it is to be hoped they will be made to suffer for their dastardly act, as it can certainly be called by no more ap propriate name. Weeping Water Republican. STEAM IIEATIMJ AlTAKATUS. The nihjfh School lfailiiing' to J leu ted bj Steam. tie The fcchool board held their regular meeting last evening at tbe office oT the secretary, J. H. Strode. The committee on buildings, fuel, etc., reported the contract with the parties made i u reference to the paint ing and slating the black boards for $123, for paiutiug all the boards iu the high school building, and the bid for the same read. The report was adopted and an order for the amount author ized. The fame committee reported favorably upon the proposition of placing steam heating apparatus in the building. Tht re inds lor putting iu the same were read aud the matter thoroughly discussed. On motion of J. W. Barnes the committee were in structed to enter into a contract with the Western Steam Healing Company, of Omaha, upon terms, as neatly as practicable, with those contained in the bid tor doing the work and also that J. B. Strode be made a member ot the committe for that purpose only. The following bills were referred to the finance committe, who reported them back and orders authorized lor the same: Prot. W. W. Drummond, $16.76; Smith Black Bros., $10.98. Ou motion the board proceeded to elect a teacher for the seooud waid school and Miss E. N. Campbell was unanimously elected. The board adjourned. The committee to whom was re ferred the matter of letting the con tract for furnishing the steam heating apparatus, this morning entered into a cotnract with the Westean Steam Heat ing Co . for the same for the sum of $2, 600, the work to be completed and every thing in ship shape by the 20th day of August.the company giving good and sufficient bonds for the faithful per formance of their part of the contract. Who Named Plattemouth. The Hrrali received the following communication from L. W. Patterson, formerly of Cass county, but now of Hubbel, Kansas, giving us the name of the person who first named the prosperous city of Plattsmouth, and it appears our old friend Brand Cole was the man. As all of these old settlers and citizens named In Mr. Patterson's note, except Mr. Johnson, are alive and within easy communication with the IIkkald, it might be interesting to have their recollections of this christen- inr aud the attendant circumstances connected therewith, and the early childhood and training of the fortunate offspring which received the mote fortunate name, Plattsmouth. Ed. Hekald. At the meeting for the location of the -town, numerous mimes wereproposedjbut the first to say Plattsmouth was Braud Cole, so said William Gullion aud Lewis Johnson, the ex-terror of this country, lea conversation in the surveyor's camp, at the foot of Alain street (in the spring of 1S56) One of the boys said "they should have added the Town of Seven Hills." After dinner we went up to the store in the old trading post.and Mr. Johnson said, from a discovery made this morn ing that boy," pointing to L. W. Pat terson, "has given the lown a new and better name, and a good one." Joe Brown was present, and too full for ut terance, that is, his mouth was tilled with crackers aud raw bacon. L. W. P. For the veracity of the above refer to Braud Cole or the town company. Trace the east and west section line through town, and if the houses and timber do not obstruct the view, vou can see where I made the discovery. L. W. Patterson. PERSONALS. Thomas Marsland was a passenger to Lincoln this morning. 0. II. Partnele and Undo Sam Bar ker were passengers to On.aha this moruing. Sheriff Dan Farrell of Glen wood, whs iu the city last night on business and returned home this morning. D. Keller left for Sutton, his future lome, this morning. The best wishes of the IIehald follow the Doctor. James S. Mathews, wife and little ones, went to Ureenwood this morning and will remain until after the 4th. A. IJ. Young, wife and children, went to Beatrice this morning to spend the 4th among friends and acquaintances. Geo. Mayfield, of Louisville, came down this morning. He says he got through Oreapolia this time iu good shape. THE THOMPSON II UK ESCAl'E. Mr. Thompson Drops in ou His Platts mouth Friends. Last night Mr. Thompson returned to Plattsmouth, coming from Chicago, where he had jut made oontracls lor 100,000 escape boxes for the company that has been organized in New York City. Mr. Thompson speaks with cer tainty of his invention, and the success he has met in placing it oetore the pub lic in the east. Tuesday last he dis posed of the foreign patents in the same to isew x-orK capitalists lor 325,000. The patents covering the United States are still held by him and Dr. Black and a company has been formed in New Y'ork City with a capi tal stock of one million dollars, which u i pose controlling the patent in this country, when the final contract is en tered into between the patentee and the parties there, one-half of the capital stock will be sold to them. The New York parties are now awaiting Mr. Thompson's return to that city, where he goes the coming week, when he will be absent for some six weeks before re- urning to this city again. The New York papers speak the entire success hat theiuveution is proving under the tesis to which it is submitted, and the IIekaijj congratulates Mr." Thompson upon his success with his invention. A number of the citizens who neither go to Omaha or Weepiug Water to cel ebrate will engage in a lawn party and picnic to-morrow at the residence or t . M. DornngtoD. Croquet, hammocVs, social intercourse and a plentiful supply of eata'jles will make the occasion one of enjoyment and pleasure. Fresh Oranges and Lemons just re ceived at the 1. O. News Depot. FIREWORKS. Like evervtlung else, to buy them cheap go to Warrick's. rhil Young will commence tomor row to sell the Chicago Mead, drawn from his Soda Fountain, the same as is sold Chicago by (iuiithier. John Kranz, and other large dispensers of soda water, 'iry it. llECIil VED. A case of prints of every desirable patterns.which are sold at 24 yards for 81, at Joh. V. Weckuacii's. Don t forget to go to the 1. O, News Depot for your hre works, and other 4th of July goods Hags, oranges and lemons. ids ot Choice mines lor $1 00 at Ncckbnchs. 10! dJcwlCtf ji you wain a cold and delicious I . .... driuk of Soda Water, go to the 1. O News Depot. Wanted From live to ten thousnnd smokers to call on M. Schlegel for his new brand of live cent cigar, "The rude of Nebraska." Try them, and you will mioke no other. d!08t0 J I "ST HECK1VED A lew pieces of lawns, ol the latest styles, at Jos. V. Weckhach's. "Corn Cure" warranted to cure with out pain, oi.ly U cents per bottle at Warrick's. 10dtf (Jo to Mat Schltigel's for all kinds of Smoking Tobacco. dlGtttM Fireworks below cost at Murphy & Co's. dl08t4 Calltt Halt & C). aud get a of those nice, fat spring lambs. quarter 10St2 For all kinds of fireworks at less than cot go to Murphy & Co.'s. dioytc Fine.cigar clippings at M. for :0 cents. SchlegePs d!08:6 Phil Young has the sole agency for Cass county for the Webster new Amal gam pens. They are warranted and strictly non-corrosive, aud the best pen in the market. He will have a large line of sample pens on by next Tuesday forgtatis distribution. No business man should be witohut them, for they are just as represented. 108t2 The Monarch Billiard Hall people keep the best ice cream to be found in the city, also choice lemonade cigars and tobacco. 108tf Smoke the Texas Siftings and Wan derer 5c cigars the best in the city be yond doubt aud for sale only by J. P. Young. 108t2 Remember that Bennett & Lewis have moved, ana are now located in roomlatelvvacatedbyJ.lt. Cox. first- door west of Sherwood's new buildin 10713 Notice to Coffee Drinkers. Buy your coffee at Murphy & Co's They sell the best, and grind it for you in the bargain. 9'Ht Bennett & Lewis, first new Sherwood building. door west of 107 :yt, SP11IXU LAMBS, SPUING LAMBS, Now is you time to get a quarter of nice fat spring Lamb at Hatt & C j.'s 103-Gt. FIRE WORKS. Flairs, etc., very cheap at Warrick's lOGdOt. Old papers tor sale at this office at orty cents per hundred. Bargains in window shades at "War rick's. 16w2t-10d0t. The only spring lambs ever in Plattsmouth now at Hatt Leave your orders. 105 16 on sale Co's. Cheapest place in town to buy fire works is at Warrick's. 103 dO-wlt 20,00o envelopes in XX white and blue, iu good quality Manilla, and iu alls size?, just received at this office. These envelopes have beeu bought at a bargain, and parties desiring envelops should leave orders, 105if, IOU S4LK.-Lots -2 aud 3 in UlocR 41, improved. Ut)7 H. 11. W1A1IIAI. Largest stock of Warrick's. flags in town d76t6wlt at We guarantee to discount all prices on Clothing y lO per cent. S.& C.Mayer. Opera HouNe Clothiers Brenner's Lewis'. Crackers at Bennett Remember Warrick best d-ugs, lead, etc. keeps only the T6wtf-106dtf. A Square .UealJ Can be had at the City Hotel for only 25 cents and lodging at same reasonable lates. Farmers and Commercial Men will please bear this in mind. d&wtf SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under thi head, three cent? per line each insertion. OTICE OF "REMOVAL. I will remo e my pluck of Jewelry, on or about July 6th to Sherwood's new block, first door ou .tilth St., where 1 will be pleased to see all uiy old custo mers and uiauy new ones. Very trulv yours, ds5tf 1- C. Ebwex. ONEY TO l.OAX-0n real estate van Wooley. by Sulli tf lOU SAl.E L ACNDRY. S'ove uew, lingers J- irons, baskets, and all necessary articles to ruu a niat-class Laundry. Enquire of H. F. WILSON. FOR SALE A fresh niilcli cow. h. B. W indham. Inquire of 9. If IOR SALE Scratch Tablets 1 - this ollice. n all sizes, at yitf IOR RENTERS Look at Wise's ad. and es - pecially the half acre lots and the terms. 10 It SALE a lot in good location, lars at this office Particu 97tf dOR SALE An order for a new American -I- ewintc Macliiue. luauire at this office. FOR SALE 1.000 cords of wood. Inquire of W. S. Wise, U IOR SALE i Id pap.-rs for sale at this office at -40 cents ier hundred or 5 cert." per doz en. tt FOK SALE Vour lots together in gaaA loca tion in till city, inquire at tU- ollice tf FOR RENT After Julv IB. the butidiug now occupied by Sherwood. Inquire of W. S. Wise. U ''ANTED A good cook at Restaurant. Stadeluiann's 89lf WANTED Two blacksmiths and a black- smith helper at Sehnellbacher'k shop, sou ' ANTED- Day boarders at Stadleniann'e " Revtaa'ant. The best of board at reasonable term. 7;-dlf. WAITED--John Bauer has bought the Stohl man plate, cornel of 7th and Vine, and is prepared to accomuiod te the public in the way of boarding ard lo Iging by the week, or mouth. -Oi ul ("POUND An inside safe key. Owm . tt at this oOice. lostf Owner can find It will pay you to read Wise'n col umn in this papc, you may find )ust What you want. aim Brcmuer's Cracker at Stadleiuan's. Money bavea. By buying your goods fir cash of W II. Baker. 1 will guarantee to nave you 25 per cent, on dresn goods, trimmings etc., if you w ill give mo a chance. We have all the new shades in buntings, nuns veiling ami other seasonable mih. Cheapest line of ladies, and children's Hosiery in the city. A few dolmans and ulsters to be cloned regardless of cost. Best value in parasols and fans; stock -complete in all departments and must be closed out in limited lime for cesli. t Jive me a call and save money 75d&wtf W. II. Bakek AH kinds of fire works at Warrick's 10:1 -.Ifiwlt i8.s:;. TheFouih of July AT ROCK BLUFFS. JiarbetMt Dinner FREE TO ALL. INNCMEUABLE SI'OKTS, &c. liaijnmnjffln Procession f mm 10 to 11, The liork Muffs Band will play at intervals during the day. lint above all. don't forifet to inform vour youiiK fiiendi that there will be a GRAND BALL. In the Hall at nljihf, and a flrst-clM Supper. Kiven by the owner of tlie bull, at Ins residence 1 he Hall will be open durini; the day. snp )lied with refreshments of all kiudn. and will jh dealt out for value received. Independent of tlie Hal I Itall there w. II he a a platform erected to aceomino date tour iet of dainrerx at one time. Evervo lie w ill lie hc- coiuliiodated. wl-m&td Let Them Talk about selling WALL PM "At Cost," "Cash Prices," ;&c, But to get BARGAINS you must buy of us. We have been selling at the following prices for more than two weeks. If vou have made pur chases elsewhere, eonipate prices: Browns, ier double roll - 15 Whites, " " - c c Flats, 44 44 -- - 30c Gilts, 44 44 - C:c Embossed Gilts - 85c Not only do we sell wall paper cheaper than others, but our prices for all other goods are very low. Send in a trial order. Yours respt. W. J. WARC1CK. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH ilOi:SE SHOEING St WAGON ) ( REPAIRING h ii uiius ui i dim juiyisiueius mmn wuu tfti nf Tin vim imnTMvn 1I..J.J ..UL Neatness and Dispatch. Horse, Mule & Ox Shoeing, n short, well shoe'anytbing that hap four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. JNTIKTW SIKOIrP n Filth St. between Main and Vine Street ast across e corner from the nicw lihltAL HORSE-SHOEIHG NOTHING ELSE BUT Horse-shoeing ! I am going to do all kinds of shoeing, and do nothing else, and if you want a good horse shoeing shop in this town, now is your time to patrouize me. SUop on Washington Avenue at the Horso-shco Sign.. E-Good Satisfaction Guhranteed. GEO. PALMER. wlStf Plattsmouth. Neb. $100 PER MONTH AND OUTFIT FREE. We want men. women, boys and girls to work right in their own towus, villages and neighbor hood, ou t-n.la.ry or commission. It is a pleas ant business we offer you, aud you ueed not be awav from home over n'ght. e thall be giad tofiiinish you an outfit free to start you in bu siness in tLe world. All those who engage with us make money rapidly. You can devote your whole time or your spare moments. If you decide to engage In a paying busines, write at once for full particulars. $5 IN GOLD FOR A POSTAL CARD. The tfbove if a bona-fide offer, made to any one who will accept, and write carefully on a postal card the names and addresse of any book agent, sewing machine or fruit tree agent and send to ua. Send in the names and we will show vou how it is done. Remember, it costs but a postal card to secure this epleddid offer. Address LONDON BOOK & BIBLE HOUSE, 822 South Sixth Street. St. Louis, Mo. dl-wist Ki:r0ILT OF TIIK CONDITION Of The First Notional Hank at 1'latU- mouth, In the State of Nebraska, at the Close of Iluslnesx June '.'2, 1SH.1. HPSOl lll'KS. ltaiiHHiid discount :w 0-'7 1)7 Overdraft 3 h2 u:t I . S. Iloud to secure circulation . rs ooo no Other Mocks, bond and inortKHKo . 1 H1.1 11 Due from approved reserve aneiilii. . 37 Hi Kl Due from other National Hanks 1X 17 Due from Htatn lliinkit and hunkers 7si 4.1 Keal estate, furniture and tlx lutes.. .1 4U2 -jo Current expense, aud taxes paid 0 r,rj 73 Mills of other banks b H75 00 fractional paper ciiirency. nlikrls and K lilil s V7 70 kpeele (I 0.11 M Irf-Kal lender Rolen 3 3H.1 00 lted mplloii fund with I . S. l leas- urerib per cent of elreiilat Ion, .... 2 2M) 00 Total '..tiO KJ1 II 1.1 Allll.l T1KS. Capital slock paid Iu 9 00 Surplus fund 10 not) no I ndlvldcd profits lrt 772 l National Hunk notes fiiilvt.-iudliiK. . . 4.) ooo 00 Individual deposits euMcct to check 1)5 MD Demand ceitillcates of deposit 3.'l4itlKA Time certificates oi deposit 2S Mi 70 Due to other National Hanks 8 Mm .'lit I Hie lo State liank and hankers KUi ill Notes aud bills rc-dWcounlcd 1 WJ V!i Total ?o Ml II Statk ok Nkhuaska, i County of Cass, f I, A. W. McLauoiii.in, Canhicr of the above named bank, do solemnly sv. ear that the aoovo statement is true to the best of m v kNowlcduu aud belief. A. W. Mi'LAl (illl.irs. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ?01U , itay of .Mine, lns.1. L. S. J. Jl. hTMOPK, Notary Public. I Correct Attest : Gk.ii E. DoVKV. I ' F. K. WillTK, Directors. A. W. Mc-Lai'oiii.in. I Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order issued by tlie, district Jiulk'c, I will, on the litli day of .July, lsxl, at ' o'clock p. in., sell I he remainder of the Mock formerly owned by .1. .M. Woodson, .consisting of tea, crockery, irlatsware, elgar and More outfit, aud also one ton buy. one spring wuifou, ami one ci t Uouiue iiai i-o-s. It. W. II VIllCS, Sherltr M. A. IIautio .v, Pill's Atly. I0jil&liw2t SAGE'S AUDITION TO THE CITY of 1M.AT I S3I0UTH Valuable outlots for residenco pur poses. ' Sage's ;nl J it ion lie-j south-west of tbe cily, and all lots are very easy of access, ami high and sightly. For particulars call on E. SAGE, Pron r, AT SAGE'S IIAKUWAHU STOKE. I'lattKinouth. Xeb. M. O'CONNOR. At the down-town saloon, CPl'OSITE THE PE11KINS HOUSE, Keeps a complete line of WI TT 3E3 Liquors, AND C1GAUS, BOTTLED BEFR, ALE AND PORTER, KRUG'S OMAHA BEER, and t'ae best bra.ids of Kentucky 91 - whiskies, Opposite Terkins House, - - Plattsmotuii. ARNICA PREPARATIONS Chemistry has discovered n remedy ajjperio" to Arnica f r heailntt external eruptions. Prner ly prepared and combined, it tina pia equal as a wuuv iirepexiiuuii. JEZ.X.?. The hmhebt conden sation of arnica. Wiil speedily cure cliap hands, crackt-d ion itnd rv.uiFliiic.fkft or ino sKin.wnernor causea iroui ciimHtic innu ences or tho use of HI JtTlr CJ, COSM KTJCS. Will cure jilmpleson lucu nnl tits k, renderini; chn skin Hott anil fair. Invaluable In Hail ICIieuiii. A family remedy for cutn, burns, bruiBbu auu sores. 11 Jir.i ai. A VUMt.fi, xav. TOILET SOAP Delltflitrullr jtnr fumetl, lii(lily lii-l-icatril, Absolute ly i.ure. KeerB tbe skin from chappln? and imparts to it life end a liealtliy irlow. Unrivalled for cleaning the h :a !p and eradicating daudruff. Tbe rnotit per fect toilet soap iu the world. I'ltlCK. 25 cnt. Shaving Soap A medicated article of rare merit. Pre vent it all pimple. hpulNftMnrn fiuf n i ui .VI A K ESS If A VINO a DELIGHT. Kndorsed by Joudin Barbers, -who Btiv of It, "Without parallel as a shaving soap." Jtich in lather and lantine. Keens the Inrn und niwk fru from piujples. PJUCK 15 cts. for a lare cake. TOOTH SOAP Is without question tho most perfect sr ticle ever produced, as it not only cleans es tho t"eth thoroughly, but tho combination wi'h arnica preserves and hardens tbe frums. It gives to the breath a sweet, delicate odor. Its taste is daiicbtfuX. Price, Si 6c a bos. Ail druggists ae 1 the above articles, or we will mail them, postpaid, oa receipt ot price. C. H. STROM O ft CO., Sole Proprietors and Maufrs., Chicago. WILL J. WAKUICK. AGENT, PLATTSMOUTH, N K11KA.SK A . HKNRY BCFCK DEALEK l.N FURNITURE SAFj, CHAiRP ,TC., KTC., KTC. Of A 11 Description. METALLIC BURIAL CASE? WOODE1T COFXTsTS f all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash. 2i r fineTuearse IS NOW HEADY FOE SERVICE. With many thanks for past patron a. I Invite all to call and examine my LARGE 8T0CK OF 3ltf. FLQXTFRE A-tjCOKKIXH SEEDSi Ovr lirare wAKDEX UtlDf desrrlMng C'e' KtlnHt SH ia XBaiifa, rrce to .til. w, nBVr tha Ijnfnt Atribul In MEED PUTATOEM. Corn. OitU mill Wheat, and the hrt Colitrtian of Vegetable, Klovrrr. Grass and TreeMEEn. Kvarrthineis taxied. tV4dreai ItiLi: i: JSte. kteauaca.i'aLLa. IU WA. AR Cfl mm nnrinn ARNICA REAL ESTATE (AN D) COLLECTION AtiENCY. Law nuil collection busuies promp tly attended to at this olllco and pro ceed remitted without delay. JSotarlal work, eouveyanclng and abstracting attended to on short no tice and satisfaction guaranteed. If there is any thing we do make a specialty of, it is city and suburb -g real estate. Several flue farms aad Home wild land at bargains. Laborinu men can get a homo by Paying inoiilhii ly what they now pay lor houso rent Six choice half aero Iotn, H minute from JL It. shops, at from JfHO to ffloL each, and ou terms that would make a man ashamed to say ho did not own a house. Come and nee, you arw not compelled to buy and wo wont' give these lota away, but you can get the in ho they will absolutely cost yon noth ing. Five acre lot mile fro "pry lor city lots , 2.V) part ou time. Eleven acre lot mile from for$.V0 this Is extra line. Some good city property or out for trade for hor horses or cattle. Ten acres for .OOO 00 " " bbO 00 ' " 44 " 7.V1 00 44 44 'j:oo oo Several small tracts well improve' and adjoining the city, (or sale reasonable rates. KAKM I.AMiS. C 40 ai res, wild liOO 0O W 44 iiiiproy'd llioo s V IbO 4 4- oOOO 00 J0O '4 44 tl'-'OO 0O x ' 240 44 44 biKX) 00 V , Finest sloi k farm iu Cass countrV.' $'iOOO, long time mid low rate ol in- , tercst. f 160 acreH, wild .fi.TJlKi ; HO 44 44 TJOO ' 100 acres, wild, Rep. V'y (cimh) tlliOU ' CI TV PKOPKUTV. Cor. lot 3 bl'ks from shops (ehcupjifloO 1 44 3 44 44 44 175 'J 44 3 44 4 44 IfiO 3 cor 44 '2 44 4 44 4fi) 1 44 4 44 4 44 Yth 3 cor 44 V 44 4' 44 1M 2 44 44 N. Cth Htreet (tine) 300 2 44 44 Picnic, Hill '4 200 IJ 44 44 Washington ave4' 'Mi 1 44 44 1 bl'k from Main st extra 400 Improved city real estato in abun dance. 1 can find what you want iu thin lino if vou will call aud nee me. Business bouses and lotu for oa!o at much lower figures than will bo asked six months hence, when the di agonal is an assured success. Do not wait till the advance comes and then complain of your poor luck. Stores ana dwellings rented and for rent, rents promptly collected. 11 you don't fce what you want in this column come and usk for it. I've probably missed just what you want. Ollice open nearly every evening from 6 to 8. Good new house and two One lots in good location price, 3800. W. S. WISE, Union 3lock. 17ITII0UT MR THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TO CURErw Sr without fiWHllHniv-Piiln In Iba t-k, kip., krs4, r II Mb. ffK.rvd.us JlUII.lual.e. gmrrsl tfl.llltlr. rlinuBtalt.nt. irl.v.l.. iiriiliclf&. .-luil.-t. (Um-imk M ol ills klrfnr....lnl iIh-mu, lorpltl ll.cr, mr -alnl rmlMlwn., Imaalrai-r, .ihniB. heart dlt ?. l 7 " t 1I 4-onMifMll.n, .rl.-liia Ifidltf tlnm. krrala mr rilnrr, cinlurrli, llw, llcy., dumb mmf rl. Wl,r,..nrd:MII1r of lt. f : KVtU ATI VK ttUU 4 Oefurs. ImI Tltalllr, liu-k iTurrir fnrrm m4 l(r, wa.tlaa whL nrm-m, lad nil I !. d Wmms mf pr uaMl na(jr, frc ru wlinlover cati-, tb cvitluuoos t ret ra of Mnirrtfftl.m s'rriifnOriir tn-,--fVb In prt nutmtmilinaaa bralib at-tlu. 'Jliutalaua tulstaaa aoout tliliiliMiM-, i ABDOMINAL SUI PPORTER. Z. TO THE LADIES: It . arc aOU-tftt lib Kabaaatlaa,DraMsala,r wllb lfltraMaaf tlta I.I. ar, Klaarra. lleaslaa-ba ar'l4 a-t, tea .lira ae n r. ...if, w Fwanr. rrn,aa bixjwuuibi anfl a pair of MuarnaUc Kiaot ilattartea baa. bo iuunvr In tliraj'l'f and eura of all ttiea romplalnts. Jhrj -rrj a powan UI utayaaue lui oa w lum mm ui i mr Laaaa It ark. flralana af ba aD.. Ymti. Ini. af tha vaa a, Iraaarrbara. Lb raal I afl .twaaa hm uf l mraliu Mil v aaia, Iart4mll Urn. miaco p ia lag, ramal, aaraara aaa J r--ea;alar Maaatr-aatlaa. Hafraaatv. aai ehaatra mt l.lra. tbla U tar Haat AavUasaa aaal CantUta (aa a awwa. For all forma of Waaaala IMBfaliba It la amnir. paaaed br anjUilnt berota lnvaiilsl. botn titcutaUTa ajrar.t and aaa auaroe or pover and ntalluttoa. Prlna of rltbpr Belt with Magnetic Foot ba ttertaa, 1 1 X hmnl by azpresa U-0. 1 .and aamtntlo allowaa.or tr mail on ranip( or prioa. In oracmnkr. w-na tnvmmir ot wtiHUKinHoiriiM. Kmliujusi uawa ua auau. IM ifUT rancy, aant in latter at ournak. iMSHnwni warma-nt. aaapwo to an afas, ar 'orn ovar tiia aniar47lothinir. iu aail ta la. bady like tbe aaaay UaWaala aaa Klaaria If aaa. baa-a advertlara aa alraalvrlr I and abooUl ta tanea off at flight Tbrj bold tbalrj are worn at all aauoni or tha vaar. IVnd .tamp for the "New fx-rsirtara tb Wadleal Traat. mmt WUaeat Madlataa." alia llusiaamla ul taau-f.e THE MAOXETOTT A PPIXA NCK CO., l btate ML, Calcasru, UX JASON STREIGHT, (NaefCRHr t Htrelcbt at Millrr.) MAXCFACTT'BrB OF FINE t HEAVY HABNES. A large line or Sallies Brilles Collars Whins, to. always in stock. Repairing of all kinds neatly dene o sort notice. Main Street, between Fourth and Flttb. O. M. 8TKEIGHT. Business Managf r. Mcbanial Maoairer. rt iu i ir uri ii II IIH 2p i - w C fW H i y is i t '.I .,1 "t '4 P r 9 tfC Ul. t of tha altd 7' V-.-