T:' I c iV . h. iPMrmiHnsr, Dealek nt PLATTSlOfr HERALD. rvuumiKU nr 116 Plattsn.oi.tlL Heral Publishing: Co. MEDICINE PEHFUMEKVS, Oils, Faints, Brush ks, A full IjIiic of TriiH.se Ami in fact everything contained iu a lirHt-cHuH Drug Store. Pre scription.! carefully compound ed Competition met in all department. OrriCHL PAPKB UK Til iS CITY. Fr City and County directory. Railway Time Table. Telephone Exchang Uindue" Di rectory, Kindness. CanN Ac, wee fourth pa?. Notice to Advertisers. Copy for dllay advertisement or change In aIvTllii-iin;iit must he handed in to the business ollleu not later than 10 a. in. of the day In whlrli they are to be Inserted. Copy lor pay local ami hh-c-I;i1 notices unlet be haiiili-'t In before J p. in each day to lunure in- neiliou. Jl M. Ui MIINKI.I,. Hiimik-nh Manager. J EFT. L. STONE, (i City Editor. A. .Salisbury, IcntiMt. i .1 Cor. .Main- ai Third Ktulkts PLATTS MOUTH, SKI. SECOND HAND GOODS- J. D5VY, Will JJIJV and fcEU. all kinds of ImjRITITURE, PETALS, IE01T, RAGS AND FURS U'ill a-ivaiice money rn all SALABLE GOODS, ing- Too much weather this morn Warrick ;oes in lor decoration, and Ima a hi if white mortar painted on the .sidewalk in front of his store. The lnt lUginient Nebraska, Nationtd (uards will hold their annual encamp incut at Crete sometime in August. Thompson's Fire Escape has cap lured the New York people, which is evidenced by the accounts iven in all the New York papers, of a recent tet. -s Mrs. Henry rfchuloff received a dis patch this inuruiii" summoning her to the bedside of her son-iii-law, S. C. Lewis, of Louisville, who was not ex- pected to live. District, Rj A. I f,,r Julv r - n lower Main street. t poult The Old Vuktt JJi, '... riattMiioiitli. Feb. 1st, 1883 it.:. We have received the union program of the U. J. 4 and oth, ut keeping "Vater. The work is Iroui the Weeping Water Ke publiran, and 13 a neat nobby job. Our (i. A. It. Tost have made extensive ar rangements to be present at the reunion and tho boys arc execling a good time. HOTEL.- CITY HOTEL. Thi-i beautiful three story brick atructure, on .oa.t Mrfi.l street. Ii;i4 just beeu hiiLshed auj OtteJ up for the accommodation of TRANSIENT CU8T0JIE11H. AND KEfJrL.ilt BOAUDEIIS. EVERY THING NEW AND CLEAN A Good Bar laeonnith tbe :T. I KED (;0Of. I'ropr. LUMBER, The County judge Saturday issued a marriage license to Air. llobert C. Van Cleave, of Lincoln, and Miss Emma I lesser, of this place. The marriage occurred today at 12 o'clock, at the residence of W. J. Ilesser. Tho IIkk- Ali) extends congratulations. CALL AT THE Old Reliable The Herald desires to call the atten tion to Main street between Sixth and Seventh, the wash has guttered the street out very badly. We kROw our street forces are doing everything the' can. but call attention to this street that it may be attended to at au caiiv a day as possible. Our Summer Boarders as presented at the opera house Saturday evening was one ot those plavs commencing with nothing and ending with nothing, yet furnishing laughter throughout. A fair audience greeted the'eomnauv and just fair applause was tendered the hits which were made specialties on that occasion. LUMBERYARD H. A. FATHRMAM & SON Wholes i!e an.tJKetall Dealer In -PINE LUMBER SHJ NULL'S, LATH, SASH, DUOitS HUMUS. &. Alinnle O'Brien and Ada Jfoore were before the police court today ou the charge of being inmates of a house of ill fame. The conrt found them guilty and lined each 33 and costs, amount ing to f 12.70. Not having the surplus lucre to spare, they have taken up their abode at the city boarding house. A warrant was also issued for Aire. Moore fore being the keeper of the house, and she will be given a hearing at 5 o'clock. Fourth M !: it. ttartf Optra iloi.x . PL ATTSM ( I T II. NKPKA-i - CIGARS. Just Received KINK LINK OF MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES ' OF 1IUE(T IIJI'OKT.VTION. A Challenge 5c Cigar, S tally made for tb retail ttr. I- nly. -; Pepperberg's Cigar Factory. EOOHJ AND SHOES. The proprietors of the Cass County iron v oru 8 propose to place one ot their new caking stoves ou exhibi tion ut Duke's hardwaie store, that the people may see what they can and are doing. This we take it, is the first cooking stove made in Nebraska, and uow thtte men should have every eu courage ment. On account of" ihe noreli v of having the lirst stove m:ide in the tat?. it is proposed to put this j stoyt- up at lifty dollars, and sell tickets j at one dollar each, and then raflle the i san e oh. Here is a chance tor some of our newly married friend obtamiiig a nirv stove, nicely finished, for one doi'ar. Commissioners Proceedings ilo.NDAr, June 4, 1883. Hoard met pursuant to adjournment. Present full board and J. W. Jen nings, clerk, by Wm. L. Brown, deputy. The minutes of the meetings ol Mav 1st and Su, read and approved. The following claims were allowed on the county general fund: WL Wells etal in case Iteed Bros vs Cass Co et al $ i2 20 State of Neb vs Isaac McCarty 45 13 " ' " " Maud Emery 67 03 " " " " Andrew JClapp 427 43 .4 u a j ( Sliarp 10 63 " " " ' Geo Stuart 10 83 John Black 6 3 " Edward Everett 85 23 " Eliza So wards 481 'JS " Charles Jones. . CO 78 " II Sweeney 34 43 " MMcGuiro ... 30 43 . .. 4. 4. c c aliarii yy i8 Cjirand jury for ilay term dist court 1C0 70 Witnesses bet ore grand jury.. lol 70 Petit jury for May term (list cwurt 725 60 W CShowalter et al 58 42 It O Gordon, assessing Center pneiuct 104 04 W N Trumble assessing Tipton precinct i09 53 (1 A Hay, assessing South Bend precinct 117 86 O W Liltighlin, assessing Salt Creek precinct 142 J0 U XV Calvin, assessing Mr. Pleasant precinct 86 32 G N Larue, assessing Liberty precinct 96 52 M M llorten, assessing Stove Creek precinct 116 68 Geo F Switzer assessing Avoca precinct 87 98 C Snyder assessing Eight Mile Grove precinct 94 64 L C EickholF assessing Louis ville precinct 75 72 J Yallery, Jr. assessing Platts- mouth precinct 156 22 P .Sherman assessing (ilenwod precinct 119 46 S W Orton assessing Weeping Water precinct 128 92 Stephen Hellish assessing Elm wood precinct 106 16 I Jnapp digging graves for paupers 5 00 I' L White coal for paupers. . . 13 00 m A llendricksou laying out roads ; . 7 30 U V Mathews nails t&c for Co 4 95 C II Parmele wood for poor house 16 00 IJ L Johnson collecting delin quent taxes ' 50 21 A B Todd mdse tor county . . 8 70 D J Porter labor at jail 12 00 John Sharp boarding paupers 77 62 J V Week bach mdse, rent, etc 87 28 A It Smith hoarding pauper.. 18 00 Fred Stadh nian boarding jury 25 50 Edwin Davis kalsomining poor house 17 50 Peter Merges shoes for pauper 1 65 J W Jennings.expense account, salary etc 125 16 J P Young mdse for county. . . 17 20 A P Weston work and material for county road 13 00 Emeline P Kockwood rent court room $75 00 Wm H Newell, expense account 13 78 W A Packard, med. services to poor 10 75 J E Morrison fee in case state vs Everett. 35 00 liiu ot umana tepuDiican laid over until July meeting. Bill of Reed Bros, laid over until July meeting. An order was allowed to G PERSONALS. Mis. Wheeler, and I). H. Jr.. are do ing Omaha today. Judge Vanatta returned home from Omaha this morning. John C. Morrissey was a p.issenger to Omaha this morning. RACING UP A FRONT VALL. Woster.i Man's Invention hlbltod at tho Homeoftho Hyenas. Ex- The spectacle ol a man apparently SCalinc )l tirifL- uroll no lirw. ., JL . u. l'erry returned from h;s Omaha cen.u tei - -"I- - I k II 111. I.I tl 1. L'tT.lL w t 4 f trip, this morning. John A. MacMurphy, in his leisure moments made the Herald a pleas ant call this morning. Dr. M. M. Butler, of Weeping Water, Chairman of the county Republican Central Committee, is in the city to day. Bi Yeomnns and Sam Itipley, of Weeping Water, are doing Plattsmouth today. " 'Squire " Smalley, of Cedar Creek, is shaking bands with Plattsmouth friends today. Peter Mum went up to Lincoln Sat urday night, spent the Sabbath, and returned this morning. Ed. Baurn made his regular trip to Lincoln Saturday night and returned this morning all O. K. Capt. Hoover, of Louisville, is in the city today, and gave tho Herald office u pleasant call. Mrs. W. II. Stout, of Do Witt, sister of Goo. Staat, spent the Sabbaih here with relatives, and w ill leave this even ing for Illinois. George Clark, a former i citizen of Plattflinoulhi bul now of Omaha, who' crowd near the postollicu yesterday. Politicians crowded ttio doorways of the Hyena Club rooms at No. 17 Park Bow, and were happy. President Ed ward Cuhiir was the busiest man in New York. lie, was answering the questions of twenty men more raTidly than Clerk Maloney can read the dil utes of tho board of aldermen. The steward of tho club had a staff of em ployes emptying champagne into chilled glasses. Detective Sergeant Hickey leaned against a telegraph pole and consulted with e.v Alderiiiau Mich las Laugdon. Amos. J. Cumiuings was as solemn as a car horse, and lis tened to the whisperings of the veteran Captain Charles Belaud. Edward Kearney, president ol the blossoms, and Charles 11. Swan, the custodian of Tammany's secrets, warbled airs from "The (Queen's Lace Handkerchief." Count von Biimmer raised his hat and saluted the vast gathering. A tall, modest western man moved about as though ho had a duty to perform. This was George H. Thompson, of Platts mouth. at the solicitations of friends he was called upon to examine 480 diil'er en; styles of tire escapes. Among that number he iound none that seemed to be worthy' of the nalno. He therefore invented one, and after placing them on tne outer walls ot the special onci:s. AtvertlsmmiM under tbl head, three rent -r line each lii.tri lion. NOTICKOF ICKMOVAU J will reiuo e my lock of Jewelry, on or about July r.ih lo MierwooU'a new block. flr-t door on Fifth HI., where 1 will be pleased to nee all my old custo mers and uiauy new one. ery truly your. 1 4. C. KliH' ds.'.tf ham. ..Y.- Iuiilie of It, iC K.N. Wliid- lfONKV T M).VN-On real estate by Sulli van &. Wooley. If Imj aire of U'.tf POKHAI.K-A fresli uillch oo r U. 11. Windham. IOIt SAI.K-Hcrateh Tablets i'i all rlr.en. at thlsolUce. t. tf FOIt KKNT-A house, iu.iilie of It. J!. Wind ham. IOit KKNTKKS- Look at WboVii ad. and es ieelally the half acre lots and the terms. LVHC HALK a lol in j;ood location. I'ai tleu A lai'K at this otllcu imf IOK .SALK An order for a new American - iSewi iik Machine. Innuiie at thlsolllce. Iiuiuiie of tr REAL ESTATE -(AND) COMjKCTIO.N a oKxcyjiU V JOK SALK l.iNW cords of wood. W. S. W is,- POKHALE-i al 10 10 cents en. Id paper for sale at thin ollice er iiiiiidred or 0 ceut per loz- tf Ioca- tnoe tf VOK SALK Four hits together in uori A tl. n in thi city. Inquire at thin oifl key. uutf Owner can re- ly payiiiB HOUND -A Yale lock m ceive his iiroptuty at this ollice lur inirt notice. r ANTKD A Kod cook or diiiinii room ulrl ,f at Stalelmaun'.s itcf tain. int. ssitf lY'A.NTKD Two hlacksmiths and a Idaek 1 Miiitli helper at tSchuellhach-r' shop, sotf 11 A.NT1.D-Day hoarders at Ktadlviiiann'ft KHtauaiit! IvaMinable teliiiH. Tlie best of lioard ut 7i-dtf. has been in the city visiting fo seVeraH'r. days, returned 4o his homt this t morn1 1 with them. VMks" - . J IIV1U. JVU -J lllllUltlU Fire Escape that, was on., exhibition at No. 17 Park-Bow,-the home of the Hy enas. The escape is a little iron-' box the size of two bricksi and is intended to take the place of two bricks in the wall of a building. A box is placed in every fifth row 'of bricks, and between the windows.' The doors open at the touch of the hand or foot, and a com plete and invisible ladder is in use at once. Tho hand clutches an iron bar in the box beneath, It i3 one of the most simple of contrivances. It does not disfigure the building, as the doors of the boxes, are painted the same color as the bricks, and the passer-by would never suspect that a tire-escape was buried in the wall where the boxes are placed. Burglar alarms are attached to the boxes bo that the festive burglar would find the fire es cape no escape for him. At the exhibi tion representatives of the fire depart ment were in attendance, and the spec tators marvelled at the celebrity with which men raced up and down the front wall. New York Morning Journal. i Wm. L. Wells, of South liend,' Camd in to see us today, and made the old IIekald a pleasant call. He reports crops in fair condition in the South Bend neighborhood. F. M. Ilulburd, of the U. S. Engin eer Corps, of Cincinnati, Ohio, is in the city. Mr. Ilulburd has landed in terests in old Cass, and will spend a portion of the summer here, for the improvement of his health as well as his acres. Geo. Ilouseworth returned Saturday evening from a ten days' visit to his old home ia Burlington. His mother and sister Birdie accompanied him back, and will make quite an extended visit among friends and acquaintances in Plattsmouth and Omaha. Louisville Items. ll' A.sTKD- Jolin ISauer lias bought theStohl ' man place, cornel of 7th and . VJuu. and Is TCI 'Bared to uecimiinod ite the public in the w ay or boarding and lo lKing by the wx-ck or mouth. loml , , OST Five dollarx reward, a reticule eon tainini; keys, &e'. Same wan lost, in thin city Sunday. Five dollars rew ard to Under who w ill leave name at the post ollice U7 lit '. All. kinds of fire works at Warrick's 103 dO-wit ' We guarantee to discount all Irlce.i oii Clothing )y lO 'per cent. S.&CJIajcr. Opera House C'lollilci s Cheapest place in town io buy fire works is at Warrick's. 10X dG-wft . A Square Jtteal Can be had at the City Hotel for onlyj j-t cents anil lodging at same reasonable rates. Farmers and Commercial .VJe.-i Will please bear this in mind. iktivll' Brenner's Lewis'. Crackers at Bennett ' I; Law and colleclion business nromi) tly attended to at thin ollleo And pro cceds remitted without delay. Notarial work, conveyancing nn3 abstracting attended to ou short hot tire and satisaction guaranteed. , ii mere is any tiling wo io make t specialty of, it is city and suburb -r'1 real estate. Several lino farms aad some wild land ut barguins. Lnborinn' nicii can get a homo by paying monthu.; ly what they now pay lor houso rent Six choice half aero lotn, 8 mlniitos from IL K. fdiopn, at from $80 to $15t each, and on terms that would make; a man ashamed to Bay ho did not owlii n house. Come aud see, you aru not compelled to buy and wo wont.' give ; th'so lots away, but you eun get tliemri so they will absolutely cost you noth lug. . . i.':.... . i... i ...ti r r. - iA J'lU IUL IIIHU $250 part on timt:.' ' " Eleven ncro lot h milo for $550 this is extra fine. . Souio gooil city properly or out for trade for hor horses or cattle. ' Ten acres for $ 500 00 O 4 Ul " " " 750 00 " " " 25W 00 Several small tracts well improved and adjoining the city, for salo at reasonable rates. FARM LANDK. acres, wild 600 00 Jinproy'd 1G00 00 rooo oo 6200 00 " " :60jo (H) Finest stock farm, in Cass f 16000, long time aud low rate forest. ' 11) ai res, wild , ltfoftej-cs, wild, Ke, ... . . ! fiXY l'KO ..t Cor. lot from city for '?: from city lots 10 80 160 200 210. r . i 1 5 1 i 'J county I ol i-i- ' $3200 AND BEPAIKING AT Sherwood'S Train No. 3 which went west from here Saturday night, was delayed near Hastings two or three hours during the hardest part of the storm, which was much more severe in that vicinity than in this. The wind was so strong, and blowing In the right direction that about a dozen freight cars were sent rolling down the track. Three of them were ditched, which stopped the rest wiin one exception, which came on down the track alone. The storm was a-) blinding that the engineer could not ge the car soon enough to stop thetiain; but he reversed his engine and put on the air brake which checked tnespeet so that no serious, if any, damage was done. These are trying times to railroad men. v The rain of Sunday moining caused something less thar. a quarter section of earth aud stons to tear loose from Mo ther earth and slid-; from the bluiTdowu on to the railroad track, about half way between A6hlaud and South Bend, just as a freight train was passing. The eu- ginc had passed, but the tender and several freight cars were caught and part ot it dumped into the river. Xo one was injured but it was a narrow es cape. The engineer, whose name is Kavnor, is the voungest engineer on the road, but can now hold an "experi ence meeting' with any of them. This morning. Road Muiter Taylor had the wreck cleared away so that the road was passable. Who is the fellow from Weeping Water who writes the Omaha Herald that Weeping Water people are going to Lincoln to spend the Fourth of July. The IIkrald expects lo go to find everybody at home. L A TTS MOUTH, NEBRASKA. Sunday morn was ushered in with thunder and rain, vet still tbe boys got onto the bottom to play base ball and rry put ud a dollar that a certain nine would win. The play showed that ha had put up Lis "kopecks on the win ning side; but the party with whom ER NST WAGNKR heckel. when Fry seized a bat and Ioiu neavy oat,iing anu got. nis money. All this it is thought grew out of the mumping uiiuora gave a couple or -and I ooozy ones wno were poking arou na I the denot Saturday afternoon. We SUPERINTENDENT l00k for fHir weatT.ie' ,now- M. Flow er, over&eer district No. 50, on Beardsly & Davis for 2,000 feet of lumber, and on J Chase for 50 lbs spikes. Order allowed Milton Ervin, overseer district 39 for use of district 10. Order allowed A. P. Weston for work and material on county road district 59, $13. Order allowed C. B. Brush, overseer district 44, for use of district $40. An order allowed William Janmon overseer district 33 for use of district $30. Order allowed Ilcnry F. Taylor, overseer district 59, for use of district 30. Order allowed Amasa P. Ilaskins, overseer district 43, tor use of district $12 Order allowed Orlando Teffl; over seer of district 56, tor use of district 89. Order allowed Orlando Tefft, over seer district 56 for 1,100 feet of lum ber. Order allowed W. J. White, repairing bridges $1,14::.75. Bids for the construction of bridges in accordance with the surveys made by Geo. W. Fairfield, county surveyor. of the locations and dimensions now on file with the couuty clerk, and the con tract was awarded to W. J. White, he to build all piling bridges for 6 per lineal foot of floor measurement, and $7 per lineal foot for all trus3 bridges if paid on any cash fund. If paid on bridge fund of Cass count v, 5 per cent to be added. The bond of W. J. White lor faithful performance of such con tract with A, W. White i::id F, E- White as sureties, approved. Board adjourned to meet Tuesday morning June 5, to s:t as a board of equalization. J. . Jknnixgs. By W. L. Browne, Clerk. Deputy. We are not away yet, though our gardens have suffered some and cellars have been filled a few times. The roof of Cutforth's building took flight Saturday morning, and a few trees were blown down. No other damage by the wind. The Missouri Pacific II. It. is in a bad shape. There is a wabhout here of several hundred feet in length, and there are several miles of track gone from Tannage south. They do not ex pect to be able to run a through train for ten days or two weeks. Trains will probably run m a few days from Omaha as far south as they can get. Farmers have suffered to some ex tent. Listed corn where ihe rows run up ana aown niu is niosiiy gone. Weeds are getting a good fart and farmers say they mustplu.t or mow soon. Capt. Iloovei's largest fis.'i pond waj nearly emptied by the dam giving way. His carp were in a smaller pond, and hence they were saved. Capt.says ho will put in a dam now that will stand any flood. Bridges on wagon roads are gener ally gone. Supervisors are doing their best, but lack of lumber makes it im possible to get all roads in good condi tion for some time yet. 'Gene May field went to St Joe to the German Saengerfest. lie got back last night, having walked a good share of the distauce, and waded creeks aud mud waist deep. 'Gene looks as though he had gone through the flood. Several others got bank Wednesday by coming around through Iowa. A German church on the Callahan creek, southwest of here, was struck by lightning and burned Saturday night. Loss, Sl.000. Skeduxk. FOR. SAI.i:. S.ot H ahil :g in Itlock 41, Improved. d07 ft. 12. WIIVIKIA.ll. 1 2 3 cor 1 3 cor 2 " V'y (cash) $1300 'EKTY. 1 bl'ks from .shops' (chcnp)$100 t t. u . it ARCHITECTURAL WORK A SPCCIAL.TY- Plt.n ail Mpeciacatioa will be carefully carried out. and full attention wilt tw givea M to safety and durability. LE0.8 Q. FAIVT1XC The Manager! Caned. The Business Manager of the IIfk ald was presented with a $15,00 cano by Jap Smith thi morning and truly etxends his thanks for tbe same. The cane is a beautiful ivory headed cane Astronomy. A man up in Platte county, this state ias c aught on to a new idea about the etherial bodies. lie knows just what comets are for, while all our best astronomers have called these wander ers erratic and something past fimiiucr out, this new astronomer without an observatory or telescope unravels the mvstery just as easy us falling off a log. Comets are f.ir the sole purpose ot keeping tbe solar system in balance, at tunes he states that all the planets get on one side of the sun, when in rushes a comet and keeps things from becoming lop-sided. Our fears are gone now and we shall sleep better than we have hitherto. Ave have always thought that there wae dancer of the planets congregating too much on one side, especially during some exciting political campaign aud yanking this world of ours into no o'lt of space, but this comet business comes in op portunely and brings the recalcitrant one-sided worlds to taw. Yes, we are happy now. Real estate and town lots have advanced iu price in Platte county since this writer in the Columbus Jour nal has advanced this theory. In Oil. Water Colors. Cravon And PenciL A rumor is rife on the streets today that Peter Gru.ber, living near Factory vjlle, wa drowned last night while at tempting to assist some of his stock, which was suffering by the flood.. No particulars can be obtained, and the IlEEALD hopes to note that it. ia a false I a'frra, amounting to not Tho Pasturage Grounds And it was ro. The city bought a pound in whica to impound the vast herd of cattle aud horses which graze upon the streets, and ourlots and inlots of the vast grazing fields of Plattsmouth and the cow boys whose duty it is to impound said stock, w.tuder up and down Main street from Sixth street to the depot, where the Hood has swept away the last vestige of everything green, and mourn because tlu grass and the cattle arc not there, whi! out in the streets and lots and out houses in other localities the frisky cow, t!ie nar row, guage pliir, the atienuated hog, the two ply mule biowsa the street. oreak aown ine trees, root up tne gar den, pack olfthe gate and kick a hole in the firmaucnt as they thrust their hind feet at the watch dog, who alone is at his post as guardian of his domicde. And it is so that there is so much that need watching from Sixth street c-u Main street to the depot that ail 2r:,:.id ians of the law are kept busy ilicre to the exclusion of all othor places tnd more so, all other h'0alitie. are so'cj.iiet and orderly th'U thev obey the law Without Aching, and earn the nir.nev to pay for watching the evil djers oil Main street. An Ohio Editor on the Excursion- As consciousness and day dawns up on us, we find ourselves nearing the western boundary of Iowa. The fact that a change of air and scenery, coupled with our ride, in no way di minishes the appetite, was displayed as the party took their seats in the dinning car that morning. At 9 o'clock wc ar rived at Pacific Junction, where we cross the muddy .Missouri- river on one of the finest bridges ever constructed, and enter the city of Plattsmouth, Ne braska. From the 6tart we were led to believe that outside of the courtesies extended to us by the Burlington road we would ue turown entirely upon our own resources and our surprise can readily be imagined when, upon pulling lip to the depot in Plattsmouth wo found upon the platform about half of her population (which numbers six thousaud), with a band ot niuic and carriages to convey us about the beau tiful little citv which nestles anion r tho hills and foliage, and decked wiiu! neat arid substantial dwellings. Upon j alighting foom tlie train Mayor ijeo. , S. bmith s'epped forward, and m a very neat speech gave us a warm wel come to thij city of seven hills." In a hasty driyc through the well-kept streets wo found a thriving little city, with numerous industries, which give employment to her people, prominent among . hicli are tne Durlington and .Missouri shop.?, which alone employ four hundred msu, and where every thing which goes to make up a railroad train Js made. Having given three h.-firty cheers for the hospitable littie city, we retraced our course to Pacific Junction, and are soon on our way to Council BlulTs. Defiance, O. Times. Old papers for .: le at this ollice at forty cents per hundred. It will pay you to read Wise's col umn in this pape-, you may find just what you want. 39ti BANKS. John Fitzgerald, a. v. Mclaughlin President. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL OF FLATTS.MOUTII. NEBRASKA, Oilers tlie very best facilities for the prompt i transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. St'ieks, Bonds, Gold, Government and Loca .Securities Hou;li t and Sold, Deposits receiv ed and interest allowed on time Cert 111 catct. Drafts drawn, available in any Dai t of the United States and all 1 the principal towns of Europe. it ' N. Cth idreet (fine) ' Picnic Hill " 175 150 450 175 150 300 200 U " " Washington ave" 350 1 " "1 bl'k from Mum st extra 400 Improved city real estate iu abun dance. I can find what you want in this lino if you will call ami hcc inc. Business houses aud lots for sale at much lower figures than will ! asked six mouths hence, when the di agonal is an assured success. I)o not wait till the advance comes and then complain of your poor luck. Stores and dwellings rented and for rent, rents promptly collected. If you don't see what you want in this column come and ask for it. I've probably missed just what you want. Office open nearly eycry evening from 6 to 8. Good new house and two fine lots in good location price, .5800. W. S. WISE, Union lock. Collections made & promptly remitted. fiii Uest market prices paid for County War rants, State ai.d County bonds. DIRECTORS : John Fitzgerald A. K. John It. Clark. K. O. Geo. E. Dovey, F. E. A. 7 aicLauufilin. Touzalin .'llsllil:g v nne. If. fixed Main Street. when fh hill on Main street is up, the water be turned from the street to gutteis at each side of the street, tiic.se iruit-.-rs have plated in them boards, set 'a th edge across the gu'.rer aii'i sutiK b t;.e upp:-r oe is even with the bottom of the irutter, aud these boards be pUce.d six fi e:, apart. they will save the sime from washing into gre-it .avit:s. A little pains here md i WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER, - NEB. E. L. REED, President. B. A. GIBSON, Vice-Prt sident. R. S. WILKINSON. Cashier. H-V can tvi.:l to the '-iff. The Cass Connty Cook Stove- The first stove made in Cass county is on exhibition at the hardware store of Jno. Duke. It is christened the "Cass county." and is a neat, smooth job, cast and put together at the Cass couuty iion works. George Schrader, of Three Groves, says he has lived in Cass coun ty since the early days, when cotton -wood was a legal tender for currency and coru brsad a luxury, and he can hare it to say he helped carry the first cooking stove manufactured in Nebras ka in Mr. Duke's store for exhibition. Belligerent. On Saturday evening rt about 11 o' clock p. m, two yo:ng nun met on Chicago avenue and engaged in a fH tick discussion ub'j'nt a young lady. It is ever thu that woman stirs up trouble. Tt;e.-e voting n:n. now are up in ordinary, aud neither of them can call on the fair one, as each of tlii?;!i carries his eve In a sling. The Boys. Master Dutton and Tutt have a tele graph line from the house of the oae to the house ot the other, and put in their leisure moments conversing with each other and learning the art. This is epmmcndablc, while amusing the boys, they are learning to be useful; and aside from this, engaging the mind and keep ing them out of mischief. .- Major Wheeler is improving the ap pearance of his place by trimming tbe Geo. Ma;- field, of Louisville, is so full of business cares, and so thoroughly wrought up over :he prt-scjnt political aspects, that be really can't tell the difference bt-tvveet a potato patch and Oreapolis Plattsmouth Herald. Thanks to the Plattsmouth IIekald for your misrepresentation. You are very generous iu your compliments. The reporter; "Tip Top," I must admit was so badly nixed that he could not tell the difference between Orepoalis, politics, or a potato patch. In fact he could not tell the difference between a bottle and a revolver; for as an old German-drew a bottle out of his hip pocket, 4i Tip" threw up his hands and in airony exclaimed, u for God's sake don't shoot, for I am not fit to die." He fired, and "Tip" smiled Louis ville Observer. j . The Observer is mistaken " he. never smiled again." We leave the matter to Capt. Hoover as referee. A General Banimi Business DEPON1TH Keceived Transacted. Driiwn St:i".' . and Interest allowed on Time Certt flcatcs. 1)KAFT available in any part f the United ud all the principal cities nf Kurope. Agents for the celebrated Mm Line of Steamers. tlinc mnrn than Lhisr-Smf tyiwnrd -r4 ytvy If rteZ!!!K tgg inaipa Ou the 4th of July the IS. & M.- R. It. will follow its usual custom and sell Excursion '.tickets at haif rates be tween all stations in Nebraska, not over two hundred miles apart Tick ets will be sold on July 3d and 4th, good to return on or before Jul' 5th, at full fare one way for the round trip.- Childrn under 12 years of ageue half that rate. Bank Cass County Cotner'Alaia and Sixth Stiecta. PLATTSMOUTH - LTsTIEIB j JOHN "BLACK. President. ) J. M. PATTEIiSON. Cashier. ( Transacts a General MWug Business. HIGHEST CASH PBICE Paul for County and City War. -ants, COLLECTION MAI1K and promptly remitted for. DiitEccTons : Ji.hr. Black. J. M. Patterson, C. H.Parnel F. K. Guthmanii, J. Morrissey, A. B. mith. Fied Gorder. SAGE'S ADDITION TO THE ( 1T1 of I'L ATTS3I0UTJ1 Valuable outlots for residence pur pose. Sage's addition lies south-west of tli? city, and all lots are very easy of acccr-s, and high and sightly. Tor particulars call on E. SAGE, Pron'r, AT SAGE'S HARDWARE STORE, Plattsmouth. Neb. VITHQUTi.iDICirE THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TO CUBEMrsfc wltnantmAdlcInn I'aln la thakaek. lalps. beaif. i in. o, arrraa. oriiiitr,iuaDHfo. gnerai oeonity , rkeuiaatlam. paralysis, ruraliils, arlatli-a, 41ea aaoi the kldac-TS,splnal dlaeawM. torpid II .r. a-vac" eailaal eatlaalva. Iiapotrnr,, utbiM, hrmrt dta tloa. hernia ep ruptura, siarrfc, ifUam, apllcs, dumb asur. rt. When antdebllitr of the CEVER ATIVEORO A Oocura. loat vltalllr. lark tfacm forra aaa vla-aiv wa.tlaar Mii., aad all those dlsraaea ifiKr. aoaal aature. from vli.ttver cttuM. tlia contlliuoua tnsim of Mssmetlfm permratifi? throws;!, taa parta a.tp.UM thtsi la k 1 1 h v u'tiM. Tiittra Ltua , uu.w.,wvui t g 'tis in if i M. O'CONNOR. " At the down-town saloon, OPPOSITE THE PERKINS HOUSE, Keeps a complete line of UW 3. 1ST S3 S. liquors, MWair CO LAD,fcMAGNETIC ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. - TO THE UDIES: AND CIGARS, BOTTLED BEER; ALE AND PORTER. KING'S, -02IAHA - - , CZJm In tne rullef an'l cure of all thrsv rxiirplaints. Tliy rirj a ywacinui lusipieue lurca w u aeai m ut (lie- aaa. For Lame Back. Wrabarss mf th Uplne, Vall ina. of the wobbb. Levearrhsra. Chruale IiBibbb. Uob aad llswratioa ofthe Uosk, larldratai II ess. rrhsce er Fleedlac Palafal. espprrsscd aad lr rrsrulsr jlenstrnatlua. liarreaBrss. aad pbi.r. t Lira, tala la UrUest AppUaaca .tad C strati Afosl Jsaowa. t or all forms of Fratale DMBetjItlea It to nnirep passed by anything berure Invented, both as a curatir atfabtaiidaaaaourccornosrvrand nultu'ioii. Prlre of either Belt with Mamu-Uc Toot battuiiM. 1 X Bent by expreaaC.O. U..anl ezamlii.Uun allowed. or br roall oo receipt of price. In ordrrniir. -nJ menaare ot valst and sice of sh9. Remlttaoeecaa be wade iu cur. rency, sent In letter at our rick. Tbe Uaa-naton Garments are adapted to all ajrea. are Worn Over tba nntnrlnt.h1n . . . l --"r ia May walranls aad Kleatrie V " BdrarHssd ae seBsrIi and hf . taken off at nltcht. They hold thArpawmrfajS -are worn at all seasons of the year. 1.' beno-tamp for the "Sew twnartnre mens n lUieai JtasUelas, ' witU Uio uaJs. X. 4 I ! i; i i t V: t ii ; r i 'ii V- I I I - 1 1 DREW i BUILDING, PLATTSMUOTH i' j ryvoiiuujvu . 3 ic convention ?' e. LV r