y & 11 i I I 'A V -r - bvl7tijiie'-,54VL. DHUGGIIiT. I)i;.i-!.ic ki mkdicini:, ii-:i:n'Mi-:i:vs, ( )n, I'ain Ill: i 1 - , All. I ill la. t v . r thing . '.liliiiiK d ill h lir-l-cli-, I)i i. tr More I'r- pf f 1 P ' : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' rotii J ')! l II I ('I. ( " 1 1 1 1. -i j imi met in .'.:tiiiei;t.-. ( .o:. i 1 II! 1 TTv i h; SJL.CO.D 1IAMD GOOiji V.'ill J;i:V .:i;. . I'.I.L all kiii'Ts of furniture it: :ij"i; all i ". j rt . -.1 .-ill. f. 77.- ; -a i ! ..'- '.'.' J'.ilililill'J. 1 Jatl:!; l.-t. 1-3::- JilLf. j ! j ! -.m.l AT Tin: Old Reliable U 0, tTi " n v fTS J R p aCK NX r-: r4i V; tf ; nM hijti j) lr I ; ;- l Q ' j rDvfiT7MT T ' yr-Ti "Tj1W DTrjp't i LfiUUIlAU .1 ii ii L1 tlfliiiU FliL) ; r . ! d- 1 -1'11, l,( JrlIN Lii L, U iVL h5 tL r : ( V-i.; ... f i t' . - . j l'.-'.i... Four:!; -': i i m ' ' i ' ' -. . i . ., ry rLA'i T-Mor ni, - r-n :!!: a :;!' 1 I J IfCTEf.. h s -a::: Xhl-i t.. ;:;i..: .: -:e: 1 ,.. -: o..--jr". .i ';':,!- iower M.ii !-::-.:. Ii i- . -' ! : " "-.! "fi- -v. V . " . - ,. ... .- .i. . .. " 1 .. l':.-l. Th. 1 III.'. I I.Al. l.).lKl!'di r i EVERY THING m AND CLilAll 7 A Gootl Bar s "V. r: I l lit. I'll I " I iJOOS. I'ror ciG.ns- i S - Just Eeceived j iL l A I INi: 1.1 NE or I ( J A Challenge 5c CigarJS;;;;: 4 S luny...5'.aef.-:::., r.:a::u - .a;-,at j Pepperberg's Giirar Factory ; ,nwo hl VJ a:; i) ! . AT i F VTlYUif 5 ! Ill TV -:-,'jr' LJX $ X. wmmmm, I V ' PhATTsJiouTih N"i:hhasica. I H Ziffh State &Kcr.rccS:4..CWca:3.2 yOb PLATTSMOUTH HERALD. rrr.i.i - 1 1 1 : f n.vn.Y am wi:i:i:ly Tiic riallsraonlii Herald Pnfclis&iM Co. I'or C't i'"l I'ouiii V ! 'ii i l l ! , Kail wiy Till'"' 'l'.ii!'-i. T.'l'iniii" Kvh.i liii-iiii'-i 1)1- r.-i-ti.ry, It'i-lm-s I "ml. ,v .., - I - 1 1 ! I ! ;!!. Ji:t l I. STONII. - City i2litr Notico to Advertisers. '''! fr IKil.-v :n! . j ! i . im-j t- nr Ti.-:it - '- in ail wi I is.'iiii-nt - mil -1 Ii.iiil'-t l.i 1 Mi. I. ii , mi-- M,!i-c I.e. i- I li.ni u it. of '. v in w lii'-u I iii-v :ui' In l.i- in-Tlt. lijiv I i y I i'mI- ai.il --;.i I i;iii. s i,.nl 1,'c !i. i.il.- l in I... lot .. i ...;t !i i., in ii mn- m-.- i iH'ii i I M . i:i -ii n i-1. 1., I'.ii-im-i M.IIl;i'4iT. 4. S:ilislur.v, IX-nMs!. A - 1 :i!Hi-l II til- hall 'I'l'.i-., so pall! hot ;. nil! .':) and dry W al In-.-. 'II. train Imlli -. lit- -1 ipii-' :,; i i -il h ii ! v b I" i if hi.-- cll'j i-1--. :)!'! lie- -.n 1. water hit 11- t and .-.t tins iiiri -nail v I t r -' TI.o vci ii i say lii. on t lu ll. a -i I) o. ,,C 1 y ari- : L'MII".' ill li iys siai t I i" ir M.d pii il this in .1 iiing", ami h.g th-ir '"whole. W.; ' '1 ! Mayor's Proclamation should meet witli a general endorsement, ami tin' bu-int-s houses close to morrow, giving nil iii oppoi tunity to partici pate iu the memorial ceremonies. i. i -I tiiis morning a copy of th.- I'.::-.!. Ji'ilerprisc, published at by Coryell Wiiil-Ts, two eii- ; i ou!i; i : : t i i . 'J'lii:-: is a new '. ; ii; a!;i! t!i.- Ii'.ys j.n'sciil a ciy a. -st. !.;".v i" !)!'.'(". !;!i,-.'i'ss to l):r Mi-s Il.ttJiu I"u!aiji-i Mini ir(-. ri i. I will In- o; :m il M )Mi IV ia tin? I'ir-i V:ml m-Ij.ii.1 laiiisj-. Mis Haiti -ii .ii n vi '!! v iiopiilnr wiili tin littli- u-i aa I .!. iiU-.I! v -Hi a- I i iu lii-r, aail Iht clli-rls in tliis iiir-t lii: will In- ;i; H(." iatcil, ami ri-cciye !(' ini ina it s j:Hllv nifiii.;. tha Tlicd. A. II. haw h'iri io in o I t .-1 i i i : i a ijtiantlty of i'liiVLTj of W. .J. IirssiT, imi liit-v earnestly n'ljurst aii w!;o havi an I rrt'i paic l' vci.s to l;-'i!rr tin in to KorkwooiS Hal!, to- iiiurro.f i'oiLiioon. r.s tiioro will ho a .scaivi'v ;iiiv wav. HeUvc-l o.i Waier-teia hill. He w'1 ; ,lv ,I:":,,' r I,a l c I" rder ' clinch the matt-r, ho thou-ht I e v ;u! j reIiltn.w ,l!s milit,r,V(.:,r. His ! lo i . iiiirca. ire imiu a hre i'i t!jc front room, arid there began the process of denuding him-cif of the. sin p! us under wear. Vy some means, ill his eilolt.i to slide :f ''e." UU- n.ieke I i.p again it, t lie iov", :a:it : he r !;;. init was redolent w iih shrieks and ."!' am . It is said lii rt on his p";-sen theix- is a mark of an iia:i wiln a torn dei.vk m his hand. i and th it he now takes i tin' m i itel. !.C!' aiih ,). 1,. ('t- la:.i;iv into th elegant I ..I - . Tl T - I ni i v creeicu n u i. ; s : oil viauiLe s:. of tin." ii.ie-t cottage rei in t!ie city. Mr. P. building; ii'i!::-.. i: i.ia-ic all exhibition ol iwork such as is scarcely seen in oftue kind in the west. We congratulate "Hilly-" in so-curing -M;-!i a ci; hca.e, and the other s-euriag .--ucli an avaihihlc ! tho vo- i aii. 1 i iv Ivel!og-i icuert. is ! r U'hl acion yai' e ...ormn:- .;.urr.al .so- lo recaver .vo-.),o,:i) ihim iii'e.i for ih.-l. '..s matter :is contained i.i tie; issue of M;iy 21 and "Jo. -I:1. M. iC. :;:i 'lire, of this cily, is Mrs. I:--- - it - attorney. Criminal proceed ings wiil also be instituted at the prop ; cr lime. It -.sipears, upon investigation i that there was no tru.h in the state ment that Mr. and Mrs. Uaehcrt had separated, or that Mrs. JJachert ii ul 1 men acting in a stranre manner in Ih.s ton. It was announced before tho nmr-rhigf- th:'.t she would not fdiaiidon the stii.e, thiit si.o would reside at the Ho tel I'cilenni, lJoston, iluring the summer l 1 i ( ii, nil, i'- ton, vim iu i ne r.ii.iun i , ami that 1 5 ,ci ei t's busincSs would keep him in New YorkChicago Tribune. The countv clerk has received returns ; I'oi i the following precincts and we j give bclo-.v tho population in compari- j son witu 1S2. 7PG loOl 8J7 ol:5 C'Jl . . S'So Toial- n.141 4,!)7'2 Fop'.iiiiiion in 12 Gain 101) Mr. .Jennings saws so far us he hiss ex- j .imsncd. the returns show 'a better and I mo.e uniform rate of assf-.-ymcnts timn j tisU:'.!, and that tiie returns of asscs-eor 1 La Kue, o:' Lib-. r!y precinct, was found j v. it !n .ut a ."ingle error in any of the ex- i l-::si.;:s or fo dings; something which) lets is it oceiii ;ed since he has been in the Oiilec. Kvidenliy Liberty has the light j an m the iiirat 'd ice. Litiertv n- :iiie ah a 1 ol' t he rest of !k r com peti I ! s by h iv 'r.'-j; t wo pair of twins during Ihc at vear. Who has the fin or now.'' "tiiv-; us Liberty, or give us doacii. " Few I'.eople know t'ie origin of tho-.; siieeies ol annti ii- ana .or ei ne lit of itil we rise ro eco. iiii. in ' uaul is "caerailv :i;);!ie I t :i cla- of ( i-'."o:-lliinjs who are hei-i t day and there tomorrow, who are compelled to leave one tovn -. rn to o-o to alio! her, luivir.ii bv tl-.-ir fuli iuid dishonest w.-.ys lost i not onlv t'.H'ir o.vn self-res peet hut that . of their fellow beings. i Ofcour.-e the hr.st thing- tin.-:' sl,arkx ! t:t -u eiitei-ng a town is to try, and il o-sinti. I .' . i . ,1. t-.-t. rctnta- t 'O.I of 1 1 It'll" wit ii ;i s.-rie- iM'sghbors, "then of t ricks known following -idv to j themselves arjii oradunlly to the puoi'e. We have answered the mailt i'-nn thr;'.-t of our iiei-hbors much aiodnst our ociter lUvlgment an 1 in I u:u re i j)rotnise not to jn'o-fiilute oarsei'ei so : lo.v as to even notice the-s untiiithful i jliii'js. Wc intend the same as hereto "foie "to titli t rti.se''' only what wo havo f',r sale for the liencfit of the general pithlLii .and not for that of our. Would be Competitor." Kespectfttlly, S. fc C Mayek, A TOUI! or Till COM im:nt. I i.m New York to Denver. Trio Diary of a Tramp. May JO, Tliii!:i!;.y, y or :j p. in.--Wean; waiting af. a v.aii-r tilation at a lit tle village; l lio other two liiemli are .sleeping, lat nn', 1 liave jn-.t ilmm cry iM'. Vis, cry in;;! the hr.it teal i I have .shed in hoine time, I -u-.; teals ri;;ht (ruin th'iheait. Tin- ihoi nm I pai t. il from .Mrs. (iree::, vun kissed iuu ami saul, ;:m hiolher and tister these an.- th' liiat hind wonhs lrom a woman I have heal U since my iim! tier died word.i from the heait wonl.s that made us know that there i.s some kiad nesfi in the 5;i.ai ts of some people ; that prove to in that all the wnild is not cold. I am done sheddimr tears, and I hope I shall feel i troiii-r. The m i n ing I left my father I met Mr Iwpioy Kopcr on a 1'uiton ferry hoal ; was t ueher in the Sunday School tii.it I t-llll'(l : 1 told fli 111 I Was fri:itii :IM-.i-.r he hid iik K"od-hy and aski d me if I. 1 l Uiemliv.-red the ii.iiiienecs the Suiid SeJiool had over me ? I .-.aid es, but had 1? 1 am the only one can answer that. I forgot all the h-ssons he l;;u.;!il me no, not forgot, but I did imt want t know; I remt-mheitd, bat did m-t want to cure. I tok everything a: it came; cared :a;l win ther it wa:i rii.dit or wronj. I am away from friends eveiyl.nily, home and I wiil try to lead a heller life. What, does a man gain if he gel the whole world and his.-th his own soul? When J came out In re, my thoughts wen of gain. 1 ii; ver lor a moment gave any thought tln'.t I had a soul to save; il wad for gain J came. 0!:, Cod! give me at ivnglli, that 1 may grow to he a bet ter man in the j cars to come, than I h ive in my past life. .Iami:s A. Ti:kk. AiU'::;ov:i, Thursday, May 10. Laid on grass, and went and v. a.-:hed in M ) hawk river. Sent my part:;' r across she yu-,peusi !i hiid--; lvi-l to piy cents toil; gut 1 lb. crackers, fz ib. cheese; dined on one-half of it, and laid around till dark; no train topped at water station; r:iiu commenced ; looked for bunk; got in car with bruo in -corn, slept sound, rained. -1 a. m. 11 th. iot out about C, train came along, stopped; tried to hide in a car and was s. -en; got in empty car and got iircd; started for n stroll along the track; it commenced tu ram and blow and 1 could hardly walk, it blew so h ud: sat down and finished what we rani ot our.c C; waiked to town at i onda, miles; on way learned if s. en in town, along track, woeld he urnstcd; Welti thivu-h the main htrH-t, everybody gazing at u; walked to town at Cauajoharie, about G miles; i-i town i o : , r. i in (rc!;Mii 1 II ! cheese a;ut loaf bread, were ne'ily starved: cat loaf bread., cra'jers i.uC j i iifr'j; "V:iilu i j iawn of Fort Pli;ine, ! -1 mili-s diatr.nt; wulk'.-d to Io wa of St. i .lohnsviih', 10 miles distant made '2- ! miles today, paetty hard walking; wo are now o3 miles from Jiuffalo, wait- ; ing lor tiark, behind a stump, on the j Mohawk river. j i; . iu., i i ui;n . uv mn. t augnt a train and rode to UeWitt, don't know what distance, but took from ;l:::0 i. m. to 1 a. in.; while in car spiked tin; door, so that if brukeman I at water stations should try doors i couldn't open them. DeWiU ?satowa '.boat i.iiL-ii Viom isviiictie, unite a ! large town, in which aro the yards of the railroad ; went in ;) saloons alter one o clock, and bought ale; thought we would hire rooms to sleep remain der of night; could not get any rooms; went in 1 place lot of firemen iu place; sat down a-'d Mntr-nt some r.ie. and ;u? ! it w.ij iir.ar liiurnimr. thi'mi. would save, our ii""- - " ue ,-,. - " ,jy' lf any 0,,u " ...v. like to see lile let them ivy a I freight train to ride and sleep m ; it leels just like rnu:g in a hard wagon. More about Hps young Smith: lie is a man about : y-arj old, ut does not j look 2J; he hits been tiitmping for the p;ist 13 years ; he has not been to his home in o years; he has traveled all over the E intern. Southern and some I of the Western ttates. and is a very j good fellow; he wants to reach the next section, Ilochcster, where he ex- ' : pects t 'et a jol) iit his trade. The X. i Y. . ir. :t 4 track, and 3 I)w for oil cans, j DeWitt and Luifiilo the 1 Dw, Smith i j s'y.-;, i: the hardest he ever struck in! j his time. While getMmr out of freight ! Lit . for - o4 our ci ackers ; bongnt me sandwehes in place where hre- men board regular loenep, made with oik. (l O-NlINfll).) Cut Hcres for Plattsrrsoulh. 1). I. Coryell, of Ilrownvilie, is r.ov in tiie cily for the purpose of sitpu'y iag all who desire a iirst cl:;ss cyclo pedia, lie represents the Johnson, and we learn tiiat many who have the American rr.nl Brittanica concede this new work vastly superior and con firmed their decision by ordering the Johnson. Cut rales have reached th. cyclopedia ranks, am! row is the lime to buy, before regi again established. i '. r r.i' tj are CRCiNA'Cs HO. !27. AN DliDIXAlsCK. ' E'Uiih d an ordi nance to vacate certain portions of all streets and crossings running north and south and cast iiiut west and cor rect the lines thereof .-it natcd between (Jranite Street tn the north, the citv boundary on the south, Mid the city boundary raid the Missouri Liver on the cast ami llurlinglou p.ad Mis-ouri Liver Kail lload ground on the- west. 1 st. 15e it orihiined by the mayor ami c'.uneii of the cily of I 'hitisnmuth, that, all s". rci ts running ma th and Mm.th he re !ac -1 the average width of fii'ty tect i.;-ie id of seven tv feet as the Siime appci.rs :.t pies.-ut. That id I streets n.a-iirg 1 :u:d e-l i e reilui:eil to the average width oi" ;i ft v i'.et instead of ei;:'nty feet ie th. 2d. That the . -.. e now appears, pei .'.' i- of this ordi uunce shall only i-Xi id in .h streets and crs!ngs within ': In-Uowing boiinilaiies to-wlt: Le' -.v.. . a Granite' s-treet on the north, the i iy boundary j on the south, and the city b- uialsry ; ami the Missouri Kivcr ou ti.e, c is! ,,:ni the Ffi'.riington and Misso ui Livt'r Kail I l,o.l nrniliiiti ,; tl-.. ,..t I whole of t !;.! i oi 1 1 i of lh a-k tt: ei t iy mg ' a.-: oi i oe ei i ine oi y : r.-t street exttuding thence ca-t to the riht of way of the lhuiingiou ar.d .Missouri Uiver K lh in I ! d;a. ltd. That sorb -'oi cis thereof:-! viie.it r-o s'.mli turn to the owrcr of protiei t v. and poilions revet t ;m.', rc- tl ie. iioiitting1 1th. .This ord'muscp lo be in force a fur ill; due p.i-s.,go imd publication. MEMORIAL SERMON. Services at tho Presbyterian IChurch Last Sunday. As is well known, it has long been the cu-toiu in iSthiieka, tor the G. A. II. to ob-erv: the Sabbath plior to Iec-orati-iii Day, as a nu iuirini day upon v.tiieh the order invites sunn--eh rgynein to picju h a . i mull nip:ojii ia'.e lir the oeca-ion; whirh M ii''e- lie.' order at tend iu a body. Jat S ibbith, biing Memorial d iv, the Ih-v. Mr. liaird, ol tin; I'resbyteiiaii ehtiii h, was invited 10 pre-udi th" anu.i d eill'n. At a lew iiiinutts of 1 1 o'clock, the middle n.v of pew s being reserved, tie: (I. A. ii. headed by command! r .Strode, tiled i.i-t-i the church. Th- venerable (Jhaplaiu Wright ii-d-:ing Mi . IJ iird, wlio took his text from Judges A'l ", aa lollow.- ; And the- Angi 1 of tin- Lord a pp. a;ed in. to him, and said unto hiia: The I. rd is with liee thou mighty m :'i of a!or. The Ilevefead (ie!il!cia-ia pro:'.-' led to d;..casi in a sao.it masterly way, the causes which led to the war, ho'di.ig the scrii-iuia! view, t! t "we .v. 'iit be uiipvt to tin; iio'ac.'s ta d i c. l r the i , pov.ei.s that he are ordain d of (Jod,' that incases where govi laiaents be come cp;irc-ii ve and tyrannical, beyond Jidnntnec, when the inalie.-iabh: lights and manly privileges... a: o ludilessiV trodden iiinh r foot, that in siiLdi eacs it is ma.es duty to a-serl Ins rights and throw oil' tin: yoke eeaif art -e-rt to aims and ail the honors of war i uj be the result, yet he proved by the evidence ot Jcil'ers'-ii Davis, Alexander II. Ste vens and otln-r leaders of the coufo.i -r-i:cy by thir spxeh-s in Congie s, immediately prior to the jcbellian, ihat this was the best ;ov.riimeiil und r the s'.in ; and that then fore their attempt to destroy tin; natio.i was w .'inion ami ti ca heroe.i ; and that the soldiers r"r:o went out to battle, went for no loye of carnage or riot or plunder, bat to preserve the glorious union, their Iioines and their li resides ; and that in this case it was not only justifiable to go out to battle, but was one of the most glorious ex amples oi sen sacrihciiig bravery on recoiil. lie a!ju argues that the cause of the South w ;i3 a mistaken one; that the dogma of state sovereignty was falla cious, and if one state had a right to withdraw7 at pleasure from a compact so solemnly entered into, so had an other ; and if a state had a light to separate, so had a county from a state and ;i city lrom a county, and so on ad infinitum', until chaos and anarchy alone would be the relic of a once glo rious republic. Then la; depicted ia tile most glowing, ele-yaiit and s.-hednr-ly lan jtu:;go. tiie death and sufferings of the heroes who sacrificed their lives upon their country's alter ; culogiir: , the bravery of those who had sui vived and w ere thr-re present and the noble motives which prompted i'.c-.a '.; t. Point this memoiiai day, and the day wc st. i apart to decorate t He graves of our "unrcturning brave." Thesenvmn was one of the finest we have ever lis tened to in this city; and the "JJoys in Blue" listened with reverence and memories of days ever t ;? he held CiV.4 vveiii i.iouseil by t he fle&nt vvord:; from the sacred desk. Council Prcccsdings. M;ty 2tii, 1SS:J. Council met in regular s'yi-icr. last n'''lit iit council cluifu.hf r, and was tidi ed : til order by M.iyor Smith. All members of council were present. Minutes of last two meetings read ami approved. The following t-ills were read and referred to the finance committee: Alva Drew, buryi:i" J. J. M. liobr;j. ' .1 r " - "d51 " " . oiiupson, cleri: J. V. Yv'eckbaeh, salary mayor and extra seivic JMchey Kros., lumber. . . . W, I'ottenger, police judgi ?i 1 C O j . 28 sO 00 125 00 42 00 105 20 Gl G5 50 00 F. fiorder, rent for lire en 1'. 1J. iliirj-hy, ciiief police. lleoort of street commissioner lef er red to finance committee. I'etition of citizens for opeiiing of Day strict, referred to committee on streets, alleys and bridges. Petition of citizens to put in cross ings on Chicago avtnutt and across the creek, also to compel property holders to lay sidewalks on north side, of Jranite street and city to put in cross ing on Sih and t'tli , referred to com mittee on stm ts, alleys :ra;l bridges. Petition, of citizens to lix bridce on Pearl street at the crossing of Sixth, also on Marble rdieet referred to com mittee on street?, r.lleys and bridges. The judiciary committee reported Ordinance No." entitled "'An Or diiumce lerpii: ing side walks to be constructed 10 feet wide from Second to Sixth on the north at.d south side of Main street. Peport received and adopted. Huh a were suspended and ordinance, put on second reading. Jiceiise to sei! vinous, ppirititous and ma it litpmrs ia the first ward, city of P1att.-uior.ili, was er oded to An drew Krin. Druggists permit to -eii litpaors' for medicinal purposes wan granted to J. M. Roberts. The contract for city printing was let to the IIeuald Publishing Co. ', Committee on G re and water report ed'On'trie ciara of Use department for salary. Referred back t tha commit tee for correction. The city engineer was insti uctcS1 nuike estiiraites of the cost of openpg Main street, from the present termi nus to Maiiien Lane and report. Moved and. carried that council meet tomorrow evening at G;.10 o'clock to go in a body and inpect Main street from Sixth to Maiden Lane. Moved that ordinance Xo. 127 bo placed on second and third reading: "Ordinance entitled; An Ordinance to vacate certain portions of nil streets and crossings running north and south and fast ami west," and correct the lines thereof situate between Granite street on the north, the city boundary on tho south, the city boundary and the Missouri river on the east and the 31. & M.R. R. grounds on the west." Ordinance adopted. The chief of- police reported that the best place for a city pound would te south of John Shannons stable. Report adopted.. Adj uirneJ. PLATTSMOUTH WINS. The FlattSffiouth Club Coats Mal vern 2 to I. Special to JleraW. 3lALvtnx, Ia., May 20. Game cloned at 3:13 p, m. score as follow : l'lattsraouth 2, 4, 7, none, 2, none, o. none, total, 20. Malvern 1, 7, none,-l, none, ncne, 1, none, none, totl 10. Time of game SI0,0K) us a. Test. iTWe offer 1 6.0(10 in I J. s. lov. ISonds as a reward to any one who will produce h pet of Appletons "American Cyclopa- lia," edited liy Georg'i Ilipley'an.I Charles A. Dana, that is not aa Prof. It. D. Hit. h- nek D. I)., LL. 1)., Tre.s. nf the rnion Theological Semiiihry, Xev York.sayH it has been " M anipulated in thuln ti rest of tho Rom in Catholi - Church against t!ie-Tiut!i of History." n:i i.'.t lioN'. a It. M'ol TDK!). M i . i.i in: a i : i a n ok :oNuni;ss, w.:?iiino- TOV, U. .Johnson's Universal Cyclopadia is a wink which is found in the Library of Congress to answer more quest inns satisfactorily than any other vvoik of reference. I1:" wsiy srnxt'Kii'TioN i;kks ai;;: c-' ji:ak! 'lie- Mcrc'iaiu buys goods I'.n ea Ii, pays freight, store rent, iiiiiu am i , ciei I: liire, interest on the money in veiled, rind sells th. ui on a credit ol' li to(' m u:ths and realizes from 10 to per cent. l!ut the greedy, rovinir CJ" "hook agent goes to the niercnuiit'.s eti. lom cis with a sainpln booic that costs him, nothing, obtains their subsi riptions be fore bo orders a copy, has the books sent to him on credit, pays no Ireihts no store-rent, no clerk-lure, no insurance n interest, gels cash on delivery of the books, and as a ride, receives a com mission of -10 per cent.; and rather than be obliged to combat his rninity lrom a rival house, the publisher has been forci.l to give him nearly all the profits. It has often been S lid to us that some leading publisher -ight to take the in itiative and protect tie; badness from the rapacity of the irrespoii.shlc "ir 'book .-igents," and 'has "heie tit tho .ubiie by bringoig the subscription prices of all valuai.lu bocks down to the level of oilier li-r.-t class good.? ; and af ter years exin i ience in the business we have decide I to start tin! reform by reducing our prices.. The ro!its, fur example, at 10 percent off jo the CV" hook-agent on the three leading c elopedias would hens follows: Hriltiinica, 21 vols., cloth, d0o, profits $-12; Adplc.ton'is, l(i vols., cloth, fso, prolits S;:il ; Johusou's S vols. cb'th,$l, profits ..'2LG0. We shall adhere to our old ride not to employ a canvasser whom we would not invite to our homes and introduce to our families. ' X CV""book agents'' need apply, but other nwn, who wiil furnish credentials of good chani.ch-e, and are willing to work fyr ;.';u-;iii;:ble wages, may addn ss, fwr full particulars V. J, JOSSXSOX & i.e., 1 1 (Jrcat Jones Street, New York. Clieprcscntcd in the eitv by 1). Jt. 'OiiYLLL, (Janvassor. b'Jdiwlt iSurveyor Cien. StL vensou went to his i home in Falls City. Wi!! Vn.-u p;iiti a business visit lo j liOiilsvpdo last night ;u.d rt turned this i m:miiig. IJol't. Fitzgerald catne in i'r m I'.eat j rice hist evening and ironies bridge J Uunduig boonvno-. - . . ?di-s jr:ite Kline went to Idmailn this morning couldn't stand it awav from her biotiicr any lougcr. Capt. S. P. Y:in itt;i went so Lincoln last night to couit. We ofrourse nvnu the District Court. Geerga AViile left last night for the Otoe Iteserviition ...c ne con Id -i ..o what he could do. Mrs. Yv'm. Martin went to Lincoln this n-ornSne to spend a, r.cck visiting friends ia the Capitol city. dipt. 11. O. Phillip?, of the South Platte Laud Ccmpuny, pa-.-r 1 through to Lincoln this morniyg. Uliarley lVUec, of tho Aw'-iurn 1V..-1, left Inst ev'.-niug i'or his .tuties iit that place after pendh.g sniuhiy with his parents in tliis cily. J. W". Colin left this mornir.g for Ia., where he will invest in stock if he sees a prospectfof a.sutlieiect renumeration. Mrs. Iltnton, mother of Rev. Mrs. Mullis yho lia bea."vi'siting. h-er daugh ter in this ciry. re.turjied honj to Iohh j last cveniDp". . - . Mrs. Miuniek, of Pulls City," liiotl.er of Mrs; Dorringtoii, 'who has been Visiting in the citj- for the pasf-wcek or two, re turned to' her hdiae ttJis 'morning. D. S. Draper went lo Omaha last night with his pockets full of corn we mean corn in the ear not in the "juice,"" as samples. "Wchope his speculation will be profitable. Miss Sara Yt'ordcn left this morning to spend her vucat ion at her homo in Independence, Iowa, when "she will re turn to resume lnr ditties in the lligli School. Miss Lizzie M alone left IV;- her home iuTopekn, Kansas, this morning. Her many lriends in -this city i oih social and professional viK" miss i.i r the com ing ye;"-. ".; : Mr. cud Mrs. L" I be it Iuk , of Oniuha are in the cily the guests of Mrs. D's. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sago and 'Mrs., Cooper, "'Their visit includes buduesi us well as pleasure "Wnjv II. Picker..!; the carpenter, ai Edgar Young, hisipnrentice, left I night for a erosiiecti:;.'..oii r Dakotiih. Thev take iiuT: which indicates they don't propose walk home. ,T. P. Young re hi rued last night from Queen City, Mo., u li. he enjoyed him self with old acquaiutalis. Mrs. Young, tarries for a week, and PiilWysires us that it was hard work to compel "he- to he a "w'nldcr" for even (hat length ot time. Mrs. Geo. V. Thomas, of Wappelo, la., who has been visiting friends in This city for tho past four weeks and re ceiving" medical treatment from Dr. Meade" returned home lat night much improved in health. Quite a delegation from Plat If mouth delegated fo Omaha this morning, eon sisting of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Smith, Mis. CM- Holmes, Mrs. Dr. VT ley, .lames Mitchell, Miss Flora Smith, Mrs. Warren, Mrs. Johnson and others. Samuel Rector. William Case and J. "W. Cox. three of Cass county's represen tative men from Weeping "W 'liter, were pleasant callers at the H'ekald oth'ce to-day. Come again gentlemen, our latch string is alwavs cm the outside. C. J. Potter, formerly oi of the 6olitl boys of Plattsmouth,' now of McCook -. . . . il.!. passed tiirougu tiie City inia mummy; enroute to his old home in Buffalo, X. Y. We wager a dimes vorth of tooth nicks, when Charley returns he will bring a lemale BuHalite with him.nndit is not engacrcJil for the "Wild Wild West Sl'K IAI, NOIICIIS. Ailveiiisi iui-hii 1 1 t -r ihl liea l, iluce ci; lit I'.-r 1 1 iu ea.-li I ii sci i ion. Mo.i". To loan lean. ONLY TO l.o N ' van ,t W mitey. I n'ii ii if K. IS. Wlii.I- On i'-.il nl,.l I.y siill!- ir .a k. is. w lint - oi: Ui.N r A lliilli ll.llll. 1 0 O I : i:i: r A i t leiii-e In ;'. Ire i. In k'..ii. lne:..llnn l II. K. r.ilnier r II llii ei! I. W. .frimli.e- f.Oi: i:r.Ti:i;S I.m.iU al Wi.i'N ml. ami .-H-l.l iMlly tiie h;nl acle lntl ami llielellni. j,' UK NAl.i: -An eider It Sew he; Mai-liine. 1m ir a new A ini'i lean I llll l' ill 1 1 1 1 -4 OlllPI'. J.'oa SAI.K- V. . s. j. 1.0 ij e.H'.ls nf whikI. Iiniili(i nf tf l,-"Oi: SAI.I-:--OM i.a.i.'is. fur Kale at IliU ellle.- al in cents )t limulit-il or ; ceiitu in r ilu en. ,f I 'OK S M.I- loni r In! s I n'.'e! tier III t'nml Iuru - ' i io:i in l ii is ell v lll'lilile al lilli nlllre if ;.' S A I.K A eiiml soil i v, atei ui'M.'l' it'.r ran lie .nil ;lil elleaii. Will .'iv.' elmiri' lie t u een a l;:i -e ;im sm all one. 1 ei in-; ami liner 1 1 1 : i . 1 1. ii ..mi on u;.iil.-;il i.in, llf S.Mllll.'l I'.r.WK I'-ltos. 5,"'Ol ' , I ) A lie 1 1 on ;i rira'. Haiit.ini! has In toee. . I vvner ran reili'elu In I l r I 'i t ' liy paying for tins nutier. 7Jii J'ob'NM)- A folilicK Kev In a pallida. I ruarli In tin city. Owner can liait it at tliis ollirr. w w A Vi KI -Two biai'ksiiiit iiVaml .t lilaek unitli lielier at SelinelUiaehei .shop, witf ANTKI): illiiiiii; room uliI at Slaill.' inan's Jlestaillaiit. OoimI hiil'i-s anil steaily einpluyiiient. ittf y ANTKD Day lio.inler ut Sta.lIemaiui'H ' ltr-taii'.i'it. The I eit of Ihku'iI at rcaAmalile teiniH. 7J-iltf. IVAMKII t'.V tin-lilst of .Iiinr, a lirst-rlasH ' house oT r or i; rooniK. in r.ooi loratiou. i rave unnl u itn .1, i). himpson, Wi-IIh, l aro & I'n exprri-n olllre. 7 1 tf T A.tTKD John r.aijfr lias tutu lit the Stehl man place, corner o( 71 Ii ami inc. ami is piepareil to aeromimnlate the pulilie in tin; '.ay of lioariilCK and luihin by the week or month. IO111I XV AN'I'Kl) I'ifteen hnmlreil taim- pi;;'ons llellveled 111 l.llli-oln. .N e hiasK a. a t oliec. W ill pay Si. 5o per ilo.-n deliveri-a al vour de pot. IC. U. Con'nok, 1 1 1" Hrry. I.inrohi Spm Isiiii-n's ( in!). t o:st Ii Mil, A Hole for sr,"?! 1 11 fnvni- A Ii..irnu ami uiveli hv I'hns. Kul.v as nrinriiial iimi -M. I., ituhy as seriiiily. am) ilnr the the l-t o N'tivemher, Ijss,;, lias lieen hni , ami all p 1 ni.s are heretiy iiit:t:cl not o piurliae .saiii 1 :.e as I have iiever tiaiiileried mv inlerei-i j I-"!.-. AN.IiiKW k i: a :. .-. l'lattsmoii! h, ;e;a 21, Is-:;. 7 !''..;,-. :; J0TL That the undcrsigne,', hainl and tor .sale, t,o;:!) i of Tomato plants; ."oft'iS; plants, and 100,000 s plants, after the 18'h of v. ill .111 ee I-.'. u . '.I ill I' I li s e;.l.b:.e( I'D I A l IJ Le:ive .Ma orders with A. Chirk, I'. d. Jan-s.'.'s. :md (ifiiee vt Thierolf, or id ii,v re.ii'ieneo on Ninth street. 7d-!Jwti' Jul IX K. Lia:;-fiY. N uns veil in o.-i.tntnt in tings, ca.ih meres, shodii ch.'ths iu ail the latent Shu des :it llerrman's. . Henry lioeck ll.is in: elegant line of baby can luges for sale very cheap. Also a nice lot of refrigerators and the '.u'ge-t stock of fur niture ever lrou;-ht to l'lattsmouf h at. prices that can't be discounted. It will pay you to ee him. d2!htw2-tf It will pay you to read Vises col tiinn in this paper, jou may lind jint what vo.u u ant. 'Mil Lvcmner'ri Lewis'. Crackers ut Dennett & Two thousand yards of dress goods iit loc per yard, cannot he i::iitchtl m this citv under 25c, ut IlerrmannV. NOTICE! i a trill Sell Any (a.ials it I 'a-R-cs fli'Sow TIcjM tiolcd by i'ojiS;4Ioa,s. IV. J. W.I EiBSSCXi Large stock of 4th of .July goods just received at Warrick's. dTOlGwl Carpets'. Carpets! We Will not bo undersold by anybody. Come and convince vourcclves. Tied Ilcrrnian. Premner-.s Crackers at Si adleman's. Asky our grocer for Dremner's Crack ers every time. Take n.o other. Please remember that for the next j CO days you can get great bargains in boots and slices and clothing, as I must reduce my stock in those lines, wh out fail. OUtfJ Jos. V. Weckbacii. Wanted. Everybody to Know That after this date I will sell my en tire stock of carpets, consisting of 1'ortv-three different desirable patterns AT PRIME COST. Call aud ex amine. . JO-j. V. WKCKIJACir. May 8th, 188:5. - 01 dtf Tvi o Jio;:s's and lols i'or sjiIc n tcrsii.s to Milt. ih;iiIi:sit. Iuqiiire ol' till" 55. 18. Peterson IJros. Sell Rest sugar cured hams :it loc. JJest breakfast bacon at 15c. Rest shoulders 11c. Rest dried-beet 15c, . Cl-dlV Notico to the Germans. There will be German school in sec ond ward school house. It will begin Monday M.uy and last during- vaca tion'of publicchool. For instruction each scholar w511 pay 50 cents a month n advance. price Children's' s n cheviots and linens a, Lewvn and JIartin's 5 and cigars for sale at Warrick's. 3t. A Square .ileal Can be had at the City Hotel for only 25 cents and lodging at Same reu. onable rates. Farmers and Commercial Men will please bear this in mind. ti&wtf Those Tobies 2 for 5 cent at War rick's take the cake. 3t. While goods. A large and varied assortment at Herrmann's, Parasols and fans. The largest and most complete assortment- at Fred. Herrmann's. -73dwtf The way those ToMes arc celling at Wilrrick's is just jmjncnse. TSd'Jt Uicinuer's Cracker . Warrick has just J lU 1 1 Tl i c l" - li i -em shownV Brocade dress ' giv xjis reduced to 15c? - o-d.Jh1 frr voice of pnp6r shades A nrwlol-of . A. n.v mure toOlf Monoy Uavod. Uy buying your tfood fr ca II. linker. 1 will giifirnntoo to 2 per cent, on iIichh kohs dr., lf you will Jove mo t h ive nil the new hliilh nuns ri ilin-r and olbcr he" 'lienpest line of ladiiH. iiii.lTTTri IlodorV ill tho dtV. A fniu- 1,.lA mid ulsteiM to b(! cloM-il rei'iirill..UJ '01 r i nni, JJ( nf V.'lIiKr ill iiiiriiMulM unl r.. I ----- UHM fIIIX f-tock comphde hi all depm InicuU nneS .linn oe ciohcii oui 111 jiimicd tiiao fr cash. Jivc mo 11 cull and mivo mono T.VhVtwtl' W. II. It.tiri.-ir Ihithday cards at VurricU'n. dno ;jt Notico. J'l.yiT.SMOLTJi; May jyth, 1 bS.'f. All mid IcI'owh arc nqtiefitcd to meet til their hall on Wcdiicwhiy, May llOlli. ( 10:1101 row ) ut 2 :.lo o'clock for the pur' p se ol joining in i.hiiHo with tho (. A, in cel. brating Memorial day. Uy order of Jami:s .McAVim.iam.s, I'.I'.Oah, N(; Secretin-v. INSUrtNCE. 3. I5. SIMlOi, AGENCY HE INSURANCE CO S: CITY, of London, QULLN.of Liverpool F I H K.MAX FUND, of California COMPANIES : a m idticAN j;xi-ni;s8 CO.. W'M.I.';. KAKCO & CO. KXI'ltlCSN." ;. i.n. i.wo.i.i block, will. Johnson irua i'!ni Shades (AT COST I'OIl TKN DAYS looks AT COST FOR TEX DAYS. AT COST FOR TJCX DAYS. losa-sl sales! il AT COST l'OR TKN DANS. If yon are wanting anv of tli above, now Ia the time lo liny, h-i we mean business. All otlies ynods at reniaikalily low li ices. OUR 31 OTTO 'Good oods and Low Prices. Is vvl;at rl every lime. Give us a call. Wit J. W RKICK. THE- BOSS CLOTHIER, sells tho j tidily celebreelat RUSSELL & IIARCOURT which embodies all the best feature' of which art is master. Its excel cclcncc is recognized by the prominent furnishers throughout the country. BODIES of BEST MUSLIN. The lioscm of the 1 csl hand spun linen. The fit and work in; sliiT unexcelled. 3Ia'e to ordea a Window 2 r-i l 5, Uii eJJ t. t-i s ci c r tho . LEADING CLOTIHER'sJ cither -i v ' i T. i t rrt -r vo.o. o. o ML i il. !erYa f iJUivjjiiO per a Mou FLAGS I FLA" cVk oP a'"0own at -,. Bestir Aji"ivett .vtw2-t h, 188:5. 1 hour apj-td7ITty minutes.