v. A if. 'J 1 -I ( Si i f 0 t I Y.i r t - -I ; i ;v F 1 ; . 4 i-'Mi t r : to DRUGGIST. Dkalbk in AIKDICINK, I'EUFITMEUYS, Oils, 1'aints, Hklhues, A Full jiiiorTrii.HMCM Aii'l in fuel everything contaiued iu ii first-class Hrug .Store. Pre criitins carelully compound ed. Competition met in xll departments. Coi:. Main axi Third Stkkktb I 'L ATTSMO UT11 , N EI J. SECOND HAND GOODS. J. LEVY, Will BUY and SELL all kindB of FURNITURE, METALS, IRON, RAGS AND FURS Will advance money on all SALABLE GOODS, on lower Main street. Opvoxite The Old Duke Building. Plattsmouth. Feb. 1st, 1883 4Ctf. LUMBER. PLATTSMODTH HERALD. I L'liLISHKI) DAILY AXU WEEKLY The PlattsMtli Herald PlisMn Co. TEKSOSALS. for City and Count v Hirfi tory, lUilwAy Tlir.e TI1.". Telephone Excfi.iDK Ruiiif:i Di rectory, Bnnlnc.r Cauls Sc., ce lourtli p;ur". JEFF. I STONE, - City Editor. Notice to Advertisers. I'oiiy for ilixptay atlvirtisiniient r Iihii'" In ailviTtlseinenti mint le 1iiium1 iu to tlie business onice not later than V :t. in. of the day In which thev are to l liiwrtrd. Cony for pay I oral and special rntiees imiHt ho hmwl:-l in before 3 p. in h'1i l:tv to insure m serlion. H M. Lou ski.i.. ItiiflncsH Manager. A. Salisbury, Ilt iillht. The new Uniforms for the police are expected tomorrow. The baB! ball meeting announced for hist evening didn't meet, or if tliey did, didn't do anything. As a propounder of conundrums. Andy McLaughlin takes the cake frosting and all. There will be aG. A. II. meeting at the Court House tonight. A full at tendance desired. Anothercow bell was captured today. Thccccow bells will be attended to by the police just as long as they continue to be nuisances. The match game of base ball be tween the Omaha " fellah's " and the Plattsniouth nine occurs at the Fair Grounds tomorrow afternoon. CALL AT THE Old Reliable The State Journal says that Hon. T. M. Marquette leaves today for Denver to attend to a law suit for John Fitzger ald, involving something like $100,000. Jacob Ii. Vallery comes in this morn ing and reports his corn planted in April, has all come up and is growing as well as could be expected. He says it is true the corn looks, a little yellow, but then he planted tho yellow kind. The ease of Mrs. Dunstan vs E. Ros- I enbauai for damages for selling Dun stan lhjuor, is being tried in the county court this afternoon. Sullivan & Wool ey, attorneys for plaintiff, aud Snail h & Becson and W. S. Wise attorneys for dc fendan t. LU1B ER YARD i. A. WATEBH4N & SON. Who' ,iW ami Uelall Dealer in PINE LUMBER SHINGLES. LATH, SASH, U00IIS, BLINDS, &c. Fourth street. In rear of Oyera House. PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA HOTEL- CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three story brick structure, on lower Maid btreet, ha jnst been finished and fitted up for the accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOlfMRS. AJCD REGULAR BOARDERS. EVERY THIK5 HE AND CLEAN A GOOd Bar I-eo.necU with th. FRED GOOS. Propr. From a private lette r received jrom Burlington today, we learn that there is talk of a postponement of the Iowa semi-centennial celebration to be held at Burlington, beginning June 1st, on accouat of the sudden appearance there of small pox. The Herald invites attention to its system of special advertising which is already attracting much attention and lives all opportunity to advertise their "wants, "snles anil "c or ueni ai a figure fo low that any and all can afford to place them before tho public. A hunting party were out on the I'latte bottoms yesterday afternoon, and report good shooting, but only brought one little duck home, that one was probably reared to death. They shot more but couldn't liud them. There will be a special meeting of tho citv council tonight. The princi pal object of the meeting is to tak action on tho report of the committee ' on streets, alleys and bridges, in re gard to improvements to te inaue cn Fifth street, at the corner of Main. Captain Hi niiitt went to Ashland hist night to atten 1 to r al estate bus iness. John W. Barnes takes a tour over thfB. fc M. through tin southwest to be goiHV some weeks- J. E. Morrison Esq goes to La I'latte today to attend legal business iu that ciiy with the euphonious name. Dr. Thomas and wife of Weeping Water, came in this morning to pay a v Wit to their relatives in this city. S, J Byers, chief of police of Lin coln, passed through the city this morning on li is way home from avis it in Indiana. Harve Carper, of Weeping Water, the venerable hog drover of that vil lage, went to Chicago this morning with six cat loads of 140') lb. bullocks. A. B. Smith and Lafo Gil more, the champion town makers of Nebraska, go to York today to make a little New York in tho suburbs of that thriving city. Mrs. Hutchinson of Ashland, sister of C. H. Parniele. returned to hwr home this morning. Mrs. II. is in ill health and is under treatment with Dr. Liv ingston. Miss Gtissie Minor, sister of "Jack" came down with him from Omaha this morning, making her first visit to Platlsmouth, and will re turn this evening. Joe Ford with his company of roof artists got to Glenwood this morning to counteract the influence of the ele ments on th8 roofs of that antiquated village. Give the people a coat as well Joe. Hon. John C. Watson, of Nebraska City, passed through the ciiy last night on his way to Omaha to attend United States court. John looks well and feels happy although ho still holds the fort of bachelordom. Jimmy Donnelly came from Crom well last night, where the Cromwellites prorogued his session of parlimeut, fearing he would appoint himself die tator for life over the goods and for tunes of one of their fair daughters. Miss Claiindft Thompson, who has. been visiting friends aud relatives in the cit3, lor the past two or three weeks, returned to her home in Mal vern, la., this morning. Loran Davis takos the. advice of tho "late lamented" and goes west to the Republican Valley to grow up with the butlalt) grass of Furnas c.ounty. James Pettee, the music dispen ser of Platlsmouth, shouldered his harp of Zion and will hang it on the willow trees of Burt county, until his spoilers will call for mirth when he will make them happy by disposing of several Mason fc Hamlin organs. Mrs. John Tewksberry, of Weep iuT Water, formerly of Plattsmouth, is in the city visiting old time frie ids and acquaintances. She says .she has a warm place in her heart for Plattsmouth, and that twelve months shall not pass without a visit from her. 7tf. CIGARS. Hastings gets the editorial excursion on Friday afternoon for two hours. Nebraska City would like to have it come down there, kut as they don't stop at flag stations, tho Nebraska City falks will hare to be content with smelling their breath as it is wafted down the Missouri. We drink, and you smell. of The delegation to Omaha tins morning was composed of Miss Liz zie Sehildknccht, Miss Brantner, Miss Ilenrahan, Mrs. Dr. Livingston Mrs. Fred Latham, 3Irs. Morgan Waybright and Mrs. Mosee. They will make a raid on the spring l.on net factory and other mantau makers establishments to the great satisfac tion of their Hubbysand Papas. SOUTH BEND LETTER. SorTU Bend, Neb.. May 21, 1SS3 Our Justice's court is kept The Excursionists. About forty of tho business men and citizens assembled til the coutt house last evening to perlict arrangements for the editorial excursion which arrives in I'lattfinouth ThtirKlay morning. Mr. Carruth, president of the board of trade was elected chairman and Mayor Smith secretary. Mayor Smith stated thcob-1 ject of ih meeting, alter which an ex ecutive committee was chosen consist ing of Geo S Smith, S M Chapman, C W Shtrmni, 1) II Wheeler, F E White, F Carruth, J E Morrison, II M Bush uell.JosA (Conner, S P Vanatta and J V Wcckbach to prepare a programme. The committee held a consultation and reported the following committees: A committee consisting of Dr. Liv ingston, A W McLaughlin, S M Chap man, I) II Wheeler, F E White.J C Mor rM' ey, J A Connor J E Morris m, C W Sherman, F Carruth and J A MacMur phy to go over to Pacitic Junction, meet the party and escort them into the c ity. A reception committee was chosen consisting of Mayor Smith, A N Sulli van, Prof Drummoud, U V Mathews, S P Vanatta, II M Bushnell, It II Wind ham. Judge Newell, J W Jennings, J M Patterson, J W Johnson, C 11 Par mole, M Ii Murphy, J W Marshall, J M Waterman, M A Ilurtigan, J B Strode, E H Wooicy, B Elson, S 1 Maver,G E Dovey, Wm Ikrold, W1I Baker, John R Cox, F Hermann, W H dishing, A W McLaughlin, A W White, John Black, F S White, M Schnellbaeher, (r W Clutter, A W dites, I A Campbell, Alien Bvcsoa, Alex .Mcintosh,.! I) Simp son, L J) Bennett, J II Fairfield, Henry M Boiis and John Waymmi. A committee on carriages anil con veyances consisting of W 1 Janes, C M Holmes, Ambrose Patterson, J W Shan non and J A MacMurphy. Committee on music F (Jordcr, P B Murphy, D B Smith, M O'Connor and J F Johnsoa. Committee on decoration P B Mur phy, C Ballard and J Lohnes. On mo tion the decoration was also constituted a linance committee. The programme is to have the baud in uniform at the depot on the arrival of the train, to furnish boidc of their excellent music. The mayor will make an address welcoming the visitors to cur city and tendering them the free dom of t lie same. After which the visitors will be shown the principal points ot interest in fcnd around the the town. The mayor will confer with . the superintendent of the B. & M. re garding the backing of the train clown to the shops instead of trying to get there with carriages. The meeting ad journed until Wednesday evening at 7 :S0 to report progress, - Through Cars to San Francisco. The Pullman party, including George M Pullman, whose arrival on Sunday was noted yesterday, left on tho Denver train last night, it being held for over an hour to allow t he business on hand ta be completed. They go from hero to Denver, and thence to San l-rancisco, from where they expect to return iu about two weeks. As intimated in the Bi-e, the visit west concerns some very important bus iness, including contracts about to be concluded with the Union. Central and Southern Pacific roads. Being questioned as to the result of his visit l ore and conference with Presi dent Dillon and other U. P. officials, Mr. Pullman said to a Bee reporter that at this stage of the negotiations he could not make their full nature public, but would probably be able to do so on his return. It is thought, howeyer, that among the objects sought to be accomplished is the running of the Pullman sleep ers through from Omaha to Saa Fran cisco without change. Heretofore the Central Pacific has run its own sleep, ers, but if they conclude a contract with the Pullman company, the trans fer at Ogden will be done away wiilu and the cars leaving this point wil, make the long run of over 2,fiOQ miles from the Gate City to the Golden Gate without the'passengers having to both er with a transfer half way out. Omaha Bee. course the riatte Valley bank had to uialce good their obligation, and hand ed over $1,800. thinking Lhmnu whs a curious customer, but fetill having do suspicions but that the draft was good. The Marquette banker had bandy left tho village before a messenger hoy brought iu a telegram stating that the draft was a forgery. A reward of f-JOO is oflcrcd for I.shtuan's nrrrt-t. Lincoln News. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under tlilf head, three cenl per line each Insertion. Tl OMivTu LOAN lii'iuii ham. of It. II.' Wl.id- VI ON KY TO LOAN van & Wuoley. Ou real estate ly tf 1 'Oil RENT A furiiinhcd room corner Ninth and Elm r-tieet. Kii'iuue of Mi. l-evins. C'J dtf FOR RKKT A hous lnvuiie of R. Ii. Windham. 1,VJK RENT A Bond liou-e in good 1 In tiiiH ciiy. Inijuiiu of II. K. l J. Vf . Jf lllllllL'C Ux-ati on tinier or irft at L'OR RENTERS- Look at Wife's ad. and es-f- peeially the half aero, lots aud the terms. r01t NA LE An order for a new Ameiican A- ewinB Machine. Inquire at thhulllce. IOR SALE An order for a t'is'.i Rros., paik cart. Inquire at thin onlee. I.OK SALE 1.000 cords of wood. - V. S. Wise. Inquire of tf I70R SALE Old iKifrn for sal. -- al -10 cents per hundred or 0 cents per do en. it tliis ofl)oe toy tf t;oi; a ii ic toim. IjHMt SALE Four lots together in gnnd loca tion iu this ciiy. Inquire at this olllee tf I OR SALE A pood sodawatr generator can ho liouuht cheap. Will rive choice Lc 1 1 ecu :i l;une and small one. lei ins and price mace Known on alicat ion. dtf smith & I'.r.ACK Hitos. A hell on a cow. I'.aritonc hat-s In toim. .)wiiercan redeem his i roii'.a ty by latyiiiB tr this notice. 7lif iOUND-On a cow. a hiti-keyed hell. The owner can redeem his (roeriy by o-illhit; and payiiiB for this notice. TH-tf. jOUND A folding ley in a i;ii!io;id coach iu this city. Owner can find it at this ofil e. lOl'NI) A bunch f ke. on Chicago avenue - Owner can iret Ki.ino by calliiii; at tlnsol flee and aylnn lor i lus notice. BAKERY. 'S2 I 2 o 5 C UJ 1' t- a! . w 'J j in .2 i to Z a, CO Z3 X 3 I r S3 QJ A f-ii-i - rs & TTj w r 4 CO p. 4 Qj V ir! ib B is O ra o ( e tc r: s st q w 3 a cn B o o v - c3 'C P- c s B a a K JO m f WEBCOTT -THE- 47tf. ll'ANTED Day Loardcru at S'.adlcmarin'n lexiau'Hni. lite besL of IkihkI ut reasonable tennu. 7.'-dlf. nrst-cla WANTED-I5v the flrt-t of June, a house of ft or C rooiiif, in fjood location, t cave word with J, D. Siini"?on, WelU, I"ai'f;o & "o exprei oflleo. t Tut r &.: TED John Bauer has leaned the Ktohl- man place, corner of Till and Vine, and is prepared to accommodate the public in the way of boarding and ImiBUiB by tho week er month, -jnml WAXTHI)-Fifteen Iiuudrcd tamii pi;;(ons delivered in Lincoln, Nebraska, at once. ill pay ?l.&0 er dozen delivered at your de pot. R. II. Co.nnou, Cltf Secy. Lincoln Sportsmcu'a Club. LOST -A note for S'JO, In f:i atidiveii by Thos. Ruby ; avor A. Jvearns, as erlncmal. and M. L. Itubv as security, and due I lie tho 1st of November, ISS.'i, has been lost, and all erfon8 are hereby notified not to purchase said note as I have never transferred my interest in said l.ote. ANOIiKW K EARNS. Plattsmouth, May 22, 18SX 71d&.L'0w;i. Kcdnctions. Brocade dress good3 and lace bunt ings reduced to 15c per yard, former price 23c at Fred Hermann's. .NOTICE. That the undersigned will have on hand and for sale, 25,000 choice varieties of Tomato plants; 50,000 late cabbage plants, and 100,000 sweet potato plants, alter the 18th of May. Leave orders with A. Clark, P. J. Hansen, and Grace & Thieroli, or at my residence on Ninth street. 67d-9wtf John E. Lkeslev. BOSS CLOTHIER, aclls the. justly celcbrcdat 1UJSSKLL & IIAKCOURT which embodies all the best features of which art is master. Its excel celonco is recognized by the prominent furnishers tho country. throughout BODIES of BEST MUSLIN. The Bosom of spun linen. The &hit unexcelled. th. Ill Made to 11 ILI! :lll u a-.uuS III, XICAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE (AND) COLLECTION AGENCY. Law and collection business promp tly attended to at this office and pro cecds remitted without delay. Notarial work, conveyancing and abstracting at tended -lo on short no tice aud satisfaction guaranteed. If there is any thing wo do inakA ft specialty of, It is city And suburban real estate. Several fine farms and Home wild land at bargains. Laboring men can get a home by paying month ly what they now pay for house rent. Six choice half aero lots, 8 minutes from I(. II. ehopfl, at from $M0 to ifdAt each, and on terms that would make a man ashamed to fcay ho did not twn a house. Come aud .ee, you are not compelled to buy and we wont gi? these lots away, but you can get them so they will absolutely cost you noth ing. Fivo acre lot j nil! from city for f.r0 part on time. Eleven acre lot J mile from city for $.rj.r0 this is extra line. Some good city property or out lots for trade for hor horses or cattlo. Ten acres lor &O0 00 " " GOO 00 " ' " 7.r0 00 " " oo Several biuall tracts well Imjirored and adjoining the city, for ualw at rcusoiiablc rates. FARM LANDS. AO acres, wild COO 00 80 44 iniproy'd 1G00 00 ICO " ' otMMJ 00 'J(H) " IMH) (X) v io " mn) oo L'ii! t k'mrk lariu in Cass county ? dfibiiti. long time and low rate ol in tin .-I. f;o ficiTH, wild $3200 i i;u : (Jo I . 1 l'JOO "re-, wild, Kei. V'y (cash) $1300 I'JTV PROI'EIlTY. Id'kH from hhops(chcap)il0i a " 44 17 RETUUN EVKHY SIIIUT does not please you. that Parasols and fans. The largest and most complete assortment at Fred. Herrmann's. 73d&wtf Those Tobies 2 for 5 cent at War rick's take the cake. Gt. Ereni tier's Crackers at Wirckbach's. White goods. A large and varied assortment it Herrmann's, Two house and lot- for ttixie on terms ip suit pui-cEaser. 6 nigtiis e thi Qt f ft. TLX. waNSMIA.lJ. IJcst 1100 l'aciiic lawns at l-iiic per yard, sold elsewhere at 15, at I red Her mann s. busy Charlev Black drew ihe attention the passers by last evening in his efforts these days; three suits on the ISth, to lit an iron cap into the siciewaik. ii and one on tiie i9tn ori whjch a change Just Heceived. A FINK LINE OF MEERSCHAU AUD BRIAR PIPES OV IlIKECT IMI'OKTATION. A Challenge 5c Cigar, 8 iully made for tUe retail trade oaly. at Pperberg's Cigar Factory BOOTS 'AND SHOES. AND REPAIRING AT Sherwood'S, wasn't, fbo iron can that attracted the attention, but it was to see Charley down oa his knees trying to saw a hole in the walk; his knees are not used to that kind of work, and the attitude was a strange one for him, so it was quite a curiosity after all. John D. Simpson received a letter yesterday from friends at Keel uuk, giving an account of tie work of a mad dog. beven men were omen l.ibb Saturday by one dog. ureat excite ment prevails, and the mayor or rsnen- andoah, a city southwest or itca ua. a few miles, has ordered all the dogs in that town chained up or shut up. This is a dog-goned hard story, but is a fact nevertheless. Ed Caum. of the First National bank came in from Lincoln this mcyuing. At first he went up Saturday evening and came back Sunday evening, then he lengthened out his "stay until Monday morning, a little later he prolonged it until Mondav evenintr, but now it takes until Tuesday morning to get back. The next thing ve know he'll forget to came back at all . Just what the at traction is remains a mystery to his so licitous friends here. He says his nose is better and he (k) no (w) s (e). "Work is progressing rapidly on the Sherwood building, which when com pleted will be one of the finest on Main street. The room fronting on Main street will be ocenpied by Mr. Sherwood with his stock of boots and shoes. The first room fronting on Fifth stieet will be occupied by J. D. Simp sou, with his express and insurance business; the second one by John lioone as a tonsonal parlor, ana tne of venue had been taken from Louis ville. II. V. Zink, the new Hedged lawyer of Louisville, appeared for the plaintiff. Lewis Caiklcs, was visiting friends and relatives in the Bend Saturday and Sunday. T. P. McCartney has returned from his land exploring trip. "We are sorry to learn that he will leave us for An telope county, where' he has taken a timber claim. The grain merchants are doing a lively business at present. The G. A. R. were out on the streets Friday night with fife aud drum. It sounded like old war times. The boys have caught the spirit of patriotism and organized a juvenile militia com pany. Lewis Sawyer, their captain, commands like an old veteran. Maggie Slreight and Laura McFar land visited riattsmouth Saturday. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Brownell, the new superintendent of tho state hshery. is sick. Mr. Lazenby is busily engaged in roof painting. Streight has put a set of French burrs in Lis elevator to grind feed. The average daily attendance at school for last month was -45. "VYe now have preaching every Sab bath. Elder Iioot preached yesterdry at 11 a. m., and Iiobineon in the even ing Piatt, of Lincoln, preaches next Sunday evening. Harold. Forger Captured. Last Thursday evening Sheriff Denman, of this city, arrested at the U. F. depot on arrival of Ko. a, 1, Johanneson, charged with forgery in Chicago. The prisoner s wile was just coming on from Chicago, and on the same train with her also came P. B. Tierncy, of the Chicago police force, who had shadowed her all the way. Johanneson, who had been hero ncarlv three weeks, met and em braced his wife at the train and was there and then arrested, and con ducted to the jail. The detective having telemaohed ahead to our sheriff. Johanneson is charged with having forged an order for some cattle from the stook yards in Chicago, selling the same for 1,100, and also with havinr forired some checks on which he obtained mcney. He admits sell- in'' the cattle and appropriating the money, but pleads justification on the rounds that the person who owned tho cattle owed him. Johan neson owns a farm up in the Loup country. He will remain in jail here until the necessary papers arrive when he will be taken back to Chicago by the detective who will remain here for that purpose. The prisoner's wife is Colorado House dependent. Lewvn and Martin's 5 and 10 cent cigars for sale at Warrick's. St. Nuns veiliugs,buutintings,cash meres, skoda cloths in all the latest fjhades at Herrman's. It will pav vou to read Wise's col umn in this paper, vou may find just what you Vvact, olnl Bremner's Lewis'. Crackers at Bennett & NOTICE! We will Sell Any Goods at Prices Ilcloiv TJsose Quuted by Com jjUiorn. FOR SALE BY :or 1 3 cor 2 1J 1 oL It it a 44 4 n t. '2 N. Cth hlreet (fine) Picnic: Hill " Washington ave44 1 bl'k from Main st extra AlA) 176 1M 300 iJOO 3o0 400 c. KXCI.l 55YS: AGIAT, Ila1f Kinortf Ii Aeb. J. vV CSCOlLAA"''- I can find what you want la J l ttm lt.i.i F ...III stnll ft.wl HAt. 111. linn n itij ii itiii tun nu& iilu ,mv. Business houses unci lota lor salt at much lower figures than , will asked six months hence, wben tho dti agonal is an assured success. Do not wait till the advance comes and thou complain of your poor luck. Stores ami dwellings rented and lor rent, rents promptly collected. It you don't bee what you want lw this column como and ask for it. I't probably missed just what you waat Office open nearly eycry evening fron 6 to 8. Good new house and two flna lots in good location price, 880Q. HENRY EGP'CK DEALER IN IX 3? t II SAFES, CHAIRS, ETC., KTC, ETC. Of All Descriptions. JfTim A T T TriT5TTT)T A T ftAWt WOODEU COFFIlTa Of all sizes, reaay made and sold cheap for caflh MY FINE HEARSE W. S. WISE, Union "Rlock. For Sale ! IS NOW READY FOR SERVICE. With many thanks for past patrona. Invite all to call and examine my LARGE STOCK OF 31tf. FBBSTCME ASM COKKIXH X E , Sec. 3, T. 12, It. 13. S K .Sec. 3, T. 12, It. 13. S. W. I, Sec. 3, T. 12, 11. II and X. W. Sec, 10, T. 12, I 1 K. El S. AV. Sec. 34, T. 13, K. 1 E , Lot 10, Block 28. ASK THE PEOPLE where they jmrcliased their new Wall Paper, and tho rrcat maioritv will answer v at " 7 & 9, " 23. Si, 9, " 11. Duke's Addition. The above described farma for tale on long time, with 7 cent, intcre.-t. Aindy to 11. U. AVrIXDIIAM, Plitiiiuith, N"jb stopping at the Grand Island In License Notice. Xutiee is hereby uiven that have filed mv application with the city clerk for a permit to sell spiritous and vinous liciuors for medicinal purposes as re- Boone as a tonsonai . pwior, . .juu iue -ircil b y aw, and that tlie same is an third by Basgorshek Bros., with their i ,- ti fo druggist's permit merchant This: will boom. tailoring give Fifth establishment. street quite a Will J. Wahrick. Plattsmouth, Neb. Plattsmouth RFFD Si mr lrrc GAlBm Gil OB dcM-rlliinir Citt KttftU tiifit i SbUled rre t All. Wi ofTT th Lmtnt ffnU In lav iud WMtl. mui Cb Cml I'U.wrr. Orii rrt TiiHi ii riTi mi in TTTBUI 4 Polk" of this office has beca "boil" ing this week. To sec him walking along the street, and not know what ailed him, you might think he was practicing for a dude, but he wasn't. To see him sit down, the first impression would be that he had a tumble tee in his. hip pocket that was getting mad, but such was not the cac. to note his countenance would cause you to im agine that he had lost every friend he ever had on earth (or any place clsej but he hasn't. He is afiUcted. He can't pit down, he can't stand up. he can't walk, he can't keep still, he cant move around, and about the only thing lie can do, under the present circumstan ces is to swear. If Bob Ingersoll haa a boil lik Polk," lie'd think there, was such a thing as hell, and that the boil wag a little ont. Will Browne, the populor deputy county clerk, is confined to his bed to day with a bilious attack ot some kind. Children's suits in cheviots aud linens at pi'jue, gingham, Herrmann's. n boil vUble, I sac: Wanted. Everybody to Know That after this date I will sell my en tire stock of ca-ncts. consisting of forty-three different desirable patterns AT" PB1ME COST. Call aud ex amine. Jo3. V. Weckbacii. May 8th, 1SS3. . B W-dif Peterson Bros. Sell Best sugar cared hams at 15c. . . Ik-st breakfast bacon at 15c. Best jshoulde-a 11c. Best dried-bcet loo. 61 dlt The Platte Valley bank was neatly victimized recently to the extent of S2.000 by a slick rascal from the east. The stranger, who gave his name as O Ishman, was accompanied by a hotel keeper from Avoca, where he had been stopping for a few days, and whom he had blinded by his plausible stories. Isham claimed to be looking for land, and was introduced to the bank by the hotel keeper, and the officials of the institution offered to help him in his search for a good ranch. After a little talk Isham wauled to get a draft cashed, and ths banker consented, but finally demur red when Ishman banded out a draft on Chicago for $2,000. The banker thought that was a little too much money to advance, but was willing to take the draft and forward it for col lection. To this Isham assented, pro vided they would let him have $200 for immediate use, and a check of de posit for tho remainder, so that he could use it when the remittance came. This was done, and Isham departed satisfied. ' A few days later a member of the banking firm at Marquette presented the check of deposit, says that he had cash ed it for Ishman the day previous, Ot Two thousand yards of drcs goods at loc. ncr vard. cannot be matched in thia citv under 23c, at Ilevrn.anu'e. Bremner's Crackers at Stadle ui .tu's. The laisest line of black silks ever shown in this city at Herrman's. Asky our grocer for Bremner's Crack ers every time, lake no oilier. Please remember that for the next CO days you can get great targains in boots and shoes and clothing, as I mu&t reduce my stock in those lines, with out fail, rfiidtf Jos. V. Weckbacii. Carpets! Carpets! We will not be undersold by anybody. Come and . t -t r convince voursclves. f rea iienman. A few of the handsomest patterns of Wire Flower Stands very cheap at J. K. Cox's. 54d&wlmo RICK'S. ( MIKE SCHHBLLBACHER, BLACKSMITH HOiSSE SHOEING & WAGON REP AIRING ill liMs cf Farm HjmlsESfits Menlel will Neatness and Dispatch. I This is because we keep tlie ES T ASSORTMENT and iust what tlie people want Our prices are always at rock bottom. Lead and Oil for less than than we can lay it down for. Xow is the time to buy. 1 ours Respectfully, AY ILL J. AVoRKICK. SAGE'S ADD1TI0: -TO TIIE- JASON STREIGHT, (Successor to fStrelgtit &. Miller,) MANUFACTUEEK OF CITY of PLATTS3I0UT Valuable outlots for residence p poses. Sage's addition lies south-west the city, and all lots are very easy - w ml access, and high and sightly. IV Tor particulars call on E. SAGE, Pron'r, AT SAGE'S HARDWARE STORE, Plattsmouth, FINE i HEAVY HARNESS. A large Una ot Saddles Bridles, Collars, f Mrs. &c. always In stock. Repairing of all kinds neatly don sort notice. Main Street, between Fourth an4 Flttb. O. M. BTREIGIIT, Euslnee Manner. Horse, Mulc& Ox Shoeing, n short, well shoe anything that ha four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come - and see us. n Filth St., between Main an -Vine Street ast across le comer from the kiw HERAL. lOy -im hois. Mechanical Manager. 71 GAFF, FLE1SCHMAN k CO. COMPRESSED YEAST. The best yeast in use. received f re6h every TUESDAY and FRIDAY mornings. Trade supplied by . BENNETT A LEWIS' Aglt. , HARDWARE. if 2 Ui w o . , n 14 T7 2 1 ; "l I X ii if 1 1 -v , fm- : uei t cri t icis m s"of "TJaTsa rt vtng n f sfcods cloths in att tn ite3rniM'--'(ji j- 72 . - it .. - '-- r- 1 .3d&wrf - WrUTlUKJCE. -. TC J --ry. -r - iti ' . . I .LU B . KH LIU1UJ VIUI I M 11