DUDGOIST. 8. Dkai.i.k IN' medicine, r i-: u f i j m k i : v s , Oils, Paint;, JJki :mu;s, A lnll IjImiolTrus.MtvM And in fact evi-rj tbiig outained in a tirst-cUss Drug Stop". ln criptiona carefully compound ed. Competition met in all department. Colt. 3! A I.N A.VI Tllll:l S'l'KKKTrf i I'LATTSMOl'TII, NEli. J. B. K 54 O AGENC FIRE INSURANCE CO Ml I;. CI TV, of London, QULLN'.of Livcrj-d rillKMAX FI ND, of nlifornia EXPRESS COMPANIES S AMKUICAX KXPKESS CO.. WKi.l.S. KAKCO , CO. KXrilKSS. Offire In Kix-kvr.Mxl liloi'k , 6il--m Witt Jobllr.lM t ARCHITECT- ERNST WAGNER lrac,li,al Arcliitcct. axp SUPERINTENDENT ARCHITECTURAL W UK A SFCCJAI1 Y- flam ati.l SiM t ili.-iU. i. will I f i-ar. in'. r..:riO't .iit. ani! fi:".I atl''n. 'ii iil ! i to s.t'oiy t!ur.;iiiii. r.r.sso.xs s'AiNTra; in .' W'ffr fc'.-JK. Crayon ai:d line OBteeovrr Solomon i Nat'.!.:n'- ti-re. AJ CIGAR3 Just EecoLved. A fine I.I sr. or KEERSCHAD AND BRIAR Pi PES OF DIUFXT IJirtJltTATXi:-- A Challenge 5c Cigar, f S tally iu.vUe for Uie retail triiUc v'.y. at Pepperberg's Cigar Factory SECOJTD-JIAD GOODS J. LEVI7 7 Will 1!UV and "illLL all kindd of FUR1TITUHE, PETALS, moil, A2TD V.'ill advance xa..n?y on all SALA1JLI-: (200DS, on lower ?l..in street. Oi'foiiie The Old Due liiiih'inj. IM.i-tai. e.th. IM st. 1v.l 41 'f. X.UL2SER- CALL AT THE Old Reliable LUmStHfAftUi B. A. WATBRHAH & MISSES IMin;e3.e ah 4 l:an I-iIr i.i PINE LUMBER SHINGLES. SASH, I)Oi;H; Fourth if-.ret. ii "ri-artcf. i -ri Jtoi . PLA.TTSMOI7TH. - NEIJI'A rTA HOTSIi CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three story liick structure, c.-. lower Maid street. lia- Ju-t beea tnisheil :t'.i l flltd up for tlic acaomrn jJatin of Tli A PHI EXT V U STOKE US. AKli REGULAR BOARDERS. EVERY THIN& NEW AND CLEAN A Good Bar ,B COB'r,,u lh I PLA.TTSHQUTH HERALD. JAll.V AND WKKKLY 7! V Piaitoiii Kurald PaWisliins Co, h C ly l'1' "litV J t Ki Hail Aiy Tin)'! U-i!'. . 'lie K.wiu Kiisjiirci Ji- . ry, lcishi! -ih Caul) K'., f'Uit!i p;i'. J i L. STONE, City Editor. Notico to Advertisers. ') fr itWnlay ailvcrtisciio'iitH or fllitllU'M III ;l'lvcrtl-"lll-ljt lit tint ! ll.UHltMl iu to i lie busmen dflU'i' not l:tM-r lli.ni 10 a. . of the t.ty in w incli tlir :ue to tie tusi rti-d. .y for pay I.k-hIh ami Sh--I:i1 nolicci mu-t lie ii..ulf'l Hi liefoita . in. -ii-li ilay to in -in re in sert loii. J! M. 1SCHII.NKI.L.. I.iimih-s Manager. .. Salisbury, EXntlbt. 0'i r one hundred and scvoniy-fivo i vt-il Ma s won- lukcn lor Lli Pci- KiiiH n- tutc at i.otm to-day. Ami 'iini't yu forget, it, reserved .;ii.s t r I: -.veny's minstrels go Oil su'e ! .i" i.' V, Win iiK'sday morning, at J. 1. Young's. t i :. j . . ..t.,; uv r ;t'i elopement cent It i-t-rtii ri d there, the lea-,-i.n-tf: .- l''!.!i; :t prominent p' : nd . w il cmnected lady. The it 1 ' il wo lil' VfS. U n t i f to lliti uvt patches in p:! :, it will be noticed that i.. .-Li fiji'dity KToiin was not a spring I.; :, a lull grown thorough -I'.ii'ki-ll,' T'-'l, ilia! r.-trieii ciaiii aim ueairuu to ail that it came in contact with Lii I'lTk'H.- v.iJl :it!y Ureal ho 1 C a I'K.iiM.oiitii audience, to-niht, ..-.j I'.i.i"-- 'iie 1-iXMtliiiig ;:hibitiou ii.. -y :iy a 'Uiri to ih- pdp!e cal- :t iiti'ti io toluci; laiilitci, il" nt l ii"!-i i, t' ,.-. ii nut lciu.- cni scit, if not (f - -s .-onit'il.iiij elsf, if uot b'.micihiiig c!m, way t i; r p ier luui.d I'lj.irlty JSkiuut-r !ui!v t-'i'a;:'-!! on the (iod'us.H of I.ihi-My ho was trying to joli-h her off, alrl IMjiJ'ii It'll :tt .! t 111 T f!:t:i-K 1 H'l l t? - har.l. Sk'nmr cm lc found in his ji.-t nt itji :i S:,i-iii.:i:kcr?s premiM'8 t;;i-lv tj pi'!i-ti ;;i:y and al! iicd of W :rk ;ii .: .-t vlo. Va is, siipcrinlciitlt'iit tele L linos, is in the city ::ltor things a litlU", .it tlie IIi:kai.i t:ikcs in i polling the fact is mo:i lo undergo a ..vaiii'i), and reinodcl l.fjrapli ollice is to he 1 n fuinished, and in .' dej-ot will be jjiven a Kin ling pain ted inside ll-.-ot'r. put in, i tc. .i it. t' a. !:i V Jin ik a : . ih-,. : I ; t.i. i ii. litr. T! ivp-ip'-ivl tar? w pfi-;; 1 o :i:.il out. n gr.ii!u:itin ei reives of i cluss, the first LliK.g of : held iu Platlsuiotitn. ! tLdlilj:! cliv j I : k'id . t rtTiiifTi than ordinary class consists of seven t-st ;ii..t most attractive who have labored faith- i:i---r..-t. Tt. ot our lO;;: fulr ai;d studiously during the past je.t t? c-.i ij fie the course laid down, r.ec'..s uy in graduation. Prof. Drutn-m-):!l by prr;s;e.it labor und untiring energy U.ih tuiuced the work to a system, and raised the standard of the schools until the public schools of Plattsmouth rank .second of all the schools in the state. The programme for Friday evening consists of orations, e3i.is, declamations, vocal and instru mental music and the presentation of diplomat, an 1 on excellent opportunity wi'l bo jdlo. hd to t.he public to see and jii!?" for themselves of the work iti.t: Ims been done and the progress ih-.il L:ts b: ;i made. il.v,-c;ly Famous Minstrels opened j wi .Ji ;ta ami -nee that packed the large j ;!.;;:: v- bt evening. The loud ap j p! m. -e ,::;.-d to tt;e feeiingof appnv ;i i?i : tl;;C ;hrob3 for minstn ly in 1 !i" e i..i:i;.ii heart. The conspicuous re? of riginrility iu the tirst part !iM ii: r j - duct-ion of opera music I :.i t'i.ice of clieap sentimental bal j "i-.ils tliMt ti tve so loig trembled un- f lt..- Mitly i.ito the ear. This is a good ! ci-iii end 'i erp;ire many good voices i at; i v..!l trained chorus. Theselec- ; were iven with good effect. , iiie I:j?ht c:i'.r of songs was resigned i t;. :'; fnni wd men. In the matter ' ot j.jl'.-s tb- Famjus minstrels deal ! i.; if in oiigisiriliiy than any company ex- f 'ir;. innati (ia.t-tte. Police Court Notes. A1. rjcztcT., an old ofTender in police t: -:-!.'. was ;:p tins morning tor i i !:r5;:!,!f l.-." peace. A. Kearus was j security -. hi.? appearance, to the j ,i--");i!it of iH'i. Tt" tria! proce'ded r with the t XH.niaatum of Kd.Jtoss. the pi Os ecu Mil,; witness. Ross said Sex- leu roiiowe i mm aa iin-a 10 picK a f :js- r. it h h;:r), but he told Sexton he Y'u!.lii't libl. Here the defeudant put i:i a few questions, claiming that i - a- ..ii. jt . i. a i : . . - r i-. rffc I 1 .ilS'i I U iOllIil, III1U II'! -J-)'l,ll" limits. Quite a you did and you nversation. when !'h court ciU'jil ?. halt, and excised iLf vif?iis -;. .'itC- ;d ! xt !:stiifd: he appeared io l-i- :l;e bovs, and was willing t" d w!iv.t could tc help his friend vir. 11- ii i he was with Sexton IL : Til-'- he w ;:!1 dav, and did not even ,s drinking, until the mar s':;:! took ! "'d of him and thieatened io i. itsL hiid. This was a poser for ?h" man:'.-:?, who proposed a recess wl: : li- w. af.ei thi city attorney. -. ' -ii :r.? viitcd to by t he court and crow. I tLcrtil the prisoner step- t! i ping dowi: !--uo the sid-walk for a 1 it t-e frer-h . ir, a:id doubtless noticing j ibe !'r:en.l!v aiitl enticing appearauce ! t:.-5 Iow: ldnfTs wear at ibis time of ' he year, was immediately possessed 1 v. i!';i a:i n;.- ontro'able longing to bask , :n Hie sylvnn sb.ades of the free com- i laOtiWf.iiih across the river, so he beat :ib3ty retreat to the foot of Main j r-tr'.'t. where lie found a skiff, into ! which he ..ropped, heading for the eaft j with a Ha'itn stroke born of despera I tiou, he soon tut the Missouri river between him and bi& captivators. When the facts were made known the court wore a decidedly hungry and disappointed look, and the marshal, well, he proposed the bondsman should shell out, but Uncle Kwirns said he couldn't pee it, as he didn't agree to ho'd the fellow a week. . As it i9. however, the city is' rid of a bad citizen, and the saloons lose one of their best customer. The matter i t-l ' l- 1 . '! ! I ! Counc;l Procedino. Tin; city council nu t in regular sca fion lust Vveiiiivr, with President Mur phy in the chuir. Al.' present but Muy . i Sii'i'h. Tli" minutes of the hint regular meet ing mid i he several cull meetings were read ard approved, 'I'! i jift'tion of Andrew Kein for li cmisc to Kelt lnalt, cj.iriKitis und viaotis li.inr in Pbittpni'iuth wa-i rehd nnd re fV rieil to the liccii.se committee A petition of cUiens to fill up n por tion of the creek left opi n w here it ehaned in the street adjoining lfts 4 nnd Ti in block 12 in Hayes' addition was read aud r.frrred to the committee on strefts, alleys and bribes. The petition ot Robt. Sherwood tit-king he board to take notne fiction in 'e g'tril to protection from the creek on Filth street where he ia erecting a new build'ng was read and referred to the committee on streets, alleys and bridges with power to advertise for and receive bids for the work to he done, on the plns and specifications of the city en gineer which thy a'rr ad y have. A mm inimical inn from I he flredepart nvnt inri lat'ou o their Bab ry for thnyear l.e dnning May 1 'H2 and ending May 1 'H'.l was r.-ad nnd refmred to the coin mi tee on fire and water. The following bills woe referred to the finance coin in it tee. Marshall Mridgrs. nicht watch J. V'. Jennings, certificates. . . Henry f!erhohl, work on Pearl Street : . . . A Mc Fail field 0. H Mr-i'in C. W. Sherman, printing M A. Hart i?nn, citv attorney SI 0 00 6 00 7 00 311-83 3 73 :;oo 12G.00 The report of the chief of police re garding the city licenses, duties of night polieo, etc., was read. The. chief asked for instructions regarding piird. cleaning alleys, licenses, etc., and also made a slatement regarding the uniforms, slating that the force would supply themselves with uni forms if the city would furnish bat tons, caps ap.d belts. Councilman Lehnhrff moved that the eit furnish cans. de . which inoion prevailed. Moved bv PouneiJinan Lehnhof? and carried, that the chief of police be in structed to enforce the ordinance and order to clean Hp the streets and al leys. Councilurm Morrison moved that the city clerk be instructed to make nut receipts for all licenses required in the city and place them in the hands of the chief of police and that he be instructed to collect the same and give the cl-rk's receipt therefore, which motion was carried. Councilman Morrison moved that the chief of police be instructed to as certain a good ol ace for a pound and report at the next meeting of the coun cil, which motion prevailed The street commissioner s report was nceived, and on motion was icferred to the finance committee. Citv treasurer's report was received and referred to the finnace committee. The police judge's report for the last year was received and referred to the finance co-nouttee The finance committee reported back the following claims, which were al lovve.i, an 1 the clerk nrdered to draw warrants od the Special License Tax fund for the same : Mr-. Roba Whit, wood $13 50 P. McCmu. work on contract 08 00 Henry Cierhold, work on stroels. 10 00 The peliiion ot residents in Young & Haves' addition for the opening of the allev in block 28, was reported back bv the committee on streets alleys and bridges, with the recommendation that the praver bo gauted, which, on mo tion, carried. . The petition to close all alleys run ning north and south iu Yonug & Haves' addition was reported back to the" same committee, with the recom mendation that the same be not allowed, which report, on motion, was adopted. Mr. Ambrose Patterson was present and stated to the council that lie suffer ed damages by reasou of the water flooding hiin. running down Sixth street from Maia. and overflowing the side walk, on account of the incapacity of the drainage to carry it off. Councilman Fairfield moved that, the matter be re ferred to the committee on streets, al leys and bridges, with power to act. Councilman Fairfield mivcd that the street commissioner be instructed ta put in a culvert on Twelfth street, bet. Courtland and "Walnut, which motion prevailed. On motion the council adjourned. Court Notos. Wm. Shafer vs. Jacob Falter, et. a?. Trial to the court. The court finds the defendants have legal title to the premises in dispute, and entitled to the possession of the same. Plaintiff gave notice of demand for another trial. Judgment set aside and new- trial ordered. Jas. S. Mathews appears for Shafer, Wheeler & Vanatta for defendants. David Wotnlaid and 1. C. Yeoraans against Frank Mickle, on trial to jury; Smith, Srrode & Clark for plaintiffs, A. Beeson for defendant. Eliza Ilennessy against Peter and Eden McCann; judgment against El len McCann lor 8200. Sullivan & Wooley for plau.tiff, Smith, Strode and I5ee?on for defendants. C. S Goodrich against "Weeping Water Bank ; Judgment againtt de fendant for 'j;5.70. Each party to pay his own costs; J. B. Mickle for plain tiff. liu-hey Bros against W. R. Chit tenden et al.; judgment for plaintiff and order of sa!e of premises; Strode &, Clark for plaintiff Y. A. Wilson & Co. against Sewell S. Reed end Byron Wannan; judg ment for plaintiff; garnishee ordered to pay 125 dollars in the court with in '20 days on said judgment; Gibson fc Meikle foi plaintiffs, lloldcman & Morrison for defendants. A Mateiuent. Wise & Clark to LaPlatte duck hunt ing groLndj, Dr. Afril 12, 1S83. To ll. IL Fare - ...3 80 A munition 1.00 Cigar3 40 Commissariat Uu Time, 1 dav two lawyers :.. 4.00 St. Jacobs Oil 1.00 Flannel bandages,. 50 Freight on baggage 59 Total $3.80 Cr. By one tealduck 50 Balance due 8.30. Now in the hands of Sheriff Hyers for collection. Eli Perkins will arrive this even- in;' at 7:30 from Emerson, where he 110 AUD OP TRADB. Their Meeting List Krenluf. The board of trade met last evening at the court house under the call of the president witli the following present: V Carrruth.II lioeck, A W McLaughlin. F (iordir, R li Windham, A B Todd, C W Sherman, F S White, J W Johnson, J N Wise, J V Wick bach, P R (JutK man, II M Rushnell, "W S Wise. Minutes ot two previous meetings read aud approved. Mr. Wiudliam, chairman of the com mittee on the diagonal railroad fechemc reported the work done by thtm result ing in the organization of the Platts mouth &, Southwestern railroad. He alsD sj.oko of the feasibility of the liuo and the tncoumgiug outlook there seemed to be ' for the building of the road. Mr. Chapman who was present with the board aud who in company with Mr. Carruth haa been over the proposed line of the Plattsmouth & Southweslcra railroad was called upon aud spoke con cerning the feeling along the line of the proposed road. Mr. Chapman algo reported upon his trip to Iowa to con fer with the diagonal railroad people. On motion the report of Mr. Wind ham wan received und commltteo was continued. Hills of 3 P. Holloway, janitor, $4.75, IIkkai.d Publishing Co. $5, and railroad commit tee for expense incurred $5-i.G0, r ad and referred to the board of directors. Applications of S. G. Perry for mem bership recommended by A. W. Mc Laughlin and II. M. Bushnell, also ap plication of fJeo. H. HIack for mem bciship recommended by F. R. Gutli man, and also application of Peterson Dro3. lor membership reco nmended by F. Carruth and II. M. fiushucll were re ceived aod referred to the committee on eleetiou.T. On motion the special railroad com mittee were given unlimit ?d power to ' continca their work under endorsement of the board. After which the board adjourned. PERSONALS. Mr. Jno. Fitzgerald is in the citv to-day. A. li. Smith and Lafe Gilmore went wet this morning to McCook. Mrs. O. S. Johnson went to Nebraska City this morning. Dave Woodward, Dan Johnson and Geo. Zjegler of Weeping Water, are taking in the metropolis to day. S. G. Owens, bank examiner, of Lincoln, is civorting around Platts mouth to-day. Sile Greenslate came down from Elm wood to day. Ernst Wagner, the architect, went to Columbus this morning to make estimates on a building there for J. C. Morrissey. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mavfield, of Louisville, are in the city to-day. Mrs. Dr. Ilobbs returned to h?r home at Elmwood this morning, after a week's visit among friends and rela tives in the city. Joe, Robinson, cashier of the Com mercial bank at Weeping water, is in the city to-day attending court. Billy Meikleof Hatch & Meikle, Weeping Water, is in attendance at the district court to-day. Gen. Joe. Connor and wife went to Ashland this morning to spend a few days. G. W. King, of Weeping Water, brother-in-law of Sheriff liters, passed through the city last evening on his way to Manitau, 111., to attend the funeral of his mother, whose death we noted yesterday. Avoca News. Avoca, Neb., May 14, 1S83. Ed. Herald: It continues cold and farmers complain of corn rotting in the ground. Squirrels are unusually bad too, this spring. John Kraft is buying hojfs at this place. He will ship two car loads to morrow. Norton & Day are putting in a stock of farm implements here. Mat. Stallord is a pa now. It's a ten pound boy. Shep. Cauuou of Weeping Water is in town toilay. Miss Emma Coatman has opened a dre&smakiug establishment. Our bridge has been fixed up la gooJ shape, new planks and side railiugs. Ex-Senatr TeSt's new house is a daisy in its extrior appearance. It - is paiuled in color known as Milwaukee br'ck. J. Marquardt s new residence is Jen closed and will soon be ready t occupy. J. E. Beatly's new house will soouf be occupied. H, rC. Hinntrs is back again from Wisconsin with his new bride, accom panied and welcomed by the best wish es of all,hc bought out Gant fc House r's stuck ot general merchandise, and also B. B. Col man's lot and residence. Tne Avoca Bank has placed a Hall's time lock on (heir bank safe, instead of the Greenleaf & Sargent's, which came on the safo. Mr. Bogard will carry the mail 'be tween this point and Factory yille aud Mt. Pleasant, instead of J. R. Quinton, as here-to-fore. Our I. O. G. T. is iu a flourishing condition. They meet every Friday evening. Three boys belonging to prominent citizens of Weeping Water, were dis covered here one day last week by A. Smith, to be fully prepared for an ad venturous trip to parts unkuowu. Am. telegraphed to their parents, and wa3 in receipt of an anwcr in a short time, stating ibat he should hold them under arrest until the morning's train, and ship them home ojrain. Their absenac caused some anxiety, but their return made things O. K. " II. N. C. Citizens of Flattsineath. lucre win be a caiieu meetiujr to- morrow eveninsr at tne court house make arrangements for the entertain- inentofthe editorial excursion, which reaches this city from tne east on the 24th inst. A full attendance of all is desired that Plattsmouth may properly receive ner visitors. Geo. S Smith, and ethers. To-morrow, "Wednesday morning, reserved seats for Haverly's minstrels go on sale at J. P. Young's. Go early and 8 ecu re good seats. Everybody knows that JSaverly'a attractions are House Breakers. Either tramps or burglars attempted to break into the bouse of Mr. Allen Beeaou last night. Mr. Uctson hearing them at the window got up and in get ting his shooting iron made a slight noise which frightened them away. Ho fays that trouble won't occur again and and that the invader of hU domicile will get it right through the window without ceremony next time. . Hon. A. S. Paddock, one of the Utah commissioners, returned to Omaha yes terduy afternoon from Salt Lake City, and will remain here a few daya to transact some important business, after which he goes back te Utah. Governor Paddock, in answer to the inquiries of a Republican representa tive, stated that the Llah commission- era had made the preliminary arrange ments lor the registration which 19 to be taken dining the first week in June Rigistratiou officers were appointed, and the commissioners have begun tho work of perfecting the registration The election which ta'.es place in August, t elect m tubers to the legislature, and the theory of the Edmunds act is that an anti-polygamy legislature wi'd be elected if the registration, which die- franchises known plyganiists, is eui cessfully carried out, and that such br- lslaturc wilt enact laws in conforn ity ' with the federal laws affecting I pol y ga my. The members of the commission are ex-Sec ary of "War Ramsey, of-Mmne- sota; e.x-aenator Paddock, of Nebraska; the lfor Mr. Carlton, ot Indiana; Hon. G. L. Godfrey, of Iowa, aud the Hon. Mr. Pettigrew, of Arkansas. Messrs. Carlton, Godfrey and Paddock b jan the work assigned thuu a lew weeks ago, and Messrs. Ramsey and Pettigrew are now on their way to Salt Lake to join them in Hie undertaking. Omaha Republican. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under thli bead, three cents per line each insertion. 1?OK UK NT A farm. - ui't &awtr Apply at this ollice. VOK RENT A Kood house in good location A- in till city. Impure ot 11. E. rainier or J. W. JeuiiingK. 6C 5t rOB KENTKKH Look at W iHe'd ad. and es- -- pecially the half acre lots and the terms. FOR SALE Old paper for nale at UiU office ;it 40 cents tier hundred or a ceiitA ner doz en, tt IJ'OR SALE Four lots together iu god loca - tiou in this city. Imn-lie at IhU oDlce tf "COR RALE A eood sodawates generator can - be bought clieao. Will Ktve choice be tween a large and small one. Terms and price made known on application. uti .Smith & Black Bros. lOUNO A folding key in a railroad coach in - tiiu city, owner can iinu ii at mis oruce. T-'OUXD-A bunch of key on Chicago avenue -- Owner can get same oy cainug al tins oi flce and paying for this novice. 47lf. r AMfcU lo rent a email, neat tiou.se eon- " tainlng three or five rooms. Forxuitable building good price pa'-; Ii uiili'tt at this of- flee. 16 3t Tir .:'TED John Bauer has leaped the Stohl- man place, corner ot 7th and Vine, and is prepared to accommodate the public in the way of boarding and lodging by the week or month. 40iul WANTED Fifteen hundred tame pigeons delivered in Lincoln, Nebraska, at once. will pay $1.50 per dozen delivered at your de- por. it. II. UON.VOK, ef Kecy. Lincoln Sportsmen's Club. Cottage House) Sixth street, between Main and Pearl, Plattsmouth, Nebr. Rentted and cotn- lortablv furnished. Board by the day or week. Meal 8 25 cents. Board by week at r asonable rates. House com fortably and pleasantly situated. Give ine a call. S. Weaver, Proprietor. 46dlm Bremuer's Crackers at Wirckbach's. Wanted. Everybody to Know That after this date I will sell my en tire stock of carpets, consisting of forty-three different desirable patterns AT PRIME COST. Call and ex amine. Jon. V. Werkbach. May 8th. 1883 64 dtf Bremuer's Crackers at Stadlemau's. Parties wishing to attend the races at Lincoln, May 15th to 20th, return tickets will be sold at this office May 15th to 19th, inclusive, for one fare and a fourth, good to return May 21. F. Latham, Agent. NOTICE! We will Sell Any Goods at Prices Below Those Quoted by Competitors. IV. J. WARRICK. Asky our grocer for Bremner's Crack ers every time, late no other. A few of the handsomest patterns of Wire Flower Stands very cheap at J. R. Cox's. 54d&wlmo It will pay vou to read Wise's col umu iu this paper, vou may Cud ju what you want. S9U arrick is making a et ecialty oi ciirars from the cheap Tobies to the very best. Try his new stock. 68-Sr. Best 10c box writing paper in low at Warrick's. 66 d3t Bremner's Lewi'. Crackers at Bennett & Peterson Bros. Sell Best sugar cured hams at 15c. Best breakfast bacon at 15c. Best shoulders 11c. Best dried-beet 15c. C4-d4t. Alabastine, all shades, at Warrick's. sG-d3t. NOTICE. That the undersigned will have on hand and for sale, 25,000 choice varieties of Tomato plants; 50,000 late cabbage plants, and 100,000 sweet potato plants, after the 18th of May. Leave orders with A. Clark, P. J. Hanson, and Grace & Thierolf, or at my residence on Ninth street. 67d-9wtf John . Leeslky. 'Tobies,'' two lor 5c at - Warrick's. Try them. 66-dSt. Millinery. Mrs. Johnson & feweney are re ceiving all the latest styles in Hats, Bon nets, Flowers, Tips, Ribbons, &c, in the ni: cry liue to which thev invite all millinery uue, to which they invite all tol. n i '.! i i t r ii vanr-B rr.u inm elsewhere. J t" " - - m A large invoice of something new in stationery line just received at War rick's. ee-aiJt. Please remember that for the next 60 days you can get great bargains in boots and shoes and clothing, as I must reduce my stock in those lines, with out fail. 64dtf J03. V. "Wecxbach. Window shades, when purchased oi Warrick's, are being hung tree arge ' W-d3ttbc ASK THE PEOPLE where they purchnfcd their new Wall Paper, and the great niaioritv will answer at WARRICK'S I This is bec.ituc we keep the BEST ASSORTMENT and just what the people want. Our prices arc always at rock bottom. Lead and Oil for less than than we can lay it down for. Now is the time to buy. Yours Respectfully, Will J. "Woruick. -TUK- BOSS CLOTHIER, sells thejustly celcbredat RUSSELL A IIARCOURT which embodies all the best features of which ail i master. Its excel celence is recognized by the prominent fin nisdiers throughout t!iu couutry. BODIES of BEST MUSLIN. The Bosom of the best hand- spun linen. The fit and workman ship unexcelled. Made to ordea and Satisfaction Guarantee! RETURN EVERY SHIRT that does not please you. FOR SALE BY C. M WcscoLL, IIXCIXSII 'K ACIEXT, l'latfamoutti Xet. BOOTS I AND SHOES. MAKUFAtTUWN O AND REPAIRING AT Sherwood'S Plattsmoutri, - Neb. NEW Furnitur StorE HARRIS & UNRUH, DSALERSflK FURNITURE 8 COFFINS, and all kinds of goods usually kept In a FXUHT CLAHN Ft'B.MTt'BE WTOKTfc AIM), a rery complete stock of Funeral Goods, 'Metallic&WoodenCofflns CasfcetyRQliGS, tnoLtnj. &c Our New and elegant hearse ! alwayt In I reaainess. Remember the place, in UNION BLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun- ty Bank. Whear we may be found night or day. HARRIS & UNRUH, 24tl3 PLATTSMOUTH. MKB mm Our Larr dAmiKIV 0091 dwM-ritiinc C'l AiliU S4t 1 Walla rm tm ALL. w off.rlh. jlnl Am1im la 4 . . mmwM rvYAin, corn, i't lonbt. nd tbe Bttt C'WWrlM of VUbl, REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE (AND) COLLECTION AdENCY. Law and collection business promp tly attended to at thin ollico and pro ceedt remitted without delay. Notarial work, conveyancing and abstracting attended to on bhort no lieu and (ialiMlaction guaranteed. if thcro la any thing wo do make a specialty of, it is city aud suburban real estate. Several fine farm and hoiuc wild land at bargain. Laboring men can get a homo by paying mouth ly what they now pay for house rent. Six choice half aero lots, 8 inlnutm from R. R. bhops, at from $80 to $16t each, and on terms' that would make a man afdiamcd to say ho did not own a house. Come aud see, you are not compelled to buy aud we wontj giv thche lots away, but you c.n get tli cm ho they will absolutely cost you noth ing. Five acre lot J mile from city for '2;A) part on time. hleven acre lot j nnlo from celt t l'or$'.r0 this is extra line. Home good citv property or out lota for trade for hor horcn or cattlu. Ten acres for $ lAjo 00 " " " GOO 00 " 44 44 7.00 00 44 44 44 J.00 00 Several unall tracts well improved aud adjoining the city, lor nala at reasonable rates. FA KM LANDS. 40 acres, wild $ tiou 00 HO 1G0 200 9111 improy 1 1000 00 00 '4 C200 00 COOO 00 larm iu Cass county Pi li cut fatock $10000, long time and low ruto ol iu tertst. 160 acres, wild $3200 80 44 44 1200 160 acres, w ild, Rep. V'y (caah) $180 (TTV I'ltOl'KKTY. Cor. lot 3 bl'ks from shops (clicap)$100 3 44 44 44 17 44 3 44 2 44 4 w 150 450 176 150 300 3 cor 3 cor 44 N. 6th Htn et (line) n Picnic Hill 44 200 Washington ave'4 350 1 Id'k from Main ht extra 400 Improved city real cutato in abun dance. 1 can find what you want ia thin line if you will call aud see me. Business houses and lots lor sale at much lower figures than will be asked six months hence, when tho di agonal is nn ubsurcd success. Do not wait till the ndvunce comes aud then complain of your poor luck. Stores and tlwellings rcn'cu ana lor rent, rents promptly collected. It you don't sec what you want 1 this column come and auk for it. I've probably missed juht what you want. O flier open nearly every evening front 6 to 8. Oood new house and two fine lota in good location price, 800. W. S. WISE, Union lock. For Sale I N E i, Sec. 3, T. 12, IL 13. - SE Sec. 3, T. 12, II. 13. S. W. J, Sec. 3, T. 12, Jl. 13. and N N. W. Sec, 10, T."l2, II. 13. E S. W. Sec. 34, T. 13, 11. 13 E , Lot 10, Block 28. 59. 23. 11. " 7 t 9, " "Duke's Addition. The above described farms for ealy on lon time, with 7 cent, intercet. Apply to R. 15. AVrJXDIIAM, Jflatt binoutli, Neb art per SAGE'S ADDITION TO THE CITY of PLATTSMOUTH Valuable outlots for residence pur poses. Sage's addition lies south-west of the city, and all lots are very easy of accetg, and high and sightly. For particulars call on E. SAGE, Pron'r, AT SAGE'S HARDWARE STORE, Plattsmouth. Xeb. JASON STREIGHT, (Hoeeur to Htrelxht A Sillier,) MASUrACTCBEB OF X large line of j Saddles Bridles, Collars, Wtips. I: always In stock. '' ifc. iiiii iw iiiiiii 1111.4 r Repairing of all kinds neatly don tort notice. Mala Street, between Feurth and Flftb. ' o. M, 8TEEIGHT. Bulne Mn 4.f piwmai if rehaBlcal , St fIS9a..t " confessed having r Toy4denliflcHon J . S 'ill: V ' - . - " V