The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 14, 1883, Image 3
r U ... w- 1 ill 8 it i: .1 4 ,' i-:r 1 V ii 9 r4 . - DRUGGIST. Dkai.kk in AI KDICI N K, I'KIJFIIM KIIYS, On.s, Taints, IIiclsml, A !FuII JjiucoiTriiMM? An I in fact - vcrythieg contained iy u iin-t-rUss Prug Store Pre kcriptionH careVdly compound Competition nut in nil department. l-LAMOOTH HERALD. ;: i-aii.V am ".VF.fcKI.Y BY Ti-j Plhtia : ttn Hsrali Putlisbinz Cs. .it a I i I ' ' ' i ...i.iiy l-'ui-'K-iy, ItaiUay Tin ('nt. Main aki Tiiti:i m-nrr V IM.ATTSMOIJTll, NKl:. IKSUKVKCE Jii l. Ii. RTO;E, - City Editor. - at..- , .... . . r- - - - ' ' " Nolle to Advertisers. y foi tisii iy kilvi-riUfinruiM r ,lun,', inh.iviTtiM'iiifi.l - mu.H l; huii'lcd in t. lin l.i...iiirsKKrn:i-lH't lai'-r tliiin iO si. ' of the ay : wlii:i' ti:;.- urn l bu m s-rt t ""ly tori -ay local hpucial Holicivi III. Int. I"" ku.lf"i in lie'-jn. . in each lUy l beam- i.i seiil . II il. r.i xinki.i., l.naliirK. ,MaI;:i.,( . A. i , SJU-ntlst. MX I)AIA(fE SUIT. .Vj-ainst a Kailmu'l ('nmiiauv 1 I I rrt One Iritu Yesterday, ami is Won by the I'laiulifT. X'lIKSO.NALK. It will b-i rem-ambi-rcd tint some lim'.-t.ix men wei e kiii .d in a cut on what i- ii'iw the Chicago. -Minneapolis, St. J 'a ul & Omaha load in DuiL cotin l. Wiiiis t!j':y wii) shoy li,,g snow j. train dashed tlnou 'h the '-ul and (.Mul.t tlu in before they could get out ! i.t the way. Suits have been biought a-.-.inst tin? ra.iioad company to re-I c.vcr damages for each man killed. ; Vt bit id-iy tli suit, oi I in ettatA of A. I 1'. .-.wan o:i, bo hia .djnini.itrator, S. j ji Luin'"-.'!, against Hit'. railroad w;n ! Con lu' tOr dr o g m's wife an 1 three bright littk ( liili.'n-n,, arrived this in irnin, anil will make J'latlsmouth their ftanre home. IM Ilauia went to Lincoln Saturday evening, to tpfiul Sunday with his " f iiiiily." Snn Atworid having lieard of :i l-1 indie sdeer lir mle at Slien::ndoah, I'iva, stal led for that busy city thi3 morning. Wiley JJlack ia seeing Lincoln today. i.'i ! !. ' n, v. : 'I :.e eity Ik. i 1 1 :i:i i t li c ..;.i-j:i l:Mt:-e lo ll led in Kail cuiiii Wakely. in.- .i-nount V.i.iCli i-i ihu i.! V in Sl!i-!! r Ul . 'i ."9. "BK 1 M "2 H & ?9 ;.! re I-'ia.'' i liiyi..-ir. AGENCY ll a: ii :.i. in Ui'i:;' i A ll; .-. i!i i) l; j a Veld j aim uii: . . : :.. I : j . t a, .'lid Hon I Mi- Iarid. wo ! i piaiiiliii, ;-:ai !!' j ie; at u it.: f- j r I'll ' i . I" 1 1 :' e , ' l- I y l.-ej.iry Jinle if L-:n:!i',- heiir iliiil allo.ved i : jui'.j ret urn; d ilai.itilf :-i- tl.o tad .. Ti.-.r aM'H'i.-n ii: ii 1 ! i in .!.'!!, ot 1 i -I I 1 , I I I l.,r tl.C ,v, l eji- ' ; j" i l FIRE INSURANCE GO'S: CITY, r,f Lr.ndon. QUEEN, of Liverpool FIREMAN FUND, of nlifornia EXPRESS COHPANIES: AMERICAN EXPRESS CO.. W KI.I.H, KAKUO & CO. KXPitEKS. h -V. l.u-;- ll i ui; IV. -tr f re..--,tn li-r I ..i 'j he eitv ( M.aii i: v. ill, at l ii ir ii.eetiiii; ti e:;;ht. -ii ttie iueaioii il s.ue TV I.i.i mai '. Vri. Our oi ti e i esi iiiiuioroas iccturc-b ivi r tieliv . reit v.iii lr- ot-n v eii d by i'.li JVri.ii. -t lae opera in '! to -moirow. 'i;e!. .i -it J. J. Yi-uie,''.-:. r;.:it ;:Ui Z eii!tvv .-. i i 1 1 1 1 -. . i.! iii.'or r.i i ; i:.o-.iiii A u 1 1. wi pa n weie til d at I iaf o, Mav .rih. i e! a v 1 .st;. li puratoi'M arc .'olia Kiiyer ( airalli. I. 11. Whe.'l. r K ha;a, II. K. I'ah::-!-, (ieo. S .; ... ii.e I'l.ul la.iload i;oiii-a-i; d the .-CC- i'l.i! ir.iTir rdi't, Frank Ii. Vn.d- .JliO. Wateriiian. S. i Sin riivm, Win. i I . N'c ('. II. Fariuaa..', F. ll v ha j-ii-aii. i-n, i ri.u iji.rui-i ClUha-.a, .1. ,l 0!ft"f la ItiM-Uwooa Bli.i-k, ivttk iiluni ARCHITECT- .loiia-iai 'i i.n .-.i in !.. oiii' ii' l -.vd oi ;ia m h- i-'ea btiaiuht . lae ii- ii'-r o iy l'V --ir. ;iir jouil; oa like hot d i.oiM.i will .-ail. .--p.-ci.d ! L ERNST WAGNER AM SUPEUIKTENDEST ARCIII J ZCTDRAL W ItK A SPCCIALTY- rtion in.'! io;.s wltl te irfi::iy t-urriM out. nn.i fall aMrr.tioa u l'.l le jjiviii n to safi-tr anil itr.rahility. i.i:sso.s ox aAi?.Ti.; la OitWr.trr Colors. Cmyon :ul rpHfit. Offlce ever polonmn . Nathan" store, M.iin St I-.ii i -. in ol l i. i-l:-..'!: I..:. ;i ii . : i -I . . i . n ..- t '. ;.f ''' .- ;'t" t.,-..;.-- in- ! 1. : I ' I i li-s -;y aii io ru-iis. all--a i iitiled to the b a-.'i of trail.-, ttniitit. n a.c lo i.-- e.-li-i.i'.ri d . i.; Ol' lla! l.oalt ! l.:i i ' i ; i i 1 i'll! i. -i . ;.iiii lilt i (p. iv.c a .1- j;iail; i ..; tiie i'lat'c, mi.-av.'i-.l aiiv iieviiii'tiT- I '.it ti r- -n. ieo L 1 o I. .!:. (). TTi''. Li,-,., i! I.iltl' !! !!, d. !i. A; Win. li. ekui;ai, .N . Small. 1'. K. .'lavaa ). X. in eloek, J ! i.i i!. l)i a:':. ;:. .. II. ::!-. 1,- lii-; S'o.;-b(;', i:. ';rii.--. J. e. 1 N. McC-i-a.-!. II, rb':ra 'i'. 11. Fldri.l-.'. .!. I!. Mi .veil, C F. Slei !, i. o. LY. s and 'J. atU- '. !n nidi coatinu.: to par i. ji,e .-ii;. inni"li.Mieii, breaking .ilk.-, v, . i;-, 11-, and iuatln Oil r..,i.. i hor-o iVed in furmcri w:i? oii . V :I1 v ilu'V are privileged ch-u- cigar: 'lie artii' lOO'.i t- 1 1; Il.e-i i I lin io ;av j niu-.e a r. Mi ti ti i. Hi of incorporation of the Jv :.n.u iiVi est. rn railroad ,.coil with the ci-uuty jhc-y htive aheady been r of rn; i d ia ti:e Secret. iry NK OF" FINE I HEEESCHAU AND BRIAR rIPEi A Challenge 5c Cigsr. r rH laity Mi nH- f'r re r.-tai'. ::t- i'y, x'. Pepperberg's Ciar FactCo' Si.; :":iT l! f:;.- ;-.U :;.n at o'clock 1 1 1 1 ' l. ,t!a I'.i i. 1 1 ! I'U i t f.. t :s i ved . i.n:;-uitc!i! i :tii;i m-j'rnii.'i.:, .,to wiiu: bedilde the, 1,0 nnl:itnly tuinuioii- telerara of 2I:s. h- : i. na .hi ti.i; pia i:iir:nl Jiiys. cd v. uli the First 2i';i 1! .. i in-d.i ' j)' of t'ne i'iss ;.r-' yc. and the next day iv.a ..I .-"it, vviiiie nundicr one ; i ;i" ; t ...'elc- l nose. SECOND- L AKD GOODS raii ..hi.. ryrn!r ii is ..f !i iI.h co'iiie---, of Mr. Fred . ia i.-i! neut o! the I. it M. at r Will I'.I'V and .sF.LL all ktnus of FURNITURE, HETALS, IRON, RAGS A1TD FURS2 "Will adTHBfp rooniy on all SALABLE GOODS, on lowr Main Btreet. Opposite The Old Zkfke Building. Plattsnioath, Feb. 1st, LS3 16tf. i .;t i ' r. i r c .l is -.t lii ! '!l us duvin:- t!ic iii ntiiM of Jnnunry Fei ruarv iC tari;:!i our realtors ro- iiip s-hipnieiits rai-' haadled at l'latts Oi !la II W. II arirton. i l.e S'-a'; cuiiiu; -nce.-i al i 'i ii ;--'aii -utii l!-, ;,c-; ia 11 snat I. W". .-i r: Ij. e! : .a t:ir.'ii-.!s (..' !- c.-.tirr;. .-: lo a ji A v. '.I'.-to.-h It.; ari'y vl.. .-!. litro' .!' e-...a ei.'.s-il. via "-.! isi-. throiieii L .' - tsu' via !: ;inc , tin i.aii J;.h:;- a ci-anny via I-'air! :'. to tin: : taie lii. e. 'i'la e;a.ii:.l .-tm-k (if l lie company i-4 .srii',(i).0'.:). The shares ip- $100 each. riei.rii-ka ( "i' v Press. The above puMisard is i t" in u!i in portaaec. It h as a lit of ii uncs that are a p-uafiuit'-o f bu i ne-s in tlu in -fi-lv-s, and will c ..-,.:i:a:: l attention. The po.-.-:i'j;lIli'.'. of tie: ( o::ip:t!iy atnl (lair piospf cts will s- n b given to liie public. Court Notes. (.'. Faroi S-.n v. Mary Buttery: motion to dissolve; injunction over ruled ; Wheeler & Vim aati for i!aintiff, M. A. ilitrtigan for lietVi.dnat. St'de ol Xebiska v.-. Turner; a'pral .;i-m;sed s.t eo.-ts of de ft-ndant. Dis trict Ailnraiv Slro-li for Stale, Ilarti jran t'r del' iai.;at. Fatik of Cass C'-unty vs. Lo-ris Ca-k-i.-K-: in trii! to coart : jury v.-aiv. d; Sul l'Tao Wooley ic-r .huntili. Ilftr'ian f-.r d.-fenilact; verdict for jilainlifT for $S70.bO. : I .. I a n ( aurc'cd. Windier vs. Morrisey, f t. al.; leave to defi-rid.-iats to answer ia GO davs. A V' rii.cii .5nr. v f'l.itfi :i.:im' ill'l'r- V . ... " ..j. ...... ------ ........ . j . ... rn.-iit rn meeh inics lit n; tale of prt-m so:- nro-T' d Foi ier vs. Poiaer; uivorre. iir mted. i W. X-uion v. Xevvell, treas?.: liifl-ii.ifiit for defendant DO 3a. ;. sieler, of Weeping Water, caa:-.' in fiuin t'hicao this morning. ; Ir.i A. Mis, of Ottutnwa, Iowa, j owner of the rooms now occupied by ! i eiw.n.d, as Wfll as i-onsidi raldo oth er piop'-rty here slojiped over Sunday, I nolinir li. improvemen! s since his i las!. Visit. Di,Uict Judg-' A. M., of Co ' t. i dms, M'-braka, passed thr-.u.'ii Ibis ' i:..-r:. in; b'aiu.l lor J.ii:co'':. The ! .!:;.!.;; l as b. ea viili!:! fric! d." ia Ma ; : i- toun ! y 1 owa. .Mi'. Mt-Intosh iv.a-ived the fad ; I yi -st , tiv teleraai, that his : i u l !e i-, : 'r. Kenneth a . :.( :iii:.e:;l iauver of Pittsburgh, V., wa-'. not cxp"CUi id 1 1 e o ei .jjaooa-ii, (. .si. i day;. -!os. 1 rd, ein-a.-d in roof pain'inj,', left on this nioniitii'".s train Tt M the seen:-; of his labor. Mr. Ford ;;ays there is soir.H ile.lif diiTereni e 1 etween siiditit" o" ;t U'l'p ro d and alidiiif ana1, ud a r-.-'ier slitting rink jt3 ho used to do. Sam i.aiKcr, "the im-pi edible," went to Supei im , 'his trior m:rr. ami as he M-marke.', "to .dve the 'iiny'andcd xrniucrts some. a.n st money." W-s!ey P.aUer, luotln r of W. IL Fa !;cr, rfturntd this ciornin to Ids du ties as an emnloye of Vfll3. Fari-o A; C.j,, at Atchison, Kan., after rnakir.j- ti ie.-:'s in t!'i . fit V. 1 . ii . . . . . SPECIAL NOTICES. Advi-rtlscinciit-i under till head. Hirer ci'id n-r hue eui'ti Insci ll.Mi. 1, OK ItKNT A r.uia. Apjity lit tliis ullicc. al&Kwlf I, ''OK KKNT A K.)d lion-c In ,ioil lucitU n In 1lni city. I li'i :i 11 f of II. I I'alin. r nr .1. XV. Jriiiilng-. t; r.t 1,'OK KKNTKKS --Look at VVii'':nl. :un 't-c-l.illy tlie h.ilf ai re i,it.i ami the ten I ri ms. I ""OH SAI.K-Old iiap.-r- f.. -sale at tl.ln oltlce at 10 c all jjfi liunilrcl or " i-cuIh kt ilo.-i-n. Tt- t"Olt S.VI.I". - l-'oiii lols lujjct'.ii i- in jjm,i lijca-- lion In tins city. Iii'iulu- at tl.U ollU-e if iOlt SA I.E A (((ul smla ate ucncrnli.r '"an lie liouhl ')M-:p. will uii ' li'.ift' lic l 11 a IrtiK- in "I sin-ill 11 no I'd ins anil j.i ice tiia.n- Ul.ivmi mi ai plica! inn. ill! u i it 1. a u I'.itos. L"t)t'.NI A tol.linK Key in a railroail c.eicli lu - linn city. OiMc-i c in ti.-il it at llns I,0 T NO -, lnii- a of k- f i-n f 'lii.-i'KD : venue liviiel can ;:: same hy f itlitlin al lliliol l'a.e auii iayin lor tliis r.otiec. n'u. ' A N"I i"-I I k lent a Mliall, lir;U linilse coii ' tainln tlir.-e nr li-.e iiiunis. l-'m Miilalile l'in!ilai;i I I't'i tiee. i.i- 'ill ) at I 'us 1,1- ( :a ' A lill- .li.l.n S.anei- iei- l.-a-el fie Su"il man .'.aec, enna r n( 71 Ii and inr. and is piejia i '1 to accoiiilnoda I e ll.i. jmlilic In the w ay .-I ii'iarilia,' ami'iim liy tnc e k. or 1 1 1 1 i . I i i . -i'jllll T AN Mil) I if;i" n liin.ilrt'il taift.; .:.-uiis delivered in Lincoln, Nebra-Uii, at once. ViMl j.ay yl.Wi i--;- dn.-n delivii -a ;.t ni- il. - ..t. li II. C'lV Nilll. Cltf Sncj'. J .!! i ii Sjioi tsni" m'- C!i;!i. It will pay you lo u in i! in tiiis paper, you may what . on wai!!. Si; r I'Ul timl ;u Ij'J' I WKEPING WATKll viii:ri:;i wati:::. - neb. E. L. HEED, Piisiduit. li. A. ;I15S()X, Vice-lTc-idciit. ' It. S. WILKINSON'. Cashier. A General IvAui bclucss Transacts!. Hf'l'elV. d . ii-1'1 I r.l I .'it aii-icil Ol, 'i illlj licit s. Cert I Di i.m a Slates ; tllt A I' M ava iia.'oie i-i ai.y part of 1k t'liit. u l all t ii I cities of Jiiir-i'e. Aiji n'.s fr tht ft li bra ted Mmi Litis Of uleafflSrg.i:;.:r!,v:';;,;:::!':!',;,;.i HARNESS dual visit to his tne::r.Js in ti Th" irair- from thft went i:!'3 UiOlll- iiili braiia in t'.e '' n'lJM'e nuadier ,'' -.'ii"!-!!::r:es to sappiv tie' !.; -.-m-ry i ;i:,liiet (-"Hit: Jial '.' P-niun j at I". M a!!..--, mm nr!!-!', L:: e ; Sis' l ii. 1 i;.i.s, o! ii rep- Hie Wamlcrcr." 'i above is lie; nauie of a .".; ei.jar of which 1'hii ' lias j:i-; madwil a.n xi, aa-i ihey mo v.ri anied !oa liliei, and the be.-t iic ci"'ar v.. rv sold - i Plattsmouth, tii-'V are niad; !,-y one J of tie; l-;i LT--t e'r r m- nuf i ciorii-s in. I the I'nlteii St. !('-. and (ile lit u has a j world-wid.; reptit tt'oi, f ,r psi! in- up I .so t. rn''-'. ! ii . -.i -t-la-s L'-'-eis. Phis ! :'-i"::l- is (f-l::,! ' ; l lllialilv ll) ll i-rii it -r- - I I J - o many 10c ci-ar - dd in this city. If vat f'.o.i't b.lh-vi; t!:-- ijua.ity of the.-e cigars, ylve ihcm a tri i: and I ,1-mUi- jou that von v, i.l s;iiCk 1 no oilier. d' .- II. :. r. -t io-- XIeGt;iri; defnuhiat dis- M.cfh and April- ... . . i ... ii - i;i-jr v titer, lien, i.avti ty, oi jjouisviiie, ind aitoiiiev lii'ovvn, of Ashland. ll -v. C:.o. P. Murray, of Fairview U. P. Con.t?reatitm in Hock ElufTs precinct, left for AVashingtmi. 'Wasli infe'lon county Pa., this moral !). Mr. Munay i3 a niom'if-r of the committee in missions of the I". 1. church, which committee holds its tmetin: on Wfdn-sd:iy'' next. lie will return in the course at :i month. 1'. P. Johnsor., of Ee.l Oak, la., who ia3 almost tn-come " aoirti ol passage, w :it thrcu;rh our city this morning, n his wtiv to Lincoln. Mr Johnson will, as E-en as arraiifji merits can be m ioe. move his fanuiy to thin side the Missouri, and beerjne a permanent resident of NeuraK;i. We welcome ill such men. E. P. Todd, of Jamestown. X. Y., a brother oi Ami and Edwin Todd, also i eareftd reader of the TIcualtj, made these headquarters a pleasant call to la.. L. S. Meyer, Eicon's right Jiand uian, went to O.enwoo-J to ee his besi lri vet-tcrdav eveuin.";. Frank Hurl iiran, having nmapsed a e-iiil". rtable fortune, retires to-dav from his ionriaiiistic work; whether Frank is all the inonev he want's or no!, one thin.- i-i certain, the Journal will miss him. i F. m ti.. i .-V;,a ! ", b-;x ! fei - i ij-i'1. . i.i.Hnln Daily Xevvs v;-e ; .-a.i'.e Journal is in the d is i .-.died upon to di ! .-T sen. laoiejhlbr M'us I Iutii Pau-.r.-o-.i.tV-r lieiamaiion ot clnr- tu tie:- i n -1 t ati'in oi a I'oinni'a.ii c.'.u.-t: v, hi. ii :-!'::: are-.l in the Journal a '.-hot t time The lady's att-aniy is j Jl r. Ada UlUenbiiider, Xebraa ka's j own am; 011 ;y n r.ial." lawyer. Kearney the other j It is bu: proper that the IIekai.d r..-.-"i lni-rii It'll the tiueatiou of WatEl' WI....S in taa er.v uuni'iuuti. fin- iit.d a di-nr-tri'US tire niviit. and the trouble was the city was attempt. mr to run itsi if without water. (te;itlel:if 51 il 1 d JllitC-tolS, it C tn't ho did. ! You nus' m to it tla.t MiitaDic water st:- ;i!it- an- . M.vldt d. i 011 cm t run aiij ti-ii! ; without water, not even a pro-pcro a- s d-oii. Coard of n.'-iaeriil.-:"!" tho meeting of he board of 1 ri1'-nt ti ei rooms ii the court hoi:.-e this eveni' c Let: tie re be a full a tond i;:ff, ana irt bnin-ss men wh tl'.r mrrabers or not b in attend-at!i-!-. It is m-sf. important that con ceit of action ainon.-: all citizens b-1 con suir :df-d at once ' o the upbird linjr of m 'n" r.rei'-ets of in'eresi to all. tliere be a lr.rge ttttenaauce this even ir:;T. K educed Sal i s. Ticketr wili be sold from Piatt-er-.-uit'i to Omaha and relure. on tlie 17th and l?:h, and -.-cod to return oa the 19th to parties iivslrlrio- to attend the "Buffalo Bill entertainment, for $1.50 for the round trip, which also includas Minis si"-n to the entertainment. F. Latham. General A ire r.t B. c M. LUMBER CALL AT THE Old Reliable T, .e.t Sattl I H'I; U-tC!:'-.- e.C.e iit: iiie ap -:t to bai i Ji ar. t;.' -:..i h. d.y Mi-s Ilatile Fulmer, in" l lie Iiit ward buiMh.r, ton;.- 111 ner niaige a. pi 1 -Min.n l:-.t 1 ft. i l:; i I lie l ' . . 1 ..-. i ' ::! V ' 1 .:" 'b' i r litf.'l :" ' it! " P' : 1 rui-- 1 1. ;a ail.- : Is rear the school little 1 i;ks were an 1 "n en ! ry tin:'',tVast:tig tiiin-s ti.t always at .n i taw wi.l retuember r --loul closer the kind e ,eb r and the pleasure ' pie-de. 1 f-p.-a'.s in coiuplimen- H."i nan L .i-'. x vr: Claekc; ipe ill :.(; 1 ow iiean.-ti, it ia;iiv sn.iilcs, when pin iha-. d t Wanic'Cs, are belno iiun- 111:0 ol cliM-'-e. CG-d:3t. Petersen Bros. Sell Best s'joair (tirvid hams at lo; Best breakfast bacon at 1 ";;. Bet shoulders lie. Be?t dried-beet 15c. J ASON STREIGHT, -i ii, .-,, r tit i-i'i;-.lit i:ill: r.) .n.v L i- ai -ri. ntu ok ti'aH -A FINE MYitARK. REAL ESTATE. FiEAL ESTATE (AND) 0H;i:CTI0. ACI-iNCV. Law and e .lleetlon bu-dncMi iroiup lly all' ii 1- d lo al thin ollice mid pro cee.U I'l'inil ted without ilclay. Notarial wntk, con vey aiieinp and ah-1 i a. t iu at I lui. d lo on idiort no tiet; ntid rail i .-l.u i e -ti ";uaranleed. If tin n; is any tiling we do niakf" A specialty of, il is city and mi bur ban i". i-l e.-tate. r eral line 1'ariui mid Home wild land al hnrfaiiirt. Lnboriiijr ineii aii e.ei a h Mtie by pay i n mout li ly v.h it lh'- in vv pay lor houe-e rent. Six I'hoiee h 1 1 i a' re lotn, K minute lKio 1.. I . -li al lioni :U In l.f. niak e own a liiii--e. I'nliie and see, I, oil are Hot con i j .i 1 :' 1 to buy and we wont ivo thi'M: Int.- ana, bill V oil cun o'el lh-iu so 'hey w iil ab-oluli U cost you noth- l-'ive ii' ie lol I inih: from city 'or J'JaO jiurt on time. Li.-v.ii in re I t I inih; from Jcily for S, .".' ihix i-. elra line f'-uliie i' I city plnp' l'ty 111' out Intel lor trial i.; for Imr ln-r-es or cattle T. n acre- for ; T.iiO 0 " " l,( ( on " " :,() 0 " " l.ViO (" S- v i a al Mo .ll t r ii t s i 'joii.Mi ll:'- city, e, i hie rat'- . A 1 '.(.- Hue of Saddles Briilics, Collars Wliius- Repairing of all kinds neatly don on sort notice. Main Street, between Fourth and l'iftli. O. M. STliKIGHT. HusluoiiB Mauger. OHAB.SiMMOHa. U-cliuiilcul Manager, 7t Mi'l I'e.-o II iiiijit'oved lor sale at I o IU1 I.'A l:.M I. A. I..-. II -, Wild . (iO'i OO " iiept o-, d Ki'-O " :.oi.o ( ' ii-oi) no ' ' ( oc i (,n I -loci, tat I ; I in tin sv i . I. r i ; to l.i a . i ojV ate conn I y cl iu- .viid C2i t -Tin: Ahib .sthi.', all shade sG-!;Jt. at Cl-di(. Warrick's- "NOTICE. That the undersigned wiil have en hand and for pale '25,000 choice vanities of Tomato plants; 50,'iOO late jcabba";e plants, and 100,000 swekt potato plants, after the 18ih of May. Leave ordeis with A. Chirk, P. J. Ilanseu, and Grace A; Thi? roll", or at my residence on Ninth street. C7d-9wtf John E. Li:esi.ey. V iirrir k's. Cii-dlU. BOSS CLO'i'HIEii, l'JOO iid, Beji. V'y (ca-h) Siaou 'i i i CIOU'i-.UTV. Cor. lot i" bl'k- fl olll ehops (( bl'llp1d(K 1 i'. or 1 ij cor j t sells t he justly cele neti I BFSSELL i 150 450 175 150 300 'JO) i!50 rol.iies,' two lor Try them. 5 c at The new time table of the ti. cz M. will be found on the fourth pie. of this p.n per, and is "late, full and re liable.' t he lime of year has Cnnu when'U-at ).p-i"s sliotild barb wire the to 1 1 of tli-jir .e-ales. This mint ion is .male in the interest of economy. Wa ter l-,k-ay l.e doesn't want to force t'.c seaS'-n :(t ail, but in.istuUch a? !i-.- got out his straw hat aud wore it itiri'iL? "the one or two days of wann v, eat her which we hare had, he is going to tick to it now if it takes another .in- raiii. Millinery. Mrs. Johnson & Sweney are re ceiving all the latest styles in Hats, Bon nets, Flowers, Tip., Bibbons, lie, in the niillinery line, to which they invite till to call aud examine be lore purchasiu-.-elscwheii.'. Fancy -roods at cost. il-iOmJJ A lari-e invoice of something new in ttatioDery line just received at War rick's. CC-d3t. Piease remember that for the next GO days you can set great bargains in boots ar.d shoes and clothing, as I must reduce my stock in those lines, with out fad. ifiddlfj Jos. V. "Wecxijacii. A- 1IAB( Ol iiT wlticli embodies ail he bet features of which t'.rt is master. Its exccl-i-elcncc is recoiii.ed by the prominent fu rni hers lliiotioliout. thJ country. BODIES of BEST MUSLIN. The Bosrm of the l-csl ha;:d spun linen. Tlio lit and workman shii nncxceilcd. Made to ordca and r .... . f . . . " ,1. Mil hin I'l tune; ' " ' i'iellic Hill il " U'a.shinjrtoii .ve 1 " 1 hl'k from Main st extra 400 Improved city real estate in abun dai ce. can find what yon want in lhi line if you w ill call and see mo. Bu-iti'-ss houses and hdii for halu at much lower lioure- than will b5 a-I ed eiix months hence, when the dl ugoiiai i-, aa a riiri'd miccck-'. Do not w Hit i iil .la- advi.ijce conies and then coinplain of your poor luck. Stoie.s and dwelling's reu'ed and lor rent, rent-, promptly collected. II'oti don'l sec what you want li this column come and ask for it. I've probably mi- M-d just what you want. lh e open nearly every oveuiny from 0 lo B. Coed new house and two fine lots in jcod Jo atioii pi ice, cisOO. 5. WZS23, Union .lock. iRtnntinn 1-nnr.niitQQn oaiiombuoii uuaiauiDuu. RET L'KN lIVKUt SHIRT that does not pieue you. i rOR 1ALE BY j C. 1U. VVescoU, I'iKsmoutiii Si lt. I i I GAFF, FLEECHMA" k U. COMPRESSED YF:AST. The bt-sL yeast in ue, received insh every TUESDAY and FRIDAY morning ;. Ti.ado suppli' d by JiJCXXJCTT A' IJ:W IS A'ji-:. !Pll Breraue. Crackers at Wirckbach's. iii Plaiism-julh Tl-.e follow infr is a statement of tr numlier of c ir.i of freiatht received at and also for wardf -d from Plattr.mouth durinir the months of January, Febru ary March and Apt il: JANUAKV. No. cars ia c:ivea '-il " forward' a "51 i Ceru ra: merchandise lea'd. ":;4,.4S d'S. : ' FliEKCAKV. i No. ears received forwarded. The exact whereabouts of J. W. Wid v. raih and lamily. is jd?t now a nestioa of eonsidera'gje interest to a number of our taere'iants. lie has Leca until quite recently u section fui'iman in the emjiioy of the li. e'e M. and Iihs ciijo.veu the con liiictico ot the merchants with whom he has had any dealings, and to whom credit was never retusc-d,. and who v.u- considered good pay. A short time ago he sought new fields of labor, havi.ig his family in Plattstaoafh. L:;t Wi Mi s.Wfd wrath went around Cottage Heau-e, heixt'ii street, between Main and Pearl, PhtUiinonth. Xebr. Refitted and coni loilabiy fnriiished. Board by the day or week. Meals '25 cents. Board by week at r asonabletrales. House com fortably and pleasantly situated. Give me a call. S. Veavkr. Proprietor. 40.1 1 m Wanted. Everybody to Know That after tins date I will sell my en tire litoc!-: of carpet?, consisting of fbrtv-threc different desirable patterns AT PRIME COST. Call and ex amine. Jos. V. "WKItKUACir. Mav -Sth, !S3'3 61-dtf Biii.m'. r'a Ci aek. is at Sta iic-inan s. 1 1. e 'tore? iVnii Ol in t ' 1 ; i - - jiua!, i i a'-'"".' o--iie ot'.t I'll 111'.! OllifoU n.e.i: i l-hiCe. Soi'iO of t',ii.-i; who i "iid-.t n in" express it t!: Parlies wi-hing to atiei.d the races where they had been m ,t Lincoln, May l5ih to 2oih, return tradin-r and bought big i T:f.:(.( . Vij!i s -ld at t his r filr; May .-..."il.- :.;j.i ha i th'-t.i char;; d a-jirjtl, to it.clu?ive. for one fare i i atierward left loan, bag and i AU ;l fouith, good to return May Jl. is seppo-ed tlat t:. y have F. Latitat . Agent. have (i- en ' eir oia'nioa i We iviil SeiS Any liootlii at 1 1 70 that M.e lady acted without the know! Vlr Ceaeral merchandise Veci.' IM,. . il. I cons.nt of her 5" i'- I . . i i , d" ,.,....1., nnd th Il-i! I. A. WATBRIAK & e. V)'hole-n'."ri.l Kt;in Orai-'r In PINK LUMBER SH15GLK-S LATH. sash, noons, I'oaah -lrpt. la m i 1.1 O" rn. lKcc. PLATTSMOUTH, - 2 EPRA.-KA -. ll I I! j l-i rn -! itu-jr i I his diitr: i l be. a n.l ".'a ' ; pr att c v I ;e-. -r.d, at. ! of -vir iv.i'.t to a reporter of the ther evening that the r w: re, especially of thi3 -. th j most promyt with , of any r-et of lawyers in Two weeks of court has , eld with a jury trial in : day since court com tii two remaining wteks vill not suffice to clear j the docT Thn z.ifun culv it on Chicago avenue i'. ch-y'-!. i:::nbtr yaid, burst an arte- M.!'.( II. No. cars received, G7 ' for war-b d lla General merchandise ree'd, 50o,:;;;o lbs. AVKTL. No. cars received, 43 " " forwarded,.. "o General merchandise ree'd, 41 '"5.973 lbs. ... ' tlx. !.u i.'v r;iin Siil.teith ... i. .,.. . i. .. ... r This now gives Fremont two da ' . ... n ... he IIkrald wishes the Iributie ' a..liai .- :si i'l iii' in.. ! .... , . .. i:iV:illal a wav from Pearl j ""1 pa.ronapre and support it ' . i. ,.i i . .. i. .a .... s' rves. and that its- inlluence may iir-Mft-th Mlvert wa. left with iU ! throughout tee who.e State i trMtr.nes in t'ae CM-.ter of the street I oiaa. Vol. 1 No. 1 of the Frensont Daily Tiibune made i:s appearance last Sat urday. It is a iie-atlv printed sheet, six columns to the page, and is chock full of local and telegraphic news. ilies. the de-ex- of iut items oi noons. a?v kcowh .!".. of it and that hid he would sett;. he ! the iOTSCE! SeiS Any 6ric-- ilcSo'.v TIiokv cuaictl Iy 'oiopi.tlloas. y. .7. 5rARE12Cii.. For A I-: i" :ti'l Sale S :. T. ll, Ii. 13. T. , Ji. lii. . IJ, T. 1-2, Ji. 13 l-ce, K, T. 12, Ii S. W. I 'I! TI' Addition 31, T. l: iil..jc if. 11. ll. 13 (.a i-jii 'Jll i iliiJ l:t nn o are ; tio.e, v. j lii 7 ;er Ai-p!;;- to V 1 NUH AM, at' ooiith, i'eb S M C- It r-- mi sj1 ADDITION 3 - - a r w --- r bills. A - it stttads, however, don"', balance. .11 CCOiva '!., riht over ih- slum culvert and be I "" c.-n;r.2 cv ; -:iarc"l i- tore on: srv- t.n-n, hiiwte:i" c-tentarcit "oiite -d loada .! dirt, bat fortunately did j day"' today in the old fashion! d n .,! ,n j'l', ' He "!'OWl :d Up" :Mld pfo.Ced CITY HOTEL. Thti beautiful lfurj torjr fcrlcH tructi'ie ol lownr Mniil street. !ij Junt bto bnUh.t nA lite J Hp Iwr the nocoru-a.wlrtOou of TUA&HIBXT cdhtombrs. AXU IIEGULAK BOARDERS. EYERI fHIHft E AUD CLEAN A Good Bar la c,t,D0uLrul1 lb M.-ii-wav. ed to i m d:e things ii i I v arotnnl home. T he i nil oi nioi rsit; o li- iwH'-ii h touiiu . f.onPy ow'ing maehirt" b rvi-.c an eve- In i v UTi-.i y.-nttg man wa overhead yrs- j rirc to him and lie proceeded to give it j V r ' n , .! i h le'-ds t,. the inference ' n..,m out do , r; he thought they had ' V -i a ..edtli :j w ill occur in the near ! n.oie furniture than was needed an-1 i I'n'M-e. lie zr 1 for dly Into her t park- i fo"thwith ezv to ernverMhe chairs in--lir.'.' yr- '. a h d la r ia a t-ne of I "kindlin: w ood ; find finally out of the i Vf.rni Pim's'i whieb could only proceed .)vn lio orr hi- wife, bej-an caressing Tickets lor liign School cummenee ment will be on sale at Phil Young's tomorrow at noon. In order that all may have an opportunity of witness ing tho first graduating exercises of our schools the price of admission will be put within tho reach of all; namely, 25 cents, and It) cents extra for reserv ed seats. No tictc-ts good unless stamped. Vv'ELLU.OTON W. DliVMjrOND, Superintendent. frmii tin- iepih8 of a loving and tender J.-art, 'n.y pet, what fdnill we name the firt child?"' She cr.sf a furtive glance at hf noble frame, noting the plead agony vv hidi oVrftpread his coun tenance, hihI very innoientiy and coin placrntiy an-wered: "I cu ess we'd bct-t- r adv--rtie jor n u.m.e." Tub IIkr ald only elurges three a line for special notic. , intl iu a case of this fit tlds kind will sugge.-a a name without her in the sair inann-r. Some con siderate individual liled an informa tion ng-inst ldtn for disturbing the ppace, and he was assessed $3 -and costs, amounting in ail t 1;.10. and in dilnull of payment thrrof,totake a lesson in solitude until paid, and as the court ha ordered, "if not paid with in reasonable lenj-tKof time, to . work on the fitrei'l-i until they , are paid " awielle Siiid he couidn t pay the fine Arapahoe Naws. AitAi'AiiOE, May 11, 18S3. The Bajti-t church, a fine edifice, SOx 50, was dedicated about a month siuce, aud is now in use. Several residences aro being l uilt, grounds are being feuoe 1, trees set out in largo numbci and variety, .all indicatiB" renewed ac tivity, an. i now last, but not least, a cieamery associatiou 1ms beea orgauiz'id a'.id iticoip.irtited, . The churns, cans, ci.giiift. etc., etc., have been ordered. The carpenters nave been miking tsti li mates, aud ail preparing lor opening business about Juue lfct. There is also a move being mule toward buildiug a $'),000 brick school houso. Let wide awake people take uoiice aud move to a live town. E. b. C- Asky our jjic-ce. .'s Crack ers every time Take no other. A few of the handsomest pidteras of Wire Flower Stands verv cheap at J. R. Cox's. "34d&wlmo ASK THE PEOPLE where they purclniiial their new Wall Paper, and tlie great majority will answer at ( '. 111 be luaiioJ fhu toa.i aeracanta. ana u cut- tome rs of last reap vritfiout firdTiif it. ltrOOtitii txut 17putrii. IJOO lliiif tratiojjM, pnrcs, asnr fiescrii-tions ami Taluable direruoim I-jr i.iMiticf luoO -ariti of Vetr-tablo aud Flowrr H- lln. Plant. J-nit Tree, etc. Invntuar.s to a-i. eatw ialiy to Mf.rltet Oarrlenf-ra. Head it I D. IA. FERRY & CO. DSTHOIT MtCH. NEW Furnitur StorB 1 o tiji: CITY f PLATTSMOUTH N'altuibh.; outlots for residence pur posei'. S ide's addition jits south-west of the city, and all lots are very easy of acces;-, and high and sightly. For particulars call on Rro. Wilson requests us to announce that quarterly intPting which was to have been held on yesterday was post poned until next Sabbath, on account VI Llirr .itl.rTlf-l J IrllD i b 1 1 c I , 1UU -ry ... t hat tho exercises will be held on next j ItespJCtiiilly, SaWbath. at the hoar as a. nounced for WARRICK'S, This is because we keep the BEST A S S 0 11 T 31 E X T and just what the people want. Our prices are always at rock bottom. Lead and Oil fcr less than than wd can lay it . down lor. . - Yours trrcs- Now is the time to buy. AVirx'J. WoitBicK. HARRIS Sc UNRUH, U E AT-EIiS 'I N PUH1TITURE COFFIHS, and all kTnd of goods usually kept In a I -.--T"--'-"W TV.' T5 FiarriiAH riR.iTriiiiKToit Also, a very complete f toclc of Funeral Goods. HfitallicStWoflflenColns Casietsolies, ; EMBLEMS, &c. Our Xetv attd elemt hearse Is always In readiness. Remember the place, in UNION j - BLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO Doorssontn ot cass uoun-. . . p.'. ty Bank. '. . . Whear we may be found nUdit or day. HARRIS "& UNRUH-1 - 213 PIL-rT8MOUTII. NKB E. SAGE, Pron'r, AT SAGE'S HARDWARE STORE, Platt3inouth, Neb. Attachment Notice. K. Fl-t will take notice, tlmt m tbe 7th day of May. 183 J. VV. ii. county judjre. ai pistiep if tli "leace of i laltsmoutli prerinct l ass couuly, Nebraska issued an order til at-tk-jlniietitfoi tlie siiiiiuf STj und coats not to ex ceed s o in an Hi-tion ocndinK belore niia wl.rciii Will. am W. Wolfe, u plaintift and K, Fit at-fendeiit, lis rroi-ity n.ijsist of on bliii-iv maie. one aiiubrtdlu, elevi-u pairs sus'ieiuierk. tveiily-nue paira ol nocks, two hair liruslies, i-ix pail. siiei.-tat-leH. fiva cor-ii't, one let Uiff. diic pair double pice a'r.'.ea. one let cottou handkerchiefs, one lot buttons, w riling paper, one bcadstead. spring irii.tiiefr and lieauiiiL'.'me lot shoe clriuea.miis lin, and bed tick sack hH been attached under sai i eider, said caue wait coiilinued lo tlie i:h dav e.f Jim.'. t 10 o'clock a. ni. William W. Wolki, Plaintiff. Piattsnioutli, May 14. 1?3. trw3l A4LYOK tH EA L Y ftg?J State i Monrte Sti.. Chicago. Will r.l M.hl nT 11tm lb f-i BAUD CATALOCUt, li'MIMI. mmUi CitHAnM -If .w. Ik...i. M-utfl. SL rf'. A. 4 - l.MiWKli, jM)irln.U In.l.. tloo tki.d ti- II " Awnu.u laad I.ll l CMn i4 ai-. Ji ii I 1 lij I D : ; .' f - ' n 'Tt-l,. 15, ...!r f ' (M vJT.r-T.nJ C I rTuceair-Bn . . . .... ..n . run-r.T' " ':.-..--;:- - . . . . - - -: s - ' - " ' TMi. -