( .1 U. J t ! I J ! 51. - n i.. OPERA HOUSE BLOC1C. ! house was blown completely oil' its i T It K A f r II ! " KS K T A T r M IJ X T. I M I . H I -i- K M S-' H I ! : I . . . .. . . ! Jm AalJkilAdsA AUAib Lib W loumiamns, leaving Hie lamiiy unnurt ',. .st-.t-inent of t lit- I'l.ited .States a. im- tame, a p iniciii:.!!, siting ai , trease n r - how--ohl. il v r and United IUIj I V 3 1 TIIK WILD WimS. an open wimnw near me irucu 01 ine j ;lf,... ,.... w 1 1. , , ,rv tr,.l:. v .-.,4 1 : iiOsof Lilesuid Property. A Railroad Eond Case. Sturm , was blown ucro-s the room I through another win-low and down a j assage way, and escaped with lililc injury. Another gentle : in !! with a little child in his arms va blown 00 i'e t and come iltr.ru uninjur ed. One '.vo:ii ,;i wa- I.Iwn against a tr- ii r : I h id t r i j '- k '.token. A targe number of families were rendered ' Irani ley. The mayor has ined a pro.--: lamat ion for a meeting v,t citizens t . morrow for relief nui noses. . 2.;. j i. ' zlj. , 1 : General Miscellany. . '-.- ;. ..'' " ' " ' '-ft. .-" '.: i r : . . . .. Vfvr r - : --r -v: - ; A1 '' lirJvtf iW - ' v ! 'VK!:.(Ui VVAMIUfUX IKAI. ' t.-Jyyi-l - , J ;t ui.t:i:unmnWu..-u m ,,,e -(ncia's : e ,.,rl ik- sierm did con ,M- I r'3&j3 'fti 1 rrm"' WlUhbU, at lhiladel: i cul damuat Irrtv, Mo.. dn.nah'S I i 51. .Z',t&:rJtr. : ai rno.;i.u. m njoohaila loan. ! v? .,.; ... I ?M-!!r3f ! !i- W-MeM t.. J:e,.,i,te a loan , ()n , s,n!u .-J l(, $ ' M Vi.ff7rtf'-V-' ' in.-; i:.tludt j Works. I . ...,,... : ,,. . .,, .. i afiff.ifeJ.?i : " "f""'" ' i- '- v.. 5'J.-Mw;.,:S- 1 , .... v.-J,,Lo ...at .o. o- j u.j,. ..(( (.li.,,,,rj.. . ! ivVv---V7v'M.S7Tw-riWVr : .- I ... ..o.i.iw.. -" o. i,..:;o!i- nr.- oui i of ;v ...!,; in. ! i I folhnvs-:: ;oid coin and bullion, 1 0 1 i 051 ,50"i ; silver dollars and bullion t?l 10 ! J," J ; 1 1 e ! i ' ) i ;'. I silver Coin fay.JC 1-1 ,."'); t'nitt .1 s lu.t.s, ."? 4t?,JV j; I . l a i ?:;7f'..VJ.';.(i7' ; cortilirates ou at. niiiiif,', l:..:.! S ".(J.l i5,770; silver i?7i',l 7,74 ! ; ci i i cm - , I O.rjji.l.ni ,o. dak: BURLINGTON- ROUTE (Cnlcaao, UurllP;ton d. Quincy Haiiwao.) t i j I H OX . 4 o cci.ta n, f a :iv.- '- I'll J'B'i. I 'y : 'In-: . f: r r " . i . '!:!i.' '-..-lis ir.-fi, !v,.lvlntr ' 'iiuii. I'mlr-ian I'.tl '" ' from t'h:ea 1 i' . i-i.as ( vt I. i:. k.a ' a.'.y f r i iv. in (lilf.-iiro. I.ir.."i.;ii .'i' l'fie.ir i.e In tween lii'ii .tauj'ol.s .V i'.iiii.' :! K!:..; AH r(iiifi.'t:n:is !i'e' in I'm I ' t I I - I rroin I f.:i ii' ) . i-i.sas J. hiiurrs, c.i.-.ir' .v i'--- I hi f.h. At'l:i.:i 'i"in''l : r;o.iT AH'.? -';;rt . , ,.f r.t 7 v v. .- ' :.n-l P"!l I' 1. if : 1 i'f i - ir u e UJi ' ) t.) iiiJ I, mi-, m-i lin.i I. ii". v. K..k'ik. , , ( , ,; , I . .in . A ..i i I I -.i tn St , - , . ,; .. I. I I - 1 1 I LIU III. ill' i re-.... : -t . iii'i.. .-I i i i huh ii ii ri 1 i! ! in' v. . inly i" i . i i ' i 1 1 . 1 1 . . ii ii'i i .iti . I-. . ii i I....... I4:i'.lli, . ir:iii..i, ir.iu mii . t i. ...mm rsuii . an. i J in i:.i- of Travol t i liti.. I. I 0 Finest Equipped !a!lro3d In tho Vr.ri,i for nil Clioeos of Trayo IT. J. POTTKK. 4:1 VicM-lT. .i'4r-!: l'l-.'l M r i i .U : '.. '. 'A !. . AA .. I W. Ai; 1. C .ill 1 f i ! K,t tj-i 1 1 tielrt, have In-t ;i snrccaf ul. - mii.m. a my. .nu: ;;oni cash. St. Louis M iy 12. Jle i n ; on-- a re .-on t n m cvnt of Toja-k--, lie r !: I i.nviis .TiiiT.-red they ;. IV : P 17-. tl ij-ri 3Wm Ol'KKA liCUSK -A.M- GCTiTS' rURiISIIEIlS. TIX'N i 0.' SUI Ii'i": ror omen ol.inwii ui ; com;):iI.i;;v .lu.ije MeCr;'.ry. in Ihe Hannibal A, St. ; j, t;,u.ret , ,.jV , IS .Io. railroad bond cas, was rendered in the UniL.-d Siato.s circuit court at JITriu:t City. It decided that the railroad company i.s in debt to the state in tii ? sn.n nf.-317li,;!.', will: in tf-icst at. thro-' per cent till j:;iil, in ad dition to tho 83,000,000 paid by the company in -hsue, lsSl, but from this sum is to be deducted 13.000, int'-r-est due on the bonds last .lanu .. y, and O'V'OO dU'j thereon the iiidt of .luly iic'xt. leaving: a. n.-tually due to tie stat.? ??J:5,0iri. Xeitle r p::r! v i ; :;;!.- lie., with thv? iteci-sion, and ! ca.- other ! within a !! r.i.!ia..s ef f !.' ei'.v. ii th.:: - Irons results except those . curt iii here. Very rn-v.n; informatiou l.n beeu received henr tli.it a cycl MH5 passed over the lea I mining i;.d.n in -i.Uh-e.-t Missouri, bet ween 7 and i o'clock ioni-'it, d"iii:' LTeat dalini to the little towns of Oroiioijn ;;r.d Webb City, on the Ivansa . leanch of the .Sr. Jnnis and San rranciso railroad. It i-i said both towns were nearly d"ti'yed an ! u i;uin lirr of !iv : h)5 i. Tli" leicraph lines arc down and no p:trici ars can le obtained. F3 ST A 1 1 1 1 . : : i : V . N 1 ; '. : s . in anno Dnffna ymiiud i wm i -ii : i i .. ,i 1 '. .:... i w-f .1...- . gjr : " R-v J !11 .ir.l'-atu Ul IliU I Uiic. oi.e.'-o 3 i A .Mcuiiri;i:!: lvncmi:h Shrevepoit, May l'J. 1. C. 1! urchins vvli iiiiudered Will II. hj o;;, a, the f ji jy landing, Hussier parish, opposite hare. Tuesday n'udit last, while being conveyed to the Jielleve jail, was taken from the guards by crow.l of 100 m?:iHT.d handed in the wm Jd. A MAsON' ,V HAMLIX IIKMIV 1 Mll.I.i.i: 9UB PISHHI WW OF TIIK MS MOISKS 1 051A1IA MKDICAL DISPENSARY S, S'La ivx acodunt or ins Immense Practice In Plattsmouth, Nebraska, wn.r, MAKE HIS XI3XT VISIT OS Saturday, tile y 19 AND WILL ili:35AL ON 2 DAY. AT THE i fir)i I iiu'cii::)) siiw nil1 lii.is'i int-u u-jniui:; r - T.i -i . .... .. . . . . . ho pnlJa ;i iai j:e uirK irem ins pocitei an I sti.bb. i himself three times near the he.ut. After hanging him the fol lowing placards were pinned to the body: "There is a point where for be;ir.ncu ceases to be a virtue citi zens." "Fettenuen (both of you) nev return.if you do you will follow this desperado ai:d thief." The Fettermen kepi stores on t!ie opposite side ef the river, and are so i.e way mixed up with !I'.:tchins in the murder. Thous ands of people v !sked the body hang ing. ox th:: v.'A-: i'Ath. Helena. Mont., May 11. Col. Ilges. commanding trt Ft. Assinaboine, has ! iaformalioii that the ,'ree Indians are general war. Three under liigJiiar Lucky Man and M.d Little l'ine, camped wit'.iin twenty-five miles of Ft. Walsh, ready to cross into Montana to avenge 1 the loss of the Orees in the late horse stealing raid. Ilges sent couriers to Ft. Walsh demanding that the IJritish authorities take steps lo prevent the Indians crossing the line. Ilges thinks the first attack will be made on the Gro3ventres and Assinaboines, causing great going on the war path and loss to Montana stock interests A party of Crees a few days ago stole forty horses from the lienton & .St. Louis cattle company, and are being pursued by two companies of of cavalry from Ft. Assinaboine. A light will proba bly lesult. A J'FTia'CTIVE CYCLONE. Kuisas City,lr.y 13. A de-trin--tive cyclone swept r.croes the southern part of this city shortly after live o'clock t his evening, u'ir.-.'otiair or d - 8o Tin-; 'HAI WOULD. The International Fishery Exhibition. Other Matters. WIIL1IF HE CAN J517 C'UNvCI-TELi OX Til K 8ar k in, M & Lip, OalarrS, Kiie? I'UA Yriv; 1 OK lill.VDY. Livtrp'ool, ."'. ay 12. Tho Iiili p.'o pl here h ive arranged for the saying ot mas iMotnhiy for li:e n p'e of tin soul of Joj Brady, vh") is to be hanged at Dublin on that day. CHINA Wlr.I. NOT ICSTAilLlSU. London, May 12. It in understood that the Ion ign eflice has received new to the eil ei that C'du.i intends lo op pose the )!:tu- of I'raiice regarding the cstabiis'iment of a French protectorate Tov.j'iin. 3A ux i.;N;;i. Livcr j) . , May i'Conuor. alias Dal!o!5, dyr.ar.iile ecnsjiiracy prisiitier, "who was released froin cu-to ly in Lou don, rearrested r.nd b: ought here, was arraigned in court tins moruing and formally remanded on charge of having i-cc.i com crue l with O'llerlihy and Kennedy in dynamite nlots. TilK l-I.Sltl-;r.Y EXIIIIIITION. London, May 12. The inl rnational lishery exhibition Wfts opened to-day at outh Keiirington. The United Statts and Canada exhibits received much favorable comment. Minister Lowell was p. cseiit with the l'rinee of Wales, and other members of the royal p;:rty at t lie opening address, made by the Duke of Richmond. He then formally invested the l'rinee of Wales and his party lo the exhibition. The Prince then read the leport. After further ex ercises tiie exhibition w as declared open. FK03I WASHINGTON. Tlio Signal Service Kclief KAj)ccIition. moii?hing btihdiug, lor a ciisir.nce of i statement of the Treasury. Bladder and Female Diseases as Well Chronic and Nervous Diseases. two miles', tin- iiack of the siorm rang ing from half a block to blocks in width. A nuiiibt r of persons w. re in- ijur. 1 Some 1h;j1i1hs j.iv leporlod. i I hi t t!e !o-s ef life is not sogve.t as ndgl.t iie -. xi c -te 1 i:i view o the cxient i ; nd dcitructioii of prope. ty. Nothing xiiLe. 5v- I'-'') V;' ,1 - ., -p s rfV:',ir . . y -s-&f - :j:' 't -" i '' -" '7 . - A't: y lTJ-CiMmM 'a,&kStl V.-,-. 'r. V,-'-- " ' ; 1 ' --. . '-'- ,1 , , , -1 u S'lin C.J I I" "TU'-,"-0. "WESTW AltD. Ij i-ii: . !::;- i i i - i r . i ".i'm. ' a -I M il ii -..(' i . . vi. ..i:i! -, ! : 1 1 ; ii lie t" . I I ... IV...,:. t , !i.a-a.,a- j ).,.!!.: i :e .!..: !!"!. :.-.i f:.!" . - :.!! K J g y , la- : 1 : : ! '-" : : :- I I ti -I, '. ; ..: .. ; ; .. I ... . !::. ii:.: ;;:i i ii lit- He'. ki-it t-. 1 : : ! I at. :!.!c u :ii 1 o cle ei f,.!i v luniisiu-il .-. B I S I l" r- l! r AN'i) AWIKS A'1 Q p H tlUU f Trr':--r'.ir'-r:Tj t5:.-. ..v... .7 t S ir - ': . . t f ir----V;i "5:5 -- Plailirmouth, - Neb. IIaIIIOWAIEIS. f I Pi t r-l -1 w Q Ui 0 i IO s - ; I: ' ir- F o E I M 3 n 3 c f s 1 Ia. 1 !"-.iif" 'l i.ihe- ..r li nv.-r. en i- i III inlon l'i,.il I'-r .'ill -iiUitH i ulii flali. ai'lnrM... ai.illle llltl t . I ii.- i" i nit ! I- 1" I to. .:.-r:-. . I v' ul l- Li 1 u ' , .'.I . i " Ii : l-i II iV.ii.lal'. .i-aei-H ll!ie ..a I il else V. le-l e. ;.n-ii!i s::'.. all . 'h iln po: i .' I Hal louK, and .-,! ;. ii;l-.i-.e;.ilin sis to rale. i....uh wr t line la- j 1 1 . 1 1 . , i ii 1 1 1 . a 1 1 ' at '! I til t'" f. l'."3'i (i --ii.;i it 1 i -Ket pc: 1 , I linaha. N1. TO THS CITIZEXf S of CASS COOTTY ICnowinu' tliaL you realize the Tact that within thohut .six months we have ea;!.-ed tlie prices of to Ije retlneetl to 'living anl let live'' priee34 AVe .imiounco that Ave Avill not be inuler.sohl and will tlnplieatc any prices (noted hy our eompet it ors, which tire hut asmall advance over wholesale prices, IVorn which a taint idea maybe ain ed of the enonnotis olit at, wldch g-ood.s liavi been sold and the prices imposed upon he consuming 'public. ' "Wc sell at a small profit, and expect to build our - i .1 i . r i - . ..i . . i ? . . oil food JOiis ami tow priccsj ami nuiit's ,.ainiiiir trado any- t in ti in tnc terras i rr p H: g o k3 3 'j , wiii do well to jet our price, 1 over buying in Chiciio or Omalia i , i H we r I I I I Cl : rt K Aim WARE. rvj - . . I ? i vfeMA3 TMefs' StocT a- we w;l! save you mone Rcspcctfullj. 5 ' TilC KXl'KI.'ITION. Waf-hir gton, May 12. The orgatd 7. ilion and outfit of the signal service relief expedki .-ii Lo Lady Franklin DE. F Has di.POiernl th" t '3tr,: c i:r in t:;,-v.. !:: r,r -.kresB of the la.-k and l:mi)S, invrl UDtary r-tjiirt;". in:p.l-Li y. Ufiu-ral ' :::iv, iiist:e-f . Ia!.t"lir. cuiife-u.ii rf pnlr" tatlU cl ti:r lo-jrt. UlUv. tr.-.::ei' 2. .-iiMiios i.l .-.lit or iii'Mlii:'-. liff-wi 'I Uio n ,1, throat, noe .r skin. FTt i.f .iv-i . Iin. i-lonen-li '.r howeis t hsi- lmhlc disorder. arisiHK froi.1 w:;txry liiit.ii .t -:ati -;iu.J r ei. i .r;i.i ::-i- more fatal to tl-- vu-lmi than thw oiisr l iyreu to t.u; mariii'-H .-f I miC th- ir most la-lieitt hoirt-n or artioipations enUerir.x laarrl.ise irr.p-H-e.'.e. Tho-- t.it ! .aii-.n. f.-.-a. C.f c.i: : -. '-lif. which lotroy thrlr r.!;:;tal r.iel phyrtr' :io, ousii.i;. , NERVOUS DEBILITY. Tii 8ym..l..a.n of hWi aro a Jull' .!isT.. .1 n.'r..!. which until tlirm for lnorniiut; "'J"'' tne.niDO oc:a1 dull. lu..5 h:.!.p ma'i -"r- .! l-.-hlr. di-l lit. a IK.11 ' I1L 'i l .onii.inv LnJ havr wrjiri -ti.- t- !- U", t- t-i'i. i u.i-.t nt tile uioniii. at w hen re- . oonfJiiio:. . f thouB:t.m-alrry and .y-". ny-..-i:a. coili,,at.u(.. paicue.s . j.aln and wsk- n.s lo ti: Inabu. v C, .u.iuht i-juit ui e, l.ieGl.iieiy aiiu te irslut'cd U- iftlrcl l.calt.i. YOUNG MEN , i.,,rr i..!in. nt solitttrv xlri'. that dreadful and del nictive IiaMt which annually w&. iuUht otherwise- eu...-. - nsir.iii- r: una w:t 111c uutiuon 01 inir cioqeuce mi wtitur t ecsiuwy ib liviiia iyreriiiay c... - ita cat ni.-i.ee. Tr-. A CURE WARRANTED. Pciwbs rulnedu health hy unlearned 1 "tuidt-is u ho keeps t hern tnflinx wutb titer nuutL taxing yoUouou aitd lnjai iouiiii)uu.d;.lyniediUly. rduated at oueol the most emtocnt co!!ce in tho I i-ited stales, has t iSceteil son f o.t aaLoui'li ua turs that wra evrr kten 11. Many tn.utded with rni,'iii- iu th L" ..,! m i..i nsli-i-u treat i,rrvoi!iiess. hen: ir alarmed af e-riali. im;ds. with Irvi.iamt ! m A ' ! :1c. nite c: n b-" givi u yet, but the lo-.s j , .. , ' . . I... . - . JI r.. ll. I ' j 01 ptop-y isesimaie.i op u i ne u nn- , insto:it j8 now practically comphte. and Gen. Ilazn will shortly go to St. Johns, X. B., in person, to select a ship for the use of the party. Everything, he says, vthich experience could sug gest has been done to ensure the suc- ceas of the undertaking. Lieutenant Garlington's men were selected with great care by General Teiry from among plainsmen under-his command, and they are believed to be unusually ! drcds . f (hoi-sands. The rt mi mad.: itr appearance about A oMock this af;rnooD, coming from the direction of Wyandotte, in the f..rm of three large, dark, fiinucl-.-hapetl : c omis. r.iji'd y s ;ccc -d.ng one another. The two rirsi did little damage, the I last cloud pas a -CI across the citj. At rv. i-.'-n.Mist:e-f. laj.t'-iir. ctnii:.u.ii ci !:-:.-. pHtr1- tie stock varits it unrooteil tne cxciinecre r. :i:72li2!li 3 HIM m va mm , m I OF ALL KINDS tyJ'exZ 't-Z- " SALE BY vnnlniAvi i y?: j . 13 ftAV.-,NN TT bui! cj, rtii;l ii.unaut 1 or dt-stroyeti a numicr m ot.,. . uuuuing,. n ; wel, qualified in point of 1(!ivsic:il effi. struck the bln.T on the western line f j cien for tJ,e arduMU8 gLrvi'ca which I the cit-, m ved m.iiUi until it iei.cl.cu : ,n.,v i1Q it.f-r Ti. i,ch c..;i;. "J - I'll'. J l nu liilT n ul. J,. C B. E. B T. LOU IS, MO afost. Best aM Host Reliable IN TiTE WEST. iLt Day C- tfhes, . , . c:. Cr is. Main st te jl , from thcuec it vet red to lh-.- noriheaft until it r aclied tlie ealc i n limits of the city, at which point its force seemed to have been spent. At ll:SJ Hirer; deaths were reported and many m .ro irjartd, but only u few tl.inuer.ius! v so. The lo- proprt3' is now nt 1300,000. Xoue of the iinet resi- , ... ... i denes oi Ihe cuv tuticreu, vet insinv ! steamer obtainable w ill be chartered to carry the relief party north, and it is hoped that under the management and guidance of an experienced cap ? i-i ii aid two or more skilled ice pilotst she will bo able to make her wav j n,iuiij;ii Clllliu DU.tLU illlU JYBIIUtfUy roughly estimated ! .,,,,, ; , E;.,, efof. CIVIL SERVICE. 9 - r in D?.-n.tod .uiuetiu.Vu wilh derai-.ten.ent ol the wind, were cued iiniuedialely TAKE PARTICUAR NOTICE. some ot tB: ears u!fJ i.tieut hlushiag. houses of wdi le.-do citizens are rai.-ed I -'' Thompson and Gregory of uud cottager and shinties iiii.uiiM.-rn1 le U'e t iviI "P"Vlce cemmi.jsion, left this t.irn to i.o.c. ts. Miraculous- d live. ie. j vtiiin?. and Katon will l?ave tomor cn I escapts ..re beyond numh.-r. . Tne ! luv'- E:uh uf ,,ie commissioners will LiiL'l sh LutLtr.ui btick churcii wiw j visit a mmiber of piiucipal cities in completely wrecked. Only lift ecu min- lhe country for the purpose of estab- u'es before the storm struck the church 3ig 'ncai examining ooaras to carry .darge SSu-idny school bad he u lis- ... lni-ssed. Tli- w;til3 of the chttr-h came Dr K addiesw" all thone tio have injure th-iiif lven Xty lini.roj.er lndultienoa ai:4 solitarj- u fcanitoVHlcu niin hotti mttid himi t-..d. c.nl.tMK them f..r t iis.ness. Mii.Jy. .eiet or inarrliu. togethi '1 ire-are ni of the fad. nh.n.-h,ay ouects ,iottced hy I he earl v l.ahitH of yauth. iz : " t !. -...a in. .lis. uuiiis l.i the head and iiii:uesx ul los i.f inuscuUr rxjw- t i-i uh.!i lament when the! debility, ermmiinption, nc. - j 11 J out the j rovisi. ns of the civil service reform act. The commissioners ex- therand fell' In" like an egr bhc 11 i pect to return to Washington by Juno cd under foot. Oao fannlv were i l3t anJ begin examinations for tho department. ' , 2 Omaha Trains Daily, 2 Kansas City Trains Daily 2 Ate ison Trains Daily, 1 .vi. Train fur St. Tcvl. Minneapolis, Eioux City, And ;." l unit- in i;ri t!iwe!t. with Pullman Sleeping Cars, BcUvecn Kansas City and St. Fan! Wl T n Q UT CHAN GE A'! itah .-. n ;, lin e.contieciiDK for all points East, West, Ncrth & outh. Ti-U .'or - ti at .-.'I regular ticket offices, in formation reptardini; rater, time, &c. clieer fiL'ly given ty addieiiij ' J. F. l'AB'ABD, - A. C, Dawes, Geu l Supt, Gen'l Pa. a A.mu a l ml A A. 1A iC3 I. J : l i a. A BENNETT & r it 9 1 ill, 1 ess Cm S a a g vi ' LEWIS 's3 Coute :o t;io frvi.t with a complete rtock of 63 a u h's.CiLS'a;o ls 4 -S r r Fin:.sn AND XICL. V'c always buy the best goods in the market, and guarantee evert thine we soil We are sole agents in this town for the sale of. ' .-. . ... - - 1 PERFECTION" -GROUND SPICES, - ;;: it a: -ANT) THE CELEBRATED "BAT A VI A" CANNED GOODS, Nothing finer in the market. Plait's "Tigai" broad of.Caitim ore' Oyst'rV always on hatvd. Come and .see us.; We 'ill make you clad. ; r s-:urur. OWie JOttniftl.' elsewhere. Fancy goods at cost, aiomi ooys, VfJJJ 1 ... i i i( t. .