The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 11, 1883, Image 4

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. ; t
rur.i.i-iitr.u uaii.y and
The PialtsmontU Herald FaliisiiiiiZ Co.
t'vt CUy ami l'it Im;
Ttte. I"c!;:io:i JC ie.. 'tf
K:ii'w.i 'I in-
J. i.J IM-
l-'l t I p.itfl'.
rwotory, 1". ilie-s- i"arl .
JEff. U STONL, - City K lit or.
fiotioo to Ail vcrlifco.
'Jiy for lisl.ty a.lvri tin-mrni I n"
In ;iiwiWl-lif:ii mil t l.liei.-'l II '- Itie
1'U lllK-Ti Ollllf IIML I. II I I Il..l il ' I I"'-
uy iii wiiii-ii I li' . in l"-..-i t-l "y
lr .i y uim Maci.ii ii"lir em-i i
buil I In l-tlui4 in e.ieli il.if ! I ii -. i lii
Hrlius. li M. in iiinki I.,
A. ba:iatiiir. Ii-ist!r.i.
I i ijiit.
School chsc i: li-iu b'-duy.
Ovl fi':l' :Ti: Out -.! Iiii'i l-V.
Muio at I If link
Ail in t- iii id d.
t-in ni. yvi'iu:!;,',
Ulit.lh.l li'j'jin.i IM Ihe oi,.l:liz iti ,:i
of a social and loisincs-i club.
Thoe v.iihiu-.; io p :.ui a
e -ni HIT, should isit I.m- ni:U.
1 ;i inn I
' 'he bmd l lr;i'!e vol eeet ti' !
.Moini'.iy i i .14 1 t ii ilt ' '. co.ri if .(-.
Import. tut bti-.u--.-es will in- i !
ninl u lull hi i'- it-tail.' i desire i.
."-'nine one h is j ti i". 1 iij t'-e increase
iu ihe j .-at i . ii of Ne .i.i-k t l-: this
j.ii?:i, i:; t i t'e- piv.-eat ti.n , ;i.d .- il;. iiur.'s a'. 1 p- r d.iy.
l h. i; M. I. ... !
lull iniiioi in t !. y ol A. . !1
here "ii I he 1 ; h of
lire (i;e bov-
,.-f ' Oi:i iha ii:
l ft r clpl'oi'isti liie
'". illi ll .
-I i: 'iu.!:. W e
do i'i::! l.-aiou: h
j Hl'iCJ.
AU x. Mcl:.t:i ;'i ii ived dispatc!i
th; , alt: i ao iti co ivr;. s:i the .-.e! inii l
lUenceth.ii h: In-;! h-r, b vine ;it i'iu.s
bitr,;. was sulf r1:!,' I'mi-.i a:i ;.'a. k of
t p ltd I feve: , a : v: ti it ;ii-:i '.- 1
to live.
- i
llio M-.-ioi Ik - " I Ss.; -:i. i ii 1 12
a- -, ::n-t pi-, oat i J- il e n..'.e, la- i
Lie of eonten:s in ' -eel ! oe '-.! !
matter. Thewik of c -aipi.iii'C imK-x l
.'u i aiuiotii(ii'.r ii. r t;.t s .-i'-n law.- w i- ,
ilone by Aim 11. ia;iit, o i'.:!:s Cily. j
The job is a m. i one and r ;1. .- i red it j
iijioii the youa in in. S ;.t.; .b u!ii J. j
lh; scaool at It-irk I.lioiS is pr..-
recsimr liuely, an s e er;, thing is h;ir
mo;jioiis in tin school, ai.d unpriuci
pled pai tics wliohave be n circulating
false reports in regard to ii , cei tainly
h ive rery liftle int' iesi in ihu welfare
of the school. 'I'll" .-cho 1 is as large
; any sumnier t-c!to.,l i: ever b -e:i in
the pi. n:e, thee being scholars i n
rulled. AVe h id the pleasure of ii ol;ing
through ;i very lini ! nr ..ii. and in
fa -.1 :r.')del d .-.. in th-r flice of il. A.
Watei in i.i A:
about eight ;
d -s'
oci-'.; -i'cs
v siiit is
mj 1 ir'? le-t : on
fixed no the "A Tiler Si inds up
list:; j-
IT, the ij'iier ix'iug ioxv -r, t'te .; ::' be
tween l -!i;g tlx 1 Up wi ii pi.e holed,
.lieov..-. tic ieo. Ashisan was the
i::ve-it;r, an-t may c-.n.;i-L -nt ly con-
gra' m i:e nimseir on ti." iv. -tui
rir in at-
IUS-? iind Utiii'v of li:s i.;o L
J C. Kr e:i, : h e';; Tp. :-.i:ig - KMi
street jaweler. ins re-i"lv recei ve I a
Teiy line niekle pi ate I iM.ning lathe
with all i!i'. I at -Mi attiieh inputs from
the well k;;ovn liou .e of Kearney
SwiirtchiM : h- h is also r?e- :-,e I a pol-
hing and d: i;!iu I irh
in i,!;if i-iure. Mr. I v -n n.vv has all
the i! i.iio: i .:,iiiits in tu ralch-
maker's tools and is well prepared to
any kind of Ha work ; ve also noticed
soma n ivIties in to wa? of clocks
that will amply repay iaspv-ctien.
In the tlistr
t - ui! today the jury in
I ne case ol tne M.'ie or iScoraska vs
Illiza S wnii- icturni d a verdict of not
ruiitv Titis ease v.a-. one ot lieeii-ir
inter, st, Mrs. Sov; tnls, living nirar
(Jrt e-iivi.o i, liiul been imiieied by I be j
ernni! i..r; iib-)'.;: a rear :iro t a the !
c.arge f Rb aliug a -pi:i '' !:ts, -.nd '
the ami 10 e fi. -p.stid spe j
t.-ici-J was willies d in court of '
this hiotiur aeiii g as the pros
ee;i'ia witness aud ioin xll I me .Miser was ine recipieni i ;m
y liis'ii wer to f.-nd his sister to the elogmt boqnet, which iiiveatijrat ii
p-nirentiary. 'i ::e j-l-;i of insanity, ir 11 dav shows was purchased at a totl-r-.sriiei
ioont.nant:i. v.t entered by the j i'-novy store Ust evening bv a friend,
dpfen.-e, a str mg tight being ira-ie for j T.ds hurrieA comment of the entt r
her conviction bv th- pro-ecntnig a - ' in ai-ni would be incomplete
t -rn -v. fec. S. Smith h-iefeTa!ai.t's i
cvanjvl, found a diiru ult -iisk to i e - tion of Miss Kate Dorrir
form, bus h- did i' a id did it v.dl. h's ; wi.o as the. pianist contributed
i.lea to the io' V 1 -t in a:i ex: ri-ticn- io S lio-torlant n.ii t in the enter
ably fine one.
An-ither ! ei . ... .-, ..-ot, oeeui i big
from tha d.t'i-i t'.u practice of i onr
ing oil iiit'i ;i F'ove to m tke tiie
fire bum btt er, resulted in an awful
death to Mrs. L.yd:.i and the
bereavement of her Iiu.-'vi:id, Ceorge
W. Jrt)Wi'el!, a:ai four little uhildnn,
ilie you ngest a nursing babe. The
Brovvneiir. live ia a cot tag- on Far
nam an.l Thirtieth streets, i4:;d Mr. I),
is a carpenter by trade.
Wednesday evening about o'clock
Mrs. lirownr-ll started a foe in the
kilchen stov- for the purpose of get
ting supper and to Luke bread. It did
not heat up fast enough and she took
up a can of Co it oil and poured -onii !
of the contents on Ihe lire. The oil
ignitetl and an explosion followed,
throwing the hurniii!; fluid alliver the !
unfortunate wom-in, w h(se p-en-on v.n3 i
at. once enveloped from h:-ad to foot J
with flame i. The an! on of the
children was in .a room at the time ,
and the other two inn in soon ;
after, but were ui.abh to do i
anything t- lescu-
ib.i-ir rnotber. i
To add to the
ciiticiii state
... . .
ofaff drs. the floor fofc lire ..m1 the
drsti tii'lh-n f tie entire l.o,!-e w.-is
tiireht-ne I. The i.emhhi-r-i strife; the
fireui'd smo .e
to the hoi!--
r PcueJ the cld.tiren through the
lo"v.s. They lookttl abmt lor
I'rov. t ell, but did not see her ui.
at ;
length, she 'lisco t rctl ontsiib-, h: r
clothing burned oil - h fkiu buin
lujr. h)he w.-ig f-HVi loped in Idi-ukets
ontl nt leutli put oii, but i.o? until
trery portion of h-r liody was bt; -ued.
atid hair redncetl to u crisj. A
phveician was fiuuimoned, wn! every
tlitDCT possible done to relieve the pnor
buly's Milfc riui.'f. SShe whs fully cou
nt inn a and abb; lo tll her hnsbHnd
when The relurnctl from woik Low it ell
' hfipenr d.
After iirjrerini idl niijbt In trout
a-'onr, he expiretl about fire o'clock
iatheaornin?. SSe ai S3 yeor of
Irork an intelligence and adaptabil- ho call nnd examine belore purchasing f hav taken a vacntion, Uood
ltyot ft higa. order. otatc Journal. ' elsewhere. Fancy goods at cost.
Cornpiotoly Captures a
mouth Audionco.
Platte- 1
The be uilifiil an I instructive Op;
lett.i of the Iiii y Omen, Wii:-:, for the
; tune, piisiiiieii to a huge, aii'l a;-
pK i.iative iiudienee of tlie elite of the
icily. It wa imbed the best cnter
j t .t in nit J 1 1 of the kind ever pie.i-nl"l
j to a I'lal tsiiioiit h audit-nee. Iheopcii
ii;; t.ible.iu of the Fairy (piccn. in
,tvi t repo , in a Ucaulilul I airy bovv-
er, Miirouinlnl by her host ol fairy
I H.ili-httH in an altitude of faithful ami
' I' imii devotion to tlieir eiich. inline
! :i-iveiei;ti, tiaiiiipoi led tho spectator
i fioi.M the Laid seat ill the ojn-i a eh vil"
I to the ii-alniH of tliu ethereal. '1 he
! beautiful faces, in.iniiiliceiit comIiiuhk,
and soft, Hweet strains of inu.sic all
blending in lininnii, jitodu-.-ed a
5;iairleur inexpressible.
'1 In open 11 ehoius W;ii ii reln-iu ii
of thf jo -i ol luiiyliiid in Wiiie'i 1"
j 1'i.irii m j.i:ic 1 iu their expieioa-i ol r-
j-ie:n:j i;i r--n-j- :tii.l d Hire. Th'; lirt
j :n t, lepl- .I'.iii- the jiys -l" f iiiy bind,
j iiemy solo-', dia ls -Hid b auiilul ehoi u hcs
' wen: Min;; and :i!l tin" per feel h
'. tiiia to Hi- innm-tixe 1 1 m e. '! h
1 1 1 ! i ii'n p tt s in tlii-ir ejr:ind in treii !:
! ioiC the ipieeli w;l-i brant llill. i !.a lo'tsts
! miii veiy nii '.iy. The mnd I'ii v
wal:. wiik excel lent ; I lil-i wa-f tiiUra Oy
the la lal: s who I eprr-en;. d the ni-iidr
of Th I airy in ueh vn !."
jlaiid. 'I'm? entr-iiHit of I'arit (Diek
O'.N. il ; was :i sin:il thut ihe fun . -
I toe ii-u il: !
an ! it voiil i have pun sh-
e l t: ; oriiiniillumpiy wninpiy to iiav-'
ee. lied in the pall. The Cliriain i
fell hsin;f tin: lirst :i. t. j
T se. i'iiil act op: SH-d up n Ki'ne ;
( l'i: ubi W'lh.s; and Mary (Anna Mm- :
pi-y ; t'ue drunkard's dauihieis, who, j
in s':ii.r :ind ie-;itat io;i, faithfuiiy n p- t 1 heir 'ondiMou of sulTei hi, pov-
iil a;:! sick in a. and Iut in the ton-!
I i-.-:;:tli:-e of t heir ! roubles I he . 1 Mi-;
s -i f II. M. l-aslia: 11 a;ip 'iiis up. in the j
teei..-. in iii'e iike reality, demanding
of tiie mi I" and novertv stin ken e:il-
Jr. n i. is -.( ami deiiar's ill a lit of
wratli at ll.eir inability to comply
with his haid heaited and ert'.-l
demands. I h" father, 'Prof. Cush-
i:i:in). enters in a ihoroub :;' of in-
toxicalion to the
shame of tin? dan.
moi ! :!'. '.wioM and
ihteis, and li'.i ?
departs ith lit -s " yailer tUiK, ' loFe-k
solace in the il-wi:iir bo.vl. lb-re is
ictrodu e 1 t!i:- b autilul aoii " I'm a
l0i- Druiikat d. Child," sun.;' by l!'!-.
which 'V:,s :rl istica!! v done v. as
Vny ( ife.tive. j
'iie fairy ipi-M-ii, invisible to them, j
waves b -r maic. wan !, c;susiii ssm j
(0 nvercoino the fatigued and hungry i
: b. -r ars. whose emttv '..:i-k!s
h: .1 bet:, me burtleiiouie and been
diopped by the wayside. During
I heir sleep the fairy spirits at the coni
inand of their tptieeii till the baskers
witli feod :i:id iroUl and dis lp'vrar. K I'
ll e and May awake from dreams ol
wealth antl phnty, to find them
ail a reality and joyously start for
The next scene witnesses Ihe miser at
the hoiiie of the drunkard demanding
his rent of the wile "and mother
(Mrs. J. X. Wise), in which set ne is
im lo lueed some line sinking and net
ting - the mother pleading for mercy
miser sternly rciusing. jiur-
j i:;g thv plea ot the mouicr tor -oi.e
i i:!-ee dav." Kilie ::iitl May return w iiVi
! th-ir well-lilletl baskets, and tiie i.;i-
: er's rent p aitl, antl he retiring, a song
i OJ- t iiankfulness is sung by the mother, ine curtain urops on inc iei !cinc
; ai fheir tiaielv deliverance.
; Tne sc .-ne of thele ith of i'r'ln Fan ii ?
, ( Ijivingsfoii) an i tlio filh e.'i
1 pledge were vt ry impressive.
j The d- iioiicmcnl in which tha fat'i-r
: i-iefonned m l tie i;ov h:ip;y family
j iavii'ce tie! presence of li.eir benefaot r
I it ii- are innncdiati 1 v surrounded bv fie
fa lev ie'-!-1. I IK' I il 1 1 i 11 Li 1 lie tile in'.e;iii
j .i,C js ;! "iovo- finale,
j The parts were ail well t.ik-n :v.v all
j aceirdiied themselves hiitidsomely.
; J)i(-k Oeill as Puck, ho considered
j h:nit if a iniportaut a fairy as any o:
j th-m. la'ils- outdid himself.
The singing ol M.isses Wiles, Muri hy.
j w,,,-,,.,,. j) vden, and in fact sM,
I exi:."ptionaiiy hue.
j Miss Wiles' conception and rendition j
of the character she represented -::s.s !
I perfect and in.lmir.ibly done. 1
I'airy (ueen e;ing her ni;;.ny ;
r'"';s -xe. Uently. and in fact from the
! it! la spi i e f.tries to the inny ha-:d
s uae maitls of honor, there were n. ne
worthy of special menticn
d we not make special
no n
Her piaving was perfect in
every articular, and she carried Ihe
; music forward in a bri-rh'. sparkling
! way that assiste-i everyone on the stage
j in their work. Indeed Miss Dorring
' ion displayed qi.alitifS that 8!P the
very best evidence of ntr ability is a
j pianisi.
I Iu c:os:i.g there is no necessity tor
our inviting all to witness it again
j this evening, for every one.presect last
; night are profuse in praises of what
j everyone unite in declaring the vcrv
; ttst entei lainrnent of the season.
Diiiiii-sts Fmler tiie Moc:uT ljtr.
J u lire Neville returned -yesterday
in " iiiii.g fi .m IJ ivt
tri I the c'.vil tlai
Caroline j e-.i'.t -o-i
M.eice. t has. O. J.
count v whore in
of Mrs.
as nud (Jco. btiir- j
i e;e-. ti.n e saloou-k ept rs. under the? I
! civ l da m ago clause of ihe Slocumb j
lij-ior law. 'II e e-'se was ihe llrst u;:- ;
, tier this provision tr'ntl in the northern ;
' part of the state, if not in Ihe slate,:!1. !
i attrrcted ni'ich atf-iition. It was idso
i! e first lii-e siiiiilar c.i-es, ai d was re
I :;'in.t'i .is ,i ir;i,
... r-.l ..1 ...f
l.tnlsoii. tii? Ii !-Oiiu i ot tlie p!.-i-i
r, ioid up to abo-t ai;( a m-m i. :npiarv iu.i t
Then he It.-ll ii;t
the wiv of tlrinklii.--
iti excess, obtiiiiiin his
fcaloons l-"-pt by the i'e
M-mc months U2 he "iiter-
.:. ,i
;or ul t!:
j ed upon a spice, and while inoxicited
i we.nd'Ted into -.rntieSL where he 'Vi!:'-
found tlead tin.- next nioriiin?.
fl"l0 ..liiitL' I.rv:,irl.t llf 4. fiin jt ll...
men who sold him lij:ior, and retai led
...... . . . !
her counsel, while the tofendiints e:i-
fTiicd I Ion. .1. W. Savft"o and (Jen
...y.J. If . -.'X. I Ml 77 111. .1 S i
I!.-,.. I M 'I I ,.rl..,, tit, a r.,t.r .. .
The trial was roni hi led on Wp:'n( !
di-y aft- riioou, and nt 10 oV'ock at j
ni-zlit, after beirr out for six hour". the j
jury ret u rued a joint verdict of ij,40 " j
nejiinst Ihe delembule. Omaha Ilcr-
aid. j
T ttt t i nnprv i hip rn nnbAn j nnxr mrrTP
Sp'Oln. lii-Jii 'i'liit nls of t!iu II. & 31.
The !5. Jk II folks are very liberal in
their indm eiaeiits to the public thi
year. They will place on ule from
Mh v 1 ili !o Sept. 1 rith tourists tiekt t
froi.i t Ueuver, l'uebh'
and t.'olorado priiis and returu gooii
ii Mil October y l. for $:J for the round
Hip. This plai.'-s the railroad lure with
in the re.ieli of all, and all'ords an excel
h ut opportimit v to h!1 who desire, to
ttte-el the i ii 1 1 1-1 1 i :i 1 exposition held
in Deliver, bei :inin. I nly 17 atid co!i
tiii ii i through Si-preiubiT.
V. V. Kiineff. fieore I lay and wife,
(Jeoie Met.'oruiick, John McAfee, are
the ilt-lea ion from Louisville today.
I) ie McCain was excused fiotu the
juiy latt nilit and went home to plant
Col il.
Many Oliver, foimerly of this cty.
and well known as one of the besi
painters ul the 1. M. shops, went
east last iitht, to take up his" House
ho'el bid's" in Ibultiiton, la , where
lie a yood pi;t'it ion.
John It I'hirk, et ux., wont cast to
Chicago, list nieht, Mrs. A. V. Mc
i 1. 1 1 :;!! i i . uconmpitrn i:i ti.ein
, . C. . .-. i is.sey, of this cily, was at.
j stale capital yesterday : soays'lie
S: at-) Journal.
Mr. and Mis. Voting, of Sou I li IJend
precinct , were in li;e ciiy yesieruay.
W U Iti ss
in li!
S nv,ir-!.-i c ise.
II. S. Ihiihij-her
( itii.iha yes it iday.
t!iis citv
The (;.eiai;.i ol" tho T.
wid be pi e.-:e:;t.ed at Ihe
aain tins evening. To t!ise
who did
j no
attend lu-a evening w-: e
it an l uiiy worth your time and money.
j ;i ' l) "liosi who did :r.t'.'id, it iccoin
i mends UspII.
j II. C Slrown, the sj eci.:!
: tht. lVnion oilife, made the
1. 1)
i .i pi. i-:':it call t -eiay . i
j Cie.ioii, low;!, this evening.
aYe j
Jo-epli McKinnou called and said a
; won! or two about crops siud things,
i J ie iiiiaii't forgot bis anny expeiience
! yet antl likes to couveiso on their old
expl its.
Co'! uty Cl-i'a Jeanings weut to
Ve i "nig Water last night.
iIob" I oom, th inveterate collector
of A siil ind, is in the ciiy today.
AV. A. Stu'l, ot McKinhy A Slc.ll,
Liucobi, is in t!ic city today en busiu-.-s.
l'rof. Cusiiman, who lets cultictci.l
his Operatta of the Fiiiry (aeen so mic
ctsslully in this city, roe9 to Lilicol
to render the oame iu tiiat citv.
A Narrow Escape.
The house, ::s well as the members
of the family of Mr. John Campbell,
ne;;r Victoria postoHlce, this precinct,
h;id a riose. call n Monday night, i.Tur-
mg iae la'ii ana inunuer storm, lgiu- struck the stove pipe, which pro-
jeds through the roof, followea st down
j into tiie room below in whic'.i slept the
family and thence out
i floor, leaving two holes, one on either
! . : i.. . 3 .1.., .. T .' . . . ... i . .
s-oeoi liie siuvi". i ui luuavi-ij i:o ou-
ip. tic room was hurt or even stunned,
and no serious damage was done to the
i liuiidiug or to the stove over which
i the lightuina passed.
Tn ytiir3 ago tiie houe of Antliew
L.-mkey. 8;utling some feixty rods from
; liie le ase above referred to. was struck
j by liirhrnintf and lour of Mr. Lackey's
: chU.lren were k'll- 1. Another instaiice
j of visitation oi tins fatal fluid in thai
immediate vicinity is mentioned by
; our iiilorm.-mt l:i-t spring a cotton
i wr.od tree, standing bcai the residence
of .Mr. Chase, but it few rods from this
i spot was also sttuck i.nd badly tplin
j b red.
It is hardly probable t iiit ul! this is
the result of mere chance, and wc
would not be surprised if sometime in
the ful tire a huge deposi' of valuable
mi ls' of some kind should be fount! to
uiiiierlay the surface of the earth in
that iinm'-diatc vicinity. Weeping
W ;or Republican.
The governor ceu.plefed his staff
appointments, av.d i.s now organized is
c oiisi it utrd by the following gentle
1. I', lloggen, Ailjutait (leneral.
Peter Karberg, Assistant A-ij:it:ir.t
I.. 1). Richnrds, of Dodge county,
'o:::i.:i.ssarv (ieneral.
i Dr. W. W. Mone, of Saunders county,
, Surgeon Geuerul.
0. -n. J.Mii, of Lancaster county,
(Jiiartei master General.
Franklin .Sweet, of Merrick counly,
Inspector ieneral.
J S. Le Hew, of Clay county, J e.dge
:Y! voca'e tleht r;d.
Mr Simpson, who lives south
I town, lost a cook stove in rather .ci
j unusual manner, it was one he was
. moving and had set out in the yaid, a
; biped of the genus homo supposed to be
j an iron uioiigc-r drove up in a two
j horse vehicle and after finding the
. iU in of the house was not at hom
j b(? infoitiicd Hie folks he had
; pm ehiiset! I he stove and paid for it a!l
j l.'Ut ci j c-iils which lie haistk-d over, ie
I tin n took an ax, brok:: tlie stove up to
that identitv w.-is dest roved lo;ided it mi.
! iirove hviiv. Mr amoson. on
c: uii-
ir.; htnnr
found himself inirus
i $10
C "
stve. i 'his Irtr he has tot bi ea
to nseer!:thi d;linit'l who the e.iiit w:r-.
Mot ice
The Working-men's
cb-tv v. i.i meet to niirlit
in Teniper-
; liiict? Jlsll. lrisiuess of
i ....r. .. t"..:i ..i t.,... i
nnpoi tan e
I Illjl.'I.S .fc ..l.t .III. llljllU,l .
i .1. Mt: Williams, Chief (;iej ic
Si reiOious ed'-rts by the tltfentlnn';'
.-.tiiii-u-.-t s in tiie (Jurlis case, me beii
Loole for ;t coiitiiiuance, which hu;
th'is f .i bet U UliSUOl CS-fu!.
Tie- cu e of the State of Xel rr.l.a
liii-ist t ' h s I Dwei i for tier shoot
ing i-l t ;k- .'h.:rhj .doyal, has been on
tri-:. illiiin ' I i'iii:iv. .-Oul lis We
iiiss is beiiiir tit liberMted i.' i)v-i! bv
i J 1
if ,
: Speciid
itu-otion givrn to persons
W 1
n lo ieura It) skrtie, nt the rink.
If;i'l Hous- ;t Louisville opens
tonight wiih a grund ball
Jiicu.'nor'i Crackur at Kotinctt &
nn i lu'ri'ssrv hy i tflnfl nr utit nntorffpy
dlOrol boys, well see you later;.- "
" .Standing room only." quotation
from the box ollice last night at Ilav
eily'i Theater, showed tl.,1 the specu
bttion was profitable, and the demon
s: ration that found its way beyond the
territory of the auditorium into the
streets wan the most substantial proof.
As in i Appendage there is nothing that
ravels before the j ovular eve that is
more substantial than the word " Ilav
erly," anil when it attends an an
nouncement people have but one
thing Po anticipate. His prominence
in the nation d corps of Mana
gers wus not attained through the
pulling ne ilium that h is lig ued as the
aspirant's W orst eiieiny, but he has been
leva'cd to that position by n eonscieu
ioiis fullititneiit of that proiui-e. Ac
cordingly, when Ihe bills of llavrl-v's
lniiist n ls were suspend". I in lie: win
dows, people knew w hat to rxpeel,
and they were not disappointed upon
their ap eynmee ijist niht. A niin
slitl pei loiiiiinice is gei iitlly refuell
ing, and t!ie bhieUeiied vis i''e (if i'k
etliiopian th liuerttor is generally a wel
tune guest in every e uninuiiity. When
the curtnin ro-e la-t niht, H ib tie
signal for Moiiius to tike the
sceptre, and hearty irrepressi'de
laughter continued until it fell. The
coin posh ion of tiie iroipe is on- of the
best clement known to nsiiisT.-!.-. !
iiutl Ihe ar'.isls have heed i : r- f.-.ll v .-al-
h d IVoni the riche-l fields ii.
I ry. Tin; first pnrt pr'-:.'
t haiiiiing iirrangenieut. ai:.1
and knit's hiiVe the pri-!.;-
1 1!
novel. 1 ne ouiert t.-i'.o.-. o: lir-n:
show finds himself .ii y '-n: : rt al:i
ed, iirni uii-ler :t (Mti;,ii . .' ii;iin H" c:-:-citing
risibility. Th - olio C !i . -. A
-o!:gnn I ! in're sketch, e::!!!:d '1'-. cre
ation." bring oula imsuber of lie? mo-t
superior in -mbi is of the c ue illy. The
ij'.iirtetb? enihriieed so:iie ery select
innsic. !o i.nd s-ee tr." is :i jioi
aeeu tha' will cur!? all aihn -tits. '.'Lie.;
go Tiib me.
List of Letiors.
List of h t!en; i mainiug unealied i'oi
in the post office at I'latl.-nio;:' h, C-sa
C..iintv, Neb.. M av 1 1. 1S3.
Arnold Muskoin
Hates Eilen
Codling Mrs J
Duiin Samuel .1
fuller D i;
(bar fieo g
.ray Sanvn 1 X
Huston M ig'.e J
Johnson ilaiiii.t
Like Alexantler
Murpliy Jilvira
Murphv Alien J
Mack Michel
Potter li M.
Peteison Dora
Rutler Win
Snyder Ed
Thomas A L
Wheeler Josie
Webb lim
White It .S
Anderson J T
Ciine Clara
Des Islets ProfC M
Dubeier Sa-ninv
Fleysler John X
Ilerndon (J; o W
J ih::i-on Anda
Kemiard A (J
Liii.lovei Mr.
McD n mott Heavy
McDonald John
McNeil Win
Peterson Marv
Reed LP
Stokes Edward
Sheldon W
Webb Walter il
Wright Joseph C
WicksG J W
Walker S B
Persons calling for the above will
please say "Advertised."
J. W: Ma usual I.. P.M.
Atlveitis.aiients iiiuler t'aU liea.l, ttiree o-'iit-"
ji-m line e-tcii iiisertion.
OK III-NT A farm. Apidy at this otilt e.
j;olI KKNT-A y
a in i iii.- t-iiv.
.1. W. .Jrniiiiig-.
e:l jrnoil loeatimi
I i:ia:ri? 1 1 li. JC. i'iiiiiu-i- nr
'.i; r.t
S.'Ol! S.Vi.K OKI i.aii ti f.,r-:i!e at thio
A ill -1(1 ee, is per lu'.iiiSsvil er 5 cents per t!z
!,H)ii SAI.K -Ftier lots tiJetht-r ia !o.:a---
lion ia llii . ;-ily. I tio oire t this iliie.j if
1?Oll SAI.K -A fTO'iil isod
O'i-- fceiieriitor can
lie iitnilit
eueap. Wlii T-'ve elimce le-
,-t lar
know i
e.nil saiai. me' lei ins .iinl iHv
ti! al'plieaiin::. (lit
sin in & ill. '.en i'l;os.
VOITXD A foltling key in a riilroatt cnicii in
-i tliisciiv. Ow ucr caa Ihe.i it at tins ellice.
roVNH- V liuecli of ke on Clii-ai-'O ii'.
E- Owner ciin t;e sa'-u-by cal'ie a; lh
lice ami pa l"r this noiioe. 4V(f.
W'AXTUD To rent a s:nall, neat hou-ie eon-
taiaiiiic three or live iiiosns. l"..r i-tiitaliie
Imihliiij; Hi ul price p e ' i-..-: is-c
this ef-
y i.iTEU-John li.tuc-i has !?as;a the Stohl
' man place, corner of Iili aTi-.l 'ia?. aaM is
Irpiiiml to accomiiioilaie ihe juililic in l!io
way of Ixiartlin ami lotljihig by the week or
liio'utli. 40inl
AN I Kl A first-class cook at the Central
Ki-stiiuraist, Gootl waires amt sternly em
ployment, tltf
r AXTKD Fifteen limidreu taise pigcois
tie'.iveretl in I.incoin, NchrasKa, ut tiiice.
U :il i.ay .1.3(i per dozen tlclivi reil ;it vour de
pot. K. il. ('ON.NflH,
ti-J'f Secy. I.incolu Spm tsmenV Club.
License Mo ice.
Notice is hereby ;iven tha! on the 4tli
day of May, A. 1. 13, I rih-d withyhe
city count il of the ciry ol Pl.utsniimth,
Cass comity, Nebraska, an application to
sell ma!t,spiritotis and vinous litpiors for
medicinal. mech:;nic:d aud chemical
purposes in the third ward of said city .
J. M. KoilKTlTS."
C rites cc Ilnmsev, All vs.
Pl.ith mouth, Muv vih,"l8SC. w Ct
Peterson Bros. Soil
.Best sugar tired lnins at 15
Hest break fast bueon at loc
Hest shoulders lie.
J5est oliied-beet 15c..
JJc :iut ify thehomesof the living and
(- t ue .d. I will be in Plattfcniouth May
Jtb, from 10
until 2
o'clodk, wiih
load ot home grown, liesu dug ever
greens, in vai iety, in prime order for
planting. My motto: Low prices,
good stock, quick sales.
L. A. Williams,
(J-lenwood, Iowa
Mrs Johnson fc Swrney are ic
e ivir. all tiie latest styles in Hafs, i-,n-le-ts,
Fjowers, l itis Hibbous. &c. in the
mdliuery i
to :lll Met'
t lse .' h; i t .
iiie, t: which they invite :i!l
exoiiiri lef.;ie purelm.-inir
F.mcy eoo-s at c 5t. 1 JOm"
Il will pny you to road Wise's col
iiuiii in this paper, you may lind ju
what vnsi v. ant. "
JI:e Won ..lever."
Tin: ;i!ve is the imnoi of jl oj
ive tl
j of hit;!i i'hii Y
u:.i h is just ne.
r-,0'.'0, :m.l ihev ure w.iri jitiied
filler, ami ihe best oe d
I I V sold
ia i ;aiistnoiun, iisey are matio iy one
of the liirjftst eioar niar.ufa erork-i-ia
the Foitetl Slides, smd one that has u
world-wide reputation for putting up
i sr-5 ' .' lirst -el is-. r'o.ds. This
j Av ii?;.r is com". I
in i-jLaiity to a trr.-i,t
i mr.nv r..;e eiirar s":d in thu til v.
Ifyotido.i't b'.llevo tin? tpiiity o
tlurse cigars, give them :i Uial. :m.l
:isiirc you that you v. id s:iio ke n
Please remember that f.o the t;tx
GO days you cm e;et preat l:ir?;iins in
boots mid shoes and clothing, as I must
reduce ray stock, in those lines, with
out fail, r 6 JtfJ Joii. V. Weckb ACa.
lJreuiner's Crackers at Ilanseu's.
Brcrancr'i Crackers, at LUker'n.
i itv -
- by, in oil. w,
Water Colors, Crayoa and
, f pr-
I- i li i T i I i in
Patties wishing to attend tl.e races
at Lincoln, May' loth lo 20th. return
tickets will bo sold at this ollice May
151 ii to 11Mb, im lusive, for one fare
and a fourth, good to return May 21.
F. Latham, Agent.
IVe will Sell Any CoixN ai
flv-s Iteloiv 'I'husc uot I Sy
f 'omix-lltorN.
Y. J. VI AEtltJC Ifc.
Asky oiiroroi tr for Bremiu r"s Craik
ers every lime. Take n other.
Prices to the Fair;- 'Mieen Opera at
Wj-. term sin's opera house Thursday and
I 'rid iy eve- Ings, ar : (lallery 'Joe,
aiilni --ion :!" , reserved seats ooc.
A f-w of the ha!i.i.-o:aest patterns of
Wiie riowe- Stands very cheap at J. It
Cos. ."il-!A; w 1 mo
I.r. n.lo l's Crael( is at ViieV.h;u h"s.
Ctdtiige !!' itsi ,
stltet, between Main and, I Yuri,
Phit'.suioiith. Nebr. Reiii t- d ;oi I t tun
lortnbly I'm 'iiisht-d. Iloal'd by the day
or week. Meals Co cents. Hoard by
eek at r i:snab!e rates. lbai(; com -)':;.-
ibly -Hid Ji'.easatil iy situated. (Jive
i i. S. Wl A ia:. Prtiprit tor.
til Ilia
Jlvery hotly t Komv
dale 1 ill s. ii my en
t arpi 's, a.-nsisti:ig of
r -u! ib.-sirab'e p-it terns
! ' i.sT 'all and CX-
.b -. r V" r.A( ii.
-I til -ill
lo r- t Sta li'-m ail's.
"i h
: v i
. N'T .s
Dkai.i.i: in
KhK'INK, S';:KFl'Mi:iiVS,
j 1 N
is. Jhasuns,
JL ssii Suisse
ii' t in l';;el - '-r t hing i;o it ai i.ed in
a ilrsiel.-s li!- Store. Pre-s-ci
i i . i'Mris et- i i,.. v couip Hind
etl. I.lompeti ion 'met in
aii demiri men's.
IN A'ii
1 niKD
S 1'iiKKTs
CITY, of London.
QUKLX, of Liverpool
Flit EM AN FUND, of C aliforuia
aiuiduican i:xi i:i:Hs co.,
loi-.kv.aiott iilx-k , wht.
.!;!. ii-Ain Iros
ells nil J.0! preav!iioii
Warner's K. 6c L. cure.
Lorn! ut ,
nt 7 ye.
I 00
W all
ma ma
per tltmble roll
Browns . .
Whites. .
S?;tins . . .
.5 .is
cal-, you will ai
s low as the low-
.-:! him v,
!"m-l his p
a a
5-s ii!
1 1.i: -5 antl fS;e'.-li! - j: .-iis v;ll be carefully
Cii-nied out. P.h'i ir.ll Hi;- ition will he given as' l ami tlurabillty.
im Oil, Water C-!.
tl.Tn-c t.v-r Soloiii'.R Jt
."i-;iy.ii and Pencil,
atlian" store. Miiin St
J. Sec.
, T. 12, V.. 13.
T. 12, IL 10.
.. rp 1 ; .
s. v,
Y. Sec, 10, T. li, 11.
12,. -T
S, Lot
. Sec. 34, T. 1
10. lilock 2S.
o, o9.
Iv. i:ji
Dnke's AtlJltioa.
Tiie above tlercribod farms
for f-..!e on "ng- time, with 7
ccat. iatcrt-tt. Apply to
Ii. 1. V.'IXDIIAM,
hf Plat'isuioutli, Neb
Stale St Wonroe Cis.. Chicago. -JvKj
f'X BANC CATAiOvCZ, f oWgf
ITjtf lit I B.trumnU. sal, Cis I-IU-V A
jPl'umponi. Efui.i -l..- tr ti
Xfl'ilaif. Fjfldrv hon.l I Hit ut. ilcmlrfn
" k i
!N ever O
undersells niiv ot Iti t nnpet it- i h by "Jo per cent. Keasons why, he h4
been an ol 1 ex pei si m t d Ch d hierever si nee l."il, knows how lo
buy, pays no rents mi l buys for cii'h.
UemfiiibiT (liii Tvoiitv
iei, aii'l
S, 1 1" I I ! 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 gS
;iiiv ullo r lion
it jirieco t(? lt fy com ction.
Knowing1 lluit you realize the fact that within thelast
six months wc have caused the prices of
to bereducctl to '-living and let live" prices. AVo announce
that We will not be undersold, and will duplicate; any prices
quoted by our competitors, which are but a small advance
over wholesale priee-5, from which a faint idea may be gain
ed of the enormous pi ofit at which goods have been sold
and the prices imposed upon the consuming public.
AVe sell at a smaii profit, and expect to build our trado
on good goods and low prices? and parties wanting any-
7 B 3J
will dowell to get our prices, as we will save you mon
over buying- in Chicago or Omaha.
Oi: Al.hUS'IN
aint all kinls l-mo-.!- eneUly ...-f': iu a
.... .
Vi s -o; -
Also, a vrry conip:cte etock tif Funf ial ;ooIs,
Metallic&WoGcIenCGiiiiis Cels.RGiies,
EMBLEMS, 4c. '
Our Nc-w an-J elea;it hearse i a!v,nys la
Remember the place, in UNION
1H.OCK. on Sixth Street, TWO
Doors south of Cass Coun
ty Uank.
YVhear we ii:ay he f'uini! niirl.t or day.
A. 12.
EifiLI.Llfli. I'tZ.
Z1. U.
Graduate in
ornce hi IVri-y'sdriijj store opposite the I'cr
kins house.
tit t libit He'Vt
ree to Alt. s
'tt A'rWti 1b
(IT.tTtltS. rim. 0ta
u.a '.viieaL. and ihe ' 'oiise, tun ot Vearlubi,
Hiirrr, (;rMnnt Tr.T Hf.V.SK Erorvthln?! losci.
(T w fra ifs "" '-"e
V. I fai V a-ii:.iiin' to.
&Sji-ffUO nO-r is- l.-t
ii clei-solcl.
- Fiv(5 Per- Cent. Saved
I '.sill eoiiliii!ii" to ee!l
l.oVl;i: I'IMt Us
1'ul I
Yo u r.s I lvtii: I fu y,
in the
soils l U justly KU8SELL
ii a k corny
whi: h tm!,'; lies aii the best feature
of which ait is master. Its excel-
celeiice is recognized by the
p: ( rniuent lui nislicis
tlirougliout the
The m of the LcsL hand
spun linen. The lit and workman
ship unexcelled. .Made to ordea and
does not please you.
C. JZ. Wescott,
r -Plailsiucutu Neb.
i'.i.c, :it
sc in lla
) "
i -
- ; v
ii 1
i I
, r
( ' 't
: ' i