1:-: I i -t i i i e r i 1 A - i i PLATTSMOUTU HERALD. It VI I.Y, dHlveitJ ') airler't.i auy put oft ir ity rerWeek far Muntli fur Year n ( WKKKl.Y. I.y limit. One f"yy tlx nn.iitlik Ujieci'l') uuii your S.l 1.0 J Ml l:t;l'-r'l at t'. Tost Otliff. 1'lalt -uiotitli. m-couit clan mattt-r. PLATTSMOUTU. MAY ll,lJ. Tin; old iron Chuiiwllur Hiun.irck is quite ill, ami hi. plivhici tus have tuM him h-j inu.it t--;M" wnk; i-vHuit-ly, uM ay uiili it ache a I ill, is glowly uiastt-i inx thi u ii., who. for the past quarter of a rMitury, has been on of tl.t central figure in Kn ropean affairs. Sammy .'ov !;?!i vrin.r lectin.': iu tli' smiili. We crr !!! to l-!ii.-vi: l Mr. f'uxV -oI-!.m ;i verinrrt that hi.- caii-lt'lat'iri for I In: mm jiU'i -.!'; i" t In li'-xt hi'ii ; was no )''(; I ur row w rrc'iii'' ill;- h ii'Jiin'y 1 ri never :i lit. u) takes tin- Iriiiiirf ilc-I : I let tio.irrj fr f jkm!. rt- th" jle b-.oni-'-- pr( e ji ,lih!.-. n"t ! ferio:il ikin.; M r. C. a ?-rions r uuli'latf. Fokkigx tli.sp.'itciies disclose the fact t lat the capitalist of the. old world an amiitis to break down the Suez mo nojioly. A London dispatch says a meeting of s!iip owners, representing over .3,oilJ.0 ) t-nw of Stn-z rami! traffic have taken step to contract another canal avros th-j isthmus. This means that the coni?n'rc- ot the worM will not always piy tribute to the present syndicate in ehare of this preat sate wav between western Knrope ami the Indies. Tin: l 'air (lin en ojicra't::, pi veil ly I'rof. (hishm.'i'i at the Watternuin ()j-r.-i llnii.se last ct'.Miino;. 'vas tin? hest etitcrlaiiiinciit o the kin I ever pro lu ed ill I'latt s-iiouth. The jiert riiianeo and appearance of the ii I I'liriis v. as per fect nnd l eautifiil. The c'.ar.-u-f er of Ertie c.mnot too highly i-.c :;ijli nrnled the acting !' Mi.-. Wih.s l.ei :--ir sp.'eudid. .-The ini;-ic, lnth i;istrjtn;ep:;I uu vo al, w-n all :i critical a i iiei,c sn::h a- tilled tlu oper-i lio i-if last ev. nir.j- e uiM de mun.l, lii.nll , "I'.M-k" ouidi 1 him self. It w a faiiio'ii iron. Tin: i: -.ttric- I;.-fe, E :h of Fr ink in o.iu: llllC: ; i ;i r ii'1-t !ljC :CiC cills eiiitirs a'tent j-; s takes itp t!.e y o.i its utl.- r- en- i- jur. :md i to n sinal i i- on i; i. tin this discussion, which li.e d:t. f :!iat p.iper -Mie h'cJto i. !tl eiilu r iif ver l:-tr I !'. had citirciy forgot I en ? . :m 1 t !i !". is f ; -;nsf I ut ion of Nc!ir..sk i. hich tin- i-liw r id the E:h help 'l to f-ri!i;t' itc. an 1 that this constitution is the ;(. cause i f the very previous wr t.i- which the E:ho m trying ! s;i 1 lit: upon tl;o supreme jndp'.s of !rask i j i -ii 'itt'; fict.s nr n;lv iMuhlT.s for a in.in w!i t:ikes the dem I'.'u.'ti.- ivle of i ijiie.-t ion of this kin I to ru :t;riius!. Ilamh for the constitution ,t" 175 IJeatkick h i- a s,, priori a.'ter the fashion an 1 stle of the star route prosecution. A murder case of more th in u-ual interest has been in prog ress in the district court of (Jag county for soras ten daya past, in which, one Ii-e.l s on trial for ni ir dering liis wife; the plea of the de fense is insanity. The jury were out for furty-etgV. hours ;ind failed to ::ree, standing elcvf n to one for con viction. Yesterday 1 ti. jury were dis charged and the ree ilcitr t:it juror irn- m--.iiatly arrested on the charge of j this prediction the color of probability, impf-dii-g justice. Evident! v the state I The " San Mateo case," from Calif, r i.f Nebraska, as represented in tnis ' nia, in which the Pacifrj road 3 are oar- ti i d a". ev' lieilrice, ha-? ldo..d in its j j DYNAMITE AND JUSTICE. Thoh m.t utile ha, Uen Ion ,ur a limb n;ain;ed in Enl iiid by the d ua- j mite fii-mls!. ti . v v ..... ' - . ... . r. i . . ,1 .i.i3 u in n ricn ami pro?prrous israau. A nitro-glvctrir.3 lav was rushed through parliament and f;'ned by the iutcii in a tingie day, to punisii any jior.-oa iu suspicious prgsr.s!on of ninix-t-ire of nitric acid and glycerine, ami impoMii a jicnalty of impri.-r.nnimt for . life f-r causing an e.p:oiioii by which life or properly U imperiled." The English are sai 1 to be, and probably may be, dichj--ri!: thnusands of their tVllow British from employment be- , cijs they arc liW.i, thuh it lias not utru jtuivj in.li me v i-f iiui::.ter e.v jilosii'U v as the work of Irishrrcu, though all tlie i.tesuwipii'iis are that thest! Irishmen alone an- guilty of f i- iiauTai criiius. i no i-.:;jr:isti pap.-rs are turning uarily tu rtvir-j.ich t!io ted States tor r.l'.o.viii it-oil" to bo used is a base of op-iratiorii by t he anarch ists. The Eond n Ee-tnoiuist a luiits thatEngl.tiilcJuldn.it cmii.-I Amer ica to suppress Irisii conspiracies but ple:iJ3 almost plt p:isly tliat we ought to yield to liritish persuasions and be induced to supprt- tliein. The peojda of thi country wi!! not be elow to perceive that .loim IJull has xrorkel himself into ;n extrava-mt panic on this -inrnite quest ion. W'r have d sympathy wiii l-rr'b-throv; t-rs. but we h ive a vat deal of inp.tthy with the Irish, and, moreover, have ay yet no evidence thai they are to be classified as a nation of bomb-throTers. - The irrational and cruel conduct of the English employers in depriving Irishmen in England, of their means of livelihood because they bel-m to the same race as th men who are as srned to hare caused the WeKtmingter or -n uict'uigi-nvc ui'"" UjXf a high order. State Journal. explosion, which hurt nobody, betokens the present craziness of the English head and hem I:. A nation in such a state of iniad is not a good judge of what it needs. Irish method and Am- rican methods are utterly uj.ltke, but it i impossible for the Americans when they read such accounts of Irish distress as have recently appealed in the IJoiton Herald not to remember pthat England has lr:ated Ireland with cruel indifference to her suiTt ring. John IJriht iu taking the Lord Kec t rship of the University of jIagow declared that all the troubles of E"g lam I with Ireland might have been avoided, if only alight chaugus had been euY-cted there in the past. Ir instance he quoted the stipulation of the trctty made when tlie etirreii.ItT of Limerick gave Ireland to the English. The de tented pe p!e were s dem ly promied the free exercise: of their religion. I'ut not tjn ly was this promise vh.hiled; there wa at once imposed upon them in the longuagij of Mr Hright, '.in inodt cruel, galling, odious and urj ist ficiu of hws' whhh ono Chris i m peoih: ;v.t inil'ct'i up n aiiollnr.' Su-hgrae at uteiii'-iits in H:iJ, inad-- upi'ii a no.i-j ulitir:il ik:'-;i -ion, a:cl mi'. Ji-c!' situs as c :) i:m iliy rt;i-;i u-. -! the stai va; ion anion ' the ie-;'Ie wh-.-r l-ibi.r pr bu'is much of tin: food n whic:i England IV. tens, account fully enou,'!i f;ir lie; t-ligtit sympathy which England receives from America, in hei st niggle with Ireland, through the Ur rori-iii resulting IV.jiu the tl-eds of ni'ir ler an 1 other violence b the Irish is uiii t rdly cmdemu 'd in this - m trv. If such deeds as the murder of Lord j Frederick Cavendish and the Westmin ster explosion am anaiceical and mdie tive f a luck of political rapacity in the Irish, not less evidence of incap.ihil- ity to govern funiihlim ly ii- policy j f rcvencUd recrtutiou and panic i 11 1 which the 1'ritish government ha al lowed itself ti drift. Excii uije. In the case- of Xeal Iluggles against the State of Illinois, decided the o'.her day by t he .Supreme Court of the United Mates, the docti ine fiist (imnciated in the celebrated "granger cases," is again reaffirmed hy the court. In this late decision of our Supreme Court, the public will find substantial cause ' fur congratulation Iu thw first place, j no one will deny the fact that there i an irrepressible conflict being carried j on between the. railways of the coti'.- j try and the people, in their respectivo state governments. The people in ' ti.etr sovereign capacity, upon allocoa- j sion, evince a j.-ilousy and spirit of j repugnance to ttie relentless encr ach- incuts of the American tuilway corpo- ratiiuis upon what is termed the p.j.ver 1 of the states to regulate and restrai.a . tueir tueir po-vtrs comiiijti carriers. When this questi. n tirst arose, durii g the granger era in the northwest, and ! our courts were called upon to settle ' the practical issue in dispute, very ,' 111 :1 1 1 V r lOA 1 A 111 Hi Iu tiroail i-.. . . .s ! mmxmt.j J'VUl'MJ HI 111 lO I I S C I I 14 3 country, had given it no thought whatever, from that until tlie present time, the incessant conflict between these railway interests and the public ' has caused universal disquiet and dij- ; cirssion. The recent changes upon the ' supreme bench of the United States j have been carefully noted, and the education, surroundings, and particu- larly the early associations and train- ing of each one of these recent eleva- tions to that bench have been studied ; and canvassed by the public. Know- I ing ones have openly predicted a modi, f Ccation of the strong doctrine laid ' down by the "granger decisions." This j naturally cuused uneasiness. Several ! circuius'auces lately seemed to give ; ties, tin Hugles case," in which the j C. II. & Q. system are a party ; the G. or- j "v T rful rai j corporaii-:.,. disputes the power of .in-., sunt- io reguiaie railways as ) coir.mon carriers all at one and i th0 same time. raisinr? that very question in our great court of lust resort, were siniik-aiit pointers; that from this court thesa corporations btiil had faith that they could obtain pro tection from the aprjrressive authority of the states, p.ud uo'.v that the court, ni...n .tr1iTli 7.,;... 1...- . 3 . ,,.... i. .i.-niuu iiua resieUt unanimously affirmed its firmer decis- j ions upon this same question, we mav come to consider it as finally and defin itely settled. That this decisi.m is cor rect, history will verify. Do'ibtk-.n, in this youn;r nation, dcveLtpint; so rapidly, legislation in regard to our j American railways, and like corpora tions, has been crude and indefinite. ; It has been an e.ira of railroads, and i j clectricit V, since our railways came to ii-, an i a generous pcop:e have been, d out less, too lavish ia their bestow; I of corporate powers, and too carelesi in jfuaruiTir and protect iu themselves, by defiuheiy reserving tho-e powers which can never be surrendered with safety to the public. A closer etudy of ... . t, - the laws and regulations of the govern- meuts of Europe in this respect, wou;d ' have been instructive to the American nation at the outset; iu the acts of parliament in England, in the deem a ot the French aud Geruinu jovern monU, these reserved powers would have been found distinctly set forth an 1 guarded. Now, Imwever, we m iy i-ay this question is settled in America, ami from the kuowhbr tl .'it ft l j settled, beyond the hope of rec .nsidera- ! lion, may sr-rin the source of a peace- ful and reauonable adjuslmeufof mauv i . i . t. . i . ... . : u me aousca mar exist in the manage ment of our American railways of To day. r TnfirmpTTHncrTo hTcTi'lh?yramTr: - to can anu rxmnino be lore purcnaainy ' elsewhere. Fancy goods at cost. diOtn BANKS. Bank 's Cass County Cotucr .Main Riid Sixth Streets. platts ivhotji'kc8 tq"f;-r .ioiix m.u K. i-K-si.i. nt. i 1 .1. M. I'Ali'ilWiiN, Cashier, i 1 Transacts a Genural MYm Bnsiness. j HIGHEST CASH x'UICE ! I'ahl or County and City War. untv. joi.i,i:; nos iiaok. anil fruniptly remitted for. imi:ecctous : .lolin Wiirk, .1. M. Piitt-rson. II. l'annele. r. It. (jutliiuaim, .1. MorriHsey, A. It. .Sinlrlu Krel liorder. ,".lly John Fi i:ki:.i.I). a. V. McLauoiii.i m I'resli'.etit. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL OF fl.A IT.S.MOt'l II. .NhUKASKA. i liiv-r i :n very lesf .faoi!il irs fi.i tli' iron'.t ll:ui-act!':i iI teitimal: i iliKJNG BUSINESS. ' .Stocks. I;.i)'ts. tnlil, (.ov.T'iiiKiit ami I.ofal Seen :ei Hoiilu a nil Soiil, 1 ifj.o.sits n-ceiv-eitinl iiileicNt allo el on time Cfitili- m!i , Draft l raw n. vaiial!! In any i-ail of Hit; 1'iiitil State :unl nil tliu principal townri of liiiio;)!". Collections made dr promptly remitted. j Highest inurket prices paid for County War rants, State ai.il County HoikN. DIREGTOFtS : John Kitzireraia .lohn U. C'larK. A. K. Toualtn, It. C. CuslllRg, lieo. 15. Ddvey, r . I.. lute, A. V. McI.aiiRliHn. WEEPING WATER WEEVIXQ WATER. - NEli. E. L. 11EEI', 1 'resident. 15. A. (jIIJSOX, Vice-President. R. S. WILKIXSOX. Cashier. A General Ming Business Traasadea. iiei'ohith ! Received. anJ Interest allowed a Time Certi- ficatfs. IIKAKTS tr i vn avaiiaolo la any part of the United Si.i:es a:i.l all tlie j iiui-ipal cities of Kuroje. -o- .1 yen. for the celebrated ijnrfldilThT 1 lTJO ! iSiiiuuii jjliiiJ CITY HOTEL. This !.;-autlf ul three story brick structure, oa I-j-er Maid street, ha just beeu finished and fitted uii for the acconuHorialiou ot TKA NSIENT C USTOMERS. AND ItEGULAR BOAIIDEKS. j riTTnnv nTTTin vvm vn nmiv ! EERY THIN& NEW AND CLEAN I rj in comeethm with the ' "vu xai House. r.Ttf. FEED GOOS, I'ropr. THE F fl Of T T P D D D 01. d,. U U. ll. 11. Safest. Best and Most HmW. LINE IN THE WEST. MagaiCcent Dininj'0ar3, Elegant Day Coaches. Tullmar ?alace'4Sleeping Cars. 2 St Louis Trains Daily, m . U HI ail a iTaiUS Caily, . 2 Kansas City Trains Daily 2 Ate tison Trains Daily, Two Train for St. Paul, ilianaapolia, Sioux City, And ail iHjIiit-f ia 1101 tli-.vest. u itli Pullman Sleeping Cars, Between Kansis Cil? an3 St. Paul All tialiis run ou tiir.e.coiiiiectine: f;-,r all points f East, West, North & South, j Ticket tiv s;i!e ut nil reu!ar ticket ofiiees, ! i .. in... i.fii i.ii mill; ful'y Kveu i.y utMiesehi. Iiiinrniatiiiii re;.rdinu: rate, time. &c. cheer- ; A. c. iawk J. F. Barnard, Ueu'l Sunt, Uf'i'l I'asi Ag?n FsJBJlFAH-j r 1 rob 7tna V'ltt v p a mAw D.M.FERRY CO. DETROIT MlOH. I have taken . a ' Tacatlon, ni boys boys, well see vcm Inter: Fill Lii Oood-by, ii r . r. ana r- a ,K1 7',0, EASTWARD I;tily Kxprej- Trains for (imalia. Chica- i-nlv Kvjr:"- Trail"- for Ik-hmt. p tin, Kaunas I 'ity. St. Ixiis, ami ail iioinis i, -Tii.i;i.i I ni' ii !'-i"l l'i all piii.ls ' hast. Iliiotiti Mrs via 1'i'ori.t to In. liana- (...in'i. I': :,. ;';i!i:iri i i amltm i,t) Iiolis ICleaiit rulliiian l"al.n e ('.us am! I ai -. ? ni I lii s "m- ti t tic I r lay coaclo-H on all tlirouii t'an.H, v' i a rv l;tit- In In- '.ViaI . it h m-i-ii" 1 lining earn cast ef Missouri ICi r. I an i m!-. 4. - u, n-.l ( v h .-ic. Throii'li Tjrket-at the I.onvi'si Lite- :im-(.' .-! -lit n. iaij.fj t nl -la'joi ;, ami liajjae will lie cln-ik-i t ilt-vi 1 1 a ! ii ii, Ai In' i..!.nn :i.s to ji nn;(-ii,r n.in ta hlf b w i!I lie cheerfully f iil liil'i i ni ,-. jn.i i i mn i y a ') I ni I 1'. . I I A FINK aiackkkkl, laijradori-: m cod fish, a V. o have a Favi-y MINNESOTA, KANSAS I have in ft Que )ensware, uiassware &c. AU our n! - art Will Exciiamc lor Connlrj Produce. 2S'u.t tlu-.T tu f'i.itirt Hon. BURLINGTON- ROUTE it f rzSri -a!C""- - --'--' -' r-'ix.-r-t":: Q p:5 S TV1 :V:TTVT U 0 5 nAJSyiz t: f M 1 1 c-y -..i . - . -jj-. .v. --- . . ... r, w h! --jr . -rvi- C3IJJC EAST AriD WEST. Elessnt Dav o.-ie':?. i'a.!,-.p f.-.r; h T.-. Chair.s iseat; freet. KrnoKi::.; C.r-j. ivstn ilo- i voivinsr Chairs. I'tiiinian Piiace ."..:e'Ti;-i-.-: 'nn .in l ' the faranii C. II. & U. Di:iirer t'.irs rin (i'tiU'i. .it. I : i irom cnicafTo & Krw-cu i k;r, chic.uro Sc i v:i..'ii uiutrs, cmoago t 1'e.s Moines, t l.u.-a-.-o. St. ,! j Iseph, Atchison & Topeka. Onlv thro:sfh lino he- ,tween Chicago, liawiin & Itenver. Ti:roii-ar.j between Indianapolis Council RlinYs vii Ivoria. All connections ma1e in Union Iieji it known as tlie great THUUUGH CAP. LiN'ii. I Finest Equipped Railroad in the T. J. POTTER. 3d Vice-Prcs't and OeaU Kanagr. Presli C3r fl 1 1 s'l Xo old stock to work oft. Tiio la'.-.-.-t :ittoi-iis cf GLASS .A-lNriD O;0"JjTIt-tS V7"S i I PLOUK. FEED AND riiOVKSIOXir. j The Very Highest aiarket Prloo pai I for Country Prodace j ! DREW BUILDING. -1 -kjOlll-iA A f D At Wholesalcand Retail. Cash paid for all kinds of country produce. Call mid see me. Opposite First National Bank. r In OU, Water Colors, Crayon and Pencil. 0M (im.l.nUMjL-VI , 1 . " U t. il J J J rv.cKM o WESTWARD. MIS. . IIIT.l! I K-'r e l.'-.i' - :i::;ixc.'rKoi"r, vJLi) wavk so .,; line .-'.lick : , 77 r ;-r ? TIPS!' r.tr. AN 1 ISOULI FLOUR. ; 1 ii Lamps. !-s;!-i j",,! T.T.'.r-? l.i i,:tai u: :a 1 U it iJ ri X & CO. 3F ALL KINDS OR SALE BY laceisior 1 ST. LOUIS, MO Sal i y('oachf : 1 Villi (Vr: are run dily to ami . " i I .!.!. cjuiin'.v, KeoI;s:k. I . o-i l;;- .1 AHiert to St . ' : : : C'.trs will; Iieelininc i I : ' : . ... : .i r. . V. ..i : c! .'..r.- r. : . . i.. . i i, i, ; . .m .'t i.u-.:-- r.n-l IV.ria ami to ,; I ' fri::n.va. i;n!y one . 1 t-i Hi. I.oui- aii 1 lie:: : ." c-I'i.-.'r.a, aii.' 1 ''.'liver. i'-ltnittv.l i -j b- tl:d jy'.i ClDias of Travel j ''I'LL, Ooa. Puss. Asr"t, Cl:ieai.' V-rfj. for- rr".:;a::v.vb I, X PLATTSM UOTH. Tja gal 1 6 -s. V 45 lin Csmtii II . . H s s? H 1 - ps 3 I y I I D. M. FEKHT A CU. UCTROIT MlCH.r- CALL AT THE Old Reliable LUMBERYARD I A. WATEBHAH & M Wholesale an. I Ki-t.n! li alei In PINE LUMBER SHi;,LJX LATH, NASH, !HH)?1S. h s I N US, &(.,!- ' i . Fourth siieet . ia"n ar . I eta House. . V I'LATTS.MOL'TII. - NliHIlA.-KA JASON STR EIGHT, l-(ie.-es..'i. mrcljht A "111!, r.) M AM V ' 1 I' UK 11 I l " 3 7 fm heavy umm. A lale Hue of C!i;ii Vtv-' rpii'i V-ri'i'P OuJUJot) LI iiiiL i. bulbil ii. ti iiJJ a I ways in v! nek . lit jittiriu:j of all kinds matly t! u n soft at it ire. Main STitI, b"H'i c:i Fourth ;ml Fifth, o. M. y:i i:FKii: r, t;u-ine- Ma-r. I .It A -. si :.t Mi in - .leal Mai. Vif J. JL. "i. f ,4 Will 1JUV and SELL all kit.d.s of FUR1TITURE, IvIETALS, moir, RAGS A1TD FURS5 AVill iidvaticc lucney en all SALABLE GOODS, on '-)( i Main : treet, Ojiposite '1 be (-id lok' ,itildiny. rhm.sn;.-!!'!', I-- b. I. !, HUf. f:;i 1 f ; w 0 H .-3 O J t 'Jt w a! i i j UJ ! HI 0 sr."-. 2 iA R I 0 A Hi I CO (!) T. FLEi;CB'IAti Cn. COM PP. 'SS ED YEAS' The best . ,.sl in i ; -, : : every 'I' I !-i ). V V u; i ) i niortiiii;;?;. Trade sup:.-'.t luisx i: r r ,t lewis ! I y The 1'i.AT r.SMOI. II IIIIKAM) i vci v luC-ilitN e5f. f In Every Deparlment. s LEGAL BLAlSrSZS, AT7CTIOIT BILLS, SALE BILLS, COMMERCIAL BiirTiisra- OlZT ScocJz of Ami materials is large and ! ORDliiRS BY MAIL SOLICITED PLATTSMOUTH HERALD 0FFICE Subscribe for t7ze JDctiLyJELeiciLcl Just' EecDived. . A I I m: link ok MEERSCUAU . AND BRIAR PIPES !' lII(i: T I JIl'OitTATION.I A Cliallengc 5c: Cigar, S lally mmle for ll.e 'l l I' : i l!jf. at Peppfi berg's Ciar Factory X - . I r . V CO i. a x 7. 3 s ? a- " a. -5 n I. U i. ill o o CD C'J 4 - t 5 i: O-i PI 51 AX I) AT ,..il A Plattsmouth - Neb. r. l'..i '.A S?5 THE MARKET. JJJ.? :: ; O YLYof Veriabln Oil ::r.tlm-o Jicof 'inflow. To iri-i i'e housokeep'irs to give this Soap a tn .l. w:t?i each ear bqii WE (HVi-: A VINE TAJiLE NAPKIN r TLis oiler 'a :r.u.'.Io for a fdiort time only and :-!:'.jM bo taken advantage of ot ONCE. J AVo V, Al'UANT this Soap to do moro wash- ; liif v. ;;ro:'.ter ca.c than any soap In tb mark-.t. Jt Lat no EQUAL for use la hard ; hii'i '.Ac "v; ."ler. mm fiBUSE3 MAS IT. LYmsIoy&Co. JTliLlSil I N' l fO.MI'ANV liaa" for iiint-chiss 7- c-'x 'si e! Work Sherwood'S, A 14 j J ? &&ssa:Ji J3!xu Jc JPctpers complete iu every tJcrjarlrjeiit. if c Mb "J v. r "s- r