The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 08, 1883, Image 4

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ri !.isiiK: daily
Tts Piattsiiiaalii HCiuM Yziiimi Co.
rY.r Ot) aii.l C' untv I'm i:oiy, li: il'-wiy 'I line
I VUm. Telc'i':i lti:i .r i;u-ii- Di
rectory, I'HaiMe.11 'aidi v'v,m: i!i:iI :t".
Jtrr. u sto:e.
City Editor.
Nolle to Advortlsr.
.'uly for 'i!.il:iy ul vc; INflut-ut or H.;i!i;'H
111 advertisement" niU'ii. t: Ii::lnl'i In to I lie
tiusiiirMonVK not r 1 mm it 10 ;i f 1
day lu vtliH'li lliey :re l le Itis- i l d. "!'
tut :iy lo'-:tN Hail ;ee!.il m. Millet he
hamlet ill bi fojt-3 p. t.i ii 'l.jj ! insure IH
sertloM. II M. ltt.sHNKI.1.,
I'.ui i' Muu.i'.'cr.
A. Suliwlniry, runt!!.
Gold j)H jxt ai-d colored iirt ? ut War
nck'f, toiticht.
r'airy (Juccii, Th
vciiij;- tlii wee'.
:rh-liy mid 1'iiday
The rainfall up to nom today was
I 73-100 inches.
The river toda' stands G feet
inches nhove low water mark.
Iliwrvnl M ats are hot on sale
1'idry (imii. Admission i'5ots.
d .siuts ."ioct.H.
fur llu
Kesei v-
It didn't rain Int nia jml l l.i- luurn-
lllX', l'Ut it 1M.J0'1. Itiij'it vvlut tl.t:
; mutry iiefU.
Tin- W. i T. IJ.
Iriyt ri'wi church
ito;i at y o'clock. '
will meet nt the
WediM.v-d.ty aftcr-
Tle mail from Om.ih i failed to put
in an appearano thi.i morning It
was either carried ly ut nt;ver started
from Oiuat'.a.
Twelve licenses have Oteu issued to
draymen, :u.d then- are al-rut twelve
more who will l.:;e M take out license
r iiit.
Mr. r. Latham, the genial am! tiii
cient freight aicent of thfl I. Sc M,
was a pleasant caller at the IIkkald
oflico to lav. Co'.n again, Mr. Itthnm.
The c-ity council held a called meet
ing this ulternoim nt i oYIock, at which
time licence will l granted to Clans
BreckeutV'd, for the pale of malt,
spirituous aud tinotis liquors
Atchison mid l'inpori t papers ay that
the Fairy tjuceii if the finest eatertaiu
mrnt ever'.ed the city,aal was greet
ed with crowded houses whiie heiDg
played there.
The streets, y and rutters are
bciajf cleaned up in ditlerent parts of
tgwD. The onler of t!io mayor and
notice ot the chief of police have hail a
wholesome rlieer. Keep it up until the
whole city is clean.
One hundred ami fifty in ti e grand
chorus of Fairy Q'ic( n. The tableaux
are the finest ever put upu the stae.
Jreat care is heinjr tiken to have every
thing pas.s ofl" .-.moothly. Go, everybody
and encourage home talent. Tickets are
now on saie at You;:;s book store.
Switch enriue X. i ividi r the lua
mpi:!atita of (Jcor O'Xeiii t oil the
track t!ii morning caused by on open
switch. The ground w. "so'V" and &!ie
went to tlie bottom, mii is-hinj her a.-.h
pan, etc. 1 1 .is quite a job to ei it b;.ek
and Is giving the boy.-: co!:-:de;able
Frank Carrutli r:. i-rd
this snornia J3 iln of miiph
b' expies.j
si'-':-ir irom
Vernmut, the of some j
kii.d friend back thcrc.who '-iucw Frank j
b: d a sweet tooth la his hcaj. It is the
pure quill" and wasn't sea.-oard
sand like the western mac;ie suar.
The light'niug tiiis morning played sad
havoc among some of the telephones.
In the central ofiice at Onmha, we are
informal that the nnnet and bells were
burned out, also some of the plioues at
Lincoln. Persons having telephones
should remember th t they are nut to be
f K!ed with during a thunder storm as it
is dangerous. Read the rules in your
In the case of J. 1. StoekwcII vs.
Joseph Novotony, which was tried in
the county court ou yesterday, the
judge this morii:.g rendered a ver
dict in favor of the piin?I;!" for the
full amount of his claim, $1;. The
t i ?i t t V i m t V - 1 r-i .1 1 r c t r i. I -c r.-i i o
jrtf.l4lllU 1 Jt. Illicit.. .( iLi .III,
and sold trees of
which on delivery
fused to accept.
the above value,
the defendant re-
Mnudler had a shindy last night at !
the corner of M tin and Sixth streets.
He had l een testing his capacity for
carrying the aiaber fluid, so palatable
to gentlemen of his nationality, and
being a little hilarioin over Lis success
i:i that lina prueeedea to address one
of our young Ata?rii-a:n in a muuncr
wholly dist.istiful to his ide:is of its
thetios.when tliej our.g America'i afore
sail waltzed into thw rir.:y and sent
Shiud!?r to grass in no time. No ar
rests and no soft gloves.
On the 21th ult. Commissioner
Lring, of the bureau of
f agriculture, j
ic-e at Cincin-
held a national conferen
nati, Ohio, to which were invited j
leading citizen from all over tlie j
country who were specially interested j
in arul infonnel upon the subject of
forestry in all its brunches. The ob- i
ject of the conference was to devise j
means ana meinrxis oi iuikuii.ii .
scientific anil practical forest rv
throughout the United States. Gov.
Furnas, of this state, was invited and
attended the gathering, and has just i
re turned. lie reports that one result
of the deliberations of the gentlemen
present was the division of the
United States into four districts, or
groups of states. A special agent is
spointed for each "to examine and
report upon the condition ol torests,
timber cull::r, e
c. The north
western group ot
s'... if es an-1 teni-
tories was assigned to Governor Fur-
nas, as special agent therefor, and t
embraces Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota,
Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Utah,
Idaho, California. Washington anil
Oregon. The choice of Governor
Furnas for this duty is an excellent
one. Hi? recent paper on Forestry
on the Plain, printed in this paper a
fev weeks ago, and since published
in pamphlet form, exhibits for this
Vork an intelligence and adaptabil
ity Xf a hfgb. order. State Journal.
On a recent trij" over tlie lilies of the
old M-liaMc 1J. .V JI. in Nebiaska, tlie
editor of thi.i paper was n-tonihed
tiii:ipiil ih'Velopuient d" Nebraska. It
is miIi: to ? iy her towns and c:ti'--t have
douhh d iu hi.e and population dura;
the past t iirce j i 'urs.
'1 ho "(".ii'-en tjity of the i'raiiie;,'
Lincoln, ffjicad ul like a painted jie
ture with b r btate buildings, her 'iv
ersiiiifiit court house and her twenty odd
thoieaiid inhabitants with thfir heantt
fill hotnei; i-t a pleading sight. Twcnty
oiie miles west of thu, Crete is lhniii-ili-lng
upon the Blue river, at the junction
ol thcI5.iv M.undthe licutricu branch
Houlh. Here we notice the C'iigrcga
lioualist (,'ollegc now firmly entalili-hed
with a strong lac illy, a large corps of
students und upon a bolid linuoiial
bis. Crct:is the heaibpmrtcrs of .v:v
eral sph.ndid flouring mills two o; them
elected during the past year ut a cost of
something over -i? I yij,000 containing all
the latest improvements in machinery
for the manufacture of Hour. Crete
ad-o boasts several inttTprisiiig newspa
pers among which is tlie Standard edited
by Uro. iJaugherty, who has with
;ouimciulable enterprise and energy
recently placed fctcam power iu th-
.Staudarl ofliee, makiug it olio of the
biht newspaper concerns west of Lin
coln. Wilbcr, the county seat of Saline
count', is a flourishing town of several
hundred inhabitants. Beatrice, next
i he largest and best city iu southeast
ern Nebraska, is a nourishing city of
some four thousand inhabitants; gor.d
hotels, line business houses, and
j.!endid stocks of goods, are notice
able features of Jlcatrice. We noticed
a iood opera house, in which the dis
trict court was being held. This place
is hi really u piominenl laiiroact pomr,
destined at no distant day (o be Hill a
greater center for the Nebraska rail
load system Here we met and "shook
bul la" with the man who made the
first homestead tiuiy aul claim iu NV
brsska, "Jlomestead tiling N. 1.'
This gentleman still resides upon his
homestead (we regret we have lost his
name). From lieatrice south towards
the enchanted borders of the tJtoe
L'ocrvatiun, the country is simply
beautiful; nature's bounteous baud
having bestowed upon this section,
seemingly, every natural gilt requisite
to make it the very garden of Nebraska.
At the Kc.-ci ration we came upon the
rival towns of Wyomore and llluo
Soriii'-s. u ho. in their strife for cxccl-
Imicw, have reached out and are ming
ling and commingling their suburb i;i
confusing embraces, so that the strang
er has to be informed that they consti
tute two distinct towns instead of
one large city. Enterprise and thrift
are the distinguishing' features of
these points; swarms of people are
visiting the reservation and examin
ing the lands. There are no im
provements upon this 140,000 odd
acres of beautiful territory, except a
large school house built by the gov
ernment for the Indians, at an ex
pense of some if 10,000 or $12,000.
This, we understand, is appraised at
$1,000, and must sell with the land
upon which it is situated. Water
privileges throughout this section
are first class for manufacturing pur
poses. We predict that these Otoe lands
will bring in many cases more than
they are worth at the coming sales.
From Vymore west the country is
beautiful. The farmer are well j
ahead with their crops, corn planting i
principally being over, and in many I
instances me corn is snowing usen
the jrround. Tlie siunll
graui tlirougnout this section ot
country looked particularly well.
Taking it altogether, Nebraska pre-
seats no other section 01 territory
that excels this ill every respect.
The C, P.. k (. folks are in
n their endeavors to capture
th men
who idiot their brakenian on the iJlst of
April, while in the faithful discharge
of his duty. The following dispatch
lias beta sent over the couutry describ
ing th villains, and it is to be hoped
they will be captured and properly
punished for their cowardly crime.
Crkstox, May 4, 1883.
The latest description of the men who
shot brakeman D. XV. Sears, April 2lst.
near Ilussell, is as follows : "One
about six feet tall, weight about 100
pounds, dark complexion, black hair
and moustache, high check bone?, were
onrk clothes, sack coat, button shc3
with heavy extension -soles, round top,
solt black bat. The other a small man
red-faced, light complexion, height
about rive feet six iuche, weight about
ICo pounds. Had left eye blacked
from a blow, and a small cut over the
same. Wore dark gray suit, sack coat
had colored I andkerchief around neck,
wore shoes and round soft blnck hat,
is a foreigner and speaks English
brokenly. L:;.-t seen South of Knox -ville,
Iowa. It is thought tbev a:e
working their wav west between the. ot tho C . IL L ft P. and C . B. &
I t. mads. Post idl elliccrs aud give
I notice to newspapers saving that we
I offer three hundred dollars for the men.
I Lis description is t bought to bu cc-
J. H. Dugoax.
MA Rill LD.
At tl.t Jii!ci it of the l iioc's pr
nts in tuge count v. Nebraska by II. il.
M'-chlincr. J. P. on May 6th 1S83, Mr
Kphriaiii E. Hill of JSaline county, Neb
to Miss Knin.a It. Ta'.luian is the description an exchange
gives of a dude: The dude is not a
man. It is a thinjr which parts Ps hair
. Ml .:., -n,.,).:,,,, it mi j,.,.!, .ij.
of the forehead into little bangs.
wears excruciating!)- tight pants.
etretchts a plated watch chain across
its stomach, and is a breathing illus-
tration of the fact that an object can
llve without brains.
Exteniive preparations are being
made for the 8.J3d anniversary of the
settlement of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
They call it the Tertio-Millennial, and
the name is no more novel than the
immense list of attractions presented
In the I'-roirramine. This is a cood
vear to see New Mexico, and the cate
brat ion and exposition are sufficient
inducements to make the trip of them
selves. A descriptive pamphlet will
be sent on application to the General
Manager at Santa Fe
Mrs. Johnson & Sweney arc now re
ceiving all the latest stylesin Hats, Bon
net?, Flowers. Tips, Ribbons, fcc.,'inthe
millinery line, to which they invite nil
to call and exmnino before purchasing
elsewhere. Fancy goods at cost. (UOml
I of
i i ii t i if i rm i i n ii i i
The jury in the case of Pettit vs.
Ilytid, et. al. brought in a verdict for
defendants, but .Judge Pound wouldn't
receive it. and sent them ' ark to find
nominal damages against two of Me
defer.dants, any how.
'I he jury in the case of tho Slate of
Nebraska v. Maud Finery, retired
ii brut 4 o'clock, and as we go i press
r.o verdict had been returned Mr.
Strode, the district attorney, had con
siderable trouble to procure the atten
dance of witnesses, as he remarked to
the court thut "a great many of tho prominent odca had friends
to visit in Iowa and elsewhere."
And those who did testify, at least
many of them had a memory that
was so hopelessly at fault that it is
doubtful whether or not the3' recol
lected whether they ate their nieak
today or not. The case of the State
of Nebraska vs. Madam Moore, is on
trial. A similar charge.
There is a full attendance at court
this afternoon, and front seats are in
S. P. Vannata, Esrp, tins morning
iu the district court made motion for
a continuance in t he case of the state
of Nebraska vs. Joseph Sharp, nd
supported it by atlidavits of the de
fendant, that there were witnesses
which he could not now procure.
The defendant is in jail on two
charges of removing and disposing
of mortgaged property, with intent
to defraud, etc. The motion was
granted, and the prisoner ordered to
be discharged from custody on his
furnishing bonds in the sum of -to-lO
in each case.
morn in
Bailer went to Lincoln this
C. II. l'armele
this morning.
w ent to Cedar Creek,
V. D. Jones starts from Fairfield,
la., with a fine lot of horses, which he
will have on sale at liis Ponucr stables
m this city.
Tom L. Murphy, the It. 11. contract
or, went to Lincoln this On
last Saturday he finished his contracts
on the Tecumseh Branch.
X. Y. Z. Fuuk, one of the Jolty B. &
M. boys of Omaha, came down this
morning, and will spend a few days
with the boys in the Store department
Charles E. Duke went to Lincoln
last evening and will return tonight.
He was indeed " arrayed in fine linen
ard purple," and if we judge aright,
he was not goiug to buy hardware.
We are afraid some oue of the belles
of the capital city is the magnet.
John N.King, of H eeptng Hater,
brother of Carl King, of this city, re
turned to his home after spending
Sunday with Carl and other friends in
this city.
Grandma Sullivan, of Wichita, Ks
mother of Hon. A. N. Suilivan, of this
citv. and Thomas Sullivan, or liock
Blurts, returned to her home today, al
ter visitimr with her sons for some
eicut weens. Airs. ruiuvan is a verier
able lady, 78 years of age, yet hale and
hearty and hopes tor many years yet
of the enjoyment of earthly pleasures
An aristocratic delegation ot masons
from Wceniuir Water, consisting ot
Uillv Miekle, Phil S. Barnes, Joe Par
kins, Kev. Mr. Wehn, S. J. Fitchie. Joe
Ivaliskie. Mr Ashley, came in to visit
their brothers of the compass and
souare at their lotlu'e rooms iu this
citv. They came across iu carriage ex
letting to return home last night, but
uupronitious -weather prevented, and
they tarried until morning.
Frank Miekle, formerly of South
Bend, but now of Ciark county, Iowa
came in last evening to attend business
iu tho district court. Frank has Utely
taken unto himself a wife, and bought
him a farm of 280 acres in Iowa, and
will devote his future life to the raising
of slock.
Frank Miekle, J. 1L 1 tableman, at
torneys, au.l By leomain, deputy
sheritl, came in from Weeping Water
Henry Inhelder. of
came in this morning
Cedar Creek
on real estate
Robt. J. Barkh.un, of II. P. Law &
Co., of Lincoln, is in attendance nt the
district, court iu connection with the
case of II. I. Law & Co., vs. Rccd fc
Mrs. Robert Fitzrcrald and Miss
Maggie O'Keefe went to Lincoln
this morninir. being called there
by telegram of the serious ill
ness ol their sister-in-law. airs
Dr. Mansfield, of Ashland, one of
the faculty of the Omaha Meilica
college, is in the city today attending
court as au expert witness in the case
of State of Nebraska vs, Mr. Sowarus
Ii. A. Gibson, attorney and vice-
president of the WeepingWatcr bank,
m in attendance at the district court.
This is tlu first appearance; of this
croiitleinan since his return from the
classic hills of the nutmeg .sttite,
where he went into voluntary slavery
for life. We understand, however,
that he has a charming master, antl
hope that the slavery will be more
pleasant than freedom.
Parties wishing to attend the races
at Lincoln, May 15th to 20th, return
tickets will be sold at this oflice May
15th to 101 Li, inclusive, for one fare
and a fourth, good to return May '21.
F. Latham, Agent.
What awe inspiring institutions
the District Court and Grand Jury are.
Their influence has become so exten
sive as to create within the tender bo
soms of a few of our ordinarily bravo
and courageous young men a sense of
fe ir mertnl terror that during their
session in our midst business matters
abroad demand immediate attention.
It is Just so now,- and its not only so,
but also. It is a queer coincidence too,
that on the day our " swamp angels "
are to be tried tor otronuinjf against
the peace and dignity of the glorious
State of Nebraska, no witnesses can
be found who can testify to any breach
morality or violation of good con
duct, ihe truth is the boys t!in t
know anything about the matter any
way, and to save the county the un
necessary expense of witness fees, they
have taken a vacation, Good-by,
boya, well see ycru later,
Hirer Report
Ah furnished officially to the War
The river at noou today, stood ft.
0 iu. above low water matk, allowing
a risr of 1 in. since noon yesterday.
AdveitlsiMiioiits under th! head, three cent
per line eaeli Insertion.
lOK KKNT A farm.
J- ilia &tr
Apply kt this ofllcp.
I'Olt KKNT A ttl house In leation
in tliiM city. JiKjuire of Jl. JC. Palmtr or
J. V. JriiiihiK. . liti Ot
L,H)U SAI.K Old paji.-iH fur sal at till office
nt 4t) e-iits pT Inu.divd or 5 ceuU per doz
en, tf
1,'OK SALK Four h!s tof thei In ynoil loca
tion iu this city. Iii'iuire at thi ollieu tf
IOlt SALE A kouA sodawatps u'-nerator can
feu bought cheap. Will give choice bo
twtcu a large and Hiuall ono. leiuisunol price
made known on application. dtf
.SJUTM & IIi.ack linos.
F'OUND A foldiiiK key in a railroad coach In
tliis city. Owner can (hid it at this ofticc.
IOt'NI) A tiurcli of ker on Chicago avenue.
Owner can sama by calling at, ihisuf
llee and paying tor tliis notice. 47tf.
11' ANTKI) To rent a binall, neat hi.i
' tiiinlri' tlucH or live lonnw. For soil .-.Ij'.c
lili!dil)K ;
'Mm! priee pa'
Uiis ot
t. :t
ANTKf) A Rood co!c at Stade!
niaim's rcKiaurant . either man or woman.
None but h tirst-claas 100k lived p.pply. ."ld tl
man place. coiner of 7:li ami inc. and i-i
oreparcU to iiccommodatc
ll: iiiril!' in t!io
way of I'oui'diu;.' and!; I y
the '.vci'K of
liiontli. loml
'l Ki -A tirst-cUss cook al the Ccntlal
L'estauruiit. O'ood wanes and vteiutv em
ployment, dtf
License N'Gtice.
Notice is hereby given that on the 4th
day of Maj, A. D. Ib83, 1 filed with the
city council of the city ot Piatteinouth,
Cass county, Nebraska, nu application to
seil ma!f,sp;ritous and vinous liquors for
medicinal, mechanical and chemical
purposes in the third ward of said city.
J. M. Hoberts.
Crites & Ramsey, Atljs.
Plattsmouth, Miiv 4th, 1SS3. w2t
Beautify the homes of the living and
ded. I will be in Plattsmouth May
'th, from 10 until . o'clodk, with a
load of home grown, fresh dug ever
greens, in variety, in prime order for
planting. My motto; Low prices,
good stock, quick sales.
L. A. Williams,
(ilen wood, Iowa
The Central Restaurant
has removed up stairs in the Herold
Todd building, oue door east of the
court hr.use The dininghall is in every
way a model of neatness and comfort,
well ventilated, and finely furnished
seating room for fifty persons at a meal.
It is tlie aim of the proprietor to make
the Central the bon-ton place of this
citv. Special rates to families wishing
to secure day board. For terms apply
at the Restaurant Dining Parlor.
8 - w2t :59il3t. Mrs. P. B. Murphy.
Cottage House,
Sixth street, between Main and Pearl,
Plattsmouth, Xebr. Refitted and com
lortsbly furnished. Board by tho da y
or week. Meals 25 cents. Board by
week at r asonable rates. House com
fortably and pleasantly situated. Give
mc a call. S. Wkavek, Proprietor.
Brcmner's Crackers at Studlcma u's.
The largest supply of hams, bacon,
and nil kinds of meats, in the citv to
be found at Hatt & Co. 54-dtf.
Uc will Sell Any ftoods at
I'riCfs ISeiow Those Quoted by
Asky our grocer for Brcruner's Crack
ers every time. Take no other.
Prices to the Fairy Queen Opera at
Waterman's opera house Thursday and
Friday evenings, are: Gallery 25c,
admission O.jc, reserved seats 50c.
A few of the handsomest patterns of
Wire Flower Stands very cheap at J. R.
Bremner's Crackers at Hansen's.
C3b to J. I. Younar'g for your
cream soda water, mcail a nil
bircu beer oaly 5c per?IaKK.
Bremner's Crackers at Baker's.
A new line of fine dress goods con
sisting of the latest styles and patterns
just received at Week bach's. 23dtf
Bi emncr's
Crackers at Bennett &
Ladies, your special attention is called
to the new line of dress goods just
received at Weckbaclrs. 23dtf
Bremner's Crackers at Wirckbach's.
The Alaska, the best and most con
venient Refrigerator in the market. For
sale, by J. R, Cox. 43dfcwlmo
It will pay Vou to read Wise's col
umu in this paper, you may find 711
what you want. 39ti
Reserved seats for the Fairy Queen
Opera entertaiunient now ou sale at J.
P. Young's.
The Wonderer."
The above is the name of a 5c cigar
oi which Phil Young has just received
5,000, and thev are warranted long
tiller, and the best oc cigar eve rv sold
in Plattsmouth, they are made by one
of the largest cigar nianufa prories in
the United State?, and one that has a
world wide reputation for putting up
No. I. srr.c ly a r ii- clas-? goods. Ibis
acigar 13 count in quality 10 a great
manv 10c cigar sjld in this citv.
If you don't believe the quality of
these cigars, give them a trial, aud
assure you that vou will 61110 ke n
PracticaL ArchitetT
Plans aud Specifications will be carefully
carried out, and full attention will b given aa
to safety aud durability.
In Oil, Water Colors, Crayon and Pencil.
s. (bi. jpisiniiiirsf,
Dealku in
Oils, Paints, Uuishls,
A Full JLin-p ol Truxscs
And iu fact everything contained in
a first-cl-tss Drug btore. Pre
acriptionn carefully compound
ed. Competition met in
all departments.
Vvk. aCai.n ad Tun;:) Sti:i:i:ts
For Sale !
Sec. 3, T. 12, Ii. 13.
S E .
s. Y
i . -
12, Ii.
Sec. 3, T. 12,
Yv See, 10, T.
11. 13.
12, Ii.
I and N i
AV. See. 34, T. 13, II. 13
i: i, Lot 10, Klock 2.
3, 51'.
7 & 0, " 23.
S u, " 1 1.
Duke's Addition.
Hie above eleven bed lanns are
for sale 011 loii time, v.-itL 7 per
cent, interest. Apply to
Ii. 13. WINDHAM,
9tf riattMnoiitli, JS'eb.
i. kikpso ar,
CITY, of London.
QUEEX, of Liverpool
FIREMAN FUND, of California
Office in Roekwood Block ,
with Johnson Bros
sells the justly celebredat RUSSELL
which embodies all the best features
of which art is master. Its excel
celcnee is recognized by the
prominent furnishers
throughout the
The Boscm of the best hand
spun linen. The fit and workman
ship unexcelled. Made to ordea and
does not please you.
C. JU. Wescott,
IMattsmoiiili Xel.
tells till 100 "preparations at
Warner's S. & L. cure.. $1.00
Lead at .
Wall Paper,
per double roll
Urowns S .IS
Whites .25
Flats .35
Satins .35
Gilts 75
Embossed 100
Favor him with a call, you will al
ways find his prices as low &3 the low
est. tlvtoh Mann
Km ba UlUalTnil tn all airnlTrmnl
ita, and to ou
rlt Itoontalna
omen of last jw wltnoiit ordertmr 1
boot 178 pasr . X llluatratloDa, prlcan, acctumU
nriatiea of Ttntibb
.FTtui -xtmb, etc uniu
to Mmrkat Oincn.
I tot it 1
i. r cnti Y CO.
N ever XJxiclei-solcl.
Still undersells any 01 bin coinpetilors by J per cent. Reasoim why, he hai
been an oi l cxpi rsenecd ("lothierever Miicf l''."il, knovrit how to
buy, pay no rents and bnys for ca-h.
Iiemcmbiir the Twenty-Rye Pep Out. Sayed
liave arrived, and
DrcKS fJodH, TriiniiiiiiH Etc., at may Kit i-mri;
any other Iiouhc in the country.
Also a full line of
at prices to defy com ction.
"W. I I
Knowing that you realize
six months we have
to be reduced to "living and let live" prices. Wc announc
that we will not be undersold, and will duplicate any price
quoted by our competitors, which are but a small advance
over wholesale prices, from which a faint idea may be gain
ed of the enormous profit at which g-oods have been sold
and theprices imposed upon the consuming public.
Ve sell at a small profit, and expect to build our trade
good goods and low prices,
t 1 1 11 r
will do well to get our prices, a we
over buying in Chicago or Omaha.
and atl kinds of goods usiially kept in a
Also, a v?ry complete stock ot Fuueral Cioods.
Our New and elegant hearse is always in
Remember the place, in UNION
BLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO
Doors sonth of Cass Coun
ty Bank.
"Wliear we may be found night or da
Thin beautiful three story ririok structure, on
lower Maid street, ha Just been finished aod
fitted up for the accommodation ol
A Good Bar la MBneuh4 ;.
!es !
I will continue l oi-ll
Youm Iiet-jjctfully,
the fact that within thela&t
causetLthe prices of
and parties
in the
save you mone
B LJl CK&Jtfl TH
An Kinds sf Farm unrlgmeats Meai&i fia
S'eatr.o-v and Dispatch.
Horse, 3Iule& Ox Shoeing,
n short, we'll shoe an thing: that ha
four feet, from a Zebra to a GiraftV.
Come and see us.
n Fitth fif.- "between Main anJ Vine Streets,
ost acroaa ie cotuci Uoux the mw KiiKALi
Bank Cass County'
Cotter It.iin aud Sixth Streets. -
p-.AT-ra-M-nTT-PTT. TTJg?
) JOHN" FLACK. Ireldent,
U. M. PATl'SRHO-V. Cahier. f
Transacts a General Mm -Biuiiesk.
Paid or Count arul City War;.nt.
and vroiniitly remitted for.
, ' DIKKOTOM 1 . ,
John Black. J. M. Patterson, C. I-
4 lotions
1 ,.rrf,v