PLATTSHOUTH HERALD. DAILY, vr-tl )y rsurlvr ( kny jart of t lie elty lrVik.. Ier Mouth, fer Vw... I 13 7 DO iWKKKLT. by uiuJI. n coy iU luonths Oiic eoy uu ) KrgUiteretl at the i"t-t Otice. rcuuil cIuas mallr. i'IUiaoulh. us QW.ATT.SilOUTH. MAT a. 19H-1. A oonoEoes rain Just nihl. I'A YMAbTHU VaO.N bit bcell robbed in Texas cf $24,SOf. It appaars the pajtnaler was tm lounl the Texas Pacific railroad with this amount of Uncle Sam's good money hi his grip, aid the robbers Hiinply carried the grip of! and rilled it of its content.". At a dinner given by the Saturday Nilit club Grant and CVnkling were both prtbt-nt, and . both spoke of (he desirability of the United .States main - taiuin friendly relation with Mexico .. -..i ;. i .....i ...... t tieneral urant, m his usual practical , ' . , .... manner, of Mexico 8 capabilities for development. Li:adi,alim has aain been denied his seat in theEnlifh common s. The ntlirination bill was defeated and Mr. Mradlatigh was iifuAd the privilege of taking the oath; henee, he returns to the borough of Northampton from whence he Uh3 been twice returned and will in all probability !e again in structed by his constituents to knock at the doors of the CuIish '.louse. ,Vm. II. YASiiKKBiiYr i on hi way to ICuropft. The dispatches say he came to the pier at the foot of west Sixth st. in his carriage at 2:20 o'clock and im mediately wect on board the ve.v?l. The cut and style ol hH night shirt i n t mentioned but the important fact is elicted that he will pn.bibly buy a pic ture or two in the old world. Tiie purse proud William, 3:iys to tho corre spoudcnt, the tariff law i all wrong because such poor fellows as he has to pay a duty on these luxuries. Pool William! Unjust law! How a little wealth makes n great mau. The Missouri Pacific railroad com pany are getting into trouble with the sovereign state of Kansas. It appears that in'flio charter of the road, it was bound to keep and maintain its offices in the state of Kansas. That it after terward with due regard for its own convenience and utter disregard for its charter; removed these offices out of the State. Judge Jeremiah Black, of Pennsylvania, has been retained by the state of Kansas, and proceedings have been instituted by quo warranto, to compel the road to return with these headquarters to the state. Judge Black says that the state of Kansas has a good case, and that the removal of the ottices works a forfeiture of the charter of the road. The zeal of the Xew York World to prove that the democrats of the coun try with one consent irocla'ni that protection is a "hydra-headed man ster" which must be crushed by i "march upon it m me open neid, is worthy of a cause more likely to prove successfnl. It quotes the opinions of "a number of leading and represent;! live democrats throughout the north west," who repeat the "hydra-headed lmiase. and that sort of thin?. But the World must know lhat in the con trol of the democratic party the little Barnum and "Ben" Butler aud "Bill Keton and "Dan" Voorhees and "Cart" Harrison and "Joe" Brown are thicker than the loins of the "representative democrats" of the northwest, with Henry Watterson and the World itself thow in for make-weights. Globe Democrat. It appearF, Iron; Washington di- ' tti IfliAa 4ltof tlm nllpcftnn rtf 4 Via t- r c. tv. .j .... .7.. .r v . tradition of Walsh and Sheridan has been under discussion in the cabinet meeting; and those professing to know the temper of the administration, in timate that when demand is made by the English government for those men our government will not permit them taken unless the crime charged against them is clearly shewn to be non-pe!itical au J then very clear, strong proof will be required. Our e.x lenenec with the English government warrants the American nation in tak ing this stand. r.nd The Heralii, re membering the position of England to wards America when London was the rendezvous of the enemies of Ameri can nationality aud unity during the war of the rebelliou, hopes thi gov ernment will strictly construa tho law in these cases. The civil service commission is un dergoing an examination by the Presi dent and his 'cabinet, and a set ot rules, it appears, are drafted and sub mitted by these gsntlemen, by which applicants for office are to be examined; among which arc handwriting, copying examinations in arithmetic, etc. It would seem that all this Is stuff and nonsense; the only true test ot a per sons competency in an office is his abil ity to discharge the particular duties of the position b is called upon to fill, and the only fair" test that can be hed "in th- department to which the man is appointed; and tho proper persons to decide this question are the beads of tbc different departments; ' because a man is up it- orthography or can write a. prettier hand than his nrighWor, is DO siga that he is the bcit maa to till, the potdtion; any rules that are con trary to (he ordinary practical pursuits fbu.dncs are simply bosh. The (juration is, can the man perforin the duties required of him ? lias he sciute, honesty, industry and energy en ough ? aud who can be the judge of all this except the heads of the different bureaus and their chief ? If tins civil service commibsion are to tit down in Washington on a snug salary to run a high school, the aooner the farce Is ended the better. If the character of applicants are to be established and their general it nes passed upon, wo say all right. It the service is to be protected from political broken, well aud good. If men in position perfectly competent to discharge the duties ol the position they fill, arc to be protected from those who happen to ride into power, we heartily endorse it; but if thU commission Is to run a highloned seminary for their own amusement and xain, we thiuk the sooner they arc Rent home the better. Here is rule seven: " 1. l'euuiauship, copying;, and loi ter writing. 3. Arithmetic, fuudi meutal ruled, fractious and percnt 8. Interest, discount, and I ment ol book-Lcemuir and wioi ntK. . ... . ,. , , Elements of the Lnghah, especially orthography and the pn.p. r construction of seutences. 3. hie nientH of the orthography, history, and government of the United States. No one shall be entitled to be certified for appointment whose standing upon a just grading shall be less than 65 per cent, of complete proficiency in the first three subjects, or less than 60 per cent in the last two subjects mentioned in this rule; and that measure of profi ciency shall be deemed adequate." Any clerk entering the department a stranger to tho routine of duties there tj be performed, has to be educated right there in the fllce. From the sample of rules promulgated, The IIeu- Ai.r believes the wholo affair will prove a farce, there is nothing practical about them. Supreme Court Traducers. " The hypocrisy of a portion of the Press," is the caption of a vigorous, well written communication, which tp pears in the Adams county Democrat, over the signature of "Lex." The Herald had hoped, since the matter had been mentioned and discussed by the press of the State, to see that por tion of the Nebraska press which has been traducing tho Supreme Court ovei the Simmeiman and Olive cases, have honor and manhood enough (to say nothing about intelligence), to ac knowledge that the granting of a sjtay of execution in the " Matt Simmer -man " case, could in no way be saddled upon the Supreme Court Judges. There are a lot of newspapers engaged in this crusade who do not know what they are talking about. We pick up the North Platte Tele graph, of May 3d and read as follows: "The State press is not very hearty in its endorsement of the Supreme Court's act in granting the Min ien murderer. Matt Siinmerman. a further lease of life. Nebraska is a paradise for murderers, because of the judicial immunity afforded them here from punishment for their crimes, and this stay in the execution of Si turner man is the last instance of it." Had the editor of the Telegraph read the State exchanges he would have been saved the blunder of making this charge against our Supreme Court. He would have understood that the constitution of 1875 expressly placed the power of granting a stay of execu tion ) as is done in the Simmerman case) beyond the discretion of our Su preme Judges, and that when the flat went forth that stayed the execution er's hand iu that case, the Supreme Judges, nor any of them, were not sup posed to know anything about the matter. When Matt Sim merman's at torneys placed a duly certified bill of exceptions, under the hand and seal of the learned (?) Gaslin, before whom this man was tried, upon file in the office of the Clerk of the Supreme Court of Nebraska, and with it filed an ordinary petition in error, the Ne braska constitution commanded the clerk of that eourt to issue the writ staying execution of sentence; it is a irrit 01 right;" the property of the ac cused, of the condemned, which the Su preme Judges in this State have not tLe power or right to interere tcith. This being the case, it is a pitiable spectacle to see a portion of our Nebraska press airing its ignorance after this manner. Very soon the old maxim that every man is supposed to know the law. will be amended to read "every inan,ex- ceptiug the newspaper presumed to know the law ;"however,the Telegraph ;roes one better and advertises the false hood to the world that "Nebraska is a paradise for murderers." This is not true and statistics will condemn it and refute it every time. The Herald was one of the very first papers in the state to condemn the outrageous proceedings of the Hasting mob and here predicts that when the men who were the leaders ot that outrageous proceedings come to stand in the dock to answer for their dis regard of the laws of the laud, as his tory, repeating itscif, has time aad again demonstrated; such men are liable to do; they will then fullv understand and appreciate the grand policy of the aw which guarantees to every citizen a full, fair and importial hearing before he can be deprived of cither property or lite. those gentleman wh make wholesale charges against our judiciary had better came right into court and point out instances when the court has erred in its iuternertation and aDDlica- ! tiou of the law. If the , errors n the Olive case were made by the supreme judges, or l-y the learned Gas- in (?) let us hare a little light on this subject call in the ex-attorney gsntral aud several of the managers of the prosecution In the Olive case, and let the people know who is to Maine. The supreme court of Nebraska arc ready for the calcium light of these gentlemen who have been playing the demagogue before the people in the matter of the trial of Olive; let them step to the f rout, now that Nebraska is a "paradise for murderers' i account of the decisions of the supreme court, and show the people wherein that court has not prwp csly and rightfully interpeteci and ad ministered the laws of Nebraska. OTOE LANDS. Xebraika Fanner. We are iu receipt of numerous inquir ies in regard to the sale of lauds known as the Otoe reservation.aud in reply must say that in our opinion the lauds will not come into market so long as there is a chance for a lot of old political suck ers to make a few dollars as appraisers, etc. That these lands might have been in the market one year ago or more, no nc doubts, and such would have been the case had the lands belonged to some private individual. As it is the lauds are laying there doing no one any good and by the time they come into market, "it they ever do! ' The expense of car rying out Commissioner Price's red tape plan, will take about nil they hriut?. The following is a Httmple of tlm tel egrams that have been !-eut out by Com missioner Price for about mice a month during the past year or two, and will frobab!y continue during his natural if'o They are stereotyped, and the only change necessary is the date at which the lands are expected to come into tho market. Nebraska editors can send to C. H. VauWyck for this stereo type. This is it: Okkice Indiax Affairs, April, 1888. ( Respectfully returned with the information that the lands referred to (i. e. "Otoe reserve") will not probably be open to settlement and sale before June 15 next, and the sale will be con ducted under the direction of the com missioner of the general land office. The local land office at Beatrice Nebraska, will probably be instructed to give public notice of the sale. H. Price, Commissioner. BANKS. John FitzobbAlX), a. W. McLauhliit President. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL OF PLATTSHOUTH, KKBRASKA. Ofleisthe very best ffacillties for the prompt transaction ot legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds, Gold. Government and Local securities Hougiit and Hold, Deposits receiv ed aud interest allowed on time Certifi cates, Draft drawn, available lu any part of the United titatsa and ail the principal towns ot Europe. CllectioM made & promptly remitted, Highest market prices paid for. Count War rasts. State at.d County Bonds. DIRECTORS John Fitzqwratd John K. ClarK. A. K. ToHzalin. it. O. OnKhlna. Geo. M. Dove, F, A. W. McLaughlin. K. r'aite. WEEPING WATER WBSPINQ WATER, - NMB. E. L. REED, President. B. A. GIBSON, Vice-rresident.a R. S. WILKINSON. Cashier. A Geienl Mt&z Bssnesg Trusacted. DKPM1TS Beeived. aud laterent allowed a fme Certi ficates. UBAVTS Drawn available la an part of the United StatM and all the priaolpal cities of Europe. Agents for the eelebrmUd Wmi Line .of Steamers. THE L C, St. J., s C B. R. Safest. Best ani Host Reliable LINE IN THE WEST. Magnificent Dining Cara, Elegant Day Coachee, Pullman Palace Sleeping Oars. 2 St Louis Trains Daily, 2 Omaha Trains Daily," 2 Kansas City Trains Daily 2 Ate cison Trains Daily, Two Trains for St. Paul, Minneapolis, Sioux City, Aud all piuta In aorthwMt. with Pullman Sleeping Cars, Between Kansas City and St. Paul WITHOUT CHARGE All trains run tlme.coDnectlng for all iln!a East. West, North & South. TlckeU fr sals at all r ovular ticket offloM, Information retrardlnr rata, tlma. at. ehear- fully given by addiesalug . J, W DABNiRD, A. C. Daw as, oaa'l Bnpt, OenlPan Ass Tie Favorite Li EASTWARD Daily Express Trains for Omaha, Chtca- Kannaa vny. i. ixun, ana an pc oluts ast. rhrouvh cars via Peoria to Indit aua- polls. Iav ci Kleaant Pullman Palate Cars aud lay coaches on all through trains, aud Dining ears east ef Missouri Kiver. Through Ticket at the Lowest Rates are on sale at all the Important stations, and nffgaae will be checked to destination. Any Information as to rates, routaa or tlma ta bles will ba cheerfully f urnished upon application to any agent, or to 1 P. KUST1S. General Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb. I A IJINE MACKEREL, LABRADOREtHERRING, TROUT, WILD WAVE COD FIS1I, ' XiZBMOXTS We kave a fine stock of CMOWE FAMILY QBQCEBIES, Fancy rands of MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI FLOUR. I have In sto :-ilkie line of Queensware, Glassware, Lamps. e. AU onr t;oods are new and fresh. Will ExcliaMe lor Country Produce. Linseed Oil Meal Always on Hani iS'ext door to Court House, Plattsmouth, Neb, ndAo2wB Mm Bi MURPHY & CO. ' i i r r "BURLINGTON- ROUTE" wmcago, Burlington ESI GOING BAST AND WEST. Eleraat Day Coaebea. Parlor Dara. with Kwllii. Bof Chairs (aaata free). Smoking Cara. with R- the tarnone C. B. A Q. Dining Cars run daily to and from Chicago Jt Kanaaa City, Chicago & Council BlnffS, Chicago A Dee Moines. Chicago, St. Jo seph. Atchiaoa ft Topeka. Only through line be- eea Cbieago, Iaacoln ft Denver. Through cars tueesi Indiananolia ft Oouacil Bluffs via Pnori AB eoaaeetjona made in Union Depota. It is jkaowa a She great THROUGH CAR LINK. I ! Fin t Kqulppad Railroad In the If. J. IOTIB . TOfwi, ad Ylce-Pree't and Oen'l Manager. maw & No old stock to wrk off. Did FLOUR. FEED AND PROVISIONS. The Very Highest Market Price paid for Country Produc e DREW BUILDING, AND At Wholesal eand Ketail. Cash paid for all kinds of country produce. Call andsce me. Opposite First National IBank. s. if. DATDiaJEaicjrrsn. WESTWARD. Dally Exprcts Trains for DQVr. co. net-tint; In I'nlon Depot for all points 1 Colorado. I' tali. California, and the entl ' Went, the advent of tliU lint elves tba tr ! eUr a New Koute to the Went, with cb-' ry and advantages unequaled elnwhere. LOT OK Aao a choice lot of Tinners' Stotik ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY LOUIS. MO Sale by J. S. Oi'ie. 4t Qulncy Railroad.) GOIHC ROITH AMD SOUTH Solid Trains of Elegant Day Coaches aad PuH man Palace Sleeping Cars are run daily to andJ rrom til. Loula, via lianaibal, Oulmcr. Keokuk, Burlington. Cedar Rapids and Albert Lea to St. Paul aad Mill neanolU: Parlor Carm with MAolintnsJ Chain to and from 8t. Louis and Peoria and to and rrom St. Louis and Ottumwa. Only one change or cara between St. Louie and Dasj Moinea. Iowa. Lincoln, Nebraska, aad Deaver. ucioraao. It is universally admitted to be the World for all Claasas of Travel. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Ctea. Pasa. Ag't. Chicago f, I The latest patterns cf PLATTSMUOTH. CALL AT TIIE Old Reliable LUKRYABD I. i. WATERM k SOU Wholesale. and UetafJ Dealer la PINE LUMBER ; SHINGLES, LATli, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, &c, Pearl a tttreet. lotjrear.oftOpera Moose. PLATTSMOUTII, - NKBRA8KA JASON STREIGHT, (Hsseesssr to Mtrelskt A Mllle-v.) M ANUrACTBKEJI HT FINE S HBATT HARNESS. A large line of Saddles Bridles, Collars, Whip., k. always in stoefc. Repairing of all kinda neatly done in tort notice. Main Street, bety eea Fearth aad ruth, O. M. STKKIQHT. Business Manager. Cmas.Himmojts. Mechanical Manager. 7tf J. LEVY, Will BUY and SELL all kinds of METALS, max, RAGS A1TD FUHSI Will adTance money on all SALABLE GOODS, on luwer Main street. Oppotite The Old Duke Building. Plattsmouth, Feb. 1st, 1888 46tf. M o o 4 CO m a 1 u u 32 hi D ISi a 3 o aj " 4 H o3 as w CO u H i o b 3 I to F H (!) BAFT, FLEISCHMAH k CO. COMPRESSED YEAST. The best yeast in use, receired fresh every TUESDAY and FRIDAY mornings. Trade supplied by BEXXETT & LE WIS AgUe. Tbe PliATTSMOUTH HERALD every faeility oh 3 In Every Department. Catalogues -A.TJO0?IO2r Pi AT ."Bn Our Stock, of And materials is large and OIRIDlKiIRS -B"X" TJ" PLATTSnOUTH Just Received. a rixu MS OF MEERSCHAUM AID DRUB FIPD OF OIK KIT iavTATIVa A Challenge 5c Cigar, Sft tally ade for 01. retail Utli Jf. sf Pepperberg's Cigar Factory. pillfiiiifi W 3 "lis AND REPAIRING AT Sherwood'S Plattsmouth, - Nob. O. A. WRIOLOY Ct CCO dbot m nin UAnmrr. Made ONZTot VerpUbb CO and JParo Beet TaJlw. To iadnoe hoaeekeepers to gtre fkls I a trial. WITH KAON BAN WE GITE A FINE TABLE NAPKIN This offer is roada for a short ttaia oairy aad should be taken advaataxe ot att OJTCXk WoWASBANT this floaa to de nsrJ aSV Ine yfl'-h sreater eaae than aar eoaas Sa fas market. It has no EQUAL tor sjb Takassel sad cold water. . YOUR 6BCCE9 US tt. O.A.Wrisloy&C6. etaofatiirra f 9tm aaal Tollat Ooaaa. PUBLISHING COMI'ANr sOO for flrst-class 9 Pamphlet lAJork BILLS, BILL3, mm COMMHBO: JBlcLTik Papers complete 1a every depart neat. A TL SOLICIT1DD HEBALD OffMcE