4fiKl 4 1 "irS VOL. 1 PLATTSMOUTII, NEBKASKA, TUESDAY, MAY 8, 183J. NO. G2 if! if! ... . l IrJ a M IM U M: q v.. Dkaixk Groceries Also Choice ISraml.3 of Flour. Ajent for tha (ifiuiuu I'iiH In. un:r: ('.. Freeport, 111.; German Tiro Insurance Co., lV.na. IiL; Manhattan Lilts Insuraiioe Co., New Yorl:. Western Horse ami Oaltlo insurance O.npan), OF OMAHA. Fire Insurance I'olicie IfkimmI in Steamship Tickets Hold from a American Packet Co., :ml tit-; 100,000 acres ol" land on the Northern I'aeiiic railroi.d i:i si1 A COSV1F -OIF1 HARNESS 10 SADDLERY ! J. G. CHA OE-. Everything hand-made and NEXT DOOR WEST OF J)ES MOINES SOMA II A OX ACCOUNT OF 1 1 IS Immense Practice in WILL MAKE HIS NEXT VISIT OX Saturday, sfaay i9, I AND WILL 11EUAIX ONE DAY, AT THE TVIIERE HE CAX BE CONSULTED OX THE " Ear k Eye, Throat & Lies, Caw, Mm Bladder and Female Diseases as Yeli as - Chronic and Nervous Diseases. . - i r...""" '1T.Vi.iT, tJt.hii,,- .-!.mn. tt..Jt niJor klii mTrru'.nn of the iiw r. Iuiu;. rL'??.?I.-?.AT Hy,MT bUKHttuK tit- ir w,o,t radleut hopes or annt-.i.al.aM. "YawWifaonthe eril intice. wLloh fiartroy their iaentl 4 irS1. .u, NERVOU3 DEBILITY. M ho hare become victim of solitary vice, th.-t dreadful and destructive habit which """niiJ Ji. t,f Jn uutim. lv urave tli.muid.-,.f young int-n oi ex;;Ued talent and bnlliant tateiled wTEmlihi othtr "1"!. V li.tr..:., - iat ltli the luuaUt-f. of ttn a eloyueuce r wakM t ecetacy the ll vii.g lyre. . call it h conil-iKoe. MARRIAGE. x,.rri,l or-on or young n:en coi.teinp'.atin,: marring? l-ewaie of physical weakness. Im f .Stli wm"r mi 'u-y or auy other ...xiuaniicuncn speedily rtlievl. He who place. hlSSrU under he caie o .n! Kishblatl may rcl..ously coi.L Je iu ais ho. or a8 a neiiUemaa. and wnftdently rely ui.onlinii-a pliy-u 1.111. -.ATKT1,c:c:. ORG ANAL. WEAKNESS r,ir-,,i -nd full vi"or resiorcl. 'i ii ;ist i cuiii' affection. whit:h renders llie a bur- iTJVni mlfrTr inVlble is tl;- na!tv ,.:.( b7 H.e victim for Improper mdulgenc. &ui! looSmii'Tt f'cw li-oin i.t l-ti:K aare ot Ihe Ur-adful co..3eiueiices that ivnie Tow who th"t un.U r.t:in.ts t!.i- Mtb. t in dt i y that procreate u lost suoat-r oj ?LiX'.e IntobnproVer habiislhan by tio- pru.tent. . li.Mdes be.i.g deprived of the P.i lMiMrLbv bffHPriiigA th. u:ot -eii.:ur ;:i.d u stn etive yn.ptoniB of b-.tn mii.d xi.d body TrZ. -tbt srtetn becomes dorau.1. tn.- physical a... I ifi,!.a! power- weaken. Lt procre. mrOTTer7SumwtW!liBlVMA-P.U. palpitat:.... ..f the heart. inaiyeMion. cuiwtita- Uesal debility, waatlng of the irumeo ugi i . -o A CURE WARRANTED. Peraoas ruined In health by unlearned pretei.dtrs who keeps them triaiu ui .i.tli altr Ail poUouon. and Jniuiiou ciimp'.uiidj. M.oi.hi apply in.me.Mal. ly. DR. FISHBLArr, . .-j n,. mA.t wlnpn' rulloL'i-8 StitoiiuVb ng cures that were ever kison. M juy truo!ed with rluglug iu Ibe t iTrn iL) great utrvuii.sDf. being alarmed at certain nouuis. wiLb frwiuen DloWa. r.Ti J-.. .OI.etlin'e with del all ruenl of r miad. v.eie cured t.otuedl.iluljr. TAKE IPARTICUAR NOTICE. . W m a .it iku hn lme Itiinred themselTen bv imoroDer iuduIgcDC an 4 MttMiry habitB whleb rnlo both mind and bodv. ui.niUui; them f-jr husiueas. tudv. iociety or tngrim. MMinf tbd. meloucholy eftecis prodtctd by the early liabits of 7. bT!.u 0( .he bk aad limbs, paia in the bead aud din ne of alubt. loss of vpjcvlAr vrr 7falplt4ieo of to heart. dypcprla. nervous UTitaMUty ,drai.gebieul u( tUaU laattww. tblllty. eoosumption. etc 1 PRIVATE OFFICE, OVER Oil AHA DAT'L BANK. -Tl-,T.4.TIAX Cbarges moderate and within the reach of all who ul""l I debility. olririf!.I - -a'iacaaatt paiiuot rail will reoiwv WSil H PRIVATE UFiJlUUi. CONSULTATION KKEE. Charges moderate and within l!;c r?:th r all who ned fil Medkcai treatment. Ti hjeejji. rltle at.a d IP.tw.'SS iUXC4mM J&'Ul 1VI! I Jf fltf-ttf AtiiiKsX in c the Kn;;!i-h and (itmian LaiiiKi--s to Kurono over the J I,iiiiibur- .rt!i-( ion nan Lloyd. Amenta for V. . W?J S3SJ warranted. Call in and see us. TO THE LATE FIRE. THE rockery 1itKOiU.. awn DMC1 jflL CAM MEDICAL DISPENSARY S, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, s All T ATT .f nf the Tok and limb. Invol ,f t-lcht or eitldmese. uifea-ses of the .-toinarli or bow-ls these tfrrlhie disorder. more, fatal to the victim than th ,w mu a...i iu tlie I'ullH wtates. bas etlociod itoua ui tVi UV UK. UxdAtlA flaru-a 53 3 M r-. - : fz : - fi-' T - ' pa S3 J W7 H f4 Or.Iers taken f;.r V. ll- 'N Vl. .lllT:- t3 1 ll i a V WAY3LAJN lattsiriOLL t K A fc'iif -fl-Jv-' Ve-? r-s! ilstTl.r! sfc'.-.ir'-f. ;ii r ,t;.-vw fs 13 p h g 3 2 7 w W $ Bd fegg- STATIOXliiiV. NT.ovs, o b?r E 111 I i I N pi B N r f MASUl'AtrURHRS OF IRON FllONTS. AND Our facilities r ;:.vivy v. pr.t surriassc-.! in tli:- St-itc. - -JIAC1IIJSE liEiVilUINi; t-.i i !i for all clafrt-s of nt.il; w. i: is. 'Potronizs Icrasku tritiuni'aotui frciirht ar.u t:t;ie. Parlies bailtlir.ff Iu huy pi-.ri of it. March 11th, 18S3. Corner Pearl and di:a! - i? v !! s mno LUiiiUC oi if w 3 5i - -i 7 POST CFI'ICE in BY, J J"tT- H iN e HOUSE COLUMNS, ri) CASTINGS. : :: (:iniu? .;uA (.;iSii.!"i for BullivaS IIoUSCS a rc kin.:.. Our lacluiid iiup ia id.ly tiipp.'5 .. We .Irp'.ictile f-11 -t:'. r j-'ric-c,-1, : :;vitu: Stfite sIk-hM v.i-Ue i';,r f ur Uirnt; 1 c- ::?::s PLATTaMOCTII. NEi. t2S Seventh SLrseis, Or- I- a isnrtn O 1 III M V c5 e mo I ' i ' E L E G" EL A P H I C i FOttEHiN NEWS. Germany's Insurance Laws. Pro! est i ml; Against Clsi iK1!1 Emiraitmi. I.: i I.J'.V .S AM : MV.M'il.U si IJIUAItl'. J.o.j '.o.-., l-liiy 7. lit Cotiiitl.MM (iii'l ; !;)'.::;ci (1 iit' (V(t -i" !l;r t'Ci:!'-ii- jrj-,.- ! t. .? !' I , i :i i .'ii!.-. Vo:.-'.-:..y .iil Ai-.l;-;-, ( A '.- 11: iai . ii: .11' j Mirv .,iltil tn' 1 a ('t um.'if ia ! ):o :n m t" ( tlic o i!i t y i ion r; : 1 ! i V ! . 1 1 i 1 . i;f 111-. !;(;,: i t'I'.fil" '' tll':ftl ;!!!. Tiii.s fh:ni": .!' rr -ami ! lii j; ! i:ii!ilM'y i I c:"k . i t: !)'.' i! i;.- :..!.-.. 5 i.;ri:-c tin? .:. iiiiii' lii il tiio j'l i: '.'S, oil ti.-.' ; iai ics, '.voiil.l i :i vc r i t heirs. KKLi.V S THIJil) TltlAL. Iii!!:ti. ?.iay .7. Tim third trial of Titil :i 1. l' l'y, f- i" i) art i i piit ion in llii; niuriki i of li'.iiUo tuul (,':ivcinlisr)i, he- m to-i!ay. J;:inc:s Can y, informer, kwore that .n'ci y on:; of tin; in yinciblcP, with the txcrjiti in of Joe Praly, had oftcr.'d lo (in a infoi lucr. Carey nitid .lip wr. iiiv- l.ioi iii ft ii who on- rci tcsti- tn.Miy H;::iii!l the jirisoncr. Josc jih Hani:!', tii:o!hi-r in former, continned the itU i:! iiication of Carey and Ivavan a',i;h that Kelly wars oun of the four men 1 1 s Lit K:r aaaugli drove to I'liu-nix par!- "ii the cvt-niug' of the murders. THK (iOVEKN'MKM SIIOCKKD. London, Jlay 7. The Times this morniuy, referring to the vote by which the affirmation bill was defeated, says the authority and power of the govern men t hive receive 1 :i shoc-k. The ministerd recognize themselves thiit the shell of their succesj is br:V:eu. Loudon, May 7. The Globe denies the report put in circulation last week that Peter Tynan, "Number One," is in London, and that lie is communica ting with the police with the object of turning informer. ISI.SMAHK AXIi insi.'jIANc:: companies Berlin, May 7. IJismark h is issued :i circular to the ofikials of Prussian provinces, ordering an inquiry into the extent of the Inj'irh s inflicted ou the national wealth by reason of a great part oi the insuriinco business being in ftho minds of privat-j companies. He f(3ert8 that the profits ot companies an; t-:o li:j!i, oving to an iiuju?i in crease i"i tii s.'-ale f premiuan, and too kw a.:-- m?i:t.T of da in ago iy lire. The conipaui.'S on li rely deny the atvus.i tion, iho soIj aim of which, they claim, is lo enable Bismarck to nation alize all kinds of insurance Wtl.L ilETIKK. Toroulo, "May 7. William C. lloweil, American consul, lias decile-1 to resign and retire to private life. CllTNi:SK LAIJOlt. Victoria, T. C, May 7. Onderdouk's C-madiaa Pacific railroad contracts are nov in full swing. Four thousand Cid nesc, 2,000 whites, and a number of In dians are at work. The outcry against the Chinese has greatly increased by ih.j fact that u Chines:; firm has made 230.00 J savings, mostly from Chinese workmen. Other Chinese firms have male lees sums. CHINESE IMMICJIATIOX. Honolulu, Id ay 7. Advices state thai thv large Chinese ei.'iigratiou is the ab sorbing quetion. Chinese are arriving steadily, and native meetings protesting ngaint the inilcxare constantly held. BROOKLYN imiDGti. Prospvct of Electric Kail - vrays. . TOJ5ACCO SIIIPriiD. Lynchburg, May 7. It is estimated that l.S92,Q00 pounds of manufactured tobacco have been shipped hence in the past week. ELECTRICITY AS A M OTOIt. Albany, Hay 7. Thcs. A. Edison and others, representing a capital of two millions, have fiied papers with the Sec retary of. State, incorporating the Elec tric railway of ihs United .States. The object is to develop electricity as a motor for the propulsion of railway trains. IJUTI.ER 130I,TS. IVrstou, May 7. The overnor lias sent to the secretary of state without his signature 1 1 c resolution appropriat ing .SGl.COO for double tracking lloosac luutiet line, an I says he shall not sign it. Tlie house adopted the resolution under a pension of ruUs without de bate. SUCCESSFUL SUKGICAL OrEKA'HOX Nashville, May 7. Surgeons Bugg and Blackuianu to-day poi formed a sue ccssful operation on jieu.JJon Carlos Bucll. removing the left half of bis lower iaw bone, which had been in nm. Rnlnmon Ml KattUU'l EtOTt. lXjia 8t I :is .-iiic;- by a fall liaiu a Iiorsc. The t'lierala nrovrv 1.4 ro- giirded a ct jiain. I'Koro.SITION ACCEf l ED. Halifax, May 7. -The rov.ing associa tion lias agreed to accept Ilanlan and Let 's pioj osition lor a h'tsr inile race, double ?cidl-, Aegust 1.3, with Ilaniin and C'onley, of W city, tin- place if tlie race to he hereal'trr named. five hun dred dollura has already been placed bj' Citc'i crew. A JiKL'TAL 1'ATll Kit. IJovroN', May 7. John Callahan, of Wine l.chtt r, went to Weeburn Satur day nilit, bought a gallon of liquor and Went ou a Hpnc. Ho liroiight i thivt'-ycar ( id ciiihl with him and foivcd iiiui to tli ink all he coultl, and then threw the liquor in hia l'.ice i he ( hild went into convulsions, and died this morning. Tin: (ii'Kxi.Nd (ir 'i' nil r.niMii:. Xl.w Voi:K, 'Jay 7. -The bcho'.ls ai.d pubiic oili;;(..s t.f JJioukiyn v. ill he ci.ii-.'d ou the day of the; bridge open ing. Governor Cleveland will be given a icci pi ion in tlie evening. Thu board of Alderman of Brooklyn have voted 8 3 ,00 (J for illuminations and it-solved that the lion a head ornament on tho bridge be rt moved and the t'oYi iiinieut coat of arms and the ivmericau eagle substituted. WAKIlAX's KaTATl-:. Pi I J i, A I'ji I a, M;.y 7.- At the ex amination of the matter of granting lettt i j of administration upon the rs tate of Henry J). Warren, seaman of the .Jeannette expedition, Chief Engi neer Melville testified that Warrtn was iu Lieut. Chipp's boat, and tho chief engineer testified that while making Lena, September 1:2, a f quail atruck tho craft, he .saw her jibo and disappear behind the high waves, and he believed that they were then lost, as nothing had ever been heard of Chipp or the boat. J EKE DUNN'S TU1AL. Caioago, May 7. Too tiial of J ere Dunn, for the murder of tho pugilist, James Elliott, was called this morning in the criminal court in LL is city, be fore Judge Sidney. Smith. The prison er appeared in excellent health and was dressed with extreme care. Xo effort was made on the other side for a continuance, the counsel for the slate and defence appearing anxious to have lha trial proceed. Tho regular jury panel was speedily exhausted, aad alter ordering a special venire to report tomorrow morning, the trial adjourned until then. WASIIIMJTON AEVtiS. STAIt KOUTK TKIAL. Washington, May 7. Bliss con tinued his argument in the star foute trial this niorniuK. IIo declared that the official iecord3 showed that within three months alter the date upon which S. W. Borsey came into rosses- sion of his twelve routc3 ten of them had been increased or expedited, and most of these orders had been made while Dorsev was in the city, and no one knew how far the thing would have gone if th new aei ministration had not come in and stopped it. Yet with incomparable; impudence-, Dorsey had patched up the lierdell affidavit addressed to the President, and hud attempted to defame the memory of of Garfield by asserting that upon the affidavit Garfield would have reccoyed two of his cabinet. Blis3 was speaking of the " J. B. B. check, the Belford check, wlien "Wilson asked if that had anything to do with mail business. Bliss replied that he did not know. Dorsey had told Rerdell to charge it to the mail account, and the defense shoulel have produced the books to con tradict lierdell upon that point. If Borsey had cheated his partners by charging that check to them, it did not concern the prosecution. An import ant fact was that Berdell had been corroborated in his statement. Bliss in his argument frequently taunted the defense with their failure to call Bosler in contradiction of Rer de!l, aud charged that the defense were afraid to call Bosler. Blisa said he would conclude tomorrow. DECISION IN IIOWGATE'S CASE. Tnc court en banc, through Chief Justice Carter, delivered a decision iu two of the IIo a gate cases. In the first ca3R, where p.operty had been at tached by the government, which it is alleged had beau sold by Uowgate to other parties although the deed wa not recorded, the court decided adveise ly to the government, and dismissed tha attachment. The second case was an appeal from an adverse decision of the lower court, where the defendant hael resisted an attachment of his prop erty by the government because the at tachment had been brought by a ape cial counsel instead of the United States attorney, and the decision was dismissed. The -decision holds that the United States had a right to em ploy such professional aid as it may deem necessary. M4lM CO IX A jure d Minn- y the ,kanui:r CASK. Tho supreme court today rcnelero4 a decision iu the ao-callo l granger cut of Xeal It titles against the peoDl f the state of Ulinoitf, in which theqaMr tiou is raised whether a charter grant ed to the Central Military Track rail road company, now tho Chicago, Unr lington & Quincy railroad, by tbe lei-islature of Illinois in 133, or any substqm nt aineiiduient therefor, co taini huch a contract between the etate and company as authorized tlie eom pany to establish it own ratea of far and freight, beyond interference ky the atato courts. It answer the queatlom in t!i ' negative and holds that the dl lee'. on of tlie railroad cannot adopt by law fixing rates of fare and freight iu ('inflict with tho lawa of the atate relating to the same subject. The judgment of tho supreme court ceurt of Illinoii is atlirmed. l.-IIUNATION NOT ACCm'TED. 'J'h:; resignation of Lieutenant CL oik 1 Guido Hges, of tho LighteMlk infantry, to t iko elfoct next January, has bi en received at tho war depart ment. Secretary Lincoln directed It t be returned witii instruction! that if the i elimination was tendered to take effect at onco it would be aceepteJ, otherwise a court martial would tx ord red to try him on charge of dupli cating his pay accounts. Uges eou- ducted a brilliant winter campalga against tho northern savages four year igo. MUKCII DELINQUENT. Ex -Congressman Murch had a oa ferciice with Acting Secretary ITew today, in reference to the investigation of the affairs of the eupervislng archl- tec "a oilico. lie informed New that he proposed to proceed with the inves tigation a:i fur as he was concerned as . , . ., t soon as lie couiu get nil paperi ia shape, and pieparo his case for pre sentation. Ho hoped to accomplish tliis in a week. X'ew says tho commit tee are waiting solely on Murch. REAL ESTATE COLLECTION AGENCY. Law and collection buHincss promp fly til ((.tilled to at this oilico and pr ei.'i: Is remitted without delay. Notarial work, conveyancing1 and abstracting attended to on short no tice and satisfaction guaranteed. If there is any thing wo do make a specially of, it is city aud suburban real estate. Several line farms aud fume wild land at bargains. Laboring men can get a home by paying month lv what they now pay lor house rent. " Sjiace forbida giving but a small percentage of the bargains now oath book a at this agency; we oarne tka following: Six choice half acre lots, 8 aiinutea from J. It. shops, at from $80 to td&t each, and on terms that would make a man ashamed to say ho did not awn u house. Come and see, you are not compelled to buy and we wontj glra Ihe.e lots away, but you can get tl .-m so ihcy will ubsedutely cost you noth ing. Five ncrc lot J mile from city for 2.:o part on time. Eleven acre lot J mile from city for $3'0 this is extra line. I have three pieces of outside prop erty which 1 can sell aud under take to furnish purchaser work enough to pay for them, now I will furnish the ground and you tue werK. work is what hurts me. If you will do the work at a fair price I will glra vou a clear deed for the laud; If you can't do the work come and nee we, I may find some one who will do it lax. you. Ti n acres for $ .00 00 " " eoo oo " " " 7.30 00 " " " 2500 00 Several small tracts well imprered aud adjoining the city, for sale at reasonable rates. FAIOf LANDS. 40 acres, wild $ 600 00 80 " improy'd 1GO0 00 12(J " " 2000 00 1G0 " ' .3000 00 200 " 6200 00 210 " " 6000 00 Finest stock larm in Cass county $16000, loDg time and low rate ! in terest. 160 acres, wild $2360 160 " 2800 80 ' " 1200 m " " 32 160 acres, wild, ltep. V'y (cash) 1OG0 CITY PROPERTY". Cor. lot 3 bl'ks from shops (cbeap)iUOt 1 " 3 " " " 17a 0 3 ii laO 3 cor 2 460 1 ' " 4 " 17a 3 cor " 2 " " " lt 2 " " N. 6th street (fine) 00 2 " " Picnic Hill " 2 " " Washington ave" 350 1 " " 1 bl'k from 3Iaiu at extra 440 Improved city real estate in abun dance. I can find what yon want ia thi- lino if you will call and aee me. Business houses and lota for aala at much lower figures than will n asked six months hence. Stores and dwellings rented andfef rent, rents promptly collected. If you don't see what you want la this column come and ask for it. Vth probably missed just what you want. Office open nearly eyery evening freni 6 to 8. Good new house and two Ann lata- in good location price. 8800. Union ZXccZi. ' '-. J. . 75d&wtf . W. IL IUxjcs. ! i