The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 01, 1883, Image 4

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    FLATTSIIODTH herald.
Ttis PlattsmoQU Herald PaMisMoz Co.
For City and Countr Directory, Railway TIm
Ts'jles. Telephone Kchng liusiness Di
rectory, limine Cards 4c, nee third page.
JEFF. X. STONE, . City 11 tor.
Notice to Advertisers.
Copy for display advertisement or changes
la ad vertlsoiiM-ot must be banded in to th
business onu s not Liter than lo a. m. of the
day In which tboy are to be lasttrted. Copy
for pny local and special notice niiiKt be
naude-l Ui before 3 p. u. ejub dity to Initure in
sertion. II M. IIi'hHnkll,
; HuhIdt s Manager.
A. gallwbury, lleutUt.
The county
session today.
commissioner! were in
The train from
lute this morning.
the west came in
The mason i began laying brick on
the Sherwood building, today.
The WiJberforce-couceit coinpmy,
at the Opera House, tonight.
Ho, all ye that thirst, cmne unto me
ana k will give yo drink Town' Tump.
The train for the west was loaded
this morning, but. no getting off and
on at riatts mouth.
Ho and hear the Wilberforce concert
company at the Opra Uousa. tonight.
a une musical u eat is promised.
The State Journal opens up the snake
campaign with a forty pound blow
snake, killed near Lincoln, Sunday.
- Don't fail to to-hear the colored con
cert company tonight at the opera house
- They have three persons with them that
appeared here with IJonivan'g Tennessee
Owing to the failure of the city coun
cil to grant any licenses at their last
meeting, and the further fact that the old
licenses expired on the first day of May,
j. wicsaioons arc cioneu today.
mu iv in miss oni fining une it vou
don't go to kear the concert tonight at
the opera house, given by the Wilbcr-
lorce Colored Concert comtmnv. A.!.
mission 50e, no extra charge for reserved
unco more wo urge the necessity of
telephoned in the clerk of the district
court s oillces and the high school, .more
specially tne clerk s office. Won't Com
i.utiu see tnai wc nave one in
"llie clerk's office?
. -
-. . si
iucr auiuum n capital in Tested in na
tional hank?, in proportion to the popu-
lauou, is greater in Nebraska than Mis
souri or Kansas. Nebraska has thirty-
tliree national banks, and the amount of
capital invested is $2,310,000.60. -
- Rock wood hall makes a splendid
courtroom. All it lacks is mattin" upon
me uoor to me lootlalls of the
. anxioas litigants. The Hkkald is of
the opiniou that the county should eup-
jjiy matting at once.
War was. imminent tor a time in the
- city, council court 1hi8-mrning; counsel
liiunigea in ne&teu words and blind jus
tice tore the bandage from her eyes aud
tore w tne evenly balanced scales under
the table so intent was she on serin"
. the scrimmage.
-m .
Aiuiager louug assured us that the
W Ubertorce grand concert tonight at the
opera house will be first class, every one
"'of them being artists of the Ligbcst
, standard nf excellence aed will be far
' ahead of the last jubilee singers that ap-
peared hcie.X .
' The rumor that the ordinance regulat
ing the granting of licenses, was never
signed by the mayor, is without founda
tion. ; There is an" ordinance x gulating
the matter and it has been signed by the
mayor and Is in force now and has' been
ever since the Slocumb law went iut ef
fect. '.
Alf. II. Townsend, who will be re
membered by our oldest citizens as
one of the old settler, in Plattsinouth,
died in San Francisco, Cal., on the 12th
day of April last, aged 52 yeara and
10 months. Mr.. Townsend was the
proprietor of Townsend's addition to
Flattsraouth, and practiced law ne re
in the early days. ' - '-
--. -
The North Platte Telegraph contains
a two column article descriptive of a re
ception tendered to W. F. Cody (Buffalo
Kill),. upon .his return home," after Im
most successful theatrical season. Thai
whole country turned out, and music,
speeches and edibles were the order ut
exercises, and a huge time is recordt-J. - ;
" . f -.'J
. It ia quite amusing to note the express
ions of agony and fnrprise depicted uj-ai
the countenances of "the lioys a; they
', confidently go u'p.and frantically sfmke
-. the saloon doors, iu joyous aotH-ipittiin
of- 1 licit J-xtgaiarJ!andA4iwver la,
that the Jock prevents an entrance "The
- "cotton,'1 begins to accumulate, and the
poor fellows have hardly vitality eu.ii'lt
left to emit 1t,- . .--' : - ' -
Hon. Aarua s. Everest, of Atchison,
ft. ansa, and the attorney of the Mia ur
Pacific.Ti.-R. Qorapany, is in attendem-e
upon tins, term or cur district court, look
ing after the interest of his peoph. We
no-Ice wltli lum. Hob. J. L. Webster, of
vmana, ne attorney or this railroad
company at Omaha. Several suits read
ing in the Casa county districtrcourt
against tkis corporabon by residents of
t ass county are te be tried at the present
I'-rm ui-me court. v , - ,
- We notice by an Iowa-exchange that
Capt, S. W. Bathbon baa again assumed
the editorship of the Jlarion ltegitter.
We have always known Capt. Itathbun,
ana it was ne -wno-xrraduated us in the
printing business. ,We were were Cap.'s
Mdevir;ia mere ways than oae. After
an absense of two years, during which
time be conducted a good republican
: paper at Autcneu. uakota, he bns return
ed to hu first love, and will make the
old Hegister one of the best papers print-
ea on ine line or tne . jfilwaakee & St
.PanLrallroad, ' Success to you Cap.
Z MHUneiT.
" lira. Johnson fc Sweney, are now re
ceiving ill the latest styles in Hats, Bon
nets, Flower Vfl pa, Ribbons, dec, in the
millinery line, to which they invite all
to call and .examine lef ore parchasing
elsewher. . Fancy goods at cost. d40ml
The lar;;st supply of hams; bacon,
and all kinds of meats, in the city to
be found t Jlatt A Co. - M-dtf. -
Nothing 'Startling Done.
The supreme court of the City of
I'lattsmouth, after being in session all
day yesterday, and until twelve o'clock
last night, adjourned until 7:30 this
morning, when at about that hour his
honor, Chief Justice Smith ascended the
bench and brought down the gavel.
AUx Mcintosh, occupied the city
clerk's chair, and upon roll call a mere
quorum was found present. The case of
Fred Goos being called, Mr. Clark, of
counsel for Goon, made a motion that
the remonstrance against license be dis
missed, which wan overruled by the
mayor, an appeal being taken, the decis
ion of the mayor was not obtained, and
the remonstrance was dismissed accord
ingly. This put an end to the chapter, and
conncil adjourned without granting any
license, and consequently the town to
day is in a condition of drouth, not often
witnessed so near the Missouri
Itiver. There were many amus
ing circumstances occurring dunng
the hearing. 'On yesterday his Honor,
the Police J udge, was called upon to
testiry as to bis knowledge of irriga
tion," it being presumed his experience
iu Utah wonld make him - an expert in
that process of agriculture. But ths
old man was posted, and demanded his
fees,. you know." and they not being
produced, and the J udge being opposed
to bringing suit for so small an amount,
it was decided that he could not be
compelled to display hia knowledge of
dry goods as disposed byMcVey. Goos,
and others. In the evening, however,
the requisite fees having been pro
duced, the J udge proceeded to unbosom
himself, which unbosoming consisted
mainly of the fact that the most prom
inent knowledge the witness bad of
the bowl," was the fact that Mr. Yan-
atta. counsel for remonstrants, had
treated the witness, at McVey's, and it
was on account of the good looks of
Mr. v. that Air. Mcvey permitted the
witness to have the "sugar and lem
on." Remonstrants gave notice of ap
peal in all cases, and as soon as the
record can be made up an argument
win be nad beroie Judge Pound, in
the district court, on the questions of
law involves!. .
The Lincoln. Daily News gives the
following interesting description of a
Sunday visit to the Penitentiary :
Your correspondent had the pleas
ure or attending divine service at the
penitentiary, yesterday, ; through the
kindness of the officers and chaplain.
Wl were particularly struck by . the
glad smile that s pre id over the face of
nearly every convict as the venerable
chaplain entered, . and the quietness
that prevailed" as they listened to
each word of the plain, simple sermon,
ine choir, composed of convicts, ac
companied Dy an organ.' base viol, and
two lesser violins, rendered several ex
cellent songs, which together with the
fragrant flowers in the windows.1 must
be an oasis in the convicts life. After
services the chaplain visited each one
in his cell, speaking kind words and
distributing reading matter here and
mere, many being disappointed that
iney wereieit. Simmerman looks ful
ly fifty per cent better, the nerveless-
ness disappearing since the action of
the supreme court. Rutus Pope, the
Digamist, was acting as librarian, and
selecting books for his fellow convicts,
The tollowinz is omcial rcirardim? the
sale of the Otoe lands, and is published
by the register and receiver of the land
office at Beatrice :
'United States Land Office . -
Beatrice; Neb., April 30th: 1883. f
xsj direction ot tne Hon. Secretary of
me interior, tne u.o. i ana Oince at lie
atrice, in the 6tate cf Nebraska,- will be
open on Thursday, May 31, at 10 o'clock
a m. lor tne purpose oi receivinir an.
plications to purchase the remainder of
the lands of the Otoe and Missouri res
ervation, in the states of Nebraska apd
Kansas. ' ..
ine tanus win ue soia only te persons
wlio shall within three months from the
date of their application make a perma
nent settlement upon the same, and each
application must be accompanied by an
affidavit as evidence of good faith in this
respect. . V
The lands will be sold to the highest
responsible bidder, at not less than the
appraised value, in 30 acre tracts, and no
one person win De allowed . to purchase
more than 100 acres, except in cases of
fractional excess ' (contiguous thereto.)"
woere me survey oi township ana section
lines could not bel made - to conform to
the boundary lines of the
in which crse tho excess, not . exceeding
forty acres, may be added to the -160
acres. 'ViJ,f.:- ' ' cv...c ' 1.'
xuo iciiiiaui snie ure aa.iouowa: .
One quarter in 'cash. Ao Iwromc .due
and payable at the expiration- -of three
months from the date of tiling applica
tion ;oue quarter lit pne.year: one auar
ter an- two -years; .one quarter, in .three
years irom the dale or sale, -with interest
at tne raie or -5 per centum , per annum
out in case ot uciauit in the cash or first
payment, - the person thus defanltinir
snau ioneu absolutely his right tO the
Ijjfcct for the purpose of which he has
SDDliedr - - -t. ZL '. . . . -
No lands will be sold upon which im
provements are round belonging to In
iuiujD,.Ba reponea uy tne- appraisers . in
their scedule of appraisements
The sale will be subject to approval by
tha secretary of the interior, and will - be
continued from, day to day at .Beatrice:
uuin an tne lanus are disposed of.;
A list of the lands with theADnralsed
value of each tract; will be found on ; Cle
at the district land office at Beatrice.!
Bremner'8 Crackers at 3 tad le man's. I
Tolice Court Trial to the city coun
cil as to whether license shall be
granted to certain saloons. - '
x once o uage witness zor remon-
strancers. .."-
: Ques. by Vannata Counsel: Mr.Pot-
tenger, have yon taken any drinks at
Joseph McVey's during the past year?
-a. us. oy rotienger: wen now lem
'me see I believe I nave; yes about
roar drintts i recollect of oh am!
. Ones, by Vannatta: Did von nav for
tuem. Air. 1'ottenger?
Ans. by Pottentrer: Well oh nm:
let me see. Ho, I don't recollect of
ever paying of any of 'em oh um;
ne ne nei
All law and order loving people, who
desire to see the Slocumb license law
carried out against all offenders who
are engaged in the whisky business,
are called to meet at the M. . Church.
on .Wednesday evening, at 8 o clock, to
organize for tne work.
- ; C. II. Parmele,
- G. E. Dover,
S- - ; .J.E.Morrison:
and cany others. 2
Judge Ponnd on 'the Bench Today's
Court convened this morning with
Judge Pound on the bench and a full at
tendance of the bar. The grand jury
was empanelled and began its duties.
The forenoon was spout in calling the
docket, and this afternoon the trial of
cases began and the following were dis
posed of:
Washington Darlin vs. Geo. Poisell
and John Beverage. Dismissed for want
of prosecution.
"J. E. Morrison aud II. if. Bushnell vs.
Jl: W. Hyers, sheriff, e. a!. Dismissed
missed at plaintiff's cost.
Eliza L. Pcttit vs. Hyers, sheriff, et al.
For trial Monday at 0 a. ui.
A.. D. Felkner vs. D. E. Thompson.
Dismissqd at plaintiff's cost.
S II Jacgman vs Mo. P. railway set
for trial.
O Gabriel vs D S Draper, ?udgment
against pltff for costs.
' J Newport vs Louisville manufactur
ing company continued.
B D Stuart vs F Guthman; pltff order,
ed to give security for costs in ten days.
- J R Hush vs Gustavc Dot man stricken
from the docket.'
Uichey Bros.-v W K Chittenden et al
A Despain vs W It Chittenden et al.
II Sinttk vs. K.Rosenbaum, dis
missed at plalntifTk cost.
Win. Wclborn vs. B dV MR R and
J F and J G Htiber. Leave for Hu
bert to answer by Monday next.
R B Claiborne" vs. Billings and J
F and J G Huber. Dismissed at
plaintiffs' cost
J Campbell vs. "Win Sutton. Dis
missed at plaintiff's cost.
Prank land vs. A 3IcFairfield et
al. Default.
frank Rezina vs. the same. As
C G Tabor vs. Mo P R R. Set for
trial Friday. . ,
Deweese and
L. C. Burr, Of Lin-
coin, are here.
O. Ward, the petit juror from
Louisville, is here.
Mr. Klein, of Weepinjj Watr, is
here at-court.
Grandpa Inhelder, f Cedar Creek,
is attending court today,
Wm. Welborn and Geo. Laverty. of
A.ouisvuie, came in tbis morning.
Attorneys Cole, Covell and Steven
son represent Nebraska City today
Geo. McCormick, N. W. Kaneff. Dr
Stuart, Warren Coon and Wm. Wells
represent South Bend in the district
court today.
Attorneys J. M. Thurston, Bennett,
Montgomery, Wakely and Webster, of
Omaha, are here to-day.
Dan Robinson, Geo. Cross, and attor
nays Meikle, Travis and Ualdeman, of
weeping water, are attending court.
Geo: Mayfield, of the Louisville Ob
server, and J. v. Glover, another live
man of Louisville, pulled the Herald
office latcn string this morning;."
. Master Mechanic Hawks worth, with
ins little grip, started for Wy more this
morning, and will visit several other
points before his return, to see that
everything is running smoothly.
' Our old friend. A. C. Loder. from
Greenwood, is in attendance upon this
term of the district court. Mr. Loder
is one ol Cass county's soli dest men
in every respect.
Uncle Ezra Plummer. father of Mr
Eli Plummer, of Lincoln, dropped into
the Herald office this morning. lie
is on his way to Iowa to visit old
friends and relatives
We notice that Hon. Lawson Shel
don is a spectator at this term of our
district court. Mr. Sneldon is one of
the . largest real estate owners and
farmers in Cass county.
J. V Weckbacb returned last nifrht
irom jkansas city, which place he pro
r . ... Z
uouiiutw a aeconu unicitgo. wnile la
the city be called on Mr. Muldaner,
jrroi. wise and other former Platts
mouth people.
C. E.Pibbles and wife, of Burlini?
ton. Iowa, are in the city visiting. Mr.
la iun luvcuiur Oi (lie XIDD1CS
sewing machine and president of the
company -which manufactures them.
Mr. IVCarrutb. of this city, beins one
WmvD. Merriam. -of Si irourne v. Ia-
is making' our City, his biennial visit.
Mr.Merriam always calls arond to
see lr. our county treasurer has collect
ed revenue surhcient to ran Cass county
comfortably, and if ho finds tne treas
urer has not called, in enough of Jhe
good money - from our own "people he
generously puis nis hand into his pock
et and supplies, the deficiency; taking
bis little lien upon our fertile soil for
his money and interest. Mr. Merriam
has been striving for "years-to educate
the people of Nebraska up to the noint
ot prompt ly -puyini? xovujtmxeag-r-
Notice Whereby given that all oartiea
witnin me corporate limits of the xitv
of Plattsmouth,Neb must clean -up and
remove' aI manure filth -or'foui "matter
deposited in their alleys, stable yards,kc j
nv Honday; May,7tn.A-.7.AJi i8S3i or j
will proceed againsC-any andalt narties
rciaaing or neglecting to uo tn. same
- . A
alter tne above date as provided for- bv
iar. - nvoraeroi tne mavor.
P. B. Muapur, chief of police.' -
These Eemonstraaces.'
,The following is a copy of the re
monstrance filed inthe case of each
man who made application for a li
cense to sell liquors: :
1st. The petition for; said license
is not signed by -30 resident free
holders of. the precinct, as requred
Dy law.
2d. said (aammg the applicant).
has been guiltjr of selling liquors
without license, within the last year.
no. oaiu (naming applicant), has
been guilty of selling intoxicating
liquors to minors ana to persons in
the habit ;of, becoming intoxicated,
within the last year.. - .
4th. said council has no authority
to issue said license, ror.tue . follow
ing reason: 1 here is no ordinance
now in force authorizing said coun
cil to issue liceuso, as provided by
There was filed by the applicants
a motion to dismiss the remonstrance
in eacu case, wnicn niouon was as
aaa . m
follows: . -v: 1
1st. That the remonstrances be
dismissed, because they were not
filed until the council was in session
and ready to act.
2d. Because they were not filed
according to law.
3d. Because the city council had
no jurisdiction to hear and decide
the issues made.
The remonstrants were represented by
Judge Vanatta, and' the applicants by
Strode & Clark. At the outset the
mayor overruled the motions and an ap
ceal taken from his ruling, to the coun
cil which resulted in a tic the mayor dck
iding the vote as he had before ruled.
Testimony was introduced to prove the
truth of the allegations contained in the
remonstrance, but they failed to prove
anything of any consequence, and the
council decided in each cane that noth
ing had. been proven. In the case of
Fred Coos, the motion to dismiss was
by vote of the council dismissed, which
settled that case without any further pro
ceedings. An appeal was taken in each
case, ond the matter will go to the dis
trict court for adjudication. The coun
cil granted no license and the saloons in
consequence are closed.
These applicants for license are not
those who obtained, and so!d liquor ucj
der, license last year and are not liable
for violations of laws and ordinances
committed by those who did have li
cense. If those who operated under licen
ses last year violated the law, why
were they not prosecuted at the time
of the violation. We have a good
liquor law. and one so stringent that
it is almost impossible to sell liquor at
all and comply with its requirements.
What will be done as to granting licen
ses, until the decision of the distiict
court is reached, is yet undetermined.
A a nothing has been proven against
these applicants, under the ordinance,
we presume they will eventually ob
tain licenses.
Advertisements under thin head, three cents
per Hue each insertiou.
VOB KENT A god houne tu good location
. lu ,thU, clty- lutlui- ol H. K. ralmer or
J. W. Jennings. 6fl st
FOU SALE Old paper for sale at this office
Ht 4C1 lnt tfr luinrirfwl tr K flAnfra nun .1
v v u fx: i j if."
en. tf
pOR.ALE-Foijr lots together in god loca-
I-- lion In this city. Inquire at this otllee tf
:i!r.,;.u t'xncli in
a- Una eity. uuer Cau find it at
tins olUce.
"POUND A bunch of key on Chicago avenue
Owner can iret same bv cullinc .1 ...
uc auu facing lor ins notice.
471 f.
i ost-a Weir memoran Jum book in this
dollar note and other valuable
" . - r. flUU U1LV
ihcwc reiuru w mis orace ana you will
w aided.
be re
56 tf
WANTED To rent a small, neat house eon
tailllDIT three or five nunm k',, .,.
buildiiiK good price paid. Inquire at tbis of-
8ti St
WANTED A good coefc wanted at Stadel
niann reHtxurant:. ciihu. nn n
one but a flm-claes cook ueed apply. Md tf
"llTA.s TED John Bauer has leased the Stohl
1 man place, corner ot 7th and Vine, and is
prepared to accommodate the public in the
" 3 va wcai uiuk aiiii iiMifinir nv tiia
Miuum, Willi 1
- j e---o J n VI
WAlfTltIA flrst-clas9 cook at the Central
ployment. ' fitf
WATSD-Canva?se wanted. Apply to J.
ine ttainD for reul v.
need apply. r " cot! """"
We will Sell Inr Cooiia at
a-rices xieiow Those Quoted by
Asky our grocer for Bremner'a Crar.V- I
ers every tune. Take no other.
A lew ot the handsomrr. nntfprna nf
Wire Slower Stands verv rhpnn of t n
COX'S. S4d.w1 nm
Bremner's Crackers at Hansen's.
oto J.r. Youuc's Tor sour
creum sooa water, mead and
bjrch beer only 5c per glass.
Largest stock of wall naoer at War
rick's. S3 13
Bremner's Crackers at Baker's.
A 1 f " i . .
4. new nue oi une uress iroous con
sisting of the latest 6tyles and patterns
just received at wecKbach's. 23dti
Crackers at Bennett
Ladies, your special attention is called
to the new line of dress goods just
received at Wcckbach's. 23dtf
A Square Meal
Uan be had at the City Hotel for oulv
25 cents and lodging at same reasonable
rates.' 'Farmers and Commercial Men
will pleaso bear this in mind. d&wtf
Nothing lost bv iroinff to WarriL-'a
for wall paper and window shades. 63 2t
liy paving cash for our new stock of
wall paper, lead, oil, &c., we are enabled
to sell at reduced prices. .
53 VZ W. J. Warrick.
Bremner's Crackers at Wirckbach's.
Fresh home made candies
every day
at the Phoenix.
The Alaska, the bert and most ron
veuient Refrigerator in t lie market. For
sale by J. R, Cox. 43d,fcwlino
It will pay you to read Wish's ml a
limn In tkU K.
what you want. 3911
Teeth extracted without nain hv th
use of Nitrous Oxide Gas. at the rwnta
rooms of Dr. C. A. Marshall.
l.trwlr - - . o,.-& V.
Window shades at Warrick's.
Crackers at Murphy &
Warrick has made further redaction
on painting materials. Give him an or
der and compare prices. 54d6t0w2t
Cottage House.
Sixth street, between Main a..,i ti
Plattsmouth. Nebr. RerittoH
lortabiy furnished. Board bv the dav
or week. Meals 25 cents. Board bv
'wuuouic raies. Mouse corn -fortably
and pleasantly situated. Give
me a call. 8. Weaver. Prot.ri,.r
cm. o
Gradoate ia
S?hJ?..lLpr3,' ,tor opposite the Per
Roller Skating Rink.
Having purebased of Joseph Ford
his skating rink in the basement of
Fitzgerald block. I wish to announce
that the same will be open every after
noon and evening, and that it will be
run first-class in every respect. The
prices for admission will be
10 eta. for afternoon and 15 cts. for even
ing, ladies free. Price of skates 20 cts.
for afternoon?, 25 cts. for evenings. The
masquerade as heretofore announced for
Monday evening will not bo changed.
C. E. Sluck.
Of going to Omaha for
Wall Paper,
When you can buy the same for less
money at home.
Window Shades frcm $1.50
to $3.00 Per Pair.
Warner's Kidney and Liver
Cure, $1.10c
A large invoice of Alabastine just re
ceived. All shades.
A complete stock always on hand.
"To the Front," 3 for 10c.
Tobies try them 2 for 5c.
5c Cigar.
" PANETELLAS," the Boss 5c cigar.
Will. J. WAR1UCK.
J. i. snipsox,
Has ransacked the market for the
nobbiest and best line of
We can show you- all that is de
sirauie, ana aon t iorget that we
will never be undersold.
Everything in
Just received.
right goods at
o to
C. JU. Wescott,
The BOSS Clothier.
Roekwood Block
For Sale !
NE J, Sec. 3, T. 12, R 13.
SE, Sec. 3, T. 12, R. 13.
S. W. , Sec. 3, T. 12, R. 13.
and N N. W. Sec, 10, T. 12, Jt.
E S. AV. Sec. 34, T. 13, K. 13
E Lot 10, Block 28.
" 3, " 59.
" 7 & 9, 23.
Si, 9. 11.
Duke's Addition.
Tiie above described farm s
for sale on Jong time, with 7
cent, interest. Apply to
d9tf - Plattsmouth, Neb.
Never Undersold.
ITIic JLcmliiig; dotliici.
Still undersells any ot his competitors bv "5 per cent. ReimoiH why, he
nu ow experienced Clothier ever since
buy, pays no rents and 1
Remember the Twenty
(tar EI
have arrived, and
On Goods
Car KB jo, liiiuai a iiuii&ii,
Bladder and Female Diseases as Well as All
Chronic and Nervous Diseases.
Has discovered the gr-atf-st cure in the world for waknesn ot the h:i k ami llmbu invoL
uutury aischarsee, impuleucy, general U-bilitv, iiei vwusnei-fc, lanjiour. coiiliinlon vl idea' t.ali.t
tatiou oi the tif art, tiiuidity. trcliiblitfr. Uiumexs of fiuht or kidtllnese. dif-eas oi the head
throat, nose or skin, affectioii ol the liver. 1uiii;i. fctomach or bowels these terrible disorders'
arising from Holitary habits oi youth aud ie-ietjji act ice moie latal l the victim than the
oiik ot Syrens to the marines ol 1', blihtu.x th- ir Miot HiOieiit hoyet or anticiuatloua
rendering marriage impossible. v
Those that are suUeriug fioin the evil pracilee. which destroy their mental and ultvslca:
ysteiu, eausingf r 1
The symptoms of which are a dull' distressed mind, which unfit them for erjornilng their bis
lnes and social dutiei. inaKes happy tuarriageB impoKible, dii-tierses the action of the heart
depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fears, dream, renless nightx, di.ine for
gftlulness, unnatural dischari;ea, pain in the back, and hipM, short breathing, luelancholy' tire
easily of company and have preference lo be aioue, leeliiig ax lired in the iiioiuiiig at when re
tirinir. seminal weakuefcr. lobt manliood. white bone deuosit In the urine. i.muinu. .-,...,! i,...
coiilu-ion of thought, watery bud weak eyes, dyepepsia, conHiipatioii, paleuei-s, paiu and wak
nes iu the limbs, etc., ehouid consult me iuimediately aud be reniored lo perfect healLh
Who have become victims of solitary vice, that
sweep to ao untimely grave thousands of young men of exalted talent and brilliant intellect
who might otherwise entrance listening aeuators with the tli under ol iheir eloquence or waken
to eestai'y the living lyre, may call with confluence.
Married perrons or Toune men eonlemnlatini'
of procreative power, iinpotency or any other disqualification speedily relieved. lle wii pi
" ',"-' uuu:k uc cmc Ui ui . niAj f ciJ$iou3i tuiiJiue 114 K IS UOQvT iLS a gvlltlefll
eoufldeutly rely upon hut skill as a physician.
I m mediately cured and full vltror restored. This
den and marriage Impossible, is the penalty payed by the victim lor improper Indulgene
xoungmen are apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that
may ensue. Now who that understands this subiect will deny that urocreation Ih m-i t.
those falling Into improper habits than by the prudeut. ilesides being deprived of the plea,
ures of healthy offsprings, the most serious and destructive symptom of both mind and body
arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental powers weaken. Ixst provrea
tlve powers, nervous lrritatbility, dspepia. palpitation of the heart. indigetioii. constitu
tional ubUity, wasting of the frame, cough couuiiition and death. .
Persons ruined in health by unlearned pretenders w ho keens th-. 71,.. ,
taking poisonous and injuiious ctimpounds. should apply hiirf.,-'lrlulncnitnth after tnonth
rn etc t t t- ' . eoiateiy.
xjsrs.A rionui.A IT.
graduated at one of the most eminent colleges In the United fitates his effe-t.t . .in
most astonish ng cures that were ever known. Many troubled with V?.J.?, TV.? n vt tUtr
head when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed At certafn sound, nftrLLZ if!
attended sometimes wijh derangement of tiie mind" were cured imuTwIiateV W"hiiiB,.
lAtvn, rAttl UUAH NOTIHR
Dr. F. addresses all those who have turn red
habits wl
fjLAwiad and tiodv. unfitting
w'Vk,rr.7rV,J"t.n". "Yi ."nT"Jl"l,,,y -wy habit- of. youth.
ers. palpitation Of the heart. dvvneusU. n-rvni
debil tv. eotiKiiini.tioi. et ' ' '
. t r r T r,r
Vf&FVfi-?101.1 Charge hioderate and witUiB tho reah of all who need Seh-nrm
Medical ireatment. Those who rMde at a d Is tarn e and cannot call wUl reeiev Sbt i,
Uon through the mall by slmply.ending their syniptoms with iosJaa rCt'ev' prompt attcu-
- Beifd postal lor copy of the Medical A4vauce.
l)l, Knows how
iys for cah.
- Five Per Out. Saved
Yes !
1 will continue to
& Notions
"ours K'8j(-t fully,
tsmouth, Nebraska,
19, 1883
dreadful and dettniotl.e Libit whirli ai.r.naiiv
marriaire bewnre of i,IivmI. ;i kimui
it, and
distressing street inn U' I kJ ri-iul.n lift a I . . . r
themseiv i.v -
them for' bKiieii. JTu'dv. "rT.ZS "7
y, society
irrit.i.iit.VT .i..7. 7 '".V "- Mir
"- .-K""ein oi ojgefcine tunc,
' Jn