rfl id rfl -. . .. . JL She rtrmrcfi-m sw in I III ..111 III Ills 111 Z III III III II I .. I I I III 1 4 I I J I M VOL. 1 PLATTSMOUTII, NEBKASKA, TUESDAY, MAY J; 1883. NO. 50 1.1 111 4 ' If I -A F 1L IE 0 40 (GraHoms Limseed Oil. 5o00 Rolls offWall Paper, Until iurtiier notice ASM will laiy the alve goods at the following? prices. Southern Lead, Half-Moon Brand, Linseed Oil, per Gallon, - - - - $6.50 62 to 65 Cents. WALL PAPER-Per Bolt PATENT MEDICINES. Brown's. White, Flat, Satins, Micas, Golds, Embossed. 18c 25c 35c 35c 45c 75c $1. Mop Bitters and all other $1. preparations, .. .. 75c Warner's Kidney and ILiver Cure Kennedy's Discovery $1.0 1-2 (DaDD eairly at Sofoeirit's IParmaey aial secure the best IbargaSiBS ever offered. P. JJ. IfflANSlEM, Dkalv.u in Groceries, Crockery, GLASS AND CiTJEEXfcWAIWG, Also Choice Brands of Flour. Atrent lor tlie German Fire Insur nee Co., Freeport, 111.; German Fire Insurance i'uoria, 111.; Manhattan Lite Insurance Co., Xcw York. Western Horse and Cattle Insurance Company, . OF OMAHA. Policies Issued in the English and Germau Languages Ilamlmrg Ajrents for Fire Insurance steamship tickets sold irom aim to i-urope over tin American Packet Co., and the North-German Lloyd. 100T4ioo acres of laud on the Northern Paciiic railroad in Dakota. OPEKA HOUSE BLOCK. ILn TO" J&fIL IF. I O 3E3E E3 Corner Pearl aivd Seventh Streets,, -DEALERS IM ALL KIND-H OK'-- Lumber.Sash, Doors. Blinds ' ,y ,1 3d Maw Ordr r taken for "WILSON BROS.' SHIRTS. P OPERA HCUF -A TELEGRAPHIC WASI1UNGT(I NEWS. Decrease of the Public Debt. THE CIVIL SERVICE. AFIOINTMKNT AS CHIEF EXAMINF.lt. "Washington, Anril 30. The presi dent lias not yet signed the commission Keim, as chief examiner under the civil swviec commisrtiou. It ia stated that the appointment will not bo withdrawn unless the commission expresses a de sire to that cflWt, because it wiw made on their recoiiiiufiidatiou. NJ APPOINTMENT AT PKKSKNT. The geucr..! impression is that no ap pointment as commissioner of internal revenue will bo made at present. THE PUBLIC DEUT. It is estim ited that the decrease in the public debt for the mouth of April amounts to about $350,000. The emall uess in comparison with the average monthly reduction for the year past is accounted for by the fact that $10,000, 000 have been paid out duiing the month on account of pensions. CHECKS MAILED. Treasurer Wymaii today mailed 8,119 checks, paying $2,254,419 interest due tomorrow on three per cent, loans of '83. AIko checks to tha amount of $5,450, 224 in payment of bonds of the 120th call, maturing tomorrow. THE CIVIL SERVICE. Ci'ril Service Commissiouey Eaton says the commission has not requested the president to withdraw the appointment of Keim as chief Inspector of the board, and the matter remain" just the same as when the appointment wa." made. Keim has not yet received his commission. Eaion thinks the new civil service rules presented to the president recently will be approved at the cabinet meeting to morrow. RAUM REMKMBEItED. At a meeting of officers and clerks of the internal revenue office today resolu tions were adopted expressing regret at the resignation of Commissioner Rauiu. tary for Ireland, stated he believed widespread conspiracy to murder ex Is ted in county Clare. The govern meat, be said, hoped to bring the con spirators to justice. O'Donnell, mem ber for Dungawern, accused Clifford Lloyd, special magistrate, of altering depositions made on oath. He asked whether the government would retain him In office. Trevelyn and Gladstone both refused to answer O'Donnell'j question. O'Donnell then laid on the table the evidence which he claimed would sustain his charge again&t Lloyd. GENERAL MISCELLANY A Constitutional Justice of the Peace. Demand for New Tobacco Stamps. FOREIGN NEWS. The Freiich Expedition, Indians to be Removed, Etc. FOR PARNELL. Dublin, April 30. The testimonial which is being raised for Parnell has reached 0,000 pounds. - MOVING THE INDIANS. Ottawa, April no. The Indian de partment has ordered the removal of 300 Indians from Fori, "Walsh reser vation, near Winnipeg, to Qu Appele reservation. It is said the Indians are not satisfied with the change. DOCUMENTS FORWARDED. London, April 30. It i3 stated that the documents containing the charges against the dozen persons' now in America who are accused of the mur ders in Ireland of Kinney and Bailey, have been forwarded to Sackville "West, British minister. A COMPLIMENTARY BANQUET. London, April 10. A complimep ary banquet was given tonight Nervin Green, president of t' em Union, by John Pent1 of l'ailiament, at Ship ' number of promi- present. Toast" the United S GENERAL GLEANINGS. DIAZ AND l'AKTV. New Orleans, April 30. General Diaz and party started today for Vera Cruz. THE MAY MUSICAL. PiTTSBUita, April 30. The first concert of the May musical festi val will be given this evening by a chorus of 3o0 voices, assisted by Theodore Thomas' orchestra. Madame Minnie Hauk and other singers will be prcscut. NEW TOBACCO KTAMI'S. Chicago, April 30. Orders have been received for over $W),000 worth of new tobacco stamps at the office of the collector of internal revenue in this city, and the office will bo open at midnight to enable dealers to pro cure stamps and send out large quan tities of goods held for the operation of the new law. FLOUR CONTRACTS. New York, April 30. Among the awards for the supply of flour made by the Indian agency today, are the following: 150,000 pounds to Itawl ings agency, Wyoming, to W. N. "Wells, of Schuyler, Nebraska, at $3.30 per 100 pound9; 70,000 pounds to Park City, Utah agency, N. W. Wells, $3.60 per 100 pounds; 1,000 pounds to Thatcher agency; Nebraska, A. C. Davis, of Sioux; City, $2.73 per 100 pounds: OHIO JUSTICE. Steubenville, O., April 80. The liquor law was" decided unconstitu tional by Justice of the Peace May this afternoon. Saloon keepers selling liquor without the written consent ot landlords are arrested. The license was unconstitutional because it im paired existing contracts. The justice gave the opinion that the law wr unconstitvtional because the tax unequal, and impaired existir tracts. KATE'S CONTEMP' Milwaukee, April 3r ion of United Statp Ryan, on releasing T male lawyer, on ? ceeding, becaur mitted her throwing morninr of the cas Mrs. Win. Parker, who lost her hus band and son and had un arm ampu tated, lias been moved to Sutnuit. Another amputation will be performed Monday. If she recovers she will bo mentally affected. The relief commit tee at lieau regard will continue to nupply tho immediate necessities of those in the corporate limits until the funds now on hand are gone, when the Red Cross society will take charge. Wesson mills are running regularly. and a large force of men are rebuild ing houses. The IN-d t'rcs.H society acknowledge the receipt of contribu tions and supplieH. The committee sent out to ascertain the duiuuge in Lincoln county report forty persons in distress, their property having Leen swept away. Crowds of citizens at Beauregard may bo seen sitting on boxes apparently unable in art for themselves. r 1 i 1, i t TENDERLOIN Meat Market, LAFE O 'NEIL, J'rop'r. Beef Miitton! Pork Veal. Chickens. &c, Constantly on hand. AUo, all kinds of A3IK in Baroti, and ev- rrytliiiig kct in a riitsT-c i,ass iii:at kiioi? At lowtiht posHible rates. North Side Main at., let. iti and &2ly I'LAITSMOUTU. NKBJ SFST j3.JZ3'3 REAL ESTATE ("AN 1)) COLLECTION AGENCY. Law and collection business promp tly attended to at this cilice and pro ceeds remitted without delay. Notarial work, conveyancing and abstracting attended to on short no tice and s:iliiaction guaranteed. If there is any thing we do make a Bpecialty of, it is city and suburban real estate. Several fine farms and some wild land at bargains. Laboring men can gel a homo uy paying month ly what they now pay lor hoiiKe rent. Space forbids giving but a sir percentage of the bargains now ' Looks at this agency; we u followiug: Six choice half acre lo' from It. It. shops, at r each, and on term' a man ashamed a house. Cor compelled these lot so the iug. ".Art .n j away, , . will absolute, 4 ?as con- and queer and in ' '-"The decif commissioner -ate Kane, the fe . habeas corona rn. -j Judge Mallory com .'ftter fa his t ariT"' ,w "viewed the aed ia -r Certio ari' Kate ws feUrfB sZ J311- Baif was offered. J IQlTnU. ahft. "ie. me nri'oner 1 ta79lr . -Tm ?,everPay the fine' If she z&fog f ' ner life. N -UottJ. A Urge ! ' B "OT J"S PARTNEfi ent guests were i of .. OSTo April 30.Alh.rf rr t,.., Ave acre lot mile from . ,250 part on time. . Eleven acre lot J mile from citj for $550 this is extra line. I have three pieces of outfiidc prop erty which I can bell and under take to furnish purchaser work enough to pay for them, now I will furnish the ground and you the work, worK is wnat mirts inc. 11 you will cO the work at a fair price I will glv y0u' . clear deed for the land; If yon can't " 'ue woriC co'e and w:e me, J "nc one who will do Jt ioi: J "ay ind sc Tea acres for a . 00 COO (Ay 7 X) 00 nndn."r well i r i f reasonable rates. ' tt city. 9 "r knlc at er, .to the President ates, the house of lor GENTS' 'i , meiirmof Baioa c . "oaiea. Jnei Lrt. . 1 0n' 8hot and killed hf, te.t. "iver steamer B man .v wcupxeaa statfl J-'AKM LANJ g arrcp, wild 160 . r?"oo 200 ' . 00 210 . ( Wi lttnr 1 ; 1 . vahs tinjc ami L. co.u7 ; ' . . . . '"' flurtnpr a " a"u Killed his ie. i in wwo respoiiaed to at leivt ' Ky i'jekett. nn .. 1G0 . vr- .ua -most friendly spirit. - 8te,une' Bristol last nff ,7. P60 " . 2.o THErv, t'"t- ' "cupieda srafA " I w xsoo DcRrr r ' .- .'at.' ?;.na about t, I eer, w " 'Voo Pif,. s ' -V" Aiie trial i. hberth n.i , . . ." ut Qt of hf-T 'w c4 es wild. If,.,,. ." rI3. known k T -r-h- . eut W the win ... I . ' ' J S.I0OJ ortsM. 00 . tua Bum or vf awaironn 1 ... jwa p,, my piinui.,.. ' 7ir o't Dne nf fh, ..i. i -"on uy tno r.nfti; . . ...... . r. I ft'.u luia innrm rriuuOW. ftroA . .. "3 " ' PladPd r"' Prisjnerf wredhisfnSooV , AU0 ua en- 3 cor "2 HBMJ r,n ;ttefor th W head. -ir ii,I,.r,-Mea torney general for r-i T V xJl"er t- auf BeaIea BTJIXjX)I2SrC3- PAPER,. ILibCTesf Elates. Terms Cash. II '-'t-. I .- t ""nun M. Ifil fn)hr, . - . IT" BOA3m W V-a" T" ' ' oT OFFICE ws Depot. STATIONERy. NOTIOX8 " CIGARS. opened b y porter' a, U hal. n.J " w f ut out- ani that an, xi. llearxruAH lue notlA . ' - Tugu uznarru inM. -" . r. " v" kue arrival of th v-' 4( it A. Heanrued thepotte;: verea himself, to ly stab Burke v::r.4dWa formal- Pll Blrer.v !... . as COrn 7n I fense will endearo?- Tr Tbe d P.Iosion has Just oecnrLi of the murdarers prve '""one stone cllfery min , Ij what the erran0 fc h be-; JJr wWj the p miners injur? . : Jiff Vfifr . - H ltAl. 1 a - Tahis. Aprif io -'""'"W. I - - "Plosion ocu -red 7 IdUll' Peditiontn'3(:--The natinn., coll.e of a ,.n,.. . hythe deu " Atiifiii- . --vatmm mrKm 1 f iai ,brks from sJions rd 150 450 n ' 1 bl'kr.from ifaj,. I ' 4 J cor " 2 z 1.00 300 200 350 ImUmt,d S X MU 55. of I miller ani r. leut of dis tance. thi 1? -- -- ,uu Wiii cnji -- uuuueu, houses and lots fL" , at Lnueh : " .fols fo" sale Ston And dreaWimrTL' . . " you u tei :"" S IMiOn m -"ww i 1 111 n M French iro, T,c to aUoi ZZ" " 1! 6,08. Uc BTJg' tt -uaos nMr ci . 1 ""oiun. -"cieuL.r 11, .i.- . . T will n::H"ron Chinese fa ' '7" " 7. " ,usc ed CE1VTHAL RESTAUR AWT. Mp.nl? it it Jt 11 - ir . 1 "o ueen kiltl envoy at -M .,luec' French One of the .ni,,.. .... M ......... . "'"tenant gove ated cover Had Z Z.. f . v vi j nnnniH . wun . . - I TV IA r Mm Ilia . . 1 . f 1 I . the protectoratt re- A la m . stated n.o "oiisued. It lo would . . . "aii iiia s.Mba - w s ui-tia .!.. f" uerea to mum ho, ; : . - " wuch The toatraeted "1. er orders. in i at Pekin until rn "'-jijions 7.Apl 20 -r - fcUB cycione. The othPr . y i - . - : - winnwn i eu are frona..ti . vr. it, HAkjes. 1 CKoeovrf Cwaft sriz; t::,J iti i tAr.,. -IlZy ooing vrcJl. The Rcd THE CYCLONK. aeed"1 -Wm.Jiiadknrn. , dirinTZ ""!.QMa of iQJes recei'ved r r?" of iavrJr rwuwiu. .. raw .m