The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 30, 1883, Image 4

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fCELIsnro IAILT AN ft Vi fr'KLT
hv .
Tiie Plattsmontb Herald ?MMn Co.
For City nd Count v Directory. Railway Time
Tble. Telephone F. tcli:ng Jiulnes Ii
f duty, Business Card &c, see third page.
JETT. L. STONE, - Cltr Editor.
for Blood
and its
A Traaiactloa to be Frond ' .' of.
Notice to Advertisers.
Cpy for display adverti-samest or 4baU(-s
la advertisement mint be bonded in to tbe
Maine office nut ler than lt n. tu. of tbe
auy la which they are to 6 Userted. Copy
Ur pay Locals and peclai noliees mutt be
Outle t la befcreS p ju. each U to Insure in- M .i UCAUNSIL.
1. NalUbury. Uentlkt
Bain more rain.
.District Court cfatenes to-lLoriow.
Whj not orgaDlze a lawn teen! club '
Ah Wilberforce
tomorrow night.
concert 4ozspany
A new match factor)- is to be built
In Otnana. We already amtll brim
The government has consented to
furnish all the tents necessaf J for the
reunion at Hastings which begin
September 3.
The County Judge, thn morning Is
sued marriage license to , William
3mlth, of Sunlight, and Pllen Berke,
cf Weeping Water.
S I 9
The rain lull up to noon today was
1-100 of an inch. A s&od. soaking
warm rain now would ccue vegeta
tion to szaile and almost jump clear
out of the ground;
tr.avor and citv council are
fitting as a court today to hear and
determine the retaocttrences filed
against the issaatce of saloon li
PluttHtuouth begin to 'awsume
metropolitan airs, and it wc keep on,
can furnish a list of noted characters
and portrait for the Police Gazette,
which would do honor even to Chi
cago. Saturday night a couple of
bloods of pugilistic propensities de
cided to settle the matter by contest,
so in the dewy shades of" the soft
balmy evening adjourned to the High
School hill, and there indulged to
the full extent of their skill in the
"manly art." They were accom
panied by a host of the elite ?) of
the male portion of the city, whose
standard of intelligence reaches
Just about as far as the circle of the
prire ring, and whose greatest delight
is to witness the worse than brutal ex
ercises ot the nature that occurred
Saturday night. The contestants were
Adolph ftudabeck and August ILein
hackle and the result of the "set to"
leoves liudkbeck with both of his
eye9 dressed iu mourning on account
of his defeat, end his face, to be in
sympathy with his eyea, al:o presents
a badly used up condition. "Keinhackle
gut oS easier and is not so badly bruis
ed. Both of them are young men 18
or 20 years old, and both learning
trades in the B. M. shop9. They
have been suspended from the shops
for fifteen days in consequence of thi3
occurrence. The boys had some diffi
culty before, which iu all probability
thi"! will settle. Wc fssl proud of our
citizens who congregate to witness
such performances", knowing them to
be contrary to all law and decency,
and neyer lilt thsir voice or raise "a
fizgtr to prevent it.
John Polin was given an airier
yesterday. He was taken out of jail
and taken home ta Lis wife, and
dined at heme with bis family, and
brother and Iitr, who were there
At the council meeting Sntuiday
uight Jake and Cou Ballard
vi-ere confirmed as'night police. We
have a good, strong efficient plice
force new, and eTil-doera are hereby
noticed that it is to their best inter-
csis to p-ive rm tsmonth a wide
! oiia marker Perrv Walker ect
to Superior icday.
E. II. Wooley Esq. jourcaved to Lin
coln cn business this morning.
Jiiss Maei-ie O'F.eafs went to Omafci
j where she vill visit for a. few days.
weo. u. latt.scn acd ilr. Hill, cf
2outh Bend are in the city today.
Mrs. Frd Lehnhoff goe to Lincoln
for a weeks vi?it among friends in the
capital city.
Ihe Plattsmouth Journal is very
much improved iu appoarance by its
change of dress from the patent in
side to the patent outside, which it
daily receives from the American
News Company of Chicago. The
Herald was offered these plates, aud
corresponded with the News company
iu regard to them but the main
trouble was, wc were ono day's march
too far west from Chicago. Our read
ers will roticc the telegraphic news
contained in the Journal is just twenty-four
hours older than those con
tained in the Plattsmouth Herald
and thirty-six hours behind the Oma
ha and Lincoln morning dailies. The
reason of thi9 is that the American
News Company of Chicago takes the
newspapers, say of this morning, and
clips all telegraphic news they wish
for their customers; this news they
set up, etereotypc, and ship by ex
press to the newspapers they supply
by contract. Plattsmouth being twenty-four
hours distant from Chicago,
the Journal receives its plates by ex
press in the morning, just twenty-four
hours from the lime they are stereo
typed and shipped; they then lav
twelve hours iu the Journal office be
fore thei are published, -making the
news so published iu Nebraska, -or
this distance from Chicago, a trifle
over thirly-sU hours old; ;the only
changes being the dates which are
changed, . e , dispatches of the
morning of the 2yth when they
an stereotyped' in Chicago and dated
the SOth. The American News
Co. charge their customers from $1.50 to
$2 ptr day and expressage for these
plates. The Herald receceives from
this news company, as does some of the
most prominent morning dailies of our
state, miscellaneous plates which our
readers llud on our third page. The
telegraphic news the Herald publishes
is just twenty-four hours earlier than
those published by the Journal. Our
telegraphic news which we give you this
evening comes over the wires last night,
and until about 3:30 this rooming, and
cannet be given to thef public any sooner
than is done by the IIekald, except,
we were to publish a morning paper.
We consider the plates used by the Jour
nal a great improvement over the old
style of that paper and wish its readers
to recollect that the Heuaid claims all
the credit there i3 in its improvement.
Our arrangements arc made for the af
ternoon dispatches which we hope lo be
able to give our readers within the next
ten days and then each one will be able
to have the new? from the Hera i d just
as fresh S3 though we were in fuii con
trol of the great pi esa monopoly ourstl-res.
AdtertUeninti under th! head, three cent
p. r line eacb Insertion.
POR BALK Old paper for ale at thia otnee
- at 4u cents pt-r hundred or a cent per doi-
IJOK SALE Four lots together in uod locs
A tiou la this city. Inquire at thU oOlce tf
FOUXD A folding key In a railroad coach In
tui city. Owner can find it at this office.
FOUND A bupch of keys on Chicago avenue
Owner can get name by calling at this of
Uce aud paying lor this notice. 47tf.
1 OST A Weir tneuioran-luni book In this
A- city containing a live hundred and fifty
dollar note and other valuable papers. Kinder
pleaee return to this office aud you will be re
waided. tf
WANTED A good cook wanted at Stadel
manu's reniMurant. either man or woman,
is one but a urn-class cook need apply. 541 tf
IT ANTED John Bauer has leased the Stohl-
maa place, corner ot 7th aud Vine, and is
prepared to accommodate the public in Ihe
way of boarding and lodging by the week or
mouth. soiiil
WANTED A first-class cook at the Central
ploy men t
WANTED-Canvassers wanted. Apply to J.
' O. Shannon, Plattsmouth. Nb., encloi
lnir stump tor reply. Only live, active purtle
need apply. &K4
Asky our grocer for Rremner's Crack -era
every time. Take no other.
A few of the handsomest patterns of
Wire Flower Stands very cheap at J. R.
Cox's. ' Sld&wlmo
Henry Boeck
Has an elegant line of baby carriages
for sale very cheap. Also a uice lot of
refrigerators and I he largest Rtork of fur
niture ever brought to Plattsmouth at
prices that can't be discounted. It. will
pay yo to Bee him. d29jtw2-tf
Hremner's Crackers at Hansen's.
A couple o t tin' cans,. with a dog
fastened in front of them, were swing
ing "around th circle'.' this after
noon. The dog waa a god runner
and the cans were staybrs, but the
dog's wind played out, so he sat
down on the cans" to rest And reflect
cn the uncertainties of life and the
expediency of taking a fresh start.
Jerry Hartm&n went to Wviaore this
morning to load five car? of csttle for
l. fl. Draper.
3Irs. E. P. Bock wood and ilrs. ilaria
Isham went west this morning to vinit
relatives at Ashland.
The Webber troupe. In their present-:
stion of " Mint and Steel." Saturday
night, were greeted by a sandier audi- i
ence than the night before, but the fun " ' ..,.
never lagged from the rising of the
curtam until tbe close. Owing to the
illness of Mrs. Webber, her part was
sustained by a gentleman of the troupe,
who seemed peculiarly fitted for the
portrayal of the heiress aunt. The
play abounded In Cotoieallti-s through
out, and fully sustained its reputation!
as Dtiin one : or the best humorous
plays on the boards.
"S'i'i .
The concert given last eveiiiusr by
in- iiijurnorce university, was one
Mra. M. W. Mcrsran has teen
lj ill K.i scyectii days.
Mr. Grant Austin went this morning
to York county for a weeks visit anions
friends and relatives.
E. F. Colby, of Chicago,came in from
Avoca this morning where he has been
looking after his landed interest.
with friends in the
where he tsu-ht so
A Runaway;
Yesterday, about noon, as Mr. J, C.
Peterson, of the Excelsior meat mar
ket, was driving along iu his delivery
wagon, turning the corner of 3d and
Granite streets, the wagon upset
throwing him out. The horses start
ed, dragging Mr Peterson, who kept
hold of the lines, about 100 feet, when
he finally let go. Today his right arm
anu sucuiuer arc pretty lame, but he
eousuieis I
petting out
team finally
ther damage
the Whipple trees.
3to J.P. Young' for your
cream soda water, mead and
birch beer only 5cperglasN.
Largest stock of wall paper at War
rick's. 33 t3
Brcniners Crackers at Baker's.
A new line of fine dress goods con
sisting of the latest styles and patterns
ju?t received at Weckbach's. 23dtf
Livufi'. tt ?
Of going to Omaha for
Wall Paper,
mm mix
When you can buy the same for le
money at home.
"Window Shades IV'. m $1.50
to $3.00 Tcv Pair.
Warner's Kidney and Liver
(Jure, $1.10e.
A large Iuvoice of Alabastlnfo just re
ceived. All mhadct.
Never UncLei'solcl.
A complete stock always on hand.
"To the Front,"
Tobies try them 2
for lOe.
for re.
"INNOCENTS ARItOAl)' the bos
5c Cigar.
" PANKTKLLAS," the lloss oc cigar.
a. . stepson,
CITY, of London,
QUEKN.of Liverpool
FIREMAN FUND, of California
Ludici, our special attention is called
tu the new liau of dress goods just
received at Weckbach's. 23dtf
The Herald's double edition Thurs
day is all exhausted. The demands
took them off like hot cakes in January.
A Square Meal
Can be had at the City Hotel for only
Qtl cents aud lodging at same reasonable
iatf. Farmers and Commercial Men
will pleaa bear this in mind. d&wtf
I Nothing lost bv -oiur to Warrick's
insejt very fortunate in l J1 "aii Iper auu wiuaow suaues. oa t
of it thus easily. The t ". 7TT. " . .
stoubed, without nn v tu, - ' 1,uy,u;f cu,sn .V,r,our now stocf . u
thau the destrnPfin,. nf wau PaPer. lean, on, sc., wc are enabled
!iu sen ruiccu
5' t2
Office in Rockwood Block, with Johnson Bros
l.'ilALiit Hi
Still undersell any ot hia competitors by -! j r cent. Kchmoim whyhe hat
tcen an rdd extK-rficnced Clothier ever miu-e 1 m' I , knows how lo
buy, pays no rents and buy for ca-h.
Remember the Twenty-Five Per Cent. Saved
chV w,
Oh, Yes !
(Dm lifa (
Lave iUTivctl, and I will continue to sell
Dry Goods & Notions
Dress Gooda, Trimmings Etc., at lowej: pkicks
11113' other liouse in tlie country.
Also a full line of
Groceries, Queensware
W. J. Wahrick.
Taylor district
6iicce?t:fiiU v laet
of the finest musical treats the people
of ilichmond have had an opportunity
of enjoying this season. Mr. Stewart
and wite traveled with the Teuueesee-
ans for several years. &nd -.-.iniit
Mrs. Ira Scaiies,niother of Mr. E. B.
L.ewi3 arrived here from the east i tew
days ago and will mate -Plattsmouth her
permanent home.
L. II, M. Byers, United States consul
to Zurich, Switzerland, came in this
morning and will spend the day with his
brcther-in Uw. Win. Gllmour.
Miss Lou Reif, the Platte bottom
school ma'am came in from South Bend
yesterday. She will take charge of her
school foi another three months term.
Wm. Neville and Robert Fitigerald
returned to their bridge duties near Be-
Sabbath with iheir
,v cc.ciai jcure, .UU -IUireU atrioe ftffPl rn.llnr
mueh celebritv, to which they arejust- j Sies in &
lr entitled, as vocalists. Tha rhr Iamme in 1,119 j-
memben ot the troupe are students of i
the University, but all have excellent,
P. P. Johnson, one of-the largest lnd
veii cultivated voices. The Drosram citv this morning (Till hl Q A70 r t w,1
was very attractive, and the audience looking after hislcterests m that section.
s. . .ut'i uicir appreciation Dyirequent
applause Of the recitations of Mis? !
n. u. Browu too much can n?tb said :
A3 a reader she is the peer ox any pro
fessional in the land. Richmond Pbi- !
B. B. Clark Esq , lumber merchant of
A ne sixty-fourth anniversary of
Odd Fellowship in tne United States
was celebrated on Thursdav. with
1 '
siueraoie pomp und circumstance at
j -Nebraska City and Plattsmouth. As
! we lead in the "NVb
------ A. i VdJ
anu i iaiismouin Herald, the day was
exceedingly pleasant at both burgs.
The spring has come to the river coun
ties, meaning to stay until it grows
into summer. The bluffs are green
The trees are in beautiful foliage, and
tut; grounu carpeted with violets, and
the song birds are taking heart of
grace ana noouing the country side
with melody. The apple trees are
coming into blm, the earlier varie
ties ueing in lull bloom, and there is
ricn promise for cherries. Peaches
are not good, but the grape vines of
me oiuiis nave received no injury
from the winter, and a bountiful vint
age may De expecsed in the fall "
The above appeared in tbe local col
umns of the State Journal, under the
head of - Odd Fellowship in Nebras-
-sa uicy ana I'lattsuiouth." Eyidently
the writer is an odd fellow, and tried
to give us an odd production, and we
are compelled to acknowledge that his
success is complete. M Song birds and
violets, peaches and cherries, the benu-
inut green bluffs" Hurrah for th
Bremner's Crackers at Wirckbach's.
Fresh home made candies
at the Phoenix.
every day
Smith & Jleeson have added six new
cases for the convenience of their Uw
library in their office.
Window shades at Warrick's.
Bremner's Crackers at Stadleman's.
Crackers at Murphy &
Warrick has made further reductions
on painting materials. Give him an or
der and compare prices. 5-la6t6w2t
A. II. KELLER, 111. G. JI. D
Graduate In
Office iu Peri'V 's dl utr utore oiinmlt. tl. P..i-
kins liouse,
Uco. E. Sayles,
General Merchandise.IIardwaro and
Coal. Highest Cash price paid for
Oils, Paints, Brushes,
A Pull Xiine of Trussc
And in fact everything contained iu
a first-class Drug Store. Pre
scriptions carefully compound
ed. Competition met in
all departments.
Coe. Main ako Third Streets,
ITo Humlmg Here!
Can Outsell any One Price Clothing
Outfit In riattHmoath
Both Here and at my Branch Store
As I Buy For Ciisli.
Rmember the abtivc fetatement,
C. G. HEltOLD.
at prices to defy comOetion. Tours Respctfully,
1 - -
or Tin:
Immense Practice in Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
iy PaUdiuin.
: Ked Oak, Iowa, passed through the city ! soug Dlra3 and vloJets, peaches and
i on his way to Lincoln where bo has mir- ! clieies, and the bluffs; but why did
chased two sections of land from th "hh uie g-aionous old eaale. &c'
land kicsr, P. P. Johnson
van, oia iormer nome tins morning
wnere ne wt.s on professional businesa
he nature oc which he did not wish to'
disclose as yet but prtcahes something
ot importance soon.
J. Q, Adams one of the soiidest farm
ers of C&ss county, went to Omaha this
morning for 'special rates'' for fifteen
car loads of cattle fed the pst season by
J. Q. Asams J Son which they espect
to ship the ccming week.
The supreme court of Plattsmout'n
is in session,-having, under advise
ment the constitutionality of the
present liquor tariff in cur tliv
from indications there will a
divided court and majority and n,i
nory opinions; in fact, your repcrier
g-cthokl of a half doz lu opinio la
a few moment's attendance upcrj that
high tribunal this mcrnin?. i Lief
Justice SmitJi presides with .-lire
and dignity, and the counsel prJ iud
con quarrel with ease and nun;.y,
and the friends cf the diiferent init r-
C3t3 at war look on with anxiety an.l
perplexity. There is several thou
sand dollars at stake in this mattt-.
which it S2?E23 to us. these reccs- ;
strators hindering- cct c:!v t:-s-
urer frcr Landhns-.
j hitaselL and asks to know what you've
Owlugtoa Etiscalcul&ticj; t. s rs ! Sot- don't Irritate him, and teil him
uabl iU frive the full trccse.riui-. cf ! none cf his business. ..Its cniv the as-
the city council &t their raeciic.- 3 n- ' se'3cr, In the discbarge of his duty.
" - 1 r T..r- t . . .
iiww a ty me uown to aieep, is a
pretty good idea when a fellow gets so
ilr. Harry Weber and uoup? left this
morning for Hamburg, Iowa, where
they have an engagement tonight. Mr.
Weter feels highly pleased with his re
wptin in this city, and speaks well of
oar opera house ar. J tl.s treatment he re
ceived at the hands cf ths in&B.agen:ent.
Roller Skating Rink.
Having purchased of Joseph Ford
nis skating rink m the basement of
ltrgerald block, I wish to announce
mac the same will be open every after
noon ana evening, and that it will be
run Ciat-cJass in every respect. The
prices for admission will be
IV cts. lor atternoon and 15 cts. for even
iuS, lauies iree. rnce ot skates 20 cts.
tor atternoonH, 2b cts. for evenings. The
masquerade as heretofore announced for
Monday evening will not be changed.
C. E. Slcck.
xhe largest supply of hams, bacoa,
and all kinds of meats, in the city to
oe iouna at iiatt & o. c dtf.
Has ransacked the market for
nobbiest and best line of
Wq can show you all that is de
sirablo, ai.d don't forget thflt we
vail never be undersold.
K, 13.
T. 12, R.
Everything in
If an incul3itlve individual Dresents
ttit the night police were appointe t. !
cud it was decided to e:nploy at j
t-i each per month. Jakel.chn? in. I
Con B&liard beinir chosen. Lobitfv J
jurisdiction extending from ihe ri .cr
He is harmless as far as'jcur personal
safety is concerned; and, you can five
Lim tha list of your valuables without j
fear of robbery. AH he wants to know !
Is whether yu are well supliedwithl
this world's goods, and get the value !
or the same, so that we can show up
venient Refrigerator ie the market. For flATS,
saie uy -j. r, iox. 40UwlUiO
It -.-ill pay you to read Wise's cclS
umu. in this paper, you may find jus
whdl y&u want. 39(1
A large number if sidewalks in the
city need repairing, and should receire
the attention of the authorities
Itemoastrances were Ud our wealth and know what we have I ,i acte.i without pain by the
ranting of license 10 ell anyhow. ,,se of .Nitrwis oxldc Gas, at the Denta
I'-.iii-ii 1 r. . .T.. jTiar?riaii, ntzgcral
b'ek. 4Sd:t6wlt
to 4thstreet and Ballsrd's froui
street west.
against tne prantinr
liquors 10 tnose who had ma. to appli
cation, said rmcnstranres beinx tlu
(d by Geo. K. Hovey, J. W. Barn'c
lr I. 1 - rn nf . '
tZ.v Hrut1' ro"0(,s ana --pur- , beer aboard. Saturday night, and -dls- at William llerold..
: . turoea tnc
inis morning at o clock was set with him
Felice Poultice.
Le?i Lverelt got too much bock 1
ser aboard. Saturday niht
turbed tbe peace." His honor settled
this morning for $5 and
which whs paid, and Levi
Th best goods for the' Iea?t
as the time rr nearinp- tho reraon- j trimmings,
trances, and the, eame an- i.n in I departed.
progress . I Harrison iicCoid thought it was
Jlr. Windham, was nominated for j Saturday night, und his night out.
city attorney, aad the vote on the ! This morning it was S5 und costs,
tame stood four for and four against,
znd no final action was taken in the
- Hirer Report, '
As foruiabed officially to the
Department. .
Tbe river at noou today, &tood 6 ft.
iiyi ln. above low water mark.
which he paid and went on his way rejoicing.
j John Wilson vaa arrested and run
in for vagrancy, and as be had no visi-
1 uic uieauB support nis n on or gave
' him i x day on tbe streets - its a start
er, any way.
Thomas Gray was up for vagrancy,
sleeping in freight cars, etc. but upon
due consideration was discharged and
told not do so any more.
Mr. Johnson & Sweney are now re
ceiving nil the latest stvlesin Hit.. Bon-
net, Flowers, Tip?, Itibbons, &c, in the
Lujuiui-ij line, m wo ten mey invite all
to can anU examine before purchasing
viscwniie. 1 ancy goous at cost. (140ml
Cottage liouse,
Sixth street, between Main and Tearl,
Platt.ouiouth, Ncbr. iletitted and corn
lortahly furnished. Board by the day
or wetk. Meals 25 cents. Board by
week at reasonable rates. House com
fortahly aud pleasantlv situated. Give
me a call. 8. Weaver. Proprietor.
4 6 dim
Just received.
For right goods at right prices
o to
C. J. Wescott,
The BOSS Clothier.
Rockwood Block.
For Sale !
N E 4, See. 3, T. 12, II.
SE J, Sec 3,T. Jl
S. W. , Sec. 3, T. 12,
and X. W. Sec, 10,
E S. W. Sec. 31, T. 13, K
the E Lot 10, Block 28.
" 3, 59.
" 7 iSr 9, " 23.
S I, " 9, U.
lukc'8 Addition.
The above described farms
for sale on long time, with 7
cent, interest. Apply to
d9tf Plattemouth, Xeb.
FurniturE StorE
and all kinda of goods usually kpt In a
Saturday, RJay 19, 1883
wiikiji: ii i: can in: conm ltld ox the
Ear k Eye, Throat k Lies, Catarrh, Kiiieys,
Bladder and Female Diseases as Well as
Chronic and Nervous Diseases.
Ha dUcoverea tbe greatest euro In the world" fur wealtnc-H .f ti. .. ,,
uniarv aiscnarceii. litmoLf nrv
tation of the heart. ti.nwiTf v '.VrKi;?".. V. " . "5 i,",u"h". ian(?.ur. conf
throat nH. nr -UiV. r.7 . J"'.1?: "1" "ras 01 rlaV K'li
" ' ; -"'-v iE uyrr, lui ch. kioiiihcIi nr imwu
r;.:r" " : j-.:t . v J"".1" -u -.-Tei uran icen t-it-.i
reoderiii); marriage impossible. 11 lu ,r u,OH' uuiei.t
Those that are mifferinii from th. i.r.r.ti ..1.:-.. .. .
f ysteni. t-ausingl "-i"'iy tm.-ir mental
and limbs, lnvol
ur. confusion of ideac. pali.l
ii'eH .lipases of tlie heitj
els- ther.e terrible disorder
to Hi victim than the
11" or anticipation.
which destroy their
and phyftica'
Also, a very complete etock of Funeral Good.
Metallic&WoodenCofflns Castetsiolies,
EMBLEMS, 4e. ' '
Our New and elegant be&rse Is alwayt In
Remember the place, in UNION
iBLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO
uoors sonth or C'ass Coun
ty Jsank.
Whear we may be found nlxbt or day.
The symptoms of which are a dull distressed mind whii-i. ,.n. .1
town! social dulie-. make, happy marriMKe imooll.o e , ...,ti"'1'' rVI Wiormln their bus
depression of spirits, evil foiebodiuK cowardlc fKfw J"'l,;'",'.' tbe action of the heart
setrulnesa. unnatural di.,eharSe" pTn fn back iiluw .h.'.ATV 'H V'1'1". hli"-. f
easily of company and have preference to be ueliu tirLa iV.Tiltl",JK .,,,:,clioly. ur9
ne.s iu the .imb,. ere!.
Married percent or young men 1
of procreative power. Imt
uuuseii unaer tu
confidently rely 1
conf?mniatl!ijr marriage be
power, impoteucy or any other .f lnJ''eal weakness. I
tbe care ol Dr. Fishblatt may rel S 2 ul J?''iii ved. lie Who ia
y upon hi. skill . physician K,y tlubit ,B hl9 as a Kemlema 1
fl RH A M A I Xxrv-A r r
rme WVl. which
Ti m IT fcvMM.AU
1 1 Vlll no
Keniiemau, MtJj
den aud marriage, lmposs
1 oung men are ant to eo:
may ensue. Now who that un.ler..l
TiCZTZ :r uu'"cs aeraueed. tbe . ' . .J V,,lou"' UI "otn
t uv "ci r. urrtciuii n-i-it .. t . . 1 1. .. j j iiictii 1 .11 w u.' a. ...
tional debility, wastiug ofU namK:..? l. t.nVbVm.
..-J' .. - "r" vy unlearned nn.i.nH. . ..
. !,,.. and injuiious enmpouLdsVi , m " 'u.f.eOT'lp, nnlK ..M-nth after moufi.
graduated at one of th mot
most astoninh bit rur.i tl, ... ..
llr. K. ldJiwai.. .1
bablts which ruin hmu
m iire are some of the
Weakness of tbe back
rrs. paipuauon of th
debility, consumption
renders life a bur-
t liiVw,: ,u,.,or. lproer indulem-.
thi. subject wiTl .i;,. ;,."r."r.ea-a,u' 'eyHeiic, that
ft oy
e Uleas.
liiliid I l.o.l u
eakell. Ust
Uidlijo-tiull, colislitu-
eUe-led some of tlx
the ear and
n.. ... . - . " - j iivuuiru Willi ...
.uiu viiuiea wiin lerui.i...non. ..r .1." wrauui. wi 1 fi..,,..i i,i.i,u...
. . . " iur IIIIIIU. Wlril viir..! i ....-u.uii,.
1 "JST .!': njnred themselves bv UnZt,tr.
-ad meloncholy Jats Wiced b A?' hiuUr V'"1 OF
and limbs, nnln in th i.Ji.VrV.rKf'i.Py tbe early habits of voutli. vT, .
neart, dicuerifia. nerv.ii. .r.7:; :'";"" "'Wi. ios ol nuiiiriilar iow
- - . - ... ..... a..f-u 1 rv 11 1 ...... .
ric ' t-'l 11.1
festive fi!liUloti.
Medical :
tiou through 1
Address I.
Send postal for copy of tba ffedbNU