MTTSIIOOTB H1ALD. H ELISUl f DAILY AM MtEELI BY fie Platlsmoutb Herald MMlni Co. T.tU. Telephone Excl.ii,; Luluca Itl- JEFF. L. STONE, CJtr Editor. Nwtica to AJ6fUue. Cp? let dUpbiy aJvertlieu.etU vi cn.b&t9 la lMlvcilUcuieaH iuu.j Lc Laud-U ii. ij the CusliiCiioni'.'e tot llcl ; tlitui iv m wf tli Jay la wLlcb thy .e to bi Incited. Copy fur pty aud special not.ces ntUit le hoU-l iu befvie ; p iu ru.)i ( luuuie ui -ItiIl II M LLJH.tll, A. ttullnbur)', TIIE ODD FELLOWS Cibrtu Horn. fall! kudb prevails af exr iternent l Le e.ver- Thc usual quiet whlth ter a duy of bustle ami pervades the city today. claes in progress as we went to press yesterday aftencou were Interesting1 aad entertaining. At the opera house Judge Yauatta, although not on the programme wa3 rolled upon and wade a few appropriate remark" Rev. Wil eon also responded in a happy manner to the call made upon him. la t he evening the Optra house was filled bv lovers of the uia:y dance, who trip' ped the light fantastic until the hour of the departure of the excursion train vim announced. The visitor - I all returned home feeiiu,- that they Irutlt, had heen well entertained ani that j the lay hatt been well upeiit. T he trial docket for the May trtn of i court is out, aad cottlus lCI civil cases . and 23 criminal ca?es. Of the ciyil cases i 104 are for jury trial.. Th jury will he I tried sorelr . Couit sin next Tue-i dy. I II. ii. Griiuxa has lesu-e 1 the tadel man restaurant, aod will, hereafter be lound there prtpared to cater to the wants of the public. Every tniu f will be strictly lirtt-c'a;.cs in ll respects. . Hqw that Main street l.ui been .leu ii cp of rubbiih aud old papers it will act be much of &a exertion oq the part the business cua to keep it jo. Don't ictp Taite paper, -. into th street? tut bum it. Wra. Eikenbary Is in the city touar. Lad says he hai 72 head cf cattle that re putting on lot 3 of fat. He Las 200 teres plowed for corn, aud expects to bgin planting cn Hecday nest. It will ii.fce Litn ten days. Who'next, A large fruit-grower of this ccuniv informs us that there will be fully as large a crop of cherries thij year as last, and that the apple trues are verv httle damaged, if any, by the extreme J cold weather last winter. Johnson Co. Journal i Although the city was lull of people yesterday, nothing of an unpleasant na ture occurred. Ho boisterous hilarity. No riotous demonstrations requiring' the interference of police. Everything pas sed off with the regularity of clock work ;cd Plattsmouth is proud to record the event n one of the intereiia items in her history. C W Pool, Tecumseh, editor of the Johnson County Journal was married Wednesday to Mis Frank I.. Foster, of the same place. We are Frank to admit that it look. 4 as though ho had Fostered the game and she had Pool ed. The Herald extends eongratu tatious and best wishes to brother Fool aud wife. 1 he Phunny Phellow published ut Nebraska City, and Sunday Morning Optic published at Lincoln have eou iolidaled, and the Phunny Phellow uiergeI into the Optic. Cuder thd new arrangemnt Mr Marshal acts ae iuanain editor, Mr. fjn.iat a5 local aud Mr. Wessrl a business" manager. "We bespeak lor the Opiie all the eur .eii attainable uuder the new order of Luf AVOCA LETTEK. AvocA.XtB., April 23. 12. r ii . Lwiun ntiiiiD: iter we are, again ! Forgot to say in iny last that at the annual shool meeting in this district the required number of votes were cast to remove the school site to Avoca, fiom its former locution one mile east of Avoca, and It waa voted etc. to commence the erection of a school house, at once, on the new site, and when completed, to dispo3e of the old one in the usual method. A subscription ll3t is in circulation here now for the purpose of erecting a Congregational church. C. fcetta and family, also A. Troinbla Lave gone to Dakota, overland, with teams and rfagon3, to break prairie this summer, and possibly to locate. E. Loomia, shoemaker, has left, and now Avoca needs another, but w tnt3 one who will cou.e to stay. Our new millinery and dressmaking nrm: Mr3. l aGrange. junior, & .Mi.-s Jilav "vVllliama. Ualler's new clerk. A. R. Smith, imti completed one of the best jobs of light ning rod work to be found in the stat by LaGrange & Co.'s rodding outfit, on Jioioumijuiuj Built), Xe OUtUt will start for iCansa3 in a few days, to be absent most of the summer. Lots of Weeping Water visitors here yesterday. Our .Sunday school la in a flourishing condition and largely attended; much the same can be said, too, of our I. O O. T. G. McAssey is almost well again. Dr. W. A. Fackard his removed to his new office, over Sawyer &. .Ben nett's hardware store. This is rather short (aud sweet), but I'll write again. Yours for reform, JI. N. C. E. A. Gerrard has invented a post hole or socket that promises to be a good thing. It Is to be made of cast iron, with flanges where it enters the ground ; the socket, into whicha wood eu post is to be driven tighMyHs to be about a foot in depth. This "iron post socket can be driven into the ground, thus saving the labor of boring or digging holes. Columbus Journal. i PERSONALS. Dr. Root, late of Eight Mile Grove, is in the city today. The old Dr. is looking flnely. and is making bis home at South Bend, where he will dispense pills and general good health to all parties. Ilenry Inhelder, of Cedex Creek, ia In the city today. Win. Gilmour has brought a family of Plymouth Uucks from Lincoln, con sisting of five hens and a rooster, and they aae beauties. Keene, the tragedian, passed through this morning on his way east. Miss inttie Kline went to Orleans this morning for a viuit to f rieuds and relatives. State Senator ' Dave" Uumgardner, of Orleans, was iu the city yesterday taking in the Odd Fellows' celebration, returning home this morning. He is a "way up" Odd Fellow, a live busi ness man, and the very personification of geniality and good nature. . Hon. L. II. M. Byers, U. S. consul at Zurich. .Switzerland, a brother-in-law of our neighbor, Billy Gilmour, passed through the city this morning on his way to Lincoln. He is the oldest con sul in the service, having served four teen years, aud has given entire satis faction and credit to his government. He says the stars and stripes are the only in the land of sunbeam. He will return uext week aud make a short visit here among his friends and rela tives. Miss Mary Va33 will teach the Con cord schools this summer. We be speak for the children of that district an excellent school. "Uncle" Sam Barker came In this morning from Chicago, where he has been with ten cars of cattle. He re ports the markets flourishing, and feels happy as a clam. List of Letters. List of letters remaining uncalled for In the post office at Flattsmoutb, Cass County, Neb., April 27, 1883. Anderson Mr Anderson Mrs M Brown J W Conrad David S Clark Miss Cauary McIIeury Calkins W S Davis 1 P Gommert Fritz Ilickinson Mrs H Holmes John II Klemarel Ld Larder F McNurlin Miss A Adams Edna Brutton C II BirdsaU Miss Mary Clark G W Carton J W Clark Wm C Dalton Edward Evans Mary Jano Hull Bob Holmes John A Holmes Sylvia Levy Tsaac 2 Moore Miss Albia McNcal Clinta 2 MinardMrsEleanor Mason Fred Mathea G D McDunal John Perkins II Hobison C S Rice J It Richardson fi J Stull Mrs Sara A Stevenson E Snyder E C Strickling H F Swart John Meyer Hari McCullock Y P Phelps Mrs P Keif Jacob liiley Mrs J II Bomick MissStetta Sioberg C Stlno E J Stull Augusta Skartellar Isaac Smothers Mollie Spinlock Mrs S D Seybolt It. L Sheldon Miss Tilla Shamp Will Sheppard C C Tripp Lee Ullum Joseph Wacker John White II P Feiaou3 calling for the above please say "Advertised." J. W. Marshall. P. M. will SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertle!itnts under thl head, three rents per liae each Insertion. cound. A folding key in n railroad coach in this city. Owner can find it at thin ot- flce. A bunch of keys on Chicago Owner can got fc:no by cnli'm office and paying for this notice. To Rent. Furnished or unfurnished t,iui qnire of J. D. ivmp-on. 43d avenue, nt 1 1 :h 47T Oh, Yes!" in lew ($ui .-ii The nortlieas' con er io-.lm iu : niHii's bakery. (r ' -i u.r -ii I- or bushiest. 34 tf F. Mal;.; j For 8 Fo'ir hils l-r iIr: tle city oflice of (e. Ill -JO V r r i mi : Wanted. JoIju JI iue-r has um.:.i fiio plnce, corier of 7t!i aud Vim prepared to accommodate iln- Ii... ....... - 1 . ir , , me wuj ui uouiuifig ami i-fgiii! week or uiontli. 4 j-i) sroLii t ri't, l.y ti il 1 in 11 u s.' v' A urst-clasa cook at Ct il ii rant, uood warh an 1 stc:i Jv ment. I an- i tilt' . - 1 .'' CM fc By pnyiug casli for our new stock of wall puper, lead, oil, &c, we are enabled to sell at reduced prices. 53 t2 W. J. Wakuick. Cauvas.Kers Wanted. Apply to J. O.Shannon,PlaiL5a;o ith. 2eb., enclosing atamp for reply. Only live, active purues nod apply. ."o-n tft i 1 Mil Harry Webber at the opera house tonight. The glass has been put iu front of Lafe O'Neil's new building. The measles have broken Pawnee City. Sevtral deaths ready recorded. out are at al- What we need telephones in the clerk ot the district court's office aud the high school building . ones. Ara 1n ret Good Causes For aiuch j Effects. I Cows, hog3, and horses run at large ; m the city. They break down gates, ; fences, and trees. ' Sometimes the re gu ! lar town row, like one of old. walks ! off with the gates. left ajar, by the late leaving 3 wains llie sidewalks are 1L5 Lincoln association of Ccnrc- --roken by the rambling cow ; shade Siticnal churches met jvilL iLe Con- j trees mangled and torn bv the same, fregatioual church of bouth Bead ou All this we have put uo with - but now comes a lot cf Jacks and Jennies. tne i'siu ana viiu insf. liiirleeu miii iiterg and thirty representatives ot' the churches were pre-jeut, inakiur it ihe laryeit taeeti&g of the a:ocialioa ever held. It received she generous hospitality of tha people md ail de parted well pleaied with kindiy recepllon tend-red them. 'iLs Her. Ditfeabacher r tires as pnior r.i ih cJ-urch at .South Beud. Travel on the night trains is on the increuse, and we predict that ere Ion the night trains will be the heavy The Chinese waahee-wasbee. was the only business house on Main street that didnt swing out the stars and stripes yesterday. The heavy emigration west still con tinues, and Nebraska's population will increase this season as uever before in the same length of time. Bremuer's Crackers at Wirckhach's. Fresh home male candies at the Phoonix. every day S3dtf Armour's best brand hams $ . " " broikfust bacon 1 Dry salt meat 1 Sug'ar cured shoulders 13 At Hatt & Co's. meat market. 40dtf Window shades at Warrick's. 2t Bremuer's Crackers at Stadlcman's. For an evening of fun and first-class entei tainmeut, witness Harry Webber's production of Nip and Tuck at the op era house tcn:ght. South Bend and Louisville put in an appearance, j esterday, at our I. O. O. F. celebration, and reported their re spective localities hearty and prosper ous, in a business point of view. The 1st of May Is close at hand, and from tnat date taxes become delin quent and draw interest. It is a good time now to get square with thecounty treasurer. CITY HOTEL. T hi? t.cautif' ikre ?t'vy iii-k rtructure. o lovvei' .Mai,! street, u. juji Lceu tii-i-Iifd and fitted up fur the accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS. AJfO REGULAR BOARDERS. EVERY THING NEW AND CLEAN A Good Bar 27tf. FRED GOOS, Propr. A few of the hfindsnmert Wire Flower StHii-l Cox' s. very intterin of c iieap ut J. J. 51di;wlmo Henry Bo-ek Has an elegant line of baby carriages for sale very cheap. Also a nice lot of refrigerators and the largest stock of fur niture ever brought U Plattamouth nt prices that cau't be discounted. It will pay yon to see him. d29w2-tf in coiineoUou with tlie House. too lary to get up when lying down in the street; too indolent to hunt any thing to eat, but fruit cans, and when aslatp work their ears aud snore to such an extent as to scare any well bred horse Chief .if Police, look af ter these pssrs. Cir. Mrs. Fred Latham is the possessor j of a very handsome and rare plant, which she received from Canada. The i 4 1 . . uuwers are larger man a tea cup, 01 a bright red color, that delights the Le-holder. One of oar visitors from up iLc i.?ad, yesterday, indulged iu too much cele fciat;ou, aud by uight was io 'iired'' ihat he Isid down to rect ou the de pot piatf'orm. He was foui:. and cared for, and this morniu the usnai 4 and trimmluu-s" was assessed, aud pttio.. tie their kind SoOiu h from hi hiui this morning. To other credit of the celebration and l. il. vv heelfer, more than any one man. should we avnr.l t!i sucress of yesterdav'a enteitainment. He ha 3 always recognive.1 the lueii of our city, aud endeavored to advance licr interests. Would thrtt we had more such actie men as Maior Dan. ; Nebraska owes much to him, and when awaalBr 1 lifj tlllli r I 1111 uess t him. as he Lad bout i n5a. fia. n gathered to his Fat h- i pockets, which was ukeC!n ?!l ie,Vjrt,a3.llone.tor"e mlsstiiiht ,,.t t..r... t-.! vejopmentoi me material interests of t rcra the Grand Island papeu wc Icirn :Lat Bibcock, who WS3 rescued at rh ate necktie f rtv at Hastings, and ts kta tjCrisl Ilui lor sufe keepiug, i-oecoiiiii- umufy, aod exposing his trui depraved caturt. With the ardsteuice of Ur tate Will Still livt. n.-i 1m.n. ?orate the fact that he who has planted sjccessfully a tree or made an addi tional blaJe of grass togrov, iia pub-.-ic benefactor. Evidently the visiting guests en joyed their day yesterday as last night when the train started out they were serenely happy and expressed" them selves to the Herald reporter that the people of Pluttsmouth 1 a I done th ra proud. Mias Uara Leidtke, daughter of our ex-Auditor, now with Parsons & Cross- man s Ideal Co , is playing the part of Prince Frederick in Mascotte, in the Eastern States, .she has obtained con siderable celebrity as an actress, and Is entitled to credit For striking cut for herself Fremont IL-rald. ROBERT DONNELLY'S "wa.q-o:ct BLACKSMITH SHOP. Wagon, Buygy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general Jobbing I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing of fariu and other mucliinerv. as there is a good lathe in my shop. PETER RAVEN. The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge of the wagon shop. He is well known aa a NO. 1 WOKKHA.N. Ww H'&gons and ttagfflea naZe t Order. SATISFACTION GSCARANTEEO. Bremner'g Crackers at Hansen's. Millinery. Mrs. Johnson & Sweney are now re ceiving all the latest styles in Hats, Boa nets, Flowera, Tips, Ribbons, &c., in the millinery Une, to which they invite all to call and examine before purchH-.ii-elsewhrre. Fancy good at cost. d o i A.iki VV 7 U initially, H. Baker. v our vioc r im Hr ut..i r'. ers every iimo. Take uo other. The Alaska, the best and mot venient Refrigerator in the market. sale by J. R, Cox. con For 43dd-wluio It will pay you to read Wine's col hud jus 29tl umu in mis paper, you may Tvutti $ ou wane Breniner's Co.'s. Crackers at Murphy dfc Kink. Joseph Ford basement of to announce Boiler Skating Having purchased of hia skating rink in the Fitzgerald block. I wish that the same will be open every after noon and evening, and that it will be run first-class in every respect. The prices for admission will be 10 cts. for afternoon and 15 cts. for even ing, ladies free. Price ot ekah-f, -jo cts joi aiicrnoon., v.- cts. ior evening. TI luasqueraue as ftere'oioie aimna., d Monday evening vLI not l;f ch; L - a mm: lot or MACKKKKI., LAJiMAD(;Iii; UYAIVA TUOITT, WILD WAVJi CO) FISH, A iu a choice lot of Ve have a line stook of 0MQWE FAMILY GROCERIES, Faucj rands ot MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI FLOUR. I have la too a flus line of Queensware, Glassware, Lamps. &o. All our goods ai r new aud frt-tih. Will Eiclianse lor Conntry Produce. Linseed Oil Meal Always on Haul Next door to Court House, l'lattsmouth, Neb, M. B. MURPHY & CO. AGENCY FIRE INSORANGE GO'S: CITY, of London, QUEEN, cf Liverpool FIREMAN FUND, of aiifornia ie or I.3''! For Sale ! N E J, Sec. 3, T. 12, 11. 13. SEA, Sec. 3, T. 12, K. 13.. S. W. I, Sec 3, T. 12, 11. 13. and Nr X. W. Sec, 10, T. 12, U. 13. E S. W. Sec. 34, T. 13, K. 13 E Let 10, Block 28. 3, " 50. Teeth 6 i : f f d . i.e of Xi;r. u- dxi rooms of Ir. c. A. block. S A, T ) . i I The Im st jro-.d.-i for t'-n at William IIcroLU. i ;:. r; ?. ieal r. ion. crib i . oa a. ivnioLEY Cc oovc escape ds defeated t outside 8'-comp!ui a plan of matured. 'ihe piais were LO waver, by betrvsil on the ptrt ether prissoera Preparations hid .-. a:ade to take the lif ot ihe jaik-r l.t-i been necessary. H w:l! h-;rCdf i more carefully gcarded. ihe piay of "Sip ana Tuck,1' L; was presented in this theatre last to a large audience, is replete w"; dramatic Situations and highly t nonai scenes, aud the hearers in;-!..- is kept excited till the i disclosed. The plot is more or Ic5 in tricate, but it is Interspersed vwtb mafiy humorous situations. The title roles are those of two detectives. Mr Webber as "Xip" does cleverly and takes well, and succeeds admirably in getting the better of his partner 'Tuck," who is well portrayed iy Mr. Devlin. The rest of the company are good throughout, including Mias ta 'Webber in her personation of Miss Frances Dadhleigh, and Miss Letter as Mrs Beaufort. The acting of thfc lit tle girl Carrie "Webber, was received with great applause as often as shr appeared on the stage. "Nip Tuck" will occupy the boards of the Royal for the rest of the week, an i will no doubt receive a good sbar? oi the public patronage, The Toronto World Toronto, Ontario. The Central City Courier says that a train, consisting of engine, mail car and caboose, passed through town late Monday afternoon at a high rate of ipeea. it was the train carrying the Australian mail, running to "connect rf-un u;e steamer at New York City l he mail cai carried two hundred and eighty tags of cluck strap." or Aus trahan mail. The distance from North Platte to Omaha. 23j miles, was made in six hcuj-3. A Card of Trtsnkd. Platte Lod-c No T desire3 to express I us iiiauKs to me tji. a. li , the Wk. O. ! II., the Fire Department aud to the j many citizens and those who assisted iu the anniversary exercises, yester ; day, for their ready response and : hearty co-operation in making the . debration oue long1 f o be remembered . :u the history of Plattsmouth, and . es . pecially in the hlaiory of Pialtsmouth's ! lodge of Odd Fellows. Com. Mr. A. M. Baird, of Lincoln, a B. & M. civjl engineer is in the city lookiug up sir.e alleged errors In the descriptions f condemned lands through which the road runs in Cass count v. If there hove uii-1 i ,eea mistakes mode in descriptions the lompaiij wsqi to Know it and correct them. Auburn rejoices over its organiza tion and incorporation a3 a vil lage. A Hoard of Trustees have been appointed by the county commission ers, and Rush Fellows, of the Post, has been cho3en as clerk. Who sajs news paper men never get fat ( ') places. An exchange .says : Some one has made a very curious calculation of what Mr. Yandei bilt . could do with his money. Mr. Vanderbilt's income from his investments in four per cent, government bonds I3 represented at $35,000 daily,which is $203.25 per hour, $5.47 per minute, or over five cents per second. Assuming that he is paid by the second, he cannot possibly spend nis money, as he could not select his purchases and lay down his money fast enough. He could not throw it away; to pick it up, cast, recover ana cast again , would take him two seconds, and if he worked all through the twentv-four hours, without rest, he could ouly.dis- fwe 01 one nan 01 nis income. Bv iVing economically, eaviug up for four years, he could, ulacins- his five cent pieces side by side, make auickle oeii arouna tne earth, or by convert iux ma savins mm one-cent 111 pops and mounting them in anile, in twen ty years, erect a road to the moon. )rc?rc? DEOT IN TIIE UARKET. Made OlFLYot Vegetable OU and Pure Beet Tallow. To Induce housekeepers to give this Soap a mai. with bach bar n IT? WP 13TVT? A Tvrvr I CIO MJ VI u. MA Mi Ail 4 TABLE NAPKIN This offer 13 made for a short time only and should be taken advantage of at ONCE. WeWABBANT this Soap to do more wash ing with greater ease than any soap In the market. It has no EQUAL for us la hard and old water. YOUR QBOCER IMS IT. e.A.Wrisley&Co. Can be ha. I at ih.- 25 cents ami l i.; .,. rates. Farnu 11. - d l::niis , with 7 v f T , M ' If ' 1 - . . jil , ;ue per :ip 1.:. t). will please besir Uii ' iiiiii. Lndiei, your sj-. cl::) to the new line ( received t Wtf-kl.-uvij A. If. -.. J V a I . r-! I :initi?!i J It. sf. Oi-.alu.iie in I'MAKMACY ASi) UFAV llrfl.-x. I.. r . kIn3LoU;cl,i a3oPlos the E3 VtT- Ji a: AX An A 31 US K 31 NTS. ii:-' ' ' K K ."IONKV. v1 CENT., It Is Qirious compound of 4.LuiC9,' pathoa, brilliant wit and heart.';.' vil iilny. Running through the pkc a a yaaint vein of drollery which keep the audience in the liest of humor. -ip and Tuck" aio partners in a detective firm, who are too clevci by hair', oer reacbing each other times out ofnumi.c-r. Deep calculation with most ingenious disgube Of voice and dress and marvel ous astuteness are their stock in tr-iJe which they use to good advantage. They j are tne mainsprings round which the. i and balance of the cast work and the 03 founding complications in which they are entangled afford great amusement. Every one who enjoys a 'piee in wbu-h the clement of eensatiou is presented, ia the most refined manner, and ichly col ored humor bubbles up continually should eeeXip and Tuck.1 Pbiladtd- cfciftLedgsr. Ex-.Senator Paddock, of the Utah commission, left yesterday for Salt Lake to join other members and pre pare for the work of taking the June registration for election which occurs iu August, at which lime members of the legislature will be elected. An Effort will be made to get up a clean registration to shut out polygamists. This is regarded as the most import ant step in the movement against po lygamy. Bee. The Herald was pleased to m pet so many of our Weeping Water friends ' nuu neizuoors yesterday. Her niit good men, were present in large num bers, to attend the I. O. O. F. celebra tion and exchange civilities with their Plattsmouth brothers. These visits always result In a better feeling be tween neiffhhorh.-MMla v. .i.': friends will often call unnn i.a ti. I nolo J. p. Young's for rour cream soda water, tuead and birch beer only 5c per glass. Largest stock of wall paper at War-ri'-k's. 58 13 Cottage House, distil strett, between Main and Pearl Plattsmouth, Nebr. Refitted and com fortably furnished. Board by the day or week. Meals 25 cents. Board by week at reasonable rates. House com fortably and pleasantly situated. Give me a crII. S. Weaves. Proprietor. 4Cdlm Nothing lost by going to Warrick's n-r wail puper and window shade?. 53 2t Bremner's Crackers at Baker's. A now line of fine dress gtnjds cn aisliug of the latest styles and patterns just lereived at Weckbach's. 3dtf lifiiiffaetwrs of Standard luuuitfiy an toiit stoapav. HENRY BCECK DEALER IS E" u pni tupef SAFES, CHAIRS, arc, arc, arc. Of All Descriptions. WATERMAN'S OPEBA IIQUSS. Two Nights Only. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, April 27 Hi, 2Sth. The Poj;ular Comedian HARRY WEBBER, In the weliknown Sensational Comedy Drama WXP AUD TUCK (THE DFTECTIVES) "Which has now been played over three inousand times. As I C. 1';;'; P.pflrnli Sinr - uiubVil OIU1U ;iy For Cash. Ii'm.iiiber t!;- al PLATTy.MOi; i ll, NKfi. will also appear in his latest Comedy Creation, .METALLIC BURIAL CASES Of all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash. MY FINE HEARSE 1 city of Weeing Water contains 'many Bremner' Crackers at Benoe?t 1 AfT IS NOW BEADY FOB SEBVICE. With many thanks for past tatronnf. Invite all to cjUI and examine my LARGE STOCK OF Sltf. FVBNTrHK AX1 COKKI8 AT JOE McVEY'S Sample Rooms Tou will find the Fiuest Imported French Brandy, Champaign, and other me T inea, Pure Kentucky WhisKie. several of the best and most popular brands of BOTTLE BEER, Fresh Beer always on draught, and Fine Ci- PHINEAS FLINT All JUO. A XCArdla'A vraf T ,.a AiVUUVU success. FLINT and STEEL 2iow in the third year of its run in Europe, with T. L. Stinson supported by a company ' of undoubted excel lence, under man agement of Tallies E. Moore. -Flint and Steel" may be styled a sparkling eccentricty in thrfe Sparks or acts of which each depicts the won derful iidvecntures Of a rrc of nia! ;;;:.'-:i'. wlio arc ti; deavoring to ob tain rich husbands and wives for their cli-.ifs get iu all sr.1 is of ridicu7oi:3 scrape and air. iising dilMm:u:v. ADMISSION 33, 50, AM) 75. T- T? JOMX FlTZCEIiAll), A. V. McLACiiULIJf. Pres;J-ijt. CaHhier. FIRST HATIOMAL OF FLATT8MOUTI1. NKBKA8KA. Offen the very best ifucllltlea for the prompt h.umcuou or legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. B,,i ,U5' voiu, uovfniiiiBt and IWiaI -vBjaii, ouiu, av? posit recir ed aud interne allowed on tme cVrtitt- part of the l nltd Htates and aU the principal towns of aurope. Collections made 6 promptly remitted Hlghsat market price, paid or County War- ". oiaieaLa uoanty Bond. DIRECTORS : John Fit zp raid jonn 11. cia Geo. E. lark. Dovey, a. A. K. Jouzalln. K. C. CunhlDg. W. McLaughlin "u,w Bank Cass County Cotner Maiu and Mixtb StretJ!. t j. m. r.J.Af'K. Freal 111 a 1. 'aid Jt.r Couutg and C i-i i'.y remicted for. an: frtateirinf vws C. G. IIEROLD. ERNST WAGNER". PracticaL ArclutsctT. AND SUPERINTENDENT ARCHITECTURAL. WORK A SPCCIALTY. lUi,9 nd SpcciDcatiouH will be carefully carried out. and fa!! attention will be glreu i to safety and durability. LESIONS O.V PAIM(i In Oil, WaerCoIor,, Crayon and TencL Office .ver Solomon Nathan's .tore, Main St MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, B1ACKSM1TI1 HOKSK 8HOE1XO ft WAGON REPAIUING. All IMs of Farm imrlenients Meniel will Neatnasn and Dispatch. tn. Jl.'iHI Uluoif, Reserved seats nrv ..m -i iii:kocto::;i : M. i'.t;t.f.i-.r.i., C. H. !!orsf iv. Mult& OxShoein-, .-e'll-ehoy anything that h?r . f-oni ZWn o a Oiraffe. vjtcp anu sec us. ITJ7r SHOP & xrniu ui Tuiuitniuiurr aouMfier. I-EUiCiryAL -It JI. (77