I. r n T i 3 I f 1 ; i p i it 7- 3 it n j I r r PLATTSMOOTH IIfiRALD.it,. I'ti vYvJ: . iVl '.. vV.Li. f.. ... 0-C ZO j iix iiOIitL" Una cvjy one: j ti . j-.-CohJ tlxu utatt'-r. PLATTSMOUTIf, APIJII, The beef problem ii c'nZ f' in e near future, an all important ques tion for the western country, i'lie tide of Imiiiirritlvn thich "int ii.urs fo flov i(iifj it jijtle::" r mi.' r.t L: J,-; v.ai.l j the westein Mid i.ilhiiii un "O ?i.ttlf.l t nitoii, Vilidfc 11. .MijmuiI i s.'-cL j l.oiiii-3 to be devoted to asiicid- . vv I tur-il v,iir5tiit i i 1 ;t. ilr'.l i nvin7 tl;a va-.t cillle izig(.3 r.hich heretofore; have afforded aurr.iiu-r and v.ii.tcr i provender for millions f beef cattle. ! The policy of our government, inopen- uryeyed territory to the HOUSE, SIGN, AND Carriage Painter, (irainiii?. fila?ing, Paper Hanging, i ., 1 :? T i . lug up all British 3tate3inui need not dunns i setlltTj and of causliu; it all to be sur thc question of the depopulation of veyed, has placed the lare tracts of Ireland a cure for lirilhli roiarule, J territory hitherto known ai "cattle in that l3larl. Ci-oiaweiian -tutes- i rangr-s," at the merry of the .oettler, iuanship will not do for tl.i ; day a?id I an I the homesteader hu3 had iu qualms aae. if anvboriv ha; to mif-iatc from I of conscience in regard to invading ireland, let it be the Jrnh patriot. .me on-- tla thari KALSOMINING. Lt:tve ui Jen at V anick's. rhittsmcuth i el iTi-rE-EsiDNX Dim apeal in glw.v mg teims of the future trad..- aiid com ierce between Mexico and the United States. Tiade i3 rapidly iuciea.jin, and American capitalist a are received with ieat favor in Mexico. this pastoral territory; but on the con trary, he enters it with colors Hying. A prominent 3tock man in speaking of the confiscation of the cattle ranges by the nettler, the othei day, said, "A few doen Settlers upon a range de stroyed its value at onc as the stock man could not can for thoso larse herdr. of stock when :u-tt.'TS wero I cultivating th landT in the saino to ood an nuthority a Thomas A. i vic-Itiitv " Kdi?on declarer that wliil overhead I i.i.,, r .e-niicman ;i.iid. "At tho telegraph wire': are primarily oyt-, llti.,.fit rut.. of settlement, ten years -ores, overhead electric light wirea ai ; JOO. w,,nl,i uluv,rit destroy the ranges extix-im-ly .laiigeron.9. "Tlies..- wiiv-,- ; for tI(fl UUUKietu(.ui f i:irgo h.,id.; of r.e says, "have hoeu ti.e cause alre.idv j (..xlh. - T!lis win ,M.r.s&it.'d.- :m en of --erious peril.- Whuevcr Ihr.v nu- J v,lti,-.u in the rai sin;and haml- ling oi n very largo pt-rcentage f our bef f.itth-. Jitid wit! 'iy iiiati i ialb' infff-at- lli' "".l dt' jridiiiii'" the liUliWV .ill-1 I !! :-' iir lit I y Will ill-l!S it -j oiJiLi t valc.i.-. I lie I't.-babiiiiie; are that thl entire piocis by wliich a very large percentage of western beef i:- produced and marl eted today, wiil btf entirely revolutionized, the v uit Lords of ten'j and tvsentit.-s of ihnu sands uili br a tlu'nv of thp pat. the live i-tock shipment will be done away with, and viir rattle Slaughtered and shipped from the points in U.e we.-it ;u;pendcd lVoiu .letjrtipliy or -!--phone pole s, they uic liable .. oau- e lire by coioiujf into .nt;i- t v iih othtr .ire;, und, ni"ieovfr, it J- latui to iiKh tLcm --at iea'.-t !); lo-h Ion .i.n arc-lil,t wire:' 'it I: ..frl iinl tfll filiated to ulaiiii a iiCioau ' sayj Ldi iou. ' when he learn; that the slightest .;cuta..t of his person with a wire may be 33 deadly na a chot from a . ai.n.n. iir. Edison add: that "a Ian i on.p.ei ling all electric HLt . omj-anica to place their vvirei b;iicfth the roioid rtould cc-rtuiulv be a piudebt ciiact raent." Tl.i. i; liue, not onlv ol' Xt w Yori;; but cd every rily. and not oulyj fi.r.nt . f j the weary stock train, and the fat bul- j lock will tako in the eastern rnaikft drc''i! in the lateat fashion. CITY HOTEL. TUii beautiful tlnce try biick etructure. on lower Maid stiett, hiit Just beeu linislioit aud fitted l.y for the a. i omiuodutlou of T11A&15IENT CUSTOM FIIS. AXD liHGULAR riO AUD KH.S, EVERY THIHft NEW AND CLEAN A Good Bar in c.' i.iu otlon willi lUe Jiouie. 27tf. ri:i:i goos. rropr. nil.,, i " i i1 1 ! IT1 ! f i1 ' 'Pkjo-3 ' EASTWARD Daily WESTWARD. Exprens Trains for Pi-uver. 1 Dointn ! luM'tinK III I'ulou iMot lor nil iioints I Iliroupli ears via l'eoria to Indiana- Colorado. Utali. CalKoruin. and tfit entl r polls, i-.u-uni I'iiunian i aiace cars and w-si. l lie aovent oi tins line gives tlie tr a On CO II Pally lxross Trains for Oinaliu, Chica go, liannas Vily, at. IouI.i, and all iiomtn hast. olis. av coacheH on all tliroiili trains, aud veler a New Koute to the West, with seen e llninx cars east ef iMItsouri la.er. ry and al vantage) uneiuaied elsew here. : Tliroueli Tickets at the Lowest Itatt-s lire on sale at all the Important Nation, and liitRgajjre will be cheekeil to destination. Any Information as to rates, routes or time ta bled will be cheerfully furnished upon application to anv atrent or to I. H. Kl'MTIM, General Ticket Asent. Omaha, Neb. CALL AT Till: Old Reliable LUMBERYARD I. A. WiTMAN & M Wholesale and Itelall DralT In PINE LUMBER SH1XULES, LATH, SASH, HOOKS, BLINDS, Ac, Komth Street, in'iear oflOpeia House. 1'LATTSifOUTIT, - NKHItAs'KA Just deceived. a i im: i i m: of MEERSCHAU AND BRIAR PIPES OK Ulltl t T I St l'HTATI N. A Challenge 5c Cigar, H tally mail.- for the retail tr.tl ) VJty. at Pepperberg's Cigar Factory. HT, o ROBERT DONNELLY'S AUD BLACKSMITH SHOP, Wagon, Biujuu, Machine and Plow re pain'!:;, find general jobbing I aiu now prepared to d all kinds of repairing vi t farm and other machinery, as there i-j u iTuvul lath-- in iny si.iiji. I'KTKll 11 All EX, Jim old Iloliablo Vagon Maker i bus taken eli arg e of the wagon l.i-p. I lie i-i rtrll known ai a i NO. 1 WOK K MAN. j IV r vv vVu&oum huJ ftucalen i'.:aIe to I wrtier. j MAMSF.'.niON OCAKANTKiiO. J v ,mi!jA.,y. i l t. ana tmm bmi I or; SiLE Z'f is 7 ,- f.-.'v) p? M I " a - s-i .t; - Z "'mm 5 rJ T QZ C- rt vi n C 11 t, rt 4 a 3 a- 3 c c6 0 . - 3 , -3 x A r. i 3 i. CD CO o .2 CO a o o c3 c E I c T3 b3 o t 2 iixceisior ihb r? Al ri ! 7 ' 1 '! e ST. LOUIS, MO by J. R- Dwltc. i licjiitii '."' hfa-Js "-uti; !uiicur Wr.v -itivet. ; -twi . u f .i:).;!i 1 f,ftb, O. Si. S i KCKiirr. p.v.-in i-n Ma":.?"l. I'li.V-.l.-.MKi.Nri. "' 1 11 7ij i:-rl.l n l.iil r-.l F . 1 1 - - 11 , 1 1, 1 ' wire", telegrjj-.li wires an..l tilr-pKon;1 Wire. It i3 a que;tiou wlicther tho undcrgrcuud sy:tc-in wouKl uot, iu the long rua. c o: t the companlei less ihau tlie overlieil 5ytpni.-Clol? Democrat. Ji aiieu-3 that the veto of lovrinur Cleveland, of Xew York, of the law to reduce tlie fare3 upon tho f-levated ! i. til ways of Xew York, city, was partly based upon the grouud that the legi lature oould not pass a law fronstitn- ; I tionally i which would rut thf net ia ' . ome of tho r-orporation down hflow ten percent, of the actual cor.t of con- i xt. i i sirucuon, ana a j x nan not dpoji sji.vn PurniturE StorE HARRIS & UNRUH, ! FURNITURE t COFPIMTS, ,ii Liiidi oi rood i uiiiuliy Irerd in ft - ... - 7 'ill. I Xo oL.l stock to work oft". The latest patterns cf 9 Mr. IIexdriccs' uotioui abvut I lie tariff aeema to come within the line ..f what Ur. FilUy call? -'fi tile or igination j." The quesliou 1. not a vital cue. l.o declare". It Je-pcndj up- m the couditicn of trade, had demo . rfcuc dinereuces atout it "a it- appar ent rather lhau real." Tho IViaocrat proUcUou, ' iieC- tn io :a; but ; jvl f lith ,vith tj.e -tockholdt-ra of the . . , . , , -.hoaia the necessity come to deaiin? i vej raiiways I ' '- a very compl'nc stock of Fuueral Coods' nnaliy with the uo -tion "raisin-? ! Thu pretext of the -oVOi)lor ,,, Xw ! MCtalliC&WOQlIeilCOEES CaSkCtSMCS. a itjtuuc me imperii xoii oi a j :;UIH.ll'.'ll, .lUM il J II ll.in IliJUJlTII -illi-HIl I v2ZrjiSr' 7 -7 r A3r'i I ar j what the actual co.?t was. the liglsla- JSTSiK al-1 litre was, by th? nactmenl of the i SferSJiSs York, of course wa3 tho cloak ln hiud EMBLEMS, Ac. tarin;" he doe. not doubt thai -the ; whi?h lie 3llIeJcd himself in protect- Our Ne,v and elegantenrse 1, always in party wiii be fcuud n unit'' In fior . ing corporation in it.3 battle with j Ecinernber the place, in UNION cf sucL a roiicVj well a? "of ,:ccir ti.p r;ti-pn Th.t thp rp.nit hr.i i-.? m i iBLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO sidering infant isdu:tiic"-. ibatn . ,f FLOUJi. FEED AND FliO VISIONS. Very Higtess Market Price paid for Country Produce DREW BUILDING, PLATTSMUOTH. iViil J'Ul' and MiL all l imis ol FURNITURE, METALS, IR02T, RAGS !i v ri it J i il 4i5 35? fe $1 ( at Ja. m ix AT Cass County iron Works Governor Cleveland and the ic say, if wc catch Mr. jiciidricby j CTrner2 Gf the elevated rail way stocks idea, the Democratic pan. is disposed, j might l;ave fore3eeii. The 2ew York or ehculd be disposed, to ..ty to the j legislature immediately took steps to people, "We are infavor oi i. :e trade, ; a.rortain fact3 i(1 rcgara to thc ac. it that 13 what you want; but if you j tuaJ co;jt of construction and the net prefer a tariff for revenue only, vvl.y t income nf theso road?. The report that 13 our sentiment; and if ynu think ; , t, t , n u t of t, piuietiou wouki ue r.ette. , user, cam . foaiU u ieirt,senteii bv some $47,i)oo ua a unit for taking care rd ho... in-; 000 ia ro,inJ n,linber3 the actual ccst duslriea." It was a great mi-.f-nune j of thn 33mc i3 only 22,000,000. Doora sonth of Cass Coun ty Uank. Wliear wo may le found night o:- day. HARRIS &. UNRUH 9 2U13 I LATTSMOUTH. NEB. Tie Fail II that Mr. Hendricks did not attcad tlie Iroquoi3 banquet, and head .tt the iiery, untamed Harrison. And, by the way. where is that other profound and far-sc-eing- Indiana statesman. Mc Donald, while the brethren arc slrus ling with this matter of the tarilf. A few broken remarks from him in it uov would be quite opportune. Clobe Democrat. I at. Chicago Tribune alleges that the r.-al uivlive of the h3tiiity of-tl.r- li-c Tto.'k tiade to thc dreised meat trade i- an appreiicn.-ion that the rstablSiSmii i.f tle business of slaughtering :.nd drezaing cattle in the west will ultima!.' ! transfer that industry to localities mu. . i.eaier than Chicago to the ralile-rai ir lcioii;.'- If 20 let ir come. N.i . '.iv cau permanently olac J cihait the j rvess of tho BrC, ii there is lc:s .:::.' ia coijTeriiuf c-ii it imo meat for if... '. cii cocvtiiuptioii ii Jvansas City : m- -ha than at St. I ouis or Chicane. 0.- .''. ' This reveala the fact that the cost of construction, behind which Governor Cleveland and the owners of this de co.tid stock tire intrenchcl. is more than half of it zcatr.r. Summed up, thia case clearly exhib its to the public the honesty (?) of the i pretensions of these corporations, who ! claim the individual would rob them : uf what they term their vestal rights. i In speaking of this outrage perpe trated upon the public in Xew York by the t :horbitant. charges made by the elevated railroad. of thc city, the Globe-Democrat, of St. Louis, says: "It doc? not require any jjreat sagac ity Ut Bee that thr-so reports of the New York Railroad Commissioners are cull of significance They are definite advertisements to the people of what corporations are doing with tho right 01 eminent domain that they convert it hito an instrument for taking an iiDtlue amount of money from the porkets of those who grant it. and then cover the iniquity of their operations by over r.ipituliration. Jt may be said that there ij nothing new about thia; that THE K. C. St. J,. 5 C B. E. E. York ind Eostoa, the work i:- -vie. to 1 c don-a it the -s-esfcr point, ?.u."t piodarns -thaost everybody knows it aJ ready. , , r-r.. - t .ri-. i - r- v -r- Ti-. j. Ids may be true, but knowing a thing . iiiJeGaitely and bcin brought face to uettijii ij in?f.l cruc ov relauv.: r Jra.. ; faC8 w;tli it speeiacally, are very dif- isre, and th? cheaper rourcc v.i;: .: ,i j fereut matters, in the latter case the wiit to, comi out ahead It i e people are made sure that thfy have a v i,-f,rp ,1 r. Irp---i . . : light to defend thcmselvei against the l-r,f '' lfr? t,,f ,Ur"t;1 1 ' nI abuse of the privilege of eminent do traffic cao he carneu pern.auenti .-.t j r(ll;n j.,y jiuiiting the -profits cf thoie of the M,3sdippI. Globe Dciao. rat. ' who have begged for arid secured it. ThPrii a hem cA ar.n. f,.-,? in ti. a the New Yorkers liave .-atablished the n i 0,o,-. r.nc x riinciple already In the fact that they i UnzZ parawarL. , can cut down rates where th profits ! iouwhythc cattle and porL oi tin; I PICoed l0 per cent of the investment, vouatry should not be slaughtered 'il'1 ' Th3 next move i 3 to prevent the cor-! litre at at heme, where it is produced. . porations from lying about the invest The question ia neaaly oca of relatirc j ments, and it is just here that progress advantage aud the cheaper course will, 45 it ouht to, ccr.e cut fdipa 1. l he Hcxlz believes a getter and tct can te furnished our stcckirn Safest. Best am! Most Reliable LINK IN Til K WEST. Magnificent Dining Cars, Ebgaut Day Coaches, Pullman Palac331aeping Oars. 2 St. Louis Trains Daily, 2 Omaha Trains Daily, 2 Kansas City Trains Daily 2 Atchison Trains Daily, 1 '." T';.im for jt r-aui, Miaoeapolirj, Sioux City, -Vint ali points in noitbwpst.-rtitli Pullman Sleopiug Cars, Between Kansas Cil7 and St. Paul WI0MIO U'J CHANGE Ailtrau.; c-u ti-.ne,coni-.r.-iir.s for ali i-aiui East, West, North & South. TRkcU fui Zule ai "iii iC!v.i.ir ticket (-nice?, Info. mailon i..a Jiii atct tune, AC. i li.:-i -tuny iveu u utl.tic;ui .1. F. BAltNAiSD, A. C. W wes. Uen'l Hu.(, lien 1 Pass AgL-i.i. WAYMAN & KIRBY, Propr s. latt sixioijLtli . TsTeto. MANUFACTURE 113 OF IKON FRONTS. HOUSE COLUMNS, AND CASTINGS. PURS Will advance money on all SALABLE 0001)8, on lower Main street. Ojposite The Old Duke Building. Plattsmouth, Feb. 1st, 1883 40tf. Our facilities for heavy wwrk in Columns aucl Castings for UKiness Houses are not surpassed in the State. MACHINE REPAIRING of all kinds. Our Machine Shop ia for nil classes of work iu iron. Patronize Nebraska manufacturing-. We duplicHt-- ri'i ?:! :ri freight and time. Parties building in any part of the Stsiie should vuite for . t I IS AS A 0 ,-.-i . y r. o o 73 a o CO CO (4 ri 0 5 H iw CO 3 H- H Sherwood Plattsmouth, - Nob, GM A. VRISLEY 8c GO'S Napkoira March ltth, 1882, FLO UP r5 fl PLATTE MO 'V i ,- f. v EEST IN THE MARKET. Made OJVZTof Vegetable Oil ami lu ns lice I Tallow. To Induce liouHtkcepfcra to civo this Boaa n mill, nun Kvn dah rH ii ivR nivw a nvp lUIOJ TABIJi NAPKIN ThJa cTor la mado for a ehort time &nlr and . hoi.M t) tr.kon udvanta;e of at ONCE. TV VA:'.:; NT this Soap to do more wash - - u T C Jr:, than ear aoap In thi f mziix HAS IT. - j ..l!f4 Soaps. - A 1) SfT WlLoIesalc a oil lie tail. Cash paial for all kinds of counlry see me produce. Call and Opposite First National IBank. 3. IIAIJMEIfSl9 i' 1 . A T 'I S M O L" T I liy.ll.lA I'LidJHIMi COMPANV ba very fayjiity for (irst-clui' JOB PRISTTISTG. WEEPING WATER In row being made.' STAR ROUTES. Mi. Kvrr, of counsel for tho United States, In the r.hii ionic projeeiitioa i- here at r.oiT,e- hence, we Lave Ucn . v'- j b0W ou t3 inh day inakiu the optn -in2 the e3tabii.Li.-cnt of a porl: inching1 ! arBUnicBt. Hdi mu:t mal e Iti?er- L. JjKED, President. H. A.OIBSOX, Vice-rresMent. it PS o 5 L "BURLINGTON- ROUTE" vChicngc, Burlington & Quincy t?ai!road.) UAO T'A-V31-':'.' 1. V, W..-rvV. A,'VVC '-S- Pv. S. WII.KIXSOX. Cashier. eJtablihEient at Plattsmouth. THE IkISH NATIONAL LtAi:u. The Irish national leatnie is in z:z- sica in Philadelphia with a largo aS-j tead&iice. Deleatca from all reput able Irish organizations in thc United j states and Canada are entitled to c.-ati. This convention Las for it j object ihe union of all 85cietie3 throngotit Ihe civilized ' globe, in sympathy -with the cause of better - rule in Irelaud. The proceedings of tbi3 convention so far are characterized by a dianlOcd and temperate spirit. ' roll and Merilck netvorii u tliey srsi ' . 1 -1 11 . the laige juns ar.a wo'i pioooiy wj.i ; have to cloie the ya;e in mid tuiuiner. licxl mi tO 111 LUlvnU. rnnA ta iull oriaatYtfcr wnaoat ordMin il t A Geneiji Bdnkius: Bcsmess TransacleJ. IIKl-OMlTIil .iviTtJ j.1.1 Ii.tHic it allowed on Time Cti li lt cafes. ! IIKAI'TH j lUnvwt 4v.utiui.ir- ia ?.r y part of the United 1 SUrr ana uli the principal clUes of Euroj.e. I - l-.jT.-i V- T'-Vy-Vc-l'--.x sir about muTtrotion pclcM, aocorau en:lDtkrf. .ol vIuaU dinfcttoca for cUntin jtih. Mia flower 8evU. ly.feRflStSo. ITboit Mich. s Agents for the celebrated r, Hamnnrc Line rof S te mm. GjfiG MOS-JT.1 AND SOUTH Solil Trains of FJeaut Day Coat li3 and Pull man i'al.w Sleeping Cvn wv run daily to and fr.:n St, Lo'iis. vi Hannibal, Ouiiicr, Keokuk,; .iue COSMO CAST AKD VCGT. !. rei.t t;iy Coaches, Parlor Cars wi:h Iteciia- int Lliairs (seats free). Sruoki:i? C.iin. wiln ila volvlu? Chairs. Pullman Paliice HLvi)i.n Cam nn,1 Uie famous C. U. & Q. Uluin; t 'ars ran tlaiiy to uu.l from Chicago & Kansas Cty, Chicnw 1'ouncjJ uiuua, Limjigo ixa Aioir.es, 1 uicafio, si. Jo seph, AtcbiHoo & Toneka. Onlv throiurh line ha- tween Chicago, Lincoln t Penver. ThrousrU ears oetwtea Indianapolis & Uounidl BlufTn tU Peoria. Ail connections made In Union Depots. It ia known as thm great THKOUGH CAB LINE. Finest Equipped Railroad In the World for all ei 1. j. viuui ci. ixivus anu uiuiDiwa. unly ohm Chang of cars between St. Louis and Deui mojnes. lowa. Lincoln, Isebrasta, and Denver. It U uuivergaUy a4aUUd to b the mm rvV Trau.l Dvimtn . 1 T: - , v , . w,v-iv, j .iwramnuai i Manager, inayi'y AX LO-WIH-L, Oea, Pm4 Ar'Jj, O'. In Every Department. c " IV II K Tl ei Work LEG-AL SHilNrZS, -A-TJCTIOIsr BILLS, SLE BILLS, COMMERCIAL TPiisrTiisro Ozvr Stoclc of JBlctnJc JPapej-s And materials is large and compiete in every department. OBDlijRS BY MAIL SOLICITED PLATTSMOUTH HERALD PUB CO 1 I 1