Ho VOL. 1 PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APKIL 20, 1883. NO. 47. Bg&o FISHIBILATT of DES MOINES 03IAI1A ON ACCOUNT OF HIS Immense Practice in WILL MAKE HIS Saturday, May 19, 1883 AKD WILL REMAIN ONE DAY, AT THE WHERE HE CAN HE CON.MTLTEI ON THE Ear & Bye, Throat & Louis, Calarrli, liters, Bladder and Female Diseases as Well as All Chronic and Nervous Diseases. DE. FISHBLATT Ifa discover, d the greatest cure in the world for we:iknesi of the back And limbs. Invol notary tilst-buri-ee. iii.p.;tcncy. general debility, i!t'tvi)i;sho, l.-.iour. cutifuMon of Ideas, palpi- throat, nojte er skin, nffectlnr.s of the liv.-r. iini- .ir.. ..-.-. V,. ...!.. i.-. .,..i.i ,ii . a""' iira ma'v iiiimi.s i vouiii -aim hi cn-i prr.ct :f nioie wiiji- .f Syr i ! l!.f marine 1'Iym,m. I.lietit'i! t! ..- rei.m ii.." i:ia .V ll.tl.llif '4 Uox' l U;u ysifiii. c:tusn '"''s iita ilio cYil f. NElKVCUS 'I be S llit:ill. i.f Wub b ;.r- .i .ln. in ;ni tl dune, i.. .hf- i . Uepit-i.j i rtpirit.H. t-t i. i-i i i.i .. Rf UUlll-V. Illill.il UI..I til.M'.ill , . . ,. , I ;i.-t of r..inp;,ii ami nay, pit : i- :, t OM. cii'Ii dl llili ; Jil. i I' 1 ;.imi lit in Ihf lltub.t. r.. MM. r,i, i-i, ,.e i: OUNG . ho have become victim,- of .-f:lit:iry vice, that tiicjuit.l ami .ici-truc-Uv habit wlijcb annuallv rtep to :iii untimely uravc ;l). iiandM.f ; oui'j-km-ii 1 t-xaiu d talfiil anu bnlliaiit lulrllect ' who iniKht othrri.sr. eiitraiice li.-tt-nii.K flalol.H w.ili tlie tauuiierd of tut ir eloqu ucc or ttaker to testacy liviug lyre, la.iy call wiu co!it!dcii;-e. MARRIAGE. nbirried crr-c:i.i or youiis n.eii eonteini.Iatiiij; marriage ben are of physical weakcess. '; Lttss of prot-jfiiiive power, impoti-r.cy i.r any other disjiiai!ticatU):i speedily relieved, lie who place hiiiiHeif under tin cure ol Dr. tisiiLlati may religiously cuutide in Hi tio. or as a Kcm leiuau. and coulidentiy rely utou bin skill an a pliyMciaii. ' organ al, Weakness Iniinedi.itely ""red and full vigor restored, niis dbtiesHini; affection, which renders life a bur- ulaUiin.liriiiip.n5ii.ii-. me -naii) uaj eu oy me victim lor nil pro per liidulKeuc ioungnien are apt to coin;..it vxce-e from not l.einj; aware of the dreadful toiise.iueiiceVtha may ensue. Now who that understands thin subject tt ill deny that procreation Is lost sooner by those falliiic into iinproperl-.abits than by the rrudent. Besides being deurived of the Dleas uresof healthy offsprings, the mwit s'eiiom and de.vtiuetlve J inpioini, of both mind and body tlie poweti-. nenou- irritatbility, dyspepwia. palpitation ot the heart tionat debility, wasting of the frame, couth coiir-uinption and death. A CURE WARRANTED. leron ruined in health by unlearned pretenders who keep them irininu mouth u taking poivoiiou and injui ioisi ciiniponiid., should apply immediately. Uiri. lC5hlirJL,A 11, graduated at oih nf flifl most eminent r.nllofr. In li I.. Karl . . . x ... jno.t loni-h us cures that wre" ever knoSn. Mny troubled' "rlS g la the ear. an . ' n "r" i certain counus, wit a frequent blusbice-. attended foinetimeo wnh derar.jement of the mind, were cured lmmediatHv oiusuing-. TAKE PARTICUAR NOTICE. Dr. F. addresses sv'.l those who have injured themselves by iniprooer luduleenee and solitrv habits which ruin both mind and bod v. unnttinK them for business. Ttudy ,.oXly or nir ate rhee are some of the ad. ineloncholy eflects prodtced by the early habit. of youib "viz S eakness of the bark and limbs, pains in the bead and dimness of s'eU. toss of tntacular' ikw liebmy: cSnM"nttloIbete" U ,,ri,ria- writ-llity.dpraiieaibu.i of digestive lunctlJn.. PRIVATE OFFICE, OVER OMAHA NAT'L BANK. tlonthrouKb the mail by slmpiyend me their symptoms with postage. ,c-'e "rou.pi aacn- Addres lxxk Hx 3. Omaha. N l bend postal for copy of the Medicu! Ad van re. Oh, Yes ! (Dm Eta (M have arrived, and I Dress (in-"-;. Ti n t'p.Ii'-; F.ri'., anv o-lior !.iu- in ' - full Grocerles On? Goods & AND at prices to defy competion. Tin: MEDICAL DISl'ENSAMS. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, NEXT VISIT ON latal t tit: victim than the "iiriit liopc.H ur mi: ici pillions : il-j.ir..y ttclr ;eci.tal and pbysles' O..I3ILJTY. i:r.;:: ..(n for ptiijr-rmlnir their bus- ' ! - the action oi Hie heart I.-, :.n . i"n,t-. iiihtx, dizziness, for- . .j..-, annig. melancholy, tire i " l. . ii" i i. - lit the lnoriillilf ax wlieu r- f .411 111 ll.i' i.li.u ii.irviniMiiikiM iri.inMli.1. - ....... ..- . . III l lutv lll.M(uri3 . ' ! i"iim i.tnvua i;vif i.rfi, paiu anu wmuk .ini'i.i:.;cij aim 4- it Kioltd to ptru-cl (itiiltli. MkLN indiBeKtiyn, constitu- orocrea- after month e aud edlately. will continue to sell Motions at i.o-.vek wjicks th.in tlif co"Titrv. line of Queens ware Yours Kespctfully, QPERA house block. 5 -VtV -- - 1 i.--r-- (pi nn Order. tken for WILSON EIJOS.' S11IRTS DKOKfCR BKOS.' D B.H BOARD by ;he DAY or WKEK. EASTWARD Dailv Espresrains for Omaha. Chlea- t. Louis, and nil points hast. Throuph cars via l'eoila to Indiana- olorado I tali. Caluornia. aud the entire polis. Elegant Pullman Palace Cars :nd , West, lhe advent of this line gives the tra-i Dav coaches on all through fains,, and j veler a New Route to the West, with scene-: DiiilnK car east ef Miesouri River. ry and advantages unequaled elsewhere, j Throuh Tickets at the Lowesi Rates are on sale at all the important stations, and bappatre will be cheeked to destination. Any information as to rates, routes or tips ta-v bles will be cheerfully furnished upon r.ppM?:?tion to anv atrent or tj l . KLSTIJ. GriieralTtciHct Aot, Omaha, Neb. The 1'L.ATTSMOUTH HERALD every facility JOB PRINTING, In Every Department. Catalogues $ LEGAL BLANKS, -ATJOTIOISr BI COMMBBOIAL; Oizi Stools . of BlcLThk Fajpers And materials is large and complete in every department. OX)H.S 33 "5T MAIL SOLICITED-. PLATTSMOUTH HERALD PUB. CO - - OPERA IICUSE AND FDRN USHERS. GENTS' TOST OFFICE BTATIONEHV. NOTIONS, C1QAES. MASON & HAMLIN IlhNIlY F. MII.I.EU and CENTRAL RESTAURANT. Meals at A 11 Hours. OYSTERS IN SEASON. WISTWAKD. Dally Express Trains for Denver, con- neetlng in t nion Depot lor all points in PUBLISHING COMPANY has for first-class Pamphlet Work jLS, f TELEGRAPHIC WASHINGTON NEWS. Weather Stations Abandoned Other Items of Interest. CN'VEILINO CEREMONIES. Washington, April i. The statue of the late Prof. Henry, first uecretary and d i rector vt ti e Smithsonian iosti- tutiun, whirltim fxn en puon'the .Siiiithsoiiian j rounds, was en Tailed to. day, with nj ptopriate iCKmony. in the presence of a Jarue company of spectators, incluiling many prominent persona. "l'ANISH TREATIES. Secretary Frelinghuysen today ex changed with the Spanish minister ratification of the trade mark, and extradition treaties between the United States and Spain. FINISHED THE COUNT. The counting committee to verify the treasury cash and accounts in transfer from Gilflllau to Wyman to day finished their examination of money and securities. The commit tee found an excees of three centt in favor of GWfillan. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. The national academy of sciences held only a business sesBion today, which was occupied in the considera tion of candidates for membership. Prof. Simon Newcombe was elected vice president, and Trof. Asaph Hall, home secretary. THE WEATHER SERVICE. General Hazen today telegraphed to weather observers in the WeBt Indies that after the 30th inst. no more re ports on cyclones cau be made. Ow ing to the failure cf congress to make appropriations these stations will be abandoned. THANK GOD. THEY ARE NEARLY TriROUOH. In the star route case Judge Wylie decided in view of the unusual num ber of counsel for the defense, it would be manifestly unfair to allow the pros ecution as many summing up or open- ing arguments as they desired. When it came to the closing the government would be confined to one argument by one counsel. Kerr commenced sum-! Wing up for the government, and re ferred to the voluminous record of over 4,400 pages. He said it was his duty to bring the salient points to the atten tion of the jury. He wished the jury to bear in mind that if-they found the defendants guilty, and there was any error the court could pet aside the ver dict, but if they returned a verdict of not guilty, no power on earth could recall the action. He then began a de tailed review of the testimony. In his remarks Kerr commented severely upon Dorsey's forget fulness and his de fective eyesight, which prevented him from reading the largest head lines, and yet permitted him to single out a paper in Merrick's hand, and recognize a face clear across the room. Court adjourned with Kerr still on the floor. It is likely he will occupy several days. ! FROM ALL PARTS. Horrible Outrage Upon Two Little Girls. Kicking Whiskey Men. AN EXTRAVAGANT CITY. MISCELLANEOUS, ETC. THE 103TH ANNIVERSARY. Boston, April 19. The one hundred and eigth anniversary of the battle of Concord and Lexington was observed today by the firing of cannon, display of flags, and display of military or ganizations. MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. Boston, April 19. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy company do not guarantee the indebtedness of the Hannibal & St. Joe. All the St. Joe stockholders hare the privilege of sel ling on the sajse terms as the large holders. ABOUT ABE LINCOLN. New Yobs, April 19. Ex-President Grant, in introducing ex-Vice President-Colfax at his lecture upon the late Prosident Lincoln, said he had heard Abraham Lincoln tell innumerr able stories, but he never beard one from his lips that might not be re peated from that very platform. JUDGMENT OBTAINED. Xzw Orueans, April 19. The gov rrnwent h efetitoed jodf&t against F. W. Ilerron, lurety on th bond of Geu. James Steadman, of Ohio, internal revenue collector for this dl trict in 167, and in 1IG8. for $loo,oi with interest from date of judicial de mand.' Stead man's thortage is placed at 9300,000. The counsel excepted to take Judge Hillings' charge. MANAGEMENT OF THE ALMS HOUSE. Butfaeo, April 10. The commu council committee to Inquire into the county alms house, found Keeper ttusch guilty of the most reckless mis management, bringing about a wilful waste of 3,000 of the public funds The report includes charges of perjury before the committee. The district attorney is asked to present the ease to the grand jnry. . . . HANGING TOO GOOD FOR THEM. Warsaw, Ind., April 19. Two girls. Lem Kunyan and Ella Christ, ten and twelve years old, while out gathering vines for the purpose of decorating the school room, was accosted by two rutBans, chloroformed, and outraged. The girls made their way home, and are now in a critical state, owing partly to nervous prostration. Citizens have organized a search, but no clue thus far. SHORT IN UIS ACCOUNTS. L.AFAYETTE, IND., April IV An a result of the recent examination of the accounts of Postmaster W. S. Lin glet of this city, by inspector Stewart. of Chicago, he is found to be 31,200 short. The postmaster savs he be lieves his clerks are all honest, and the shortage cornea from stamps loaned to neighboring offices, which will all in short time be restored Lingle is editor of the evening Courier. THE SALOON KEEPERS KICK. Cincinnati, April 10. The saloon keepers' association nave formally de termined to oppose bj every legal method available the operations which impose a lax of 8200 a year on all sa- oons where spirituous liquors are sold. t is understood brewers and whisky dealers will join in the opposition to the law. The plan will proLably be to get a test case before the courts as soon as possible, and try the constitu tionality of the law. COW BOYS ON A STRIKE. Chicago. April 10. A Fort Worth, Texas, special says : Between two and three hundred cow beys on ranches on the Pan Handle are on a strike for an increase from $30 to 850 per month and board. The men are well armed and threaten to kill any new men, Are ranches, and work general trouble. Some of the largest companies signify their unwillingness to mtet the de mands, and are now taking steps to procure the services of United States troops of Texas rangers to potect their property. THE PRESIDENT. Savannah, April 10. The Tallapo- so came up to the city this morning, and the President landed. After lunch with Capt. Mercer, the president visit ed Scheutzen park, the guest of the Savannah rifle association. A drive through Thunderbolt cemetery fol lowed, and the president then returned to the city and held a reception at the citv exchanze. shaking hands with white and black. The president's par ty leave Savannah Friday afternoon for Fortress Monroe, and will arrive in Washington Wednesday. FROM ACROSS THE SEA. Parliament Buildings on Fire. General Miscellany. STATUE VNVEILEO. London, April 18. Sir Stafford North- cote unveiled the statue of Lord Beacons- field in Parliament square today. QEXEBAL DIAZ. Mexico, April 10. Clubs hare been organized in Vera Cruz to promote the election of General Diaz for president in 1834. WORK OF THIEVES. Havana, April 18. An examination shows that the thieves who broke into the vault where the government deposits its 6 tarn pa secured postage acd telegraph stamps and stamped paper to the amount of $280,000. A SCSriCIOCS CITARACEER. Dcblix, Apr? 18. It is stated that Eugene Kirkburn arrived yesterday. He is supposed to be connected with the Phoenix Park murder. He was for some time head of the inner circle of invincibles. FH02NIX TABIC TRIALS. Dublin, April 18. Timothy Kelley, charged with participating in the mur ders of Cavendish and Burke, waa placed oa trial tbia morning. Sullivan and Mclneery were appointed to conduct the defense, Judge O'Brien having com plied with a request of Dr. Webb and Adams, to be relieved from further dutr in defending the 'accused men. The jury was then sworn in, one of whom is a Parnellite. Consequently it il expect ed tbet theory will fa& to age. ODJKXOTAS ROMA. The lime nj that if Lyacb'a ei deace c u be uitfactorily proved, aid i' can b fcbowfi that O'PonnoTati ItoMa furoiibed the Urge torn of money foani on Dr Gallagher, it will be a question fr consideration whether O'Doobcvaa Rom csu't by romt International pro ceduro be made amenable to the laws f the empire. Irlh conspirators, . the Tunc tats, mut be cooaidered crimin als, and not belligerents. A bio rise. Qt:kbbc, April 10. The parllaaaat baildings are n fire, and will be a total loss. When the Are waa first discovered half of i he t'rucurt was la flames. The flro- men were quirk at work, but the flame had the mastery, and were soon bunting ft om every window of the main bleck. Tbo wholu city waa lit up, and thousands of peopla thronged the streets. The Quebec cavalry were drilling st tba time, and the battery from the citadel marched to the acne and saved perhaps half of the library. The weat wing ef the buildiug coutainiug committee room., was alone eared, but luacb daiu aged. All the walla were burned. The building waa insured. A new atoua par liament bouae will be erected, contracts for which were gircu out a few weeks ago. The government, however, pays in perpetually to the archbishop of Que bee a ground rental of four thousand annually. l'lattanioiitb Telephone fcichaage. 1 J. P. Young, residence. 3 Bennett & Lewis, .tore. S M. B. Murphy St Co., " 4 Bonner Btabfea. a Coanty Clerk', offlca. a H. B. Law!., residence. 7 J. V. Weckbach, store. 5 Western Union TelKrspk Ilea, e D. Ji. Wheeler, residence. 10 I. a. Campbell, " 14 K. B. Wludoam, " 13 J&o. Waymau, 16 J. W. Jrnuluirs, 17 W. K. Wise, office. it Morrhuey Bros., office, 10 W It. Carter, .tore. 20 G. W. Fairfield, r.aldeaee. XI M. B Murphy, Zt 1. II. Wheeler & Co . office. 23 J. F. Taylor, residence. 24 First National Bank. & F. E. Runner's office. 2 .1. F. Younjf. store. 28 Ferkln House. ' R. W. H vers, residence. ill Journal office. il FalrQeld's Ice office. 34 Hkmai.o Fcb. Co offlee. K J. N. Wise, residence. H, M. Chapman, " :t7 W. 1. lones, " M A. N. Aulllvan, " 30 II. K. Palmer. " 40 W. 11. Kchlldknecht, office. 41 Sullivan ti Wooy, 4i A. W. Mcutughllu. reftlUeace. 43 A. Patterson, liver)'. 44 C M. Holme., , 45 L. D-Bennett. renidewe. 44 Geo. e. Bmith, office. 4T L. A. Moore, nor-.st. 49 .1. . Karnes. rUdnc. M K. K. I.lviiiratoli. offlej). aoT J. V. WeckWh, realdeaee. 35 CbauUin Wright. 30 W. II. Hcblidkuncbt " 3lri Geo. 8 Hmlth. V K. K, LiTingiitoa. " 213 C. C. Ballard, The switch board connects PlatUtuoath "lite Ashland, Arlington, IJUir, Council Bluff., Fre mont. Llnenin. OiHaha Elk horn Mtatloa. Papilllon. Hmiiix&eiu, LoulsvUle Hoota Ba4 ina waveriy. riaitmenth City Markets. raoriHio.vs, ratiT, rano c. (ajrrAtx) Ceported by M. B. MarVby St C. Flour Meal Bran . S4.M Q44.M er ewt. , Si " as e - f l.a SJ.ee - S.ee - 3M&acte per 15 - - , 17 - - 14 - - 15 M Chopped Feed uv riour Graham Flour Butter Cheese (part kim).. Chee.e(fuH cream). Hugar Cured Hams.. Bacon. , Hlioulder. Dried Beef IS Poultry f4.B0CS.oo aerSwk . . 10 u e. - jeo . " , 403eet. 9r bo. St.ee 76ote - 74 rt. ...lS OSl.38.-.- lMptfiat Ega. Cabbage Cboica Potatoes Hweet " Beets Onions Annies (winter) Sweet Cider Oysters, select Common. '8 B55 For Sale ! NEJ, Sec. 3, T. 12, It. 13. S E 4, Sec. 3, T. 12, R. 13. S. W. Sec. S, T. 12, R. 13. and N N. W. Sec, 10, T. 12, R. 13. EJ S. W. Sec. 84, T. 13, K. 13 E Lot 10, Block 28. " 3, " 60. " 7 & 9, " 23. , " u. Dulco's Addition. The above described farm aro for sale on long tune, with 7 per cent, interest. Apply to R. B. WINDUAH, d9tf Plattainottth, Kek WARRANTY DEEDS MORTGAGE DEEDS CHATTEL MORTGAGES QUIT CLAIM DEEDS AND LEASES Secure thtm at tbo Phttcmontb Herald OOo