4uKi 0tlll VOL. 1 LMwVTTSMOUTII, XKHKASKA, TUESDAY, APRIL 17, LSS'l. NO. M. She fern It A. I! DE. FISHIBILATT OF TIIK . I)KS MOINES s OMAHA MEDICAL D1SPENSAR1S, OX ACCOUNT OF HIS Immense Practice in Plattsmouth, Nebraska, WILL XIAKK HIS NKXT VISIT ONf Saturday, May 19, 1883 AA'l) WILL It KM A IN ONE DAY, at Tin: WIIElCi: HE CAN HE CONSULTED ON THE Ear & Eye, Throat & Langs, Catarrh, Kiflneys, Bladder and Female Diseases as Well as All Chronic and Nervous Diseases. DR. FISHBLATT 1 1.1-4 ili-t ivrel the greatest curr in the world for weeklies of the back and limbs. Invol untary ii.-i-liaiK'-. impoieuey, n'iifi;tl deliilit v. nervoiisiK'HH, laiipuir, eouf u.sion of idesm, ali 1:iiii of the heart, timidity, liriilliiif. tliiiinesM of fii;lit or L'iddinesK. dixeae.s of the hend, tliniitt. nose ir .skin, atleetiou.s of the liver, luni:. vtomueli or bowels these terrible disorders, a; :siiik froiu solitary liubits of youth ami neeret praetlceo more fatal to the victim than the polios of Syren to the mariner of I ly.ssjs, blighting their niOHt radient hopes or anticipations. reiHleriug marriage imposMble. Those that are Buttering from the evil practice, which destroy their mental and physical nvsteii), tausiuul NERVOUS DEBILITY. The sympto:ns of which are a dull' distressed mind, which unfit them for performing their bus-ine-s and sueial dittiee, makes happy marriage iniporfible, diftrecses the action of the heart depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fears, dreams, restless nighte, dizziueM. for i;eii illness, unnatural dLscharev, pain in the back and hip, short breathing, melancholy, tire euMly of company and have preference to be alon, feeling a tired in the morning as when re liriiis;. seminal weakiies. lor-t manhood, w hite bone deposit in tlie urine, iiervourmesB, trembling loiuiifioii of thought, watery and weak eyes, dyspepsia, constipation, paleuexs, pain and wvak nefs in the limbs, c:c, elioufd coiiMilt me immediately and be restored to perfect health. YOUNG MEN Who have become victimx of solitary vice, that dreadful aud destructive habit which annually KiiTpK to an untimely grave thou.-ands of jouiik men ot exalted talent and brilliant intellect who miht otherwise entrance listening venatois with the thiimlern of their eloquence or waken to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with confidence. MARRIAGE. Married perrons or young men contemplating marriage beware of physical weakness. Lss of proereative power, iinpotency or any other li.jualiticalion speedily relieved. He w ho place himself under the care of Dr. b'ishblatt may religiously confide in his uoor us a gentleman, aud 1'oiitideiitly rely upon hi" skill an a physician. ORGAN AL, WEAKNESS Immediately cured and full vigor restored. This distressing alfection. which renders life a bur den aud marriage impossible, is the penally payed by the vn iini for improper iudulgeuc. - - I ..... . .1 ., .1 . . 1 Oitng men are api 10 commit rAurfrr. 110111 fi.ut; ui niu iiit-cmmi uuii:ej neuter iiiai l;l:iy ensue. iow WUt lliai llll'icr-liliiu in" nnji-i Miii ueuy iii.ll piociuaimu lu.ti nuyuci tho.e falling into Improper habits than by the prudent, licsidf-s being deprived of the pleas ures ot healthy offsprings, the most serious and destructive symplouiri of both mind and body ari.-e. The svsiem becomes deranged, the physical and mental power weaken. Lost pro:rea tive iMiwerri. neioi; urilatbility. dyspcpxia. palpitation of the heart, imligcr-tiou, constitu tional debility, wasting of the frame, cough conr-umptiou aud death. A CURE WARRANTED. ferrous ruined in health by unlearned pretenders who keeps them trifling imuith after mouth taking H:riiout and injuiious compounds, should apply iiimied lately. DR. FISHBLATT, cr iduaied c.t one of the most eminent colleges in the I nited states, has effected some of the inoft atoni-h ng cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears aud head w lifii asleep, great uervousnefs. neing aianuru aieei iawi roiinus. wiui ireiuui oiuuiugt. utteudrd fometimen with del at.gement of the mind, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICUAR NOTICE. Dr. K. addresses all thos who have injured themselves by improper tndulfeuee and solitary habits which ruin both mind e.iid bodv, unritting them for business, study, nociety or marriage. Thee are some of the ad. ineloticholy effects prodtced by the early habits of youth, viz. w-.L-n.-,. .r tlie back nd limbs. n;iii:s in the head and dimnesi of sliiitt. loss of muscular pow er, palpitation of the heart, dy.peprin. ucrvoiif irrital'llity, derangement of digestive fuuctioim. ileuimy. consumption, eic. PRIVATE OFFICE, OVER OMAHA NAT'L BANK. CONSULTATION FREE. Charges moderate and within the reach of all who need Scleutill Medical treatment. Thone w ho reside at a distance ana cannot call will reclcve prompt atten tion through the mail by simplyiending their symptoms with postage. . Address lek Box 3. Omaha, Neb. bend postal for copy ot the Medical Advance. Oh, Yes ! (tar Eto (BdMDi have arrived, and I will continue to sell Dry Goods & Notions Dress Goods, Trimmings Etc., at lowek r kicks than any other house in the country. Alto a full line of Groceries, Queensware AND OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. at rices to defy competion. Yours IJespctfully, W. H.Baker. Tu nn OPEKA HOUSE Ordors taktm for WILSON BKOS.' SHI K i h AND GENTS' FURNISHERS. JoOoiigp TOST OFFICE Sews Depot, STATfOXEKV, N(TIOXS. MA.SOX & IIAMLIX M Er n a bft. UlliwO y i. y. U " p hkxuv r. mim.k K ami DKCKEK BKOS.' TELEGRAPHIC UAI'ITOLNOTKS. Infected Grape Vines. C IllllfeM' .StlgUIN. Wash i. no ton, A.rii 1R. Mrf. A. E. Palmer was itxhty jij,oint I ji'oafniH trcss tit St. Marys, Kansas. 11. M. Doprsjet, LMitcl States luiiiistcr tt Htuiolulii. has titmle a full report con cerning tin- ri-jmrt Unit Chinese sugars weru boin ; lroupjlit ti the Saiiilwich Islar.da, ri!i, fnim there imp rle.l t the United State duty free, un-ler the Iluw niian tiejity. The mini.-lor com Imles liis report by stating that he is (irmly of the belief that no Chinese Miii'ir 1ms been brought In the Ifauniian i.lainls ati'l leshipped as charge.!. 1 lie treasury department has l;een in formed ti nt a quantity of vine cuttiiigH have boon imported into the port of New York from China, which the custom house officers think are infected with phylloxera. There is no law authorizing the dcsl ruction of such importations. The treasury department recoguizes the fact that this is a matter of great im portance to the vine interests of this country, and will confer with the agri cultural department on this subject. ESCAl'E OF CONVICTS. WORK IN THE PINERIES. Progress of the Schiller Case. walking down the truck between the round house and piHM-nger depot. Her companion heard the train and oitcapcd. The engineer tt)H he could not kcc the track in front of the engine. The brake, ir.nn who was nu (he Lead cur Buy lie called loudly. The wind wa very high, which prevented Ids being heard. A married biuter of Miss Holmes resides near Perry. A OKA VE O.LEHTION. C'jucaoo, April 10. The various jour nals here are discussing the method ol served in buyiug the pauper dead, and the warden of the county hospital in made to say that ono Chuppel, county undertaker, sells seventy-live per cent of the Indies to medical college Jn cttia and other cities, andjhat his reyeuue from (his t-ouree has exceeded 6,000 au uuully. It is alfG charged by those who have. viild potter'ti field that bodies of dead babies have been interred by sim ply throwing a few shovelfuls of earth upon them, and that evidence of that re volting usage of the deceased is furn ished by skulls and bones being found in varioul portions of the field with no earth covering them. ASHIUNMKNT. PriTsiituo, April 10. James Marshall Si Co., iron pipe manufacturers, and one of the largest firms in the city, assigned today, to (Jcorgc I. Whitney, for the ben efit of creditors. Liabilities, $1,500,000; assets, about $120,000. The fail ure is caused by too extensive specula tions in pig iron. Since 1851) James Marshall has been purchasing largely of pig iron under the belief that the price must advance. Pittsburg banks are the largest creditors, but they will lose noth ing, as the- have collateral for the loans which will realize the amount of paper held by them. The failure created a surprise in busiucss circles, but was not entirely unexpected. The firm are per- sonallj very highly regarded, and have the warmest sympathy of the business community. warned of the fine of 100 pouodl to be Imposed on each absentee. rUltMinouth I It j MarktU. I MO I-.IONH, kt IT, IP KD AC (MtTAII.) i:rirteil by M. 11. Murphy u ('. I- lour Mm1 limn Choired Feed Jty r lour (imhitiii Flour flutter heee (Iihi t nklin). .. ( Iirpxe (lull rreiiin).. HuKr Cured llmim... Uncoil HhouluVrs Dried Berf I'oultry Kkk t'alilmK Cbolew I'otMtoel Mwfrt " Heel Oliloun Apples (winter) Hwert Cldrr Oyntrra, ilect l oiuiuuu .. 3.00(f.4.Utperct. Ii.va " 6 0 " M i nto " , in A4,jr-cl per 15 " J " " 17 " 14 " M IS " " 18 " . ui s ou perdi. . . . 10 u l'-"i e. oo o. M Vtf r. per bu. i.m " 7 cm " 7et " lio per gl per ca riattMinotitli Telephone Kxcbanfe. 1 .1. 1. Vounu. rlueiiee. I Itetmett &. Lew In. store, a M. It. Mui pliy Si Co.. " 4 JJoiiner htuble. A t'omity Clerk's oltlee. (t K. H. I-ewln, resldeure. 7 .1. V. Weckbacu. lore. Western Union Telenraph ofllce. V D. 11. Wlieeler, renldeuco. 10 D. A. C'aiiipbell, 14 R. IS. Wludliam, " 1.1 J no. Waytuiiu, 10 .1. W. JenuliiKL " 17 W. H. Wle. omce. IS Morrlsney Bros., oftlee. 1 W. K. Carter, tor. m . w. Fatrneia, rniuuc. . i M. M Murpuy, " D. II. Wlieeler S uo . oiuee. J. 1. Taylor, residence. Ktrnt National lluuk. 1. K. Kuffner's office. J. F. Young, "tore. Ferktim House. t. W. liver, residence. JouruHl orilcc. Fall field' Ice ofllce Hkkai.d Fen. Co office. J. N. Wise, residence. S. M. I 'tmpinan, " W. D. loiies, " A. N. Sullivan, " II. V.. Faliner. " W. II. hcliilIkueelit, office. Hull i van & Wooley, A. W. Mci-aut'liUu. resldeDOe. A. Faltersou. livery. C. M. HoUnes, " I-. 1. Bennett, residence, lieu. M. Huiltli, oftlee. !, A. Moore, tlort. J, W. Banies. renldenee. If 1 Ivililntdll. fitllee. J." V.' Wcekoacli, reeidenec. Ceiieial MUcellaiiy. OTHER LAOS. Ti S 24 ' 2H 2S 31 32 34 36 37 3H 3J 4 41 42 43 44 4.1 VI 4 4!) M J7 340 34H 3.V1 312 'l. .l .In Wlh'hl W. Jl. MclilIUKuectu " :i s Hmliti. K. It, UvinjjHton. " irt.. ...!.. I. I.....f.l .iiimitflrf t'lutturnfilltll wllk Ashland, Arllnuton, IJUIr, Council Bluff, Vf- liiooi. i.uieoio. iimiii. " .... J I'unllllon. .SurliiKlleld. i.ouUvllle Mouth lleod and Waverly. P BOARD by lhe DAY or WEEK. tally, CEXTItAT, RESTAURANT. Meals at All Hours. OYSTERS IN SEASON. 9 CP EASTWARD- WESTWARD. Daily Express Trains for Omaha. Cliica- . Ditily Exju-eesi Trains for Denver, con-, go, Kaunas City, St. Kouis, and all points neetins in tTnion Depot for all points in East. Through cars via l'eoria to Indiana- ' 'olorado. I'tah. California, and the entire iMolis. Elegant l'ullnian 1'alace Cars and j West. 1 lie advent of this line selves the tra-; Dav coaches on all through trains, and : veler a New Koute to the Wct, with seene DininR cars east ef Missouri Iliver. ry aud advantages unequaled elsewhere. Through Tickets at the Lowest Hates are on sale at all the important stations, and bfKjjaee will be checked to destination. Any information as to rates, routes or timeta bles will be cheerfully furnished upon application to anv azent or to P. 4. KirKTIM. General Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb. part was The l'l.ATTSMOUTII HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY every facility for Grst-class JOB In Every Department. atalogue has s i Pamoiilet Work -A.TJOTI03ST BILLS, SLDE BILL COMMBBCIAL Ou7 SlocJc of J3lcmJc Fajpeis And materials is large and complete in every department. OZRD:Bj:R,S :B"5r MAIL SOLICITiri-n- PLATTSMOUTH HERALD PUB. CO Subscribe for iJ-b e.jDcLily HoraCcl THE MARQUIS OF LOItNE. Boston, April 1C The Marquis of Lome and the Princess Louise drove out this morning. They leave for Canada this evening. THE PINERIES. St. Paul, April 1G. Work in the pineries is practically suspended. It is estimated that the total cut of logs on streams is about 5:;5,i,0,000 feet, or 50,000,000 feel in excess of any former year. HE WAS INSPIRED. Boston, April 16. Freeman, in spired two years jio to offer his little daughter, and killed the child, is per fectly sane, :md will be arraigned for murder, lie says the inspiration came from lhe devil. MORE DYNAMITE. New York, April 16. A dynamite cartridge was found today in the base ment of Itinaldo fc Co.'s factory, Schemmetham street, Brooklyn. One hundred girls work in the upper of the building. The cartridge sufficient to demolish the factory. they got away. Helena, Ark., April 10. Fifteen penitentiary convicts escaped Sunday morning from Gault Bros, and Burness lessees. Ten were recaptm-ed. The others have gone down the rivtr. They are part of the same gang who murdered J. II. Gault, near Helena, last February. WILL BUILD SLAUGHTER HOUSES. St. Paul, April 10. The officials of the Northern Pacific are responsible for the statement that large slaughter houses will be established in various points in the Yellowstone country along the line of their road, with a view to the shipment of dressed beef to the east, and that by this means a great saving will be made in contracts for the shipment of live stock. HE MAY BE ACQUITTED. Milwaukee, April 1G. The only wit. Bess called in the Scheller case today were Antisdell, and John Ehlirc, report er, who said he met Bingham, the man who swore he. ran to wake Scheller up at the house. The arguments for the prosecution and defense were made, ex cepting the closing argument for the de fense. At present the case looks favor able for Scheller. It is thought he be acquitted. CHICAGO ROLLING MILLS. Chicago, April 16. President Worth of the Chicago rolling mills, states that the mills will be again in operation in three or six months, or not at all. They would not be started while the present prices continued. Four thousand men have been thrown out by the stoppage of these mills. He thinks one-third of the rails needed this year are already in the market, and he expresses the opinion that the outlook for laborers now out of employment is a dark one. ; BEHEADED BT THE CAItS. -1)E8 Moisks, April 16. Yesterday afternoon at Perry station, on the Mil waukee road, Nellie Homes, a Swedish girl, aged seventeen, was beheaded by a switching train, pushed by a yard . en gine, Edwin Booth Remembered. Tlie Trial of Cur ley, etc. " kerne's HORSES. London, April 16. All the horses Keene had entered for the F.psom spring meeting are scored. a silver laurel wreath. Vienna, April 16. The Stadt Thea ter company presented Edwin Booth with a silver laurel wreath, composed of thirty-two leaves, each leaf bearing the name of a member of tlie company a constabulary meeting. Cork, April 16. At a constabulary meeting it was intimated that the gov ernment was prepared for any emer gency, and every one joining the pres ent agitation would be dismissed. tne emperor bismark. Berlin, April 16. The emperor has gone to Scwerin to attend the funeral of the grand duke. The emperor's visit to Weisbaben, to meet the king and queen of Boumania, has been post poned. The health of Bismark is improving. Vienna, April 16. The president of the reichstag has received a letter warning him that an attempt was to be made soon to destry the parliament building. The structure, in conse quence, is now entirely surrounded by mounted police. BLANKS! AVAKKANTV DKKDS MOUTOAftE JJEKDS C I IATTE L M 0 1 CT( i AGK8 QUITCLAIM DKKDS AND LKASKS Secure them at tlie- Plattsmouth Herald Office For Sale ! N K , See. 3, T. 12, It. 13. S K 4, Sec T. 12, It. 13. S. W. ;J, Sec. a, T. 12, R. 13. and N X. W. Scf, 10, T. 12, It. 13. S. W. Sec. 34, T. 13, U. 13 E I, Lot 10, lilock 23. 23. 11. 7 & 9, " Si, 9, Duke's Addition. The above described farms PROGRES3 OF CURLEYS TRIAL. Dublin, April 17. Daniel Curley, for sale on long time, with 7 indicted for participation in the mur ders of Cavendish and Burke, was placed on trial this morning. The prosecution was opened by a statement from Murphy, crown council. A ser vant girl was the first witness called. She fully identified Curley as one of the men she saw in Phoenix Park on the Cth of May. James Carey swore that just before Burke was stabbed he (Carey) heard him tell Cavendish about the attempt to take the life of Forster. Carey admitted that he had been en gaged in two attempts on the life of Forster. lie would not have called Forster's" removal " murder. The con spirators had arranged for the assas sination on the fourth of May last of Lieutenant Colonel Ililyen, then In spector general of the constabulary. are per centr interest; Apply to R. 13. WINDHAM, d9tf Plattemouth. Neb. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH HORSE snOEIXG & WAGON EEPAIBING. ill iiiis of Farm iipiemtj Meidel 111 Nratntsa an'4 DU patch. and Burke. He did not think Burke deserved to be murdered, but would not have ctied at anything that hap pened to Forster. Upon theconclu-l sion of the testimony of Farrell court adjourned till tomorrow. Curley main tained ati indifferent air throughout. Adams, another of the counsel for the defense, applied . to be relieved from further duties at the end of the trial of Curley. a threat. A letter received by the foreman of thejury which tried Joe Brady, threat ening that he would be killed unless a verdict of " not guilty was found, was shown today.; Owing to thl fact a special jury panel was railed tn the Horse, Mule & Ox Shoeing, In short, well shoe anything that has four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. 1ST Jj W d Flttb St. between Main atU Vine 8treU. an acro e corner from lb jraw BKXALJ rricK. 17 m case of Curler. Fiftv t.-rH.m r;iMi She and a girl companion were to appear, hot withstanding they were tolUwlIMHiBfr- -9 r cm crlpUow knd valoaijia 6uwod : ...