The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 16, 1883, Image 4

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II v
l-'or City auo I'ouutt lirctoi, iUiilwi Tlwe
Tbl. Telrphu Kvehauy Butn4 1I
irct'ry, H-flniw I'aiJs Ac, ee thiol 'ii.
Attorney Morrison left for St. Louis
! thi morning, and from there will go
. li Lite!iii.'lf. 111., to attend the funeral
THe Plattsciontk Hcrali PatlisUnc Co. : 01 ,"9 8l,!r
-irrrr -r- . . . - ' . tleorg Saj le.-,.the genial postmaster
of Cedar Creek, in doing the city today.
Sheriff Warren, of Webster county,
passed through the city lust evening
1 on his way to Muscatine, Town.
City Editor. ; Hs; tll0 nKKAL,) S rorrespon-
' dent at Three (.'roves, was taking, in
4. MalUbury. Dentlwt. j u,e sights of the metropolis today.
" and didn't forget to make the office a
Notice to Advertisers. j
Copy for display advertisements or! t i. . .1 .
r r 1 ' J. 1. Mlode returned this iiiorniinr
lo Ins oflieial duties at Nebraska City
later than 1 a. tu. of the day in which (
they are to he insetted. Copy for pay
, , . a . . , : tomorrow from Falls City, a
loeals and special notices to ust le hand- . . ... . . . -v i
, , , , ... , , m I'luttsjiouth the remaim
ed in befoie p. in. each day to insure : ,
II. M. Ilrsiixr.i.i.,
Ituainets Manager.
changes in advertisements inust he .
k - m. 1 ft '
nanueu in u u.c onsiness omcc not , i illliiij,1.i,.A1,., ... ..... .,
Surrey or General Stevenson retuniB
and will bo
tinder of the
Hon. Win. Neville and liobt. Fitz- ri.t -..... . . T. i . ,
. "- mniiucu tu Aecuiuieu louay,
Wo are sorry to learn that Mrs. J. P. i after parsing Sunday at home in this
ouuur, " m nig ifrn in pwr i i America. The
jic.iuu. w.w i.k&rn worse mis morning,: '.-.. ot.ipieiou, oi 1'rs.Moisues was are as follows:
and is in critical condition. i i the city over Sunday, stopping at I Roval Liverpool, of Liverpool. 7.15 074
,r. . Tr, . . 5 tl,e IVrkl1''' House. j Liverpool, of Victora :il'717
, , ... . t .
lcr on dutv to-iiav in a MvhL i lii. h ' Tc
caux lh the )eait of the Mttiu aireei
in in ! i'ji
Mutual Aid Societies a Success.
From the report of the Chief Ko-.
gifttcr, an Kuglish'tfovrnmcMit oiiicuil,
published in Loudon, it will bo seen
that mutual aid tocM-tir under vari
ous names hav a firm foot hold and
a numtroiiH constituency in (J real
Itritaiu, and elsewhere in Kuropc;
that they hav a btrong hold upon
the mas!', aud are instrumental in
distributing real bene tit a is clear Irom
the fctntistics gathered by thin govern
ment oflicial. This report show-i that
there U upon tlie registry roll y.'il 1
fiiendly betK.'tit life societies upon
the co-opcrutive and Assessment plau. f
1C-turns made from 1 2,333 of these
nocieties dhow a membership of 4,
381,772 htsoii, and funds aggregated
$01,133,410. The increase of the pre
vious year was 1,0 16 societies reported,
with an increase in membership of
9G0,i. Five associations ivturned
more than 100,000 mi'inbers each, and
one of these more than 709,000, or a
membership nearly, if notrj-iite, erjual
to all the u!d linu life companies in
live largest societies
Peter Pit, is putting tea acres iuto
a vineyard; he put out 9.0TK) eutliiigs
last tpH" of our best varieties, and
has jnsr reeeiveil 1,10!) cuttings of the
Iliehling, the celebrated while wine
grape of the Khine. Mr. Pits show
commendable enterprise in launching
out in this business which we trust
may prove highly remimcrativc.
lic saxjz:
- OK-
Short-Horn Cattle,
--AT Til L
Meal Market
J.Al'JJ ifXKIL. Vt-rp'r.
Beef MniroinrjrYcal CliicUiii
C(l:tMit! V iilt
Also.n!! ki:: If nf j Mr: m .viti. i.ijJ i-v-
r;liii:S K -j l In
i nisi . j.Ass 3ii:.iT suoi'f
North .VrVc :fain fit., Wt j
:.'zi n.ATTs.Mor'i n. .n j. . !
Corner! F-or.ri ai d Seventh Streets.
16. 1883.
HI LLS AI :fO FEMALES. ar out for a t-ln-rUij; to
c iiime;iii: the 10 h ui.t.m -r.-ary f
tli" m irriigu of Mr. t Mr. Il.ivid Mii-1-T.
at their hoaie to-morrow ereiiiii-.r
Tlie Jirl l- Morgan hn Leen m!'I to
llrowiiville partus ind wiil 1; takeu
down the river in a tny or two. R?
ff.. ... I . I a a
i-.r.iii. v ..rn win uui'ii a now oue
Ur this Miitt.
T .
1 IHIllCll
-in i.oan has come aud gone. I iol
AsMiram.e, o Live
. Ik" no I
It wa n s iccess financially as well uh I London, of .Middlesex . . '2M.'J72
u entertainment. The youiitf ladies
lul a jfreat deal to. curd
attractive aud
m.ikiuir it
reuuiiieraiive. Thev
ate ice r. am every time h yo.inir luan
asked them to, ami it iU boys didn't
happen to have half a dollar they bor
rowed one, (if tb;y could) nut because
they particularly liked ice cream, but
they liked the girls, and couldn't
J stand it to gaze upon 'heir tlcad.iir.
eolicitiug and innocent countenances
Ll-ic.;tiuru J 'In in in liropi.: 4 tl
Sixty forj.'tre hnvo tn;ft incxis
tciiiv; ov-r owe h;i i Ir.'.i wvtrs. ..-.ille
the D;fo. F,-ie:i !iy ll - u:lit, o. Lou
don, lacks only five ye ir- t tl-, s.-e ud
centennial, boiug fo tadud in 1587.
The N'or.u i.i. .:' , :ido-i. w i fuud-
All ihorobrud, and the best lot of
cattle ever offered for sale in Western
Iowa. For particulars and catalogues
address, John Hayes, or
C. C. Flatter,
Ued Oak, Iowa.
Col. John Scoit, Auctioneer.
For Sale at a Itariraiii.
A !H V h'.il-- K.vjt iri.l 11x1 I tfurv
: .'-il ; :t!i :i in 1
i ciKjiiire Mt j
The BOSS Clolhier.
5 Sasha Doorsi Blinds,
t r
l i I: t'f : it ".--! y ir:
H Bit A I f'i'. .
Araioii "s l
Dry f
ed in 1701: S n-mtv of Li.tot, L-:ido:i. i s,s;,r -ur-d ).
in 170H; OverlotiXoithumb-rlau l, iii At 11 ,t!
1711; llu Cioldsiniths, Loudon, in
171'J; .Mutual U;-jtierj, L :id u, in
1717 -all being over 15) yeiri o'd.
Thus it will l.; seen tint in Kugland
alone thir.j are :n r j of isse-.&
t !rii?id fru.i-;. . . .
lie ikf.U't icuii ,
meat market.
. . V .t !
. . . .ir, ;
. . . .12 j
iOdtf !
Cement Plaster,
Lowest .ates. Terms Cash
ments that hive boea in u ;ces.-f u 1
Ice ! lee ! Ice I
Now is the time to contract fr your j
i sum mer's supply of ice. lied rock prices j
prompt delivery Jiud iijerior tpirdity of j
i ice. come first sejved by the new" ice j
I lu oi. tf.'nc? .Ion KAti:ni.t.i. j
as they stood arouud behind the .-how
The brick are neing delivered for j cases ami among the relies and curi
ths c impletion of the .'sher.vou 1 block, j osities. I'pmi one or two eeuia.s to
on th- coin -r of lifth and ilalt:, and J b ui-re attractive if possible, and
thsi work will be pus!ud to .completion i "dl to the interest of the occasion or 1 Pera,i ri r"' "'-r 10') ear.s than
just as rapidiy as po.isible. ; perhaps it miflit have been to eon ! ter are old li-ie liff Inttranc ? com : :lfVn" .f ih" 'te.-t styles and
A new line of line die.-s ji.xul.s con--
p.itt. nis
LaksL Shades in
-3." .A. T
Kverytiiimf i?
vince the vouna- mou ili-.f ... ..e.i... ! p ini?s djia l:i si;i;?ss in thi .-in'r.-
:)U t liir"ft 111. in:isiiuuruiln .. .1... . . ... i i .
- "b M'?auiy or ctiartus which they posi'ssed tU w ,, ; ,,re( e l3JU oi perm m
paling rink tout jriow evening. Mr. would iliminish or deteriorate as thev I c,lc-v? If !,',c: ca i continue
. ... .. spaie no pains in the mm- i Mdvance.I in vea -s. thev h.i.I si,l . ' 11 ",r",h r e nturie in
1m. 1 1 ;.tui lirrimiui.u r.... ... ..... i
' ' i inodei ii
limine in in tvck i; i;i it v.
tfie Old
World, ro w !idjr tint in the New
shoul.l spring iii ci I ius.'itu
tioii of ai !:-icui .ut.?rii is , o b ue
lit aud not iai ivv ;.ish th mtssjs
A t I ii ; la i : h in il -.. i ,,i
L I i IL' fi' .... ... . '
inutuii t!l s:!"'iodi;l m Wash in r.
For Nale.
Fo ;r ho v togethr in good iocnt.on in
liKjuiic- at ti.i.i
j lit Wl . .....MIIUUlll
j OiK;.'
asidj the ;
polonaise, ribbons, ban"-s.
. . , ' . u- , uiti ti.-,!ituel an nucicn i
doe l'.iitliebi'd ice wagou will make '" I' pretty nji', nn inter- '.
it ai-.uu!ice loiuojiow, :ud lin j'ting. and ail that, until t lie te. ret of
r.-un!.tr deliv.-ry. Orders Jr-it at the j accomplishment I. ciinie
tiTj. .i'i 1 j i...;t.i;.... k.-.ut. i iiia.ii i Ik. i ... . i t .
- .. v i. i i ii . uii ii' i n i k ii: iiki'ii u ;:n . . .
,.,.-LMw,..Vi nr. i:,.- feelimr of v,..,.t . ... : ' U ' U ' - 1 ' 4,1 1 t he i mg t. bacco ;, S,hl..gel'8.
M -ijl
the rEnrncTioiM
For Households, Grocers, Hotels, Xloe
taurants, iJaloonj, Stores and markets.
Also Alo and Be or Coolers, Back Bars,
Hardwood Saloon Fixtures, Counters,
CAWIIII'IC' miSKM, Complttn I'lTXINCS for NTOItliS
and OI'I'ICKS In Rleant Deslgua.
I i. I i I'm ; O.urrli Pew. Settini, Pn'pttn. Pnlplt Chain. Oirra
i l.u.r.-., uJl ot ', tlie. L.Mt.'l Juiprovnd lvkl(riiH fur
t.. ..K.ue v.ui I r-.", JMlKMon, aiihntli SrUoolit, lecture ICooin.
For Kent.
j ...... ... ...... muni j..iiit ill ...I.i
; man's hakery. (Jood i.r oiHce or m,:.i!!
a. jl
1 Tt
. I . ,
zy tzr.Tr. RrrrnriT. -nr"
T!i ge::uinc L'iii.iana perhjae mti-i!.
a l :i7:ct
e-tv. po.-npt ntUution.
The 1 ulies of M. Luke's Wuihl will
give anoUier basket social Thursday
c veuiu of this week at the photo
rnii!iie parlors of V. V. Leonard. It
is unnecessary to state that all are iu
viteil and that a general jjood time
will be had.
and oue became tird an 1 wanted t '
I ih'rtv-.-ix
"o houi'.
little thin -r
i societies !!i.vo. a tol it
08 13,J)1, I (M ; I 1 of b
mmioershi p
e a oiruuoois cm t .;.i ... a..
I... . r ui;iii, n
. - -. uu ioiiiiiH, any :
way. going aroaud there the whole !
ixiil S
I)e shubbel aud de hoe " which have
leen " hung up all winter ar now
being hunteil up and scoured up pre
paratory to summer's duty in the gar
den. Lttuce turnip the gronnd and
beet it, and if cu-cuinbers it with any
thing of a radish nature we will bea n
Six I.ori!ti.H lv w-(-k r moiiji. -it
; :i..0 i f w. k, in fi..uiily. la
i nilir-A sit M :-u H-iL-iiu i.t .-w-..-iw... '.
acre arc thirty-uim- mutual aid ' and L icu-i -t.. o!.oite Clinr.lain
SO-.'JcJlCJ 1:1 this c.iiitil";- it-;.;,.-. ; W'lifht's.
evening wearing two hoop skirt., six ! from Un to thirteen rears old. Z
petti joats, four or bvu other skirts. t..nn ot rtw.,-. M ...,' , . f Fiattsiuouth
and H.n r.rkol i, , .... .. ' .T - " ' iu, ana
vui. aiiunn tvioit eise. ; ei"lit
no know nothing about any of if,
C ' I I ) I L
v-Viv-rs-:'r'r.'V. itfCi
but the hoop skirts, however, wo
have beeH warned aaiuRt. t..m na
dangerous, so we don't want to know !
auything about them. It may be j
business to belong to an art loan, hut I
7 - - -
ear- old The I .Uon'1t. d,eslr.v 5? vea if you -et j
. , out little for them; are necessities
o uooldcr is there , wilicll wo conk, not do Wj,noot. onr 0(J. j
aro thirteen
only reisou they are
Were. llUIlP OIV lliiml lr..i-p n..... I 1. ... .. '
- .. ay, mini Mjit-iiii.-i ujjon incmjiiie liioie is
that. j made out of rags, and best "of all, the
I b' i il ;s io y.i ,'
in Oi; or
: ti-M' i. i
;1. '
i i v. .. i ' I t ..r:'At ?u;i.l!jtcvyof Ml otltr hc-ol-li I'ix lion.
.i i - n':-.;). n ": j. .' t i ra;.- hi t will not bA-vk. nan an ,.
1 ' iwt fv'H a'' - ;i t. Ait uj inr; tbc i ri ul t irrice of roin-
" - Tif,e-l-.k t. '' bffll doi.trtl jy Ui LOIlllS tot
J.bL'C.M'iON in C-iiin'r), Si..Lf !.Ict rolf, Mliwuulo-o Kiid otlifr I'.ti-I.
rrr. f r-I Wi. ti-rri rl;ie,. hvy nlfo In nelj tliu. ffUMAh tti'btfoJa
of fii , V!tLci,'-mi, Wif-.Tyhiti ril all otlnT S'f!.rn f-tnii.
f --.I. ...-..-o :h to the hi.'Ki.V'oOD hCliOoL 1; UjUM ITt'itK CO.
iiUhliiiea eeti.i,.;.-y vij twt:iit-oi.r jcurd. .
We arc ruuuii.j: Two .TJa u.iuolh I'vcSuiitMit
at 5ELDIX3, KlZll., acd M9-fi 223 S. C.SAL ST.; CHICAGO,
tlT" Nfiitl foi- Catnloiie
greenbacks are made from thciu. Yours
JACon Lkt.
where does the fun come in:
Died at hi.s residence in I'lattuniouth.
agood humor lo plant totiiH'(n)toes I on Sabbath evening, April 13th, Drury t
; Ho Shot Himself in a Fit of Despon
Frcj-h home ma le candies every dav
at the Phot-nix. Dd!f
C'olo-, t;.
Oiiict: and -1 ti-.i!. over h
tltHii's store, Mnia -u, et .
U iilKi
t a 5 f
It 6 W
rai i
over the goos-berries and all.
1. V.. Tarwell the youuj? man who
j (;ravs, iu the ii3:h year of a.K.m Th(J i W:3 sllot Saturday afternoon, died ?
Ladies, your special attention is called
new line of dress wood iai t.snrifui tlirfc-ioi-y hrtck ;i;cturc. .jii
iii!i;n!i;.U!)n of
' to the
received nt Veck bach's.
11! fed iiji rr iic
eii.y v,
ii' (u
( .1 . :
to li:
i i. ii'i! 1 !: d!
i:-ri..!i. .'; will
V.Tii CitJI re:
in '
i AM.
Th- IL & M. is one f the nav.u ! ."V.r . .?e.r t rac,c HoU3e "orning at II. to Kent. I!E(ULAU liO AHDKKs.
roads of the country: l.ut if t! ,n ' .. : 4':",,J ""m u,ai Urt ua" ! ,,a" Pa4t Jt o clock. He came to ; In one of the best locations in th mrnn mnn, .T" ... - ! -iuc, !;t :.!(
to keep the wheel's in motion l'ay'- "T"1" v , !' WM " 1 Xebraska frorn Idlow, Vermont, j v. Inquire of J. Jennings, dtf ' ifijiU i'lUft'cT MiW l.NL! LIE AN Our j
mxster Floyd, nl.a sp,t Ia,t oWlt ? i r rave- was lorn in j where hi parents now reside, "Fnrl A Good EFT ' eoiii:oet!on with n.e ! J.
Lincoln. snU that it tskes from 125 Ouu 5 ? T 5 -olma ou Novcnr 20th, IS13. and was twenty-six years old. . , L L ,o!J '
totV.f)oV...,.rv ,.k rtmfl-1 ,ur jlnhiamfaney his father removed to In-iDrs. Hall. Keller and ThfocW ! , 1 oriy kCres of land one half mil 27tf 1 RED GOOS. Propr. ,
to f 1-,00 e-.erj moo'h to pay o'l the ,!:, nhf.rn .... ... ?. 'Xml 1 neodorp ; from Tlattsmouth. same will h ol.f : : 1--1 .
eni!) U.Vf. Fi.r rh :nf..rr.,..t:. ... ' .-rvii... . ...Li.-iiw, iMl(, ;, ,.,! .norIcm (.vouiiii. n nlmla i l,- . I Hirr
j - . . .... iiuuu ui nam i i. . . vr.v v. in iuu lu ou.L uiirciiiisprR. iTHrr.
c have :: ; i v
invoice of loiiJ, lii.ttd
UlOS o.. S COiOi'H. iiii
til, - V!
j:-; oi i '.;:
raa i i o itntii i.a a a . r i a.
robbers w wiil .state thst 1 ne3 fr ; . "llJ'ut:i4 ' years oi ; anon ims atternoon and discovered
I ' ' a -a . n. . i I . -v fl all. II.. .
checks and never criie mon- th m '00 " U " " "e ca,u 5 Inc aolta. rtery which pro-
. wes. hrst to Almonri
or f ,90 with h!:n in carrener. To i .. ... . " uU-, , wu ...- lt , t nmcic ot t!ie lu art
Inquire of
m carrener. ToL:i
I . .! . htj .nv n a I 1. 1 . . . ..1
-."S'Hi: ju:i uioi-r U1B4 IO llOId j croi ;t.
up ms iiamijv.oiild htrdly pay. State
Uiaffs, Iowa, from which plane l.e j had become partial iy tletl.
to 1'iatrsnioiit.ii. X.hraska i trouhle wns no dimSr :!w r.-..
in t!ij year I81-3; for o;,! i forty years despondencv.
r f hii
! The e3- J cast in use, received f reh !
J.aih!-, :!'
U:.V. all oi' V:
iit, Hi.? ) v-:-t
'.'i v resjuV't-firlh-;
AVi.j. J. V. j:k!ck
un - ;
1 o.-.- i i
Th- following resolution of thanks
were this morning paaaetl bylhe ladies
of the M. 1 Church, and presented for
....I.e.. ..:
... . , ... i choice. Mr. Graves will be burned i
.vtiie ouaiiiesoiourcify Hare the Kikcnbary cemcL-rv, south of t,
ilAwtf i
A .Square .tteal
fan he hld :t ! f'ltr IT,,rl r.,
i cent and i.-nlgmg at same rionable U,0rn,ne3- Trade PP"
Mr. Grave, has been a consent aad J... Refo- i,;.i;.., : . " : v ,u fv i)S Aats.
. , , , . , w..... "caiiiiun icico nav- will please bear th s
voted member nf the Methods Kpiseo- ; inir done th.. shoot i.. ..... 1
pal church, deriving great gutisfac-ti.M ! that lie did it purposelv. Hi, La her ,leuri' l,fe !
and comfort from his 1 ag fdloAsIiip and j was telegraphed this morning ilis an elegant line of baby carriage
communioa with this church of hi- bov would nroh.i.iv .a, fo5 fMk' v,r-v C,"?P- A'-J of!
, . - "" reu igera:oiN and the Uitr-t stock of fur- ;
answered, stating that he would take : niture ever bruut;ht to I'latk-moutli at!
H.. .... t- a . .. ' . ? i . . . I
our moat sincere thanks tor H ,,.rtof ;; u. .r V ... ' ' c "ain Afterward ;n- ' k,j uiai eau i ie It will
: " " t.ertti inn oein ne.t oilier w.xs ..f ttnn......:... .i... ... ....
on count of the absence of Mr. Graves' j to which no answer bet m-e'ved
daughter at Rawlia.Q, vy. T, her arrival : Xo disposition of the remaias will '
bein? exacted to-morrow or ut,bv. ma le until an answer is lec ivtd to
- . i. . -
to .Mm. S' f. i...i! Tnree Uroveh ioe i.iat telegram.
w " - - .v. ICUUUUUIl
generous manner with which thev
have advertised our Art Loan. Also
to .Mrs. Rock wood for her generous le
ductiou on the price of the hall. Alao
on ice cifetui for each evening; and to ' UKO R' ,,ru l j
the many friends for articles so-genr-f - Tfte dry weather " the last week
ou?lv loaneil for our i.. , has enabled the farmers to clear the
1 ay yon to
PurniturE StorB
HARRIS & "UNRUH, I "nihr -,t yo not,
WW o
(AN J )
L?:W !i!Jt col"'l ion busincsH i.romr.-
, !i i:llet:i!-d to at this ollico and pro
j -ce.n riiilit 'ci l v.ithout ilelav.
ti.ti work, eonvevaiicimr iul
in;; atn ndi.d to on abort no-.-.:iii-lnclioii
It there is uuy thing we do make A
ji. ciaiiv of, u is city ftUd suburban
ri.l otatc. .Several finn fr.r. .....l
t 'ill " " " U 14 l
sialic wild land at bargainn. Laioriii"
j tm n can get home by paying mouth-
iy y.-.iat liir-y new pay lor house rent.
pnce forbid giving but a small
percentage of the bargains now on th
books at this ai'-encx : wn nu.r... i. "
i Six choice half acre lots. : - ' li. 11. (,l,oi)s, ut from $H0 to f ir,o
each, and on term- that would make
a man nshamrd to ay h. did not own
a house Come and ee, you are not
compelled to buy and we woutfifivc
these lots awav. hut v... .,
.- ...:n i . i.i v " fc1 1 locm
lice mid
-deale::.-; in-
Chew the Golden Thri-ad line cvt for j
sale only at Schletrofs. wl .IMti', i
r ivc acre lot I
.nr,l . . . . . - i,ii lor
f part on time.
FURNITURE f COPIIIHS, i toutXU at!" fr'"" c"5'
I Ii'IVII l!,r.n . I. ... .. . .
...dal.k,d,nf pMd, u.,.,HykeptIa I y wl;,c,", T-
take lo furnish
ell and
pn reliefer
work cts per
'it Murphy 'e. j
! r. . i'a-, IUI uicui, now I will
II vou Will
i .u.isu mo ground and you the work
I work i xvhni to r... l,,e w"r
y order of Committee. groun l ot lhe 8t.a:ks Ppiratoiy for Wheeler
the crop. Considerable wheat has
Atkinson's Jollities- nassed through I be sowu t,J'4 sPrinS
.. ir . . . . " Tlllmrn,...uur : 1 . An . -
.11). I blllS momilli. on th-ir wv f i. i "Kiacj-.u ivu at- i ....I,,, ..
Uncoln. and while "the train was la I n Friday at 3 p. m. in the sun. ! iH
the detthecity editor of the Journal urday at the same time 48 ' bllt vvin tfuVeI Vw 1ho7i '
interviewed some of them, and asked dearets' "en.g a t'lfference of I-1 appof1Iti aa.ti , , " "J
why tliev didn't stop at I'lattsmouth. - sS of Neba wit
The reply was. -Recaiise the town's.too j 'ulle u nou,'r w,,l t Tue.s- j an,, p u t uf 4ko, a
small; t.i-y didn't st..; at a-y smaller ,liht at te 'k. got to see the J Mr. Swarts 13 .j ,ent rerP8eota !
plac- than Nebraska City. NebrasKa j ul4,teor fiil 10 ,ije 'rtheast heaves, j t10 bt and mo3t beautiful machine I
City I Xebraska City!" Where is Xe- f aml 8:4" ifc Wi4 Sht. The It . tLe market, and expects ere Ion- to !
braska City ? Oh, yes. wo heard some- 1 11 w 8nnw:ng or he woulJ h ve . j,:ive 40a deuiL.r!J ,n tno he j
thing alwiut a grave-yard downthat way is"e,: il to- , j Wiiite majlrna has been a success!
rr Expects 400. ! A ft. 1 1 line of plug and fine cut 'icw
Mr . A.J.Swarr. for years the sue- ' lag loba.-po at SchlH's. wl aTdit
cesaful general traveler for the i
Wauis it di.siinctly u udcrntood lliai he
has in stool; the selccttd and nios
Ci:rr.j.! t; lii.e of
t,rl "muffin io i:us eouurv, wnica lie is i
selling vi-iy lw-tf !
iv ilson manufaciiiriiicr
eornpany, has been lucky enough to
; secure that position with the Leader
j.auie 30U ate invited to attend i
the trimmed i pm:i of p.-ntern ha:s !
and Umi net at Mi A. P. Sloul'n, ;
Friday and Siitui.lav. April 13th and j
14th. A boqun u iiltn' present! d to i
ever lady. - 3. 12. 0
a few days ago. We can't blame the : Charley Correll and I) iva Wetheorr ,tnler the .management of Mr. S.
troupe much, but insist on a change nave un,M' mem asnanty between here Henderson, secretary t the White
in drinks at Xebraska City, so-they f a"u -,,r' UUI,e" an(1 lo K"-P"'I j company, from its organization, but In
..... . i . . . . . : liaehehir h:ill TIipv intun.t i.t f(.n,i n,. ! n- ... . .
juuv or luemwivM
big towns are:
Wantei!, Hoaiilerii.
John IJ.iuer has leased the StoMman
Which the bachelo" They intend to tend the j i8a Wr. Ilendeis jn and others' secur.
The ease ot the man Sweeny, who is
conliued in the county jail for the rob
bery of a soloon at Louisville, is a sad
and sickening one. The man belongs
in the mad house, instead of the jail,
and something should be done With his
case at once. The man has fits he
had one yesterday during which he
barks, snaps and Idles like a "mid dog.
He tears his clothing all off, and in
fact has destroyed three full suits since
bis incarceration here. lie is liable to
injure somebody during those its, and
he does injure himself every time.
H ho lias power to act. and why don't
they act? I At', something b- done for
the pooj unfortunate who is iowtrleas
under present circumstances to do
any thin,' for himself." We wouldn't
lot a dumb brute suffer that could not
IiHp itself, wbjr let t-bia mao stifTor?
! nlu.... n . . .. .... . t . a ...
i-iw.u'iuci ui mi auu vine street, is
picpuiuu lo accommodate the public in'
t!.e way. of boat ding and lodging by th '
week or mouth. 4Cdlm
liinrfrtta urra Ivtncr om rrin ivab( i : l t .... . -
sideof Mr Correll's v ace ; ' J regarded i he best made; Kve,ylody is invited to attend the
sideot iir. LH.rreii s place. . .,ud II1JU M?rlect m:ichine invented, i trimired opening of pattern hats and I
It is thought by some of the fruit drew out and or!....! t... T I bonnets at Airs. V .P. s , i-"
mo.. I..f rw..,V,.,t- .... i.:ii,..i . . ' " ...
v..-. ,..v..0 uu, ,! K.11CU . companv, with Mr. Helideraon a- nrmi. L "'oay, April j:stli and 14th. A
j dent. I.eucis a larg; nuuiiu-r of the
i Wllill- A''ft:it r ull ii .,o,ur . l
Three Groves items will not be very ; Hd0i,ted the l.-ad.. , n. ' I
iitAnlv fr Hi. Ilpi.itn IL:. .1 i 1
.v. . ci.. fiLL. nuiu viiia iiiue
As work time is ap roaching the
j bonnet will be presented to Verv
j lady- 3w.td6t
i gPju i -v I 'I cii iicrcri for oOO 00 . '" "
" " l iits; i.A;i i r,ntnKHTcK "" " x oo
i - lr.w-u,:;, : u. p :i-;.t lu rv.,..;; .... . .... . '
fSii-?'' ' t"l.(.)t K, Oil "'!:., S.r.-f, i - " ..m,,!, I,,
mmsM; IW.;r.;on:i.o: f;,,Coan. .
- t 4, ;'.Hii'ii "'. I ' 4-.; ; '
Ror-lnvftnt HiA.!.- ' "' ' i! ff-& -&X " -gM 1 1,:"r
" . " . - I r-.T.- &K.A.f? A-l ' KvA' i , ' -oi'V 'J
on. but only occasionally.
AV learned while at maeliu on
Rok, Creek.. Sunday night, that a
young man just starting out in life
had been adopted into a well respected
family on Hock Creek.
Kev. Mr. Hallum, of the Christian
church, in carrying out th rules of
his church, baptised a young lady in
the creek close by, on Monday morning.
Lone Jack. Fruits and Plownra nn.i I
.irtieniers in .Mr. s warts fir Id who ' "l"t'r cuoice brands jut receiveti at!
desire tj s3h or handle the Leader ! 6chlpS1'- wl S7d0t.
stiouid address turn at Oaiaha. Xeb
soon, as aggies are rapids forming, i F?il $
QXZJTot Vcsv-fable OH
iuid 1 o licvi Tallo
Klrer Report,
As ft.riiislietl ottii ially to ihe
! Depart uirtit.
tin river at uoon today, stood. 9 ft.
10 ineho above low. wattr mara.
a 4 A m ma .... . 1. m . . . '
an m a. ui , me lesuit oi nis laoors on I
c . . 1
Duuuaj eveninir.
The II Kit A LD bus failed to pat in
it appearance at our postoffle, so far.
rIT-r thf li.. i irZj.... .
a j ' tt' " kwwt n nit la a... .
( The Alaska, the Ix-st sml most con
, venieut Kefrigcrator in the market. For
sue i.y j. K. (Jox. 4:M&wliuo
A folding key in a railroad coach in
this city. Owner can find it at this ot-
CITY,. of London., . ."" .
UEKX, of Liwtj ccl
-MKKMAX. FL'XD. of California
ITo Rent.
Furnished or unfurnished ronim. r.
rjnire rf J. I). Wm)5on. 43-f
A.MKKICAN KXl'liESS CO... .1 ..
Ortlcein Kockwood HKM'k. with Johnwn Bros
i Rt:i..i, ff.71 rcj tin i.
V l Hint. . e.
j This o !Vr iz ma-Jo Lr ai-hort t'tro calr
I and shoull h taL?n ndv rf ct OXCH '
.no iiAUJiiM- ttls fcioiiii to do more wash
. , , 2200
p.- (c.islil ilUKJ
nfrx. I'itoi'Ki-.Tv:
f. 'ir-,r' '-l'"(cIe-ap)ioo
i ...
1 0
i ; 1:!.': II ill oqq
' 1 bl'k fro... r .-T.
v i... o i.i.a coaa - M'i iu ci v real fo .
LiW iB .. " " can ami H.n nm
III1 tl. n m
llO(.4 MM1 1.... ".
fnt lowtr LVu i " i,!
a-4.ed .3ix nioiiih hence
- Mt. ........ 1 i ...
nr wltli creator caae than enr soap In tae" i h'-f- n.Iits proiupilv eoiltcted
aakct. It has no LQUAL for uca in htui. ! ' .V",I; 'i',n'1 what you want in
Yfl'! ftfrn iM fT " l.r"" r ni-t what vou want.
raas ghc:eh has it.
ix. j-iv risley&iJo. hSs t an. ioi,
,. w, - - - - -- . .T k - j - "it ,,,' price. 9800.
CaJiufacturra of Standard Launry
union loclc.