The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 14, 1883, Image 4

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We Flattsmontk Herald PuMisiiiDZ Co.
War DlT anil Cnnnl Dlrrrfnrv Pnlluiv T1iti I
Table. Telephone Bxcbag lluMoeM Di
rectory, Business Carda Ac, see third ine.
JEFF. I STOKE, - City Editor.
A. Salisbury, sJcntlwt.
Notice to Advertisers.
Copy for display advertisements or
changes la advertisement miul be
handed in to tte business oflloe nut
Uter than It a. m, of theHay In which
they are to be inserted. Copy for pay
locals and special notices must be Laud
ed la befoie S p. m. each day to ion u re
insertion. II. M. Bunnell,
Business Manager.
The band at the rink tonight.
Uncle Jacob Vallery sr. U still pro
neunced convalescent by his physi
cians. The 13. & M. band, in their handsome
ual forms, will furnish music at the
Art Loan tonight.
Head the Nebraska crop report in
another column. Through the kind
ness of Maj. Wheeler we are able to
furnish it to our readers officially.
The train for the west litis morning
was an unusually heavy one for Satur
day and they had on tvo Pullmans,
the -Manitau" and "Oura", for the
narrow gauge, Denver A. Itio Grande.
Farmers from the country Unlay re
port uelos green with wheat since the
last night's bountiful rain, when yes
terday the flelJ were bare appjranlly ;
consequently the agriculturist re-
A refreshing rain last night laid the
dust and cooled off the atmuspr.ere.
and the number of cases of spring fe
rsr which the weather of yesterday
was fast developing, have almost en
tirely disappeared.
Mr. Ernst Wagner returned from
Lincoln yesterday where he selected a
line ling of artists' materials which he
will have for sale and for bis private
use at his office and studio over Solo
mon & Nathan's store. His office will
be ready for occupation on Monday.
The ladies will uoni.i) ea m co3tuu,e
at the Art Loan tonight, an 1 from one
of them we learn that the 3 iris, (which
means young ladies), are going to take
especial pains in the arrangement of
their toilet, &c though what for ia
just as much of a mystery as bearding
house hash.
The musical program in a at th Art
Loan last evening wfcs a very attract
feature the selections were fine ones,
and the singers and players accredited
themselves handsomely. The noiae
and bustle of a large crowd moving
in different parts of the hall, rendered
it unpleasant for many of those who
desired to hear; but aside from that
it was a very pleasant and agreeable
entertainment. The programme was
carried out as heretofore published.
xne city editor of the Omaha Her
aid copies the personal mention of
Mark Duryee, given in this paper last
Wednesday, and credits it to the Jour
nal. We have never taken a drink
witn the Heralds local, and don't
know what he takes, but would say
river water. It's only fair to give
even "the devil his due."
rvext Wednesday is Arbor day. How
would it do to procure a few trees, ever
greens imou the rent, mid honor the day
by planting them iu the high schoo
grounds with appropriate exercises. The
building look ionrsoiae feUnding there
on top of the hill all alone. We merely
offer this as a suggestion, and will fur
nish our evergreen tree, to be designated
as the '"HtKALD's Tree.'
Thia is the last night of the Art
Loan, and to those who have not yet
attended, we will say, you do not
know what you are missing. You will
probably never have another oppor-
- tunity to witness so fine a collection of
works of art, fancy work, curiosities.
relics, heirlooms, etc. The price of ad
mission is small and everybody ought
to attend if for nothing more than
The entertainment given upon last
even i or by the Jubilee Singers at the
opera house was attended by a small yet
select audience. The art loan being in
full blast and several other entertain
meats also on the same eveulog waa
doubtless the cause of the poor turn oat
at the opera house. The concert was all
the troupe promised the public in every
particular and the critical audience pres
ent were delighted with the singing. All
present united in pronouncing it a rare
Matt Simtnerman in a letter to an ac
quaintance in Plaitsmoutu, speaks of hw
prospect tor a new trihl as follows:
"My prospects for a new trial.I think,
are not favorable, and unless the govern
or Interferes in my case all will be lost.
Father and brother have done all they
could for me and are still working for
me. I would like to write you a long
letter, but really I hardly know what to
write. I bear nothing in regard to my
case. I am feeling not very well, that is
this living ia suspense, when there is a
period set on ones life
Unless the governor docs interfere, and
Sim merman get a new trial, he will pay
the penalty of bis crime, at Mindeo, on
iht 81th, Juft week free today.
Ed. Farrell Seriously if not
Fatally Wounded.
I'lefeably Tired of Life.
This afternoon, about half past one
o'clock, the lower end of Main street
was .-t.-itir over the report that some
body was shot up near the brewery.
Aft investigation confirmed the report.
The patticulars, as near as they can be
obtained at this time, are about a fol
Ed Farrell, a young man who bus
been in the employ of the 11. & M. as
fireman for engineer Charley Brown,
working in the yards here at Platts
mouth. was shot in the left breast
about two Inches below aud a little iu
froiit of the nipple, the ball taking a
downward couise. The victim asserts
that the shot was accidental. He will
not er cannot talk much himself, and
a satisfactory explanation cannot be
obtained. The best information is
that given by Alonzo Weikell, who
pays he was up in that vicinity at the
tiuie in conversation with anothe
man, who had a horse loaded onto a
freight car. and while they were thus
engaged, they heard the report of the
pistol, and in a few seconds after
ward Farrell called to them, telling
them he was shot, and for them to
come and help him down town. This
Weikull rcf bcd to do, but said he
would hunt up iho authorities, and
started down town to do so. The
nherill and coroner brought him
down, aud took him to the Paciilc
House, where he was boardiug. Urs
Livingatou. Hall aud Keller probed
tor the bullet, finding the course it
took, etc., ami pronounced the wound
a serious one, and in all nrobabilitien
a latal one. The revolver was a new
one, 28 calibre, an i this shot was the
only oue ever tired iroiu it, and only
the one cartridge had ever been placed
in it.
He has been in the employ of the
company some nine or ten months,
but qnit work on lait payday. He
has been troubled with heart disease,
and was at the time being treated for
that disease. For several days past
he has been gloomy and down-hearted,
as though worried about something,
and nothing would seem to arouse
him from the lethargy into which he
had fallen. He has complained that
the railroad boys were all " down " on
him and he had no friends among
them: but the railroad boys say he
hadn't an enemy among them. He
has a cousin living between Ashland
and Waboo, who was telegraphed the
terrible news. His parests live In
The chances are that the youug man
cannot live, his pulse is now growing
weaker all the time. Although he him
self asserts that it was an accident yet
the course of the ball and almost every
thing connected with the affair incline
j toward suicide. Ho will receive every
attention possible for his comfort and
Destructive Fire.
We learn that a formidable lire
swept over the Oreapolis bluff last
evening doing considerable damage
in tne way of destroying youug tim
ber upon the tract of land formerly
owned by the Oreapolis Town Com
pauy. Also mat a considerable por
tion of the B. & M. fence east of the
inaia track, aud extending irom the
bayou by Hippie's oldj breweryfnorth
to the Platte bottom was destroyed
by this fire; and also that a large
amount of cord wood, ricked up upon
Platte bottom, just where the B. & M.
road turns into the bottom going
westward was all consumed by tire.
Thia wood, the Herald understands,
belonged to the Vullery boys wao live
on Four Mile Creek. Fires, a diiy
like yesterday, are danemu-t play
On the War Path With a Revolver In
His Hand.
Quite a commotion was created ear
ly yesterday morning in the vicinity
of Ureenwood, on the line of the B. Jt
il. railroad. An insane man named
John Harlow got into some trouble,
when his neighbors attempted to inter
fere and prevent bloodshed. Instead
of yielding and submitting to arrest.
be pulled from bis pocket a revolver
and firnd two shots at the men who
had attempted to arrest him, and then
fled, walking up the track toward Lin
coln. During the morning .Sheriff En
sign received a telegram from Green
wood that the man was on his way to
Eincoln. and to keep a lookout for him.
During the afternoon chief of police
Byer was called to the corner of J and
Twelfth, where be found the unfortu
nate man, bareheaded and barefooted.
He waa arrested andd taken to the
cooler. The revolver, aixteea cents in
money and some papers were found
upon his person. State Journal.
The T. A. M. club will have the last
(Unce of the season at Waterman's
Opera House, next Friday night. It
will be a calico hop in every sense of
the word; even the iavitatioas are to
be printed on calico. The reputation
of the club for No. 1 parties will in
sure the pleasure of the occasion.
Everybody is invited to attend the
trimmed opening of pattern bats and
bonnets at Mrs. A. P. Stout's. Friday
and Saturday, April 13th and 14th. A
boquet will be preseuted to every
lady. 3w2td6t
Lono Jack, Fruits and Flowers and
other choice brands just received at
tcWyttf. wl 8Tdc.
From 82' Counties, for the Year
Ending April 1, 1883.
Cony f Product compared! with 1
i last year 12S per cent
" l Average price per bush-
I el. April l. lsiss j 3H cents
Wheat ( Product coinpar'd with 1
1 last year :iti percent
: Average pi Ice per bu.
I April 1, 1883 j
t Y,..I ....I .... i.u
? eents
40 per ce&t
40 cent
Hi pel cent
28 cents
1 laatyear
I Average price per bushel
I April l.iasa
Oats I Product compared wltb
; last year
1 i..,.l.i,iln.,
I A.riT 1. 1U1 j
BAKLir-l i-rouuci compared
1 wltti last year ! lie per cent
Average price per f
bushel April 1, ia3 J 49 cents
Buckwheat ( Product c e in - 1
j paredwitb last yr 1 11 J percent
Average price pr
I nu. April 1, 1843
Potato Ka f tlrlsh)prouct com
! pared wltb last yr
I AveraKe pi ice per
I bu. April I. 183..
PoTATOKa ( iSwe't)irMlVt coiit-
! 173 yrr cent
U7 ceut
1-8 per cent
1 yrvu au wti yr
price per
I bu. Aori
11. I6S3. . J
Hat Prouuct compared wltlt
I Ian year .
130 per cent
J Average price per tou
l April I, 183 J
f Product compared with last)
J year
; Average price per g. April
I l. IW3
112 per cent
M ceuti
SriciMo Wheat f Area own!
l Wim HUM
124 per cent
wi?(Tr.K whkat 1 Area sown
(.WltU 1842...
I Averairecou-
111 per cent
M per cent
i Condlllou
I A iiril t lam
- ( Area sown com
pared wltU
I 1882. ) 93 per cent
I Average coa- t
i dillou April V
I 1M3 J Coed.
No. ef caitle ready fur market
April 1st, 181 li.8i3. aud the
per cent of ail o b sold 4.4 per ceut
Average weight izal 11.
No. 1 hogs ready for market Ap il
l9t,lf83 17.13. aud the percent
01 all to be old 4S per cent
Average weight 2iJ lbs.
Wb.M i.t tut inpectof early seed
in K and coru planting Favorable. is the aeeraKe per cent, of
coru to be plauted compared
wltb 1882 156 per cent
Tam irKA.tsXo.of acres Timothy 4S00
Ho. of acres in Clover 66o
No. of acres ia Millet 2176
Tim ber No, of acres ol native.... VM'M
No. of acres plauted timber 107433
No. of Fkl'it Tukkh Apples,
peaches. &c 4X1083
This is a summary of all counties
heard from. Maj. Wheeler has made
every effort to have all the counties
report, and the first to respond is
Hitchcock. Cass, beinr at our own
door, is No. 11. The last one heard
from is C us tar, No. 52.
correspondents have been very dere
lect in not informing the State Secre
tary of their proceedings. Such should
not be the case. No person can un
derstand the difficulty under which the
Secretary of the State Board of Agri
culture labors in making his report
without the county secretary. Let us
hear from you, gentlemen, that we
may know what you are doing.
Two Trains Each Dav to Denver.
Commencing with a week from to
morrow, the B. & JI, railway wil
run two trains daily each way. from
riattemouth to Denver, instead ef
one each way as at present. The ar
riving and leaving time at this city
will not be changed, but the running
time of tho morning train for Denver
will be shortened from 27 to 24 hours
The new trains arc a morning train
from Denver to Plattsmsuth, and an
cveniug train irom Plittsmonth to
Denver these two traius, which have
formerly made the terminus at Lin
coin, being carried through.
Mayor Chase, of Omaha, is sick, and
the Republican has been giving forth
bulletins, of which the following is a
"0 p. m. Last bulletin tonight:
ine mayor uad a very encouraging day
or it, ana is now sleeping quietly and
breathing freely, and unless awakened
by the bull dog barking at some office
seeker, he will pass the night undis-
turned. I'ulse, 8j; temperature and
respiration normal.''
By phone still later and more relia
ble our phone editor uianaged to ex
tract from the wires the following,
which gives the exict onlition of
Omaha's chief executive at au early
hour this morning;
4 a. m. A consultation has just been
held at the bedside of the mayor by
Drs. Rose w iter, Miller, and the home
corps of physicians. These eminent
mlical experts think the mayor's con
dition reasonably satisfactory if the
apparatus for keeping the aiia mo
tion does not become discouraged and
the formation of puss cavities can be
List of Letters.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
in the post office at Plattsmou'h, Cass
County, Neb., April 13. 1883.
Benson A C
Brown Jam S
Doherty A. J.
Figala John
Gray Thos P
Howland C N
Hicks 1
Hyndman Sam'I
Jobnsou T C
Lucas Frank
Mason Abner
McNeeley Harrison
Rosenfeld C II
Rates Bernard
Standiah Mary P 2
Thomas Probasco
Williams Frank
West S T
Burns Miss
Basir Oswald i
Eilber Henry
Glass Ch arias
Herndon Than i
Hendrickson Geo
Hitchings Leon
Irwin Miss
Lyman C W
Mongey Chas S
Mason Jacob
Mills Lucina
Rolling G F
Sullivan Thos G
Smith F M
Weer Michael
Whetraan F S
Winslow S M
Persons calling for the above will
pleaae say "Advertised."
J. W. Mahaiiall. P. M.
Wanted, Boarders.
John Bauer has leasod the Stoblman
place, corner of 7th and Vine street, is
prepared to accommodate the public in
the way of boarding and lodging by the
week or month. 40dlm
A second invoice- of Peck's Bad Boy
jost received at Warrick's cheap book
fore at 45c per copy. , 36d6t
Personal. v
Geo. S. Smith returned from Omaha
Geo. Gra) bill, the elocutionist, started
last evening for the east via K. C. line.
Ex-Conductor Foreman has been in
the city on a business trip the last two
Sheriff livers goes to Weeping Water
tonight to remain over Sunday at that
W. H. Stretch, of the surveyor ener-al'o-
office goes dowu to Fall a City to
night ti remain over Sunday.
Chas. J. Pettee, who Las been as
sisting It. O. Fellows and the Auburn
Pest, returns home to Plattsmouth
E. A. Kirkpatrick, the jolly mille
of the Weeping Water was iu Platts
mouth yesterday aud "shook" with
the IIkiiald man.
Geo. Donovan, who for some three
years has bee a in the B. & M. office here
has accepted a position with tho Mil
waukee & St. Paul railroad at Council
Jacob Schneider and family, and
Henry Iiihelder and family who re
cently sold their fine farms at Cedar
Creek, to Messrs. Parmele and Newell,
and went to Oregon to make that state
their future home, have returned to
Nebraska, and wo are informed have
re-purchased their farms and like sen
sible Nebraskans settied down satisfied
there is no state in the uniuu equal to
Nebraska, and no coutity equal to old
Cass. This is the universal experience
of people who foolishly leave Nebraska
on the hunt for better climes. They
return to their first love, glad and hap
py to be welcomed and received back
by Nebraska's hospitable people and
genial clime. The Hekald welcomes
back to old Cass these old and reluct
ed citizens, who ouht never to have
cut their mootings from so safe and
hospitable a harbor.
Chnrch Services- Tomo rrow.
Regular services in St. Luke's church
corner of Vine and 3d street tomorrow
morning and evening; morning ser
vice, 11 a. m.; evening service, 7:30 p.
m. Rev. II. B. Burgess, rector.
Regular services tomorrow morning
and evening by Rev. J T Baird, pastor!
Morning services at 11 o'clock a. m.;
evening service 7:30 p. m.; Sunday
school at 9 :30 a. m. J. N. Wise, su
perintendent. CATHOLIC.
Services in church on Oak street at
8 a. m. and 10:39 a. m. 8unday school
and benediction at 3 p. m. Rev. P.
Lj ich, pastor.
Regular services in the church on
Sixth street, south of Maiu tomorrow
at 11 a. m. and 7:38 p. m. Preaching
by the pastor Rev. S. P. Wilson. Sun
day school at 3 p. m.
For Sale at a Bargain.
A new house 16x24 and 14x14, story
and a half; nicely arranged; with lot in
Louisville. For particlars enquire at
Herald office. 4ld6i
A large stock of croquets,' base balls
and bats, hammocks, rubber balls, &c.
just received at Smith & Black Bros.
41 12
Armaur a best brand hams .16
" " breakfast bacon 16
Drv salt meat .15
Sugar cured shoulders 12 J
At liatt & (Jo s. meat market. 40Utf
Ice ! Ice ! Ice t
jnow is tne time to contract lor your
summer s supply ot ice. Ued rock prices
prompt delivery and superior quality of
ice, brat come first served by the new ice
Joe Faikpikld.
a new une 01 nue uress iroous con
sisting of the latest styles ami patterns
just received at Veckbach's. 23dtf
For Sale.
Fo ir lots together in good location iu
the city of Plattsmouth. Inquire at this
oince dtf
For Ueut.
The northeast corner room iu Stadel- :
man a bakery. Good tor othce or small
business. 34 tf F. Stadelmann.
The finest mUliuery opening that has
ever beeu in Plattsmouth will be Friday
and Saturday at Mrs. A. P. Stout's, next
door to M. E. church. 30d4t wl
liiegenuiue Louisiana ocrique smok
ing tobacco at Schh-irel's. wl 37d6t
Wanted, Boarders.
bix boarders by week or month at
$3.50 per week, in private family. In
quire at Mrs. Backus' on corner of 8tb
and- Locust st., opposite Chaplain
v rigiit a. 40d6t
Art Loan.
The best feature of the art loan is An-
tills home-made candies.
Warrick always keepa the best 175
test Deadlight oil at 26 cents. 150 0 teat
headlight oil at 25 eta. wl-d36t6
Ladles of Plattsmooth
Don't deatroy your raga, even if you get
but little lor them; they are necessities
which we could not do without; our ed
ucation depends upon them: the Bible is
made out of raga, and beat !of all. tho
greenbacka are made from them. Youra
truly, 37dtf Jacob Levi.
FreBh home made caudies every day
at the Phoenix
Ladies, your special attention is called
to the new line ot dreaa iroods iuat
received at Weckbach'a. 23dtf
Hoate to Rent.
In one of the beat locationa in the
city. Inquire of J. W. Jennings, dtf
" For Sale. !
Forty acres of land one half mils
from Plattsmouth, same will b sold
in whole or in lots to suit purchasers.
Inquire of Wheeler & Bxnvett.
Tha BOSS Clothier.
Latest Shades in
31 .A. T
Everything in
C. J. Wescotl,
Rockwood Block.
For the next HO days wo will sell our
large stock of uooks at coat to close out
thut branch:
Roe's work V 10
Mrs. Holmes' work 1 10
Mrs. Fleming's work 1 10
Other books proportionally cheap.
wl38lGt Will J. Wakuick.
A Square "--.'xl
Can be had at the City il..-;.' -1
25 cents aud IoiIuil; at Same
tatea. Farmers and Commerce
will please bear this in mind.
Henry Boeck
lias an elegant line ot baby carnages
for sale very chean. Also a nice lol of
refrigerators and the largest stock of fur
niture ever brought to 1'lattsmouth a
prices that can't be discounted. It will
pay you to see him. d29w2-tf
Chew the Golden Thread tine cut for
sale ouly at Schlegel's. wl 37(16:.
Friday and Saturday at Mrs. A. P
Stout's next door to M. E. church. 39d-lt
Oranges 25 cts per doz.
at Murphy's
A full line of plug and fine cut chew
ing tobacco at Schlegel's. wl 37l0t
Wants it distinctly understood that he
has in stock tho best selected and raou
completeline of
ever brought to tins couutv. winca lie is
selliDg very low. lw-tf
Ladies; you a-e invited to attend
the trimmed t.pening of pattern hats
and bonnets at Mrs. A. P. Stout's
Friday and baturday, April 13th and
14th. A boquet will be presented to
every ladv. Swt2!6t
Plans and specificatinns will be care
fully carried out, aud full attention wi!
be given as to safety aud durability.
in Oil or Water Colors, Crayon and
Office and studio over Solomon & Na
tban's store, Main sirect. 37ml
This beautiful three story brick structure, on
lower Maid street, ha Just been Suished and
fitted up for the accommodation of
A Good Bar ln eoBnefitiS2BWIth the
27tf. FRED GOOS. Prour.
The best yeast in use, received fre h
mornings. Trade supplied by j
7R23LSY & CO'S
Made ONLTot Vegetable Oil
anaure Heel TaMow.
To induce housekeepera to elTe thia 8oan
ixiai. mm iACH BAR
This offer is made for a ahort tlm ohIt
and should be taken advantage of at OKCS.
We WARRANT this 8oap to do more tuh.
leff Ith greater ease than anr aoap ln the
market. It has no EQUAL for use ln hard
and eold water.
Md Tilt Cms,
Corner Pearl and Seventh Streets,
Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds,
Cement, Plaster, 3Hair,
laowest BLates.
We claim
new Ptock ol'
city without
to have the largest
wall jajer in the
fear of a truthful
Vc vill prove it,
if you will call
sell. We have
iikI .see for your
itist receive! an
invoice of It
ti, linseed oil, JIas-
ures & Son's colors, all shades of
alabastine, a lnrgestocK ot window
shades at all juices.
Our mixed jmints nre unsur
passed hy any, all of which will
he sold at the lowest iosi!le
r.c r-t Till 1 V.
Rock woo ii Block,
jr. i. i5ipso m9
CITY, of Loudon,
QUEEN, of Liverpool
FIREMAN" FUND, of California
WEM.S. FA 11G O & i t). EXPRESS.
Office in Rockwood Block, with Johnson Bios
ITo Hiunlux Here!
Can Oulsoll
Out 11:
aitv o price Cloilo'ng
in l'aiS.iiiulh
PUR O iN,r rJO
Bott Here aM at inr Erancb store
As I Buy For Cash.
Remember tlie above statement
Carriage Painter,
Graining, Glazing Paper Rnilu,
ave orders at arrloU.'a. nattamoath. Jh
(A NO)
Law and collection bun'iru-HS promp
tly attended to at this olllco aud pro
ceed. remitted without delay.
Notarial work, conveyancing and
abstracting attended to on abort no
tice and HutiHlactiou guaranteed.
II' t here is any tiling we do make a
specialty of, it is city and suburban
real estate. Several lino farms and
pome wild laud ai l;ir.'uiiiH. Laboring
men cum ct n homo by puyiur month
ly what ihev n v pay lor Iioiiho rent.
jace forbid jivui;r but a Hinall
pcrceiil.'ic ol tlx bargain now on the
boi i s at this agency; v,e name the
bix choice half acre lots, 8 mlnutcH
from II. II. shops, at Irom $80 to ifrlM)
each, and on termrt that would make
a man ashamed to say ho did not own
a house. Come and see, you arc not
compelled to buy and we woutf give
theHo Jot8 away, but you can gel them
ho 'hey will absolutely cost you noth
ing. Five acre lot mile from city for
$2.00 part on time.
Eleven acre lot J mile from city
iorit;A) this iH extra fine.
I have three pieces- of outside prop
erty which 1 can sell and under
take to furnish purchaser work
enough to pay lor them, now I will
furnish the- ground and you the work,
work is what hurts me. If you will
do the work at r fair price I will glvo
you a clear deed for the laud; if you
can't do the work come and see mc, I
may nud some one who will do it lor
Ten acreH for f 500 00
" " " 600 00
" " 750 00
" " " 2&O0 00
Several small tracts well improved
and adjoining tho city, tor sale at
reasonable rates.
40 acres, wild $ 600 00
0 improv'd 160000
1-0 " " 'JU00 00
160 " .0000 00
2o0 ' " 6-J00 00 4
finest stock farm iu Cass county
$16000, long time aud Jow rale el in
terest. 10O acres, wild
60 u
80 "
80 " "
160 acres, wild, Itcp. V'y (cash) fciooo
Cor. lot 3 brksfrom hhopH(choap)ioo
1 " 3 " " 17?
3 cor
3 cor
2 "
2 "
" N. Cth street (lin )
' Picnic Hill
" Washington nve,
" 1 bl'
k l'rom .Main st cifm 400
improved city real .-fiito iu abun
dance. I cau iiud v h:it vou want in
this liuc if you will call and see me.
Business hoiwn und lots lor sale
at much lower ligures Ihan will be
aked six months hence.
Stores aud dwellings rcn til and for
rent, rents promptly collected.
If you don't see vvh.-tt yr u want in
this roluuiti come ,1:1, 1 nu. lor it. I've
probably micj jnt w I. at vou vraur.
Ollice ojieii nearly evcrv eveuiu'from
6 to 8.
Hood new L?us ar:I two fiiie lots
in good location j-j-icf-, SM)0.
W. 3. WISE,
Union lock.
and all kind of good usually kept ln a
Also, a very complete ateck el Funeral Goo4,
Metallic&WoodenCoffliis Casiets.Rotes,
Our cw ud elriotnt hearse Is always In
Hemernber the nlace. in TTVrnv
JHLOPK". on fcixtb 'ret. TWO
Doors sonth of Cass Coun
ty Bank.
Whear we may be leuuil nlfbt or day.