OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Stat TMrtor. 0. II VAN WVlTK. U. . Mutator. Neb. Cltr. j amkVwI1 W Point JJHN WAI.I.H II. Auditor. Lincoln. '.! "iir.t'KlihjvLAN T"ur,r. Lincoln. iyWii,.?Klt'.hl,.pL Instruction. a. ii . k . a 1. 1., jul i:.nuiiaiuttr. ;.riA A':, 7 J H.. Attorney li-uiral. )K II. 1-. MAI THKWrtON. Boot, liwultl foe Smprtm Curt. MAXW'KI.I., :iiiii .Juatlor. Fremont. tfcll. U. LtHK, Omaha. A MAMA COIJH. Llucolo. Urcott Jutiieiat Tttrit. S. B. P)L':1, Juugf, J. li HTKOOK. KlMMutlnr.Ait' W. C'.bliOWAl.lKU. flrrk Ol-trtrt Co art. I Utll'iUIUUlU. o City 7Uretowp. JOhKI'll V. Wr.i KU ll. Mayor. WILLIAM II. cL'Mlil.x;. Imuurrr. J. I. hIMI'Wtji ,'iy 'l-rk WILL. '11 FOtTKNUKK. I'oIIom Judire. M. A. IIAKITUAN. t'lty Attorney. F. KKOKIILRK. hirfof io.ic-. F. kltOF.ill.KK tlvrrrul irt'U. k'KII.N K K, Chief of Fir.. Iirpt. JO.Hhril II. HALL. Cti'n Board of Health. rOUKflLMIK. Int. Ward -J. M. S hit bariir. Win. Ilarold. 2ml ward .lrrv llartinitu. .1. ... Paiter.ou. 3rd Ward-Alvit lr"-, M B. Ma'phy. lib Ward-t;. S. Dawwu. F. D. l-bahsf. IIOOL. MOAKI. JK.SSK B. KTKOIJK. J. W. BAKNKS. V. V. 1-KiiN KD, Win. Wl vrKKriTKKl. .!. OKKl SKI.. IHAAt; W I I.K.I. Wrr-JNO. W. MAKMHALL. Com ft Viructory. W. II. NKWKI.I., tuuutjr i r vuier. J W. JKNMMiS, County Clerk. J. W. JOHNSON. Couuty JuJe. K. W. II Y KtiH. Shf riU. CVIU.'S Al.lON..H.ip t of Pub. Instruction. i. W. FAl KFIKLI). County Surveyor. F. P. UA. Corou-r. CO I" NT Y COMMIflriiONKK. HMK3 CKAWFOKIi. Bontlt Ifc-nU Pr.1net. HA M L ItMIIAKl.HON. Ml. I'lejuaiit 1 'reel net. A. li. mill. Futt-tnioulh I'itriten li.tin tinlnn with tb County oiimii'xtxi.fM. will tihil thwiu iu araiion lhi I liit Monday and TufMilay wl rach mouth. -- H(Hkl iK flUlilt. FKANK CAItlfCTM. Pi r-o.Lnt. J. A. ('ON Nil It, llfc.NBV it.Ko'K. Vieo-Fre.l-tlrllta VM. S. WHI-; N-ci.-t-try. FKK1. ;o;;iKIt. 'i'it-a-ur-r. I'fKular nt-tiuK of tlio I'iard at the Court llouto.lhe nrsl I'ue Jay f vrmii of ray-b muiitb .kUitiv.vL ami ni.rAitrrui: l'LTTMtAI1ll HULK. or IfcUlfEH. '.. 4 p. tO. f . 4 a. m. ( i:-M a. in. i .'. p. in. i a rn . p. ru. . 0 m. ( ...m p. iu. -O p. in. ll.ooa rn. lc. 17, 11 UKrAHTS. 1 tf.ou a. ni. I 4.ui p. m. I H.oo a. m. I e.KS p. ra. 4.25 p. m .o0 a, m i 9.23 a. n. 4.25 p. m. K.00 a. Ul l.oo p. in HOSEY AfTAK. WFHTIRK. XOKTIIKUN. aOt'lllBKN. OMAHA. WICKPINII WATFlt. fACTllHVVILLK. TKn :UAKUi: KOK OKIIKRN. , ordra not excoedinit $13 - -U'rIS.i'l not dreading $30 - -" 0 " $40 - $40 " 3J - 10 cent 15 cetita 'M ctnta 25 cent A ahi(fl Money Order may include any .t.ii!iit f.t:n out eeul to Blly dollar., but u uif but c.itain a fractional part nf acuut. K AT Kit roH I'OitTA;. la r!at ru:-.tter (lettere) 3 centi fn-r V ounce. " Publisher' rt-i) 2 el per U. l " " (Transient .Ne.-japrr and book come uuii-r tlii clat 1 cent per . ratli ' oiiuce. 4tb rlia (lucrubaiulixe) 1 rent per ouuee. J. W. Makmiiai L. P. M. B. & M. R. K. lima Table. Taking Effect July. 2 1681. KOK OMAHA KKOM PL-TTSMOUTH. lae 3 :45 a. m. Arrives :0V a. m. ISip.m. " 5-.5 p. m. 8 .-25 . IU. " v :40 . m. K. C. Ai'b T. JUE. :Vi a. in. 9 SW a. in. 6 :W p. in, $ 6 p. in. KKOM OMAHA FOK FLaTTSMOUTH. Leavea :15 a. m. Arrives jsa.ra 7;00p. m. :lup. in. " :36 p. i:i. " 7 :35 p. in. k. r. A."r sr. j-i. 8 a ni . " 7ai45p. m. :2o a. m. 8 :M) p. u. FOK T11K WEST. Learea llattsnioutb it H) a. ra. A rrlvea Lln eolu. 11 :45 a. in. ; Maatins 4 iM p. in. ; McC'ook 10 K5 p. n. ! Inver :20 a. ui. Laaves 6 :55 p. m ; arrivea Lincoln 9 .30 p. ra. FKKICHT leaves at 9 J5 a. in. ; Arrives Liucoln I :lopnt Leaven ni 8 :I0 p. rn. ; Arrive at Lincoln 2 :00 p. m. ; UjKiinK-i 5 a. ni. Leaver at 2 :00 p. in. ; Arrives at Lincoln 6 -JO p. rn. ; HaNtings 2 :30 a. m. : McCook 4 :50 a. ui ; Denver 1 KM p. in. FKOM TaTe WHST. Leaves Denver at 8 :0 p. in. ; Arrive at Mc Crnk idua. in. ; Il:iiiig4 lo :o a. in. : Lincoln Jflup. in. ; 1'iattaiiioulU 5 :00 . in. Leaves Lincoln 7 a, m ; arrive PiattrmoutU VMani. FKKIOHT Leaves Lincoln at 11 :45 a. m ; Ar.lvei 5 Opm Leave llitii-; 7 :45 . in. ; Arrives Lincoln 9 ;30 p. ui. ; PlatLimouth 2 a. ru. Leave lienver 6 :in . in. ; Arrive MeCook 5 rfo a.m. ; Hastings v : . iu. ; Liucolu6 ;45 a. ni. ; Piattsmoutli II ui a. ui. goim; EAST. Pa-seiser tralu leave I'lattsinouih at 7 no a. m.. oo a. ni.. 5 Id p sml arrive at Pacitic Juuction at 7 a. in., 'J 2u a. in. aud 5 SO p. rn. k. c. ami sr. JK. Ltrave at 9 ;Jo a. m. au.l a p. m. ; Arrive at Pacitic Junction at i Uii a. ui. aud a :15 p. ru. FKOM THE EAST. raenKtr tranit leave tv.ciiic Junetioa at 8 15 a. m.,6 :20 p. in., lo a. ni. and arrive at l'latts mouib at 8 40 a. m.. 6 v) p. in. aud 10 20 a. u. K. C AMI sT. .IOK. Leave Pacific Junction at S :to a. ih. aud 6 :40 p. m. ; Arrive :S a. ia aud 5 5 p. iu. ftfkSk&ifirXi'i'tfmm -Dm nan' " ' ' " MiKsouri Pacific Ituilroad. Eipre EtreM Kreiitlit" leave leavea leave (oinx !i)mi; KotiK Hll'ltl. SOUTH. SOUTH. ?lmaba 7 40 p in 00 a.iu. 12 50 a. in. aplllion .17 " 8 37 " 2.oop. ih. Spnnjcfteld 8.42 " 9 oo 3.05 " Louiaville 8.59 " .15 3 50 Weeping Water. 9.24 9.4 6.00 AVOCa 'J.37 " 9 53 5.45 " Ouubar 10.07 " 10 21 " 6.45 " Kansas City . 6.47 a.rn 7.07 p.m. St. Iaonla 5.62 p. in 6 22 a.m. Going Going Going NORTH. NORTH. NOJtTH St. Iaonta-- - 8 52 a.m 8.32 p.m. Kaaaaa City 8.38 p. ui 7.57 a. tu Dunbar 5 10 a.m 4.24 p.m. 1.01 p. m. AT oca. 5.45 4 54 ' 3.10 " WeeplDg Water. 6.03 " 5.0a 2.45 Louiaville 6 32 - 6.33 " 3 " Bpringfleld ?6.51 " 5.4s " 4.25 " Papililon. 7.20 6.15 " 5.25 Qnaha arrlvef 8.00 6 55 " 7.06 " The above Is .leflcrson City time, which l 14 minutes Lister tban Omaba tinm. COXS H3I IT I O .V "C V II CD. An old physician, retired from active pr.:c tice, having had placed in hi hands bv m East India Mwstonary tho formula of aiuple vegetable remedy for the speedy and uerma seut cure ol Consumption. Bronchitis C itarrh Asthma, aad all Throat and Lu-ft areeiniis. also a positive aud radical cure f -r eueral Iebllity. and a'l nervous complaints, after hav ing tlioroiiKbly tested its wonderful rar.ttive power in thousand of caes. (eels itiiisduiy ti make it known to bi fellows. The reripA. with full particular, directions for preparation and use, and all necrs&iry advic- and instruc tion for succeful treatiueut at your owu home, will be received by you by return mall, free of charge, ty adresrinK with at-vBip or tamped aelf-nddressed envelope to 49yl ik. J C. Kavhd. 164 Washington tit . Brooklyn. . Y. J. F. BAUftlEiSTEH FurnJnea Freeb, Pure Milk' DELIVERED DAILY. Special twite attended to. aad Frees Milk at PROFESSIONAL CARD8. SMITH & in; CM), ATTOKNKYH AT LAW. the Cutti la the stale, tlunal llauk. fLAlTa MOUTH Will practice In all Office over Fir.t Na 4yl rRltKk,A. fit. A. MAL.IH1IL'UY, DEITTIST. )01rr ovr niultb. Hlark & t'u'. Dru Htore. rlrat rlaaa drutwtry at r0ii.fnall piicn. V3ly ii. num.. it. it.. FUVHIC'I AN and ML'KiKON. Office on Main Kir:t. blfcu nixlti ami Movent h. aoutb aide OfUce open day and dlcln C'H HTV m VHiri AN. jclaJ atloutlwu given to dlscae of worneu aaucauuivD, 2lti M. O DONOHOJu, Al LAW. FitiHrald'a Block. PLArT.KOVT. - KIBHAtKA. Agent or Hlea.iiSbip ilne to aud fvoui Kuropo R. K. LI Vl.4.HTO. .11. ruvaictAM & ataMiEoN. OFFICE HOt K8. from 10 a. in., to 2 Kiamii.ii p. ru. nurj,fu for L. 8. FeuHioa. ItK M. niLLFH. F II V K I C I V N AS It ii V K (I K () N Can hp fuuud b calling at lilrt offico, corner 7tb anu oiaia nireel. in J. li. W Aleriiian'a koUae. rurimiwiTii. n KBMAaii a. JAM. M. M.ITIIKH'n ATTORJf KY AT LAW. Offirp over Baker a AtwoodV store, aoutli aide ol Mala between 6Ui aud lb street. iruf J. u. ntoiK. ArrOKXEV AT LAW. Will practice in all tlie Courts iu the Mate. Dittrirt alitor nry and Xotar-j Public. WILL. H. WINK. COLLXCTIOJr.i M 7J&CIMZ.T2. ATTOUNKY AT LAW. Real Ktt. Kir- r... uranee aud Collection Agency. OtMce Cnitiu block, rialt.tiitoutli, NrbraviKM. 2Zni3 1. II. H IIKIiLKK A CO. LAW OFFICh. Ueal IClate. Flrei.,l l.lf.f,,. aurance AueutK. I'lrLxnuiuih, .. Inctora. taA-uayera. Hav a coinoltta ttnit of tlllet. ttuv aud sell real oatm.. n..,r ,t i plana. Jkr. lftyl JAMK3 K. JlOOaiMOX. rTOKNEYAT LAW. Wtpn!UlV anf ailjolniiig Count lea ; tflves MX-eia. attention ui collect lous and abstract of title. Ottlce in FiUerald idock. I'latlaiuoutb. Nttbradka. '7y l J. c l:iviii;.iiiv, JUSTICE O f THE PEACE. Il.ts bia hIBch in ike front part ol bid residence on Chicago Av-iiua, wiiere ue nay be found in readineas lo au,.u,i .a me dutic of th of ce 47tf. BOOHUT It. WIVIIilVH, Nitary Public. ATTOKNKT AT LAW. Offlre iver Carruth'a Jawelry Storf). Plattmuoutb Nebraska. M. A. HAR7IC A. W Y Mt . KlT.OKK Ll'a) ULOOK. Pi. AT fkMOUTH NkM Prompt :tnd careful Law Practice. aUntion tt a general A. S. 8CLLIVAN. E. II. WOOLEY SULLIVAN & WuOLcV, Attorneys and Counselors-at-aw. OFFICn-In -.e lTnij!i Ui .ok. front rooms. aeoonU ,try.u-.,,. i'roiapt ..tteotii.n iven to all buinu . unirJ5 PAltLOUBAIiBEU SHOP a quiet place for a C.E2T SHAVE All work GUARANTEED first clasa- the plae,, up uiairrt, jouth side of Alait street, opposite I'eter Merges. 4oty J. C. BOONE. Prop'r. PUTTSMOUTH MILLS. PLATT8MOUTH. NEB. C. HElSEIa, Prupi fetor. Fiour, Com Meal & Feed TK-A't11? and for sale l 'owest cash prices. The highest prices paid for Wheat aud Com. Particular attention mven custom work. SAGE'S ADDITION TO THE CITY of "LATTSJI0UTI1 Valuable outlots for residence pur poses. Sage's addition lies south-wpst of the city, aad all lots are very easy of access, and high and sightly. For particulars call on E. SAGE, Pron'r, -AT SAGE'S HARDWARE STORE. PUttHrnouth. Neh. Consumption POSITIVELY CURED. All sufferer from this disease that are anx lou t b- cured should try Or. K issuer's Cele brated Consumption Powder's. Tiee Powd ers are the only preparation kno n t.iat will cure Consumption and all disease of tbeThroat amP Lungs indeed, o ctrong i our faith in them. ail als to convince you that the v are no humbug, we will forward to everv sufferer, by mail, post paid, a Free trial Box. We Until want your money until you are per fectly satisfied of their curative powers. If your life is worth saving, don't delay In giving these. Powders a trial, as they will surely cure you. i lice, for large Box. or 4 Boxes for $10. Sent to any part of the United State 01 Cana da, by mail, on receipt of price. Address ASH ft BOBBINS, rwo Fulton St.. Brooitlyu. . Y. Dec. 28th. 12 41tly. AT JOE McVEY'S Sample Rooms You will find the Finest Imported French Brandy, Champ iitni. and other Fine Wines. Pur Kentucky WliisKies, 94-vvjTH.l of the bes and mtst popular brands of BOTTLE BEER, Fresh Beer always on draught, and Fine Ci- 2tf. LYON&HEALY State a Mearee SU.. Chicago. Will anttl to tnm IfcaV . SAND CATALOOtil, . far I. aaaaK - r.riafll tawkb, CaT-lMira. ,ija. Ormm Hmh !"-. aaa m, ar7 am oainiii. lartnvttaai a4 Ea 0 I. rsn? Ail The Actor's Story. From Time. Charloa Dillon, who wn bora about the year 1, anl who first commenced hia theatrical earner about ten yeara later in the "MiaUetoe Iifiugb," may Le said to have belonged to the paat gnueratlon. Ilia earlier experiences were gained in "those good old tiniee" when jonroaya wore long, tedious and expensive, and the rate of postage ho serious a consideration that be ing out of an engagement wa no pleasant proHpoct More than one tragedian of my ao inaintanea has been known, under cover of night, to limp into some sleepy little town with hia email amount of properties in hia carpet- bug minus almost everything else except a bition. I have often heard Charles Dillon de- acribo how, when a young man, Lo bad to maVe nno of those foot journeys. Ho bad accepted an eiigaemeul to play "lead" in a small coun try town, an 1 such was the pauperized state of bis rume that he hsd no alternative but to walk, and eo het oat at once. The weather was not inviting, nor. hia apparel over-warm tor ine season 01 me year, but be waa young. euui us.aa'Jo.and, as he waa about to play "lead for t.'.o nrt tnno, the poverty of tho present was lost iu the glory of the future! Arrived, completely worn out, at his destination, ha ob taiued l.jdymj; at a quaiut little shop, owuod bv a piump litllo baker who was not unlike the plump litllo loavo exhibited iu his own win dow. The baker was his owu master, journey man, errand-boy and au. lie had a round. fit, good-humorod face, from which twinklud a pair of large laughing eyes; whdo bis wife was a perfect little dot of a woman, with almost the same round, merry face and the same kind ot eyce an the liushand, ouly that now and again the merry look eoftened into a motherly 11pm aa sue wat ueu, unseen, tue young irt uian in me most practical auu uupoetio wy tiemoiuuiiig a perfect tower or toast ana nam aud eggs, to say nothing of many a deep re IreshrnK draught of tea. louug Dillou soon found that the theatre of tho place was lookod upou by the inhahauuta geueraily aa a sort of hauuted grange, and that 11 was iell accordingly to rank grass, damp momu sua cooweus. iu tuo uayume 11 was iiuuued, but at uigbt no supersiitioua pe isaut ever avoided ghostly tower more completely 1 haii with a lew exceptions did the people or uiai iar-Deuiua-me-age little market town. This waa not a bngnt prospect for our btra- gediaus of Uie city," still tbey do eruiined to persevere in tue uope or eventually proving successful. Dillon was very sanguine; anu loth the little baker and bis "wife helped him 10 look forward to better times uj the cheer ful way iu which tbey apoko of the future. At last, however, he began to lose heart '1 be sum he owed thorn for board and lodging Was beginning to look heavy, yet their niauuer to In 111 never changed; the same faro waa placed eforo bim witu the same genial smile from the little landlady, while the baker always greeted ii.m with the same good-humored gnu a. id co.-uicai nod. Had tbey wavered in the slight est from their general bearing, had they changed even for a moment be would have beea bet'er pleased; but, instead of this, they were always the same, and such aavairiu goodness of heart maiie him feel the. helplued neas of his position all be more. At lust it seemed as if tho prophecies of bet tor business were aboat 10 be fulfilled. The manager bad, by some peculiar process kuown only to himself, found a vuluemble poiut in tue mayor s dignified armor, and a bepea was the result. Dillon had, iu imagination. already paid bis bill, aud after traveling abou: thn streets eyoiug the various shop window, bad in fancy, to suow tho fulness mid gratitude of hart towttrd hia landlord and isndlsdv. boui:iit thorn each awronriAto rre-ent. But on the arrival of the uigiit iu question, lo! the speli was broken, tue dreamers were rousod f iom their golde.i sleep, for wiih the excep tion of the mayor and bis party, the house was eveu wort-e than UHual: aud the play choteu for the ocsasiou was a cojuody ! ibat night Dillon, with the rent, left tho tliea;ie with his hopes eo completely crushed su i broken down that he could not face his home, 'ihe thought oT the theory aspect of the place aud the uncomplaining patience of the kindly coujilo w.ts too much for him, and so ho turned hi. steps whero wailing night winds, sullen black clouds aud spectral trees offered him companionship moro suitable to tho haggard state of hia toolings. bis reuses in a sort of stupor, he wandered up and down roada and croea roads, lanea and by-lani-s till, worn oat and numbed, the first streak of day found bim leaning upon the low parapet 01 a little rustic bridge which arched the uoisy flow of a shallow stream. Yielding to the mes meric influence that water always had over him, he watched the eddying current as it leaped along aud give himself coniDletely np to the grim jailer of his thoughts, till at lat a fitful aud restless aleep seized upon him. This leep, however, brought no soothing balm t his mind, for as he lemed there with his head bowed on his crossed arms, the vis on of hi--landlord, and, worst of all, his landlady, rose before him. demanding with angry violence the Sayment doe to them. The more he pleade ia m ire they raved and heaped his head scornful epithets. Thea the surroundings suddenly chauged, and ha was iu a deep aud louely cell, dark and gloomy as his own thoughts. Again there were t lie reproich u. f .oes of bia landlord and landlady peer a him from the grating. At le.igth aomeuinv touched bim, when, with a start, he awoke an ! found himself in the broad daylight with the little baker standing beside him. He had been his moruiug rounds and un expectedly came upon his truant lodger. Without a word he twitched Dillon by the 8leeve, and both turned away, Dillion walk ing by the ride of bis captor with all the nir of a culprit concealing as well as he could the yves upon his wrists! Not a word was ut tered by either till, rencliiiig home, the little baker entered the cosy kitoheu with it s bright hear 'h and glow of com tort, and pointing to wheie his wife sat, her faco Palo aud sad, an her eyes wet with tears, said: "Never been tv bed all night never cried so much since w" lost our little one; it was cruel to treat us like that, sir, crueL" The little baker, as if poor Dillion had been a refractory child, led him to the warmest corner of the room where tin table was laid with his last night's supper "Never mind," said the little woman, with a ioyous laugh, aa she dried her eyes, "the bad boy's come home again, and please to remem ber, sir, this is your home till a better one turns up." So e'tying, she bustled about with the color once again in her motherly face, and aa if her sudden flow of spirit was infectious the whole room seemed to Dilliou'a imagina tion to look brighter aud bounier. The pan w a Moon spluttering on the lire, the ke.tle aang, the coffee steamed, the toast looked more mountainous than ever, as poor Dillou with a "l'defs you, mother," quivering on bia lip, fairly broke and wept like a baby! Alany years after, wbenfortuuo had changed and he was the successful lessee of the Ly ceum, he waa one night through the Usual crowd of id.e s and the curious iuto his brougham, when a voice with more eraotiou than grammar, cried, "That's bim!" Some thing iu the tone of voi-e took his mind back to that quaint little couple 1 have attempted to describe. He turned and there before him, with their heads whiter, but their faces ki..dly and genii I as ever, were his old landlord and landlady! Dillon drove to the end of the street and got out and w .ited. Soon the pair passed him, aud he fodowed in the shadow. For a long time they did not speak, till at last tle little woman said, in a sad voice. "He did Vt know 11s, John, and yet he saw us." But sud denly there waa a rush, a enueei .z of bauds. and uttering of joyous exclamations ; and that night in one of the best rooms in au hotel 1 1 tue Straud, three people made merry : tho old kin 'ness and lore were born agii.i, aud when tuey parted the same motherly voice, though in different tones said, "God blese him, he hadn't forgotten us after al!" 8pnrg;eoa mad the Hal vatloaietn. Mr. Spurgeon, the celebrated English divine, has declared himself against the Salvation army. In the new number of bin magazine he writes: "It is time that somebody spoke, now that the attempt is made to mkj men religious by turning all rei?ioa into a game of snldiera. Because they would not hinder anything that promised well. Christian man have borne with much that grieved them, but there is a point beyond which long-auffering charity cai not go. That point is nearlv rev-he i ; even the most ultra tolerant must feel that hope h is beea disappointed, aud fear now takes iu place " The Port of the Farm. Will Carletm, the "Farm Ballad." poet, described as having a "shrewd, good natured face, whose Yankee like boldness of outline ia further emohaaized by a tuft of Hair upon hi chin. His voice is f ull.resouant and agreeable, thxmrh not widelv varied in its tones, and his tan tiar unpretentious, and made attraotive by a, certain awkward ease." t . Louisville Courier-Journal: A large whale ia ashore near Balti morel Providence alwava sends tha Baltimore editors soma food ia tb ayriaaj. LADY FLORENCE DIXIE. Her Extraordinary Adventures in tho Woods at "Windier. Chicago Times. Florence Dixie is a lady by birth, by mrriaK, by title, by education, and by instinct To doubt the word of a lady is to be wofully lack ing in tho comtiiouc-st chivalry; and yet her ladyship's round tale of the manner iu which two male rogues "without a brogue," tricked out iu tho babiliiuoute peculiar to the beskinod ex, clean shaven, with d.igers drawn, as saulted her ladyship's corset, duly hacking the provident steel ribs thereof, filling her lady ship's mouth with clay lout her lady dhip should assert tho privilege of her sex and "holler," is received, upon cool aud critical examination, with as much doubt as waa FalsUtT's Ulo of the encounter atOa islulL Her ladyship of a fighting stock Hc-r r:adui0- renders Lit famil iir, uo doubt, with the rule laid down by her relative, the marquis of Quoousbury, for th t(o'orniiieut of Untie oucouuters. The intima tion is, broadiy, that Lady Dixie eu ig:d 'o uock truth out of time in four rounds, but that a caruful examination of tho liuid uhows that truth is getting the bust of the encounter. Unfortunate ly, her ladyship baa a reputation for eccentricity. Hitherto her veracity has not eu questioned, but as she is liable, liko ueniliors of her family, to break out luddeuly in a uew aud biirpi ismg ro.e, it ia tlioiight that it may be u.-ll to take her uarraiives with some grains of allowance unless supported by the evidence of disin terested aud unimaginative persous. A Uoath-strugKle is be dom silent A dc-ath-struggle with a brave and faithful ilog accompaniment is apt to bo noisy. Tall male assassins in unusual garb, engaged in their deadly business, cannot ordina rily vanish like the witches on the heath of t orreeaato thin air, and unlike the witches, vanmBr unobserved. Her ladyship, atten.iol by her Bhaggy Ht Bernard, pasrd tho stile -epnratmg her own domain from a wood open to the public. Pursuing her came, with un ladylike Miride, the vdlians iu crinoline. What .hey said her ladyahip doesu't report, but it was said in such a way that she is certain that the aasasius did tot offend her ear with tho Irish orogue, rich or other. She was etneken down. The daggers sought her fifth i-i 1, but her fifth rib was guarded by Uie riuudly corset. With the uses and the power f loaintanoe of the cor-et the assai.antd, hough they wore gowns, did not seem to be familiar. They wero so entangled in their iraperies as to be oblivious of tuo principles of their art, or so new to their business that it Had not occurred to them that the white throat of their victim, or her fair bosom above the orsct, was as vulnerable to cold steel as waa .he beel of Achillea. They smote her corset. toel met steel, and terribie was tue rebound. ady Dixie waa saved, aud the robust villains Jen.irously drew dowu their veils; the giant nastiff, remomberiug the part assigned him in he romances delightful to tho budding mind, cw at the assailants: Lady Dixie swooned; the neii in buckram dsai.peured whody from iiuuiaukeu; her L.tlyi-iiip revived to receive he congratulations of her friends, aud to ro poud gratefully to a message from her neih iir, the queen of England, asking for a pic-.'.I'-o of that ilog. 1 ho quadruped will i-bine in tho history of the time, but tho luster of the achievement .nust bo dimmed ehirhtiy by tho undoubted act that his dogship did not return with a mouthful of tho peisoim e Miicrued in the -is-i.ult, nor with a ilrop of biood upon his grim .ivs; no, uo? ovoa r. shred of ihe r. .-' lessen in which the villains masqueraded to--he purpose of aacrificin,, one. t;f the luvci'"-i tud most eecetitriiiol' he:-rx. For this fa i ire the dog must be hel l responsible. Aud :he soldier passing that way; tho gardenr-r por ing geraniums v ithin a ro I or two of the 11 uentable tragedy that v.-i-t to surprise w il..r:n all that porti-m of the civilised w::-.d reached by the m isMi -t'c telegraph : tie- pub lcau who, liko the JLovite 0:1 the day tout a ertain man vetit down from Jem .iie!ii to ericho aud fell anions tnioves, pas-eJ by on he otlier side, cannot escape their t-ensnre. i hev had eyes and saw not. Thoy bad ears a idlioard not Iu ehort, they were oblivious f the thrilling scenes enacted under their very noses. It appears now that her ladyship herself, lo doubt whose word would be to exhibit un pardonable rudeness, is, upon reflection, con siderably confused as to what really did hap pen. Hho swooned. That is certain. Ladies may sometimes die away iu a faint upon dis covering even a leas startling apparition than gentlemen without beard or brogue, posing with the dagger of Melpomene. Perhaps her ladyship saw a field-mouse and, falling iu a faint, as was entirely proper under tho circum stances, sustained a compound fracture of her .or-set rib, complicated with the mental dis- urbance from the shock, resulting in a dis order of the mind favorable to the creation of lalluoinatioiis. Perhaps but it is profitless to pursue conjecture. Certain it is that her adyehip's scream upon the melancholy and startling occasion was not so loud as women tter, as Mr. Pope said, when husbands or vhen lap dogs breathe their l ist Certain it is, i so, that Lady llixie has added considerably t a reputation already uni'iuo, and, as waa written of one of tho Spanish poets who be arae famous in a night, her name is up and .n iy go from Toledo to Madrid Toledo and Madrid in this instance meaning Deadwood Timbuctoo Treating to Scarf Pins. Vaw York Herald. It is said that while a party of friends were -naking the rounds a few days ago of estab Lshments whoro creature comforts are kept in oottles and sold by the glass, one man, whose urn it was to "treat," led the crowd into a "uruishing-store and asked them what they would have. Ono ordered a shirt collar, an ither took cuffs, a third asked for a scarf pin, rhich, it ia to presumed, he took "straight;" out it is nevertheless related of all the party 'h it they felt rather sheepish. It is hard to understand why. unless thev held to the old uctiou that good feeling, which moves a man to spend money on hia friends, can bo ex- Dressed only by the purchase or liquor, rhoae w ho consume strong driuks at bars, or .tfve them to other men, know very well that hia fiction U exploded thousands of times .'very day. Although a man can sometimes ndicate hospitable feeling by inviting his riends to his house or his hotel and giving hem wine, he cannot gratify the same eenti ucnt bv ranging the same friends before a ar and paying for what liquors they mav simultaneously pour down. It is far more manly and considerate, if custom require yasmodic outlays of money on one's friends, to treat to shirt collars aud scarf pins, " for tney are just as cheap, they last longer, and, u nlike drinks, ao .not usuaiiv compel tue re ceiver to aecretly curse the giver. How tVe Apples Swim. Washington Letter. Two ex-consuls, who are here.hanging about -die departments in search of vacant clerkships, brought up against each other on the avenue a few days ago. One of thorn wore a very lugubrious face, and, grasping the other by the hand, remarked, with groat solemnity: tVell, another one of us tone!" "What's the mattery mqnired his fellow seriously. "Haven't you read the morning papers?" asked the other. "No," waa replied. "Gortschakoff is dead. Who of us will go next?" and the late diplo :nates separated, each feeling as though the word of Damocles was hanging immediately over him. Col. Tom Nelson, himself an em bassador, and probably rendered a little ner vous by tha intelligence of the illustrious Mus covite's demise, vouches for the truth of this story. There is nothing equal to it since the nember of a western legislature, lamenting the lecline of American statesmanship, sadly re narked that Clav waa dead : that tVebster had oue to his long home, and that Calhoun slept ith his fathers; and, pausing for a moment, j tdded, that he waa not feeling very well him self. ' j -Aleohol In the Hospitals. New York Sun. A return laid before the Melbourne hospital committee lately, being the result of non-alco-bolio as opposed to alcoholio treatment, by various hospital surgeous (whose names in these reports are only reDresented by letters), is decidedly in favor of the use 01 stimulants in sickness the death rate being much heavier among those who had a meagre allowance of them. It vm m Cold Day. and He Got Let. A tramp looked at the jail at Malvern, Iowa, on a cold day. 6moke was coming from the chimney, and aa he shivered in his ragged clothes, he touted for the comfortable warmth inside the buLding As a means of getting in, he threw a brisk through, a church window. -Bitter was hia diaappoiatmant Tho magistrate BW" war nouT so Hi towa THE AMERICAN DRAMA The Typical Silent Man of Art Ion. Joaquiu Miller. Keeping in view the irotf pikea set np for tho immolation of pirate's heads, I venture to note some reflections about the coming play. The carpenUir who now poast-ssfH the ntaga with his scenic effecta is not the eunuiy of the playwright, aa so many say ; he is our auxiliary and the scene painter, he ia our brother. We need aud must have them loth when the great play is written. Let us ouly d our work aa well at they do theirn, and public ia oura. As for this "great American play," somo one of us will writo it soon. And it wdi not only be the great play of America, but tha great play of tho agt, the world. Far out yonder iu the middle of America, beyond where tho stormy e.ea of tradition from Europe rolls over us, I think wo have tho new, btroug and suf uoint motive to fashion it from. The heroes of Homer shook their shields and recited the deeds of thalr fathara aud grandfathers, even back to the gods. All Greek tragedy is iu tho sama strain. St Paul found the Greeks great talkers. CivihUatiou iu its march west around tho world has been faithful to the Greek drama. Words! words! words! But out yonder in the far west this la all changed. Tho American pure and simple dooa not talk. He adds. And this grand, aileut, massive American is to be the central figure for tho American, the eutirely new play. Whether this dignity of soul is boru of tho sub I limity about him, the eternal peaks of snow j alsivo him, and the vast tranquility of the ' plain below him, I do uot Hay. but I do say that this giiiud, nnspeakiug, acting man i-iists a new man, a silent man in a noisy world. And 1 should say he is pc-uiiarly the growth of the land. Tor who ever saw au ludiau whom wrong or pain or pi'y could move to words or tears? What man his ever heard au Indian baby cry It took C 11. Grant tweuty years to learn to talk after I.j left us in the far west He used but two vords in all the grand drama of the of Vickaburg, "I'liconditioual surreude..' I admit that along the Atlantic seabauk hare becm to be a noisy brood; abroad, too, and 111 congress, lor the old bible tool, known by bia "luulatuda of words," is alike in all lands. Aud the fool bas bis uses, even in the draffto. But this adeut mau, with his silent woman, at bis side, this man of action aud not of words, from ml JuUe America, as the central figuro, is to mark aud distinguished the new world play from the old. I have had a glimpse of my silent man iu Joo Jefferson! Only for a niomout, however, for a drunken Knickerbocker is very remote from the hero 1 have in mind. But surely Jetl'orsou haB met aud observed my silent mau in the farthest west Davy Crockett, however, iu more than one sense, discovered this char- j acter almost entirely. ot this may be accounted ior ny the Tact that .Mayo, the most studious or men, spent his youth 011 tho Pacific, where he must have mot aud understood this eileut man of deeds. There is a little scene at tho well; the old mother comes to draw water. Davy drops everything, teudorly takes tho bucket, draws, film it, bears it away for hia mother without lo:tiug tho frail trembling old ha:id touch I hands it through I do uot re lemhcr that one word is spoken lu re. Hut I dr l.uow that more tears have been i-hed over tb-it ono uud ready insignificant scene th.-n would fill that bucket, oh, the tuiider manhood that is in it! Another quaint bit tiom the west, which stands out like a star to nie, is found in "My Partner." GonUo old Joe 8a n ti lers is oiug to divide tlo gold and go awav. for the e is Lit ter trouble. He digs np the gold from tho hearth a :d pours it out ou the table, where bis eil-int p:.rtnir sits wi:h "lowed face. He di vides the gold with ins kui c. "Is that about right, pardaer?" " 1 os, yei," auswer the other, t-.till away. A;cd then Joe, ami all thi tan'- wi'dtout a word being spoken, -s over more fcold to his partner's heap. N ting ho is not o: 801 vod, hu cautiously t'iis over another nug get. Then be picks "out t last the largest of hid little heap, and uu-en adds it to his successful rival s fortune. What a profanity words would bo at such a time! At West Point you read on a little monument that, a portion of our army being ambushed in one of our ludiau wars, every mau stood his ground, fighting till only three survived, when help came. Grand! immortal! But what moved me and seems most truly Americau is the fact, as told to me by a survivor, that not a word of command was given after the first or der. Every officer silently (brew his sword, be came a common soldier, and so fought on to the end. There was no need of command ; only the low prayer of the dying, tho message to the loved ones at home, and all day the lieadly fight weuton. That is America, that is Amer ican character emptied of the froth of Fourth of July and foreign tradition. Aud that is the germ of the great American play. Yeara ago I crossed over the Sierras into the new mines of Navada, then a part of Cal. for ma. I found au old friend standing at the mouth of his mine, shouting out his commands in monosyllables down tho shaft New ( ities gleamed oelow; mines opened above; progress thundered through tho laud. "What are you doing here?" 1 cried He took in the horizon under his hat, bit off the end of his cbar, looked at the new cities below, the tremendous mining engines all about the tunnels piei '-mg the mountains above, but did not spe ik. "Why, what on earth are you all doing here iu Ne vada?" I . again shouted. "World-hunting." And that was all that this silent man, now a United States senator, answered. It was enough. He made that word then and there, I think. He coined it as from his new silver. Sab's Apostrophe to the Rabbit. Home SentineL The rabbit winks with hiz noze an anmtimos he duz it with such effek that the ekko agor tates wat little tale hea got lef. Babbits baz got other funny trates lieside.-i, becauso Lez-J got knezo on hiz hind legs tbnt reatvh from hi toze to hiz elboze an' he sets on 'em more n lis he duz on the furthered end of 'em. Hiz ears iz Btiffyoata of hia belongiu' to the jackass family an' wen die sticks 'em up the stars be gin to get nervus an' move out ther way. Bab bits wares furs all the hull yeer an' wen they walk ynde think the behind part ov im wuz harder to lift 'an a burrow, but when you tetch 'em off a litenin' bug coodent ketch 'im ef yu lo giv 'im tu daze start Babbits is good to eat ouy if thares wimmin round yon mustn't raen ehun ennythin' bout cats wile the bankwet ia goin' on. The Pleasure of ForgetfuDjiess. Pittaburg Sunday Traveler. The books we read and the stories we hear, if thoy could be forgotten as soon as read or hoard think of the inexhaustible riches of literature and conversation. Now, half that w read, and more than half which we hear is stale, fiat and unprofitable, simply because of memory's uugrateful service. Memory baa its bright side, but for;;etf ulness is a golden sphere; it is bright all over. Forgetfuluess is pleasure, and pleasure is forgetfulnesa. O'Connetl and the Mlave-Holders. "Broadway Lounger" In New York Tribune. August Belmont iu his recent lawsuit with aa Irish editor only imitated the example of his fatlanf -in-law, Commodore Matthew Perry, who was presented in the house ef representa tives in ISiQ by John Quincy Adams for assist ing to bring on a duel between Daniel O'Con neTJ, the Irish liberator, and Andrew Sreven son, of Virginia, the American minister to Eng land. Perry was in some way married into the Butlers and" other plantation families which confiscated the wages of labor, and he there fore, although a northern man, took a hot interest in anybody's remarks ou slavery. Being in England he indorsed Steven son's attempt to collect claims for slaves set free by reaching British soiL O'Conticll launched into a fierce invective against American slave-holders. Stevenson sou attempted to bully him, assisted by Perry, both knowing that since he hid killed D'Ea terr9 O'Conuell had vowed never to fight a duel gain. He showed such a willingne-s to accommodate these American gentry, however, that they received the langh. 0 Coimell afro: ward moved in parliament to buy a British f;e state on the Mexic.u boarder of Louisiana, to be col onized with runawav biaeks from tho Uni ted States. He would not take auy subscrip tions raised by slave-masters for Ireland His attitude on the subject shows what slavish prejudice is now trading on his name iu the United States. Death tteaiteaiee la Kaana, According to Kansas law, a murderer sen tenced to death remains imprisoned for a year, and then, if the governor signs the death war rant, the felon ia hanged. During the eleven yeara that the capital punishment la-i baa been utfn-ejByiioTBody has bVrti haqged Wcfpt by lyrkuSa. THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Full Line General Merchandise. Full Line General Merchandise. Always on Always on ItoHom Bottom JOSEPH V. A FINK LOT OF MACKEREL, LAIiUADOIiE ..KICKING, TKOIJT. WILD WAVE COD FISH, Ao u choice lot of LEMONS -A.XT.D OHAHCES. We have a fine atoek of GMOIGE FAMILY GROCERIES, Fancy Brand, of MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI FLOUR. I have In atoek a line lino of Queensware, Glassware, Lamps, A.c. All our good, nie new and fiecli. Will Exchange lor Country Produce. Linscc. Oil Meal Always on Hand. .Next door to Court House, Plattunoutli, Neb, id.j. M Bi MURPHY & CO. THIS CELEBRATED ' H,""!' k ''I'M"-. IT ' flSV" JOHTSOH" BROS., J) KALIS IIS IN Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. The host and most complete assort rrH-rt in the city. In the ISOf'KWOOI) BLOCK, two doors west of Carruths. Call and skk uh. . -rr r- - .- - w ' Livery and Sale Stable. BIGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DAY OR NIGHT, EVERYTHING IS FIRST-CLASS THE REST TEAMS IN' TiiE CITY SINGLE AND DOUBLE CARRIAGES. THA VELERS WILL FIND C05IPLELE OUTFITS DT CALLING AT TUE VINE. AND FOURTH STS. Juljltf. PLATTSMOUTH NED a. a fit mf a- aaW-osV E.- If: UASrFACTUBKD lil FESH BROS, ik OO., RACINE, WIS., WE MAKE EVERT Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons, Aud by confinin? ourselves strictly t. one class of work; by employing ton bat the nw of WOllKtll'A, ualair nothing bat F1UST-CLAS3 IMPKOVr.D M ACIilNEKT and the VKH? BKSTof sKLKCTUD TiMBtB, and by a TUOKuL'Gil KNOWLEDGE of the buslaeaa, we havw Ju.tly earaeu tt.o reputation of making "THE BEST WAGON ON WHEELS." Msnnfnctr.rer? have abolished the warranty, but Agents ma', on lb eh" own responsibility, five she foiio via. warranty with each wagon, if ao agreed: Wo ILrt-by Warrant thi? FISH BROS. WACOM No to be well ma1 la every pr'b uUra.j" o srnrul rnaier al, and tbat the atrenpib of the ramr la snfflclent for all work wild fa! naape l,oll any breakage occnr within one year from tbla date by reason of defective m.i.rlal or wori.iuunaiifp. repairs for the aa.ue will be f arninbed at place of tale, free of cbare, or kf rice .f fil l ri n.i'rHaa per ar; ', price iU-t will bi pai1 ia ca-J by tbe purchattr pi vdu-.tb amp .t iii-tirok or clefei. tit- art. an evidence. Ktowii. 4 a can suit too, we ...licit patronajre from .crv n-ct!" of tho TJnltet! State. a4 tttt ftUM auU Term., aad tor a eo-y of TUE JtACiNK AtlliK'l l'Tilisi, m aVlaU UUO. COH Uaclnc, Waa JJLL'. 11 Dainl, Maud. IPrices for Cash. Prices for Cash WECKBACH. ! AX FOR SALE BY ....... ..f. H .' W irW't 1,11 l i. . . II'... . Ill M ! f ' , . P Fi r f iH -"" - v.'ir r gpNNER STARl pi I ' i m .1 r r rr 'J rl 1 X' . VARIETY OP mmmi