fliATTSHOOTH HERALD. 1'im.lSIIKII DAILY AM H'KKKLV The Plaltsiiiontti Herald PnMisliinE Co. Fur City muA Count v lirertory, Kailry Tim Tbli. TrlrphoiM Y. '.':Uiit Biuiue Di rector), lSuiilnrsi CrU (r., third iag. J KIT. L. STONE, - Citr Editor. A. SalUbury, Dcii(In(. Anot her nir il iy himI lot if l';rin ern ii: town. Tlie J. A. K. liutiie tonight. iiicctn at tli; court Tlic Land and a big time at theskiit inu rink tonight. MisMs Cora Wella aiul Maggie Strcight, of South Bend, arc in the city today. l'rof. HairiH, of )niali;i. will till t!i )uIMt of lhe ChrUlnin cl.urcli. Sun day evening. Chaplain Wright vill deliver the discourse at th l'resbyterian chinch tomorrow, tu place of llav. Mr. lUii-l. The tV.unty Supt-rintendent in busily engaged tola in lite examination of aliout 2; teachers, in high school build ing. M. I. I'olk brought in from Eight Mile CroYrt a handsome cactus, yes er day, alul three feet in height, which wm in blMjB. It was a beauty. Those having charge of the Art Loan are Hying around lively today, getting everything in shnpe for the opening of the exhibition Monday ev ening. SiiiK'oii Mayer win engaged all day yesterday iu unloading hau'l-toine fur niture at Mr-;. Sla lelintn's house near the llKtt.i o'lhv, vii-re hi intends re-iding. The new surveyor general, I). V Stephenson, will take possession t the office about the lth, the pro gramme further than that we are un able to give. Wantkik A ioy at His 1Ii:kai.i f lice t learn tlicMriuting Iratlr. Must be energetic and not air lid to work. A ply at on. c to II. M. It.i-iiiulJ, ImsineM ma-iager, t this i ffice. 'lhe weight used in connection with the g is machine in the Waterman building, took a tumble yesterday, and its drop shook the whole building. Its iweight is about a ton. W. II. Tickens, the through-going carpauUr and builder iu the Third ward, is engaged in building a new dwelling-house for himself, wHch he n forms lie IIkkald he has rented for the entire ear before commencing building. I'rof. dames E. Harris, a brother-in-law of U. F. Stout, aud family, of Utica, Ohio, arrived in the ciiy this morning. He will spou-1 a thort thir iu I'l it u mouth aud will locate per manently in Nebraska som place. He is a Christian minister. A glance at this week's exchanges from ;di paris of the blate, reveals the the fact that at te scho d election?, the women pretty generally turned out and exercised the limited fran chise accorded to them, in ihe selec tion of school officers, and tho levys made for school purposes. Capt. Shannon authorizes us to say to thcJoarraltli.it he was not serenaded the other night, and that if th? sereuad er stopped aud "Me-v oiT' in front of his reoidenoi; he ku w nothing about it. He says wlieu the boys serenade in front of liU house, it is for him, and not the editor of the Journal. A communication has been receiv ed at this oilice directed to the editor of the leading church in which a baud of wandering minstrels want us to play them upon per cent; having had a little experience iu Matilda Fletch ers show this proposition canuol be entertained. Judge lohn-.on and Peter Merges aie preparing to build a fine stone fence iu front of their residence property on Vine street. The fence will be some eighty-eight feet in length, and sur mounted with a light iron or wooden fenet. This will be a great improve ment to their property. Mr3. 1IjII May Mallory. of 15.aver City, Xebraika, ave the vab; lijtory aldre for the graduating cl:m of the V.r!: i AfHiticil Colle9 at Lidi.iua- poli-. last week. Mis. Mallory is the j wife of an iuvalid s.dier, wnodo pen sion is so small that she Iiuh been com pet led to Btudy iueliciiie. to procme support for the family. Mr. M. V. ing a good, Mo'g.iu is ju-t cotnptei- . substantial Huuc tei.ee j across the trout of hi properly 011 the corner of Pearl street and Chicago avenue. 'I his fence preseut juiie a fonoidibb: appearance aud adds greatly to the appearance uud value of bin property. We direct the attention of our rend er to the ad. of Fred Herrmann, oa tha firstpageoftod.lv' piper. Fred is a man who lias faith in printer's iok, a..f i one of the ni'st successful husiues men in plattsmouth. He h a fine stock of goodu. which he otlem at bed j prices, nmd when yoa wmt to bay good ) io bl. liotJut call arotiud nod e hho. j tl9 charge uotblng to show'gooii nd i v!U be sttul tr .co you. I t'ertKHia!. A. W. Mcfjuiiiilin Kooi to Chicago till I'Vtuitl. Mr. A. W. LllKOIll llH McLuuxlilin wctit to Miss Carrie Slater, of Louisville, is in the city visiting friends. 1 II. Wheeler, Jr., cams down from Lincoln to npend Sunday. , IVed Murphy went to Omaha ,4lii morning to take his run on the U. I. Jimmy HeioM has returned from Kin trip of a couple of weeks duration. Jeo. Ilargroaves, who in to le A. II. Totiuliu'ii private secretary, v ; s in the city today. Dr. fJ-o. II. Mack returned from Chicago, last evening, enthusiastic over the Thompson fire escape. lie re turns to that city next week where they will optm a business oMce. Church Serrlces I'omo rrow. KriSCOTAL. Kegular services in St. Luke's church eorner ot Vine and ad street toinoriow morning and evening; morning ser vice, u a. in.; evening service, 7:30 p iu. Services each Wednesday and Friday evening through lent.' ltev. II. I' Hnrgfss roctor. presbvtekian. Ktj2ul.tr services tomorrow morning and evening by Chaplain Wright. Morning services at 11 o'clock a. m.; evening service 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school at 0 :30 a. m. .1. X. Wise, su perintendent. catholic. Services in church on Oak street at s a. in. and 10:3o a. in. Sunday school and benediction at " p. ra. Lenten services on Wednesday and Fiiday ev- tiitigs at 7:"0 p. in. Uev. Father L i ll, pastor. BAITIST. , i -rdial iuvitalion is extended to all, come and he::r tie glorious gospel of the blcw-ed (Jod, to be pro claimed every evening ucxt week at 7:30 in the ltapti.se Chapel, High School hill. Ilible readings on vari ous subjects every afternoon at 3. Meeting on Lord's day at 3 and 7 p. m. "Wc declare uuto you, glad tid ings, Acts 13-32. METIIOMsT. Services will held as us.n.l, ut the M. E. chin i ll, tomorrow. Subject lor the morning discourse, "The Desire of the Angels."' Text 1 Peter 1-12. In the evening "Tempera uce." Text Prov. 23 35 and Hnbakkuk 2-M. KVAXGKLISTS. The Evangelists have concluded to j stay another week and tell the glad i ... I liuuiua ui aaivtioi'ii ii hoi inunno, through the precious Wood ol JebUS, j in the Baptist chapel, High School hill Bible reading on vaiioua subjects of interest to both saved and lost every afternoon at 3 o'clock. Gospel meet- lugs at 7:30; Lord's day at 3 p. m. AH are welcome. Come. and There is very little satisfaction to the people of l'lattsmouth to listen to Matilda Fletcher's rattle aftpr having heard such ladies a Phoebe Couzzins, Helen Gougar, Mrs. Sexon and others during campaign days last fall. Mrs. Fletcher has not a pleasing address, is wanting in arguments and possesses little apt'ness in illustrations. Her lecture on the "Mistakes of Ingersoll" does little else than to awaken a de sire to study Ingersoll, and the one who listens to Mrs. Fletcher and then reads Ingersoll will be irresistably led toward favorable comments all of which will add laurals to Pope Bob's particular philosophy. The harness makers lruve been hav ing a boom this spring in this city, and both manufacturing houses here, are crowded with work and are turu-L iug out a large number of sets of har ness to supply the country trade. The firms ot Streight & Co. an I J. (.J. Chambers & Son are well known in Cass and adjoining con u tics, raid they have built up trades whi-di are hard to excel. In the lice of fancy driving harr.es0, mauufactnriil to order, the HetuLD will put up Platt;inouth work again.it the ttate. In our list of personals will be found j the iiaineg of .1. J. Imhotf and party, of ; Lincoln, who came up from the capital ; , ... r, , .r yeoterday 10 confer with tjenerai aiai- . , ,i ...i A.ra ili. fla- ager Talinage and others or the .Mis- oonri IMeil1e. flleials". who were at the Paxtou, in legard to the connection of that city with the Missouri by a branch line. AVlual cr the lin ws s t be i uilt up from the south or down from Papil Iioii wa not learned, and the confer- ei.ee w;s n .t eo:ic!ude.l at -the l.ni-hl accoun'.s. Omaha ll.-w. A Uig Cattle Deal. One d.iy last week Me:-srs. A. C. Mr Coikle and L. IT. Itr-al. of this place. g,,- lo s;:t, linker, a Cass county stock dealer, ab-iut l.OOo he .d of fat 1 j 3tens, Ihe hels realiziu about 4o. ; 0 O. 'the c ! lie vt Hi !e rt-udy to ship In ah iit a inoetn. Ills j oKs like a gool trade for out houv dealers. Superior Journal. It is said a coMip my of forty ladies of Juniata, bandsoiijely uniformed and armed with brooms, will appear at the State Reunion at II istings next September, where they w ill give an ex hibition of Ihe drill of the broom brig ade. They will hold a weekly drill uu,"$i lh;lt time, ., A number of the hoys are going up to Omaha touUht to ee Lawrence B - rrett In -TTaiicisca De Birainl 1 lie Black Crook. This, the grandest of all spectacular drama", now having an unprecedented run, will give an evening's perform ance In l'lattsmouth on Thursday next. The piece depends for its success a great deal on its scenic and mechani cal effects, and the painter and ma chinist have worked at their specialties with the hope and expectation of ar riving at perfection iu the Black Crook. How well they have succeed ed in tho accomplishment of their cherished hopes we will all know on Thursday evening. The company en gaged, and who will appear iu Ihi drama, has b.en selected with a view of rendering efficient every act in which they appear. The mot promi nent of t tic 50 artists employed in its production is the world renowned dau seu.se. M'lle Marin Uonfauti, the ac knowledged Premiere Danseuse of the age, supported by Premiers Assoluta. M'lle Ortori, Morn. N'ovissim , aud a full corps of "JO Coryphees. The dra matic company will be toiin.l to ! t very efficient, including such sieiliny actors as J. XV. Itiatidell, Messrs. Hunt ley, Brown , etc. The Pi isuiat ic Fountain, with its myriad jots of real water, the gorgeous transformation scene with all its intricate changes and mechanical effects, the rich and gaudy wardrobe, are all worked into this piece, which, comnined, makes it the most attractive production, fur all classes, ages ami sex, of an) thing ever presented. Mrs. Theca Tieltj?s, wife of Henry Tieltjes, was adjudged ins. me this afternoon. She is 53 years of age, and the cause of her insanity is supposed to be the death of a son. Dr. Living ston, the examining physician, gave it as his opinion that her life was near its end. She will be taken to lhe asylum Monday. S. & C. Mayer leave a flag Ji'iug in front of their store draped in mourning iu honor of tiie death of Pet' i" Cooper, the great philanthropist and trieud of the op pressed. Phil Young has swung out a bulletin board under his sign ornamented with bills for the Black Crook. Kivcr I'eporl, As fiiruNhcd tiifieially to the .War Department. The. river at noon today, stood 7 ft. 5 in above low water, main, f bow ing no change since last report. j AT COST. For the n-Kt 30 days we will sell f larjre stock of ?;ooks at cost to close our out that branch: "5 s.." V : Hob.leS ?1 10 '.vork I 10 f Fleming's work 1 10 Other b.i';s proportionally cheap, wl3jdt Will J. Wauimck. A second invoice of IVc'u's Bad ll.iv j just received at Warrick's ciieap book govs :lt 4"n per copy. lilt Warrick alwuys keeps the best 17.) test headhght oil at 2rf cents. 150 s test i headlight oil at 25 cts. wl-dCOMi Peck's Had Buy. Bound in book form at Warrick's, dilt Auction. If you hiive anything you want sold at auction call on Joe Ford. dJfcwtf kinds at 2t New garden seeds of B.niiett fc Lewis'. all Waterman Oporn House. One Nio-ht Onlv. Th.x1rsda.3r, &.pril 12. Ilrilllaitt revival ot tie most Muiiiiief nt Spec tacular drama of lliOUt'Itl Illll'K. lllttbFY ISROS.' FAMOUS 03? With its weal; h of Magnificent Scenery ! (JKORCKOUS COSTUMKS ! BK WILDE KINO rnoPKKTlKS! A Superb Dramatic Company. A eomj.lete ami efficient corns ih l;illet lert !y th? greater premiere Atsoluta In the world, M'LLE MARIE BOHFAHTI ! Asfisted by the b-itcliiiiir danseiise M"l!e J.coniiila Ortori. Tlie woielcroaviy heautiful PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN I With its i!iyri;i!s of colored jt of ral water, saowini; an lae cuoi t 01 uie rHiuoo . ami imjiorteit t tliis country at an expense of ."),ooo 0'. - - An entertainment calculated to please ladies amj ,iii!.ircii. See the crystal cascade wei:d iiieantatioa, lite fairs" irrotfo. ttl s,ei-peiu- the niumi..aie.i pal- the r tn.n-t of an tiausn.i - oiation pceiie-r. once. lickels uu nale at .1. I. Yiiunji's. Ki-served seats !1 ; jjeiie.ial sion m cent" ; gallery cents. J. 1. K I 51 2? O TIT. AGENCY Dl TV B .1 CITY, ol Lond n. C FEN. i f Li Vi n 1 ol FUND, of CalifTii nia I I It KM A EXPRESS SOMPkNIES: V. SCi.lK. 1 A I ( ; f. . i::vi-..i.s.s'. Olii e In Ki.euw. fJ'iCia .n: ;lh .lohli-cii l.'ros GAFF, FLEIcCHMAH & CJ. COMPRESSED YEAST. TIiv. best yrasu in use, received freBh every TUESDAY and FRIDAY mornings. Trado supplieil by ISEXXETT d LE WIS A jt. FOB WALL PAPER, LEAD, OIL, MIX HI) PAINTS, PAINT JiliUSIIKS, HALLS ami HATS to Warrick V. One liiiiulivd si ii-1 seventy-live trt Co.tl Oil at 'Jtf per al. Try j,t. :;M-1nv To Cent. Furnished rooms for lodgers. Inquire of .Mr. Ilattie Newton, Oak street. 3-1 Ot For Kent. The northeast, coiner roeii in Stadcl inan's bitkery. (iood for oilice or small ! bushes-. 31tl' F. Sta n:-:i wsn. j ii is t o Uettt. i In one o the Ix-s loeutit-.'iS in th'; eity. Inonire of .1. W. Jennings. itf "Art is nature passed through the Alembaie of mar.."' Kmerson. Geo. I ray bill, t.-acher ot a lhr ough and practical system of physi cal and vocal culture, and expn ssion b' voice and action. Children's cl:ises. :uivanied elaps es. Spa kespearo or Miiln e hisses, private classes, public and parlor readings at ifa.-oi:iii!e rates. Oilice at the Peikias house. l'r Sale. J Fo ir lots together in good location in I the citv of Plattsinontii. Inquire at this oilier " dtf House lo Stent. I iiKj'wire of CIiiip:a!iJ Wiinhf. off ! ice lew lire! 1 Now is the time to contract for vour sununerV supply of ice. Beil reck piicis prompt delivery and -apciior j::a;i!y of ice. liist come first si-reed l.-y the new ice man. itinrj Jo.'-: Faihfiki.1). A new line of fine dress goods con sisting of the latest styles and patterns just received at Weckbach's. 23iJtf r - tj:df, Fleischmau fc Co.'s compressed yeast, the lest yeast in use, received fresh every Tuesday and Fiiday morn ings. Trade supplied !v l'ei::ictt it Lewis, arreuN. uW&35dif Notice. To Whom it May Concern : liy wife, Mary Ann fctreight, having left my bed and board without just cause and provocation, I hereby forbid any or all persons trust'ns her on my account, as I v. i!l pay no debts of her contracting sifter this date. T. A. .stkkioiit. Jfor-ru Uend, In'c'o., April J, 1 Compressed yeast jast received fresh at Dennett & Lewis'." 2t Boyd s best brand hams, breakfast !a con, long le:in side meat at J. Hatt & Go's. :54dtf A Square Meal Can be had at the City Hotel for only 2o cents and lodging at same reasonable iates. Farmers anil Commercial Men will please bear this in mind. d&wtf Henry IJoeck Has an elegant line of baby carriages for sale very cheap. Also a nice lot of refrigerators aud the ljrgcsd sfoik of fur niture ever brought to Piattsmonth at prices that can't he discounted, it will pay you to see him. i'.20,w2-tf Troy City Laundry Now Located on WASHINGTON AVENUE. W. I. BliOWN, Proprietor. Transient Vv"ork solicited nai!ki:'P ):iy pntr.i:- for past fiivors, I soli cit fu' tker work. RniniMaber the place, Ma?kpiih:i!ip house, Vaslii!ii;rii Av.iauo. Notioa. Notice i hereJ.'V 'jiven tint a eertahi note troin .'. rcterso'-s to "lodfrev Fiuklev tlatetl M.irch yoth lsw for r:."5 with interest lrotu date at la per cent and due M.irce 201 h. 18sa, lias bcc'-i lost. Kvery person i- lu-reby warned ti'jainsi buyhts sni-1 imte as the sanio is pa.-t due aaii has been paid. Hated A oril ". iiKRr.v FirKr.Kic. da5H J. '. I'KTF.RSO.V. HOUSE, SIGN, A.ND Carriage Painter, GrainiBE. Glaring Pbsr Mmg, KALSOMINING Ho Hiambng Here! j 1 1 Can Outsell -uj Oiirf Price Clothing ! Onifit iu l'ia'ttsicoiilh - j AS!) S11I.1. M A K V. VONCV. j i Eatli Here ani at m Erancli Store- i .47" LOUISVILLE, As 1 Buy For Casli. Ivtmember the above statement. C. G. HE110LI). For Sale ! N K , Sec. 3, T. !', II. 13. S K , S. c 3, T. ii', II. 13. S. W. i, Se c. 3, rl 1l K. 13. ami N N. AV. Sec, K, T. Ill, 11. 13. KA S. See. 31, T. 13, K. 13 K h Lot lo, JJl.K-k 2S. 3, " M. " 7 A: '.. i'3. S !. " 1 1. 1 )uki's A(kliti-n. Tin- above iloscribcd lanns :ire for sale on lon time, with 7 per cent, interest. Apply to II. P. AVIXDIIAM, dint' l'lattsmouth, Neb. Ladies, your special attenti m is calleil to the new line of dress goods ju-t received at Weckh a -u's. 23d"tf REAL, ESTATE (AXD) COLLECTION AGENCY. Law and collection business promp tly attended to at this oilice and pro ceeds remitted without delay. Notarial work, conveyancing and abstracting attended to on short no tice and satislaction guaranteed. If there is any thing we do make a specially of, it i.s city and suburban real estate. Several line farms and Home wild land at bargains. Laboring men can get a home by paving month- ly what they iilw pay tor house rent. :paee lorbnis giving but a small percentage of the bargains now on Un hooks at this agenex ; ' we name the following: t?ix choice half acre lots, 8 minutes from li. Ii. hhops, at from -?S0 to $150 each, and on terms that would make a man ashamed to say ho did not own a house. Come and tee, you are not compelled to buy aud we wontj give these lots away, but you can get them so they will absolutely cost you noth ing". Five acre lot mile from city for 250 part on time. Eleven acre lot mile from city for $550 this is extra line. 1 have three pieces of outside prop erty which 1 can ell aud under take to furnish purchaser, work enough to pay lor them, now I will furnish the ground and you the work, work is what hurls me. It you will do the work at a fair price 1 will give you a clear deed for the land; if you can't do the work come and cee me, I may tiud some one who will do it lor you. Ten acres for 500 00 ' " ' i00 uO 750 00 ' " '2500 00 Several small tracts well improved ami adjoining the city, tor sale ill reasonable rutc. VA KM LANDS. acres, wild $ COO 00 80 " improy'd 1G00 00 1-0 " -2O00 00 160 " 5000 00 'A!0 " 00 210 " " C0O0 00 Finest stock iarin in Cass county $lC00o, long time and low rate ot in terest. 1 Go acres, wild .iJ500 160 " -v,f o 80 " " 1200 80 " " ;',2u0 160 acres, wild, Hep. Vrv (cash) 10U0 CITY I'liOI'EilTV. Cor. lot 3 bl"ksfro!ii shops (chenpiidOO 1 " 3 " ' 175 2 3 " ' 150 3 cor " 'J " " 450 1 ..40 175 3 cor ' 2 " " 150 2 " " N. olh street (tine) 300 0 i;.nw. m;ii . -'hi j 1 ' "11' 1 1 ill vi.' I 1$ " 4i Vvashingtou avo4 350 1 " "1 uriv from -Main st extra -10O Improved city real estate in abun- dacce. I can find w hat yon want in this line if you will call and see me. IJusiness houses and lots lor sale at much lower figures than will be asked six months hence. Stores and dwellings rcn'ed and for rent, rents promptly collected. If you don't see v. hat ou want in this column come ami alc for it. I've probably missed jusi what you v. aiii. Oilice opt 11 ueariv every evening fro mi 6 to . Cood new house and two fi:,e !u:s in good location j-iii-e, .?-s00. W . k). VV &lJZs, Union k-Iock AM) REPAIRING AT HI - Kockwooa BIoc'i, i hprwnnn juhUi n u U u 0 inr-rcB-m TT3? TTT? A I I NB LOT OK MACKKKKL, LAJJIiA DOIJK I1MUUINU, TIKM'T, WILD WAV IC COD rrSII, Apo a chv'uv lot of LEMONS -ITB OHA' GIS. Vi'e have a II"" -leek of CSOICJS FAMILY GROCERIES, l;iii I'.rai.ils if MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI FLOUR. Queens ware, Glassware, Lamps, All i'l.; i I' IK-v a':l IU ' l . Will Zitfow Coasiry Frouucc. Liuscod Oil Meal Always on Hum!. . t !, r t Court Ilom-r, I'iat t-moiitli, Neb, iui..w.iH, M. B-. MURPHY & GO. HE DAY! 1 iGH r Full iiinc jumvvhI Full I Ana Cjicucral Always on &vays on Motioui flSottoni JOSEPH . . IPresli Groceries, So old stock to woik of)'. The l;it st j .-itlii jis 1' C3-H,-SS -A.ISTJD QTJ-JUE2STS'W".EI. FJ.Ol'i;. FMMDAND I'UOV'ISIOXS. Th?3 Very High&ss Market Price paid for Country Pre due e DREY BUILDING, PLATTSMUOTH. Corner Pearl and I)K.I..Ki:s IN uinu un m r n uii uu jBTjILIDIZsTO- paper. west J31zxzzzs Terms CIsSl Pa 7 - . W V J X E. &. i Mige galS tin lt& I tnt SlySe M'.! v jl. wait1 fS c? to i e e e 1 v e 9 take pleiii:5 In miaowing c sa 4 a o si I M M w o o 1 rfff iTTSTTr "TTr-mb f STORb! Merchandise. Eland, 3 Band. iriees lor Cash. Frices lor awh' WECKBACH. Seventh Streets, t.L KINDS uuuiu CITY HOTEL. This biaiitif :i! tlirc- Mory Wrick t-lnn.-ture. on lower .Ma .a street, la jisf Itch li:i;.,liea aud fillet up fr tlic a;on:i;!j.o.i.iii"ii ;l TRA CUSTOMERS. AM Hi:r;i;j..R iiOAUDE lis, EVERY THING NEW AND CLEAN A Gg'A Bar in r""!-' ;:'.:;,ri"""e 27tf rjIKJ) ;0OS, l'ropr. NEW PurniturE StorE HARRIS & UNRUH, hi: ai.!:::-ijn FUJllTITUniT ? CDFFI1TS, l.i.,i! '.. -. i -;i.tlly kept In H riliS i ( LISS ITRSitTCRI' KTOItR Al--.. :i v iv romr.M't -twok of l uueral Goods. M o triiil W go ric nC 2 01ns CisUls.Rolies' EV.aLEMS, 4c. Oiii Ncv. nr.il clmit l:r:u-siJ i at way la ica.:i:!t-s-. IifMn.-:rler the placp, in UNION VA O' K. on itli rwr. TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun ty Bank. Whcar we may le U uud nixLt or day. HARRIS & UNRUH, 2-it:3 rjllTSMOUTII. NEB. g n n inds