The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 06, 1883, Image 4

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The Plaltsmoatu Herald PflMis&ini Co.
For Cty and (oiu:ir Directory, Kail wy Time
Tftblft. Telephone Kxolianjf Huinem Di
rectory, IMftlneti Cant jif., tlilrl pae.
JEFF. I STONE, - City Editor.
A. .Salisbury, Ucntlwt.
I'hil Young ban aold over .) of Peek's
II.nJ Hoy, and Htill they o.
Mrs. I). II. Wheeler 19 suffering to
day from mi attack of neuralgia and
Mr. Samuel Burns, of Omaha, has
lent the ladies some very costly china
pieces from the While iioue, ulso
from England.
A. II. Smith and wif came In from
Denver on No. 2 last erenlns.
Charles WVt. of Lincoln, manager
of the Lombard Ileal Estate and Fi
nancial agency. Is in the city to-day.
Frank Schlater, one of Will Browne's
old school boys, is in the city to-day,
to be examined for a certificate to
teach at Odar Creek.
C. I). Clappand F.M. Strickland.two
dyed in the wool republicans of Elm
wood, were in the city to-day, and
made Tiik 1 1 Kit ALU ollice a pleasant
Ed. J. Abraham, advance agent of
Kiralfy's Black Crook company, is in
the city to day billing the town. He
left a specimen of pencil work at Phil
Young's th it takes the cake.
One of the curious articles on exhi
bition at the Art Loan is an old Bible
belonging to Mrs. Sarbina Moore.
Some of the births recorded therein
are dated 1737.
All persons lending articles for the
Art l.oar 1 need have no fear, as good
committees will care for them during
the day, and responsible persons will
sleep in the hall at night.
We lettru from the .miueer whocainc
in from llatiugs yesterday, llit Bab
cock, the pal of Ingram and Green, who
were lynched Tuesday nisrht, was taken
to Grand Island yesterday for safe keep
ing until farther proive li.i in hi I rial
State Journal,
Tiik IIekai.d takes a solemn oath
to-day not to make mention of the
wather again. In a country where it
is s hot one day that the stove is
thrown out doors and the next day a
snow storm prevails, nobody, not even
a newspaper, has any business to fool
with weather items.
Th.j c.i3e against Joe Sharp, fur dis
posing of mortgaged property, was up
for hearing in thH county coart to-day,
and Judtie Johnson bound him over in
the sum of $300 to await the action of
the grand jury. Jo is out this after
noon looking for bondsmen, and as we
go to press is still on the hunt.
Engineer Pat ."Swift took No. 1 west
this morning in place of Billy Fouler,
wli i- oft" fir a few days rest and recti
cuperution. ltt i. 0:10 ti the lcfct en
gineer who pull, a throttle 0:1 the B. &
M. and will salely laud his passengrs
at a ty pi:il alo-ig tin; line mi lime if
hi b iler uoYt burst.
Joe Ford oft'en a prize of a handsome
gold ring to the best lady skater, and
a- pair 01 k-itt;n t- the best goat Ionian
skater, th coated to take place sonic
time ia May. The lady winning lias her of t wo ri:ig which arc now on
exhibition :;t Frank Carruth's. The
re!",Tcis will be chosen 0.1 the lay of the
contest by th -e who emipetc for the
prizes. Here is u chaucc for distinction.
The nimroJs who started mil so
auspiciously for a duck hunt a feu-
days ago, returned this morning la
den with the trtiits of good inarkman-
hip. Over a hundred ducks, geese,
and snipe were brought home and
distributed among the folks around
town. The boys say the mud is pret
ty muddy down at Percival, and Bo-
gardus"' i the only man who gets to
A very small audience greeted Ma
tilda Fletcher at the M. E. Church last
evening, but the few who were there
composed the mast intelligent portion
of the community. TLe lecture was a
line one in every respect. Her sub
ject, "The Law of Happiness," is one
involving a great many serious ques
tions, and a number -he presented in
their true character. Her lecture was
something of an appeal for the intro
duction of practical education into our
public schools, as the starting point of
a revolution in the requirements of
what the world calls society. She dis
sected the home, illustrating the happy
home, and the home that was merely a
place to stay, clearly proving that true
happiness consists not merely in the
accumulation of wealth, position, in
fluence, etc., but that the human heart
demanded a sympathy, an apprecia
tion, a lovo a love not sin ply as a
matter of pride or momentary gratifi
cation. but a true, pure love capable
of a giving and receiving.forgiving and
forgetting, of the many vexations
strewn along the pathway of life.
False pride, too, w.13 portrayed as an
other big black blot upon the course
of happiness. The lecture was in
structive as well as interesting, and
the reputation of Mrs. Fletcher as a
public speaker was fully sustained.
The subject tonight is a popular one,
and a crowded house should hear it.
Murderers and burglars have made
their appearance at Nebraska City.
Yesterday's Press contains accounts of
a 1 unsucs-.'ssful attempt at robbery
ltst Tuesday night in which the time
ly --lotion of a brave woman averted
the crime. She had a revolver and
us.:! it. Wednesday night a shot was
fired thr':!5! th. window of house
and almost hit a woman. It might
be a good plan for the citizens of
l'laiism-juMi to ue on tneir guani a
little these times.
Kiralfy' Black Crook.
Judging from the tone ot r.ur ex
changes, we can safely predict a grand,
imposing and acceptable entertain
ment at the opera house on Thursday
evening. The lamed Kiralfy Bros,
never had their uuiuc to any sccoud
class exhibition, and, like the re
nowned P. T. Barnum in the circus
business, the motto of the Iviralfj's is
"Excelsior" in the dramatic and spec
tacular lino. The piece itself is found
ed on the legend ot "Herzog, the Sor
cerer," (the Black Civok,) and the
skill of the painter and machinist
have been taxed to their utmost in
giving c fleet to the story a repre
sented on the stage. The specialty
acts introduced throughout the play
will be numerous and pleasing.
Among the most brilliaut will b.; that
of M'lle Marie Boufauti, Premiere
Pauseuse ot the world, ably support
ed bv M'lle Ortori, Premiere AssoluU
Mons. Xovissimo and a corps dc bal
let of 20 young ladies, as Coryphees,
Amazons, etc., in rich and dazzling
costumes. The dramatic company is
large and well selected, and promises
a highly interesting entertainment.
Notice of Applicatioo.
No action shall be taken upon appli
cations uutil at least two weeks no
tice of the filing of the same has been
given by publishing in a newspaper
published in said county having the
largest circulation therein; or if no
newspaper is published in said county,
by posting written or printed notices
of said application in five of the most
cousplcuous places in the -town, pre
cinct, village or city in which the busi
ness is to be conducted.
No person shall be licensed to sell
malt, spirituous or vinuous liquors by
any county board or the authorities of
any city or village utiles3 he shall first
give bond in the penal sum of S.000,
payable to the state of Nebraska, with
at least two good and suilioient sure
ties. . The corporate
authorities of all cities and villages
shall have power to license, regulate
and prohibit the celling or giving away
of any intoxicating liquors within the
limits of such city or village, the li
cense not to extend beyond the munici
pal year in which it is granted, and to
determine the amount to be paid for
said license, not les than $500 in cities
under lO.oOO inhabitants, and not less
than 31.000 in cities over 10,000 inhabi
tants. i granting
any license the petition therefor thall
be sufficient if signed by thirty of the
resilient freeholders, or if there are
less than sixty in the ward or village,
a majority i f the freeholders in the
ward or village where the sale of such
liquors is to take place.
Horrible DisiMTry.
Juniata IlemM. 1
As we go to prcs,s. we are informed !
of a horrible discovery ntude by -ome j
boys yestordav. It appears that the !
boys were out viewing the old swim
ming hole a mile west of to vn in an
ticipation ot renewing acjinuutanc
the samo when I he rains t-hall have
descended this summer 111 such quan
tities as will Keep the place chock full
lor bat lung. While prospecting
around, one ot the boys discovered in
the limber north of the bridge, what
proved to be the mangled remains of
u parly named Young C. Ilickcn, who
has been missing for some time. The
body was most horribly mangled,
the head almost decapitated from
the body, while the limbs were brok
en and stripped entirely of the flesh.
How long the body has been there it
is imposible to tell, and how he came
to his death is as yet only conjecture
A young cur, by name I). Ash, had
been known to have a grudge against
the deceased, and being of a most un
governable temper, especially so wnen
with the deceased, it is supposed that
after torturing him to his hearts con
ten, he completed his fiendish work
by cutting his throat, and in the strug
gle it is plain that he bit him as the
marks of teeth can be plainly seen on
the deceased's face. Altogether, it is
a horrible piece of work, and we trust
the murderer may be brought to jus
tice. The murdered Young C. Ilickcn
was not generally known in this
neighborhood, but was seen during
harvest time working around the
granaries of several of several of our
List of Letters.
List of letters remaining unclaimed
in the post office at Flattsmouf h, Cass
County, Neb., April . 1S-S3.
Archer, A II
Aruison, Hugh
Adams, Lillie
Bas Aitz, Charles
Barbour, James
Coates, Albert A
Adams, Mrs Allio
Ainitield, C P
Alex, Jennie
Black, Harvey
IJishop, Win
Creamer, Emily
Carmely Mrs Euua Carey, Peter
Chapin. Hon W T Daws. F-tank A
Fo ruber k. Care 1
Gray, Edward
Graves, Ella O
G rimer, J ,S
llickson, John
Hunt, .Sam'I F
Johnson, Ole
Lovett, George
Lesser, Eliza
MiUhell, IJorry
Minard, Elk-anor
Morrison, James
Morebead. Win
Newkirk.J II
Phipps, E i:
Hose, Perry
Sohawven, F
Snyder, John M
Westen. I) L
Eldridge, Frank
Graham, David
Green, Mrs J N
Hennings, Carl
Helms, Sylvia
Ilyle, Wm
J ess up, America
Long. Ella
Lynn, George
Moan, Annie
Marsh, Frank II
Martin, Mrs N
Nelson, Anders
Noon, Mrs Nancey
Price, Uobert
Sohmelz'd, Fred G
Smith, Geo E
Tides, Nick
Wallit-k Emma
Wheeler, Jessie
As reported from the Clerk's office
each day:
Joseph Wagner and wife to Smith J
fc Strode v n w 't l."- 12 in q d !
:oo. j
V. S to Orrin K iniii-oii s e' n . '
80-12-U Pat.
Henry Iloycr and wife io II. I
Travis lot 1 hlk M Weeping Water u
Wheeley, Josie M
Wills, Mrs Mattie.
Persons calling for the above will
please say "Advertised."
J. W. Mak.miai.i,. P. M.
Klver Report, '
As furnished officially to th- War'
1 epartment.
The river at noon today, MomI 7 ft.
. in above low water marK, f bowing n
rise of 2 inches since lat report.
The people of Hastings have given
due notice to some of the haul charac
ters there, that their room is more
desirable than their company, or words
to that effect, as appears from the fol
lowing in the Ncbraskan:
Since the murder of Mr. .Milhdt, wo
have heard a good many good citizens
say that it was- about time that such
characters as Morrison, Stamen, and
some others, make th-ms'dves scarce
from this community.
Owing to the absetu-e of Sherill' IIv
crs from town the jury and :rand jury
have not been drawn from (ho iist fur
nished by the county commissioners but
will be as soon as ho returns.
IP. H i m I H O X,
CITY, of London,
QUEEN, of Liveij ool
FIREMAN FI ND, of California
wki.i.s. i-ai:';o . i:n:i x.
L&mKS !
Secure- tlicm :il tin
PiatUmouth Herald Ofilco
Ollice in l:ti-kv.uiM Itl-M-k,
it li .liillll-'-ll I'.liri
Ask Joe Connor to explain the Black
It tukes but thirteen minutes to lead i
an cicp!iant on train, while it lakes)
twenty for un sort of a woman to kiss j
ucr iricuus goo i oye anl lose tnc eliecK
ol her trunk North Nebraska E igle.
Now, we insist that the kissing part
01113- occupies the thirteen minutes it
takes to load the elephant, ami if the
ladies trunk was as last to her as the el
ephant's the record would be about a tiu
The question of county at'omey has
been delerred by tl.e commissdoners to
j their May m-etiiig, when the different
bids will be considered aud the ability
of the applicants weighed aud the
plum awarded.
li. I:',.
lt, K.
Peck's Bad Boy is the funniest book
every written. Everybody wants a copy. Peck's Bad Boy knocks the spots
oil everything (hat was pat in type; that
he is a holy terror, the ue plus ultra of
all devilment, may be gatherer from ihe
following opinions:
"If I had two boys like Peck's bad boy
I would give the devil one and run away
with tiie other." Loitn UacoX.
for fiflv years with
"I have yearned
deep eo-i!iti-s for
It OO",
I have
ed for a dr-;irehil ! whos velvet checks I
mi-,'!;t kiss and wiih whose golden curls
I might play, but after reading Peck
Bar I Bov
J am c
to my grave."
ntcnted to go childless
Si-sax li. Anthonv.
Peck's Bad Boy, Peck's Sunshine,
Lime Kiln Club, Forty Liars and Other
Lies by Bill Nye ail tor sale by J. P.
Young at 50c each.
For Sale !
X K J. See. 3, T. 1L U.
S K j, Soe. : T. 12, j:.
S. Ar. J, Sec. :;, T. U,
and NA N. W. Sec, K, T.
FA S. Sec. T. Li, J:. Li
: ,, Lot lo, IJIoek 2S.
3, u ro.
S -J, U, 1 1.
Duke's Addition.
The above descri!' tanns
tor Hide on long time, with 7
cent, interest. Apply to
d!:tf Platt.-mouth, Xeb.
Ladies, your special attcnti-m is called
to the new line of dK-ss floods iu.-t
receive! at wecKoaelis.
A 11 N I! I.Ol" OK
COD FISH, Also a choice lot of
Wf b.iw a fine hick of
I'.uiey llritiMls at
I have in floi-k a lire (f
Glbieensvare, Glassware, Lamps,
to. AM our jjimiiI r :oe l e-. ai ! fi. .!i.
Will Excbaflge lor Coantry TMm. Liusccil Oil Heal Always en Hand.
Net door lo Court House, I'laltsmoiith, Neb,
1 l-i&.Vwjai
BATS go to Warrick'.
One hundred and seventy-five
test Coal Oil at L'Se per gal. Try
it. :;jd-lv
Take Notice.
receive Gaff ic Fleishman's
Tuesday and
IJennett s
34 t l"
We will
compressed yeast every
Friilay nioruiu;.-. fresh,
New garden seeds
Bennett it Lewis'.
of all kinds at
To Bent.
Furnished rooms for lodgers.
The Am
express cotnpaaie-; will have a sale of
nucl-tiuied packages, it Cuming' nuction
store iu Omaha, eoiumenciu the 6:h f
Mv. The packages are taken from all
their offices in the state, anil there re
about eiht huudred of thatn. Tie Iiit
from Piattsnouth H as follows: An
derson, Andy, Bosworth, C T (Weeping
Water), Chandler 31, Coriham AG,I)aw
son J W, Frederick Henry, Kramer L,
Walling ilrs, G V, Wheeler
Uros, West M A, Brown S II, Chambers
J id, i)yer Howard M, Kdmunda C A,
J.:i.m n W T, Luke J W, Kiverson B B. j
Warner Mrs C II, Wilson Mrs Anna.
Joseph Loyd informs the Heiiai.d that
a case of the dread disease amonj; hors
es known as g.anders has been discov
ered at Mr. Long's living south of Eight
Mile Grove who has a "mule down with j
it" that a few days ago, Dr, Chambers, j
an experienced veterinary surgeon of Otn- i
aha, was culled down to examine the
- .... - 1
case ami pronounced it glanders, in an of Airs. Baltic Newtoa. Oak street. 34 fit
advanced stajc of the disease. Mr. !
Lloyd says Mr. Long agreed to kill the j
mule at once, but whether it Jon jet 1
been done, fie is ot informed. Xebras- j
ka has a very severe statute ayain-jt keep- i
ing unun-tiri with diseased ot this nature;
in a nei !ibrfifid and anv iu-tti:i hav- I 1,1
iiig a ho-se or mule in his jioMiesdou a I'
ll ic ted with this disease should put an
end to it a' nee: ioih out of eoi;sider:i
tiou for his u-jigidiors stoek as his own
person ;1 se.- uriiy.
Not see i lierebv givcu (lint a eeri;i:n noti?
from J. C IVtersan to Jmlfrey Ficivler l:ited
Mareh 20tli lss for " wiili interest from
date at 10 ier cent and due .Maive 2'th. 1883,
has been lost. Every er:t:i href-y warned
against buying NHiil no e a: iiio sami' in iast
due and lias been paid.
Dated Aoril 5, issa. i.c.pifkkt Kitklkk.
d.!ot4 J. C. l'KTEKSO
Proposals for Military Sup
plies. liioAix.'i Ai'.iKijs Okv't ok tiik. Pi.A rrr,
l liiet Viiartermasit r's :':ice.
OMAHA, Nkii., M;uvIi Tlli. lSW.
Rkalko i-1-.Oi-osai.s, iii tiii!it-;itv. sii!.-j.--i to
the tli" :isnal eondit ions, wi!l lie reei-ived :tt
tliis ollice until 1-J oVloek -M., on Wedn.-dav
Alril is. lss;!, or at the ftinie hour nUowiii" tor
the din-roiu-e in t itne.) at the oiii-cs ot Hie
ljtiarlerin;ist-i at tin- following named f:it:ons
at which places and t;nie tliev will be oim ihU
in the presence of bidders, for the i'unii.-liiiij;
and delivery of Military Supplies during thi.
year c-omi!ieiieiim .Inly I-d, 1ks, and eiidinn
June :Kilh, lsst, as foiloiv.s : W ood. Jlay and
Charcoal, or Kttcl) of said supplies jih may lie
required at Onialia Depot. 1-oit Omaha. Fort
Niobrara. Fort sjdnev. Cheyenne Depot, 1-Vrt
Kussell. Fort Steele. Fort Douglas. For' lloliiu
son. Fort Mrldger. Foil l.aiuniie, Fort Mf-Kin
ney. Fort Washakie, and Fort I'horiibui-l;
and for the delivery at Fort I horn burgh -i jn
tons 01 Coal of 2210 pounds to the ton.'
Fioposals will be received at this dtice
uj 10 me nay ano iiour aoove named, for U;e
delivery on the cars at the point, nearest to tiie
mines or the line of the I'nion l'acillc Kailwav,
of eight thoiisaml tons of Coal,, of 240 pounds
to the ton. Also for delivery at Oinalia Depot,
orat station on the main line of the Union I'a--ilie
Hai way east from Kearney Junction, of
two million pounds Corn, and one million
pounds Oats. i:ids for t ram should s'n:e Hi"
rate per ion lbs, nor per busiie.
rroposuls for either class of the stor.s inen
tioned. or for (Uanlities i-ss than the .-,.
re(iijied will; be received. i;...-h pro:...;il
shouid be in tiili-ate, sKi'AHATr; idk k .t ii
AltTICLK AT KAC1I STATION. ?ind mj! lie :-e-
! eompaiued by a bond in the sum ot e hnnd
j rel dollars ( V'iiiiii executed ctrii'tlv in accord
I ance with ! he printed instructions', and upon
' the blank form furnished under this advertise
I ment, yuai anteeing that the parly making the
! proposal shall not withdraw the same within
I sixty dys from the date announced for open-
ing lliem ; titid suppli -s bid for, awarded
. thereunder, he will. ithia ten daysafl-r 1 e-
im; iiouu--a 01 me awiil. (provpied such noti
fication be made within the sixty days above
mentioned. )aeecit the same anil fnii'iisli
and sullicient sureties, at fur the faithful
performance of t he contract. The Oovernmeiit
reserves the right to reject any or all proj .0
sals. a preference will be given to article of
domestic production.
Blank proposals and nrlnteJ circnl.n-s stt.
nig no- hiiiu. ami estimated
TIae only ISoms
f f ? ? r -i 4-
ever wE'swsa Sea
e e e
vr w i TO R
5 .r,
'V b S
9 1- f
352tSI2eF lie-
U y I. Oi. 9
W 5
For ltui. 1
The northeast eorner room in Stadel- !
man's bakery. CJood for oliice or small j
business. Hi if F. Staoki.mvvx.
niintir ii if
Wood. Hay and Charcoal rentmed at each Fta
rw J T t ttnu fnniB lull IUM1 UCUOllX as 10 ine
I PflV 3.57V I y 11 1111 r I niannerof bidding, eonditioiM to be observed
' " J v I I J -lll 11 1 41 i J by bidders and terms of contract, etc., will bo
j furnished on application to this office or to the
wuanci masters at tbe various stations named.
hnvelop.-s containing proposals should Le
marked : "Proposals lor at '
and addressed to the undersigned or to the le-
Now Located on
K-;ise t; Kent.
one of the best locations
Inquire of J. . Jennini'.s.
in the
spi ctive i'ost and Depot Oitartermasters.
JOHN V. FLi;i:V. Caittahi.
A. . M . IT. S. A., iu charge 01 C. i. M's of-i-te.
Dee-!, of the i'ia-te. " e'.'t 1
(ANJ)) -
Law and collection business promp
tly attended to at this ollice and pro
ceeds remitted without delay.
Notarial work, conveyancing nnd
ab'dractinir attended to on short no
tieo and satislaction naruulced.
If there is any thing we do make a
specially of, it is city and suburban
real estate. .Several lino farms and
sonic wild land at bargains, l.ahoriii";
men can get a home by paying month
ly what they new pay lor'hoiioe rent.
hpac; forbids giving but a small
percentage ol the. bargains now on the
ho;;ks at Ibis a gene ; we nam') the
Six eh-. ice ball' acre lots, H minutes
from li. K. shops, at from to $iro
each, and on terms thai would make
a man ashamed to say hj did not own
a bouse, (-'ome and see, you ie not
compelled to buy and we wonl$ x'ivc
tliese lots away, but you tan get tliem
to they will absolutely cost von noth
ing. i' ive acre Jot A mile from citv lor
&2o0 part on time.
Kleven acre lot I mile from city
ibr.'jio.VJ this is -.ira" line.
1 have three pieces of outside prop
erty which I cm sell and under
take to furni.-.h purchaser Work
enough to pay ir ihein, now I will
furnish I he gioitnd and you the work,
work is v hat hurls me. II you will
do ihe work m a lair price 1 will o.lvc
vou 11 clear deed for tin- l-nwi- t
can't do the work come and s'ee m'e, 1
may nun corny one w iio will do it lor
yoii. "
Ten acres for 6j 00
G00 00
'' " 760 00
" " " 'MA) 00
several :-tii rl i tracts well imoroved
nnd adjoining the ily, for sale at
reasonable ralei-.
40 acre-, wild .'ji G00 00
(' " improv'd lbOO
VM " o.,00 00
IV) '4
I ccS's Bad Kay.
IV uo.l in hook form at AVarriek's.
, i'r'jniJor.
rjuuiit VTcik solicited i
If you have anything you want s ;ld
at auction c:ll on Joe Ford. d&tr' '
The county coiij.,;:s;.,:i: rs a ij-uine
I vpsterdav af'tei-nri.i:i.
" ! Art ! hatute passed through tin:
Bargains! IWgniii! iu !ab u.ori iges. i Alembaie of njan.'V-.EmeitJonr
box paper, vioiius, aecordeons, in .'tut in ! Geo. Gray bill, teacher ot a thor at the P. (). nva depct. j ouh an,, praclit.a, system of I)hv8;;
f hit I .our ;r in Hen
fresh every Tuesday and Friday morn-
ings. 1 siiplied
Lewis, agents.
compressed Ffil an.d voea,1 utui. expr. ssion
, received hi' vo.,CC an,d actlon-
by Bennett &
Major Wheeler so far has received
the crop report of 44 counties. The
Major is zealous iu this work, and if
the different counties don't care
enough about what we've got and
cau raise iu Nebraska, it is no fault
of his. Hitchcock county was the
first to report, and it is oue of the
farthest away. This is an Important
matter to the people of Nebraska just
now while the tide of immigration i
at its highest, and might be the meaus
rf a more rapid settlement upon our
fertile prairies, and induce the loca
tion ot manufacturing enterprise
amongst us. This report is published
ouUide of Nebraska in more ways
than one, and nothing will be lost by
a full report.
Choice oranges an 1 lemons, largo line
of pipes aad smokers ttrticles, full lineof
genuine Richtor bsrmoaicas, latest stylos
ladies portmonja and shoppiug satchels
at bottom prices at the P. (). news depot.
Mot Ice.
To Whom ii May Concern:
My wife. Mary Ann -Streight, having
left m bed and board without just
causa and provocation, I hereby forbid
any or all persons trusfug her on my
account, as I will pay no debts of her
contracting after this date.
T. A. Streigiit.
SouTn Bend, Neb., April 4, l8;).
Children's classes, advanced class-
j es, Spakespearc or Alilton classes,
private classes, public and parlor
readings at reasonable rates. Ollice
at the 1'erkins house.
For Sale.
Fo ir lols together in good location in
the city of Plattsmouth. Inquire at this
For Sale or Trade-
Coin pressed yeast just received fresh
at Bennett &, Lewis'. 31 2t
Boyd's best brand hams, breakfast ba-
Two good cows, with calf, for
either for stock hog or fat cows,
quire at Jonathan llatt fc Co.'s.
House to Rent.
Inquire of Chaplain Wright.
con, Ion" lean side meat at J.
llatt &
A Square Meal
Cau be had at the City Hotel for only
2- cents aud lodgmg at Same reasonable
rates. Farmers aud Commercial ilen
will pleas liear this iu min i. d&wtf
Henry Doeck
tias au.ii-gani line oi usDy carriages
for sale very cheap. AIho a nice lot of
refrigerators and the largest stock of fur
niture ever brought to PUttamoutfi at
prices that can't be discounted. It will
pay you to see him. d39jtw2-tf
Ice ! Ice ! Ice !
Now is the time to contract for your
sunflner's supply of ice. Bed rock prices
prompt delivery ami superior quality of
ice, tirst come first served by the new ice
man. U3ni2 Joe Faihfieijj.
A new lineof line dress goods con
sisting of the latest styles aud patterns
just received at Week bach's. 23tJtf
Wanted to Kent.
A house of four or live rooms in Platts
uiouih, or instead, Uard for a family ot
three, in a privats familv. Address B
Hkuai.P office. " d29 6t
riianViiii! oiy p.-nriri- lor past favors, 1 so!l
I eit furl li- r .rs.
j R'i:i"..i!,i-r rue pie. MioXeii-i mp houx,
J Wa-:ii;i-f!.!i Av.:iuv.
I TN0fiL0!N
Meat Marke
LA FA' CtXElL, I'rop'v.
Ml Mntton. Pork Veal- CMctens. &c.
CotiKlantly on hand.
( Also, all kinds of ;.VHt; in season, and e
j crytliing kept in a
At lurtv.t pos-ible rates.
North Side Main St., bit. V.h : i I
ITo Humbug Here!
I Can Outsell any One Price Clothing
Outfit iu I'lattsinouth
BotiiHere aai at- my Brancli Store,
As I Buy For Cash.
Remember the above statement.
i i;itis::ioii th '! eled:ene .iii,n,e.
.1. P. Yoniur, resid; u.-e.
llv-iliii-U &, store.
M. i!. Mtirpiiv i t'o., "
l'o?.:ity i;it i-..'n :;'!:. ! resilient e.
t toe
io:ig ;
1 Hie
lei e..
W) ac n
I Co
SO "
bo '
lo'j jo u j; f
od 00
i'iM ()
VjA) 0)
rui iii L'a-r,
ne a;id l"-,v r;U(;
'.I iu-
.1. V . ( .-Ali.l. il. .iJe.
I ! I . il. iViieeler. ro-iiieiice.
o l. V. ra:iidieli.
' i i it. H. V. i;iuiiaiii,
I !" .!:.. Vj-yiiiiui,
I i J. V. . .'e!:!ii!i--.
1 7 . S '.. i-. uii:,v.
, li ..!o; i iiro.s,, Oiiic-e.
: !:) i:. t,ui t r, hiore.
i i"J O. V. i ti.rtield. ivi-teiKv.
! 21 M. h .Miiii-hv.
I 2 l. if. Vheelei- & (:. . unu-e.
, i'J J. l Taylor, reideiiee.
; i!t 1- irsi Nation:;! IJynk. '
I - 1. K. liutlners oliice.
I .J. I'. You n jr. ttore.
; -'S I erkius lious-.
j -t' It. W. ilyeis. leridenee.
.'a Joui oliice.
! :o i) I'l l-.. Co ollice.
. .v J.N". i-e. i-c.-tdeuce.
1 a'i S. M. fliap:n;..i:, "
i W. I. I,. i-es.
A. N. Sullivan,
II. K. i', "
W. II. .stliiidfceecht, ollice.
Sul!iv;::i i Woo ey,
A. V. Meuiiifc'lUin. re-,i.lo:iec.
A. Patterson, livery.
CM. Holmes. "
L. 1. Ueiiiiell. residence.
leo. S. Smitli, otlice.
L. A. Moore, tior-st.
J. Jiarnes. resideneo
SO I. I. Iavln?riim !,..
h v-vekf;wU. residence.
3a- ( Iiaolaiii riulit.
340 W. U.heliCdkiitelit "
341 tleo. S Smitli fc
3."o K. 1, Liviujstun.
315 V. I. Hallard,
The switch board connects Plattsmou! a with
AslUaiid, Arluijjtou. Illair. founcil Uiuff, Fre
mont, LiiicjIq, 0:uaii;i and EUiioriiMation.
I I. "or. hit
fe ! - X Sit.
M 0
" (ca-h) .Jil'XKJ
i l l Y l'iioj:it r Y.
'J iil'k- li olll fci;p f (
. Hi.
" .. ! hi-:: eel
"'.t.iliii. t,ii ,-: .
1 lo'l: Jio:ii .l:;:n
Improved eity r ai -t-i..-dance.
I caind vvlmt :,i
tliis line it yo.i will call Mid
Bllllil S IkjU-1-i. :ijd
extra 100
iu abun
waiit in
tee ine.
lor sale
iuJ lor
Tliis Leautiful three story Lrick f tincture, on
lower .Maid street, ha- just lieen finifliej and
fitted u;t for the accommodation ot
A Good Bar Iu conn i7Se:Uh the
27tf. FRED GOOS, Tropr.
Rockwooti IJIock,
at much lower !iurc ii,i, will be
i. niontlii hf-iiee.
.i aud ii v ! i in s ri n i d
rent, n-nts proiiijiiiy "o!ltci.ed.
i. you (ion i kt uhai ou want iu
thl- -:ilii,n cc!i: a id ari 1.,; ii f'v-,.
j probably nnsed ju-,t n l,at;ou want.
G lo' " ,iejr'-' fcV, ,'-v evening Irorn
Good new house and two fine lols
In good location pi ice, 600.
Union Rlock,
Carriage Painter,
Grainlsf. Glazing Paper Hantfnj,
Uave ordr at Warrick 'a. riattimo ith. i t.
Choice Candis !
Iloine-inaile ami Warrankd
Strictly I'ttre.
at all Lour. .
0j-6ters night' or day at tho
3sr i jtz