XT. 7: VOL. 1 PLATTSMOUTir, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 0, 1883. NO. .'35. pWteni0iijii) mt<i n r1 f - i 1 il V THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Full Full Eisic Gienrral Mercliaiuli.se. uinc diujicrul Always on Hand, Always on Hand. liottom Prices Bottom Prices JOSEPH V. WECKBAGH. 3 U K LI N GTO (Chicngo, LJurilnfjton & rrT" ; - "i : : v. t . " , I 1 fi.. : I : .i'tr.i : ' :. .; i.:f .. -.: i f -5. : ..: 1 .v .i-:." i.r . r: : .l.i-l t- - I ' ti: :il ...li i v i t. i it c, : 4--. :l : r 9 K.---: Cqulj:.jw-d ;ai:roci in tha ;. .:' iv:::t i Vi . :ir-.-j,t ! l T-isasr I ALWAYS BENNETT Come to tli front with a THE Staple and Fancy Groceries riJKSII AND NICE. A'e rIwhvs Luj- W.v 1 (ft ond in W.v- market, and guarantee everything we sell We are polo agents in tliis ia t( for the ale of ' PERFECTION" GROUND SPICES, AND THE CELEBRATED "BAT A VI A" CANNED GOODS, Nothing finer in the marfcet. Piatt's "Tiger" brand of Baltimore Oyster always on hand. Come and see us. We will make you glad.? THIS CELEBRATED 55 DEALERS Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. The best and most complete assortment in the city. In the HOCKWOOD BLOCK, two doors west of Carruths. Call and see us. irace No old stock to work off. Tlie latest patterns tf G-LASS A.2STT3 Q,TJEEITSWAK;B. FLOUR. FLED AND PROVISIONS. The Very Highess Market Price paid for Coub try Pre dure PKYBUILJ3I NG, Merchandise. for Cash, for Cash N ?unoy - " .-. : : o r; j r h I : ; 5-- . J 7 ti. t - .i : ;i to ami : ':- :-. .M'iTI to St i'.! :-.:.l ..;n rh. iiis ;:r:.i fro;.. fr''-:i .:t J.--:.:i a-il '-.tria cml tol t ! i:; .mi ! .tiiinva. Only on r.rs nvtuivn St. Ixus aiul iJt-s iiiC!'.. 11 i.: u: lutfi, 1 ji.coln, Nebraska, and iH-nvtT, v, r.- V.'orM for nJI Classes of Travel. Klun.Y.v:, :.Q".Vg:LL. Gca. I'aas. Ag't, Chicago. AHEAD I & LEWIS, complete stock or AX FOR SALE BY IN zzzmwzh .. r- j.y 1.:S:L.'-'Jf;i..-.W .-I. , ifSSW BROS., IhieroL PLATTSMUOTH OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. iiiiW MUM Mm lilJ Onlern taken for WILSON liliO:-?. SHIKTS. DKfKEU IU:ns.' HOARD by the DAY or WEEK. :es. 3: o no: si sr Corner Pearl and DEAL.ERS IN ALL G nt. Eaow'C Etaies. The l'i.ATTSMOUTII HE1IALD evcrv facility P BP h Bo Lumber, Sasn In Every Department. iatalosu ATJCTIOIT Ovu Stock: of And materials is large and complete in every department. OZRID3;:R,S 3VTII, SOLICITED PLATTSMOUTH HERALD PUB. CO Subscribe for tlxeJDaJZy JZercbtcL OPERA HOUSE -AND- rURKISIIERS. GENTS' POST OFFICE ews aepot. STATIONERY, NOTIONS. -AISTXD CIGABS. MASOX & IIAMLIX W HENRY V. MILLER ;:na CEXTIIAL RESTAURANT. Meals at Ail Hours. OYSTERS IN SEASON. s Seventh Streets, KINDS OF- inds 1 xio? aSa 5 Twms Gash PUBLISIIIXG COMPANY has for first-class BILLS, JBlcuilc JPcupeis n nnrc k es $ Pamphlet Work TELEGHAPHIC jiisckIjLankous. Honors to IVIcr Cooprr. A Dishonest Postmaster. Ktc, Ktc. Lie. KILKKIJ IIIMSLLK. Xku' lt .ikli.k, -. V., April .". CJeo. W. b.ivid-, who kil'- il l.iiiiscll in New V.;rk, was ac; n Iivusiimt of Hip hour' uf udncilioii luTt, ,i.:d h;td c w tody of $:li).0i;0 of town luiid.s. POdTMASTi::: co.Ni'w'i::!) to uoijbkkt. State Ckntral, Iow.i, April .. The po3tiu;istr htru wa;; arrthted Tneadaj' ii;!it ftr rob!;::i tho llic of valuabh- n-'ister.; I h-tters. Ho nKido a full coiifesriiiMi and the niont-y was recovered. i;oiiUi;i tiii: I'ltKACHiiit. J'LTFALO, April T. James Kobinaon, aged 75, rcntlv married in this c.itv to a Toronto ladj through an adver tisement and by fcivii.; her a boud Check for 8100,00:), dec amp;d to Can ada, taking with him a gold-headed cane and an overcoat, property of Itev. lr. Stratton, who performed the ceremony. Kobinson was arrested at Hamilton, Canada. don't you roiuiKT IT. Alhany, April 5. A bill was in troduced in the senate, and immedi ately ordered to a third reading, to pre Yent any attempt to personate or rep sent Jesna Ciirist by any show, jlav, or dramatic representation, whether free or by admission fee, and declares any violation of its provisions a mis demeanor, and punishable by a line not less than S100, and imprisonment not le33 than six inauths. KANSAS SMALL-POX. Chicago, April ". A Tribune To peka, Kas., special gives information from tho towns of Umpire City and Galena, wliich aro only separated by an imaginary line, to the effect that there is no abatement in the small pox scourge there. Hu-dness of all kinds is entirely suspended. The local authorities have exhausted all funds at their command. In fJalena alone there have been fifty deaths. The population is mostly of people of slender means. THE INDIANS. Sana Fk, April A t-mall band of Indians, making for the Buro mountains, passed near I)cmiur this morning. Capt. Martin and two com panies are. in pursuit. General Crook and Mackenzie held a conference at Albuquerque today. Gen. Crook will make an aggressive campaign in Ari zona, with a view 01 carrying out Secretary Teller's idea of wiping out the whole baud of Chiricahua hostile3 under the lead of old Juh and sup posed to be scatteted through the mountains. IIONOKS TO PETE 3 COOPER. New York, April 5. The board of alderman has taken action on ihe death of Peter Coop?r, and at the rc-qnct-t of cilizc is will ! s ; places ot busiuesss the day of 1 lu: f.uieral, : n I shipmasters are onle.vd to place tair Hags at halt mast. New York, April h. The Women's suffrage society adopted a resolution of loving regret for tha death of Peter Coop, r, philanthropist, "who has t the funeral of Peter Copper, oaturday, the church with the centre aislj will be u 11 to ihe public. After the e-ervire Mie body will be le'.t in the .... 1 cimrcii t.li i p. in., anu opporiuuii.v will be givea to view the ren!aiuj.",lu the funeral procession all will be per mitted to join. y AN EXTENSIVE LAND SALE. Chicago, April 5. A year ago the state legislature of Texas ceded a por tion of the state kno .vu as thi "Pan handle" comprising three million acres, to a tyudica'e comprised of C. D. Farwell, J. V. Farwell, Abner Tay lor, A. C. Babcock, on the considera tion that the ' latter erect a capitol building for the slate, in Austin, to cost $1,500,000, thus fixing the value at fiftv cents per acre. A L,ondou syndicate has just been given the re fusal of the entire tract until April 15, aud the sale declared virtually eon eluded. The price is stated at ten millions. The tract is five thousand square miles and comprises theuorth ern arm of the stats, and is declared rich in arable and grazing lauds, wal c-red and timbered lo such a degree as to attract three English syndicates who 6eut agents Across the water to purchas. The last agent made two propositions; either to rent the privi lecre of irraziu stock, or lo buy the laud outright. T-iC salo will close on 1 he latter proposition on condition of the first payment being placed to the credit of the Chicago owners. . in the bank of England, at a date nam ed WASHINGTON NKWS. A Fraudulent Concern. APPOINTMENTS MADE. Washington, April .V -The po.it oMire department today declared the .Marion Trut Companies, of Chicago and Indi.inopolis, fraudulent conctliH, The Jcannctte court ol iinjuiry, with out transacting any bu.-iiics, udjourned un'il tomorrow. The follo.ving post 111 inters were ap pointed today: Win. Itciter, Gncu.Iowa; Oeuuis P. Ihopt ey, Xokoniis, Illinois. liie SI ar says the Leavenworth post oiJiee light win Mettled today by the commission of John Mt ICee in p!ace of D. K. Anthony, the present incumbent. President Arthur, Secretary Chandler and Mr. Miller, of New York, left here this morning for Jackson, Florida. Representatives ol the Chicago Tribune, Cincinnati Commercial Ga.cttc, New York Sun and New York Times accom panied the party. The president lias made the following uppniiitmcuts: A. W. Sheldon, of Mary land, associate judge of the Mtircnic court of the territory ot Oregon, vice W. W. Hoover, suspended; S. F. Snyder, In dian agent at Fort Peck agency, Montana vice Nathan S. Porter, resigned; Wm.W. Carter, collector internal revenue seventh district, Inditua; David I. Russell, tint ed .-States marsha'l of eastern district of Arkansas: Henry Ward, Indian inspect or, vice Wm. J. Pollock, resigned. OTHER LANDS. The Marquis ol Lome. " Number One " Identified. TREATY cMNi:i. IJkkliv, April 5. Germany and Spain have signed a commercial treaty. AN KXTKNSION IKSI KKt. Ottawa, April . Marquis Lome expresses a desire that his term he ex tended another year. THE I5X PETITION. Pra;ssi;r.s, April n The French mission ";oes to Congo to join Stanley in explorations. ID consists 01 mree Swedes and a Belgian. THE r KOPEK THING. St. Peteksuuko, April The lo cal chief of police and all others who contributed to the comfort of the crew of the Jeannette and Rogers have been decorated bv the Czar. l'ARXELL WILL. NOT ATTKXH. Jonuox, April 3. It Inis been defi nitely decided that neither Parnell nor any other member of the Irish parlia mentary party will attend the conven tion at Philadelphia. TIIEV KEQUIUE MOKE MONEY. London, April 3. The Grand Trunk announces an issue of 73,000 pounds sterling as a perpetual four per cent debenture on stock issued, the price to be ninety per cent. Ths money is re quired to meet bondi maturing and for other purposes. "XL'MBEK ONE." Dublin, April 3. At the trial of the prisoners charged with the Phoenix park murders, a photograph of a man named Tynan, recently alluded to by the name of Tyner, was produced This photograph has been identified by James Carey, informer, and three others as that of "Number One." It is stated tffat a portion of the money with which Tynan was entrusted for destruction, can be traced to the in rincibles. The government is in pos session of an affidavit to the effect that Tynan and "X timber One" are identical. The crown solicitor will strongly oppose the request to be made by the accused for a postponment of the trial till Peter Carey, brother of James, be accepted as informer. Plattsmouth City Markets. PROVISIONS, FRUIT, I EEl &C. (fiKTAII.) Kei-crled hy M. It. Murphy & Co. Flour.. Meal... ... $3.00 Gl 1.30 per owl t--.Z ; 5 c " Bran Clnpjed Peed 1'-r' I:ve Hour ri.w ;raliaiu Fiour . a.ho Butter , Cheese (part fkini).. Clieefe (full cream). Sugar Cared Hauls.. Bacon AT:.2.ct9 per E i.- 17 " 14 " 15 " " Shoulders Dried Beef 13 " " Poultry f 4..M ?; 5.(j perdoz. Egps... 10&12S c. - Cabbage ...vac. Choice Potatoes 4Ma5-. ct. per bu. Sweet " i- " Beets 75cts Onions "cts ' Apples (winter) l.eo ttI- Sweet Cider 15c per gal Oysters, select per can Common. 0 " Soar Uirge ABDCN OCTDC drfcrlhiiur C'oo' Heliablt g$4t ix Mailed ft'rvsB to AIL W iflT.-r tlif latettt Si'oetttit la VEKD POTATOES. Corn. Oatm A i; si, ana the h"l fotUrtton of Vegetable, ;..vir, rssnud TrwHF.EIt. ETerrthlny is texted. AdiireM tKLK M BUM, i,mf, PfLliLi, IV IT A. LEGAL NOTICES. Legal Notice. In tb' ilMilet ..iut of ('mi count v NVbrmkn. In Hie Mint' er of Hit. ii iilU'dlloii ol Miwy Mntin iiiliuliilit 1.1I1 1 of tlm c.lilr of Andrew Stluil i. lU-eriinl. fur lleelipe to ncll liiml. On lemlliiK I lie t IIII1111 of Mai y sliuip. H'l lnliil"li;ili of the eitutf of Ainlii w Mimji, le craiMt. i ant- hi Ihl; hihouk ollo-r I Ii loft Unit Ilie Niil'l ileeeii'i il ilfwl m li i of leilalti real elat' I In rein ili-rci I lu il. mill I li 1 1 II It ticcm nai y to HI I lie Mnine lo .uy I li ilelits of aid dceensed, nml ra Iiik fnl' a lli-elimt to II t lit (nine ; Mini It Aiiirai Iiik lo i .h couit tliut It U lirrt'Hury to HI mila leal estal for that pur ie. It i ordered thai H.ihl h II! Ion lie licurd l.cfolf Hull. H. II I'oillid. .lude of IliedUlilet court In mid foi I lie count y ol ui. at Ilia of. lire of the Hoik ol I lie illitllel cuilit. In the elty of l l.ilt.iniiLlli. In the t'oiiiily of ;um, unci HI ill of Nehl'ltkll. Ht OIK' o'clock l. III. oil tint Hi ilay of May IMn.i. 1 1 l f in I In i ordeieil I hat till" order he imtilKtii'd tit li Ksl four miecri.Hl vn week he 1 1 mi Hah! (lay llxcd lol healliiK Mnhl JM'tlllon, lu the I'l.ii tiiii'iul li IIciiai.o, a week y lltWMiae Ulllll('( Ut I'l.lll'llliellll III Mlllll county ol '.iM. ILLIAM 1 A Ml IN Jit., Mlllllvall Si Wiioley, Jildue I'leshlllnf. Altmiiejn fur retltlniirrt, M'tt Notice of Application. Notice It hciehy ;lv.li ln.il William i'Hpi will In, ike 11111 Hi .11 Inn liclole Ihe Coillify Colli' iiiii.uneit ol at couiity. ,riiriKii, ui tiieir next ii'Kiilur meeting at I'i.o tinoul li, fur license lo m 1 1 Mpli 1 1 nous ainl vhonK ll'U il lit hit plaeo ol InilncHt, InAvoea, ;iit euiiiily Niiailui. a-1 1 LEGAL NOTICE. Ida Anna I't.e li I vt. r ilttavuiit II. I'e.'ieli. I 1 11 I he (I Hi 1 lc cum I , In the Heeoml ludlvlul dislili l, lu ami lui (Juxn coiiiilv, .Ncl.iaika. lo I.Ufl.ivunt II. leaeh. iiuii-eiicul fenilaiil : Vou ale lieit-liy in.lilleil I hat on tlm Ulli day of .March, ISKt. Ida Anna I each tiled l.ctll lun aualnil 1111 III I lie il inl I II I coill l Ol aiMCoiinlv. Nehi ask h. the ohleel ami eravei f which Hie to ohlalu 11 divorce trom you, on the Kiuuiid that you have willfully ahnudniieil Ihe Plailillll w itliout k'oim ciiiiii; rur I lie icnu ol two years last iiait : and 11U0 lor tlm cale mil ciiHloiiy OI Ule elillilieii. 1 ii'i aie reiiuireii in antwer wain ecuium on or helure the liistilay of .May in:i. IliA ANNA I'KAl 11. I!y Smith nnd Jlnenoa her Altoiiiev. O-'tl Road Notice: o all whom It may ermeeru : The cuiiiiiiIhsIuiicis ai nned to locate 11 road leelniiiiie al a iiolnt Mi linkt north o cornir lu sections II, J"., '11 and town 12 N laiiKH Id, int ; thence went 4J III- OKI chains in a liollil Ml llhkM N. of the fee. eorner on the Mm III fide ol see. !." ; I hence we. I M t'haint ; lln lici .N .Mi wt-Ml m elialuit ; llienei! Mouth (i'l-liMl chaliiH : ihi-nee hoiiIIi (,ii - W. a !2-1'hj halus ; Ihciiee noilli VI W W 0 wi- lixiehalint ; llienei; south mii u , 4 iliaiiis ; llience -oul h I- . . G s.'i-Hi I ehallit to a inlm .Vi uk lioitll IS i:. ei.l iier ol ((!. ID ; thence v.-t 40 1 II-10(1 haliit lo a pom) .'hi links .V ol Ihe t nee. cor ner on soui.li side of hcc. JO ; tlieiie.; iiurtll fed halm to ii leant. iVlilnK wel l nee. corner on north fide of fee. til, all In town 'J, lance lu Hid In f tvur ol vacai iiik ruail i uhikiiK olak"- illy aero'H see l.'iaiid .N. r.. ' of fee. lo, 1. :. it. in. iian iciiiwled lu favor of I lie loeallou t hereof, and all ohjeci inlet there to in i lalmt f..r amaites, iinisi hi; filed In the county clerk s lliec. un or In lin e noon on I lie l'.ih dav f Mav A. ISf3. or fiieil roail will he located oul vacated w u lion t i cl-l ciicn thereto. Wi J. W. Jksm';h, I oitutv Clerk, Notico to Farmers. A llit cluis hue of Nursery stuck mikI orna mental fhruhhery, such at fruit licet. cian vines, coltonuffods, noil maples and lu'lutt plants. For sale ul lo toll) pi lees. J'lattSluoiith, ,MD w-14 JOHN I.EKI.KY. Notice to Teachers. I will be at mv olliee in I'lattsiiioutli tho llift I'llilav and hatiirdav. and al Kl in wood the second and fourth I i nlay aiid .Saturday, and uf. Werplnir V. ater the third iialurday ol eacli moiit h to at tend to Hny fcimol hu-Juent that may be presented UM Cciit.'H A ii on, sut'crnaeiKiciii. Legal Notice. In the district courl 'J'l Jiu'lclal district, la ami lor Cass county, ci. Iiavbl .1. Porter I VS r Iilial lici'. Mary .1. Porter. ) J . . . .. . ... ....... Hi .iliiry.1. i nner, iinu-rc idem oeiciiiiaiii, you are hereby ho'.ifipd that on the 27th dav of jMarch. IkH.:. lavnl J. Pol ler Died a petition iL'aln-t vou III Inedistilct eoun ol l ast eoiiuiv. .Nchij-kii, llieiibject and prayer of whicli me o o b:am a i voree iioiu yon oi nie L'toiimif that yo.j have wilfully abandon i t Un laintiff. w il lioul ifoud cans.- lor I lie I ivi l two ift last past, you are reip.lreil to answer fald peti tion on or tn 1 re Monday, tt.c. 14i.ii day of May, David J. J'obtkr, j By Smith & P.eesoti JTlfr . lilt yiiioi iiej s. Notice to Physicians. Notice in lierebv ul n that bull will be re ceived at the ol.iiie of the County Clerk, up to noon ol the 2d day of April. Issa. lor the med ical at .endaiicc and inrush nit of medlcliiea for county charge and lninale if county Poor I Inline and .ail for one year. The Coin-lilis-ioiieis re-ene the lij?ht to reject any or all bid", i.y order of County ' omiiilssloiiers. Witney mv band and ollndai seat, tins .in day of March. i-KJ '. W. .Ikvmmii, Legal Notice. In the district court os C..is ccuii'y Ntbraiika Kichaid r . Mason f Notice u hou-resldciitdef't f'utlicrine Mason. I Catherine Mafon. ron-rsldetit oeieuuaui, i herehv iKdider. that Kiehard 1" Manon did ou the 2T'li day of March lfs.. lile bif petition In the etliee of the clerk of the district court ol Cass county, and the Mate of Nebraska, charg ing the defendant with adultcrv with ore , and asking that be may be di vorced from the f aid defendai t. which peti tion will ftand lor hearing al the next terta of said court. Km IIAKU F. Mason. By bif Attornev, J. E. Morrl-on. Plt'ff. Hated the 27th day of March. tt. rialtfiiiouth, Nebrafka, March M, 1883-214 Estray Notice. Taken up by the subfcrlt er at hl place In the city of ?lattf uuiuth on the 7th day of Febru ary Mk3 one liffht brown r are supposed to b Vi or 14 year old. has collar inarK. Th owner U herebv notified to ca 1. prove property, pay expetir es Incurred.and take her away. G. B.MCU4. Plattsmon'h. Feb. r'.h 60 5t G. A. WRI3LEY & CO'O 0E3T IN THE MARKET. Made ONLTot Vegetable OU andVui'C licet Tallow, To Induce housekeepers to thla Soap & trial. WITH EACH bar n r J TABLE NAPKIN This offer Is mado for a 6bort time onJr and should be taken advantago of at ONCE. We WABBANT this Soap to do more wash ing with greater ease than any soap in the market. It has no EQUAL for use In hard and cold water. YOUR GROCER HAS IT. &A.Wrisley&Co. Kaimfaotwrw of Standard Laundry 3 Tfi 09p . t V I N ! i -, mi ii w win ii mil i i iii i ij 1 " i' m JCOU