The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 05, 1883, Image 4

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lie Plattsmontlt Herald PnMisMne Co.
For City and County Directory, Railway Time
Tat-lns. Telephone Kxchaog Kuaiuea Di
rectory, Btialnest 'rd c, ice third pr.
JZTT. L. STONE, - City Editor.
A. SulUbury, Dentlmt.
Matild Fletcher at the opera house
Two of the notable improveint tits
lu the Grat ward this year will be the
new residences of Messrs Leonard and
The fire boys were out for ft little
exercise mid drill last evening, and
trotted up and down Main street to
their heart's content.
John Monath the affable barber who
succeeded IM Morley iu the Merges base
ment is already doing a go I basino.-.;
In werk commends itself.
Mrs. Kat oil's new house adjoining
the Christian church is nearly com
pleted, and it is a valuable addition to
the resident portion of the city in that
The inclemency of the weather ivc
a deserted appeajauce to Main street
today, and the usual number of street
loafers h ire been housed up some
place all day.
The new brick on Main street being
built by Lafe O'Xeil is up to the roof
and prvsents a creditable appearance.
It it in appearance a duplicate of the
I.ehnhoff building.
Mrs. A. E. Read went to Omaha this
Mrs. Kpurlotk aud sou returned from
LouisTille thu morning.
Mr, C. lirekenfcld, of Louisville, is in
the city today looking after a business
Rev. .I.T. Raird went to IJIue Springs
today to attend the Presbytery in session
at that place.
K. (1. McFnrland, of South Rend, is in
the city today and gave the Hkhai.o f
lice a pleasant call.
Mr. Will Rogers, of Iron town, Ohio,
arrived in the city last evening and is
tlie guest of of Charley Duke.
Win. Neville and Rob Fitzgerald
started this .morning for their work on
the TVcuniseh, Ruatncc extension of the
I). II. Wheeler arrived home last even
ing from Iowa City, where he accom
panied Myron Wheeler who is attending
e school of phonography in tiiat city.
"Uncle" Sm Rarker, one of the big
cattleman of Cass county, is in the city,
wc presume looking fot three and four
year old steers. State Journal.
Our popular young friend, Dave Daum
went down to IMatt-uiiouth yesterday to
take a Hition in the First National
Rank at that place. State Journal.
W. R. Hainbka, of the C. R. & (., but
who hats lately tendered his resignation
with that company, was on the train to
day en route for Saute Fe his new field of
of labor.
Mr. T. R. Clark and wife.of Papillion,
hav- arrived in the city where they
henceforth make their home. Mr. Clark
enters the law practice here, forming a
partner-hip with District Attorney
Strode. Roth Mr. and Mrs. Clark are
former Piattsmoutii young folks ami the
IlfcUAU; welcomes tl.ein home airain.
Three companies of regulars from
the St. Louis bar.acks passed through
Louisville on the Missouri Pacific this
.,s -jr lu 11.111a R.D.Stearns, one of Lincoln's live
Walhu Washington Te:ritory. HttoruPVS is ,Q lUe Clty tUtUy atlendill
Vi-stord-iv th u-MtliPP ivas to a Sunday w.hool case that came iu
that visions of palm leaf fans and ice
cold drinks began to rise up, but to
day uu overcoat and suthiu' hoi till
the bill more satisfactorily.
Four new house s over iu the lirst
ward have been commenced the last
wK'k, and a number of other parties
have secured lots for dwellings in the
south part of the city which will be
commenced at an early day.
Mr. Schindler is hard at work on the
walls around his lot on Chicago ave
nue, where he will build himself a new
hou-. The location is central, and
when Mr. Schindler completes his
present plans he will have one of the
handsomest places in the city.
Several curiosities have been obtain
ed tor the Art Loan exhibition too
late to get into the printed catalogue,
among which are a Japanese idol over
1000 years old, a cup and saucer that
belonged to Mrs. Hayes and several
other an'iqnitipg more than 300 vears
The New Btggtge Rales.
The new baggage rules which have
caused so much talk went into effect
April 1st. The are as follows:
1. No more than 150 pounds of per
sonal baggage shall be checked free for
auy ordiaary traveler on full ticket,
nor more than seventy-five pounds of
baggage on a half ticket; and all
weight in excess of this amount shall
be charged for at the regular excess
baggage tariff rates.
2. No piece of baggage weighing
more than 250 pounds will be accepted
for transportation, or be transported
In baggage cars.
3. No more than 200 pounds of com
mercial travelers' sample baggage will
be carried free for any out) commer
cial traveler.
4. On all commercial travelers' sam
ple baggage weighing over liOO pounds
the regular excess baggage tariff rates
shall be charged it baing agreed that
the excess baggage money b ok shall
be adopted, and that to commercial
travelers they shall ba sold at nothing
less than a net rate of $4 per 1,000
miles, per 100 pounds, and that nothing
less than 2 cents per 100 pounds
shall be accepted for 50 miles or under.
It w also .agreed that the general bag
gage agents shall meet at once and
agree upon uniform excess baggage
rates to and from competitive points.
The above-named excess baggage
money books shall be made to have a
lace value of 13.50 and $25 each, j scribe myself
Tbe Work I a men's Benevolent and
Relief Society.
Mit. Editor: Having noticed an
aiticle in the Journal of Monday,
speaking of the Workingmen'a Renevo
lent and Relief Society. I would like to
ask the writer a few questions: First,
Is the society a branch of another so
ciety? Second. Are all persons eligi
ble? If not, where is the line of dis
tinction ? For surely if he is a
workingman he will answer in ttie
affirmative. Third, Is the society in
corporated? If s , their acts are
legal. And again, if there should be
an accumulation of funds, what is
their intention to hoard it up, or to
scatter it broadcast to the buffering
poor outside of their society? AVhat
are the teachings of the institute? I
should judge from what I can learn
that their aim is a high one and of
noble impulse, but care must be taken
or it may be turned into a disturbing
element to force some extreme meas
ure. It seems to me that the persons
that instigated it have made a great
effort to combine labor, for they reach
down to the lowest and elevate him,,
and make him equal to thu highest.
That one fact is sufficient to command
the 'iood wishes and respect of any
community, aud if sucii b their aim
certain it is that there i.s a brilliant
and prosperous future before them.
Having said so much I will awaiL the
answers to my questions, and sub-
(i i M.
The regular excess baggage tariff
shall not be less than out; half cent per
mile per 100 pounds, and nothing less
than 35 cents per 100 pounds shall be
accepted for 50 miles ofunder.
As repoited from the Clerk's office
each day:
John Howard et al to Robert Ander
son: sw'.tf 12 12 w d --$5,000.
Aumist StohlniMiiii uiwl wife. to. I. It I court house
Strode: lots 7 and 8, block 8, Young &
Hayes add to Plattsraouth. w d -8225.
It K. Roberts and wife to Ceo. S.
Sinhh: lot 1, block 19, Young & Hayes'
River Report,
As furnished oiiicially to lh; War
The river at noon today, stood 7 t'l.
3 iu above low water mara, bowing a
rise of ? inches since last renort. f
from the west end of the county. Mr. j udd to Piattsmoutii, w d $40.
steams tounu time to wend Ins way to
this office and swap stories with the bus
iness manager over their respective vir
tues aud rehash events that transpired at
Nebraska City during convention davs
hist fall.
A new counterfeit dollar is in cir
culation, it has the same weight and
apiearance of the genuine dollar, and
has a good ring. It is said to resist
the acid test until the outer coatin
has been penetrated, and would readily
be taken as genuine. A number of
them have been discovered in the snb
Old- Settlers.
Our registry lists contain the names
of three voters who were boruo in Ne
braska, viz: Gee. W. Sroat, one of the
proprietors of the Optic, twenty-one
years of age. born in Nebraska City;
S. M. Kendall, twenty-one years of age
born in Plattsmoutb, and Plai
ner, twenty-six years of age. born in
Otoe county. The oldest inhabitant,
according to the registry list, is Elder
Platte, who has spent over thirty
years in Nebraska. The next oldest
is Major John Heth, who has been
here only twenty-eight years. There
are several names of persons on the
list who trod the soil of Nebraska for
the nrst time a quarter of a century
ago. Lincoln Journal.
James E. Clover to F. E. Kendall
e4. i'.l4 and ne'4 se4, 0 10 14, w d
J. M. Iluteheson and wife to Joseph
Sans: lots in Hock Rluff, w d $500.
R. R. Windham and wife to James
Hall: part w)2'se.?4.2 11 12, q c d $25
E. L. Reed and wife to C. R. Hadley
e.V lot 6, block 65, Weeping Water, w
d 8450.
New garden seeds of all
Rennett & Lewis'.
kinds at
84 2t
To Rent.
Furnished rooms for lodgers. Inquire
ot Mrs. Hattie ruewtou. Oak street. 34 6t
For Rent.
The northeast corner room in Stadel-
nian's bakery. Good for office or small
business. 34 tf F. Stabelmaxx.
ILmse to Rent.
Iu one of the best locations iu the
city. Inquire of J. W.Jennings, dtf
W. J. Hesscr left a handsome lit lie
boquet of flowers at this office, today,
and the business manager promptly
gobbled it. We protested of course,
and claimed a half interest at least,
but tho claim was rejected, aud the
last we saw of that boquet it was
well it didn't stay at the office, and
we couldn't see the name to whom it
was. addressed.
la the matter of the application to
Tacate the warrant under which Jim
Woodson was arrested a few clays
ago, the county court decided that he
bad no jurisdiction in the matter, aud
no power to dismiss proceedings
which Lad been commenced in the
district court, consequently dismissed
the motion. Crites fc Ramsey argued
for the motion, and M. A
against it.
Matilda Fletcher will lay down the
"Law of Happiness" at the opera
house tonight. She has been iu the
lecture field ten or twelve years, dur
ing which, time she has met with
marked success. We have not had-a
lecture in PlatUmeuth this season,
and the one tonight gives promise of
considerable interest and instruction,
as well as nu opportunity to laugh.
The following synopsis of the lecture
recommends it.
Character; Success; The Heart of
Mau; The Happy Couple; The Old
Fashioned Bride; Time for Courtship;
The Considerate Lover; The Family
Club; Wedding Authem; Your Fu
tureWhat Shall It be? The 3Iau We
Love; Query Does Education Educate?
Peck's Had Roy.
Bound in book form at Warrick's.
A action.
If you have anything you want sold
at auction call on Joe Ford. d&wtf
"Art is nature passed through the
Alembaic of man." Emerson.
Geo. Graybill, teacher ot a thor
ough and practical system of physi
cal and vocal culture, and expression
by voice and action.
Children's classes, advanced class
es, Spakespetsre or Milton classes,
private classes, public and parlor
readings at reasonable rates. Offico
at the Perkins house.
There will be a special meeting of Mi
Conihie post Saturday evening at th:
Ah m 'inii:!is of tin post
! ur ri'imi't'd tn lin in :i 1 1 en. i i f .f
- - - i -
J. li. S'l UODK,
Post Commander
UATS go to Warrick's.
One hundred and seventy-live
test Coal Oil t 2Sc per gal. Try
it. :ild-lw
For Sale !
X E J.Sec. 2, T. 12, II.
S E 3, Sec. T. 12, 11.
S. W. 3, Sec. 3, T. 12, 1C. ',).
and XA X. V. Sec, 1, T. 12, JJ.
Eh S. W. See. :,4, T. 11. i:i
E Lot lo, lilock 2.s.
" 7 A- " 23.
S A, 'J, 11.
Duke's Addition.
The ahove descrihed farms are
ior sale n loii lime, with t jer
eent. interest. Apply to
d!)tf ri.Ut.sinouth, Xeb.
Ladies, jour special attention is ( tilled
I. 1. H O
CITY, of London,
QUIII'N, of Liverpool
FIR KM AX F LTX1, of California
wki.i-s, FAi:r:o ro.
Si cure 1 1 1 1 1 1 at the
Piattsmoutii Herald Oflico
Oilier in Kock witoit P.;n l; ,
i H li Joliiifon frn
to tbe new line o: (tss '',ls ;ut
received at Weckbach's.
Troy City Laimdrj
Now Located on
W B. BROWN, Proprietor.
ransient Work solicited
riiankiiifr mv nntroim for nnl fnvnrj T li-
clt further work.
Remember the place Mockeahann house.
Washington Avanue.
Proposals for Military Sup
Chief u:ti tri nia.NHT's itsicr.
(IM UIA, Ni-.n., .M;in-h Till, '.st.Z.
SKALKO riliil' lrjilir:it'. su:jrcl lu
the tl:-usu;il 'i(ni inn-, will lie i eccn (! al
tins ollice uiiill U i'I.ick M., on mlin-fdav
April is. ish:j, or at t lie hour (allowing for
tin' dltlciviifc in Mum;.) jit the ollii cs ol
QiiarteruiHHtcrs at t hi- following naiiK'd .-1 a t mi
at lii li places ami t nu- tli.'y wii) In: oiifiiril
in tin.' pre-t'iicc of lii(l(l"-i, fur the funti-hiiin
iiuu ctenvery ol UMturv Mippn-s 1:ii-i:. th
vcar c.itiiiiK'uciii Julv lt, ami t-utliii;
.lime :otli, issl. u loilmvi. : Woo.l. Hay and
naicoal. or cill li ot .iu1 siniplli s ;if iii.iv In
r'i;uiieil at Ouiaiia Depot. J'oi I Omaha. I'oi t
Niolirara. Km I itli.'i-. Olicyrniu! lepot. Foil
l-.ussi'ti, l-olt .t"ele. iMfit Utuifilas. Foil Koiiiii
koii. Fori iu Kiiif-i-. Fort J.arniule. Fort Mclviu
lii'y. I'oit V.'a.-I:akle, and Fort I huruLuirKli,
ami for the delivery at Fort 'I'iiortiluirh -t ami
tons oi coal ol J-l'i pounds to the ton.
1'topo-aW will also ! received al this illlre
up to I lie ii. iv and liour aiiove naineil, for tin
delivery on the. ears al the point nearest to tin
in. lies ot inc line oi me L iilou j'aeiiie Hallway,
of eif?ht thousand Ions of Coal,, of ajlo pouiiJh
to the ton. Also Tor deli very at Omaha lie pot
orat stations on t he main line of the L'uion l'a-
eilic Kai way east from Kearney .) uiiet ion, of
two minion poiiu-is i inn. ami one null. on
pounds Oat. 15ids for t rain should stale Mo
rale per it)') i us, not, per liushe.
l'loponals for eitlier class of the stores men
tioue:l. or for oii.-mtii icis less tlian the wlioh
reipiireil will he received. Fach proposal
MiiMiiu ud in triplicate , kki'akatk rou KAi H
AUIII I.G Al KAI 11 MATKIS, HUH IllllSllle aC-
coinpaniea uv a iminl in the sum ot five hund
red dollars (r'o; exccuteiS Urietly in accord
ance with the printed instructions, and upon
I lie blank form furnished underUiis :td vcrtise
nietit, suaranteciii,' that the party makiii'' the
proposal shall not withdraw t tie same within
bi.My iJiiys from the date announced tor open
Injj them ; and suippli-s I. hi tor. awarded
thereunder, he will, within ten daxsaitt-r he
iiiir liotifh d of the award, (provided such noti
fication he made within the sixty days ahove
mentioned.) accept the same anil furnish muu
and sufficient sureties, at once, for the faiihful
performance of the contract, 'the Covtrnmeiit
reserves the rilit to re)ect any or ail propo
sals, a preference w ill hi jiiven to article of
domestic production.
Blank proposals an J piinled circulars, stat
hiK the Kind, anil estimated iiiaiif ii ics of
Wood. Hay and Charcoal required at each sta
t ion, ant! Kiviicz full iiisiructions as to the
manner of hiddini;, condit ions to le ohserved
liy bidders aud tenns of contract, etc., will he
furnished on application to this office or to the
Quartermasters al the various stations named.
JCnvelopes contain iij proposals should le
marked : 'l'roposals tor at ."
md addressed to the undersigned or to the le-
sprctive 1'ost and Mcpot (Quartermasters.
JOii. v. r l , Captain,
A. O. M . LT. S. A., in charirn of C. O IV i.f.
flee. Don't., of the Fia!te. " o-'U
COD FISH, A lo :i choice lot of
We have a Hue stock of
Fancy J'rand:; of
I have i.i slock a 'llitJ line of
Queensware, Glassware, Lamps,
At', All our good are ;u,i, j,.h.
Yill Exclinai!c ior Coanlry Prodacc. Linseed Oil Mcai Always ou Hand.
Xcxt ltti.r to Court JIou-c, Platt-niotitli, Xeh,
8 g
Listen to the Omaha Kepublican
'()inaha is the only prominent city
that elected a republican tnavor. Kv
itlcutly ChuMCS arc scarce." How lou
has Otnalia beeu 'the only prominent
city." I'laiUiiiouth and Lincoln both
elected republican mayors, unci both
claim some proir inc nee a cities.
Some of Omaha' prominence in prom
iucnt like a while wart oua "iiitrgctV
lace would be you could- tell that it
Fr Sale.
Fo ir lots together iu ijood location in
the city of PiaUsmoutlt. Inquire tit this
office " dtf
Fur Sale or Trade.
Two good cows, with calf, for trade
either for .tock-ho2j or fat co.vs. En
julie at Jonathan llatt & Co 's.
House to it e at.
Ilirjuin of Chaplain Wright.
' ' " j was there, but gwasn't n very bij
The skating rink was the center of i thiutf after all.
attraction last evening, and one of th
largest and 'nicest crowds that have
filled the rink since it was opened,
were having a general good time. It
is pretty vigorous exercise, and plays
sad havoc with the paint and frizzes.
that find their way in there. Among
oar ladies there are a number of grace
ful skaters, but they sit down on the
flooi occasionally just as hard as any
Conductor L'nylish had charge of
me irain inai oore t ne Hastings mur
derers back to that city from Lincoln.
He 6ays Ingraham and Green were a
tough looking crowd, and Babcock
but little better. When they arrived
at Hastings, the trio were well fright
ened at the immense crowd that were
atjthe depot, and the excitement was
at a high pitch. Coming back from
Ited ('loud, English was not surprised
to bear of the deed, and says one of
the two who were hung attempted to
pray, but tbe other kept 6ilent and
died game. 'Babcock, who plead
guilty, promised to implicate others
aud he is now iu jail on probation.
Take Notice.
We will receive Gaff A Fleishman's
compressed yeast every Tuesday and
Friday mornings. fresli,v at Bennett &
Lewis'. 31 tf
Ice ! Ice ! Ice !
Now is the time to contract for your
sununer'- supply of ice. Bod rock priee
prompt delivery aud superior quality of
ice. first come tirM served by the new ice
man. il'iin'2 Joe FaH'.fiei.d.
A new line of fine dres?s ;ods -on
slating of the lutet styles and patterns
just received at WeckoachV 'iSi'tf
Meat Market,
JjAFE (TNEIL, Prop'r.
Beef Mflttoc Pork Veal CMcMs.&c,
Constantly on hand.
Also, all kinds of liA.tlll lu season, aud ev
erything kept in a
At lowOMt i.03tdble rales.
North Side Main St., bit. ith
Contractors and Builders.
Will glvi ei;iii;itf s ou all kinds of work. Any
oio'-i h ieir :ir i,i Liiniu-r artf or rose
Oiiict .i ill receive proniot utter.tion.
Heavjf Truss Framing,.
fir liiifius and larjte btii!!inss a ncriHlty.
For U fit -lico apply to.). 1. Voniti. .1. V. V'c
bach or 11. a Watei m.-.i. tf; Son. ilx w
Fits, Epilepsy,
I'erti'.aiUly Cureil No Humbiis-by one Month's
usage ot Dr. lloulard s Celebrated Infallible.
Fit Powders. To eouvinee eull'erers that tlie.-e
Powders will do all we claim for theiu. we will
feed tliem by mail, post paid, a Free 'i rial box.
as ur. (lananu is me only rtivsielan tiiat has
ever made thin disease a .special study, and as
to our knowledire thousands have be-n per
maiieiiy cureu oy me uce oi inr-se I'owders.we
will guarantee a permanent cun in every case,
or refund you all money expended. All sutTer
ers should give these Powders an early trial,
and be convinced of their curative powers.
riee, for large Uoxe. S.i.00, or 4 lloxe for Sn.
Sent by mail to any part of the 1'nited States,
or Canada, on receipt of prices, or by express,
C. O. I. Address,
3tW Fiiltou t., l'looKIyn. N. Y
Dec. 28tl). lS2--41tly.
riattsmoii th lelt ivhone Kxchane.
1 J. P. Young, residence.
2 Hennett & Lewis, store.
3 M. B. Murphy & Co., "
4 Bonner Stables.
5 Coaiity Vie rk's oflico.
i E. B. Lewis, residence.
7 J. V. VVeckbach. i-tore.
8 Western Union Telegiaph ufiu-e.
0 1). II. Wheeler, re.sidenve.
To Whom it May Concern:
My wife, Marv Ann Streight, having
left my bed and board without just
eause and provocation. I hereby forbid
any or all persons trust'ne her on my
account, as I will pay no debts of her
contracting after this date.
T. A. Stiieiout.
South Bend, Xeb., April 4, 1883.
Ladies; you are invited to attend
the trimmed opening of pattern bats
and bonnets at Mrs. A. P. Stout's,
riday and Saturday. April 13th and
14th. A boquet will be presented to
every lady. 3wt2
Compressed yeast just received fresh
at Bennett tfc Lewis'. gj 2t
Boyd's best brand ham9, breakfast ba
con, long lean side meat at J. Hatt &
Cos. 34dtf
A Square Meal
Cua le had at the City Hotel for only
25 cent and Iodine at same reasonable
late. Farmers and Commercial Mn
will pleasalear this in mind. d&wtf
Henry Boeck
Ha an elegant line of baby carriages
for sale very cheap. Also a nice lot of
refrigerators and the largest itock of fur
niture ever brought to Plattsniouth at
prices that can't be discounted. It will
pay you to see him. d29iv2-tf
Wanted to Kent.
A house of four or five room ia Platts
niouth, or instead, board for a family ot
three, in a private family. Address B
IIkuald office. ' d2!) (it
IS urnifure,
Of All Descriptions.
Of all sizes, ready made and sold cheap tor cash.
With many thanks for oast natron a r.
Invito all to call and examine my
31 1 1. FlKXTt HK A!Vll VOVViXH
ITo Humbug Here!
I Can Outsell any One Price Clothing:
Outfit in rlattsiuouth
Both Here and at my Branch Store,
As I Buy For Cash.
Remember the above statement.
C. G. HE110LD.
14 rt. li. ttirltiaiii,
15 ,ir.o. waymaii. "
10 J. V. .leti nine's,
17 V. S. Wise, oliiee.
18 Morrissey liros,, oliiee.
1! W K. Carter, ntdre.
20 (i. W. Faniicld, rei'teuce.
21 M. It Mmiliy, '
22 I. H. Wheeler & ( o , oiliee.
23 J. P. Taylor, resilience.
24 1- irst National Hank.
23 I. E. Kulliier's otliee.
'M .1, I. Vounj;, store.
2t IVrkitis Houe.
2! K. W. llyer. re.-idenc..
31 .iotuiiiti niiiee.
34 JlKi:.i.l lJcii. Co Dlliee.
'55 .). N. Vi he, re.'-i'.i.-i.ei'.
S, M. Chapman,
.S A. iillivaii,
: 11. l'.. Palmer,
40 W. li. ftctiil.'kiieel;:, i f:ie..
41 Sullivan it Weo ev.
1J A. W. .McLauliiiii,
4.1 A. 1'ut lt.-r.soi:. liii'iv.
44 C. M. lioimes. "
43 I- I. lleiiiiet t, lesi.icni-e.
4r" Ceo. smith. (!..
47 1-. A . Moore, t!or sr.
4:i .1. W. i;,trues. r iii'-iie.'.
!H It. K. I.iV!ll"t,'!l. oliiee.
Hii J. '. v eeUia;i!.
t li:i;:!.ii;i Vri;,i!!.
3tf V . ii. Sc.'ii ilkii-. t'i.t '
31'; Ceo. h .S:i:i;'i,
xo 11. K, l.ivsnfitHi.
3!5 C. C. iiallant.
The switch h-.iari (.an. e;. Phtttsainniii witli
Asalaii.l. Arinigton, HUiir. Cluh iI l;;.t.s
niont, Linctila, OiiiHtui and hlth.i-iintal:uii
lae oaaly Som
diafigf t& Oalw sal
iEal sail tHi
tent &yle4
some Eiae
ever teflicpwia m
tlae westa jaast
rce s fit ,
wlalela we wall
t a See pleas & re
In 8kwifig aaa
inciaabei tlae
e a 4 aa aa
IE It w o
50 er wood'S,
This beautiful three story t.riek structure, on
lower Maid street, ha ju-t been linbdied and
fitted up for the accoinntodatiun ot
A Good Bar ,n conetilith the
27W. FRED COUS. Pronr.
Tho l'ollowiuf are amou the lead
ing business houses:
Win. II. SJir ic:s,
Dni"i; nud Stationer.
All articles usually kept iu a jirM
class drug-store at bottom prices.
11. O. Hoover.
Dealer iu all kiuds of agricultural
implements. The IJuckeve and Marsh
twiuc biuders lor 1883, n' specialty.
Cily Hotel.
No pains will be spared lor the
comfort of guests. Boarding by the
day or week. Joiiu C'aii.,
I'rop r.
mf&$m$M ! cor
pM'i?2&kLL i 3 cor
Law and collccliou busineHH promp
tly attended to at thin oJIice and pro
ceeds retiiilted without delay.
Notaritil w ork, convej aiicing mid
abstracting uttcuded to on sliort no
tice and satinlaclion gttaniutccd.
inhere is any thing we do make a
Hpt-cially of, it iH cily and suburban
real cslatt!. .Several lint! f.iriiiH and
Home w ild laud al UargniiiH. Laboring
inon cun get a home by paying month
ly what they new pay lor Iioiihc rent.
.Space forbids giving but a biuall
percentage of the bargains no w;it he
books at this agency; we name the
Six choice half acre lots, 8 minutes
from li. K. (-hops, at' from -iO to liO
each, and on terms that would make
a man ashamed to say he did not own
a house. Come aud tee, you are not
compelled to buy and we wontj give
these lots away, but you can get them
so they v. ill absolutely cost you noth
Five acre lot i mile from city for
part ou time.
.Lleven acre lot mile from city
for jSooO this is extra fine.
1 have three pieces of outside iu'od-
erty which 1 can sell and under
take to furnish purchaser work
enough to pay for them, now I will
lurnisli tin: ground and you the work,
work is what hurts me. It you will
do the work at a fair price I will glvo
you a char deed for the laud; if you
can't do the work come and tee me, 1
may liud some one who will do it lor
leu acres for ? 100 00
COO 00
7o0 00
''.:oo 00
.Several small tracts well imnroved
and adjoining the city, tor sale at
reasonable rates.
40 acres, wild $ f,00 00
SO " improy'd KM) 00
l'JO " (;(k iwj
lCu ' Liji)) oo
XH) Cl'0'O 00
imo " " a,m oo
Finest stock lartii iu (Jas couuty
VIOOOO, lo:ig time :i:ul Jow rate ol in
terest. ICO acres, wild $2o00
lJt " i0o
80 " - woo
y " " 3-joo
ICO acres, wild, i:, p. VV (ca-h) $1000
itv iuoi'j:ktv.
! Cor. lot 3 brks iromfehonKfcheaijj&lOO
a " " 175
:) 150
" " " 450
i 176
., 160
X. o'th r.irec-1 (iir.ej S00
ii(uic 1 1 1 1 1 j(X
" " Vahin" ton live" li'iO
" " 1 hi'k from .Main st extra 400
Improved city rial out.; in abtiu-
Rockwood Ulock,
riadsiiicu ti.iM I
U. E. I'aiikonlit.
keeps the celebrated Canton
also a geiioral line of the best agri
cultural implements manufactured.
1 . H . Ward & Co.
Hardware, stoves and tin-vle.
Headquarters for the noted Charter
Oak cook stoves.
Ceo. E. Saylcs.
General Merchandisc.IIarilware and
Coal. Uighcst Cash irice paid for
Carriage Painter,
GraisiDJ, aiazisj, Psser Haaaaj,
tave order at Warrick 'h. natUmotithL 1
t . -
nance. I cnii liml uliat vmi want in
this line if on will tail and see me.
Iiii'-ine-s houses and Join for sale
at much lower figures thau will bo
a.-ked six months hence.
Stores and d wellings rcn'td and for
reut, rents promptly collected.
It you don't m e wliat von want in
t.'i . tin, n conn and nl; lor it. I've
probaoly mjsi ij jut what you wau.
t;ilice open nearly every eveuiugfrom
6 to 8. ' e
Good new house two fine lots
in good location price, SsOO.
Union Qlock.
nhninp Pflnrli d
iriiic-in:!(le and "Warranted
Strictly Pure.
at all hours.
Oysters niVlit or day at the