lie iftfte HUtttX VOL. 1 PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, APRIL f, 1883. NO. 31. l i" THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Full Line General Merchandise. Ful 3 Line General Merchandise. Always on Mand, Always on Mand. Kottom Prices for Cash, fiottom Prices for Cash JOSEPH V. WECKBAGH. "BURLINGTON- ROU (Chicago, Burlington GOING EAST AND WEST. K'i-f;ant i -ay Coaches, Parlor Cars, with Reclin-- f 'hair-: 'seats fre). Smoking Cars, with Ko Ivitiit Ci irs. riillman I'alace Sleeping Cars ami .e famous C. B. ft Q. Dining Cars run daily to and 'm ChK-r.jCO S Kansas City, cnicapro v l ouncU '.iITs, Chi -mro I Moines, Chicapo. St. J. Ii, AU I.Lm fc Toncka. Only through line bo . -en CIJc.vjjo, Unroln , Denver. Through cars 'tween Ii.ilianapolis Council IJlufTs via 1'eoria. :I connections marli in Union Denots. It is .own oat : great TIIIIOUQIICAU LINE. Finest Equipped Railroad in the World for ell Classes of Travol- . J. 2d Vice-Pres't aud Gea-! Manager. PERCEVAL LOWELL. Geu. Tass. Ag't, Chicago. ALWAYS BENNETT Cotno to the front with Staple and Fancy Groceries ritESII AND NICE. AVe always buy the best goods in the market, and guarantee everything we sell We are sole agents in this town for the sale of ' PERFECTION" GROUND SPICES, AND TI1E CELEBRATED "BAT A VIA" CANNED GOODS, Nothing finer in the market. Tlatt's "Tiger" brand of Baltimore Oyster always on hand. Come and see us. We will make you glad-1! THIS CELEBRATED 9 i - n & mmm JOHSTSOST BROS., DEALERS Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. The best and most complete assortment in the city. In the ROCK"WOOI) BLOCK, two doors west of CarruthsT Call and see us. race an Xo old stock to work oil'. The latest patterns cf FLOUH. FEED AND FHOVISIONS. The Very Highes3 Market Price paid for Country Produce DREW BUILDING, PLATTSMUOTH. &, Quincy Ruiii-o:tci. GOING WORTH AHD SOUTH Solid Trains of Eleirr-.r.t Day Coaches and Pull man Palacs i51i"piiiff Cars are run daily to and rrom t. ixuis. via rinmiioiu, vuinc , ivvottuiL, Burlinirton. Codar Kapidsand Albert Lea to St. I'aul and Minneapolis: Parlor Cars with Keclining t hairs to anil rrom St. iouis ana i-eoriaanaio and from St. Iouis and Ottumwa. Oidy one char.E-e of cars tiotween St. Louis ana Des Moines, Iowa, Lincoln, Nebraska, and Denver, Colorado. It is univ.'rsJIv admitted to be the AHEAD & LEWIS, a complete stock of AX FOR SALE BY . IN Ihoero OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. i Orders taken for WILSON liKOS.' SHI UTS. C-CsTIDIIES JJSTJD C1GAES. G 8 a b DKCK KU HKOS.' DOAKD by tlie DAY or WEEK. RICHBY ifn Ira nra i p uyiirnnv Corner Pearl and Seventh Streets, DE.TEKS IN ALL KINDS OF I umoer.dasi ZBTTIZLiIDIIISrG- The VLiATTSMOUTII 1IEUALD every facility In Every Department. iatalogy -A-TJOTIOZEsT BILLS, SALE BILLS, COMMERCIAL BiiiNrTiasra Ozz7 Steele of 13lcuiJc JPcipe7s And. materials is large and complete in every department. ORDERS 335T MAIL SOLICITED' PLATTSMOUTH HERALD PUB. CO Subscribe for tlxeJDoJly JETercLld ft OPERA IICUSE AND FURNISHERS. GENTS' POST OFFICE ews fuepot. STATIONKKY. NOTIONS. MASON cS: HAMLIN HENRY T. MILLEU iinil CENTRAL RESTAURANT. JP Meals at AH Hours. OYSTERS IN SEASON. PUBLISHING COMPANY has for first-class nnrc.H nns usinuu PAPBB. TELEGRAPHIC Till: NEW POST 31 ASTER (J EN EE A L. Death of Peter Cooper. Aiaotlior Eef ;iulti- Caiisht OLILTV (ill A V . VN 1 'uam -lM'o, April I - Ji liii, di't'iiiiltintf secret :try of s'at", n uiie.-iteil at (Ju;iv ni i., ly l'iii:cl btais Ci!tiul Ward. Papers w ill lie fvi w:udel for exlr iditi.tii touiorrmv. SHOT IIIMKF.I.K. B 2si:w Yoi:k, April 4. N:ttliuii S. Morse, manager ol the l)nily News, tliot himself through tlie head this morning iu liis olli-je, :ui died in -staiitly. His health had been impaired by over work and for sometime he had been very sick. Kecently sleeplessness added to his troubles and it is supposed his reason gave way and Hint lie wan in sane when he took his life. SMALL POX, Nash villi:, April 4. Thero lias been some increase of small pox in tlie edges and eastern portion of this city during the pabt week, but uo ue w cases report ed yesterday and today from the health oflice. The city population is pretty thoroughly vaccinated, and dot-tors de clare no apprehension nt a spread of the spread of the disease. More eareful quarantine of infected houses has been ordered by the sanitary authorities, ai d the recorder instructed lo enforce the law in regard to vaccination. IUII.KOAD UUlLOlM; KOU IHS'i. Chicago, April 4. The Railway Age v.ill publish a statement of railway con struction lor the lirst quarter of th year ISS'-l. Shows the latter part of the win ter extremely unfavorable to road build ing on account of the severity of the weather. The heavy snow 9tonns,nods and the flurry in the iron trade causing the timid to hold off. It reports to the effect that the construction of main tracks for that time has dhmi ?6tf miles against 1,200 for the same period of 182 when the weather was very mild and all conditions favorable. Tiie milcnge for the year is estimated at 8.00J. Am ).ig leading companies by states as fallows: New York, 114, Arkansas, !)l ; Arizona, C8; Pennsylvania. 10; Montana, 4.";Flor- la, 43 Missouri, 41 ; Illinois, 37. PK.TKK t'OOPKK DKAIi, New YoitK, April 3. Peter Cooper died of pneumonia at 3 this morning, aged 92. Mr. Cooper celebrated hi ninety sec ond birthday February 12. He had i)e:i ailing some tiinii with a s.ight cold, an 1 Sunday was to remain in bed. I'he family doctor was summoned and discovered at once that the patient was suffer'ng from an attack of paeumcnia. Mr. Cooper's advanced age was a great drawback to his recovery. About two o'clock thi morning lie called his s .i, ex-Mayor Cooper, and Mrs. A'n- i n :i. Hewitt, his daughter, a i 1 !i ': fi-iriy t: his bedside, saying to tii r.o he k iew h ; had not long to live an 1 they mint be come reconciled to tli3 fa;t. Death came exactly at 3 a. m. He remained u ir. t i- scious up lo tlie time :f his tleinise -n 1 made several remarks in regard t tae family. Prominent citizens called at the house Saudav mor-da ' ai l exvr-js. 1 sympathy with th.: h-.T-'aved fim'.ly Mr. Cooper was bom in this city February 12lh, 1791, and lived a life full of honors from early boyhooi. .Vmoug many wii t called to express sorrow for Mr. Cooper's death were Sam- uel J. Tiklen, Algernon Suiliva i, Gan. Alex. S. Webb and Andrew J I. Green. During the last hours Cooper manifested a grear interest in Cooper Institute, and spoke to Hewitt and his sou, ex-Mayor Cooper about the manner in which the work should be carried oa after his death. THE NEW POSTMASTER GENERAL. "Washington, April 4. The presi dent leaves for Jacksonville at noon tomorrow. Judge Gresharn has ac cepted the appointment of postmaster general. JUDGE GRESHAM. Evansville, Ind., April 4. Judge "Walter Q. Gresharnwho was appoint ed postmaster general, is in the city, holding court. A reporter of the As sociated Press visited him this after noon, and in answer to a question whether he intended to accept the nomination or not, he said that he bad just notified tbe president and secre tary of state he would accept, but that his duties here would detain him un til Saturday of this week, and that he could not reach Washington until the middle of the coming week. Judge Gersham said the appointment was unsolicited, and - entirely unexpect ed. He received notice of the appoint ment early this morning, the secretary of State informing him that his com mission had been signed yesterday. The appointment gives very general satisfaction in this state, where Judgo Gresham is honored and respected by every one and standi at the very head of the judiciary. IL received the con gratulations of prominent people of both parties. IIHIKF SKKTCH OF HIS I.I Hi. .lodge Oresham was Lorn in Harri son county, Indiana, iu 132, and edu cated in his own State. After gradu ating iu the Indiana statu university in llloomiiigtou, he studied law, and soon afterward began practice in Cory den, county seat of Hariison, and was from the lirst successful as a lawyer. He took an active part in the politics of the state and shortly before the out break of tlie war wan elected repre sentative to the state legislature. In 1S01 he was chairman of the house committee on military affairs, and while occupying thi.j position ho co operated so skillfully with Gov. Mor ton in the organization of the state militia, and iu raising aud forward ing troops, that Morton commissioned him as colonel of the Thirty-eighth regiment, Indiana volunteers, and was promoted to colonel of Third division iu IsGl', and brigadier general of vol unteers in 18G3. He participated in the sieges of Corinth, Jackson, Miss., and capture of Vicksburg. He was brevetted major general lor distin guished gallantry in 1804, and in July of the same year was severely wound ed before Atlanta, and was mustered out of service. In April, I860, he en tered into partnership with Judge Uutler, of New Albauy. Ind., and re sumed the practice of law in that city. When Grant became president lie ap pointed Grrshain district jude for the district, which position ho still holds. He was strongly urged for a place in Garfield's cabinet, and there is reason to believe that the representations of his friends in his behalf was regarded with much favor. . The president has designated First Assistant Postmaster General Ilatton to act as postmaster general for n period of ten days, beginning to-morrow, until the arrival of Gresham. FR031 THE CAPITOL. Tom Ochiltree Paid. Si-ciciaiy Folger's Bl'ulfli. A Letter From an Indiau JEANXKTTi: IXQCIKV. Washington, April 4. The Jean nette court of inquiry adjourned until tomorrow to await the arrival of ques tions forwarded by Dr. Collins. FOLCiEK CON VA I.KSCINO . Secretary Folger is rapidly convale scing. The lnflamation in his eyes is now the only trouble. He received a large number of callers yest erday, and went out riding iu the afternoon. He took another ride today. Nothing ha3 yet been settled about hi3 prop-sed trip to Bermuda. HEPItES -.--XT ATI YES I'AII). Treasurer Wyman paid ihe salaries of the the members of the house of representatives for the month ending the fourth inst. Payment was made and the certificate issued by the speak er. Among those paid was Kepresen tative Ochiltiee, tLe comptroller hav ing withdrawn his prohibition in this case. Payment was however, suspend ed in the case of Delegate Raymond, and .Singster, the comptroller having notified the treasurer th it such pay ment would be charged against his own account. It is supposed the ac counts of these delegates will be set tied shortly. A SIOUX IXriAN's WANTS. The following letter, from a Sioux Indian, was read at the indian office tc day: Pine Ridge Agency, Da., March 26 Hon. Commissioner Indian Affairs, Washington Sir: I am a friend of tbe Great Father and am going in the white man's way. I have noticed the white men cutting wood, and I thought I would be like a white man clioj some wood for my wife. A piece of wood flew up and put out w.y right eye, and now I would like the Great Father to send me another eye. I can have it put in here. I have always been a friend of the white man, and an bringing up my children in the white man's ways. I am getting old and wish my father would send me a cane. When you send me the eye, please send me a brown one, aa that is the color of my other eye. I hope the Great Father will do as I ask. I shake hands with a good heart. Your friend, Signed Blue Heron. SEEDS Oar iJirpe A1tDE5r CCIOK deKi-rilmiir Cvlt t Ktlutbl Stedt iMllel ft'rv to All. W oIT.t thi Ijatmt Aoeelitet in SEED lOT ATAK-u n. ' ml W beat, and the Brut ColUctton of ' Vegetable lower. irss and TrwNKED. EerrtliinirU tutM lilciio (.rain .Market. UP TO 3 O'CLOCK P. M. hKCIUl JlnuU'll to tlie II Kit A Ll. Chicago, April 5. Call 3 p. m. wheat. Apfil, 102; May, 107 : Juue, 108;;. July, lOtl. No. 3 cash wheat, 61c. co its. April 43; Mav, 5iu ; June, &.';; July, 57. New mixed, F. O. P., 4. OATH. April, 40; May, 43?' ; June, 43. I'laU.Hiiiuiith City Markets. J'KOVIMIO.NM, Fit I IT, f Rkl A C. ( II K f A I L) 1 pel ItU ty M. II. Mm liy A 'o. llonr Mt-al I'.rali li..i'il Feci Kye HiMir .r;il.ii!ii Flour Kultrr liefte i part k Im) . . iicrm- (dill ri I'iiin). . . NiiKarC'uiod Maun ... I'.;i-oii MiiililitiTH Irlvl il.-el I'oultiy I'KK i '' 'liolei; l'iilivl(ii;k Svkctt ' II.-.tiH liili.n Apii-H (winter; siti Ci.i.-r y stern, m-leet " Common , . 13.0(1 Q. i.Hi pel t. , u " Sl.zr. fti.M ' J (mi 'MnJx-U per B Ifi " -i) 17 " H ' " 15 " li " kt.M hi T T ilor. . . in ku i't : " i.H r. " l.Viif.. el. pvr bu. l.w 70ct " Vftetn " . . . t .0(1 kD l i'' " T Kill V& cr ctu t " LKUAIj JSOTJCES. Lpgal Notice. In the tlisln. I iirt ol I 'ass count y NebraHkn. In the niiit er of Iln- a pllratlon of .Mary bliaip ailinlnltralllx of Inn eN(ati) of AikIivw Sliai p. ile.'rii .nl, for liei-iipf in m-II land. On ri'inliiiK tlie p l it ion of M.iry HIiHi p, ml InlnWia! i ix ol 111" l .ili- ol Mi.u j), ilo rrUMcd. ri'pieH. lyll' if lili.oiif IIkt tlilu tluit tli xald it'(';aed lie. m li .l ol ei-rtalu n-u! dale llnTelii leTilifl, ;.n.l III .1 it It neecn- snry to k.'II Hi' h.iiiii; lo pay Hi" I -i I h of Haul iliri'iiHi'il and pi'ii Iiik lor a licfiipo lo cell llio Hiiii- ; mid II Hi'aniiK to In- court It Is iicccisai y to v II nalil i'imI eslal'' lor Hint pur iiohc. It i t ordered t Mm said pi t II Ion Im liminl Iji Iok; Hon. 1'. I't.und. .Iiidi:'' of (lie district com I In and fr t lie I'oiinl y ol I'uhn. atllie, of llci; of llicrliik ol tlie ll-tllcl cunt, In tint ell y of I '1. 1 1 1 Hiiioi.t li. In I lie county of I'.H'H, mihI Hialcof .Neliiaska, at one o'clock p. m. on tliu 1st day of May li It In I in I lot 01 lci cd I hat thin ol'ili i te plllill-lli'd lit 1 II -.1 lour HilCt'i-xHl VO weeks hi'foie t-aid da llxi-d lor lieailiiK thi i.elltioii. In tin- I'laitiiiiontli Hkkaiji, a week ly ufWKpaper puhll.ihed at I'l.i 1 1 "inoul li In Maid county of ':i"S. William ' Jtt.. .Sullivan ft' Wooley, .Inline l'iesldin. AiloimjHlor l'elllloinr. tM Notice of Application. Notice it lieieliy kI vui i nal. W illiam Tappr will make applicuiion l.i loie Hie t.'ouuf y Ooiii liilifiopcrs ol I lac.i county. Nebraska, at their next It''iiUi- tnei-lliii; Hi 1'lal tsiuolit ll, for license to m.'II Hpirltuous aud vluoin 11U T at Ins place of ImiMih-is, Iu Avoca, l am county Nebraska. li-13 LEGAL NOTICE. Ida Anna I'eaeli i vs. V Ountavoiis II. IVacli. ) In tlie. disiiii't court, in tin; second judlviul district, in ami tor Cass county, .Nebraska. To (iiihtavoui H. I'eaeli, iioii-rciiilent d fe ml an I : Vou are liereliy noliiled I hut on tliu ltli day of March, lsj. J.;4 Anna I each Hied a petition against you iu tin: diMi let couri of I'ass county, Nebraska, the object and piayei ol which ale to obtain a divorce from ou, on the ground that you have willfully abandoned the iilaiutill w il bout )ood cause lor tlie teini ol two years last p;tst ; aud also for the, care and custody of tlie children. on are :ciiircd lo answer said petition on or belore the nisi day ol May I OA ANNA IT.ACII. I'.y Smith and I0'on her Attoincj s. C'tl Road Notice: To all v. hotn it may concern : lhe coin in iHsiokers appointed lo locate a road beginning at a point b links 1101 th ol corner to sections 1, 15, Zi. and i'i. tow u 12 N raue 10, e;ii-t ; thence wet-l lo 10- 100 chains to a point :m links N, of tlie 14 m-c. cottier on the south Hide ol sec. 1j ; thence wert h chains; Dietice . west 8 chains ; luence south 73 4 W. 6 03-100 Chain" ; thence, houtli iVV. 3 H2-1W chains; thence hoi tli 71 U W ii M5-loo chain ; tlieuce south Ho ', . . 4 chains ; thence oulli Gls 6 0-10 chains lo a point GO links nortli of li. corner ol ie;. ii; ; thence wet 40 10-loo chaius to a point 5n ll.'iKS .s. of tlie V nee. cor ner on soutli Mde of nee. Iti : ttieH:c north H'i chaius to a point 60 lluku wt-rt ml U sec. I'Oiner on north fioe ol fee. l, all lit town 't. range lu and in iavor oi vai'aiuijr roaa riminiiK diago nally acroMi sec 10 ami N. K. U of nee, 16, T.' 12, U. l'), has reported in favor of the location t hereof, and all objections thereto or elalius f r ilatnaKes, must b fllea la tin; county cierk's oiiice, on or before noon on the l ciav of Mav A. 1.. 183. or fucii road vslll be located -Hini v.icated Aiihoiit reference thereto. 5aw5 J. W. .f N I N OH, t n iutv Cleric, Notice to Farmers. A first class line of Nursery sloe and orna mental Hhrubbery, audi as fruit trees, Kiape vines,, yoft luaiiics aud, liilg) plants, l-'or vale at boitofn pi ice. I'lattsinoutli, Neb.. w-14 JOHN LLtl.KV. Notice to Teachers. I will be at my ornc In tsmout li the firt Friday and Saturday, and at Klmwood the second and fourth Friday and Saturday, aud at Weeping Water the third hylurday of -acli mouth lo attend to any nclwol business tiiat may be presented tf3 Cyiiis Alton, Superintendent. Legal Notice. In the district court 2d Juc'lcial district, In and for Cass county, eb. David .1. I'ortcrl vs Legal Notice. Mary' J- Porter. To Mary J rotter, non-re Ident defendant tom are hereby no'ifled that ou tlie 27tu day of March, 18x3. Oavid J. I'm ter filed a petition aKainrt you In the district court of Cas county. .Nebraska, the ol.J ct and prayer of which are to i.b am a divorce from you on the grounds that you have wilfully ai.audoin -4 the plaintiff, without to d cause for the term ef two year last past, you are required to answer aid peti tion on or belore .Monday, tte 14th day of Mar. 1 83 . - David J. ToitTFit. liy Sinilh & Eeeson t yta. Hi Attorneys. w JH Notice to Physicians. Notice is herebv Riven that bids will be re rccelved at the olllce of the County Clerk, up to noon of the Jid day of April, 1K3, f,r the tued Ical atieiidance and lurnidi u of medlcioei for county cliaree and ininate of county I'oor Moure aud Jail for one year. The Com missioners reserve the right to reect any or all bid-, liy order of County Commissioners. Witnes my hand and ofllcial eal. this 7th day of March, 1W3 J. W. County Clerk. Legal Notice. T.l!i .th 'J.lsct court os C-sa coauty Nebraka ourt 1 1 IkltlltUU A 1UI1BUI1 , V N'oticp in nnn.rsal.1nnt A .f'l Catherine Mason. J " Catherine Maon. r.on-resident defendant. U hereby notlflea that Kichard F. Maon did on the 2Jhdav of March itw.i. file hi petition 1m the eince of the eierk of the diMilct court of Cass county, and the state of Nebraska, charir- litK the defendant with adultery with one 77 .and lie mav ?eod vorced from the Bald defendai t. win'vt' lion will ftand lor hearing ai the ;', Ane. tVl. naid court. ; - "V By bis Attorney, .1- . - Dated the-', Plan-