The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 04, 1883, Image 4

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The Plattsmontii Derail VtiMm Co.
Kor CUy and County Ilreeiory, Railway Tim
Table. Telephone ICxchaiiji l:uiueM Di
rectory, IStutnvti Card f c,ep ttiirl pae.
tin: old BIRD CROWS !
J Err. L. STONE, . City Editor.
.4. KalUlmry, Ilcntlwt.
Julius l'epperberg is pulling in a
bran new ahow case to-day.
M. McKlwain will be engaged lor
the nex I thirty-five dayn weighing the
mail for Uncle Sain, between IMatlK
mouth and Pacific Junction.
. m
Somcor lliu boy Ult pretty good
last night over the result of the elcc-
tioj, thai don't feel so good to-day.
Xot on account of the election, but
The grand command ry of Kuighl
Templar id in session at Omaha. U.
Vr. Leonard. F. K. White and A If.
White are in attendance to-day.
A Republican Mayor for
And a Good Portion of the
Entire Ticket.
The Hern Id's Candidate to the Front
The :iile in. in is on the street to
day, and the usual forked Mick with
retl ni'plrs stuck on the eutl graces
one corner of the wagon box.
A ball will be given at the Cottage
house on Thursday evening of this
week, to which all lovers of the dance
are invited. Tickets .00 cents.
In the lirt ward the judges threw
out several votes which bystanders say
were republican, but they evidently
would not alter the results as returned.
The county er;n:ni.s.ioners aie in
session to-d.iy and v. ill be ! morrow.
The jurors and grand jurors for the
next term of th district 'Mm t will be
drawn to morrow.
(juite a iiur.iS.T of Nvome'i vie out
easting their i)le fi.r member of :h
school board yesterd ty. As far a-, tin
candidates Woft! ejiicti 'iied politically
the favors were a'uv.n ovi li'.v divided
Ao i 'i for Ji n 'VIs:;"s
re Li ; : ; i ,i 1 i i til .ci : ( a
in t io.i to 1 1 i'i is -v rr t . Itei:iic
up for heriir' ti-:.', bui w.n c-m-i
i I u il '. I M oVl : i i-:n r;oiv.
Tin X w Orients J(ibi!e Singers
will give oiie ot lh.;ir popular enter
tainment' in 11 ittemouth next week
on Thursday evening the 13th The
entertainment is irivt-u under the
ampiccs of the G. A. It.
irt"t aorm? sort of a gutter b-i lixed
on the south siie of lla:.i stre t that
will carry off the watei ? I; is one
solid mud hole next to the sidewalk
from one end of the street to the
other, while every place else k is dry.
The attention of th street commis
sioner it c.illrt 1 to the nutter.
It was remarked by old timers yes
terday that it was the most quiet elec
tion held in Plattsmouth for a long
time. There w;u none of the boister
ous, bullying bulldozing element ex
hibited, yet good, solid, earnest work
was done in the interests of all the
candidates. Tiik IIkkald is pleased
with the result, and claim.) credit in a
measure for the victory of it3 candi
date for mayor. The following is the
result of the election:
For Mayor Smith. 7; Leonard. 02.
For Cleik Wise, 4; Simpson, 90
For Treasurer Kline, 40; Cushing,
For Krigiueer Fairfield, 57; Mack, i
For Police JuJg S'out, Si.
For Councilman Matthews, 51;
lions, 87.
For School Board Wintersteen. 103!
jshowalter, loo; ilartigan. ui; 15-u-
nett. 55; Carruth, 5;; Marsl tn I, 5 J.
Majorities -Smith. 17; Simpi-m, r.i;
Cushing r,2; Dl.ick, '; Hom. M.
skc.". wai:.').
Fo; mayor S ni:h, 'J I; i.:o;i r !, r,'S.
Fore. iik iVi.e, 7.'!,;.o.i, 71.
For treisurrr 5.; C-.ishhig. 84.
For engineer I-'airiie: 1, 6i; Diaok, tJl.
For police j ud je-. Stout, t:4.
For councilman Fairlkdd, t?: Whit?.
Pl&ltainoulh, the interests of the city
being Identical with his own. Mr.
Morrison, the newlv elected council
man in the Third ward, was called
for and made a short speech, iu which
he expressed his iIiuukh for the sup
port given him, and also declared
his principles as a man on the liquor
question. Considering that Mr. Mor
rison is an outspoken temperance man,
his successful run was a marvel. The
saloon interests were hard at work
against him all day, and to beat democ
racy and whisky, too, is a herculean
task either one alone is bad enough.
Jos. Fairfield, ahotber good republi
can, eleeted over iu the second ward,
was called for, and also made a short
speech, thanking his friends for the
kindly support they had given him.
He also stated some facts regarding
the young man participating in gov
ernmental affairs, that, the so-called
"boys" were discouraged iu those mat
ters until they arrived at that period
when they stood with one foot in the
grave, etc. He is thtf youngest man
ever elected to the Plattsmouth city
council, but we predict for him a re
cord that will surpass that of many of
the old hands.
Will Cushing. re-elected city treas
urer, was called for and responded.
Another one of the "boys." He was
born a democrat, was reaped a demo
crat, was elected as a democrat, and
we are safe in saying he is a democrat.
He is also a Xo. 1 city treasurer.
The b ind boys furnished lots of gcod
music, everybody .seemed to be iu a
good humor, and thus election day
closed without a fight or a row or an
unpleasantness of any sort. We are
proud of Plattsmouth. and under the
new administration shall look for long
needed improvements, and expect to
,n ii 1 1 1 ii 1 1 r
Mrs. Herbert Hunt departed to-day
for Sioux City.
Hon. C. O. Whcedon. of Lincoln, i
in the city to-day.
Miss Maggie Doom is in the city for
a few days' visit with her sister, Katie
John A. McMurphy went to Omaha
this afternoon, and will return with
Mrs. Mc a3 noon as her health will per
in it.
John Morrell, representing the West
ein Horse & Cattle Insurance compa
ny, of Omaha, returned to that city
this afteruoon after a few days visit
in Plattsmouth.
Plattsuiouth adjourned to Omaha to
day, those who are iherebcing Mr. art
Mrs. S. II. Atwood, Mrs. M. B, Mur
phy. Mrs. J. W. Darue. Miss Laura
Itciuachle, Fred Ciorder, V. V. Leon
ard and Alt'. White.
Jumes Bixby, the Concord peda
gogue, is in town to-day. His school
closed with an exhibition, which shows
that Jimmy is a "daisy" in his busi
ness. He is open for engagements.
and the IIkkald recommends.
A part j' consisting of L. I. Ben
nett, U. V. Mathews, J. W. Jennings,
Sol PiteJier, J. (i. Ritchie, C. II
Smith and S. M. Chapman, wi'.hguiiN,
dogs aud all other uecesarv hunting
pariphcrnalia, star cd out on the K.
C. this morning lor a big duck hunt,
the objective point being Percival. It
is impossible to calculate what each
duck will cost thciii, but they will
have lota of fun if tie weather utays
as plcnant as it i now.
Driving Park Meetiosr.
. .... i : .1 . .1...
OOaSL Of LllH tiPHT. rni'Ml iii'.l .itv in V
. ... Plattsmouth ID i ing Pal k
One of th iiveiy pia:rs yesterday
was at the third ward polls, where
desperate efif ;ts were made to create
a temperance issue for the defeat of
Mjrrisou, who has 'always been a
staunch temperance man, and who a
large element in the eily would have
enjoyed defeating with great zest.
However, Jim t,as there all day, there
lo slay and there to bo elected, and
the tight was won by a majority that
surprised his friends, his opponents
and himself.
An alarm of fire this afternoon
about 2 o'clock, was given by one of
the switch engines. It proved to be a
small blazi in the rot of the passen
ger depot, supposed to have, caught
from sparks that flew from a passing
engine aud lodged on the roof. There
was no fire in the building at the
time, so it mujt hive origin iti-l from
some such cinw. To prompt action
of t!KSH drst thr-re exti:iui-h;'l it bsr
lore it gJt f lirty u:idr headway, no
damage to speak of b:-ing done.
For school board Wiotersteen, 83;
Showalter, 91; Ilartigan, 77; Carruth, 1 ;
Marsland, 81; Hena Ht, 91.
Majorities Smith, 35; Wise, 5; Cash
ing, 1!); Fairfield, 25; J. II. Fairfield, 25.
For Mayor Smith, 200; Leonard. 76.
For Clerk Wise, 151; Simpson. 124.
For Treasurer Kline, 131; Cushing,
For Engineer Fatrfit Id, 18:; Black,
For Police JuJge Stout, t4.
For Councilman Morrison, 181 ;
Nichols. 102.
For School Board Wintersteen. 130 ;
Showalter, 135; Ilartigan. 1;;9; Mars
land, 177; Carruth, 171; Bennett, 183.
Majorities Smith, 1.30; Wise, 30;
Cushing, 33; FairiJsld, 9i); Morrison,
For Mayor Smith, 130; Leonard, 01.
For Cleik Wise, 88; Simpson. 109.
For Treasurer Kline, 71; Cushing,
For Engineer FairliM, 92; Black,
For co:in cil nma lii ken bary, ft; Mc
Callan, 108.
A Viyiljiacc Co in :u it too Takes the .Mai
ler I.i uuJ .Succefull v
; J)is,(x of the ('ae.
j The to.lvi:ig tlcgr.:ms to ii;e
j Oaiuha Herald very satisfaciei lly x
j plaiua tl:eiituatioa. We do not advo-
cate lynch law, but there are t:m:
j when it is almost iiupossiblc lo de
j miunce it, and this (unpens to be oi;e
j of the limes:
i Hastings, Xeb., Apiii 3 lu the
Millet ass issiuation case, on Fiiday
last, a mask w;is found near the place
of assault, which the authorities suc
ceeded in matching with a aland cover
iu the Central hotel, in a room occu
pied by one Green, now under arrest
with Babcock and Ingraharn. On Sat-
muaj evening JiaucocK asKei ror a
piece of paper on which he wrote a
confession in ilf?ct as follows:
That their only intention was rob
bery, for which purpose they ordered
their victim away from town to aconi-
mou, and that when Miilet ran Ingra
ham shot him." On Sunday Morning
the auttiorities fearing trouble, has
tened their prisoners to Lincoln. The
coroner's jury not having returned
their verdict, refused to do so until
they had further examined the prison
ers, who were brought back yesterday
to Harvard, within the county, where
the coroner and jury hastened, but
their doings we were unable to ascer
tain. This afternoou the prisoners
were brought to this city aud imme
diately driven to the court house, fol
lowed by an immense mob. While at
the court house the coroner'i jury gave
a verdict in effect as follows: "That
CM. Millet, on March 27th, came to
his death by a pistol shot fired from
the hands of the aforesaid persons."
the following business was transacted:
. The meeting wus lu-id in the. toums
! 'f tile First Xationni b.iik, Hlli stock
! to 111 HUIOUII' o; i'i t tii n;;S ltp
j resen' d.
j O.i uiobion, II. E Palmer was made
j pr kideiil pro leu;., .i r. MacMui'phy,
j il:e societal , ii.i-i:uu over. ii. iiij; pp-j
i en?.
(): ir:ot:":i. tin- associati.-u d-e-.i
Co the 1- t-i i iii of otli'-ei.-7, and the
fi,'i:ov iik t ivk'ti was itot(doai-d a:-d
vouil f.r by balii.-i :
Pre.-vi'i.-iif, I'. V M:-tl.ev! i ; vice-peraid'-ii!.
F. 11. (iichman; Treasurer.
A. Vv McLaughlin; Secretary, J. M.
Patterson; directors, ii. E. Palmer, I).
II. Wheler, J.C. Ciibuore, Fred Gorder,
Samuel M. Chapman.
This ticket received 265 votes and
was declared duly elected by .he act
ing pre.-ddeiH.
A commit Ure of two. the president,
Mai hews, and one director, F. Gor
der, were appointed to attend to the
fair grounds, seo that the feuces are
repaired, the gates closed aud the
grounds generally preserved and
taken care of at once
Ou resolution tho late secretary.
-Aiacuurpny, was instructed to turn
the books aad his report over to the
new secretary. Mr. Patterson. The
meeting adjourned subject to the call
of the president.
II. E. Palmer, Act. Pres.
J. A. MacMurphy, Sec.
Hirer Report (
As furnished ofilcially lo the War
The river at uoou today, stood 7 ft.
1 in above low water mam, t bowing a
rise of one inch since last report.
HATS go to Warrick'.
One hundred and Kcventy-five
test Coal Oil at 2Sc per gal. Try
it. .Tld-lw
CITY, of London,
QUEEN, of Liverpool
FIHEMAN' FCND. of California
Peck's Bad Boy.
Hound in book form at WarrickV.
If you have anything you want sold
at auction calroa Je Ford. d&wtf
"Art is nature passed through the
Alembaic of man. Emerson.
Geo. Graybill, teacher ot a thor
ough and practical system of plisi
cal and vocal culture, and expi' ssion
by voice and action.
Children s classes, advanced class
es, Spakespeare or Milton clabseB,
private classes, public and parlor
readings at, reasonable rates. Office
at the Perkins house.
For Sale.
Fo ir lots together in good locution in
the city of Plattsmouth. Ii:quire at this
For Sale or Trade.
Two good cows, with calf, for
irh'-r for stock hog or fat cows.
quire at Jonathan Katt fc Co 's.
Ilouse to Kent.
ntpiin; of Chaplain Wright
! lee !
b e ! IM
i i. ie Hint i inniiaci lor yocr
suiniuti V hilt.plv iic.r. lied rot U i.'riees
jjioiiij.t :e::vtry un l nirei
lee. iiir! eiiie first st rved !v
lil: ii. l2ia'3 .!u; Faiukikm.
Ollico In Kuckwood liluck, vv II li
Secure them ftt the
Plattsmouth Herald Ofllco
CODFISH, Aiho u choice lot of
V.'e Lave a line clock of
Fuiicy;i;ranils of
I have tn flock a tluu line of
Queens ware, Glassware, Lamps,
&c. All our good, are iii-m m.d fteti.
Will Excliange lor Country Proince. Linseed Oil Meal Always on Hani.
Next door to Court Ilouee, Plattsmouth, Neb,
ud. Mm Bi MURPHY C O.
A .Square .Hral
Ckii be hr.d at tin-. City Hotel JW (uly
J e.ents ami loin,;r nt s;a.e reasniiabie
rates. Farmers and Commercial Mm
Will picu.oe bear tins m mind. diwtf
For Sale.
A desirable house and lot within three
blocks oi business. Very cheap. En
quire of Sullivan fc Wooley. a?2-lw
Henry Uoeck
Has an elegant line of baby carriages
tor sale very cheap. Also a nice lot of
refrigerators and the largest stock of fur
niture ever brought to Plattsmouth nt
prices that can't be discounted. It will
pay you to see him. d29xw2-tf
Wanted to Ilent.
A house of or five room in Platts
mouth, or instead, board for a family ot
three in a private family. Address U
Hekaid office.
For school board Wintersteen, 101 ; They were then arraitied before Judge
Mrs. Thomas Marsland, on hist Sat
urday night gave a surprise party to
her husband, on his birthday, by invit
ing all t:.e boys in thy offije at Pacific
Junction, who congregated at his pal
atial residence on Sixth street where
they eu joyed the ho3p!t ilities of Mrs.
M., in the genuine Faglish style. The
repast vv.i.s elegant an i the fu.r was
glorious. Of course Morg in "Way
bright and his wife was there, and
George Calder with all his good looks
was there "lone and lorn." The boys
enjoyed themselves, and will not soon
forgtt the pleasant time, and will
wish T. M. many such dajs.
Eoitoii Herald: I believe the
Kecording Angel is pleased with the
spirit of Independence displayed by
the Bohemians, and other foreign ele
ments of Plattsmouth, in not being led
astray by the rotten element of democ
racy in our city election. I do not in
clude in thi3 seemingly sweeping as
sertion, the whole of the democracy.
Far from it. Many of them are a
credit to their party, and several of
them have voted for General Smith,
because they are thoroughly disgusted
with the charges uiaJc in that vile
sheet, called the Journal, against our
highly respected and newly elected
mayor, the Hon. G. 5. Smith. Democ
ract, behold the turn affairs have
taken since the Journal began to lead
you in politics! Democracy is a dead
letter in Plattsmouth while that vile
sheet lives in our midst. Three years
aj' democracy was everything in
Plattsmouth ; today, ".None so poor as7
to do her reverence."
A PiorTKD Democrat.
Ilartigan, 94; Siiov.dcer, SJ; Carruth,
90; IJennett, 87; Maryland 83.
Majority Smith, W); Simpson, 21;
Cushiug. 57; Hiack, 3; AlcCallau, 17.,
For mayor G. S. 6iuith,Jol majority.
For clerk J. I) Siaip-i.m, 37
For tre.uursr V. II. ( u-s'iin. 171
i mij
For cagio 'cr -Gjo. W. FihiLl I. 84
For police j r lge Ii. i Sotii, n op-pDsilioa.
For cit.iiiciiaian 1st wird II, .M.
Ujus, :il nnjority.
r or councilman w ,rd -J. II. Fair
field, 23 majority.
For councilman 3rd ward 1. E. Mor
rison, 1J maj nity.
For coiiiiciiuiau 1th ward P. McCd
lau, 17 majority.
For members ot the sc'iool board
Two years, M. A. Ilartigan, 11 majority.
Three years. V. Wintersteea, IS "
" L. I. lijuaetf, 4 majority.
The alovs iigures will not bj mater
ially altered lv the official count, the
figures being lV;e:r as nearly corruct as
When it became known that Gen
eral Smith was elected the Ii. & M.
Baud made its appearance en the
street aud a bonfire was kiudled ou
Main street, at the crossing of Sixth,
and a sort of jollification took place.
General Smith was called for and
made a short speech, in which he
thauked his friends for the generous
support they had givea him ; that he
considered himself vindicated a) a
republican, us a citizen aud as an
officer, by their expression of confi
dence in him in the !ar?e majority
which elected him mayor ot the city
of Plattsmouth. 1 1 3 denied the scur
rilous attacks upon his record by the
uewspapers, and courted and urged
investigation of his ofllciul acts. lie
denouueed the course of tho Journal
in its personal assaults upon private
character. He pronveed his best
t Aorta for the good of the city of
ork, and the verdict read. When
the judge asked, "Guilty or not
guilty," Green and Ingraham plead not
guilty, and Babcock guilty. Ah im
mense crowd assembled near the court
house, and masked men have been seen
on the back streets, deuotiiii t!ia.t
there may yet be a necktie paii be
fore morning.
tiik dkeh'done.
Uastixos, Xeb , Aprii 3. 10:4o p.
in. A l about 1U:30 this evening u
posse of tinned men, all masked, came
out of an alle way opposite the room
in vtincii rue prisouer-t were iein
closeiy guarued, aud wooded their
way up 10 i no court room, oroke iu
the door and covered lha guards with
about forty guns aud demanded that
the leave the room. The murderers
were I hen
gagged, aad brought down, the lookers-on
being held at bay and not per
mitted to follow. It is supposed they
have been taken to u bridge ou the
St. Joe aud We&teru railroad, about
half a miie west of this depot.
Later. 11:45 p. nr. Your reporter
has just returned from the scene of
hanging. The lynchers had done
their work well. There under the
bridge can be fouud dangling in the
air the lifeless forms of Green aud
Ingraham IJabcock was takcu back
to the city and turued over to the
authorities. Green and Ingraham
died with their.
They had no coatsor hats or boots
ou. Xot less than three hundred peo
ple looked upon the remains to-night
of the asassius of Cash M. Millett,
aud not one man was heard to utter
one word iu condemnation of the
parties that did tho lynching.
llie (J., II. & Q. Roun4 House a Total
Last night in the neighborhood of
11 o'clock a bright light was notice
able across the river, and this morning
the news came that the C, 13. & Q.
round bouse had burned down. The
tire originated in the oil room, and
there happened to be a good supply on
hand. There were but two engines
housed at the time, and they were both
taken out in time. The building is a
total wreck, nothing being left but the
outside brick wall. Three coaches
and two baggage cars that were side
tracked and stood near by were badly
scorched.- Jiiit how the fire originated
we eos;.i tiot learn. The estimated
loss to tiie cornp -ny i-i about $33,000.
Fo ii nd Dead.
We :!;.- informed by a gentleman
that Cal Stewart, a farmer residing
in Co ;oiintv. nar the county line,
was fo' d-a 1 in his bed Saturday
morointf. Cal. wa on of the Stewart
boys that have uVipiitvd such an un
enviable reputation in this city for
drinking and lighting, and ii the lame
one. We understand he leaves quite a
family. No inquest was hold, as it
was not deemed necessary. Xebraslfa
City Xews.
N E -j,
For Sale !
Sec. 3, T. 12, It.
d29 Ot
B!HjS&te& suits
eves slas&wia Iei
the west, just
we will
m. I I.H . .
Ii li dTHwumi "Jvea acre rot mile
a rsuH' v J5.ii4i vsaa for.r60 this is extra line
1 have three pieces of outside prop
Law and collection buKincnw promp
tly attended to at this ofliee and pro
ceeds reinitted without delay.
Notarial work, conveyancing and
abstracting attended to ou short no
tice and satisfaction guaranteed.
If there is any thing wc do make
Hpecialiy of, it is city and suburban
real estate. Several fine farms and
Home wild land at bargains. Laboring
men cau get a home by paying month
ly what ihey now pay lor house rent.
Space forbids giving but a small
percentage of the bargains now on the
books at this agency; we. name the
Six choice half aero lots, 8 minutes
from li. 11. shops, at from $40 to $160
each, and ou terms that would make
a man ashamed to Hay he did not own
a houBe. Come and nee, you are not
compelled to buy and we wont give
these lots away, but you can get them
so ihey will absolutely cost you noth
ing. Five acre lot J mile from city tor
from city
SE, Sec. 3, T. 12, li. 13.
5. W. , bee. 3, T. 12, 11. 13.
and N X. W. See, 10, T. 12, Ii.
E S. VT. Sec. 34, T. 13, 11. l;
E J, Lot 10, Block 2S.
" 3, 5y.
" 7 & 9, 23.
S h " 9, 11.
Duke's Addition. aoove uescnoea larms are
for sale on long time, with 7 per
cent, interest. Anulv to
c!9tf Plattsmouth. NeJr.
cation iai
M e & w a d
Contractors and Builders.
Will give estimates on all kinds of work. Any
Oiili wiH receive piofuut Mtteuiiofti.
Heavy Truss Framing,
fur barns and Ihiko buiiaiuts a peclalty.
For refcu iita aj ply to J. P. Younc. J
batu or il. a. w ateraian & Son
V. Wc
A new liue of fiue dress gooda con
sistiug of the latest styles and patterns
just received at Weckbacb'a. 23dtf
H ime to Iteat.
In one of the best locstious in the
city. Inquire of . I. W.Jeuniags. dtf
To Whom It May Concern :
My wife, Mary Ann Straight, having
left my bed and board without just
cause and provocation. I hereby forbid
any or all persons trusting her on my
account, as I will pay no debts of her
contracting after this date.
T. A. Streioht.
South Bend, Neb, April 4, 1833.
Troy City Eaundry.
Now Located on
V B. BROW.N, Proprietor.
T ransient Work solicited
ThRnklnz my patrons for pist favors. I soli
cit further work.
Remember. the- plaea. Uoekeahatiu bouse.
Wftsbiogtou Avnue.
Ladies, your special aentj on is called
to the new line of itZss ?oods fust
received at Weckbach'e. 23dtf
iTC., ITS., ETC.,
Of All Descriptions.
Of all sues, ready made and sold cheap for cash.
With uiaay thaaks for past patronage.
Invite all to call and examine my
j .m
Rockwood Block,
PlaKsmou WJd
erty wincii 1 can sell and under
take to luruiuh purchaser work
enough to pay for them, now 1 will
furnish the ground aud you the work,
work is what hurts me. If you will
do the work at a fair price I will gire
you a clear deed lor the laud; if you
can't do the work come and see me, I
may lind some one who will do it for
Ten acres f or $ 600 00
" 44 " 600 00
it U Qy
" " " 2500 00
Several small tracts well improved
and adjoining the city, for sale at
reasonable rateu.
40 acrcH, wild $ 600 00
80 " improy'd 1600 00
120 " " 2000 00
160 " 6000 00
200 " 6200 00
210 " " 0O0 00
Fiuet stock farm iu Cass county
$16000, long lime aud low rate ot in
terest. 160 acres, wild $2600
80 " " iSoS
.52 " . - ... . 82C0
iw acres, wiiu, Itcj). V'y (cash) 1(XK)
Cor. lot 3 bl'ks from shops (cheap)tlOO
1 " 3 " 175
2 3 " " li0
3 cor " 2 " " .
1 " 4 " " 175
3 cor 44 2 " 150
2 " N. 6th street (tine) 300
2 " " Picnic Uill " jo0
11" " Washington ave'4 360
1 44 44 1 bl'k from Alain st extra 400
Improved city real estate in abun
dance. I can find what you want in
this line if you will call aud keu me.
Business houses and lots for tale
at much lower figure than will be
asked fi months hence.
Stores aud dwellings ren4cd and for
rent, rents promptly collected.
If you dou't fcee what you want in
thid column come and Mk for it. I'vo
-probably unused juat what you want.
Onice open nearly every evening from
6 to 8.
Good new house and two fine lots
in good location price, SsOO.
Union Qloek.
Kits, Epilepsy,
I'ennautly Cured No Mumbiichv nne Unndi
uaKe .f Dr. ;.JularU' Ceffirtt-il
Kit powdei. To roavioce rulTereM that the
rOttOt-ri :il do ;nl We claim fnr them uo will
send them by mail, post paid, a Free Trial box.
A Dr. U:rlaul U the oulv Phviiri
ever made tin disease a xpecial study, and aa
to our knowledge thousands have been per
rnanetly cured by the use of theie Tawders.we
will suaruntee a permanent cure in ovorv no
or reluud you all money expended. All buffer
ers i should give these iWdera an early trial,
and be convinced of their curative power
Frlce. for large Boxe. Sa.oo. or 4 Boxe for $10.
Sent by mail to auv nart of tho I'nit.H uio..
or Canada, on receipt of prices, or by exprean!
C. O. I). Addieas,
360 Fulton St., Brooklyn. S. Y
Dec. 28Ui. 1882 4ltly.
: Choice Candies!
IIome-inadc and Warranted
Strictly Pure.
at all hours.
Oysters night; or day at th.