PLATTSIIOUTH HERALD. rrtu.i-iiniAii y.mmvi:kkly II Y Tiie Platfsmoutti Herald FablisbinjE Co. l lli.V. . ivr W.-.-U . . I'er M..1.1I1 Per r:ir.. !ih i. . ,v -itirli-r l any ..f llii- city 9 n m 7 WEEKLY, by mail. Our ropy i month. Oneeopy o.e year hi 2 IMI IN-gl.strrtMl at tin PoM Office. PluttMiioutli. iH'i'tiiiil el:ut mailer. I'l.ATTSMOinil, Al'ltll. 4. l-t: It was a famous victory. Lawkknck IIai.i.ett, tlie eminent, tragedian visits Omalia the List three nights Ih'n week. IJy telephone Lincoln sends the word tliatthe entire Republican ticket is e'erted there by heavy majorities. Tiik prating of the "removed" democratic organ in this city over emanations from an honest heart, etc., would prove very interesting reading for the g(nxl people of (Jlen woxl. Mi:. J. K. Morrison lias every rea son to feel proud over the magnilicent endorsement xivru him by the voters of the Third ward; an endorsement given him in th face of all the fac tional warfare in city politics this year. Tin: people of this city's poke in no uncertain words at the polls, and no man ever received ;i more hearty en dorsement from his friends and neigh bors than did flt-neral Smith, who lias been the victim of tha foulest lies and .slandrrs unprincipled men could in vent. cnim managed to change the entire a-K-ct of the conflict by abandoning the iues growiug out ol the civil war and bringing forward protection to American Industry us the liiogc on which the re mit ought to turn. Under their new banner the republicans vigorounly as H iilrd the wavering linen of the dt'ino ernN in Conner tictit. New Vork, New J.T-ey. iViintyl vaniM, O!no and Indiana Uifl Hancock loKt tlir' six liiaiiuiHr.tiir ilig state.-), w ith the exception of New Jersey, which he barely saved by a plu rality l:f 2,000. These fact- ate worthy of the coiibid- ration of thohc democrats who are pre paling platform and selecting candi datrs for the next presidential election. New Vork Sun. BANKS. John FitzoriiAi.1i, President. A. W. McLaloiii.ik, Cai tiler. FIRST fJATiOMAL ok pla rrsMori n. m-.hkamka. . . ..... i kstekiay was a tieiti u.ty lur re publican cities. Omaha elects Cham pion s. Lhasa republican mayor; Lin coln elects Moore republican mayor; riutlsmojth elects Smith republican mayor, and Fremont Clelland republi can m iyor. Verily. t!.e republican .-tar shines in the zenth. Tub thugs and bruisers have re elceled Carter Harrison as mayor of I'hia.). and that city has a f;tir prom ist of having a record for crime gtcat- r than any city iu the union for .mother two j.-.irs. A city given over to a record such as Chicago has had for the last ear is certainly to ne com miserated. The celebrated city election is over and several gentlemen the Herald i-ou'd put its lingftr on, an? wiser if not Fiid'ler m?n. There was no feeling be tween he tw-. parties, except that of friendly strife; but there v..s a. just ftt liny, a strong current of just iucig natio.i running through the en tire population of the city irrespec tive of party, against the shameful action of the parties who made the libelous attack upon (Jt-n'l Smith, which is one of the wholesoins IVa tures of our true manhood; a stse o; honor which prev tdes the breast of ninety-nine men in every hundred, to see that his fellow men are fairly dealt with and to see that he is vindicated when uncalled for and libelous attacks are made upon his good name, and the peace of a happy family attempted to le destroyed by falsehood and brutal blackguardism. Such has been the li'tle e;;s de-in ri itt-mouth politics for 18$:). Now tint the election is over and the smoke cleared away. Mayor Smilh ami his council have an arduous year's work iiefoie them which the Herald hopes to see entered upon with the quiet determination to do and perform honestly .iili a view (o the material advancement oi the whole city of l'lattsmouth. Let enterpiis ? ur.d pub lic spirit manifest itself all oc casions, this can be done without any extravagance in our municipal affairs, and ht every pulse be felt which indi cates that there is a frienily beat to wards tins city and her future. Let only gt;o.l men in u lie in the people have confidence be appointed to iill the various city offices which are ::ppoint- KVKXtSS AND ABILITY. Tho death ol Postmaster Ceueral Howe has attracted the attention of the public to his oflicial career and has brought to view certain charac teristics of the man not thought of be fore. It is conceded that he was not a man of commanding ability iu the sense in which many of our public men have been. Yet he heid import ant po-i lions iu public . lit o and was continually iu some prominent pul lic place. As United States senator tor eighteen years, and Lu other im portant position', nearly twenty-live years of his lite was spe :t in the pub lic service. And his career, while not brilliant, was at least very honorable. He thus illustrates a feature in our public life that, as the Philadelphia News says in commenting upon the subject, is worthy or notice. Kveu tcmpered, patient, industrious, and honest mediocrity accomplishes quite as much as brilliant, erratic, uneven- tempered genius. And the hold of the former on public life is more cer tain ami regular. John Randolph was keen, brilliant, wittv, .sarcastic: but he left no permanent imprestdou i on the legislation of the eoiintrc While Charles Sumner had more sol id qualities uud did i eal service, the full 'measure of what he accomplished and what he retarded would not, per haps, make ns good a showiug as that of Mr. llf?we. A Jew brilliant speech es inspire applause, and bold meas ures give an impression, but the steady, solid work of the evi u tem pered legislator has more real value than all such. Hence while no spec ial item of prominent legislation is attributed to Mr. Howe, his conserva tive, steady-going work did do a vast deal. The quiet impress of such men goes for more than the lussy vehe, iiieiicc ot others. It has a more solid value. (J. U. Nonpareil. O.lersthe very best facilities for the prompt trau'actinii of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Ktocks, Koixls. Gold, (loverninent and Local HeeurilieH nought anil Sold, Deposit receiv ed and Interest allowed on Mine Certifi cate!. Draft drawn, available in any part of the 1' niled Stat en and all the prineipal lowim ,f Europe. Colin Hons made it- promptly remitted. Highest market price p:ii:l for County War rants, Htateai.d County Itond. DIRECTORS Johu Fitzgerald John K. C'lartc. Oeo. E. Dovev, A. W, A. it. F McLaughlin. K. Tuualiu, ('. Cusihlug, K. White, RAi CI IS) 1(5) io)im (P(iil(B)U HAVE MODVIEUD OT Blake's Bu ilding, up Stairs, Where they are daily r ceivinga complete line of all kinds of 1IECE GOODS V SUITINGS, We also wish to inform the citizens of Plattsmouth that we have made arrangements for Dying, Cleaning "D Repairing On short notice, and warrant satisfaction. T ZE3I EI B.&WI.R.R. Just Eeceived. A FINK U.NF. OF MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES UK II1CI: T I Ml OUT ATI ON. A Challenge 5c Cigar, Hpeeially made for the mall U& at Pepperberg's Clar Factory call" AT tiik The Finest Pressed Brick 117 THE ST-AlTE, The and tin; thruii;li line lor Denver Mountain.-!, ami all iioints Western Xcluah in Sniitliern and ka. Eastern Connections at Bank Cass County Cotiier Maiii and Sixtli Streets, iXj-a.ttsivcotjti3: untie :b t .IflHN lil.ACK. President. 1 .1. M. -PATTHltSOX. Cashier. I Transacts a General Mm Ensiness. HIGHEST CASH PRICE Paid Jur County and City Warrant. COM,i:CTlUH M A 1K aud nroiiijitly remitted for. ihkkcctous : John l:la!k, J. M. Patterson, C. 11. 1'armele, F. IX. Cut limunii, J. Morrissey, A. 15. omitli. Fred Gorder. 51Iy WEEPING WATER WEEPIXG WATER. - NEB. JHL A W UFACTVRED JBjY Orders rcccivid for any quantity and filled in a satisfactory manner. Those contemplating to Imild should examine our work, the quality of our bricks and prices. Yard, in rear of Bonner Stable, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Three (.rotes Letter. TititKK (JnoVEs, Apr. 3. i iic lime oi llic quarterly ni-'ctiuj to hu held at the brick schoool house previously auuouuccd in the IIekai.d has been put off until the 23th and -Utli ol April, and will be held at the Union church instead of our school house. Ilev. Wilson, of Plattsinotilh. will bo in attendance at the meet lUif. itev. loolbourrow organized a Sab bath school hist Sunday, to intct commencing ta two weeks. Mrs. Ke- becca Crosscr. as superintendent, and llcy, assistant. Jennie Yoiiiif, of Hock is ill though at last accounts was improving-. Our P. M. is going to give up the post oriiee es s ton as his resignation is accepted by the Postm tster Gener al; having sent it sonvi time ago. As the ofiicu don't pay vary well linau ciallv, nobody cares inucli about tak ing it, aud unless somebody volun teers to do a large amount of work for Untie Sain for milling, the Three (i roves folks will have to depend on some other ofiice lor their mall. Oursc'.ool meeutiif held last eveu- j mg, was the most iuteres'iug meeting that has been lu;ld since the llood. There was a large attendance, aud evi ryoni seemed to be iutercs;ed in the school matters of the district aud some very importune business was transacted that should have been seen to before this. Our school board and the patrons decided to buy a new coal stove, aid bunt coal iutlcad of wood, llu present one being too good a cold stove lor a school house, and having boezi in us' ever since tha dis trict has been a school district, it is a hard matter to keep it warm iu mid summer, and winter, csncciallv when I ml 1 the py irons fed a little lazy and won't E. I,. HEED, President. J$. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. It. S. WILKINSON. Cashier. A General Banking Easiness Transacted. I EPOS ITS RecelTed. and Interest allowed u Time Certi ficates. DRAFTS Drawn available in any part of the United States and all the principal cities of Europe. A COMPLETE LINE -OF- ARNESS AND SADD m PLATTSMOUTH, OMAHA and ATCHISOU KANSAS, for all points East, Horth and South Connections at LINCOLN ibr CENTRAL CITY, COLUMJHIS, ATCHISON, WYMORE, Old Reliable : LUMBERYARD B. i MERMAN & SOU -AT J. G. CHAMBERS & SON Everything liancl-m:ule and warranted. Call in and see us. NEXT DOOR WEST TO THE LATE FIRE. Agents for the celebrated Haiwi Line of Steamers. CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three story brick structure, on lower Mai.l street, has just been finished and fitted up for the accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS. A.M KEGIJIjAR hoarders. EVERY THINS- NEW AND CLEAN A Good Bar co""ea,crith t,,e 27bf. FKED GOOS. Propr. Works Cass County Iron WAYMAN & KIRBY, Propr's. Plattsmontli. 3NTe"b. and all intermediate joints. P. S. EUSTIS G. XV. IIoi.niiEiK, den. Pas. Ag't en 1 hunt. Omaha. Omaha J. LEVY, Will BUY and SELL all kinds of FURNITURE, METALS, IRON, RAGS AND FURSl Will advance money on all SALABLE GOODS, on lower Main street. apposite The Old Duke Building. Plattsmouth, Feb. 1st, 1883 46tf. 1 NUFA CTUREIIS OF No Humbug Here! I Can Outsell auj One Prica Clotliingr 1 Outfit in 1'lattsmoutli BST 25 PER CE3SIT. AI STILL MAKE MONEY. ENGINES, IRON FRONTS, HOUSE COLUMNS, AND CASTINGS. Business Houses are equipped duplicate all eastern prices, savin" lor our terms of cafrtiniis CASS GOTTITT XSIOST Our facilities. IV i heavy woik in Columns ar. J Castings for not surpassed in the iSlate. " MACHINE REPAIitlNC of ail kinds. Our Machine Shop is fully for all classes of work iu iron. .Patronize JNebraskn mauulactui in'. We freight and time. Parties buildui"; in any part of the Stste should writ March 11th. 1882. PLATTS M ( U Tir. N K U. h.Kly Ht;iiid by the interests of onrcity. AriMiw. f t'egod advice the llfcu- ai.! hus heeu ivin the democracy rela . ? . . . . . nvtr vt irimi;iij au tionest intelligent is sn; upo.i vvhicli to jo lH'fre the people in and ahtnJoii the freo trade foo!- i-!im?; ve publish the following from tin-New York Sun, whic'i .-!iii:is for all itjiii'tcr tt iv!h nre dip s:.- l to !ook nj on ihe i'.-ttio;iHl fide of ptihijc questions. It it a little lik'. the advice the trtrt i old, a nimUtcr, wha detested la.Tir, vt? tt Lis son when lie said to !ii:n M son do not enumerate your ju e.iii.; pulti f lufore the peri j 1 of incu bation ba fully elapsed." K.VT- -ok Tirotoiirt Li. DKMncnn. Iu the middle of Grant' fecond term liiere was a general revolt against his the d(-iiio-rtti i-Mrridl iht; nfven of M.iclit!setr.-., Con- .' ll" ' hal to r lliroii, nrcticTii. New York, N -.v .h rsvv, Pcun- i Ihe i i f Ii t beiiij; d irk flvnin .. Uiiio ani Inrllana Uj ..: are- j Mind, lUav mise I the Mte, and was !rl' ini ritv of 117,000. In 187U Mr. r , ,,. . , , ' tildn. Ih.r' .bi.i.urritw- rltrulo fr i r"uu 1 l '' a board leuco, a H-e-ile:it. t-Rrried four of thee states, MHrt Inn- alterwards by the owner t : ill ,ii- I'ipi.IIi I .1....:.... .r I .i l... n.o n,.,v.,P .....i i... " ''- muiiii' ciiu nine .... J I --CriOOl IS iKMIl" l:inrrit TTur. -linmii. c" o ....... j Chaifout hm iiig hmllcd the school funds f r ih last t'iree years so v.eil, and ivin yod sa'if.iclio:!, is ng-aiu elected treasurer for another three years. J'ln; board d. 'tided to haven .summer school, and we think it won't boa very hard matter to hire a teach er, judging Irni lii-; number of appli cations that h ive b.-en made by the teminiuc -f'.. although among so many applicant no one his been chosen cl. During the school meeting he'd on Moiidity evening, Mark Wliite's team concluded to play an April loul trick on him, and at the .-a me time broke loose- from Ihe lenee to which thev were tied, and slartvd east at rail road speed, aiming for oile I'atter son's g.ite near -J C n!vs. which h going litiiie, :i:id o:io horse Botli Here and at my Brancii nore, AT LOUrSYTLLE, As I Buy For Cash. IlememlK-r tho above statement. C. G. HEROLD. And Tinners' Stocli OF ALL KINDS 23d-iw-lin MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, B LA CKSM1 TH HO! SE SHOEING & WAGON REPAIRING. ; -i All Kinds of Farm implements Mendel wlti Neatness and Dispatch. immriv, Connecticut, NfW York, New .ler'y uutl Indiana, by making reform in all departments of the government the controlling idea of the struggle. Foiir yeurs the contest between I (uncock and Garfield, the democrat Mere SHtiguiu that the four states ultove named would go for Hancock. . This would have given him the victory, with clcccorial vote to spare. But at a criti cal stage of tbe campaigu the republi. and others, with tho except ion oil wo or tiiree panels of tence being broken, n' serious uauiagc was done, tlie horses having c-caped without much inj'iry. liia Sis. SrFnS a-ws -sbs If ,. V'( S:- Wholfvalt; aiil )tet;ill I)elrr to PINE LUMBER SHhLKS, LATH, SASH, 1)00 US, ULINDd, &c,f Fourth .street. In rear oflOr Hout.e. PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA. A Common-Sense Remedy. ;AL!CYL!GA. So mure Illicuuia11ui, fiout r IVcurnlRlu. Immediate Belief Warranted. Permanent Core Guaranteed five w,nr etabtthel and nrvrr knouix ttt tall in a ttiimlt ca.aeuU. or thrunlc. lUftr Ut all jrrominent phulelann and tiruogUU tor tht Htanatng of iiaiicviu-a. SEBRET1 THK ONLY DISSOLVE!! OK TIIH IfUSOX ttVH VUW, ACID WJIICH KXIMTS IN THK KI.OOII OF KHEL'MaTIU ANIJ UOUIV 1'A- TIE.NTS. HALIVVI.IOA l known m. coiuiuuu. lenim remedy. hcaui H utriKna dlrtwtlv at ttia cjiue til lUieuinatixin. Oout Miitl Ni-urslglM, while nouiMuy ao-eitllttl NMciflcs Hnd auppnnrd pncaNoily treat locitlly thu effect. Itliasbeeu concejrd by rinlnent nciri.tiata that outward anplicutioun. such ua rubblnir Witt) oIIh. oliitniriits. lluliiKfiita. kiid aoutlilriir lotions will not pntilleate thece dlitKHHra wlilcu are the result of the polaooiug nl tti ltlod HA I.KIYMCA works with raarvcldiia of. feet on this acid nmt ao remove the dtxordor. It ia oow exeluslvely urd by all celrlirutud phyaieiiniM ol America and hurope. HlUet .Mfdical Academy of l'aria renorts ftS inr rent curen lu tlnen days. REMEMBER !n.?J..HAI',,r ''A Is a certain rurn for KHELMATISM, GOUT and NKIIKAUilA. i lie most intense paine are nubdoed almoat In atautly. Give It a trial. Itellef guaranted or money refunded. " Thousand of te-tlmonlal- Split nn nt kllja. tlon. (la Box. 6 Box e for $3. Sent free by mail nu receipt of money. ASK YOU It DkUGGI.1T FOIt IT. Butriouot be deluded Int tulmir i,nlt .(..... or .subxtltutCN, or aometliliiK reeommendrd aa "Jusi as irood '." IriHlst nu tin vmiiiiIho u iih i.. name of WASH BIT UN K & I'O., on each box. which is Kiiaranterd cheuilcnlly pure under our -inatuie. an iudind-iiHllile ifimiHito fit IllMlirA Kiicceca in the treatment. Take um niir ..- ' scud to ua. ' Waanburn At C 1'roi.rletora. 27 Broadway, cor. Bead St.. NEW YOKK. P t is ay J2i c "B O 3 I (ft "S.-S u -3 a . S a c 2 a Oi 3 wo I 3 a o ; - r-i o - s E3i .o i i 9 C i CJ - a S w o cs SSSge - Q.JS ( CO B o o OS c 04 s H 1 o m 4 m 0 t C o I FOR SALE BY F.icclsior life LOUIS, MO J. Duke. JASON STREIGHT, (Muerettaor to Htrei(ht A Sftller.) MANUFACTURER OF KENDALL'S) I E B HNE 8 HEAVY HARBESS. A large line of Saddles Bridles, Collars, Whips, ftc. always in stock. Repairing of all kinds neatly done n sort notice. Main Street, between rourth and Fifth, O. M. STKEIGHT. Bulnee) Manager. ( HAM.SiMMd.vti. -.l-ihamcal Manst'-r. 7tf 9 - A X D Uorsc, Mule & Ox Shoeing, In short, well shoe anything that har four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe Come and see us. JsnErw shop n Filth St. between- Main and Vine Streets, usjt acros corner from the ytw HEltALi- OFFICK. . -Oy. At Wholesale and Retail. Cash paid for all kinds of country produce. Call and see me. Opposite First National Bank. !T. IF. B ATDMJElISarJEIE. ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND BLACKSMITH SHOP nrugon, auygy, Maofiin and Plow r. n vain yuiring, ana general Jobbing Tun Most Suctbshki-i. Kemkhv .v.r ( eovjred as It la certain in ita mr-U and dftra not bliter ; AUo excellent for hum at flr-L. BEAD 1-KOOK BEU'W. -""- FItOM COL. Jj. T. FOSTEK YoucK-towii. Ohio. May loth, iww. B. J. Kendall & Co., Gvut : 1 had a rry val J"abi? '-amblctoiiian cilt which I prlzt-d very lilKbly, be had a large hone upavio io one Joint aud a umall un on the other, which Oiatja him very lanie ; 1 had Mm uudcr the eharas of two vetvnuary aui;roi who failed lo eura nini. I wan cue day riadilir the ad vrrti-eicotit o lk.endalls Spaviu Cure lu thn 1 hlcaeo Kx-tir- I dftt-amiued at outv to try it. aod our dniKitl-te here acut for It. tlu y ordered thr.I ooiuet. i toon tnein all and thought I w.uid Klve It a thorouKh trlal.I nsediit ac jrdinit todU rectiowa and the fourth day the colt ceaaed to be lame, and the lump. Lad dlaappeared. I used but one bottle and the colts limba ar. aa free from lumpa aud a Mnooth as any bora la the state He i. eiuircl cured. Iheeurewaa o remarkable that 1 let two ot my neltchbora Jjavethe reinaiulujc tw o bottles who are uww Very I'.eipectfully. L- T. FOSTEII. Kendall's Spavin Cure OX HUMAN FLESH. Patten's MUla. N. Y.. reb.Vi. g;,. B. J. Kf-NDAll & Co.. Gents : The tmrtlru. Jar ease on which I used your Keud.iIP. Nuavtu vyi. ankle si.rulu of alkteru i"' -yPuf- tried iiim., thinjf.. but ' "Pfiiu iure put iqr loot lo tha i m t anil fm, ... r . " i cood lathe in my sllop. PETER RAO EN. The old Reliable Waon Maker has taken charge of the wagon shop, lie is well known as a SO. 1 WORKMAN. M'sveon. I F1Ui?d.'.lu- ?d tor lne r-''t tlli Miioe hurt. W . 1 s U4LUIM n of irai?t0'ntf uf "cellaanytfung we ever u,"ed7 . v-.a.a iiuMiiiiirrT. HJt rnmrm mnd BauxxicA saside Youra truly. REV. M. I". BKLL. Pastor of M. E. Church. Pattens Mill. V. Y -r?5? dd,reM tor Illustrated Circular, whirh !L- -lves positive proof of Ha vlrtttea. No remedy has ever met with aucb unqualified aucceaa, to our knowledce. for beast as we II aa niao. Price ft, per bottle, or six bottles for fs. am .V.l,ftl,u 11 or c,n Ret " '' yo, or it will Ix. irnt tM m a.l,lr ..i i 7 vruer. 9 ATT8F ACTION' OCABANTKED. HOLD IIV ALL DQUtitilSTf