The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 03, 1883, Image 4

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li V
Ths PtoltsnwiMi Herald Pnlslisiuhz Co.
titr C'ly and 1 oiu:tv lii--(nry, K:uly Time
Tables. nuiiici"i fi
rectory. B'wlutms Card nr., third page.
JEFF. I. STONE, - Cltr Editor.
A. Sallnbury. DeutlMt.
'I he Irnin for the went was mi hour
late thi inorniu"
1'olitic politics politics, nothing
I. ut politics today.
A fe more days of such weather
as this will start the farmers out In
good curliest.
Ask Charley Duke if he pays for all
the younji ladiea skates who go to the
rink every evening.
Nothing is bo exciting as excite
ment, and there is nothing so full of
excitement na an election.
Mayor Weckhach has hi.s us ma.
hine in mi at work. It is a bir im
provemcnt on the lamp.
Owiit to the fret th.t this is elect in
day in Chicago ,.- Hlir,l 0f trade is
i-cl and no market report are tfiven.
r rank Keller h:n o fur rccurereil
from his recent attack of pucumouiu.
a to be able to be down town oc :a.s-tounllv.
The river U clear of ice today, and
Coating l. have taken possession.
The river U b mmiipi and Lie sand
htr are not visibh.
Tickets, f.r MaliMi Fletcher's lec
I. lie are on a.,! .it WaiiicVa, l'hil
Vonny-rt, Smith & Slack's, and Krvei.'.v
Tli- "old i r laUs Thc.r.sday night.
- Bf s- - . .
i h! i-i.n-h. in the Art Loan ex
l.ii.iri.:i 14 bcbi m.ultj and m eilorts
are bin- spiral to pi t pare a fine en
lfr:ii.. Ti- lut .:!! l,j o it sum.
Anotkar Preelnet Heard From.
The good people in the rural districts
were called upon, yesterday, to wrestle
with school affairs, etc. Capt. Shannon
happened to be in .he near vicinity of a
school near the city which was presided
over by a ery estimable lady teacher,
and dropped in for a short visit. She no
doubt was very much impressed by the
Wehsterian head of our genial friend
and asked him to address the pupils.
Cap of course, couldn't let slip this gol
den opportunity of turning loose some
of the eloquence of which he is always
loaded, so proceeded to open his mouth
and breathe gently the tcntinienta he
thought most fitting for the occasion.
He was just catching his second wind,
when one of the school board appeared
upoa the scene and choked him off short
so quickly that Cap couldn't tell wheth
er he was a lightning rod man or a Chic
ago drummer and at the same time re
marked that "ho (Shannon) or no body
else had any business in that school
room during school hours except the
teach r nnd the pupils; even parents had
no right to visit the school, excepting
when complaints were made, and then
only to as crt iu whether they were
false or true." Cap hunx around thera
long i noug'n to si e this member of the
board r.;- elected, for he thought tlie dis
trict woul 1 c dlspsc without him. Ver
ily Cap your m'a-ion here on earth is
among the intelligence of the rural "dis
As reported from the Clerk's olliee
each day:
C. H. Q. Ii. R.G. to P. 1. Johunou
aw 11-11-9. Final receipt $GS2.C0
C.B. &Q. It. li. Co. to P. P. Johnson
8 w4 13-11-0. Final receipt $674.10
P. P. MeCarty and wife to John W.
Copper part e 5s 8W 28-11-10 j. c. !.
P. P. Joh:8on and wife t Mows
Keefer s w 11-11-9 w d $!)).
J. K. Glover to F. E. Keudall s e .' n
1.' Hi- 1 ($-10 14 w
Their Confession Renoves All Dortbt at
to Their Identity.
Tliey Sleep Sunday Night in the Pen
The Fee liny at Hasting
Sh;ritl H vers received
" " I a t .-vfinii rro i .,'. ;;;
repot t tliei't; .il om-f.
Whyfr- a i I" win'rct'or
b-i-n rt-vt-alt.-ti.
'V:il.T tt
i-t"l vet
(ieo. A. .Sevboll. of )r:tng., '. ".,
' '' i ' 1 v ft'ld :i t.L the IlKtt U.D
a p!e:is.i it n !. T!k; milk war down
there, wm iierti', Ins Marled (Jeorgc
fr Xehraska sir.-iin.
The line weather th:t has prevailed
all day the tirst Mica day Wf've had
too. tor a long time is a sign Irom
above, ot victory, for t h-r pirty in fa
or of go id cicv "ovcniment.
Twelve very pretty girls were uiar
sVdleJ into line at the Commercial ho
tel dining room yesterday morning, by
lude Lindsay, and performed their
dutirs. waiting upon table, as if to the
minor bom. Mr. Imhoff informs us
that tie expects live or six more in a
few days. State Journal.
The lat sceu ot Elder Conner, he
was being hauled by citizen Tindell
up into the Second ward to vote.
CitizenJTiudell had a coveied car
riage with go!d lamps, and was whis
pering in seductive tones into theK:-
tter s too willing ear. We are afraid
citizen Tindel ha played a game ou
fie Elder and inveigled hi vote away
from him for Smith.
U anl the n
Timothy and John W. Clark and wives
to Jain.-s ltrMcvSr s w 18-10 11 w d
f t00 .
A. C. Loder and wife to Edwin A lii
dsr part s e j u e . :.- l-'J w d 3l..
Forbc Russel A (riswo!d, trustee, to
Christian Metzgur n w 4-12-12 w
d 1(50.
School district No. 28. of this county
came out in a force of tiv ; persons and
transacte 1 the business of their district
In this district there arc thirty-live pu
pils and some eighteen voters. Tli j at
tendance at the school meeting show? a
lack of interest in educational flairs
that is lamentable. Hut then some of
the officers are old fogy sort, and do not
believe in the advanced ideas of our best
educators. In this district they voted no
tax; could not settle with their treasurer
but did o'e t have thiee months sum
mer scho 1 .
For Sale.
Four lots together in good location in
tnc city of riuttsuiouth. inquire at this
omce dtf
Ladies, your special attention is culled
to the new line ot dress goods just
received at Weckbach s. 2:Jdtt
For Sale or Trade.
Two good cows, with calf, for trnde
either for stock-hogs or fat cows. En
quire at Jonathan Uatt fc Co.'s.
Jim Wocdson has been arrested
at the instance of Paxton fc Galla
gher for obtaining good under false
pretenses, and for ditpnsing of his
property with intent to defraud his
creditors, and now repines in dur
ance vile. There will probably be
some law uiw for false imprison
ment eU Any wav Woodson, we
regret to say, is ' busted."
Lapt. Marshall is an old citizen of
Piattamoutb.und enjoys the confidence
of fverylody in the city. He has
lived here 30 years has been postmas
ter for over 20 years, yet, to-day, when
he went to vote, he was in the same
predicament that the Chicago drum-
mar wus. who dreamed be died and
went to heaven, and the Lord wauted
to know who he was and where he
was from. The drummer gave his
name and said he was from Chicago.
The Lord looked over his book and
couldn't Qud the man's name or Chi
cago either. The drfimmer had to be
sworn in. Capt. bad to swear his vote
in. His name wasn't on the list.
House to Rent.
Inquire of Chaplain Wright.
House to Rent. '
In one of the best locations
city. Inquire of J. W. Jennings.
in the
Ice ! lee ! Ice !
-ww jo i ne nme to contract lor your
summer's supply of ice. Bed rock orices
prompt delivery and superior quality of
ice, iirst come nrst served by Mieuew ice
msn. 12m2 Joe Fairfieu.
A Square .Weal
Can be hud at the City Hotel for only
23 tents and lodging nl same reasonable
lateu. Fnrmers and Commercial 3Ien
will p'-He bear this in mind. d&wtf
Our item in yesterday's paper rc
gsrding the amount of business done
in the telegraph office was incomplete.
It should have staled that the bnsi-
For Sale.
A desirable house u.l lot within three
block of business. Very cheap En
quire of Sullivan tSfWooley. n22-lw
Henry Ibieek
Ha an elrgant Hue of baby carriages
for sale very cheap. AN a nice lot "of
refrigerators ami the largest stock of fur
niture ever brought to Plattsmoi tli nt
prices that can't be discounted. It will
pay you to see him. . d29jtw3-tf
Wanted to Rent.
A house of four or five rooms in Platts-
mouth, or instead, board for a family ot J
three in a private family. Address B
On Sunday Sheriff (Jeorge T. Hutch
inson, of Adams county, brought down
from Hastings Fred Ingram, John
Babcock and Jim Green, who are ac
cused of the murder of Cash M. Millet.
They were taken out to the penitenti
ary, where they spent Sunday after
noen and night, and were taken back
to Hastings yesterday by the sheriff
and his deputy. The coroner's inquest
is not yet completed, and the prisoners
mere simply brought down for safe
keeping, as it was feared they might
fare badly at the hands of the popu
lance if they remained in Hastings.
There is no longer any room for
doubt that the prisoners are the guilty
parties. The clue which led to their
arrest was a calico mask which one of
them dropped near the scene of the
tragedy, and which had once been the
cover of a stand in Gieen's room at
the hotel. The cover had been miss
ing for a day or two, but a chamber
maid swore to the mask as a part of
the missing cover.
After they were an esled they were
kept separate. They failed utterly to
account for themselves at the time the
killing was done. The officers then, by
putting together what they Knew of the
affair, convinced one of the pris
oners that one of the others
must have made a confession,
and thinking that the game wus all j
up, and in the hope that he might
benefit hiuisilf by a confession, he told
what lie knew of the ullair. This con
fession whs used successfully ou the
others nud a pretty clear exposition ot
the affair wus obtained.
According to the confesbioug made tiie
object of the inurdrrera was rob" ery.
Green and Babcock b-jtli confuse. I io
having been couce tied, but sy tlmt In
grum tired the fatal shot. Ingrain tdso
confesses to having been concerned. He
has not fully admitted that he did the
shooting, but said il he did dv it he
was so excited tlmt he did not kno.v what
he was aUut. The others say i.e had
kis pitoi m hi left hand aud as Milieu
started to liiu, he tired after him with
that hand. ,
The prisoners are nil rather you :;
men, none of them uitc:.ring to be oi.-r
j twenty-five years old. Ingram, who did
the shooting, is the oldest in appuarancc.
He is about live bet eight or uiue inches
in height and ratiier heavily built. He
has a red face with heavy jaws aud thick
lips, and wears a red mustache. His
pantaloon were stuck iu his boots, and
his hair uncombed, and he presented the
appearance of a rough, brutal character.
He has not been in Hastings long at a
time, but has been migrating between
there and some point iu Kansas. The
other two have been in Hastings for a
year or two, and the three have lately
been workiug together at well diggiujj. .
Babcock is a younger looking man,
about the same height, but of slighter
build, and not a bad looking character
on the whole. He wears alight colored
mustache, and would not attract notice
in a crowd by his appearance.
Green, from whose nom the mask.
S found was taken, is a slizht built
smoeth-faced young fellow, who does
not look to be more than twenty-two.
He has a reckless devil-may-care sort
of an expression, but does not look
particularly like a man of criminal im
pulses, "lie is old in sin, although
young in years," said a Hastings gen
tleman to a reporter, "and I believe
he is the one who did all the plan
Although most of the particulars of
the confession had been telegraphed to
Lincoln they were not made known at
Hastings. Sheriff Hutchinson, when
interrogated as to the feeling at I Lis
tings said that there was no consider
able demonstration there when he left
with the prisoners. "The people were
not certain, said he. "that they were
the murderers, which accounts in some
degree for their quiet behavior."
Another gentleman, who snent all
day Sunday at Hastings, said that ex
citement ran high there and the
tragedy was the principal topie of con
versation. He thought, however, that
the sentiment in favor of lynching the
prisoners had subsided since their con
fession, which makes it tolerably cer
tain that they will receive their just
There is some difference of opinion
as to the probability of violence on the j
part of the Hastings people. Our trm- w
iieman who nau known the prisoners
for a long time aud is conversant with
all the particulars, remarked as he
boarded the train: "Some of them
think there will be no trouble with
the people, but I think there will be
some hanging, myself."
the victim.
Mr. Millet, the unfortunate victim
of the ruffians, died Friday night and
was buried Sunday. His remain? were
followed to the grave by a large pro
cession of friends and neighbors.
'As It Stands.
As we go to press there have been
11 votes cast in the first ward. of
which were sworn in, there were reg
istered 150. In the second ward 12
votes cast, 4 of which were sworn in
and 103 registered. In the third ward
247 votes are cast, 47 sworn in aud 2oi
registered. Iu the fourth ward 158
votes are cast, la sworn In and 190
registered. Everything has been un
usually quiet and a full vote will" prob
ably be cast.
W". UcLauuui.iv.
Hirer Report,
As furnished official!)- to the
Depart incut.
The river at noon today, stood 7 ft
above low water mars, f bowing a rise
of two inches siuce last report.
Mrs. Doreington returned from a
few days visit in Omaha, last night.
A. K. Marsh, of the internal reve
en ue force, speut last niht in the
Peck's Had Boy.
Bound in book form at Warrick's. d6t
Carriage Painter,
Graiuini, Glazing Paper Mm,
Uaid at Vi arrlck'a. l'lattsuiouth. J'tib.
Offer the very best facilities fur the prompt
transaction of legitimate
Stocks, Bonds, Gold. Covernment and 1-ocul
Heourltlea nought and Sola, Deposit receiv
ed and interest allowed on tune C'ciUfl
cate. liratUdrawn, KVailuble Iu any
part ot the United States mid ull
the principal towns ot
Collection made tt-promptly remitted.
CITY, of London,
QUHKX.of Liverpool
FIHKMAX Fl'NI). of California
Oillce in Kockwood liloek. with JoIiukiii I'.ros
Scciirt' thrill :it tin
Plattsmouth Herald Offico
Highest market prices paid for County War
rants. State al.d County Honda.
John Fitzgerald
Johu It. ClarK.
Uco. E. Dovey.
A. W. McLaughlin.
A. K. Touznlin.
it. '. dishing.
r . K. nite.
COD FISH, Ajso a choicr, lot of
Ws h 'i t ii fi fills tlinlt iif
NOW L-OCated Oil Kancy-lIran.U of
I have in Htock a line line of
Queensware, Glassware, Lamps,
&c. All our goods :trc new mid frecli.
Will ExGtap lor Country Produce. Linseed Oil Meal Always on Hand.
Next door to Court House, IMiittrinouth, Nel,
mum M. B. MURPHY CO.
W B. HltOlY.N, Proprietor.
T lansient Work solicited
riiMukiiiK n.y patrons for favor. I soli
cit further work.
Kcinfmuer the place
Washington Av.inue.
Mockenhaup house. .
Secure Yourself a
O Ml E
Forty Arrei Inul off in City Lots,
in Palmer's Addition,
J ust ouUiUe the City limita, and net sub
ject to city Taxes.
where a shop man, or any other man, can
.ti i
eat nis uinner turner ins own roof and
not cold grub from a dinner pail
in the dusty, smoky shops.
Only three to ten minutes' walk
from his work. Call on
Att'y at Law and Real Estate Agent
Over Baker's Store.will make terms to suit
XiOts from $40 to $50
On titne.or for men that will build
JW LU for S peculator t !
State Journal.
IIekald office.
tl29 Ot
For Sale !
N E , Ste. 3, T. 12, K. 13.
SEJ. See. 8, T. 12, II. 13.
3, T. 12. li.
Contractors and Builders.
ill tflve estimute.s ou all kind of work. Any
order leit at th Lumber Yard or Post
Office v.lli receive from i attention
Heavy Truss Framing,
for bum aud l:.rt huiUlius ierlj4lty.
Legal Notice.
I tbe dUtrict court of Cm csuutv Nebraska
In th matr or the piicati.m of liary Sharp
H-lmtiiNtrKtrix of the emate of Anl;ew
ShHrp. deceased, forlieense to sell laud.
') i reiidlnK trie iK-titli.ii of M:irv nharp. fl
iuiaitratrlx of the etat of Andrew Sharp, de-
eebrrti. re)iliri iiiniy nni liK i-llier L li li'- il.ul
tl:e ilecered 1;eU seized of certain real
estate I herein UeNrritied, and tint it is neces
sary to .it'll the !ii:ie to i.ay th debt of said
decBused. and praying for a license to wll the
tame ; and it appearing to the court that it is
liecrnsary to ttell nnl re nl estate tor that pur
poke. it o ordered that said petition be haid
beJ.ire Hun. H. B. I'.iind. .1 u-l l-- .f t,e .:.,n,.i
court iii and for ti.r county ot 1'anM. at the it-
uce oi me eiik ! ite dlftrtci c-tart. in the
citj- of f'lxtU'inoi.lh. in the county if ;, and
Kiu!e t;f Nebraska, at one oYiock p. ni. on the
11 day of May ms. It i fm tUer ctdeie.1 that
thi order be ptiblihcd at l ait four successive
week before aid day fixed for iieariiii; aaid
petition, in the i'laitsmouth IIkkii.h, a week
ly newspaper published at I'b'.t Uinout li in said
count y of Vhh. Wii.uamUasi.IS Jk
kiullivan 4 WooJey. Judge I'sesidlMg.
luiuiii.n ir i emioners, uZl4
Notice of Application.
Ntitiee is hereby tciveu tuat WiMiam Tappe
will make application before the C'ounfy Corn
iuiioer8 of Cas county, Nebraska, at their
next regular meeting at hlattsmouth, for
liceuftc IOS31! tpnituous and vinou liqu-r at
his place of business, in Avoca, Cass county
Nebraska. 2-t3
Ida Auna Teach 1
vs. L
GuKtavous II. reach.
In the district court, iu the second judicial
district, in aud for Can county, ebraska.
To (iuatavous H. feach, non-resident de
fendant : You are hereby notified that ou the
13th day of March, 1883. Ida Anna I'each filed
a petition against you iu the district court of
Cass county, Nebraska, the object and piayei
of which are toobta'n a tlivorce from you. on
the ground that you have willfully abandoned
the plaintiff without good cause for the term
of two years last past : and also for the care
aud custody of the children.
Vo are required to answer said petition on
r before the first day ot May 18S3.
x. a .... , . lDA aa Ficach.
By Smith and Ceeaon her Attorneys.
Ed. Wescolt,
Road Notice:
To all whom it may concern :
The coramimioners appointed to locate a road
beginning at a point 50 links north of comer to
sections 14, 15, 1 and 23, town U H ia:i"e 10
eaat ; thence went 40 10-100 chains to a point
50 links .N, of the ec. corner on the somth
ideof sec. 15 ; theuce west S chains: thence
N.5G west 8 chains; thence south 73 V W.
S 63-100 chains ; thence south S W. 3 2-loo
ciiains ; inence norin .1 j- v 6 Sfi-loochaius
thence south 80 W. 4 chains ; theuce outli
Ms v.e so-loehains to a point 50 links north
of S E. corner of iec. 1G ; thence west 40 lo-leo
chains to a point 50 links S. of the sec. cor
ner on south side of sec. 1 ; thence north so
chains to a point 50 link west ef i sec. corner
on north side of sec. io, all in town 12. range 10
and in favor of vacating road running diago
nally across see 15 and N. K. ?i of sec, 16. T.
12, R. io, ha reported in favor of the location
thereof, and all objections thereto or ciaims for
damages, must be filed in the county clerk's
uince, ou or Deiore noon on the loth dav t.f
AlaT A ft lAwl nrsnith rik.l ...111 K.. l . j
and vacated without reference thereto.
4. W. Jjexm.vus.
County Clerk,
TTIie only Sonh
(Clotliiei, 8
diiig: to Hm afi
ready InissseiBiSe
tock of (Clot Ii-
ing: all t& la
test styles for
spring: wear
some of tlse
nolS&lest suits
ever shown in
tlie west9 just
received j
wliiels we will
take pleasure
in laowiiig our
customers. Be-
c a i fi B. in
U& o c k w o o
I 1 sTl. ii ia V7 -T p
Law and i-iil-t.-iitin liiin;n4 protiiji
tly Htlcndi d lu at IIhm ollicc und ir
ceeds rcmilicd wiilioiit tlclity.
Notarial work, ) anciii and
abilracliiif attended to on hliort no
tice and sutisiuclioii fuaranlccd.
If there is any tiling we do make a
siicciuliy of, it in city and subiirhaii
real estutc. .Several fine larins und
home will land at barruiiiH. Laboring
meri can get a homo by paying month
ly what iliey new pay lor ho'tixe rent.
Space i'orbid giving but a small
percent age oft he bargains now on the
botika at thiri agency; we name the
Oix ciioice hall' aero lots, 8 miiiuteM
f'roiii J. K. t-hops, at from to $160
each, and ou terms that would make
a man ashamed to Hay he did not own
a house. Come and nee, you art; not
compelled to buy and we wont, give
these lots away, but you can get them
so they will absolutely cost you noth
ing. l-ivc acre Jol mile from city lor
52i'0 part on time. "
iiiLn-n acre i-i J mile Irom city
J'or 0J llii in extra line.
i have three piece?, ol oiitidc prop
erty which 1 can hell and under
lake to luruisli purchaser work
. notigli io pay lor them, now 1 will ilie giound and you the work,
vork is wiiat hurls me.' il you will
do the work ut a fair price I will give
BRga you a clear deed for the laud; if you
can't do the work come and hee me, I
5 ra ma' nul omc one who will do it lor
Notice to Farmers.
A first class line of ursorv sine sit.ri una.
mental shrubbeiy, sucU as "fruit trees, grape
vines, cottouweous, soft maples and hedge
plautH. For sale at bottom prices.
riattaiuuuth. aeb..
Notice to Teachers.
1 will be at mv office in Pliiuimmfii ti fli-.t
Friday and Saturday, and t Klinuni th
sacoud aud fourth Friday and Saturday, aud at
Weepinji Water the third .Saturday ot each
uionth to atteLd to any nchool L.ii-iii:es tii-.t
iiibt oepreseuiea iim t'vttt's ALl o.v.
bach or H. a V tt:ettz:an i :i
Vctil f.J. V. V. ac
dA w
uiisa for the month of Jtrc,i wa3 tie aml ii X. Ar. Sec, 10, T. 12, If.
largest that has ever been done in the
Plattsuiutith office. About 3818 paid
messages were handled, all done with
the Omah office, besides the various
other offices, numbering up into the
hundreds, and not counting in o"er
4000 messages connected with the
trains and their owu Lu-;!is. Not
a mevsag'? to be sent or. delivered hns
been delayed over half an hour, ' and
any delay at all has been on account
ot not getting t)wj operator at' the
other end of the line. The day force
consist of L. E. Karnes nd II. If.
Ccnard,nd the uight man is Geo. K.
Dean., all under the general super
TinioD of C. 8. Smith. While each
man tends strictly to his business, yet
more accommodating st of fellow
Is uot to he found anywhere.
EJ S. W. Sec. 34, T. 13, 11
E , Lut 10, Block 28.
" 3,
7 & i,
S i, y;
Duke's Addition.
The nbore described farms
for sle on long time, with 7
cent, interest. Apply to
dot? riattsmowth. Neb
BATS -o to Warrick.
One hundred and seventy-live
test Coal Oil at 2Sc per gal. Try
it. 3M-lw
If you hare anything you want sold
at auction call on Joe Ford. d&wtf
A new Hue of fine dres goods con
sUting of the latest styles and natteru.
just receive! at Week bach . 23dtf
"Art is nature passed through
Alembaic of man." Emerson.
Geo. Gra bill, teacher ot a thor
ough and practical system of physi
cal and vocal culture, and expression
by voice and action.
Children's classes, advanced class
es, Spakespeare or Milton classes,
private classes, public and parlor
readiugs at reasouable rates. Office
at the Perkins house.
E" u rnifure,
ATC. lie, ETC..
Of All Descriptions.
or all sues, ready made aad sold cheap for caU
Legal Notice.
Ten acres tor $ COO 00
" " " GOO 00
" " " 760 00
" " 2600 00
Several Mnall tracts well improved
and adjoin in;; the city, lor Hale at
reasonable rates.
40 acres, wild $ COO 00
80 " improy'd WA) 00
120 " " '.WJ 00
160 " 6000 00
2U0 '4 " C200 (X)
240 " " C00J 0f
Finest .tock larin iu Cass cnuntr
!f;16000, long lime and low rate of in
terest. 160 acres, wild &OIV)0
ioo acres, wild, It-p. V'y (cash) Sioou
illY l'Jtol'KKTV.
Cor. lot 3 bi'ks from .hops (cheaiiiilOO
1 ' 3 " " 173
With many tbaaks for past patronage.
Invite all to etUl and examine uiy
Auction Sale.
Os 8aturdar at 1 a'alucJc I wilt mmii . .....
tlM litlo ttnaL 1 Um a( kon
and srla wkd. wit Jos cm Fosd.-
In tae district court 2d juclcial district, ii. aud
lor Cass cotiuty, Neb.
Lavid J. Toiler 1
.v.i V Legal Notice.
iu;iry j. i-orier. I
To Mary J. Porter, uou-rekideiit defendant
you are hereby uotaled that on the 27th day of
March, 13. Oh vid-I. Porter filed a petition
aaint you iu trie district court of Cass couutv
JSebravka. the object aud prayer of which are
m "u.iiiu ;t uiTorce irom you ou tlie grounds
that vouhare wilfully ahaudoud the plaintiff.
uuuui koiiii cnunf lor tne ier:u t two yearn
last past, you are required to au.swer aid peti
tion on or befcre Monday, tLe 14th day of Mar
By Smith & Beesou Fl'cfl.
Mi Attorneys. w2t4
Fits, Epilepsy,
1 erniautly t ured No Humbug-by oue Month's
Viv: W . '""uiaru n cerrir;ited lufaliibie
Jit Fowdern. Io convince pufferer that thet-e
1 owders will do all w claim lor them, we will
VnAt, 'nail, post paid, a Free Trial box.
As Dr. Garland is the only I'hvsiclan that has
" mauo hub unease a special study, and as
iiwmni(c iiiuusauus nave ietn per
.......vv.j wui.-u uj mo ue oi iuee i ewaers.we
will Kuarautee a perm.meut cure in every caso.
or refund you all money expended. All suffer
ers should ir ve these IViwilar. .... ..,i., ,
ana ie convinced or iiimi- intiuu ......
Price, for large Boxe, $3.00. or 4 Boxen for $10.
Sent by mail to any part of the United States,
or Canada, ou receipt of prices, or byexpies.
C O. L. Address.
Dtic. 2sUi. im:
3o0 Fulton St., Brooklyn. N. Y
Notice to Physicians.
Notice ia hereby uiren thnf hi.ia nin 1
received at the office of the County Clerk, up to
o,u of th 2d day of April, lwo. for the 'med
ical attendance and tumUlim of iiiediclne
for county charge and inmates of county
Foor lioune aud Jail for nn Ti, .."J
niissioners reserve the right to reject any or all
McU. By order of County Coinmiidouers.
itnea mv hand ami ifti.ial . i-
dayorMaKb'.l8s J. f. Jitxk,KaV
W0,K . County Clerk.
3 cor
3 cor
Cfli street (line) 300
1'icn-c Hill " -Xdi
IJ " Warihintoii,: UFA)
1 "1 b:':i Hum Main ht cilia 100
Improved city real c.-tato in ubun
tiat ce. 1 can iiud u hat uu want in
tiiis line il you will call aud feee me.
UusiiiCfcs liourcs aud Jots lor sale
at much lower figures than will be
af-ked six months hence.
fetores and dwellings rcu'ed and for
rent, rents promptly collected.
If you don't see what you want iu
this column come ui.d usk for it. I've
probably miseil just what you train.
ttttiro opc-li nearly evcrv evenimr fr,i,n
6 to 8. ' e
Good new house and tvvo Cne lots
in good location 1 rice, StOO.
Union 31ock.
Rockwood Block.
PlaKsraoii tl .Kcb
Legal Notice.
In the district court os Css county Nebraska
..1. .v, J-Nsttoetonon-rssidcntdert
Catherine Maseu. )
itnerine Maron. son-resident defendant. Is
sby notified that Richard F.Mason did on
27tU day of March 18S3. file his petition in
ffice of tbe clerk of the district court of
1 county, and the state of Nebraska, charg-
Catherine Muon. snn-roMn i.
hereby notified that Rirharri k rA 11
the 1
lag the defendant with adultery with on
. and asking tlt h. mav iv. i.
vorced from the said defsndact. which peti
tion will stand tor hearing at the next term of
said court. Richard F. Mason.
By his Attorney. J. E. MoirWon. Flffr.
K3KU lUCt I davof Marc 1 IM, i
Flatt'Hiouth. Nebraska, March 29. 1S83-2U
Choice Candies!
Iloinc-nmile and Warranted
Strictly Pure.
:it all hours.
Oysters niht or day at tlie