The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 02, 1883, Image 4

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II v
The Plaltsmtli Herald Pablishiag Co.
For City nl Count v lirectory, Rnilwiy Ti'u
Tables. Teleiiliuue Kxctian;; Uti'lnenn Di
rectory. H'iiliet Cardi &., third ri'f.
JEFF. L. STONE, - City Editor.
Replcan Gily Ticket.
For Mayor,
For City Clerk,
For Treasurer,
For City Engineer,
For Councilman 1st Ward.
For Councilman 2ud Ward,
For Councilman 3d Ward,
For Councilman 4th Ward,
For Mimbersof School Board 3 years
I j. 1). 15ENNETT.
For Member of School Board 2 years
- - -
A. Salisbury, Dcutlst.
Republicans, don't neglect
amine your tiokets before
Look out for spurious tickets.
to ex-
The politicians have possession of the
strci-ts t.duy, and it is pretty safe to say
that somebody will ho elected tomorrow.
An iiuMi.Misu crowd at the skating
riuk Saturday night. The most fun
lor the leas? mojey is io bj hacl at
Ford's skating riuk.
We cau't slrrtch our imagination
enough to ;tiuii.iuii - he weather ye
terd iv :n mi April shower, but it was
an April snm-Mhiuir might bo
left for Wiggins to namr. Bv the
way, what has become of Wiggins?
We move to hnvc a telephone placed
in thu hiirli !uil linj. A a mat
ter of convenience nd accomoda
tion one is nucle i there as bad as any
pbice in the city. Tlift building cost
enough to ej -y nil th niodaru conven
iences. All hands in the post oftice are busily
engaged this week in balancing up and
fixing up the box rent. An order has
been issued by First Ass'c Postmaster
Gen'l Hatton requiring those rent
ing lock boxes to deposit 50 cents for
each key taken, to be returned when
the key is returned. The postmaster
must collect this or pay It out of his
own pocket.
'Elect this ticket or our pai or will
go down' is the whimper of our deui
ocratic whippers in. Voters, vo
want to elect the ticket that will save
the good name of your city from go
ingjdown. The Herald wants to live
because it can help the city, and help
our citizens, regardless of politics.
How do you like oui- platform, an
way. An alarm of fire was given about 9
o'clock Saturday night, that Dr.
Schildknecht's house was on fire. A
grand rush was made in that direc
tion, but the fire proved only to be a
small blaze in the Dr's office, in the
flue, thai was promptly extinguished
with a lew pails of water, hetore any
damage to speak of was done, and be
fore th mob got there.
During the month of Januai) 2040
messages were handled by the Western
Union telegraph company at their
office In this city; during the month
of February 3103, aud during the
month of March C02.0. These are all
paid messages, outside of their own
buiness and done with the Omaha
office. Lightning jerks things around
lively, and our boys know how to
manage it.
Republicans, remember our school
loard :
Thos. Marslaivl,
Frank Car ruth,
Lloyd Bennett,
Are an earne.-it of what the republi
cans give you as the managers of your
school interests; good and intelligent
men who have the educational inter
ei.s of Plattsmouth city at heart.
The chief of police wa? on his ear
about something Saturday night. He
was evidently lookiug for somebody
fo whip, but he waited until so late
' that all the boys had gone home, and
he rot iuide to tu-n loose his elo
quence. He didut socm to be very
well pleased with the nominations
made Saturday night, aud the
prospects are, that he is at the
tail end ef his soft Job. "A
ity aud vexation of spirit."
is van-
What has become of the telegram
sent by Frank Carruth to Mr. Wool-
ston in regard, to railroad interest, is
just now a mystery. Nobody knows
whether he ever received it or not.
Tracers have been sent out, and still
the matter remains a rujotery. It may
be that Mr. Wools ton was not at home,
but certainly some ono received that
message nnd an answer should have
been received ere this. -
Ilenrv Herold Sundayed in Ashland.
I). S. Draper went to Greenwood
Frank Davis arrived home last ev
ening from Denver.
Stew Orton, of Weeping Water, ar
rived in town this morning.
I)it. Attorney Strode, boarded the
train this morning for Liucoln.
Geo. Matlison and Commissioner
Crawford, of South Rend, are here.
Dr. Meade and wife spent the Sab
bath with friends in the country.
Charley Herold, the Louisville cloth
ing merchant, came in today to see the
Miss Overton, of our public schools,
spent Saturday and Sunday at Ash
land. W. II. Raker returned this morning
from Chicago, where he has been pur
chasing roods.
S1 Pitcher, one of our best teacheis,
is a resident of Plattsmouth since his
school closed.
J. W. Rarnes, Will Chambers and
Mart Buttery went to Omaha this
W. L. Gibbon and Chas. De Soten.
of Paxton & Gallagher, Omaha, are in
the city looking after Jim Woodson.
Miss Baktr, a sister of W. II. Baker,
came home with him this morning.
from Kansas City over the Missouri
Klralfy Bros. Black Crook.
The revival of this magnificent spec
tacle was a lucky thing for the man-
agement.for its success is a "drawing"
attraction has been unprecedented
since its first arrival at Havarly's Nib
lo's Garden Theatre in New York
some weeks ago, and it is to bo pre
presented in our city with all of its
gorgeoug scenery, complicated machiu
ery, rich and dazzling wardrobe-.-, its
intricate and inexplicable mechanical
effects, it3 efficient dramatic company.
j and its host of special artists, in the
same manner as in the metropolitan
theatre. '1 he company, composed of
fifty people, travel in their own special
coach, attached to which are two bag
gage cars for the scenery, machinery
and trunks of the company. All the
available hotel accommodations have
been secured, and the troupe will ar
rive on Thuisday morning. The sale
of reserved seats for the performance
will assume a "booming aspect, and to
those who desire a choice of seats, we
would advise to call early and secure
them. Ther? will be a crowd in the
opera house Thursday night, April
The small pox scare at Nebraska City
isn t much of a thing after all. They
deny the prevalence of the epidemic and
are looking for the man who sent the
communication to the Omaha papers,
They make the following statements:
Special to the Omaha Republican.
Dr. Larsh, of Nebraska City, called at
the Republican office to say there is not
a case of small pox in that place, and
there onlv has been one case. E. Guen-
j zcl's family had it.two of whom died, the
remainder of the family are entirely
well. No new cases have developed.
Special to the Omaha Republican.
The communication signed James P.
Mason is grossly exaggerated and false.
One family three miles from town was
affected, but the disease was stamped
out successfully. No small pox ia this
city now nor for the last nine years. Who
is Mason?
Special to tbe Omaha Republican.
You haye been imposed upon. No
such peraoa as James P. Mason resides in
Nebraska City, and there is not a case of
small pox now, nor has there been a case
in Nebraska for nine years.
Paxton fc Gallagher, of Omaha, are
after Jim Woodson with a sharp stick.
It is said they will lose about $500
through Woodson's failure. While
were getting out papers for him he
suddenly disappeared and could not be
found. It in presumed he- will only
take a short layoff, and then come to
the front, after the storm has cleared
up. There was no occasion for his
leaving, seems to be the general opin
ion, he having simply sold the store to
Parmele who was selling off the goods.
This afternoon there was quite lively
times in the store, parlies who had
bought good., before- the attachment
were after them, aud everything was
at a dead lock, while E. B. Lewis and
Wm. Herold were taking an inventory
of the stock. A big law suit will
probably follow.
This morning attachment proceed
ings were instituted in Judge Pottin-
ger's court by Joe Ford against George
Picscott, and Ciof Eikenbary siezed
Prescotfa valise under the order.
1'rescott came Into court and asked
permission to get some letters out of
the valise, and at the same time smug
gled out a watch chain worth $10 or
H, and dropped that into his pocket
too. Jo heard it "drap," and told
Crof to get it. Prescott denied having
it and refused to be searched, but
when he learned that he would be
searched, whether he wanted to or not.
he pulled out the chain and gave it up.
It is now definitely settled that tbe
extra passenger trains will be put on
between Pacific
Junction and Red
Cloud on the 15th or April. These
will be the tiaius 3 and 4 and will do
the local work, both being night trains
Tho old numbers 1 and 2 will bo
fast trains, stopping only at the princi
ple stations, and their speed will bo
much increased, bringing down the
tim? between Plattsmouth and Denver
to 19 hours. Fairmont Bulletin. .
Tae Contentions Saturday Sight.
The republicans and democrats both
met pursuant to their call, Saturday
night, to place in nomination candidates
for tt.c several city otiiccs. The repub
licans met at Kockwood hall aud the
democrats at t lie court house.
The convention was called to order by
J. R. Strode aud lie was made guairman
of the convention. II. M. Rusbnell was
nominated for secretary but declined.
Prof. Drunuuond was nominated and
A motion was made and carried that
chairman appoint a committee of one
one from each ward on credentials.. The
chair appoiuted II. M. Rushnell, Geo. W.
Fairfield, M. B. Murpby and Frank Car-
Mr. Wooley moved to take a recesj of
half an hour to give the committee time
to make up their report. Motroa lot.
The chairman of the committe an
nounced the report ready ami reported
II. M. Rufchnell as proxy for Joseph
Ford aud W. C. Brown proxy for Julius
Pepper berg.
Major Wheeler moved that the report
of the committee be received and adopt
ed which motion carried.
A motion by Mr Wooley that dele
gates present cast the full vote of the
ward in the absence of delegates, was
Major Wheeler moved that a commit
tee of three be appointed to report to the
convention the offices to be tilled.
Mr. Murphy moved to a?n?iid bv pro
cecding to an infoimal ballot for mem
bers of the school board.
Major Wheeler offered an aineudun-nt
to the amendment that a commit leu of
j tjiree i,e appointed to recommend three
names as euudidutes for the school
board. The amendment prevailed.
A motion by Judge Gans that three
tellers be appointed was carried. U;iss
Wise and Sell lege I being appointed.
The chuir ununuueed that nomina
tion for members of the school
board werj iu order. Tin follow
ing names were prebtuted : Rev . Burgess,
Frank Carruth. T. M. Maryland and
L. D. Bennett. On motian of J. W.
Jennings, which carried, two receiving
the highest number of votes weie
chosen for three years, and the one re
ceiving the next highest, for the two
year tern. An Informal ballot was
taken, which was afterward declare''
the unanimous choice of the conven
tion. On ballot Carruth received 30
votes. Burgess It, Bennett 35, Mars
land Wilts 1, and Leonard 1. Car
ruth and Bennett for long term, and
Marsland for short term. W. S. Wise
for clerk, aud W. II. Kline for treas
urer were nominated by acclamation.
On motion a recess of 19 minutes was
taken. After the recess on motion the
convention proceeded to nominate
a candidate for mayor, aud tht the
first ballot be an informal one. He-
suit of ballot; Smith. 32; Pellock, 5;
Wheeler, 1, and Carruth, 1. The in
formal ballot was Dy the convention
declared formal and Geo. S, Smith the
unanimous choice as candidate for
mayor. Geo. W. Fairfield was nom
inated for city engineer dy acclama
tion. A committee man was chosen
from each ward: Richard Kirk by
from 1st ward, D. A. Campbell 2d
ward, E. II. Wooley 3d ward, aud Ed
Greusel 4th ward: and J. W. Jennings
committee man at large. A committee
of two was chosen from each ward
to work at the polls, and that each
committee man be chairman of those
committees; for 1st ward were selected
Browno and Lewis; 2d ward, Fairfield
and McMacken; 3d ward. Murphy and
Warga; 4th Ward. O'Neil and Eiken
bary. Convention adjourned.
The convention was called to order
by the Hon. Wm. Neville. On motion
F. S. White was elected chairman and
Henry M. Bons secretary. On motion
. 1 t r . i ...
iuo uuair appoiuieu a committee on
credentials consisting of T. A. Connor
li. M. tinier and M. w. Morgan. The
committee reported as entitled to sets
tbe following.
J? irst ward William Herold, J. M
Kouerts, Jr. Goos, Ed. Stamm, J. N,
Wise, J. V. Egenberger, J. A. Connor
H. M. Bons, M. Waybright, and V. Y
Second ward James Grace, F,
Kroehler, Wm. Guthmann, C. Heisel
John Drain, F. S. White, W. H. Cush
ing. Geo. Weidman, II.Speis.J.Leucht
Third ward -C. F. Nichols, M. W
Morgan, Charles McEntee, P. MeCann
George Poisall. Wes. Kinser, A. D
Despaiu. W. D. Jones, Chas. Bell, and
A. G. ltt.
Fourth ward Wm. Wintersteen, P.
McCallan, C. Hempel, F. D. Lebnheflf.
Aug. Tartech, II Martin, Johu Blake
M. O'Connor. F. R. Gatlunann, Martin
The repwrt was received and adopt
ed. Waybright and Hemplc being
abecutr P. MeCann was admitted as
proxy for licniple, and Gorder for
Waybright. On motion, A. D. Des
i f .,
jjiu uuu ucurge x oisau were ap
pointed as tellers. Au informal bal
lot was taken for a candidate for
mayorwith the following result:
R 11 Livingston, 0; F Gorder, 10;
V V Leonard ; C S Dawson 1; JK
Wle 1
Dr. Livingston made a short
but spirited speech, declining the
honor of a nomination, but thought
the "uuterritied" strong enough to
elect a good mau. The first formal
ballot was then taken, Leonard re
ceiving 15 votes, Gorder 10, Living
ston 5, Wiotersteea 6, Dawson 1, G S
Smith 1, blank 1.
The chair aunounced no choice, and
the second formal ballot was taken.
resulting Im the nomination' of V. V.
Leonard. W. II. Cusblng for city treas
urer, and J. D. Simpson for city clerk
were nominated by acclamation.
Nominations for city engineer were
then declared in order, and Herman
Smith was nominated. Some one sug
gested that Herman was a republican,
so Herman was dropped. Lafayette
Gilmore and Robert Black were pro
posed, and it wae ascertained that La
fayette was a greenbacker; so good
bye. Lafayette. Robert Black was
then unanimously chosen.
Dr. Wintersteen and W. C. Showal
ter for the long term, and M. A. Ilartl
gan for the short term were nominated
as candidates for the school board.
B. F. Stout was nominated for police
A city central committee was chosen,
consisting of J. A. Connor, J. M. Pat
terson, M. A. Hartigan and Wm. Win
tersteen. After speeches by Leonard,
Connor and Hartigan the convention
Arreatb Made aud Great Excitement.
We learn from Sheriff Deary, who
came in on the wt:trn train yesterday,
that three men has been arrested at Hat
tings upon suspicion of oeiug the mur
derers of C. M. Millett. They hoarded
at the same hotel, at winch masks were
found. After arrett they were kept sej-
erately couhneit. ami two of t'.u-m have
made damaging confessions. Jvich au
iuits to being in the crowd, hut accuses
the other of firing the tatai shot. The
thud man, it seems, tleuies all complic
ity in the affair. It is said rvruuge was
one of the supposed motives, as it teem
that Miliett hud informed against a
house of ill-tame iu which the three meu
wtre said to be interested. Threats had
beeu made by the mo a against the de
ceased. Feeling runs high, au I ir is
Varcd that if the public Uonoe convinced
the right llieu are arrested, giy work
will follow. State Jo1'.! ml,
Wc it-am to 1 iy tiiit tiie parties ar
retted have confetti!-.! to their guilt and
were tuktu to Liui'oiii yesterday for sfe
keeping, Tne um3 f the three men
r- Jo. Hi Unlicock, : Green and Fred
Ingr.-iham. It is to be ii.mvj that ail the
utiiihmviit the law provides will be
aicl-.l out to th'-m .m l tint no i.ioiv
mercy will !:. shown titan they liad
for t!i';ir victim It is to 'ie ler .tied
that Jii'lye G.iii:i .1 v.j't preai-Ie over
the A.l.ui- co;i!it y district court now, for
he's a teiror io bw breakers.
Syrmsui'i wauts the diagonal, too,
aud the Journal csprt-'iisess their
want and explains the advantages of
fered as follow:
We aKk t lie attention of our citizens
to thft proposition n?w peudiug be
fore thu peop e Qf Iowa fur the huild
iig of what is called the "Diagonal
railroad," from Des Moines to eome
point on the 3Iissouri river, either at
iJlattmouth, Omaha, or Nebraska
City. Of the three points named it
seems to us that a road from Platts
mouth to Weeping Water or Avoca,
thence to Syracuse, Sterling aud Crete
or Beatrice would be the thing both
for south-eaelcFf; Nebraska aud the
railroad also. Apropos to this (natter
the Plattsmouth Hkkai.d says.
Now is the time for Plattsmouth,
Weeping Water, Syiacuse. Bennett or
Ialinyraf Beatrice, Wymore aud Eu
dicott, and all the ambitious towns
on the route of the diagonal to send
their committees aud lay before the
builders of the new road, the advan
tages, inducements, etc., ior that
road to pierce the fat corn, hog and
beef region of Nebraska.
Klver Bepoft,
As furnished officially to the War
The river at noon today, stood 6 ft.
11 in. above low water mara, f bowing
a rise of oue inch sltioa last report.
After the business of tho conven
turns was over Saturday evening
the candidates wre called on for
something. The democratic man gave
his crowd a good dose of wind, and
the republican fellow gave bis crowd
a good dose of smoke.
It is stated editorially in today's paper
that Gin. Smith went to Papillion yes
terday V attend to a lawsuit. dl re
turned, iMiwpvcr, today, sick and unable
to attend to his bu'nuji.
Geo. Miller who ."pulverized'' old
man Liudscy dowu at Factoryville a
lew days ago, v. as before Judge
JohUiou oday an i donated $15 and
costs to the,4go'il of ft;tf order."
The bids for county phystciau wer
opened today. D. Meade' bid was
$75., Dr. Hall's 30. and Dr. Sehild
knecht's $300. Ir alj probability Dr.
Mead is the mau.
The county commissioners have been
in sessioti today, and adjourn tonight to
meet again Wednesday.
Get our republican ticket aud gases
upon our pyramid of strength.
For Hale.
Fo ir lots together in good location iu
the city of Plattsmouth. Inquire at this
omce dtf
Ladies, your special attention is called
lo the new line of dress goods just
received at Weckbach'a. 2-3dtf
For Sale or Trade.
Two good cows, with calf, for trade
either ior atock-noga or fat cows. En
quire at Jonathan Ilatt & Co.'a.
House to Bent.
Inquire of Chaplain Wright.
House Ut Kent.
In one of the best locations iu the
city. Inquire of J. W.JeuniBira. dtf
Ice ! Ice ! Ice I
Now ia the time to contract for vour
ummer's mpply of ice. Bed rock prices
prompt delivery and superior onalltT of
ice, first come first served by the new ice
Jox Faibi-uxd.
BATS go to Warrick's.
One hundred and seventy-live
test Coal Oil at 2Se per gal. Try
it. :ud-iw
A Square Jleal
Can be had at the City Hotel for only
2.1 cents aud lodging at same reasonable
lateo. Farmers and Commercial Men
will please bear this in mind. dfewtf
For Sale.
A desirable house and lot within three
blocks of business. Very cheap. En
quire of Sullivan & Wooley. d22-lw
Henry Boeck
Has an elegant line of baby carriages
for sale verv cheap. Also a nice lot of
refrigerators and the largest stock of fur
niture ever brought to Plattsmouth at
prices that can't be discounted. It will
pay you to see him. d29Aw2-tf
Wanted to Rent.
A house of four or five rooms in Plntts
mouth, or instead, board for a family of
three in a private family. Address B
IlKBALD office. " d2D fit
A new Hue of line dress goods con
sisting of tbe latest styles and patterns
iust received at Week bach's. 23dtf
If you have anything you want ild
at auction call on Joe Ford. d&wtf
"Art is nature passed through the
Alembaic of man." Emerson.
Geo. Grabill, teacher ot a thor
ough and practical system of physi
cal and vooal culture, and expn ssion
by voice and action.
Children's classes, advnnct-d class
es, Spakespeare or Milton classes,
private classes, public and parlor
readings at reasonable rates, Ollice
at the Perkins house.
I'eck' Bud Bey.
Bound in book form at Warrick's
For Sale!
N E Sec. 3, T. 12, K. 13
S E l Sec. 3, T. 12, R. 13.
H. W. i, Sec. 3, T, 12, it. 13.
and N J N. W. See, 10, T. 12, li
E S. W. Sec. 34, T. 13, K. 13
E Lot 10, Block 28.
" 3, " 50.
" 7 & 9.
S, 9,
Dnke's Addition.
rp". i 1 i i
ine aoove uescriueu lanns are
for sale on long time, with 7 per
cent, interest. Apply to
d9tf Plattsmouth, Neb.
2To Humbug Here!
I Can Outsell any One Price Clothing
Outfit lu 1'lattsuiouth
B"3r 25 PER CENT.
Both Here and at my Brancli Store,
As I Buy For Casli.
Remember the above statement.
Troy City Laundry,
Now Located on
W. B. BhOn, Proprietor,
Transient Work solicited
fbaukinar mr Mlrnm rap namt f-m... r
cit further work. , . wu.
nememBer the place, Hockenhaup house.
Washington Avanue.
axe, RC, ETC,
Of All Description.
or all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash
With iuit thanks for out
la nt all to call and examine my
. rvumrvnu aso corns
CITY, of London,
QUEEN, of Liverpool
FIREMAN FUND, of California
Ofllcc in KoekwotMl lJlock, with Johnson Hrot
.CODFISH, Alno a choice lot of
We Lave a fine tock of
Panoylltiain! of
I have in Htock a tlue line of '
Queensware, Glassware, Lamps,
&c. All our kjui1 are new ami ficrli.
Will Exchange ior Country Proiiice. Linseed Oil Heal Always on ML
Next door to Court House, I'lattstnoutli, Neb,
Tlie $ely
Cloilslr"9 is at5
to ills sti-
stoefe ot Cloth
ing sill the lu
tent NiySe for
spring wear
some of the
nohI&i58t suits
ever shown Se2
the west9 Junt
receive cB 9
whlela we will
take pleasure
in showing our
eustouBers. l&e
niemtoer 4Sse Io.
e 1 1 o n in
IS o e 1c w o o
Rockwood Block,
Plattsrcou ll ,KeL
to. Iarmiu
Uua.hlA a mil '
l co. Damon- miok.
roil 17 pa
Seeurc them at the
I Plattsmouth Herald Oflico
colli:ctio:v aukncv.
h:iV nnd col loci ion busincno promp
tly attcudccl to ut tli'iH ollli-r: uikI ,ro
ct'eds reinitlcd witlioiil dcluy.
Notariul work, couvcyuiicin and
abstracting alteiultul lo on hhoii no
ticc and tiatihl.K tion iiHrantctd.
Il tliere ih any tiling wc do in.-tkc n
f)ecialty of, it in city and suburban
real estate. Several line farm and
fcuiuc wild laud at bargains. Laboring
men can cl a homo by paying nionth
ly wliat they now pay tor house rent.
Space lorbidH ?ivin but a small
percentage of the bargains now on the
hooka at this agency; wc naniii tjie
Six choice half acre lots, 8 niluutctf
from li. It. fchnp, at from j.0 lo ."sil&O
each, anl on terms tlrat would make
a man ashamed to say h; did not own
a ho isc. tJome and sec, Jo i aie not
ompclicd to buy ;ikI we wont give
the.-e ioln away, bui ou i an gi.-i tin iu
ijicy will ahhoiulciv o'i ini'j.
i'ive a ie lot i mile from t-ity lot
part on lime.
JClenu acre lot J milt; Irom city
for $.050 thin is extra line.
1 have three pieces of outside prop
erty which I can sell and under
take to furnish purchaser work
enough to pay lor them, now I will
furnish the ground and you ihe work,
work is what hurls inc. If you will
do the work at a fair price I will give
you a clear deed lor the 1 and if win
can't do the work come and hee me, I
may lind some one who will do it tor
Ten acres for $ 500 00
" " 600 00
' " " 750 00
" " " 2500 00
Several small tracts well improved
and adjoining the city, for sale at
reasonable rates,
FA Jill LA.NJJ3.
40 acres, wild $ C00 00
feO improy'd icoo 00
120 " 2000 00
1G0 5000 00
200 " 6200 00
210 " " 6000 00
Finest stock larm
.ww, long ii mo auu low rate of
1C0 acres, wild
1C0 "
80 "
80 " "
1G0 acres, wild, Hep. V'y (cash) $1000
Cor. lot S bl'ks from shops (cheap)$100
3 cor
3 cor
2 "
Ij "
2 o u
4 '
2 " 4
N. Cth street (line)
Picnic Hill
Washington ave'
1 bl'k Irom Imiii t.1 ri
Irnnroved citv real htt. t
dance. I can find what you want in
tin nue it you will call and see me
lousiness nouses and lots for
at much lower figure thau will
aKea six mouths lience.
Stores and dwellings rented and for
rent, rents nromntl
you don't see what yo-waut
this column come and
probably missed just what you want.
Olfice opeu nearly every e,.ninjf from
o to 8.
Good new house and two fine lots
in good locution price, gf-00.
Union 31ock.
Choice Candies! f
Home-inaUe anI Warranted
Strictly Pure, )
at all liours.
Ovsters night or day at fit
Next to Weckbteh's ttorc V
- JAMES AKTIL, Propriety