The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 31, 1883, Image 4
PLATTSHOUTH HERALD. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEKKLT ; ir The Plattsmontli Herald PaMisMng Co. For CUy and Couatr Directory, RailwAy Tirnr Tbles. Telephone Excliiim; HuineH Ji rectory, JSunlncsa Cards &c, see third page. JEFF. I STONE, - City Editor. A. Sallnbury, Dentist. in Republican Contention Tonight Bock wood Hall. lho Kepublrcau city convention will be licJd tonight in Itockwood ' hall commencing at 8 p. ui. The full list of delegates is published in Uio proceedings of the primaries else wnere .inc convention will nomi nate candidates for mayoa, city clerk, treasurer, and three members ot the school board. , Register. " Reyuter. JtEOISTER. SEGLSTKR. Don't forget to register. Preaching next Sunday at the Chris tian church at 11 a. m., by Elder lioss. A large number of country people are in town today and the streets pre sent a lively appearance. - The Omaha Watchman mention? among its callers this week Mrs. C. McEntee. Key. Father I-.yncb, and Capt. Marshall, all of this city. The Temperance column is delayed until the Monday's issue of th daily en account of the abseuce of the the editress from the city. Phil Young's front windows present a . nobby appearance these days. On one ."side is a Kpcciinen collection of bl.-ink-, . books and on the other periodicals and masasiucs. . March came in like a lamb and is going out like a sheep, but between the coming in and going out there Las been considerable lion it may haye only been in fun though. Personal. Chaplain "Writht and - Mrs. J. N. Wise have returned from Kansas. Mrs Winterstein and Miss Ollie went to Omaha this morning. Mrs. (Jon Mallard went to .South JJend this morning. Jim Burnett took the train for Aeh- land this morning. Mrs. Livingston and Anna and Miss i uimer went to ulcnwooJ last even- to aptid the masquerade, and return ed this morning. Vincent Suiekley, private seoretarj of Congressman Laird, passed through the city this morninz, on his way to his home in Fillmore county. The ltenublisari Primaries. FIKST WAUIJ. -At the republican primary of the firs) ward held in the court room : Meeting wa9 called to order at 8 o'clock by E. I. Lowis, committeeman. On motion of II. JAI. Bushnell, E. IJ. Lewis was elected chairman and Alex Schlegel secretary. Oa motion the meeting proceeded to elect, ten delegates to the city conven tion and the following named gentlemen were put im ncminaliou and elected: J. C. Morrissey, Alex Schlegel, II. M. Btish ntll, Juliuu Peppcrberg, UV. Mathews, L.. C. Stiles, Joe Ford, K. IJ. Lewis, D. II. Wheeler, AY'. L. Browne. On motion of 11, M. Iliuhuell that U. V. Mathews be declared the unanirnoua choice of the meeting as candidate for councilman was carried unanimously. Oh motion ot J. P. Young it was or dered that in the absence of any dele gates or their proxies at the city conven tion, the delegates present cast the full vole of the delegation. On motion Richard Kirkby was elect ed committeeman for lirst ward fr en - suing year. Ou motion adjourned. E. U. Lewis, t ULEUKr,, C hairman. Secretary. Miss Linn Simiugton and Gecrge, of Ashland, and Mid AlliLautz, of Lincoln, aro in the city the cruests of Miss Emma Ilerold. They came down ta attend the T. A. M. hop. The Governor has issued his procla mation for the observance of the 18th day of April as Arbor Day. The proc lamation will appear in the IIekald's columns next week. Another one of those handsome nickle lanterns from the railroad boys to Conductor Harvey. It is enough to make one wish to, be a popular con ductor to look at such nice lanterns. In the county court, today, the case of Smith vs Rosenbaum was up for hearing and decision. The claim be ing for medical services, judgement was rendered for defendant in the sum of $3.25. M. A. Hartigan for the plaintiff, Peeson and Wise for defendant. Manager Young is booking some very fine troupes for the season of 18S3 and '84. Among them are Katie Putnam, Madison Square Theater, Esmerala, C. R. Gardner "Only a Farmer' Daugh ter.", D. It. Fitzpairick, Collier's Lights O'London and others. During the exercises at tho musi cale Wednesday evening, it was re marked that Miss Jones, of the har mony class gave evidence of being quite a student, judging from her writing in music which was the diffi cult transposi tion of the resolutions of the different species of the Domi nant Seventh, both major and minor, into all the more common keys, V. O. English, one of the IJ. & M's most popular conductors, returned from an extended visit in the east, Thursday. "We spent the whole day yesterday looking for him, but could not find him. Today we were in formed that he didn't come back aloce, but brought one of Montreal's fair young Iadic3 with him. She's English now. Mr. English will please accept the hearty congratulations of the Ulka r,o. Cap. Shannon is right after Thomp son in the matter of inventions. Cap is a married man, and always has to put up the clothes line, and knows something of the vexations connected therewith. He has devised a little cast iron plate that fastens on to the post, into which is Gtted a little arm through which the line is run that fastens itself and the heavier the weight is on the line the tibghler it fastens. Time forbids a more minute discription of it at present, but we will give ono next week. SECOND WAUIJ. The second ward primary was held at Waymau's foundry, and was organ ized by electing W. y. Wise, chairman and W. W. Drummond, secretary. The following delegates wero elect ed to the city convention to be held this evening in Rockwood hall: J W Barms, Geo W Fairfield, 11 B Windham, W S Wise, D A Campbell J Johnson, Wr W Drummond, J G Chambers, John Calhoun, Lem Skin ner. Upon ballot being taken Joseph II. Fairfield was nominated for council man from the second ward. L. D, Lennett roccommended for school board. W. S. Wise, W. W. Drummond, Chairman. Secretary. THIRD WARD. The Third ward primary was held last evening at Sullivan & Wooley's ofiice. E. II. AVooley was elected uuainu.iu, ana viex. jacintosn secre tary. James E. Morrison was nomi nated for councilman, receiving 48 out of tho fifty rotes cast. The following delegates ware elected to the city con veution: M. B. Murphy, J. B. Strode, M. Wargan, Dr. Clutter, E, II. AVooley, P- P. Gass, A. B. Todd, Thos. Mars- land, AVm. Ilares, and Wm. II. Xewell. Thomas Marsland was recommended for member of the school board, after which the primary adjourned. E. II. Wooley. Chairman. Alex. McIxtosii, Sec'y. FOURTH WARD. The voters of the 4th ward met in caucus at the council chamber and electod Frank Carruth chairman, and R. O'Xeill secretary. The following delegates were chosou to attend the city convention tonight: Frank Car ruth, Ed Greusel, J. W. Jcnuinge, J. C. Eikeubary, AVill Kline, Frank Mor rison. AA'ash Smith, James Sage, J. Thomas and R. O'Neill. J. U. Eikeu bary was nominated for councilman 4thward, and Ed Greu.sel member for ward committee. As will b9 sebii by thelaw published below, the women in the city who are included in the law, are entitled to vote for members of the school board. The law is as follows: Section 4 of the school laws of Ne braska, says: "Every person, male or female, who nave resided in the dis trict forty days and is twenty-one years old, and who owns real property m the district or personal property that was assessed in his or her name at the last annual assessment, or who has children of school age residing in the district, shall be entitled to vote at any district meeting. Roberts os an Actor. Last night we were summoned to witness a private exhibition of Rolliu Roberts' powers as an actor. AVe have several times been asked why we did not reply to Roberts' chal- enge to editors, and until recently we did not know what was meant by the question. Mr. Roberts, in his circular programme, is claiming to be the most gifted, if nt the most skillful, elocu- tiouest, mimic and ventriloquist of the United States, if not the world. His circular is entirely too long for us to publish in full, and comment ou each portion. He expresses a belief that there is a combination of leading actors, whom his advancement would most effect, contributing towards a corruption fund which is being used to keep him out of his profession. We can only state that we have seen no evidence of any such thing. AV'e are not prepared to either in dorse or deny his claim. lie began his performance with what is general ly termed lightning changes, and kept up one continual change to the closo. He is claiming to be the master of nineteen distinct human voices, with at least twelve of them complete in song all in the aame key if required. We made no note of the number of voices, and we are not sufllciently up in sound to distinguish and mark the differeuco between complete chancre and subchmige of voice, etc. He resolved himself from one charac ter into another so readily and so suc cessively that were he to claim to be tho master of fifty voices we could not demy it, wo know so little about the business. :Vs a ventriloquist he handled his little wooden men, or puppetts with a skill which we would not attempt to criticise. Everything was real: the puppetts talked, the voice was in the box, the man was down below, and counted the stairs as he came up, nine teen in all. It was simply the best that we have sa:.'u, we can say no more. It may or may not bi the best before the public, we are not prepared to de cide. The selection in elocution was en titled "Shamus O'Brien," which Was also beyond our criticism. AV'e con sidered the rendition simply grand but from not having seen enough of the celebrites to educate us up to the mark, we will be ob.iged to alse pasa this matter without an opinion as to the real extent of merit. On the whole, we consider Mr. Rob erts an adept in his profession, and al though we do not credit his being pre vented by a combination of actors, we do not understand why he is not filling a high position in his profession in stead f being obliged to appeal for an opening at any price. His proposition is liberal enough, but were there two fortunes embodied in this one oppor tunity, we are so situated that we could not at present embrace it. Fur thermore it is out of our line, but were we able aiM desirous of speculating in the theatrical business, we would ak nothing better than is offered by Mr. Roberts, and we do not believe that many theatrical managers would ex amine his merits without giving him a lift. We incline to th belief that Mr. Roberts' own diffidence is the barrier of his success. AVe have been acquaint ed with him for nearly three years and to this day he has not presented us with one of his circular programmes , although he appeals to the press for indorsement. AVe wish him every success in the future. Church Services Tomorrow. EPISCOPAL. Regular services In St. Luke's church corner of Vine and 3d street tomorrow morninz and evening; morning ser vice, 11 a. in.: evening service, 7:30 p. m. Services each AVednesday and Friday evening through lent. Rev. II. B Burgess rector. PRESBYTERIAN. Regular services tomorrow morning and evening by their pastor Rev. J. T. Baird. Morning services at 11 a. m.; evening service 7:J0p. in.; Sunday school at i:3o a. m. J. X. Wise, su perintendent. CATHOLIC. Services in church on Oak street at 8 a. m. and 10:39 a. in. Sunday school and benediction at 3 p. m. Lenten services on AVednesday and Friday evtuings at 7:C0 p. m. Rev. Father Lj ich, pastor. JIAl'TIST. A cordial invitation is extended to all, c come and hear the glorious goepcl of the blessed CJod, to be pro claimed every evening next week at 7:30 in the Baptist Chapel, High School hill. Bible readings on vari ous subjects every afternoon at 3. lUccung on jjom s nay at o ana p in. "We declare unto you, glad tid ings,, Acts 13-3-J. ilETIIOIilST. Services will Le held aa usual, at the M.E. church, tou.orrow. Subject for tho morning diseour.-e, "The Desire of the Angels.-' Text 1 Peter 1-12. In the evening 'Temperance." Text Pruv. i3- 33 and Ilabakkuk 2-15. EVANGELISTS.- The Evangelists have concluded to stay another week and tell the glad tidings of salvation to lost sinners, through the precious blood of Jesus, in the Baptist chapel, High School li ill" Bible reading on varioua subjects of interest to both saved and lost every afternoon at 3 o'clock. Gospel melt ing at 7:0; Lord's day -.t 3 and 7 p. m. All are welcoca. Come. A Square 3Ieal Can bo had at the City Hotel for only 25 cents und lodging at same reasonable lates. FarmerR and Commercial Men will please bear this in mind. d&wtf For Sale. A desirable house and lot within three blocks of business, quire of Sullivan & Vtry vheap. Fn Wooley. (U'J-lw AT AST! AGENCY FIRE INSURANCE CO S: CITY, of London, QUELN 'f LIvci j ool FIREMAN' rexn, of California i EXPRESS COMPANIES : ameiiican i:i i:!:ss CO., WKl.l.s, i- !;; co. i:xn:i:s.. LARS IKS ! WW I Ml A NT Y mout(;a(;k DKMDS dkkds All our wall p.Ai-KK is here and wo arc sure we can phase till, the following are our prices per double roll: Browns $ L'O Bull' 25 VV liitcj :;." Flat a 50 Satins CO iiits :: Embossed 1 25 Centres, corners, ceiling papers, &c.,iu abundance. We have a very large stock and must sell. We are making a spec ialty of lead, oil, mixed paints, etc., this sea.on. 25-diwlw Wii.i.J. W.mikick. T IE3I El CI I ATT kl mokt(;a(ji:s oiriT CLAIM DLKDS A XI) LK ASKS Heme tliciM at tli! PJattsmouth Herald OHico Ollif o in Kim-I. vmmmI :-U , v. itli Jo!iiis:ii IIhim slaST ii, Jfltaedfis The The wot'kingmen's bencut and relief association held a mealing last even ing at the court house. Those p.ts ent report the organization as every way in a nourishing condition. t!irnirli ::ie The republican primary in the Third wrrd waa very largely attended ;;ud cieciueuiy unanimous. ju ins pri maries held in the city last night wer well attended. For Sale. About ISO feet of good portable walk, two stoves and a few household conven ience. My sewing machine for $12 Singer S. M, R. K. Roberts, otiiee Sixth street. War River Report, A furnished officially to the Department. The river at ifGou today, stood 6 ft. 10 in. above low water marK, no change since noon yesterday. About twents-five couples participa ted in the T. A. M. hop !ast night, and it was one of the most successful parties yet given by the club. After a long rest during the Lenten season, the spirit ot the occasion was entered into with more A I 1 IT . man oruiuary emcacy. a herald re porter waa there, cutting just as big a hgure as any body, and introduced an act not on the programme. He took a tumble to himself and mado hiu mark on the floor. Al Dorrington was oh exhibition too, but can't compete with the IIkkald for grace and a first class fall. The the thtnks of the club are due to Charley Duke for his un tiring c -Torts iu the management and for tho successful result of his labors. A colony has been organized at rad ford. Pa , for the purpose and with the intention of seeking homes in Xebraa- Ka. - I he members co-operate for the purpose of securing a desirable loca tion. Everything is to be taken into consideration soil, climate, latitude amd commercial facilities. The mem bers share equally in the expenses in curred in selecting this location and purchasing a site for a town. Each member will receive two lots at once the balance remaining as common property. The organization is net communistic iu character, but has been formed in order to save reduc tion in fare, freight rates and to be certain of finding a good location. The colony expects to stast about t he 1st of April. Regular service at churches tomorrow. the difl'eren t The Next Reunion Mississippi's Com pllmeta to tbo Ti. N. O. Col. E- P. Roggen went out to Ildst- iug4 yesterday to atteud a meeting of the reunion committee which is held there today, for the purpose of making ar rangements for the grand army reunion. The principal matter that will be con sidered will be the miestion of tents or other protection. It Denver ijets ihj 1,000 tents she luu applied for to be used duriuff the grand national encanln- ment there, it is thought that they can bo secured on their way back, for U3d at Hastings. If this can not be done it is possible that no applica tion will be made for tents, but that barracks will be built. Mr. Roggen informs us that the state of Mississippi has extended an invitation to the Nebraska National guards to participate iu a grand prize drill, to ho held at Xovv Orleans some time next summer. The first prize will be 1,09 and the second $1,000.' It promises to be a magnificent affair. State Journal. Renry Roeck -' Has an elegant line of baby carriages for fcale very cheap. Also a nice lot of refrigerators and t lie largest stock of fur niture ever brought to I'lattsmouth at prices that can't be discounted. It. will pay you to see him. d29w2-tf Wanted to Kent. A house of four or five room? in I'latts mouth, or instead, board for a family ot three in a private family. Address B IIkhali olHce. " d20 (it If you want anything in Phil Young's line it will pay you to look through his stock before buying elsewhere. "Art is nature passed through the Alembaic of man." Emerson. Geo. Graybill, teacher ot a thor ough and practical system of physi cal and vocal culture, and exprr ssion by voice and action. Children's classes, advanced class es, Spakespeare or Milton classes, private classes, public and parlor readings at reasonable rates. OlMco at the Perkins house. Phil Young sell the bcbt box writing paper ever sold in Plattsmouth for 25c a box, 24 sheets of paper and 24 enve lopes. If you don't believe itcalliu and see for yourself. A new lino of line dress goods con sisting of the latest styles uud patterns just recti ved at Week bach's. Slk-tf lor .Denver ninl llie Mountains, unI all points in Southern and "Western Nebras'4 o ka. Kustern Coanectins ul. PLATTSMOUTH, OMAHA and ATCHISON KANSAS, lor nil points and A 11 N V. LOT OK MACKEiii:!.. lai:i;adoki: iii-:ki:fn;,tkoit, wild wave COD FISH, Also 11 choice lot of .T.-rairs lira on-fLjtf ciss. ' YtY Lave a 11 : 1 1 t-tiicli of CJIQJQE FAMI&Y GROCERIES, I'aiK j!I"i;iin!- of MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI FLOUR. I Iia'.t- In I-! !: a Hue liiii; of Queensware, Glassware, Lamps, S.C All our j;ooila aiv ik '.n ami fi !i. Will Excise lor Coimlry Produce. Linseed Oil Meal Always on Hani. .Next tloor to C x ir .. . ii xi- .1 xt i AMI IT. I liAllFllKMIlII. iHCII. M. B MURPHY cV CO. r ?3 tie ""vi! c rJCBs East, South ITorth Conneetioiid at LINCOLN for CEXTJiAL CITY, COLUMBUS, ATCHISON, and all intermediate points. I. S. EUcSTIS G. W. IIoldhkoe, Gen. Pas. Ag"t, Oen'l Supt. Omaha. Oiii ;ha 1 or Sale ! X E J , Sec. 3, T. 12, It. 13. S E I, See. 3, T. 12, IJ. 13. S. ,V. Sec. 3, T. 12, R. i'j. and X. ,r 13. Sec, 10, T. 12, Pt. T. 13, Sinoke a emiine sale by J. I'. Yoi:u imported cijrsr ibr LMST. Uetwcen she pott oilier and Dovcy's Store, a black kid glove for the right hand. The finder will greatly oblige by leaving the same i:t Halt Si CWs butcher shop. 27 13t Do you want any blank books, will iinda full and complete line l'. O. news depot. You at the Ei S. Y. Sec. 34, M 7 E Lot 10, Block 2S. 3, 5U. " 7 & 0. " 23. S 4, ). it Dtilce's Addition. The n?;ove dcejcribud l;u'in for sale on loii time, with 7 cent, interest. Apply to li. B. WixbllAif, lit 13 V. Ci it. 1.9 tine S7 v d m ta a t tk. take .TI T71 OLl WVlfs JO. 1 II !.1 5 'J , Si C5 "rf" "fl w REAL ESTATE (AN1) Law and collect jnn biisiiieH jj tnip lly atlcndctl lo at this ollict: and proceed- remitled without ilelay. .Nolaiial woik, eoiiveyitntdn- untl ubhf ructin;' nlteiult!il to ou hhort no tiee and K;iti.:laclioii iiarunti:cl. Iflherc is any tiling we do itinke 'ti specially d", it in city and suburban real Chlate. .Several line farms untl Homo wild land at bargains. Laboring men can jct a homo by pnyin- uioalb ly what they now pay lor hou.e rent. Space forbid giving but a biuall percentage of the baruiiiH now ou the book ul this agency; 'we name tl.f following: Six choice ball' acre Jots, 8 miiiutcH from it. It. bhoj)H, at from to . caeii, ami on terms that would make a man ashamed to say Ji; did not owu a bouse. (Joint; and set;, j on art; not compelled to buy and we wontj ivo the.-e lots away, bul you emi jjet them st Uiey will absolutely cost you nolh inr. 1 'ivc uct'c Jot . mile from city lor part on time. i i:ievt;ii acre Jot J mile from city for $.r0 this is extra line. 1 have three piece of outside prop erty which i can sell aiid under take to furnish purchaser work enough to pay for them, now I will furnish the ground and you the work, work is what hurts me. if you will do the work ut a fair price I will give you a clear deed for the land; if you can't tlo the work come and see me, I may find Homy one who will do it lor you. Ten acres for .Vj (X) " " " GOO 00 " " 7.10 00 " " ' 'JC0O 00 .Several small tracts well and adjoining the reasonable rates. improved city, lor halo at per dUtf Plutt, inoa Neb. Auction. If you have anything you want sold at auction call on Joe Ford. d&wtf Kiralfy's "Black Crook;' Thursday April 12th. CO 111 J Li" Ladies, your special attention is called to the new line ot" dress goods just received at Weckbuch's. " 2:Jitf Mr. V. V. Leonard's new house will be two story probably brick and will be situated on Ins tour lots on the east of Sixth street. When 3Ir. Leouard finishes his improvements contemplated there, this summor ha will have one of the fin est resident properties in the city. The two conventions in this city to night the democratic at the court house and the republican at Rock wood hall will make lively politics, and the full quota of amusement for lookers on, both will be well attended and interesting-. Lafe O'Xeil's new brick haa reached the second story, and the brick work will soou be finished; it will be a good addition to the business houses in Plattsmouth. Ice ! Ice ! Ice ! Xow is the time to contract for vour summer's supply of ice. Bod rock prices prompt delivery ana superior quality ot ice, first come first served bv the new ice man. a2ui2 Jok Fairfield. For Sale. Four lots together in good location in the city ot" Plattsmouth. Inquire at this office dtf Peck's Cad Uoy. Bound in book form at Warrick's. dGt Tor Sale or Trade. I wo good cows, with calf. either for stock-hos or fat cows quire at Jonathan Hatt & Co.'s. for trade Fu ll to Kent. Inquire of Chaplain Wright. dtf In city. House to Kent, one ; of the best locations in the Inquire of J. W. Jennings, dtf 2To Humbug Here! I Van Outsell any One Price Clotiiins Outfit in i'iattsnioiitu 25 PEH CENT., AND STILL MAKE MONKY. Botli Here an-I at my Brand Store, AT LOUISVILLE, As I Buy For Cash. Remember the above btatemcnt. C. G. IIEHOLD. AND KEPAIBING AT nprwnnr!' uhuf WUU.U v mmm lo a y.'j " l'JO " i;o " 200 'J 10 " FA KM LANDS, es, wild $ G00 00 improy'd 1G00 ) U000 00 0000 M) G200 (X G0(W tKJ 100 acres, 1 Go " 80 " 80 " 1G0 .cres, 25d-2u--lin Troy City Laundry. Now Located on WASHINGTON AVENUE. W. IJ. KnOlY.N, Proprietor. Transient Wcrk sclicited myl Ia,rou for past fors. I soli cit lurtlier work. iv?SJniea,ber .,he Iace- -Mockenhaup hoiise, w Mutntrton Avenue. . (.'or 1 2 i cor 1 3 cur l" lot 4 Rockwooil Block, PlaKsmoiilIi, iMk h rpt tomoniof latvear without oSu il "tu bout i:6piyrelj(WiJlui.triin- f2?.? Ofcpaon aJ valuAhlo aircttioud foi Sh" ixO nic of Vretabla and AoiT.; u , PUnta, Fruit Tiw.etlJbiiTr.ri d.m.erry&co. oetroit M.oh- rinest tstock farm in Cas.s couuty $10000, lony time and low rate ol interest. wild $200 200 lVOO MIX) wihi, itej). V'y (cash) lj(X) ITY PUOI'KHTV. bl'ks from fehops (cheap10J 175 160 460 176 " " 160 X. Gth trcet (liin.-) jjoO Picnic Hill " 200 Wa-hiimion avc" u:ai ; " 1 bl'k from -Main sli-xlr 40o Improvetl city real esiuto iu abun dance. I can tind what you want iu this line if you will call and ee inc. Pusinc-rS and lots for Balo at much lower litres than will be asked six months hence. Mores and dwellings rented and for rent, rents promptly collected. if you don't ce what you want iu this column come and ak for ii. I'v probably misled just what you wau. Oliicc ojjcii nearly everv cvciiiuij : m G to 8. & - Good new house and two Cno lots in good location price, fUQ. Union lock. Choice Candies! Ilome-ma.le and Wuj-rantcfl Strictly Pure. MEALS AND LUNCH at all I jo urn. Ovaters ni-ht or. day at tlie PHCEIST I zx:, Next to WeckLacir store JAMES A Is TIL, Proprietor r